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B B r r o o t t h h e e r r L L a a s s e e r r P P r r i i n n t t e e r r T T T e e e c c c h h h n n n i i i c c c a a a l l l R R R e e e f f f e e e r r r e e e n n n c c c e e e G G G u u u i i .
Trademark ackno wledgments Brother is a registered trademark of Bro ther Industries Ltd. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Incorporat ed. Epson is a reg istered trademark and FX- 850 a trad emark of Seiko Epso n Corporation .
i T ABLE OF CONTENTS GLOSSARY CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. ABOUT THE MANUAL ------------ ------------- -------------- ------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- 3 2. AREAS OF USE ------------ ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- ------- 4 CHAPTER 2 PCL 1.
i i CHAPTER 6 EPSO N FX-850 1. COMMAND LIST -- ------------- ------------ --------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- ---- 3 2. INTRODUCTION ------------ ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------- ----------- ------------- --------- 5 3.
iii GLOSSAR Y Absolute plotting A method of plotting in the HP-GL and HP-GL/2 graphics language where coordinates are sp ecified relative to th e orig in of the coor dinate system currently in use. Anchor point The top left-hand corner of the PCL picture frame.
iv Control panel reset A reset or facto ry reset pe rformed using the printer control panel. Cross-hatching A method of shad ing using per pendicular d iagonal lines th at cross one anoth er. Current units The current unit ty pe in use in HP-GL an d HP-GL/2 mode.
v Font A collection of c haracte rs that are designed to wor k in harmony togeth er. A font has several characteristics that identify it uniquely: character or symbol set, spacing, pitch, h eight or point size, style, stroke weight and typeface.
vi Logical page The area of the physical page on which the cursor can be positioned in LaserJet mode. You can use PCL comm ands to specify the positio n of the logical page on the phy sical page. Also k nown as the PCL addressable area. LSB i) The least significant by te of a set of data bytes.
vii Physical pa ge The paper or en velope on which the printer prints. Picture frame The area of the physical p age in which HP-GL and HP-GL/2 g raphic images can be printed. Pitch The number of characters in o ne inch of te xt. Only applicable to monospaced (fixed pitch fonts.
viii Reset When you reset the printer yo u restore a ba se set of conditions. A reset can either be perform ed using the control pa nel or by sending the printer a reset command.
ix Stick font The d efault HP-GL and HP-GL/2 fon t consisting of thin lined characters. Stroke weight The thickness of the lines that comprise the chara cters in a particu lar font. Medium , bold and light str oke weights a re com monly used. Sub-polygon A shape consisting o f a closed group of points connected by lines.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTI ON - 2 CONTENTS1. ............................................ ................................................. ABOUT THE MANUAL 3 2. AREAS OF U SE ............... ................ ............. ................ ........
10/10/03 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTI ON - 3 1. ABOUT THE MANUAL This technic al referenc e manual is intended to help you get the most out of each of the emulat ion modes supported by your HL-Series la ser printer. It is divided i nto nine sections - this int roductory se ction and one section for each of the emul ation m odes.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTI ON - 4 2. AREAS OF USE There are several different applica tions for which you may want to use your HL-Series laser printer.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTI ON - 5 2.4 Font Development In LaserJet m ode you can send your own character designs to an HL-Series laser pri nter and print text using them.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 2 C ONTENTS 1. COMMAND LIS T ............... ................ ............. ................ ................ ............ ................ .......... 7 2. INTRODUCT ION ............ ................ ............ .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 3 4.2.9. Units .. ............... ................. ............... ................. ............... ................. ............... ............................ .....25 4.2.10. Unit of mea sure ...............
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 4 5.2.9. Scaling th e scalab le fonts vertically o r horizo ntally ...... .................. ................. .................. ............... 45 5.2.10. Selectin g the style ...... .................. .........
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 5 6.5.4. Set pic ture fr ame h orizon tal size ............. .................. .............. .................. .............. ................. ........ 87 6.5.5. Specify ve rtical plo t size ............. ....
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 6 8.5.18. Memory s tatus res ponse ........................ .............. .................. .............. .................. .............. ... .......101 8.5.19. Memory er ror res ponse .......................
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 7 1. COMMAND LIST Control Codes 11 Escape sequences 12 Esc&k#G Line termina tion 12 Esc&s#C End-of-line wrap 12 EscY Display function mode 13 EscZ Display.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 8 Esc(s#V, Esc)s#V Selecting t he height 46 EscCR!#H, EscCR!#V Scaling the scalabl e fonts verticall y or horizontally 46 Esc(s#S, Esc)s#S Selecting the style 46 .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 9 Status Readback 95 Esc*s#T Set status re adback location type 96 Esc*s#U Set status readback loca tion unit 96 Esc*s#I Inquire stat us readback entit y 97 Esc*s.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 10 2. INTRODUCTION This laser printe r provides a compl ete em ulation of the supported Hewle tt Packard LaserJet printer. Feat ures include raster and vector graphic s, support for bitmap and scal able fonts and page control .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 11 3. CONTROLLING THE PRINTER 3.1. Control Codes Control codes are AS CII codes that te ll the printer t o perform a gi ven function, such as a carriage ret urn. You can send these codes to the printer as part of a program.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 12 3.2. Escape Seque nces Escape sequences, al so known as PCL (Printer C ontro l Language) com mands, tel l the printer which operations to perform. An esca pe sequence consists of the Esc character fol lowed by a string of chara cters which define t he operation to be performed.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 13 3.2.3. Display functions mode You can choose to make the printer print es cape sequences instead of executing them . Send the printer the following seque nce: EscY (27)(89) <1B><59> Now the printer print s out escape sequences and prints the charact ers of the control codes.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 14 3.3. Environment s 3.3.1. Factory default envi ronment The factory defaul t environment is the collection of print er settings program med into the pri nter before it leaves the factory. You can restore the fact ory default environm ent using the print er’s control panel.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 15 4. JOB CONTROL 4.1.1. Page size Esc& l #A (27)(38)(108)#(65) <1Bh><26h><6Ch>#<41h> # stands for the t ype of paper or e nvelope to be used. Values for # corre spond to the paper or envelope sizes s hown i n the table.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 16 • When the printer recei ves this com mand any unpri nted pages are printed and the l eft, right and top m argins and the text length are set to their factory defaults for the new page size. • The cursor is moved to the top left of the text are a on the new page.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 17 4.1.3. Paper source Esc& l #H (27)(38)(108)#(72) <1Bh><26h><6Ch>#<48h> # denotes the paper source. Values for # m ay be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. • If # = 0 the current page is ejected and the paper source rem ains the sam e.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 18 HL-1050 HL-1 060/ 1070 HL-1250/ 1270N/ P2500 HL- 1660e /2060 HL- 2400C HL- 2400Ce HL- 3400C N HL- 1450 /1470N #=0 Eject ← ← ← ← ← ← ← #=1 Sheet Fe.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 19 4.1.5. Top offset registration Esc& l #Z (27)(38)(108)#(90) <1Bh><26h><6Ch>#<5Ah> # stands for the di stance in de cipoints (1/720") that t he top edge of t he logical page is to be m oved.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 20 • # = 2 indicates the back face. If the currently processing page is an odd page, the print er finishes the processing of the page. If the odd page has already be en processed onto t he page and the e ven page has not been processed y et, this comm and is ignore d.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 21 4.1.13. Exit current emulation mode Esc%-12345X (27)(37)(45)(49)(50)(51)(52)(53)(88) <1Bh><25h><2Dh><31h><32h><33h><34h><35h><58h> • When the printer recei ves this com mand, all page da ta already re ceived is printed out.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 22 4.2. The Page 4.2.1. Physical page The physical pa ge refers to the size of the pa per or envelope currently in use: A4, Letter, B 5, JIS B5, Legal a nd Executiv e are the pe rmitted pape r sizes: Mona rch, COM -10, In ternatio nal DL and Interna tional C5 ar e the allowable envelope sizes.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 23 4.2.6. Portrait page dimensions (DEFA ULT VAL UES) A B C D E F G H F G H E G G Physical page Printable area Logical page Default HP-GL/2 picture frame B Physic.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 24 4.2.7. Landscape page dimensions (DEFA ULT VAL UES) A B C D E F G H F G H E G G Physical page Printable area Logical page Default HP-GL/2 picture B Physical pag.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 25 4.2.8. Coordinates The printer control language coordinate system has its origin at the intersecti on of the left edge of the logic al page and the top margin.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 26 • If the current cursor position is to the right of your new right m argin setting, t he cursor will be moved to t he new right m argin. • The factory default left and ri ght margi n settings are at the le ft and right edges of the logica l page respectively .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 27 4.2.14. Setting the vertical motion index (VMI) Esc& l #C (27)(38)(108)#(67) <1Bh><26h><6Ch>#<43h> # stands for the height of one row in 1/48". • # can have any value in the range 0-32767.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 28 10 REM ***** SETTING THE CHARACTER PITCH ***** 20 ESC$=CHR$(27) 30 REM --- DEFAULT IS 10 CPI PITCH --- 40 LPRINT "10 PITCH " 50 REM --- SET 5 CPI PITC.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 29 Top margin Bottom margin Text length Page leng t 4.2.18. Page length Esc&l#P (27)(38)(108)#(80) <1Bh><26h><6Ch>#<50h> # stands for the length of the logical page in lines (at the current VM I).
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 30 4.2.20. Positioning t he cursor You can position the cursor anywhere on the logic al page . In addition, the cursor posit ion is automat ically changed when text or graphics are print ed.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 31 4.2.22. Horizontal position Horizontal cursor positioning - columns Esc&a#C (27)(38)(97)#(67) <1Bh>< 26h><61h>#<43h> # = number of .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 32 100 REM --- MOVING CURSOR 1 INCH TO THE RIGHT --- 110 LPRINT ESC$+"*p+300X"; 120 LPRINT "C"; 130 REM --- PAPER EJECT --- 140 LPRINT CHR$(12).
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 33 4.2.25. Half line f eed Esc= (27)(61) <1Bh><3Dh> This comm and moves the cursor down half a row as defined by the la st VMI or li ne spacing com mand (Esc&l#C ).
