Hayes Microcomputer ProductsメーカーPC Cardの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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DIVA T/A PC Card Reference Guide.
Second Editi on (Mar ch 1998) 206-179-02 DIVA T /A P C Ca r d i s a tr ademark of E icon Technol ogy Corpor at ion. Mi crosoft , W i ndows, and W indows N T are regi ster ed t rademarks of Mi cr osoft C orporat i on. CompuS er ve i s a regi stered t rademark of C ompuServe I ncor por ated.
Tab le of Cont ents Wh at is IS DN ? ...................................................................................... 4 Wh at is EZ- IS DN /IOC ? ....................................................................... 8 Wh at is Au t o SP ID ?..
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 4 What is ISDN? While you've he ar d of ISDN, ther e's a good chanc e you're unsure whether you need it - or even w hat, exa ctly, it is. Even though ISDN is globally available, it's so new that understanding it may re quire a little inv estiga tion.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 5 " Net work " ref ers to the f act that ISDN is not simply a point-to-point solution lik e a lea se d line . ISDN ne twor ks e xten d fr om the loca l telephone e xcha nge to the re mote user a nd include a ll of the telecommunica tions and switching equipment in betwe en.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 6 ISDN Com munic ation Channe ls In t he ISDN int erface, a num ber of co mmu nicat ion channel s are car ried ove r a digital line. These c ommunication channe ls can va ry by the ty pe of inf orma tion the y tr ansmit a nd by the tr an smission spe ed they support.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 7 D-Channel The primar y function of the D -cha nnel is to carr y common-cha nnel signaling information to manage and contr ol circuit-switche d ca lls on B-channe ls. The D- channe l can a lso be used f or pac ket-switching or low-spee d telemetry w hen it is not involved in control signaling.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 8 What is EZ- ISDN /IOC? We highly re commend that you use our toll free ISDN orde ring serv ice to make sure you ge t the c orr ec t ISDN line the f irst time. T he servi ce is free to ou r cust omers . EZ -ISDN / IOC simplifies the orde ring of your I SDN line.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 9 What is AutoSPID? (North America only) AutoSPID is a new Na tional ISDN protocol fe ature which e nables the DIVA T/A to downloa d a list of Service Profile I dent.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 10 What is Non- Initia lizing T erm inal Mode? (North America only) Non- In itializ ing Te rmin al mod e is a ne w ISD N NI -1 pro tocol f e atur e which ena bles the DI VA T/A to opera te without SPIDs. This leaves the SPIDs available f or use by othe r ISDN de vices c onnecte d over the same N T1.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 11 What is Mult ilink PPP? The DI VA T /A ser ve s as a n inte rme dia ry b etw ee n its host w ork station and the r emo te de vic e to whic h da ta is be ing tr a nsmitted . All the proto col pr oc essing re quir ed f or th e ne gotia tion of a Mu ltilink PPP connec tion is performed on the DIVA T/A itself.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 12 What is BA CP /BOD? DIVA T/A suppor ts the Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (BACP) and Bandwidth on Demand ( BOD). These two fea tures comb ine to allow the D IV A T/A to es tablish multilink se ssions tha t provide lar ger a mounts of bandwidth than that of fer ed over a single dialup cha nne l.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 13 What is Da ta Com pression? To es ta blis h c omm uni ca ti ons ov er a PPP li nk, each end of th e connec tion must first send pac kets to configur e and te st the data link. Afte r the link has b ee n es tablish ed, o ptiona l fa cilitie s ma y be negotia ted as ne ede d.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 14 A T Commands This section contains a descr iption of all AT Commands rele vant to DIVA T/A. Loc ating Com mands To make it ea sier for you to locate a c ommand, this guide has organiz ed commands in two wa ys. AT Commands are groupe d into severa l ca tegories.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 15 Comma nd Fo rmat-- Con tinued The DIV A T/A recognizes the backspace character for editing. When ech o is enab led, a backs pace or d elete is echo ed as a backs pace character follow ed by a s pace character , and ano ther backs pace.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 16 Alpha bet ical List of Supp or t ed A T Commands The following table summar izes the A T Commands supported by the DIVA T/A. G o to the specif ied page numbe r for more informa tion. Note : St at ic par amet ers a re pr eceded by a n as teri sk “ *”.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 17 Alphabetical List of Supported AT Comman ds—Contin ued AT C o mma nd Desc ri pt io n Se e P ag e ATS 2=n Escape C haracter 36 ATS 3=n Carr iage Return Character.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 18 Alphabetical List of Supported AT Comman ds—Contin ued AT C o mma nd De scri pt i o n Se e P ag e AT!C 51=n *Enable/Dis able Alter nate Non - initializing mode .
