GSI OutdoorsメーカーPNEG-970の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Series II Sweep Hopper W ith Collector Ring Installation & Opera tion Manual PNEG-970 07-14-05 PNEG-970.
Ca talog No . Slip Ring Serial No. Da te of Pur c hase The manufacturer reserves the right to improve its product whenever possible and practical to do so. We reserve the right to change, improve, and modify products at any time without obligation to make changes, improvements, and modifications on equipment sold previously.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 3 T ab le of Contents Personnel operating or working around this equipment should read this manual. This manual must be delivered with equipment to its owner. Failure to read this manual and its safety instructions is a misuse of the equipment.
PNEG-970 2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 4 Safety GSI equipment is built to provide many years of dependable service to our customers through durable craftsmanship. One of the most important aspects of GSI engineering is SAFETY 1 st design throughout all product lines.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 5 Safety This manual contains information that is important for you, the owner/operator, to know and understand. This information relates to protecting personal safety and preventing equipment problems .
PNEG-970 2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 6 Safety GSI’s principle concern is your safety and the safety of others associated with grain handling equipment. We want to keep you as a customer. This manual is to help you understand safe operating procedures and some problems which may be encountered by the operator and other personnel.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 7 Safety ROTATING FLIGHT Grain augers can kill or dismember. Keep clear of all augers and never enter the bin unless all power is disconnected and locked out.
PNEG-970 2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 8 Safety INSTALL & OPERATE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PROPERLY Electrical controls should be installed by a quali- fied electrician and must meet the standards set by the national electrical code and all local and state codes.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 9 Safety PREPARE FOR EMERGENCIES Be prepared if fire starts. Keep a first aid kit and fire extinguisher handy. Keep emergency numbers for doctors, ambu- lance service, hospital, and fire department near your telephone.
PNEG-970 2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 10 Safety Please remember safety signs provide important safety information for people working near bin unloading equipment that is in operation. Any safety signs that are worn, missing, illegible or painted over should be replaced immediately.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 11 Safety Decals (cont.) A. DANGER Sign No. DC-1395 was supplied with your bin unloading equipment. This safety sign should be applied to the side of the bin near the bin opening, so it will be viewed by people entering into the bin storage building.
PNEG-970 2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 12 Safety Dat e Em p l o yees S i g nat ur e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Em p lo y ees N am e (p ri n te d ) A. The User/Operator must be competent and experienced to operate auger equipment.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 13 Introduction A. The Series II Sweep Hopper with Collector Ring includes the following components: - hopper - collector ring - center brace support - collector ring shield A. Disconnect and lockout the power before entering the bin.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 14 Introduction 4. Slip Ring Infor ma tion Slip rings must be enclosed and protected from any contact by personnel. Means for the provision of this protection is the responsibility of the user. Various enclosure styles are available from Insul-8.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 15 Assemb l y 1. ASSEMBLE THE CROSSBRACE A. Assemble the 1" x 9 3/8" conduit to the 1" chase nipple using one (1) 1" conduit coupling. B. Feed the nine (9) stranded wires from the collector ring through the conduit assembly and fasten it to the collector ring.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 16 Assembly Do not completely assemble the remaining hopper parts until wiring is complete! 1.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 17 Assemb l y 1. ASSEMBLE THE CROSSBRACE (cont.) D. Bolt the collector ring shield to the crossbrace assembly using four (4) 1/4"-20 x 1" hex bolts, flat washers, lock washers, and hex nuts. Do not use the remaining bolts.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 18 Assembly 1. ASSEMBLE THE CROSSBRACE (cont.) E. Slide the lower tube assembly into the shield assembly. Bolt the crossbrace to the hopper using four (4) 1/2"-13 x 1 3/4" hex bolts, flat washers, lock washers, and hex nuts (One on each side.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 19 Assemb l y 2. WIRE THE COLLECTOR RING A. Attach the 1" liquid-tight flex conduit coupling to one end of the 1" x 16" liquid-tight flex conduit. B. Attach the 1" x 45 degree liquid-tight flex conduit coupling to the other end of the 1" x 16" liquid tight flex conduit.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 20 Assembly 2. WIRE THE COLLECTOR RING (cont.) F. Wire the multi-conductor cord to the collector ring using the fork terminals provided in the following manner. 1. Thermal Protection Leads a. Wire the "P1" lead from the control panel to ring "1".