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 34 • All subsequent text is printed in the newly selected orient ation. • The PCL coordinate system and margin settings are rot ated through the specified angl e. Hence the cursor coordinates will change. • HP-GL/2 graphics images cannot be rotated usi ng this com mand.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 35 5. USING FONTS 5.1. Introduction A font is a collecti on of characters tha t have com mon c haracteristic s, such as size , style and t ypeface, and which ranges over a given set of symbol s. For exampl e, 12 point Tennessee B old in the Rom an-8 symbol set is a typical HL Series font.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 36 Microsoft Window s 3.1 True Type Compatible Fonts: HL-1050/1070/1250/1270N/1450/1470N/P2500/ 1660e/2060/2400C/2400Ce/3400CN/1650/1670N/ 3260N/2460/7050/1850/187.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 37 5.1.8. Card/cartridge fonts You can buy cart ridge/card -base d bitmap fonts and scalable typefaces. Pl ug the cartridge/ card into one of the printer’s cart ridge/card slot s and then sele ct any font from them as if it were in t he printer’s RO M.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 38 5.1.15. Criter ia for font selection The printer wi ll try to m atch your stated font requi rements as best it can wi th the fonts a vailable to it in any of the three possible font locations.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 39 5.1.22. Stroke w eight Stroke weight refers to the thickness of the lines w hich make up the printed c haracters. Characte rs of normal line thickness are calle d medium . Thicker li nes are referre d to as bold or bl ack and thinner l ines as light or thin.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 40 5.2. Font Selection Com mands 5.2.1. User- defined symbol sets User-defined sym bol sets can be use d with Unbound scal abl e fonts. Three new comm ands below are prepared for use to control a user-defined symbol set.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 41 0 -1: He ader size (UI) - set t o 18 or greater. This val ue stands for the num ber of header bytes. 2 -3 : Encode d Symbol S et Designator (UI) - shoul d be as sam e as the ID code which is defi ned by ESC*c#R .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 42 Symbol map (Array of UI ) The symbol m ap, which has a list of symbol index numbers, is used to define t he symbols for the symbol set. This map de fines the com binations of symbol index numbers and character codes.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 43 User-defined symbol sets are defined by the com mand ESC ( f # W. Esc)symbol set ID (27)(41) <1Bh>< 29h> • This comm and selects t he symbol set (characte r set) for the secondary font.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 44 60 REM --- PRINT CHARACTERS ---- 70 FOR I=33 TO 127 80 LPRINT CHR$(I); 90 NEXT 100 LPRINT 110 REM --- FRENCH CHARACTER SET SELECTION ------ 120 LPRINT ESC$+&quo.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 45 • The selection will apply to whichever font you are currentl y specifying (prim ary or secondary). • If the printer doesn't have the specifie d size font, the next largest siz e font is used. If the printer doesn't have a large r sized font, t he next sma llest one i s used.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 46 Value Font Style 0 1 4 5 8 24 32 64 128 160 Upright & solid Italic Condensed Condensed italic Compresse d, or extra condensed Expanded Outlin e Inline Shado.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 47 • The available values vary with t he printer model. The foll owing table shows the value for each typeface and availabi lity.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 48 5.2.14. Transpa rent print data Esc&p#X (character codes) (27)(38)(112)#(88) <1Bh><26h><70h>#<58h> • This comm and enables you to print c haracters whi ch are norm ally unprint able.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 49 5.3. Downloadable font manipulation Fonts that y ou have bought on diske tte can be downloaded to the printer from diskette or hard disk using the DOS COPY com mand or a font downloading appl ications program.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 50 5.4. Creating Downlo adable Fonts 5.4.1. Dow nloading You can download exist ing fonts (that is, ones that you have bought or ones that y ou have created previ .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 51 • The Font descri ptor has informa tion for the whol e character set. When this font desc riptor is sent to the printer with a font header t o identify t he font ID, the descriptor paramete rs becom e the basis of the downloaded fonts.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 52 <Intellifont Sc alable Bound font> B y te 15 ( MSB ) 8 7 ( LSB ) 0 0 Font Descri p tor Size ( >80 ) 2 Descri p tor Format ( 10 ) Font T yp e 4 St y le .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 53 <Intellifont Sc alable Unbound font> Byte 15 (MSB ) 8 7 (LSB) 0 0 Font Descriptor Size (<88) 2 Descri ptor Format (11) Fo nt Type (10) 4 Style MSB Res.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 54 <TrueType Scalable Bound font> Byte 15 (MSB ) 8 7 (LSB) 0 0 Font Descriptor Size (>72) 2 Descri ptor Format (15) Fo nt Type 4 Style MSB Reserve d 6 Bas.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 55 10 Unbound font. Cha racter codes corres pondi ng to MSL numbers are acceptable. 11 Unbound font. Cha racter codes corresponding to Unicode numbers are acceptable. When a 7-bit font or 8-bi t font is se lected, it is pos sible for codes 00H to FFH t o load characters or del ete them.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 56 Symbol set name Symb ol set ID Sy mbol set name Symbol set ID D e fa u lt Se t 0 @ Math- 7 0A Line Draw-7 0B HP Lar g e Characters ( 264x Terminal s ) 0C ISO 60.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 57 For Intellifont-scalable fonts only, the defaul t HMI i s calculate d as follows. Default HMI (in dots) = (300 x master design pi tch x required point size) ÷ {Ma ster x Re solution ÷(height x 8)} Default HMI ( in dots ) = (300 x master design pi tch x required poi nt size) ÷ {72.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 58 Value Vend or 0 Reserved 1 Agfa Division, Mil es Inc. 2 Bitstre am Inc. 3 Linotype C ompany 4 The Monotype Corporation pl c 5 Adobe System s Inc.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 59 • Font number (ULI) - i gnored by thes e HL Series pri nters. This 4-by te field spec ifies the num ber assigned to the font by t he vending com pany. The num ber is stored as a hexadecim al value in the lower three bytes, bytes 44, 45 and 46.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 60 Unicode Symbol Index Bit Field Designated Use 32 - 63 28 - 31 22 - 27 3 - 21 0 - 2 Miscellaneous uses (South Asian, Arm enian, other alphabets, bar codes, OCR, Mat h, etc.) Reserved f or Latin font s. Reserved for platform / application variant fonts.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 61 5.4.3. Unic ode symbol index character comple ment bits Bit Field Designated Use 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 2,1,0 0 if font is compat ible with 7-bit ASCII; otherwi se set to 1. 0 if font is compati ble with IS O 8859/1 Latin 1 (West Europe) character sets; otherw ise set to 1.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 62 *Segment Size (UI) - indica tes the si ze of each ite m in t he data segm ent. *Data seg ment - AP - Application support segm ent (reserved) CC - Characte r Complemen t Function and form are as same as characte r complem ent flag in the font descriptor.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 63 <Bitmap c ontinuation data> Byte Data 0-1 Format Continuation 2 Raster Character Data • The bytes which foll ow the header are the raster da ta that m ake up the c haracter. • Attributes are in one of four numerical form ats.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 64 <Intellifont-scalable contour data> MSB LSB 4 Contour Data size 6 Metr ic data o ffset 8 Char acter I ntellifo nt data o ffset 10 Contour tree offset 12 X.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 65 [TrueType scalable f ont] <TrueTyp e charac ter descrip tor> Byte Data 0-1 Format (15) Continuat ion (0) 2 - 3 Descriptor size Class (15) 4 ~ Additional descriptor size 2 + Desc.size Character Data Size 4 + Desc.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 66 Paper motion Raster scan Top offset = 22 dots Character height = 31 dots Baseline Cursor position afte r character has been p r Character width = 26 dots Delta .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 67 Paper motion Raster scan Left offset = 22 dots Character width = 31 dots Baseline Cursor position afte r character has been p r Delta X = 30 dots Character ref.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 68 6. USING GRAPHICS This HL Serie s printe r afford s the user consid erable fle xibility in th e creation of grap hic images. V ector, raster and re ctangle graph ics are availabl e, all of which allow a rang e of sha ding and f illing op tions.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 69 For exa mple Pattern Source image Destination image Possible results With transparent source image With opaque source ima g 6.1.2. Set pattern transpa rency Esc*v#O (27)(42)(118)#(79) <1Bh><2Ah><76h>#<4Fh> • This co mmand sets the patter n trans parency .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 70 For exa mple Pattern Source image Destination image Possible results With transparent pattern With opaqu e pattern (Source image is transparent) 6.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 71 6.1.4. User- defined patter n command Esc*c#W [ data ] (27)(4 2)(99)#(87) <1Bh>< 2Ah><63h>#<57h> • # should be in the ra nge 0 ~ 32767. • # stands for the number of pattern data byt es.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 72 6.1.6. User- defined patt ern control Esc*c#Q (27)(42)(99)#(81) <1Bh>< 2Ah><63h>#<51h> • # = 0 deletes all (tem porary and pe rmanent) user-defined patterns from the printer mem ory. • # = 1 dele tes all te mporary u ser-d efined patterns from the print er mem o ry.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 73 • See the following exam ple for program ming examples usi ng patterns. Pattern example 10 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255 20 ESC$ = CHR$(27) 30 REM --- RESET P.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 74 6.2. Plotting Rectangles Drawing rectangl es is a basic case of printi ng graphics: the source im age consists sole ly of the re ctangle itsel f. Thus only the pattern transparency has any bearing on the final eff ect - the sou rce tran sparen cy is irreleva nt.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 75 • See the following exam ple for program ming exa mples using gray scales. Gray scale ex ample 10 ESC$ = CHR$(27) 20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255 30 REM --- .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 76 6.3. Raste r Graphics 6.3.1. Positioning the cursor Position the curso r using the commands d escribed in the chap ter entitl ed “The Pag e”, using dots, dec ipoints or rows and colum ns as coordinat e units.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 77 6.3.5. Set raster are a height Esc*r#T (27)(42)(114)#(84) <1Bh><2Ah><72h>#<54h> • This comm and sets the height of the raster im age to be printed.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 78 • # = 5 indicates that adapti ve compression is to be used. This compre ssion compresses m ultiple rows (a block) int o one transfer gra phics comm and. Most other com pression methods com press only one row to one transfer graphics command.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 79 If the control bit is 0, replace ment data is not re peated data. Bits 6 to 3 contain the offse t count. This field value is from 0 to 15. If this value is 15, the next by te of t he control byt es is an opti onal offset count.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 80 <Second section 66 66 66 66> Offset count = 2 Replacem ent count = 4 Replacem ent data = 66 1 1100001 76543210 Replacement count = 1 + 2 = 3 Offset count .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 81 72 - 73 00 00 Reserved 74 - 75 Photometrics 00 00 or 01 00 00 00 : data 0 = white 01 00 : data 0 = black 76 - 77 02 00 Reserved 78 - 79 Fill order 01 00 or 02 .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 82 6.3.9. Start rast er transfer Esc*r#A (27)(42)(114)#(65) <1Bh><2Ah><72h>#<41h> • This co mmand signals the sta rt of the tra nsfer o f a raster image to the print er. • # is 0 or 1. • # = 0 denotes that the image will be pri nted starting from t he left edge of the logical page.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 83 Raster graphics exam ple 10 REM ***** A EXAMPLE OF RASTER GRAPHICS ***** 20 ESC$=CHR$(27) 30 WIDTH "LPT1:",255 40 REM --- SET GRAPHICS RESOLUTION TO .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 84 6.3.13. Horizontal 1200-dpi image format mode (Raster Graphic Mod e 1027) The printer supports 1200 dpi printing for special ima ge formats in 1200 dpi m ode. We recomm end that the installed print er mem ory is 10 M bytes or m ore for 1200 dpi printing.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 85 <Compressed Im age Data> Data com pression com presses the original image data word by word (16 bits). The compressed data consi sts of both horizontal c.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 86 6.4. Vector G raphics For large-scale graphic im ages it is more effic ient to use vector graphics. In LaserJet emulati on mode you can set up the page area on which to print vector gra phics images.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 87 6.5. The Picture Frame The PCL picture fram e is the rectangular area of the page on whi ch you can print graphic im ages. You can position and size the picture fram e to suit your requirem ents and achi eve effects such as sca ling or distortion of vector graphics i mages.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 88 7. MACROS 7.1. The Purpose of a Macro A macro i s a sequence of comm ands that you wish to exec ute. You can spe cify the c omm and sequence and download it to the printer after whi ch you can execute it wit h a single comm and.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 89 7.2. Defining a M acro To define a m acro you must fi rst assign an ID num b er to it, t hen send to the printer a Sta rt Macro De finition comma nd, the m acro defini tion itsel f (consisting of a sequence of PCL c omm ands) and finally a n End Macro Definiti on comm and.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 90 7.3. Running a Macro Macros can be i nvoked in three di fferent ways : they can be ‘executed’, ‘cal led’ or ‘enabled for ove rlay’. When a macro is ' executed' it uses the c urrent modi fied print environment .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 91 7.4. Handl ing Macros 7.4.1. Delete all mac ros Esc&f6X (27)(38)(102)(54)(88) <1Bh><26h><66h><36 h><58h> • This command de letes all macros from the printer’s mem ory. 7.4.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 92 120 REM --- SET FONT TO LETTER GOTHIC (18 DOTS WIDE) --- 130 LPRINT ESC$+"(s0p16.66h8.5v0s0b130T"; 140 REM --- PRINT COMMENT --- 150 LPRINT "Prin.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 93 • If the key is [RENAME] , this com mand allows the pri nter to change t he name field of t he AppleTalk na me binding protocol. <ESC>&b#WRENAME< sp>printerna me printernam e should be specifie d with 1 to 31 characters.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 94 8. STATUS READBACK 8.1. Introduction Status readback features are explained in t his sec tion. The printer sends a sta tus response message after receiving a request for its stat us by these c ommands. You can get t he informat ion as shown below from the printe r.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 95 8.5. Status Response Syntax All of the st atus responses begin with "PCL", Carriage Return control code and a Line Fe ed control code. The response is ended by a Carriage Return and a Line Feed c ontrol code.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 96 4 0 1 2 all downloade d entitie s downloaded entity as te mporary downloaded entity as perma nent 5 0 1 n All cartr idge/c ards the cartridge/card whic h has the highest priority .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 97 In a font status response, the "SELECT=" key word line specifies the indi vidual fonts. The font is ident ified by this line by specifying t he font selec tion characteri stics such a s symbol se t, spacing, pit ch, height, styl e, stroke weight, and ty pefaces.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 98 "LOCUNIT=" s pecifies th e location u nit of the font whic h is selected at pr esent. Th e value fie ld of the Set Status Read back U nit command is related to th e value return ed.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 99 For instance, a font extended response with the l ocation type set to 1( select ed at present ) where the font which is selecte d at present is the i nternal Pc Tennessee (18 point identifi ed for printing) bold, ret urns the response as follow s.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "P CL" - 100 Status locat ion type 1 (selected a t present) is an incorrect l ocation for unbound font symbol sets and returns an error. Example responses in thi s section for "SYMBOLSETS=" do not indicat e the complete li st of symbol sets whi ch are available internally , but only a part ial list .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 101 8.5.17. Font cache In order to print characters from a scalable font , the printer changes the scalable chara cter outlines into siz ed bitmaps. The se bitma pped characters are produced on a character-by-charac ter basis and the produced bitmappe d characters are stored i n mem ory.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "P CL" - 102 9. INDEX A adaptive compression ... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... . 78 anchor point........ .......... ........ ............ .......... .......... ........ ... 87 AppleTalk configura tion .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "PCL " - 103 HP-GL/2 m ode ................ .......... .......... .......... ........ .......... 86 I internal font ............ .......... ............ ........ .......... .......... ....... 36 italic ................ ...
