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USB PRINT SERVER NETWORK ADA P TE R F OR U SB PRINTERS User Manual HPS01UU2 www. haml etcom .c om.
2 Dear Custom er, thanks for cho osing an Haml et product. Pleas e carefully fol low t he instructions for its use an d maintenanc e and, onc e this item has run its li fe span, we kindly ask You to d.
3 Table of C onte nts 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5 Product Overvi ew ...............................................................................
4 AppleTalk Setup ............................................................................................................. 43 Setting Up a M acintosh Compute r .................................................................................. 44 SNMP Setup.
5 1 Intr oduction Pr oduct Ov ervi ew The extern al pr i nt servers enha nce capab ility by letting you place your printers at convenient locations directl y on the Eth ernet network, and by i ncreasing ne twork printe r performance and manag ement. Pl ease note t hat the print se rver does n ot support p rinting with host-bas ed printers, e.
6 LED I ndica tor s LED Sta te Indic atio n Status Bli nking for POS T (Yell ow) When power swi tched on , the Stat us indicator will flash fi ve times, and then on 100Mbps On (Green) LAN P ort has a valid network c onnectio n at 100Mbps 10Mbps On (Orange) LAN P ort has a valid network c onnectio n at 10Mbps On (Green) Connect wit h USB 2.
7 Network Enviro nment Wir ed Network wi th Print S erver Printer Print Server Computer Computer Computer HUB.
8 2 P rin t Se rve r Ins ta lla tio n Pr epara tio n To meet users’ netwo rk printin g needs in today’s heter ogeneous and mul tiple protocol networking envi ronments, the p rint server sup ports industrial standa rd protocols, incl uding TCP/IP, IP X/SPX, NetB EUI and A ppleTalk.
9 Internet Printing P r o tocol Windows NT/2000/XP/200 3/Vista/7 Printing via the internet t o Internet Printing P rotocol- enabled p r int se rver Allows saving d istribution of HQ hardcopy docum ent.
10 3 S of t war e I n sta l l at i on Th e PSAdm in is a proprie tar y Wi ndows-b ased manag ement pro gram that c an assist you in configuring and managing y our print serv er in N etWare envir onments. The prog ram can be installed fro m the setup CD of print s e rver .
11 3. Choose Set up Wiz ard t o install the print serv er and c onfigu re the connect ed prin ter. Note: The se tup CD will install the print ser ver’s d river , PSAd min and Setup Wi zar d into you r compu ter. T he default installation directory will be C:P rogram file sNetwork P rint Moni tor .
12 5. From the Select A P rint Sever screen, s elect the print serve r that you want to configure and click Next ..
13 6. On the Cha nge Setti ngs scr een, select No or Yes : Click No if you want the p r int serv er to keep using the def ault IP address and ke ep the default setti ngs: • IP address: 192.16 8.0.10 • Subnet Mask: 255.2 55.255.0 Click Yes if you want cha nge IP address t o the print se rver, and th en click Next .
14 7. In the setup wizard, select an already config ured p rinter fr om the lis t, cl ick Next , Ne xt and then Fi nish to complete the installation . or Selec t Add New Printer if the print se rver is connected t o a prin ter that hasn’t been installed befo re and does not appear i n the list .
15 8. Click Add New Printer to la unch Wi ndows A dd Pri nter Wi zar d . 9. Click Next and select L o cal Pr in ter , mak e sure the A utomatically detect an d insta ll my Pl ug an d Pla y pr inter check box is NOT checked.
16 10. Make sure t he Use the follo wing port radi o-button i s clicked an d select LP T1: (re co mmen d ed Pri nt er Po rt ) from the pull-down list. Then click Next . 11. Select Manufac turer and Pri n ter from the l ists of printe r’s drive r . Then cl ick Next .
17 12. If you already h ave the printer’s d river inst alled, you will be asked whether to keep it or to replace it . Click Next . Supply a name for t he printe r and choose whe ther you want t o make it you r defaul t printer. T hen click Next . 13.