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 19 Alphabetical List of Supported AT Comman ds—Contin ued AT C o mma nd Desc ri pt io n See P a ge AT!E6=n V.120 T203 (Li nk Inte gri ty T i me r) 44 AT!E7=n V.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 20 Alphabetical List of Supported AT Comman ds—Contin ued AT C o mma nd Desc ri pt io n Se e P ag e AT!V3=n V.110 Parity 45 AT!V4=n V.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 21 Alphabetical List of Supported AT Comman ds—Contin ued AT C o mma nd Desc ri pt io n Se e P ag e AT$Y Enter Mini Monit or on Next Rese t 52 AT%A2=n * Protocol C.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 22 Alphabetical List of Supported AT Comman ds—Contin ued AT C o mma nd Desc ri pt io n See P a ge AT&F Loading Fac t ory Profile 46 AT&K n Flow Co ntrol 3.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 23 Alphabetical List of Supported AT Comman ds—Contin ued AT C o mma nd Desc ri pt io n Se e P ag e AT>V CD View Dyn amic Parameters 2 6 AT> VDD Initializati.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 24 Alphabetical List of Supported AT Comman ds—Contin ued AT C o mma nd Desc ri pt io n Se e P ag e $Msg Display Cause for Ent e ring Mon itor 53 $>F Reset Fac .
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 25 General A T Commands This section desc ribes Ge ner al AT Commands. Co mman d Desc rip ti on ATIn Vi e w P r oduc t Inf or ma t i o n: Di spl a ys informat i on about your DIVA T/A.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 26 Ge ne ral AT Comm ands —Conti nued Co mman d Desc rip ti on ATS n ? Repo rts th e Valu e of S-R egist er n: Th is command reports the last v alue sto red into S - Registe r n . If n is o mitted, the value o f the last S -Regi ster acces sed is repor ted.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 27 Ge ne ral AT Comm ands —Conti nued Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT> VDD In itializatio n St atu s Dis play (Nort h America only ): Displays informati on a bout the detection prog ress , the initialization o f the log ical channels , as w ell as auxiliar y informat ion.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 28 Ge ne ral AT Comm ands —Conti nued Co mman d Desc rip ti on +++ Esc ape Se que nc e : The escape s equence is us ed to retur n to the comman d state f rom data state.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 29 ISDN Conf iguration Commands This section desc ribes the I SDN Configuration Commands. Some of the commands in this sec tion allow you to configure pr imary and alter native se ttings.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 30 ISDN Confi gura t i on C om m and s— Co nt i nue d Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT!C1=n AT!C11=n (continue d) For Internati ona l Firm ware n=2 EuroISDN (default) n=3 TPH (Au stralia). n=4 INS-Net64 (Japan). n=254 Enables the alternate s witch ty pe with th e same value as the primar y sw itch type.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 31 ISDN Conf ig urati on Comm ands —Conti nued Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT!C5=n AT!C51=n Ena ble/Dis able N on- Init ializing mode (se c o nd B- c hanne l ): Speci.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 32 ISDN Conf ig urati on Comm ands —Conti nued Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT!N1 = n AT!N11= n IS DN Directory Num ber fo r 1 st B- c ha nne l : Your local ISDN data di re ct ory num ber a s assigned by your loca l te l e phone c om pany for your primary (AT!N1= n ) or a l te rna te (AT!N11= n ) configurat i on.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 33 ISDN Conf ig urati on Comm ands —Conti nued Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT!N3 = n AT!N31= n ISDN Subaddre ss fo r 1 st B - c ha nne l : The ISDN s ubaddress is use.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 34 COM Port Configurat ion Commands This section desc ribes the COM Port Configuration commands. Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT& Cn Data Carrier D etect: Th is comman d contro ls the D ata Carrier D etect (DCD ) outp ut.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 35 COM P ort Conf igura tion Co mma nds—Co ntinue d Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT& Kn Flow C ont rol (A T&Kn) : This command allows you to ena bl e and di sabl e fl ow cont rol so that dat a is stopped a nd re sta rte d when buff er sp ace becomes av ailable.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 36 COM P ort Conf igura tion Co mma nds—Co ntinue d Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT%MT 2= n Set T urbo Mode T hresh old: S pecifies th e minimum P C bitrate th resho ld for th e acti va ti on of t urbo mode .
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 37 COM P ort Conf igura tion Co mma nds—Co ntinue d Co mman d Desc rip ti on ATS5= n Back S pace Ch aracter: Sets the backs pace character u sed f or command line editing. n can b e a value betw een 0-3 2 (defau lt is ASCII 008 backs pace).
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 38 COM P ort Conf igura tion Co mma nds—Co ntinue d Co mman d Desc rip ti on ATXn Ex t e nde d Re sul t Code s: This command selects which subs et of the r esult mes sages will be used by the DIVA T/A to inform t he DTE of the res ults f rom command s.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 39 Call Co ntr ol Comman ds This section desc ribes the Call Control commands. Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT%A2=n Protocol Control: Spec ifi e s the prot oc ol you want t o use for your ISDN connection. n=2 V.120 rate ada pt ion prot oc ol.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 40 Call Control Comma nds—Continued Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT&Zn=v St o r e Te l e phone Numbe r : Spec i fy stored t e le phone number(s). T he t e le phone numbe r c a n be a string wit h up to 20 characters (0-9, *, #, space, hyphen, paren thesis , and per iod are accep ted).