10/10/03 CHAPTER 2 "P CL" - 104 status re sponse................ .......... ............ .......... .......... ....... 94 mem o ry ................ ........ ............ .......... ........ .......... ..... 101 status re sponse synt ax .....
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 1 CHAPTER 3 PCL5C.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 2 C ONTENTS 1. INTRODUCT ION.................. ................ ................ ............. ................ ................ ............. ..... 3 2. COLOR MODE S ........................ ................ ..
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 3 1. INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the e nhanced comm ands for the PCL5C em ulation. PCL5C is upwa rds-compati ble with PCL5e . For the comm ands of PCL5e, refe r to “Chapt er 2 PCL” whic h describes the PCL5e em ulation.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 4 2. COLOR MODES The PCL5C emul ation provides a B/W mode, whi ch is the default, and three col or modes as follows; 1) Simple C olor Mode 2) PCL Color Mode 3) HP-GL/2 Color Mode Simple C olor Mode al lows you to use a maxim um of 8 colors easily.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 5 2.2. U sing PCL Color Mode - Set PCL Color Setting Command ESC*v#W (27)(42)(118)#(87) <1Bh><2Ah><76h>#<57h> # = 6, 18 # stands for the number of byte s of data that follow this com mand.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 6 [Example] If you want to se nd index No. 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0; Enter ’ESC*v6W 00h 00h 04h 08h 08h 08h’ , then select Send Index No by Plane .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 7 (i.e.) ESC*b#V r, r, r, r , r... → Plane 1 1st raster ESC*b#V g, g, g, g , g... → Plane 2 ESC*b#W b, b, b, b , b... → Plane 3 ESC*b#V r, r, r, r, r... → Plane 1 2nd raster ESC*b#V g, g, g, g, g... → Plane 2 ** The Italic characters shown above are the i ndex No.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 8 ♣ Bi ts/index • Specifies the palette si ze at 2 n . n i ndicates bi ts/index. ( n =4 2 4 =16 palet tes) • When the encoding mode is 0 or 1, the palette size selected by t he bits/index value specifi es the range of the index No.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 9 ♣ Black reference for value #1, #2, #3 ♣ This mode specifies the black value (the highest level of density). ♣ Each value indicates a color as follows; #1: red #2: green #3: blue Range: -32767 ~ 32767 • When the encoding mode is 2 or 3, this setting is valid.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 10 3. COLOR PALETTES 3.1. Set Color #1 Command ESC*v#A (27)(42)(118)#(65) <1Bh><2Ah><76h>#<41h> Range = -32767 ~ 32767 Defau lt value = 0 • This command se ts the red value in the pale tte.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 11 3.6. Push/Pop Palette Command ESC*p#P (27)(42)(112)#(80) <1Bh><2Ah><70h>#<50h> # = 0 * Push palette = 1 Pop palette * Default value = 0 • The value of 0 pushes the current palette ont o the palet te stack.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 12 4. COLOR GRAPHICS 4.1. Start Rast er Transfe r Command ESC*r#A (27)(42)(114)#(65) <1Bh><2Ah><72h>#<41h> # = 0 * Prints the image from the left edge of the logic al page. = 1 Print s the image fr om the cur rent cur sor po sition.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 13 4.4. Set Scale Algorithm Command ESC*t#K (27)(42)(116)#(75) <1Bh><2Ah><70h>#<4Bh> # = 0 * Takes the li ghter overlying dot s when reducing. = 1 Takes the darker overlying dots when reduci ng.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 14 5. ENHANCE OUTPUT 5.1. Set Render Algorithm Command ESC*t#J (27)(42)(116)#(74) <1Bh><2Ah><70h>#<4Ah> # = 0 Scatter dither = 1 Snap to.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 15 5.3. Set Gamma Correct ion Command ESC*t#I (27)(42)(116)#(73) <1Bh><2Ah><74h>#<49h> # = 0.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 16 6. HP-GL/2 A few HP-GL/2 c omm ands are added for t he HL-2400C /Ce, HL-3400CN, HL-2600CN, HL-3450CN color laser printer, and the features of som e existing c ommands a re also expanded.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 17 • PC [pen;]: se ts the pe n to the defau lt colo r. Number of pens in palet te Pen number Color 2 (“NP 2;”) 0 White 1 Black 4 (“NP 4;”) 0 White 1 B.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 3 "PCL 5C" - 18 7. INDEX A algorithm ................ ............ ............ ............ .............. ....... 13 B B/W mode ............ ........ .......... .......... .......... .......... ........ ..... 4 black value .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP-G L/2 - 2 C ONTENTS 1. COMMAND LIS T ............... ................ ............. ................ ................ ............ ................ .......... 4 2. INTRODUCT ION ........................ ................ .........
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP-G L/2 - 3 7.6. Character Plot Instructions .................................................................................................... .3 8 7.6. 1. Introduction ..................... .................. ..................
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP-G L/2 - 4 1. COMMAND LIST DF Default set instruction 12 IN Initialize set instr uction 13 IP Input scaling point 14 IR Input relative s caling points 14 SC Scale 15 IW Win dow 17.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP-G L/2 - 5 DI Absolute direction 45 DR Relative direction 46 DV Define variab le text pa th 47 CP Relative c haracter movement 47 CF Character fill mode 48 SI Set absolute charact.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP-G L/2 - 6 2. INTRODUCTION Some of the HL series pri nters can be used in HP-GL/2 graphics mode to produce vect or graphics output using the comm ands of the HP-GL/2 graphics language or to print out exi sting HP-GL/2 format images.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP-G L/2 - 7 3. TERMINOLOGY 3.1. Pict ure Frame The printer fram e is the rectangul ar area of the page on which graphic output can be printe d. This is based on the logical page defined for the selected paper size. 3.2. Anchor Point The anchor point of the picture frame is the t op left hand c orner of the fram e.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP-G L/2 - 8 3.10. Absolute and R elative Plotting Drawing com mands are of two distinct t ypes: absolute com mands, in which the c oordinates specifi ed are the absolute user or gr.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP-G L/2 - 9 4. COMMAND SYNTAX An HP-GL and HP-GL/ 2 comm and can consist of up to four item s: a mnem onic, a param eter field, a separator and a term inator. 4.1. Mnem onic The two-lett er mne monic is the name of the com mand a nd should help rem ind you of i ts function.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 10 5. THE HP-GL GRAPHICS WINDOW 5.1. Units When you first ent er graphics m ode, the prevaili ng coordinate sy stem ha s its origin in the bottom left hand corner of the graphics window and has x- and y-uni ts of 1/1016".
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 11 6. PREPARING TO PRINT GRAPHIC IMAGES 6.1. Setting Up the Graphics Window Before enteri ng HP-GL/2 m ode you will probably want t o set the di mensions a nd position of the PCL picture frame and hence the graphics window.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 12 7. COMMANDS 7.1. Initialize Commands DF - Default set inst ruction DF[;] • Returns the graphics mode to defaul t conditions.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 13 IN - Initialize set instruction IN[;] • Retu rns the graph ics mode to in itial con dition s; Function Equivalent Instruction Condit ion Plot m ode PA; Absolute plot.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 14 7.2. Plot Area and Unit Setting Instructions Instruction Func tion IP Scaling point IR Input relative scal ing points SC Scale IW Input window RO Rotate c oordinate sy.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 15 SC - Scal e <HP-GL/2> SC [ X min , X max , Y min , Y max [, type ]] [;] (Type = 0) SC [ X min , X max , Y min , Y max , type [ left, bottom]] [;] ( Type =1) SC [.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 16 • W ith ty pe 1 scaling you can specify the percentage of unuse d space that is to lie below, or to the left of, the isotropic are a. • left specifies the percentage of unused space you want to l ie to the l eft of t he isotropic a rea and can be from 0 to 100.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 17 IW - Window IW [ X 1 , Y 1 , X 2 , Y 2 ] [;] X 1 -Window lower left X coordi nate Y 1 -W indow lower left Y coordinate X 2 -Window upper right X coordinate Y 2 -Window upper right Y coordinate • This instruction sets the window inside which drawing ca n be performed (the soft clip lim its).