18 15. F rom Wi ndows system, go t o start -> Prin ters an d F axes and highl igh t your new ly installed pri nt er. 16. Right-click, select Pr o per ties -> Po rts and verify that th e print serve r ’s por t appears.
19 17. Go to Ge neral ; click Prin t Te st Page to v erify the config uration. 18. Done. Note: If you want to install mo re print serve rs, st art setup wi zard from you r Windows Start me nu: start -> All Program s -> Networ k Print Ser ver -> PSWizard and re peat the installation procedure.
20 Wizard Wizard is a confi guration progra m that can assist you in setti ng up the necess ary paramet ers for you r print serve r device to func tion. Setup a print se rver by usi ng Wiza rd. TCP/IP W izar d 1. Click Wizard button just like a pictu re and sel e ct TCP/IP W izard .
21 5. (Optional ) In the Gateway fi eld, type the IP address of gatew ay. 6. When done, click OK button. The program will save t he above settings int o the p rint server. 7. Done. NetWar e Wiz ar d 1. Log into yo ur NetWare file se rver as a S upervisor (Admi n .
22 Manu al S et up Manual Setu p is a con figura tion progra m desi gned for mo re experience d users of NetWa re. To setup the p rint server by using Manual Set up follow the s teps: 1. R un PCONSOLE in NetWare 3.x or N etWare 4.x and create th e necessary pa rameters (Refer t o your Novell N etWare print s e rver/Services manu al for detai ls).
23 Pr opert ies – TCP /IP O pti on s The TCP/IP options al low you to modify the print serve r’s TCP/IP settings. E ach option is detailed as f ollows. Obtain an IP address fr o m a DHCP ser ver: This op tion en ables or disables the DHCP fe at ure of the print serv er.
24 Upgr ad e Upgrade allow s the user to upgrad e the print server device. In order to upg rade the unit please pe rform the steps as fol lows: 1. Click Upgr ade button just like a pictu re , as s hown as follow pi cture 2. Select Gener al U pgrad e .
25 Mul tiple Pr int Q ue ues Co nfig ura tio n To configure t he pri nt server to s ervice multiple pri nt queues, pl ease follow the i nst ructions listed below : 1. Log into yo ur NetWare file se rver as a S upervisor (Admi n . ) or equi valent. 2. Run the PSAdmin from you r Windows.
26 4 Int e rnet Print e r Connec ti on and HP Web JetAdmin IPP Ov er view Print serve r(s) supp ort the Internet P rinti ng Protocol (IPP). Using the app ropriate sof tware on your system, you can cr eate an IPP print path fro m your system as Wi ndows PC over the Internet.
27 7. It will check print server to connect to HP printer, if not, it will appea r as follow picture. Then Click OK . 8. Select the app ropriate p rinter manuf acturer an d printer type and click Next , appear as follow pi cture.
28 HP W eb Je tA dm in Ov er view HP W eb JetAdmin all ows you t o use a Web b r owse to r evise, view, m anage and di agnose devices connect ed to the p rint serv er or any st andard printe r MIB devic es. For mor e informatio n about a procedure or W indows in th e HP Web JetAdmin softwa r e, see about HP’s relation d ocument.
29 Removing HP Web JetA dmin Utility To remove H P Web JetAdmin software from your web server, use the unins tall program provided with the software package.
30 5 Confi gu ration fr o m E mbedded Web Se rver Ov ervi ew The Print Server contains an embed ded web serve r tha t can be acc essed throug h a supported w eb browser on a LAN, fo r exampl e, Microsoft Inte rnet Explor er 5.01 or higher, Mozilla F irefox, Netsca p e 7.
31 Syst em S ta tus 1. Click Sta tu s , it then a ppears the su b-menu. 2. Click System , it then as s hown in the foll owin g picture. Prin t Se rver Na me: This optio n allows yo u to view devi ce name of the p rint server. To correct t he pri nt serv er’s device name.