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 21 Assemb l y 3. ASSEMBLE THE CROSSBRACE TO THE HOPPER A. Feed the multi-conductor cord through the collector ring shield, lower tube assembly, and drilled hole in hopper side.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 22 Assembly 3. ASSEMBLE THE CROSSBRACE TO THE HOPPER (cont.) D. Making sure the lower tube assembly and drilled hole are aligned, bolt the crossbrace to the hopper using eight (8) 1/2"-13 x 1 3/4" hex bolts, flat washers, lock washers, and hex nuts.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 23 Assemb l y stranded wires 4. ASSEMBLE THE CROSSBRACE TO THE SWEEP A. Feed the nine (9) stranded wires from the collector ring through the pivot tube and hole in the back of the sweep head section. B. Align the hole in the backshield with the pivot tube and push the sweep onto the pivot tube.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 24 Assembly 3. ASSEMBLE THE CROSSBRACE TO THE SWEEP (cont.) C. Connect the pivot plate to the backshield using two (2) 1/2"-13 x 1 3/4" hex bolts, flat washers, lockwashers, and hex nuts.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 25 Assemb l y 1" x 48" flex conduit 1" flex conduit coupling 1" conduit coupling pivot tube D. Feed the nine (9) stranded wires from the collector ring through one of the holes in the right junction box.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 26 Assembly 3. WIRE THE COLLECTOR RING TO THE SWEEP (cont.) F. Wire the nine (9) stranded wires to the junction boxes in the following manner. 1. Thermal Protection Leads a. Wire the "P1" lead from both motors to "1".
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 27 Star t-Up A. Make sure ALL shields are in place. ALWAYS keep ALL guards and shields in place, until all the power is disconnected and locked out. B. Inspect the collector ring for any problems or potential problems.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 28 Maintenance 1. Maintain the Hopper A. Use caution when repairing or replacing equipment parts. B. Make sure ALL decals are legible and tightly attached to the hopper. If necessary, replace them FREE OF CHARGE by contacting GSI at: GSI P.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 29 Maintenance 2. Collector Ring Maintenance A. Lubrication 1. All bearings are lubricated for life at the factory. Additional lubrication should not be required. 2. CAUTION: Do not apply any lubricants or solvent cleaning agents to any part of the slip ring.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 30 Maintenance G. Rings 1. Inspect the ring surface for dirt, oxidation, or other contaminants. A properly operating ring will have a film that appears burnished in color with a darker surrounding color where the brushes track.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 31 T r oub leshooting 1 . Sweep will not run. A. Power cords may be unplugged. B. Foot switch may not be actuated. C. Overloads may be tripped. A1. Plug in the power cords. B1. Make sure the foot switch is depressed and the switch is operating properly.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 32 Pa r ts 12" HOPPER COMPONENTS 14 15 8 5 6 7 9 4 10 13 12 11 1 3 2 10 5 5.
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 33 Pa r t s 12" & 16" HOPPER COMPONENTS Ref . # P art # Desc ri pt i on 1 S 2 S weep C oll ec t or Ring Hopper GC04615 S t andar d Capaci t y 16".
PNEG-970 S2 Hopper w/ Collector Ring 34 Pa r ts T wo 35 A mp B ru shes Replace On e 75 Am p Bru sh 1 2 R A X R D D A 03 SPEC Requ ired Optional * Slip Ring B ore Size Brush Z A B, C , D E , F, G, H J , K Holders Special 1.50 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 4.0, 4.5, 5.
デバイスGSI Outdoors PNEG-970の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
GSI Outdoors PNEG-970をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGSI Outdoors PNEG-970の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。GSI Outdoors PNEG-970の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。GSI Outdoors PNEG-970で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
GSI Outdoors PNEG-970を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGSI Outdoors PNEG-970の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、GSI Outdoors PNEG-970に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGSI Outdoors PNEG-970デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。