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 18 7.3. Pen Control and Plot Instructions Instruction Func tion PU Pen Up PD Pen Down PA Plot Absolute PR Relati ve Coordinat e Pen Move AA Absolute Arc Plot AR Relativ e.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 19 PA - Plot abso lute PA [ X, Y [,...]] [;] X ; X coordinate of the cursor movem ent destination Y ; Y coordinate of the cursor movem ent destination • Coordinates are absolute values in user or current units.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 20 AA - Draw absolute ar c AA [ X, Y, qc [, qd ]] [;] X ; Arc centre X coordinat e Y ; Arc centre Y coordinate qc ; Arc a ngle in degree s qd ; Chord angle in degrees • Coordinates are absolute coordi nates in current uni ts.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 21 AR - Draw relativ e arc AR X, Y, qc (, qd )[;] X ; Arc centre X coordinat e Y ; Arc centre Y coordinate qc ; Arc angl e in degrees qd ; Chord angle in degrees • Coordinates are relative values in current units.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 22 RT - Relativ e arc three point RT X 1 , Y 1 , X 2 , Y 2 [,qd] [;] X 1 ; x-coordinate of interm ediate point Y 2 ; y-coordinate of interm ediate point X 2 ; x-coordinat.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 23 • The followi ng flags are used : ':' - Select pen. The number whi ch follows is the required pen num ber. A PE c ommand that does not include a sele ct pen com mand uses t he currently sel ected pen. '<' - Pen up.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 24 • To avoid placing an unwanted dot at the centre of the circle precede the CI comm and with a PU com mand. 10 '-- Circle -- 20 WIDTH "LPT1:",255 30 LP.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 25 7.4. The polygon group Instruction Func tion PM Polygon Mode EA Edge Absolute Rectangle ER Edge Relative Rectangle EP Edge Polygon EW Edge W edge RA Fill Abso lute Rec.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 26 10 '-Edge Rectangle Absolute- 20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255 30 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E"; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0B"; 50 LPRINT "IN;SP1;".
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 27 • r specifies the radius of the circle. A positive value for r places the 0° reference poi nt onto the positive x- axis and a nega tive value for r places the 0° reference point onto the negat ive x-axis. • The value for q1 is a clampe d real number.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 28 90 LPRINT "FT4,100,45;RA4250,4750;" 100 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0A"; 110 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E"; 120 END <Sample 34> RR - Fill rectangle r.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 29 10 ' - Fill Wedge - 20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255 30 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E"; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0B"; 50 LPRINT "IN;SP2;FT3,100;" .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 30 7.5. Plot Function Instructions Instruction Func tion AC Anchor Corner FT Fill Type LA Line Attribute LT Line Type PW Pen Width RF Raste r Fill D efinition SM Sym bol .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 31 FT - Fill type FT n (, d (, q ))[;] n ; Fill ty pe d ; option 1 q ; opti on 2 • Sets the fill type, interval and a ngle wh en fillin g an area.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 32 LA - Line attribute LA [ l , v [ , l , v [ , l , v ]]] [;] l ; line a ttribut e v : value • This command specifies the shape of li ne joins and line ends. • The se setting s are effec tive for th e line width s thicke r than 0.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 33 LT - Line type selection LT [, n [, p [, m ]]] [;] n ; Line pa ttern number p ; Line pattern le ngth (p ercenta ge or millimeters of distance be tween P1 a nd P2) m : mode • This command spe cifies the l ine pattern for use when drawing line s with the vector group com mands.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 34 PW - Pen w idth PW [ w , [, p ]] [;] w ; width p ; pen • This command spe cifies the wi dth of the pe n. • Pen width can either be specified as a fixed widt h in milli meters ( the default ) or relative t o the distance between the sca ling points P1 and P2.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 35 10 '--Raster Fill Definition== 20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255 30 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E"; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0B"; 50 LPRINT "IN;SP1;&quo.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 36 • W ith screen type 21 option 1 specifies one of six predefine d PCL cross-hatch patterns (patt erns 1 - 6). option 2 is ignore d. • W ith screen type 22 , option 1 specifies the ID number of PCL user-defined pa ttern which i s defined by the ESC*c#W comm and.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 37 170 'Source 2 180 LPRINT "FT1 0,50;PA40 00,5000;RR50 0,500;PA4 500,5500;RR 500,500;" 190 LPRINT "FT1 0,1;PA450 0,5000;RR500 ,500;PA40 00,5500;RR5 0.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 38 • The command sets all pen widt hs to a default of 0.35mm . Hence it should be used before the PW comm and. • Using the comm and with no para mete r defaults t he type t o 0 (met ric) and all pen widths t o 0.35mm .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 39 7.6.1. Introduction The character group comm ands enable y ou to print text to accom pany your HP-GL/2 generated graphi cs without leavi ng graphics mode.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 40 • attribute = 1 : Sym bol set Valu e Name ISO number Valu e Name ISO number 1 Math - 7 - 2 Line Draw - 7 - 3 HP Large Characters - 4 Norwegian v1 60 5 Roman Exte nsi.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 41 • attribute = 2 : Spacing Value Me aning 0 Monospacing 1 Proportional spacing • attr ibute = 3 : Pitch Specify pitch in chara cters per inch (cpi). The pitch value you specify can be in the range 0 to 32767.9999. Pitch only applies to m onospaced fonts.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 42 AD - Define alternate font AD [ attribute , value ] [..] [;] attribute : a font att ribute to be de fined value : the va lue of the a ttribut e • This comm and allows you t o define the alterna te font and it s attribute.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 43 FI - Select primary font FI font-ID [;] font-ID ; the identit y number of any acc essible font. • This command a llows you to sel ect any ac cessible font, which has pre viously been given an identit y number in LaserJet mode, as the pri mary (standard) f ont .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 44 DT - Defi ne label terminat or DT [ c [, m ]] [;] c : Charact er m : mode • This c ommand allows you to specify th e charact er that terminat es strings p rinted wi th the LB instr uction. • The character imme diately foll owing DT is taken to be the termi nator.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 45 • W hen you use a n LO instructi on the carri age return point i s set to be the new la bel origin. To send t he pen back to a labe l's origin when you have fini shed printing it, include a c arriage return betwee n the last chara cter of th e label an d the ter minating ch aracter .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 46 90 LPRINT "DT";" 100 LPRINT "DT0,2;LB_*_1988#"; "DI2,2;LB_*_1989#"; 110 LPRINT "DT2,0;LB_*_1990#"; "DI2,-2;LB_*_1991#.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 47 DV - Define v ariable text path DV [ path [, line ]] [;] path : te xt printing pat h - horizontal or vertical, and l eft to right, right to l eft, upwards or downwards. line : the ef fect of a lin e feed. • This command de termine s the printi ng direction for l abels and the carriage ret urn point.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 48 CF - Character fill mode CF [ fill [, pen ]] [;] fill : the fill pat tern use d to fill char acters pen : the pen used to edge charac ters • This com mand dete rmines how characters are edged and fille d.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 49 10 ' -Absolute Character Size- 20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255 30 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E"; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0B"; 50 LPRINT "IN;SP1;"; 60 LPRINT "PA700,3000;DT#;LBPrinter#" 70 LPRINT "PA700,2000;SI0.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 50 10 ' -Character Slant- 20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255 30 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E"; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27; "%0B"; 50 LPRINT "IN;SP1;"; 60 LPRINT "SD1,21,2,1,4,25,5,0,6,0,7,5;SI0.7,1;" 70 LPRINT "PA1000,1000;DT#,1;SL0.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 51 • mode is set to either 0 or 1. If mode is se t to 0, control codes perform their norm al functions and are not printed. If mode =1, a ll cha racter s ar e pr inted, if p o ssible. No control characters perform any function except the label term inator.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 52 8. INDEX A Absolute a rc three point .............. ........ .......... .......... ........ 21 absolute comm ands .................. ........ ............ .......... ........ ... 8 Absolute di recti on . ......... ....
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 53 Select prima ry font ............ ........ .......... ........ .......... .......... 43 Select secondary font .... ............ .............................. ........ 43 Select st andard font ............ .......... .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 4 HP- GL/2 - 54.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 2 C ONTENTS 1. INTRODUCT ION ........................ ................ ............. ................ ................ ............. ................ 4 1.1. About PJL ...........................................................
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 3 6.2. Variables ............................................................................................................................. ...... 18 6.2.1. Variables f or HL-1050/10 70/1250/ 1270N/145 0/1470N/ P2500/1 650/1670N/ 3260N/24 60/ 7050/1 850/18 70N/50 40/5050/ 5070N .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 4 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. About PJL Printer Job Language(PJL) provides job status control by sendi ng the printer status inform ation to the applicati on. PJL can be a valuable t ool for the singl e-user environm ent, but is a much m ore useful tool for the networking / sharing environm ent.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 5 1.2. In Case of Using PJL with a Non-P JL Printe r Our recent pri nter model s support PJL, howeve r, earlier models do not .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 6 1.3. PJL Syntax and Format Syntax <For Example> @PJL ENTER LANGUAGE = emulation [<CR>]<LF> @PJL PJL Prefix ENTER Comm and name LANGUAGE Option name @PJL ENTER LANGUAGE Enter this portion verbatim [ ] The words in brackets [ .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 7 1.4. Variabl es PJL can use alphanumeri c variables, nume ric variabless and strings. 1.4.1. Alphanumeric variables The first chara cter m ust alway s be a charact er in the allowable range of letters and di gits. Lette rs consists of the uppercase charact ers (ASCII 65-90) and lowerc ase characters (A SCII 97-122).
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 8 2. HOW TO USE PJL 2.1. Overview PJL resides "above" print er languages such as Postscript and PC L. Each job can be distinguished from the other jobs by P JL, and it c an switch between PJL c omma nds and printer l anguage com mands for eac h job.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 9 3. COMMAND GROUP Command Group Command Command Description Kernel Com mands UEL Exits current printer l anguage and returns control to PJL. EXECUTE O rders th e printe r to execu te the specifie d operation. SUPERUSER Moves to the SUPERUSER mode.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 10 4. KERNEL COMMANDS 4.1. Introduction This section explains t hree PJL com mand, UE L , ENTER and COMMENT . These comm ands provide the minim um set of tools to operate job control. UEL comm and (Universal Exit Com mand) ENTER comm and COMMENT command 4.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 11 Example <ESC>%-12345X@PJL<CR><LF> @PJL EXECUTE DEMOPAGE <CR><LF> <ESC>%-12345X 4.4. ENTER Comm and The ENTER command specifie s which em ulation the printer uses to print data.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 12 Example <ESC>%-12345X@PJL<CR><LF> @PJL COMMENT -----------------------------<CR><L F> @PJL COMMENT -- PCL & PS JOB --<CR><L F>.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 13 5. JOB SEPARATION COMMANDS 5.1. Introduction This section explains two P JL comm and, JOB and EOJ . These comm ands are used to determine the boundaries of a job. When these commands are used with status rea dback, the printer also can send status informat ion at the beginning and e nd of each job.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 14 Example <ESC>%-12345X@PJL<CR><LF> @PJL JOB NAME = "KKK data from spooler" <CR><LF> <ESC>%-12345X@PJL<CR><LF> @PJL .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 15 6. ENVIRONMENT COMMANDS 6.1. Introduction Our recent printe rs have many feat ures which you are able t o set using printer com mands, through the print er control panel or by using the remote print er console program.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 16 The diag ram below illustr ates how the en viron ments inte ract and how th e modif ied prin t env ironment is affect ed. FACTORY DEFAULT ENVIRONMENT USER DEFAULT ENVIRONME.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 17 6. Always use the PJL RESET command af ter a job is comple ted if the SET command is used in the PJL job. 6.1.4. PJL environment variables This section l ists the PJL environm ent variabl es. There are two ki nds of PJL environm ent variabl es, General PJL environm ent variabl es and Printer language -specific variables.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 18 6.2. Variabl es 6.2.1. Variables for HL-1050/ 1070/1250/1 270 N/1450/1470N /P2500/165 0/1670N/3260N/24 60/ 7050/1850/18 70N/5040/50 50/5070N 1. Gene ral PJL Env ironmen t Vari ables The PJL environment variables which are not printer la nguage-specific are listed in the following table.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 19 Variables Description Sam ple Value Range AUTOSLEEP Sets the automatic sleep mode ON or OFF. ON or OFF TIMEOUTSLEEP Sets the time out value for automatic sleep mode.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 20 Variables Description Sam ple Value Range PASSW ORD Password for pan el lock to w rite to the NVRAM wit h the DEFAULT/INITIALIZE comm and.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 21 Variables Description Sam ple Value Range INTRAY1SIZE Selects the paper size in Tray 1. Selects the paper size in M P Tray (HL- 7050).