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 41 Call Control Comma nds—Continued Co mman d Desc rip ti on ATH H a ngup a Ca l l : T o di sconnec t and ha ng up a ca l l. If the DI VA T/A is cu rrently o nline, the co nnection is terminated. ATS0= n Rings to Auto-A nswer: Allows you to enabl e or disable a ut o-answer.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 42 V .120 Conf iguration Commands This section desc ribes the V .120 Configuration commands. Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT!E 0= n V.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 43 V120 Con figuration Com mands—Cont inued Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT!E 3= n V.120 K Wi ndow Size: Applicab le to the mu ltifram e mode only. K (Wi ndow Size) de t erm ine s the ma xi mum number of sequent i al da ta fra me s tha t m a y be outstanding (not acknowledged) at any given time.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 44 V120 Con figuration Com mands—Cont inued Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT!E 6= n V.120 T203 (Link Integrity Time r): Applicable to th e multifr ame mo de only. T203 (Link Inte gri ty T im e r) is the maximum time allowed without frames (including data a nd c ont rol) be i ng exc ha nged.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 45 V .110 Conf iguration Commands This section desc ribes the V .110 configura tion commands. Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT!V0 = n V.100 Configu ration Override : Specif ies wh ether the DIVA T/A uses the COM port setting to c onfigure V.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 46 Pr ofile Commands This section desc ribes the Profile commands. Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT& F Us e Factory S ettings in C urrent Profile: Res tores an d loads all setting s in the curr ent prof ile with the o riginal f actory settings.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 47 Prof ile Co mmands—Continued Co mman d Desc rip ti on ATZ n Rest ar t DIVA T / A Usi ng P r of i l e n : Restarts your DIVA T/A using stored profile n . Use after changing a static parameter. AT> Z Rest ar t DIVA T / A Usi ng P o we r up Profile: Restarts your DIVA T/A using the powerup profile.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 48 Multilink PPP Commands Th is se c tio n d es cr ib es the ML PPP c omm an ds. Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT%M1 = n L oc al E ndpo i nt Di sc r i m i na to r Cl ass: Specifies the local endpoint discriminator class .
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 49 Multilink PPP Comman ds—Continued Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT%P6=n Set Init ial Billing In terval Tim er. Sets the timer (secs) to match the amount of time your IS DN pro vider allocates as the f irst time in terval.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 50 Endpoint Discriminator Class/Address Class Descr iption Addres s For mat 0 Null Class No address is us ed. 1 Local l y Assigned Address Us es a hexadecimal f ormat with a maxim um le ngt h of 40 cha ra c te rs. Valid characters are “0-9 , a-f” (ex.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 51 Utility Commands This se ction desc ribe s the Utility c omma nds. Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT$CP=n Enable s or disabl es com pre ssion. n=0 Disable n=1 Enable ( default) AT$In On Demand SPID Testing (North Americ a only) Lets you te st SPIDs on demand n=<SP ID Num be r > Tests th e specified SPID.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 52 Utility Commands—Continue d Co mman d Desc rip ti on AT$ VL Star ts or d isplay s the res ult of a LAPD trace AT$V M Co ntro ls t he in ternal Mail Trace. Yo ur Eicon Tec hnology Custom er Service s repr esenta tive may ask you to use this comma nd.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 53 Mini-monitor Commands This section desc ribes the Mini-monitor commands. Note: These commands are not to be prefixe d by AT. Typing AT w ill exit the m ini-monitor and r evert back t o th e nor mal s of twa re mo de.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 54 A T Command Result Codes This section desc ribes the A T Command Result Codes (also known a s status message s). The se code s ar e displayed a fter an AT command is issued. Result codes c an be displaye d as a word messa ge ( long-form English) or as a number c ode (shor t-form numer ic re sponse).
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 55 AT Comma nd Re sult Code s—Co ntinued Number Code W or d M ess age Des cri ption 4 E RROR - Syntax of com ma nd i s incorr ect - U nable to execu te command - C.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 56 AT Comma nd Re sult Code s—Co ntinued Number Code Word Mes sage Des cripti on 14 CONNE CT 12000 Connect i on ma de a t a bitrate les s than or equal to 12000 bp.
DIVA T/ A PC Card Refe rence Guide 57 AT Comma nd Re sult Code s—Co ntinued Number Code Word Mes sage Des cripti on 57 CARRIER 57600 Connecti on m a de a t a bitrate les s than or equal to 57600 bps.
デバイスHayes Microcomputer Products PC Cardの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Hayes Microcomputer Products PC Cardをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHayes Microcomputer Products PC Cardの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Hayes Microcomputer Products PC Cardの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Hayes Microcomputer Products PC Cardで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Hayes Microcomputer Products PC Cardを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHayes Microcomputer Products PC Cardの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Hayes Microcomputer Products PC Cardに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHayes Microcomputer Products PC Cardデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。