32 Prin ter Statu s 1. Click Sta tu s , it then a ppears the su b-menu. 2. Click Prin te r , it then as sh own in the following pi cture. Manufac turer : This option allows you to view manufact urer of th e printer. Wh en the prin ter connected with the p rint server, it will be show in the manufactu r e box.
33 TCP/IP S tatus 1. Click Sta tu s , it then a ppears the su b-menu. 2. Click TCP IP , it then as show n in the fol lowing picture. Use DHCP/BOOT P: Th is option a llows you to vie w DHCP/ BOOT P status.
34 Netw ar e St atus 1. Click Sta tu s , it then a ppears the su b-menu. 2. Click Netwa re it then as shown in the foll owin g picture. General Sett ings Print S erver N ame: This opti on al lows you to view print server’ s name would be con figured by PSAdm in ut ility.
35 App leTal k S tat us 1. Click Sta tu s , it then a ppears the su b-menu. 2. Click AppleTalk , it th en as shown i n the fol lo wing picture. Apple Talk S ettin gs: If no a ny zone exists, th e print server i tself displays the zone na me as an asterisk ( * ) in the current A ppleTalk Sta tus of the pri nt server i n the w eb brow ser.
36 SNMP Status 1. Click Sta tu s , it then a ppears the su b-menu. 2. Click SNMP , it then as shown in the followi ng pi cture. SNMP Comm unities: This op tion allows yo u to view SNMP communities from th e print server. Ther e are two com m unities th at cont r ol message f r om t he network ma nagement of the print s erver.
37 SMB Status 1. Click Sta tu s , it then a ppears the su b-menu. 2. Click SMB , it then as shown in the following pi cture. Wor kgroup Na me : This opti on al lows yo u to view t he SMB Workgroup Name fro m the print serv er.
38 Setu p Me n u Meanwhile, yo u have finished the IP a ddres s configurati on with print s erver. You sho uld use web browser to config ure the print serve r. The setup menu of the print se rver helps administrator to setup the print s erver’s S y s tem, Prin ter, NetW are, TCP /IP, SNMP an d AppleTalk.
39 Administr ator E-m ail Add ress: This option allows yo u to inp ut your Email ad dress that you want to receive the notifi c ation by Em ail. Prin t Se rver Na me: This option allow s you to input device na me of the print serve r . To correct t he pri nt serv er’s device name.
40 TCP/IP S et up 1. Click Set up , it t hen appears the sub-me nu. 2. Click TCP/IP , i t then as show n in the following picture. DHCP/BOOTP: This option allows you to select DHCP/ BOOT P option.
41 NetW ar e Se tu p 1. Log into yo ur NetWare file se rver as a S upervisor (Admi n . ) or equi valent. 2. S elect NetWare an d type i n the Print server t hat created du ring PCONS OLE Select the NetWare File Server t o which the print serve r device will be attached.
42 Instal lin g Pr i nt S er ver on N e tWare 4. x/5. x Due to its architectu re and functional ity, t he print server must work u nder NetWa r e 4.x/5.
43 App le Talk S e tu p The print s erver c an print jo bs submitted fr om Macintosh w orkstations co nnected to an Ethernet using A ppleTalk prot ocol.
44 Note : The default print server’s Ch ooser nam e is as shown as fol lows: < ATAL K_PS > -xxxxxx -1 , where xxxxxx repr esents the l ast six digits of the device’s Node ID. Fo r e xam ple: AT ALK_ PS-4 0EEED- 1. Yo u ma y a lso c hange the < ATALK_ PS > to a name you like for identification purpose in this option.
45 SNMP Setup TCP/IP netw orks use a standard mana gement protocol call ed Simple Network Management P rotocol (SNMP ). SNMP is wi dely used in the indust ry as a solution for remote network mana gement and monitoring of networking devi c es. SNMP actually includes a protocol, a database str ucture spe cif ication, and a set of database obj ects.
46 snm p.snm pE nabl eAut hen Traps Enables or di s ables th e functio n of s ending SNMP Authenticati on Fail u r e trap m essage to th e netw ork administrat or, if the comm unity name w ithin a SNMP request is not correct. Users can set up print serv er’s SNMP functi on s by using thei r browsers.