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 22 Variables Description Sam ple Value Range INTRAY4SIZE Selects the paper size in Tray 4. Selects the paper si ze in Tray3 (HL- 7050).
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 23 Variables Description Sam ple Value Range TRAY1SIZE A3, JISB4, LEDG ER, A4, A4S, A5, B5, B5S, LEGAL, LETTER, LTRS, EXECUTIVE, EXECUTIVES (HL-3260N) ANY, LETTER, LEGAL, A4, .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 24 Variables Description Sam ple Value Range OEMFONT Enables EC font ON or OFF (HL-1650/1670N/ 2460/7050/1850/1870N/5040/ 5050/5070N) COMPABITMAP ON or OFF (HL-1650/1670N/ 246.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 25 Variables Description Sam ple Value Range TRAYPRIORITY MPT1T2T3T4, MPT4T3T2T1, T1T2T3T4 MP, T4T3T2T1MP (HL-2460/7050) MPT1T2, T1T2MP (HL-1850/ 1870N/5040/5050/5070N) FFSUPPRESS ON or OFF (HL-1650/1670N/ 3260N/2460/7050/1850/1870N/ 5040/5050/5070N) LCDDENSITY Sets the LCD angle value.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 26 Variables Description Sam ple Value Range ZONESET ON or OFF (HL-2460/7050) TIMEZONE -24 to 24 (HL -2460/7050) OUTBIN ALLSTACKER, ALLSORTER, UPPER, OPTIONALOUTPUTBIN1, OPTIO.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 27 Variables Descri ption Sample Value Range PAPER Sets the paper size. LETTER, A4, LEGAL, EXECUTIVE, COM10, MONARCH, C5, DL, JISB 5, A4LONG (All models) B5, A5, A6, B6 (HL-16.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 28 Variables Descri ption Sample Value Range SYMSET Sets the symbol set. ROMAN8, ISOL1, ISOL2, ISOL5, PC8, PC8DN, PC850, PC852, PC8TK, WINL1, WINL2, WINL5, DESKTOP, PSTEXT, VN.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 29 Variables Description Sample Value R ange LEFTMARIN Sets the left m argin 0 to 126 (HL-1050/1070/1250/ 1270N/1450/1470N/P2500/3260N/ 2460/7050) 0 to 145 (HL-1650/1670N/1850.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 30 Variables Description Sampl e Value R ange PAPER Sets the paper size. LETTER, A4, LEGAL, B5, EXECUTIVE, COM10, MONARCH, C 5, DL, JISB5, A4LONG (All m odels) A5, A6, B6 (HL-.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 31 5. PostScript-Specific Variables The following values are PostScript ( BR-Script ) specific and can be set and request ed using PJL. The BR- Script m ode is standard in som e model s but may be availa ble only w hen the optional BR-Script 2 ROM board is installed into th e prin ter.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 33 6.2.2. Variables for HL-166 0e/2060/24 00C/2400Ce /3400CN/2600 CN/3450CN 1. Gene ral PJL Env ironmen t Vari ables The PJL environment variables which are not printer la nguage-specific are listed in the following table. When using these valuables, do not use the LPARM comm and.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 34 Variables Descri ption Sample Va lue Range DUPLEX Duplex mode ON, OFF BINDING Returns the setting of bi nding edge selection for duple x printing. LONGEDGE, SHORTEDGE FIRSTPRIN T First p rint mo de. This makes the first print spe ed faster by st arting the polygon mirror m o tor at Power On.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 35 Variables Descri ption Sample Va lue Range TIMESETMIN * Clock: minut e setting 0 to 59 TIMESETSEC * Clock: second setting 0 to 59 TIMESTYLE * Sets the display sty le of the clock.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 36 6.3. Default Command The DEFAULT c ommand c hanges the U ser-Default e nvironment which is store d in NV-RAM and it is activate d following a PJL reset condi tion. The curr ent print environment is not affecte d by the DE FAULT comma nd, but when a PJL reset condit ion happens, thi s comm and takes effect .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 37 6.5. Reset Command The PJL RESE T command re sets the PJ L Curre nt Enviro nment var iables to the Use r Defau lt value s. Use this comm and at the end of any PJL jobs in which the PJL SET comm and was used.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 38 Examples: <ESC>%-12345X@PJL <CR><LF> @PJL COMMENT Setting PCL job <CR><LF> @PJL COMMENT to desired state <CR><LF> @PJL SET RET = D.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 39 7. STATUS READBACK COMMANDS 7.1. Introduction Applications ca n request, by sendi ng a PJL com mand to the printer, inform ation such as the configura tion and status of the printer.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 40 7.2. Inquire Command The INQUIRE comm and is used in order to get t he informat ion of the current value of a specifie d variable in the PJL DEF AULT setting . (PJL enviro nment). It is po ssible to get the information for var iables the value of which P JL cannot change (Read-only).
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 41 Example 2 : This exampl e requests the PCL-spec ific settings. <ESC>%-12345X@PJL <CR><LF> @PJL COMMENT ***Inquiring PCL settings*** <CR><LF> @.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 42 Examples Example 1 : This exampl e requests t he current print environment setti ngs for RET, PAPER, and ORIENTATION : <ESC>%-12345X@PJL <CR><LF> @PJL COM.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 43 Response Syntax @PJL ECHO [< words >] <CR><LF> <FF> • < words > The beginning of this param eter must be a printable charact er. Then this paramete r consists of characters from ASCII 33 to 255, space characte rs and horizontal tab characters.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 44 Parameters Category Inform ation requesti ng ID The pri nter mode l number. For exam ple the HL-1660e will return 'Brother HL-1660e' .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 45 7.5.2. CONFIG ca tegory The applicati on can use @PJL INFO CONFIG com mand to have t he printer return a li st of printer configuration inform ation.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 46 Example The applicati on sends the following c ommand to the printer : <ESC>%-12345X@PJL<CR><LF> @PJL INFO CONFIG<CR><LF> <ESC>%-12345X .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 47 7.5.4. STATUS cat egory The applicati on can use the @PJL INFO STATUS comm and to check the printer on-line/off-line stat us, the current messa ge on the LCD and a status code. The ONLINE=TRUE indicates the printer i s online, whi le the ONLINE=FALSE shows it i s off-line.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 50 Parameters Variable Value Description DEVICE ON Makes unsoli cited device stat us valid for any status change VERBOSE Makes unsolicit ed device status vali d for any of PJL.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 51 The printer status to be sent to the host com puter are ; • Device status changes - print er cover open, pape r jams, pa per out, etc • Job status changes - complet ion.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 52 35000 - 25999 Errors which may ca use incorrect print i ng results, such as loss of som e print data on a page. The operator's i nterventi on may be required. 40000 - 40999 Errors such as paper empty, cover open or paper jams whi ch suspend printing until the operat or takes the corresponding corrective action.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 53 @PJL USTATUS JOB<CR><LF> END<CR><LF> NAME = "JOB 88554"<CR><LF> PAGES=5<CR><LF> <FF> 7.6.3. PAGE variable The @PJL USTATUS PAGE = ON com mand allows the pri nter to send t he inform ation about t he print complet ion of a part icular page.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 54 7.7. USTATUSOFF Command The @PJL USTATUSOFF comm and makes all unsoli cited stat us reporting inacti ve. Syntax @PJL USTATUSOFF [<CR>]<LF> Parameters There are no para meters for t his comm and.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 55 8. DEVICE ATTENDANCE COMMANDS 8.1. Introduction You can change displ ay message s on the print er control panel by using PJL. The Operator ca n be alerted by this feature to what spe cific acti ons should be taken. Thi s chapter shows you three device att endance comma nds.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 56 The following is an exam ple of how to restore the display to the normal ready m essage. <ESC>%-12345X@PJL <CR><LF> @PJL COMMENT Normal READY message <.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 57 Parameters Parame ter Functiona l Range Default DISPLAY = " message " ASCII 33 and ASCII 35 through 255, < SP >, < HT > N/A key ONLINE, RESET N/A DISP.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 5 PJL - 58 9. INDEX C COMMENT command ... .......... .......... ........ .......... .......... . 11 conditions .............. .......... .......... ........ .......... .......... .......... .. 8 context switching ........... .........
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 1 CHAPTER 6 EPSON FX-850.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 2 C ONTENTS 1. COMMAND LIS T............... ............. ................ ................ ............ ................ ................ ........... 3 2. INTRODUCT ION .. ................ ............. ................ ...
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 3 1. COMMAND LIST NUL Null 9 BEL Bell 9 SP Space 9 BS Backspace 9 CR Carriage return 9 LF Line Feed 9 FF Form Feed 9 Esc SP n Set inter-ch aracter space 1 0 Esc a n Select j.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 4 Esc H Cancel double-strike mode 18 Esc W n Select / Cancel dou ble-width prin ting 1 8 SO Select single-line doub le-width printing (I) 18 Esc SO Select single-line do ubl.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 5 2. INTRODUCTION In this mode you can control t he HL-Series printers that support this emula tion directly by i ncorporating control codes and escape sequences int o your program.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 6 3. EMULATION DETAILS The following poi nts should be borne i n mind whe n using the printe r in Epson FX-850 m ode. 3.1. Ignored Commands The following com mands are ignor.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 7 4. TERMINOLOGY 4.1. Syntax The following conventions a re used in this description of the Epson FX-850 mode software comm ands: A single let ter, two or three-lett er control code m nemonic, or num ber in upright bold text is a literal character and shoul d be sent to t he printer as the character code.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 8 5. CONTROLLING THE PRINTER Comm ands are invoked using either control codes or escape sequences. You can send them to the printer as part of a program using the sam e command that you woul d use to print a st ring on the printer.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 9 6. COMMANDS 6.1. Basic printer operations The most c ommon print er operations are described in thi s section. Som e are invoke d using control codes alone - the re st require e scape sequences.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 10 Set inter- character spac e EscSPn (27)(32)n <1Bh><20h>n • This command all ows you to set the space between succ essive characters. • n is the space between characters in multiples of 1/120". • n must be in the range 0 to 127.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 11 Set data MSB to 0 Esc= (27)(61) <1Bh><3Dh> • This command e nables you t o set the m ost signi ficant bit of incom ing data byt es to 0. • This command doe s not affect data com prising a graphic s ima ge or data that de fines a downloada ble character.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 12 Reset printer / cha nge emulation mode EscCR<mode> (27)(13)mode <1Bh><0Dh>mode • This command e nables you to swi tch emul ation m ode or to reset the printer. • Change emulation mode by setting mode to the appr opria te letter o r pai r of le tters.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 13 6.2. Page set up Set page length EscC n (27)(67)n <1Bh>< 43h>n This comm and sets the page length in lines. or EscCNULn (27)(67)(00)n <1Bh><43h><00h>n • This comm and sets the page l ength in inc hes.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 14 6.3. Line Spacing Select 1 /6" line spacing Esc2 (27)(50) <1Bh><32h> • This c ommand sets the line spacing to 1/6". All su bseque nt line fee d operati ons will move the prin t position 1/6" down the page.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 15 Perform n/216" reverse line feed Escjn (27)(106)n <1Bh><6Ah>n This comm and performs a single reverse line feed, m oving the pri nt position up t he page by n /216". • This command doe s not perform a carriage return.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 16 Set vertical channel tab stops Escbnm1m2m3...NUL (27)(98)nm1m2m3...(00) <1Bh><62h>nm1m2m3...<00h> • You can set up to eight different sets of verti cal tab stops and select any of these sets for use at any time.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 17 Set pitch to 12 ch aracters per in ch EscM (27)(77) <1Bh><4Dh> This comm and sets the printing pi tch to 12 charac ters per inch (cpi).
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 18 Cancel double-st rike mode EscH (27)(72) <1Bh><48h> This comm and turns double-strike m ode off. Subsequent t ext is print ed with a m edium stroke widt h.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 19 Cancel ital ic mode Esc5 (27)(53) <1Bh><35h> This comm and cancels the ital ic printi ng mode. Subseque nt text i s printed upright.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 20 Select printing mode Esc!n (27)(33)n <1Bh>< 21h>n • This command a llows you to sel ect a com bination of printing modes with just one com mand. • The various modes are weighted as shown. Add the numbers that correspond to each m ode you require and set n to the total.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 21 Select inte rnational ch aracter set EscRn (27)(82)n <1Bh>< 52h>n • This c ommand selects one of the avail able intern ational ch aracter se ts, refer to the print er User Gu ide for supported character sets.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 22 • Proportionally spaced charact ers are subject to the same height const raints (that is, eight dots high and either ascending or descending). The width of proport ionally spaced charact ers is specified by the valu e in n3.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 23 6.7. Graphics Select image mode Esc*mn1n2<image data> (27)(42)mn1n2.. .. <1Bh><2Ah>mn1n2.... • This command e nables you to define and print a si ngle line rast er bit im age on a si ngle text line at a selected horizonta l resolut ion.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 24 Print 9 bit i mage Esc^an1n2 (27)(92)an1n2 <1Bh><5Eh>an1n2 • This command e nables you to define and print a single line rast er bit im age on a single text line. • n 1 and n 2 define the num ber of verti cal 9-dot c olumns that c omprise the image.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 25 Print single-density image EscKn 1 n 2 <image data> (27)(75)n1n2.... <1Bh><4Bh>n1n2.... • This command e nables you to define and print a single line rast er bit im age on a single text line. • n 1 and n 2 define the num ber of byte s that compri se the im age.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 26 Print double-speed doubl e-density image EscYn 1 n 2 <image data> (27)(89)n1n2.... <1Bh>< 59h>n1n2.... • This command e nables you to define and print a single line rast er bit im age on a single text line.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 27 7. INDEX 9 9 bit im age .................. .......... ............ ........ .......... .......... ... 24 A absolute print position ..... .......... ..................... .......... ....... 10 B Backspace ....... ........ .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 6 EPSON - 28.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 2 C ONTENTS 1. COMMAND LIS T............... ............. ................ ................ ............ ................ ................ ........... 3 2. INTRODUCT ION .. ................ ............. ..........
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 3 1. COMMAND LIST NUL Null 8 BEL Bell 8 ESC Escape 8 SP Space 8 BS Backspace 8 LF Line Feed 8 FF Form Feed 8 CR Carriage return 8 Esc5n Automatic line feed 9 DC1 E.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 4 EscKn1n2<image data> 18 Set single-density image mode EscLn1n2<image data> 18 Set double-density ima ge mode EscYn1n2<image data> 19 Set double.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 5 2. INTRODUCTION Some of the se HL Series printers offer a com p lete em ulation of the IBM Propri nter. In Proprinter XL mode you can drive the printer dire ctly.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 6 3. EMULATION DETAILS The following poi nts should be borne i n mind whe n runn ing the HL Series printe rs in IBM Proprint er XL mode. 3.1. Ignored Commands A few IBM P roprinter XL com mands have reduced effect, or no effect a t all.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 7 4. NOTATION USED IN THIS EMULATION DESCRIPTION 4.1. Syntax The following conventions a re used in this description of the Proprinter XL software comm ands. A letter, word or number in upri ght bold text is the lite ral character wh ich and should be sent to the printer as a character code.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 8 5. COMMANDS 5.1. Basic Printer Operat ion The most comm on printer operations are described i n this section. Most are invoked usi ng control codes. For the sake of completeness the i nstructions which HL Seri es printers ignore are included.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 9 Automatic l ine feed Esc5n (27)(53)n <1Bh>< 35h>n • W hen au tomatic line feed is ON, a line fee d is auto matically p erfor med ever y time a car riage r eturn is sent to the p rinter. • To tu rn the auto matic line fee d func tion ON , set n to 1.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 10 Paper input control EscEMn (27)(25)n <1Bh><19h>n n Value HL-1660e/2060/2400C/2400Ce/3400CN/3260N/2460/ 7050/2600CN/3450CN n = 0 Initialize the feeder m ode. n = 1 Feed from the M P tray. n = 2 Feed from Tray 1.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 11 5.2. Page Format Set page length EscCn (27)(67)n <1Bh>< 43h>n This comm and sets the page length in lines. or EscCNULn (27)(67)(0)n <1Bh>< 43h><00h>n • This comm and sets the page l ength in inc hes.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 12 Line spacing and tabs Set 1/8" line s pacing Esc0 (27)(48) <1Bh><30h> This comm and sets the line spacing to 1/ 8". All subsequent line feed operations will m ove the print position 1/8" down the page.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 13 Set horizontal tabs EscD<n1><n2><n3>...NUL (27)(68)n1n2n3...(00) <1Bh><44h>n1n2n3...<00h> • This comm and enables you t o set up to 28 horiz ontal t ab stops using the current character pi tch.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 14 5.3. Usi ng Characters Select c haracter set I Esc7 (27)(55) <1Bh><37h> This comm and selects IBM Charact er set I for use i n subsequent printing ope rations.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 15 Set enlarged character mode for a single line SO (14) <0Eh> • This command turns enl arged character m ode on for one line only. The subsequent li ne of text is printed using doubl e-width charact ers and with the line space setting doubled.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 16 Underline mode Esc-n (27)(126)n <1Bh><7Eh>n • This command turns charact er underlining on or off. • If n is set t o 1 subsequent t ext is unde rlined. • Horizontal tab spaces are not underline d irrespective of whether underlini ng mode is on or off.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 17 Select a cha racter fr om the All C haracter C ode table Esc^<char-code> (27)(94)<Char-code> <1Bh><5Eh><Char-code> • This co mmand enable s you to pr int a singl e characte r fro m the All Charac ter Code ta ble.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 18 • If bits 1 and 2 of n 4 are 01 the least significa nt bit of e ach data byt e is repli cated in rows 9 t o 12 of the grid. • If bits 1 and 2 of n 4 are 10 the bits 1 t o 4 of each da ta byte are replicat ed in rows 9 to 12 of the grid.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 19 • Images are printed at an approxim ate horizonta l resoluti on of 120 dots per inch and at an approxim ate vertical re solution of 72 dots pe r inch. • Each byte represents a vertical column of eight dots, the most signi ficant bit repre senting the dot at the top.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 20 Set quadruple-density image mode EscZn 1 n 2 <image data> (27)(90)n1n2<image data> <1Bh><5Ah>n1n2<ima ge data> • This comm and enables you t o define and print a single li ne raster bit image on a single te xt line.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 21 6. INDEX A Automa tic l ine feed .......... ........ .......... ............ .......... ........ . 9 B Backspace ....... ........ .......... ........ .......... .......... ........ .......... ... 8 C cancel ....
10/10/03 CHAPTER 7 IBM PR OPRINTER - 22.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 8 BAR CODE CONTROL - 2 C ONTENTS 1. INTR ODUCTION ............... ................ ............. ................ ................ ............ ................ ........ ...... 3 2. PRINT BAR CO DES OR E XPANDE D CHAR ACTERS .........
10/10/03 CHAPTER 8 BAR CODE CONTROL - 3 1. INTRODUCTION Some of the HL series pri nters can print bar codes in the HP LaserJet, EPSON FX-850, and IBM Proprinte r XL emulat ion modes, refer to the printe r User guide for informat ion.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 8 BAR CODE CONTROL - 4 2. PRINT BAR CODES OR EXPANDED CHARACTERS ESC i n ... n (27)(1 05)n ... n (92) <1Bh><69h>n ... n <5Ch> Creates bar codes or expa nded characters according to the param eters “n ... n”. For further inform ation about the par ameters, see the follow ing “D efinitio n of P arameters .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 8 BAR CODE CONTROL - 5 3. DEFINITION OF PARAMETERS This bar code com mand can have the fol lowing param eters in the parameter segment (n ... n). Parameters are effective only within the si ngle comm and sequence using the synt ax ESC i n .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 8 BAR CODE CONTROL - 6 y Line Bloc k Drawing & Box Drawing Shading “S” 1 = Black 2 = Verti cal stripes 3 = Horizontal stripes 4 = Cross hatch 3.3. Bar Code Scalin g (Width only ) n = “mnnn” or “Mnnn” (nnn = 0 ~ 32767) This parameter spec ifies the bar code width scali ng.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 8 BAR CODE CONTROL - 7 3.7. Bar Code, Expanded Charac ter, Line, Block Drawing & Box Drawing Offset in the X-axi s n = “xnnn” or “Xnnn” This parameter specifies the offset fr om the curren t print p osition in th e “u”- o r “U”-spe cified units .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 8 BAR CODE CONTROL - 8 3.12. Bar Code Data Start n = “b” or “B” • Data that follows “b” or “B” is read in as bar code data.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 8 BAR CODE CONTROL - 9 • When Code 128 Set A, Set B, or Set C is selected with the param eter “t12” or “12,” “t13” or “T13,” or “t14” or “T14” respectively: Code sets A, B and C are individually selectabl e. Set A encodes characters in the range Hex 00 to 5F.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 8 BAR CODE CONTROL - 10 4. EXAMPLE PROGRAM LISTINGS 10 ' Barcode 20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255 30 ' CODE 39 40 LPRINT CHR$(27); "it0r1s0x00y 00b123456"; 50 &apos.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-G L - 2 C ONTENTS 1. COMMAND LIS T ............... ................ ............. ................ ................ ............ ................ .......... 3 2. INTRODUCT ION ........................ ................ ...........