47 SMB Setup The print se rver suppo rts the S MB (Server M essage Bl ock)protocol, user can se nd the prin t jobs through Netwo rk Neighborhood witho ut installing print serve r’s dr iv er . The print server also suppo rt the SMB p rinting on Micr osoft Wi ndows Vista/7.
48 6 N etw o rk P rin t Mo ni to r Pr epara tio n The print se rver suppo rts T CP/IP , IPX/SPX and Ne tBEUI protocols under Microsoft Windows system. Please make sure that the following steps have been co mpleted befo r e proceedin g with instal lation u nder Micros oft Window s 95/98/ ME/NT4/2 000/XP 32bit edition or server 200 3 32bit edi tion.
49 Note : Using TCP /IP protocol to access the print server requires wel l-c onfigured TCP /IP settings. If you ar e not familiar with these settings, please co nsult your network administrat or for det ails or ask for help. IPX /S PX -com pa ti ble Pr ot oc ol I ns ta ll ati on 1.
50 Win dows 95/ 98/ Me /NT /20 00 /XP/ 2003 m anual In st allati on Pr oc ed ure Please perfo rm the steps as follows to ensure a smooth install ation: 1. Run Se tup from the print server’s Setu p CD. 2. The Netw ork P rint M o nitor for Win dows 95/98/Me Setu p will then appear.
51 16. The Add Port box will t hen appear, alo ng wi th the print serv er’s Node ID (Th e la st 6 digits of the Node ID, l ocated on the back of the pri nt server unit) . Select one pr inter server port from the l ist, which i s now connected to (one of) you r printe r(s), as shown in the followi ng pict ure.
52 Uni nstalli n g N etw ork P ri nt P or t on W i ndow s 95/ 98/ Me/ NT /2000/X P/ 20 03 To provide users an easiest way t o remove al l of the Network Print P ort components f rom Windows 95/98/ Me,.
53 7 T CP /IP L PR P or t Pr int i n g In sta lla tion Basi c TC P/IP I ns tallat io n Over view When installing your print server i n a TCP/IP environment, IP addresses a re essential as a basic means of com municatio n s. It is therefo re necessary to first assign an IP address to your prin t server unit.
54 6. T he Add LPR compatible p r inters box will then appear as shown in th e following picture. Type in the IP address assigned to the p rint server in the Nam e or address of ser ver prov idi ng lpd box. 7. In the N ame of pr inter or pr int qu eue on t hat s er ver box, type in a printer name , for example, lp1 .
55 Win dows 20 00/XP / 2003/V i sta/7 S tan dard TCP / IP Por t Pr intin g Instal lat ion 1. Click Sta rt , point to Sett ing s , and select Printer . 2. Run Add Pr inte r , Click N ext . 3. The Add Print er Wizard screen will appea r, Select Local Pr in ter an d click Next .
56 6. In the Add Sta nda rd T CP/ IP Pri nt e r Port Wi za rd box as shown in the followin g picture, Select Cus t o m , Click Settings b utton, and click Next . 7. In the Conf igure Sta nda rd TCP /IP P ort M oni tor box as shown in the followi ng picture, select LPR form Protocol, type in a queu e name, for exampl e, lp1.
57 12. A message reading, “To c onfirm th at the p rinter i s installed properly, you can print a test page”. Select Ye s (Rec omme nde d) and cl ick Fini s h .
58 UNIX Inst all ati on After the static IP address is assi gned, the Pri nt Server is r eady to be configured. For some UNIX/Linux systems, we include the detailed i nst allation procedures b elow.
59 Re dhat Li nux 9 ( Fedo ra) The Print S erver ca n wor k under any Linux-b ased systems, inclu ding Slackware, Re dHat, etc, without a ny problems. Basically, the Linux's printing system is based on B SD system.
60 7. In the Name field, type a user- defined nam e, click For ward . 8. In the Q ueue Type fiel d, choose Networked UNIX . 9. In the S erver field, type the IP address o f print server. 10. In the Qu e ue field, type a print server’s po rt name, w hich connect to the printe r.