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-G L - 3 1. COMMAND LIST DF Default set instruction 6 IN Initialize set instruction 6 IP Input scaling point 7 SC Scale 7 IW Input window 8 RO Rotate coordinate system 8 PG Page f.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-G L - 4 2. INTRODUCTION The HP-GL graphics mode em ulates 40 out of 56 instructi ons for the HP 7475A plotter made by Hewlett- Packard.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-G L - 5 2.3.2. Printing area a b d c a b c d (mm) A4 4 5 5 5 A3 4 5 5 5 (HL- 3400CN/3260N/3450CN) Letter 6 5 5 5 Legal 6 5 5 5.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-G L - 6 3. COMMANDS 3.1. Initialization and D efault Setting In structions DF - Default set inst ruction DF[;] • Returns the graphics mode to the default condi tions.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-G L - 7 Function Equivalen t Instruction Condit ion Fill type FT; Bi-d irection al fill, type 1 Fill dista nce FT; 1% of distance from P1 to P2 Fill slant FT; 0 degrees Pen thickness PT; Set at 0.3 mm Pen conditi on PU; Pen up Rotation RO; Set at 0 degrees Scaling points IP; Initia lized acc ording to paper size 3.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-G L - 8 IW - Input window IW [ X 1 , Y 1 , X 2 , Y 2 ] [;] X1-Window lower left X coordinate Y1-W indow lower left Y coordinate X2-Window upper right X coordinate Y2-Window upper right Y coordinate • This instruction sets the window inside whi ch plotti ng can be perform ed.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-G L - 9 PU - Pen up PU [ X,Y [,...]] [;] X ; X coordinate of the cursor movem ent destination Y ; Y coordinate of the cursor movem ent destination • X and Y are either relati ve or absolute, depending on whether a PA or a PR was the la st plot comm and executed.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 1 0 Current position (X1, Y1) (X2,Y2) (X3, Y3) (Xn, Y n 10 '*** PAEX1 *** 20 LPRINT "IN;SP1;" 30 LPRINT "PA2000,6000;PD0,6000,2000,7500,2000,6000;PU 2500.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 1 1 AA - Draw absolute ar c AA [ X, Y, qc [, qd ]] [;] X ; Arc centre X coordinat e Y ; Arc centre Y coordinat e qc ; Arc angle i n degrees qd ; Chord angle in degrees • X and Y coordinates are absolute coordinates in use r units or graphic s units.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 1 2 • Plotting is performed only when the pen is down. • W hen the pen is up, plotting i s not perform ed but the cursor posi tion moves to the plot end point. • W hen scaling has been performed, the cursor is m oved by relative coordina tes in user units.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 1 3 10 '*** CIEX1 *** 20 LPRINT "IN;SP1;IP2650,1325,7650,6325;" 30 LPRINT "SC-100,100,-100,100;" 40 LPRINT "PA-60,50;CI40,45;" 50 LPRINT &.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 1 4 • W hen there is no scaling, the coordinate val ues for X and Y are integer numbers. Current position (X, Y ) 10 '*** EAEX *** 20 LPRINT "IN;SP1;PA7000,4000;" 30 LPRINT "PT.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 1 5 EW - Edge w edge EW r,q1,qc(,qd)[;] r ; Radi us in user units or graphics units q1; Sta rt point angl e qc ; Arc angle qd ; Chord angle • Plots a wedg e centred on the cu rrent po sition with radiu s r , start point angle q1 , arc angle qc and chord angle qd .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 1 6 RA - Fill rectangle absolute RA X, Y[;] X ; X coordinate of opposite angl e for the rectangle Y ; Y coordinate of opposite angl e for the rectangle • X and Y coordinates are absolute coordinates in use r units or graphic s units.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 1 7 WG - Fill w edge WG r,q1,qc(,qd)[;] r ; Radius in user units or graphics units q1 ; Start point angle qc ; Arc angle qd ; Chord angle • Fill in a wedge centred on the current positi on with radius r , start point angle q1 , arc angle qc and chord angle qd .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 1 8 3.5. Plot Function Instructions Instruction Func tion FT Fill Type LT Line Type PW Pen Width SM Sym bol Mode SP Select Pen TL Tick Length XT X Tick YT Y Tick PT Pen Thic.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 1 9 PW-Pen width PW n[;] w ; width (unit = 1/300 inch) • This command spe cifies the wi dth of the c urrently sele cted pen. • The value of w is an integer number from 1 to 10. SM - Symbol mode SM c[;] c ; ASCII chara cter or sym bol code • The command specifie s the sym bol to be drawn.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 2 0 XT - X- axis tic k XT [;] • Plots vertical ti ck marks a s specified by the TL inst ruction from t he current posi tion. • After plotting, the cursor returns to its point of origin. • Plotting is performed whet her the pen is up or down.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 2 1 n Character Set 0 ANSI ASCII 1 9825 Character Set 2 Fren ch/Ger man 3 Scandinavian 4 Spanis h/Latin Americ an 6 JIS ASCII 7 ROMAN 8 Extensions 9 ISO IRV 30 ISO Swedish 3.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 2 2 LB - Character plot LB [ cs ] < terminator > [;] cs : character st ring • Plots character st rings, numerical expre ssions, variables etc. • Plotting i s performed whether t he pen is up or down. • After plott ing, the cursor m oves to the position of the next character.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 2 3 DR - Relativ e direction DR [ run, rise ] [;] run : X direction component rise : Y direction com ponent • A percentage of the distance in the X and Y directi ons between P1 and P2 is used as the units • Sp ecifies t he cha racter p lot dir ection .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 2 4 10 '*** SIEX1 *** 20 LPRINT "IN;SP1;PA1000,1000;" 30 LPRINT "SI2,1.5;LBLASER";CHR$(3) 40 END <Sample 86> 10 '*** SIEX2 *** 20 LPRINT "IN;SP1;PA5000,3000:" 30 LPRINT "SI-.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 2 5 10 '"*** SLEX *** 20 LPRINT "DF;SP1;SI1.3,1.3;PA100,6000;" 30 LPRINT "SL2;LBLASER";CHR$(3) 40 LPRINT "SL-2;PR3000,0;LBLASER";CHR$(3) 50 END <Sample 91> UC - Us er-defined c haracter UC X1, Y1, X2, Y2.
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 2 6 3.7. Dual Context Extensions Set High resolution control (Brother original) EscCRRO This comm and sets high resolution control off. EscCRRL This comm and sets high resolution control light leve l. EscCRRM This comm and sets high resolution control medi um level .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 2 7 4. INDEX A Absolute di rection ............ .......... .............. .......... .......... ... 22 Alterna te chara cter se t .................. .......... ............ .......... ... 20 C Charact er plot .............. .
10/10/03 CHAPTER 9 HP-GL - 2 8.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -C OMPARISO N LIST-2 C ONTENTS PCL5/5E ......................................................................... 3 Typeface Selection (PCL) .. ............. ................ ............. ................ .16 HP-GL/2 ..............
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST-3 In this chapter , you can find whic h comm ands ar e supporte d by your printer. PCL5/5e COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450/ P2500 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- 16.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -C OMPARISO N LIST-4 COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450/ P2500 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- 1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce HL- 3400 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N HL- 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/ 5050/ 5070N H.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST-5 COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450/ P2500 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- 1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce HL- 3400 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N HL- 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/ 5050/ 5070N HL.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -C OMPARISO N LIST-6 COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450/ P2500 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- 1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce HL- 3400 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N HL- 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/ 5050/ 5070N H.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST-7 COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450/ P2500 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- 1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce HL- 3400 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N HL- 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/ 5050/ 5070N HL.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -C OMPARISO N LIST-8 COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450/ P2500 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- 1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce HL- 3400 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N HL- 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/ 5050/ 5070N H.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST-9 COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450/ P2500 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- 1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce HL- 3400 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N HL- 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/ 5050/ 5070N HL.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -10 COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450/ P2500 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- 1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce HL- 3400 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N HL- 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/ 5050/ 5070N .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 11 COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450/ P2500 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- 1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce HL- 3400 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N HL- 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/ 5050/ 5070N .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -12 COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450/ P2500 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- 1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce HL- 3400 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N HL- 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/ 5050/ 5070N .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 13 COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450/ P2500 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- 1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce HL- 3400 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N HL- 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/ 5050/ 5070N .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -14 COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450/ P2500 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- 1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce HL- 3400 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N HL- 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/ 5050/ 5070N .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 15 COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450/ P2500 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- 1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce HL- 3400 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N HL- 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/ 5050/ 5070N .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -16 Typeface Selectio n (PCL) COMMAND TYPEFACE HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- P2500 HL- 1660e HL- 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce/ 2600 CN HL- 3400 CN/ .