61 12. In the Pri nt er field, choose P ostscri pt Printe r . 13. Choose the model of prin ter and click Forwa rd . 14. Done..
62 8 Upgradi ng Print Server Ov ervi ew Upgrad ing print server will allow you to u pgrade its firmware i n side the print se r ver while the newer so ftware versio n of the print serve r is av ailable fr om your loc al deal er.
63 Upgr adi n g the pr i nt serv er from UNI X (Thr oug h TCP /IP ) 1. Log in as root 2. Ensure binary fi le is locate d in your cur r ent wo rking directory. 3. Type “ tftp < prin t server’s IP address> ”. 4. At tftp prompt, typ e “ get upgr ade ”.
64 9 Troubl eshoo ting Ge neral Troub leshoo tin g Ov erv i ew The most common problems, whi ch cause the print se rver to perfor m improperly, a re covered in this ch apter. If a pro blem still exis ts after rea ding this chapte r, please con tact your deal er for technic al support.
65 Win dow s 95/98/ Me /NT /20 00 /XP /20 03/ V ista /7 Tro uble sh ooti ng Multi-Segme nt LAN Envi ronment Inst allation (through the N etwork Print P ort) If your pri nt serve r and Window s 95/98/M.
66 11. Repeat the Steps 8-12 fo r the other E th ernet adapter. 12. Restar t the com pu ter . 13. Done. Movi ng th e prin t s erver to A Ne w Se gm ent If the pri nt serv er is m oved f rom one netw o.
67 Movi ng Y our Com pu ter to A Ne w Se gm ent If you are usi ng the pri nt server th rough the Network Print Port on your NT or Windows 95/98/Me com puter and your comp uter is goi ng to be m oved onto a nother segment, you have to rec onfigure th e print se rver on your computer to use your print se rver.
68 B. The print ser ver's IP a d dress is duplicat ed or is as sam e as a n other c omputer's IP address on th e networ k. If this is the case, please cons ult you r network admi nistrat or to obtai n an unused IP a ddress for your print s erver.
69 file and quit from your editor. P lease note, in this step y o u must specify an IP address w hich is valid on Segment B , such as 192.72.214 .100 in this exam p le, rather than 19 7. T ype, f or example, "tftp 192 .72.214.68 put confi g.
70 Appendix SMB Pri n tin g with Windows XP 1. Enable the S M B settings from the print se rver’s WEB configuration. Assume your computers use the “ WORKGROUP ” as the SMB workgroup name in W ind ows. Pl ease assign th e same S M B nam e to yo ur print server.
71 2. N ow you can find the prin t server fro m the SMB w orkgroup of W indows. Then, double click it. 3. Double click i t again..
72 4. Now you have t o install the print er’s driver. 5. Choose it fr om the “Add P rinter Wi zard”..
73 6. Install printer successf ully. 7. Now, you can fin d your printe r’s ic on and you can use the SMB printing mode ..
74 Rese t B utto n Reboot t he Print server 1. Verify the powe r of print se rver is turne d on. 2. Press the res et button onc e, and then release it. WARNING: This will restart the p rint server an d stop all on-going and pending print jobs! Per fo rm a Facto ry D e fault 1.
75 Freq ue n tly Ask ed Que sti on s Question A Print jobs are sent to the p rint queue succ essfully, but fail to be sent to the pri nter. Possible expl anations 1.
76 Question D The Status LED light keeps blinking after P OST. Possible expl anation and sol u tion The last upgrad e process w as not compl eted. The print serve r must be upg raded agai n by usin g th e PSAdm in. Ple ase see C hapter 3 f or detail s.
デバイスHamlet HPS01UU2の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Hamlet HPS01UU2をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHamlet HPS01UU2の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Hamlet HPS01UU2の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Hamlet HPS01UU2で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Hamlet HPS01UU2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHamlet HPS01UU2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Hamlet HPS01UU2に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHamlet HPS01UU2デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。