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 17 COMMAND TYPEFACE HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- P2500 HL- 1660e HL- 2060 HL- 2400 C/Ce/ 2600 CN HL- 3400 CN/ 3450 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N/ 1.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -18 HP-GL/2 COMMAND HL-1050/10 70/1250/127 0N/1450/14 70N/P2500/166 0e/2060/2400 C/2400Ce/340 0CN/1650/1670N /3260N/2460/7 050/1850/ 1870N/5050/5 070 N/ 2600CN/34.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 19 COMMAND HL-1050/10 70/1250/127 0N/1450/14 70N/P2500/166 0e/2060/2400 C/2400Ce/340 0CN/1650/1670N /3260N/2460/7 050/1850/ 1870N/5050/5 070 N/ 2600CN/3450CN RF .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -20 Epson FX-850 COMMAND HL-1050 /1070/125 0/1270N/1450 /1470N/P2500 /1660e/206 0/2400C/2400Ce/3 400CN/1650/16 70N/3260N/24 60/7050/1 850/1870N/ 5050/5070N/26 00C.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 21 COMMAND HL-1050 /1070/125 0/1270N/1450 /1470N/P2500 /1660e/206 0/2400C/2400Ce/3 400CN/1650/16 70N/3260N/24 60/7050/1 850/1870N/ 5050/5070N/26 00CN/3450CN Esc .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -22 COMMAND HL-1050 /1070/125 0/1270N/1450 /1470N/P2500 /1660e/206 0/2400C/2400Ce/3 400CN/1650/16 70N/3260N/24 60/7050/1 850/1870N/ 5050/5070N/26 00CN/3450CN Esc .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 23 IBM ProPrinter X L COMMAND HL-1050/1 070/1250/1 270N/1450/1 470N/P2500/16 60e/2060/2 400C/2400Ce/340 0CN/1650/1670 N/3260N/2460/7 050/1850 /1870N/ 5050/5070N/.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -24 COMMAND HL-1050/1 070/1250/1 270N/1450/1 470N/P2500/16 60e/2060/2 400C/2400Ce/340 0CN/1650/1670 N/3260N/2460/7 050/1850 /1870N/ 5050/5070N/26 00CN/3450CN SI .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 25 BAR CODE COMMAND HL-1050/1 070/1250/12 70N/1450/147 0N/P2500/1660 e/2060/240 0C/2400Ce/3400 CN/1650/1670N/3 260N/2460/705 0/1850/18 70N/5050/ 5070N/2600C N/34.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -26 HP-GL COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- P2500 HL- 1660e HL- 2060 HL- 2400C/ Ce/ 2600CN HL- 3400CN /3450 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N/ 1850/ .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 27 COMMAND HL- 1050 HL- 1070 HL- 1250/ 1450 HL- 1270N/ 1470N HL- P2500 HL- 1660e HL- 2060 HL- 2400C/ Ce/ 2600CN HL- 3400CN /3450 CN HL- 1650/ 1670N/ 1850/ 1870N/.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -28 PJL PJL commands are supported by HL-1 050, HL-107 0, HL-1250, HL -1270N/14 50/1470N, HL-P2500, HL-166 0e, HL-2060, HL-2400C, HL-2400Ce, HL-3 400CN, HL-1650, HL-1 670N, HL-326 0N, HL-2460, HL-7 050, HL-185 0, HL-1870N, HL-5050, HL-504 0, HL-5070N, HL-2600CN and HL -3450CN.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 29 COMMAND HL-105 0 HL- 1070 HL-1250/ 1450 HL-1270N/ 1470N HL- P2500 HL- 1660e HL- 2060 HL-2400C/Ce / 3400CN/ 2600C N/ 3450CN HL-1650/167 0N/ 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/5.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -30 COMMAND HL-105 0 HL- 1070 HL-1250/ 1450 HL-1270N/ 1470N HL- P2500 HL- 1660e HL- 2060 HL-2400C/Ce / 3400CN/ 2600C N/ 3450CN HL-1650/167 0N/ 1850/ 1870N/ 5040/5.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 31 General PJL Environment Variables GENERAL PJL ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES HL-1050 HL-1 070 HL-1 250/ 1270N/ 1450/ 1470N HL-P2500 HL -1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400C/Ce/ 2600C.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -32 GENERAL PJL ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES HL-1050 HL-1 070 HL-1 250/ 1270N/ 1450/ 1470N HL-P2500 HL -1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400C/Ce/ 2600CN HL- 3400CN/ 3450CN HL-1650/ 1670.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 33 GENERAL PJL ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES HL-1050 HL-1 070 HL-1 250/ 1270N/ 1450/ 1470N HL-P2500 HL -1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400C/Ce/ 2600CN HL- 3400CN/ 3450CN HL-1650/ 1670.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -34 GENERAL PJL ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES HL-1050 HL-1 070 HL-1 250/ 1270N/ 1450/ 1470N HL-P2500 HL -1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400C/Ce/ 2600CN HL- 3400CN/ 3450CN HL-1650/ 1670N HL-1850/ 1870N/ 5040/ 5050/ 5070N HL-3260N HL-246 0 HL-7050 INTRAY2SIZE .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 35 GENERAL PJL ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES HL-1050 HL-1 070 HL-1 250/ 1270N/ 1450/ 1470N HL-P2500 HL -1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400C/Ce/ 2600CN HL- 3400CN/ 3450CN HL-1650/ 1670.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -36 GENERAL PJL ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES HL-1050 HL-1 070 HL-1 250/ 1270N/ 1450/ 1470N HL-P2500 HL -1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400C/Ce/ 2600CN HL- 3400CN/ 3450CN HL-1650/ 1670.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 37 GENERAL PJL ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES HL-1050 HL-1 070 HL-1 250/ 1270N/ 1450/ 1470N HL-P2500 HL -1660e/ 2060 HL- 2400C/Ce/ 2600CN HL- 3400CN/ 3450CN HL-1650/ 1670.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -38 PCL Specific Variables PCL SPECIFIC VARIABLES HL-1050, HL -1070, HL- 1250, HL- 1270N/145 0/1470N, HL-P2500 HL-1660e, HL-2060, HL-2400C/Ce, HL- 3400CN/2600CN/ .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 39 PCL SPECIFIC VARIABLES HL-1050, HL -1070, HL- 1250, HL- 1270N/145 0/1470N, HL-P2500 HL-1660e, HL-2060, HL-2400C/Ce, HL- 3400CN/2600CN/ 3450CN HL-1650/167 0N H.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -40 PCL SPECIFIC VARIABLES HL-1050, HL -1070, HL- 1250, HL- 1270N/145 0/1470N, HL-P2500 HL-1660e, HL-2060, HL-2400C/Ce, HL- 3400CN/2600CN/ 3450CN HL-1650/167 0N H.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 41 PostScript Specific Variables POSTSCRIPT SPECIFIC VARIABLES HL-1050 HL -1070 HL- 1250/ 1450 HL-1270N/ 1470N HL- P2500 HL-1660e/ 2060/ 2400C/Ce/ 3400CN/ 2600C .
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPAR ISON LIST -42 EPSON Specific Variables EPSON SPECIFIC VARIABLES HL-1050, HL-1 070, HL-1250, HL- 1270N/145 0/1470N HL-P2500 HL -1660e/206 0/ 2400C/Ce/3400CN/ 2600CN/3450CN H.
10/10/03 APPENDIX A -COMPARI SON LIST- 43 IBM Specific Variables IBM SPECIFIC VARIABLES HL-1050, HL-1 070, HL-1250, HL- 1270N/145 0/1470N HL-P2500 H L-1660e/20 60/ 2400C/Ce/3400CN/ 2600CN/3450CN HL-16.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCMCI A CARD COMMANDS - 1 APPENDIX B FLASH/PCMCIA CARD COMMANDS <For HL-1270N/1470N/1660e /2060/2400C/2400Ce/3400CN /1650/1670N/2460/3260N/7050/1850/1870N/5070N /2600CN/.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCMCI A CARD COMMANDS - 2 C ONTENTS 1. INTRODUCT ION ............ ................ ............ ................ ................ ............. ................ ..... 3 2. HOW TO READ TH E CARD COMMANDS SPEC IFICATION .....
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCM CIA CARD COMMANDS - 3 1. INTRODUCTION The Flash/C ard Comm ands described i n this chapt er are applicable to the HL-1270N/ 1470N/1660e/2060/ 2400C/2400Ce/3400CN/ 1650/1670N/2460/3260N/7050/1850/ 1870N/5070N/2600CN/3450CN pri nters only.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCMCI A CARD COMMANDS - 4 2. HOW TO READ THE CARD COMMANDS SPECIFICA TION Each comm and is described in the following four sect ions of this manual . 2.1 Commands Comm and data sequence s and syntax. ESC or CR st ands for 0x1b or 0x0d as follows; ESC ----0x1b CR ---- 0x0d 2.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCM CIA CARD COMMANDS - 5 3. COMMANDS 3.1 Select Storage Devi ce Command (For HL-2060/240 0C/2400Ce/3400CN/24 60/3260N/705 0/2600CN/3450 CN Only) Command ESC CR ! 12358F Slot No ** Slot No = 1 Slot N o = 2 (Slot No. 2 is not used for the HL-2460/3260N.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCMCI A CARD COMMANDS - 6 3.2 Format Command 3.2.1 Physical format Command ESC CR ! 12340F Availa ble Dev ices F, A, H, I Description This comm and executes a physi cal forma t for the st orage device. This will delete a ll existi ng data on t he device.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCM CIA CARD COMMANDS - 7 3.3 Save Data Comm and 3.3.1 Save specified type Command ESC CR ! 12345F type(4byte) size(4byte) data.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCMCI A CARD COMMANDS - 8 3.4 Dat a 3.4.1 Save data Command ESC CR ! 12347F ID(2byte) size(4byte) data... Availa ble Dev ices F, A, H Description This comm and saves data which is sent from the PC with t he specified ID ont o the device.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCM CIA CARD COMMANDS - 9 3.5 Font 3.5.1 Save primary font Command ESC CR ! 12343F Availa ble Dev ices F, A, H, I Description This comm and saves the primary font which is currently selecte d into the device. The prima ry font can also be saved by control panel operation.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCMCI A CARD COMMANDS - 10 3.5.3 Delete all dow nload fonts Command ESC * c 1028F Availa ble Dev ices F, A, H, I Description This comm and deletes all the download fonts whi ch are saved i n the device.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCM CIA CARD COMMANDS - 11 3.5.5 Save download font w ith specified ID Command ESC * c 1029F Availa ble Dev ices F, A, H, I Description This command saves th e font with the ID whic h is specif ied with the ESC * C # D (Font ID) comm and.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCMCI A CARD COMMANDS - 12 3.6 Macro 3.6.1 Delete all macros Command ESC & f 1030X Availa ble Dev ices F, A, H, I Description This comm and deletes all the macros which are saved in the device.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCM CIA CARD COMMANDS - 13 3.6.3 Save macro w ith spec ified ID Command ESC & f 1038X Availa ble Dev ices F, A, H, I Description This command saves a macro with the I D which is sp ecified wit h the ESC & f # Y (Macro ID Configuration) c omm and on the device.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCMCI A CARD COMMANDS - 14 3.6.5 Save i mage (Printing locatio n not fixe d) Command ESC CR ! 12350F Availa ble Devi ce F Description After transfe rring the last p rint d .
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCM CIA CARD COMMANDS - 15 3.7 Copy Card (For HL-1660e/ 2060/2400C/ 2400Ce/340 0CN/2460/3 260N/7050 /2600CN/3450 CN Only) Command ESC CR ! 12357F Availa ble Dev ices F, A D.
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCMCI A CARD COMMANDS - 16 4. USE CARD COMMANDS FROM PCL 4.1 Execute Macr os Command ESC & l 2 X Execute Macro ESC & l 3 X Call Macro ESC & l 4 X Macro Overlay .
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCM CIA CARD COMMANDS - 17 4.2 Use Dow nload Fonts Command ESC ( # X Designates soft font # as Primary ESC ) # X Designates soft font # as Secondary ** # = font ID num ber .
10/10/03 APPENDIX B - FLASH/PCMCI A CARD COMMANDS - 18 5. USE CARD COMMANDS FROM POSTSCRIPT The PostScript em ulation recognizes the storage device as a hard disk (except a Flash m emory ca rd) and the PostS cript f ile oper ation allows you to r ead/wr ite data on the se devic es.
10/10/03 APPENDIX C HB P MODE COMMAN DS - 2 C ONTENTS 1. DESC RIPTION S ............ ................ ............ ................ ................ ............. ................ ........... ...... 3 2. COMMAND TO ENTE R HBP MODE.....................
10/10/03 APPENDIX C HBP M ODE COMMANDS - 3 1. DESCRIPTIONS The HBP m ode comm ands can be used for the HL-820/1020/1040 print ers only. The following com mands and syntax are use d in these spec ifications.
10/10/03 APPENDIX C HB P MODE COMMAN DS - 4 2. COMMAND TO ENTER HBP MODE Command <ESC>%-12345X@PJL<LF> @PJL<Space>ENTER <Space>LANGUA GE<Space>=<Spa ce>HBP<LF> Function The printe r enters the HBP mode whe n this command is re ceived.
10/10/03 APPENDIX C HBP M ODE COMMANDS - 5 3. HBP COMMANDS An HBP comm and is composed of ‘@’ + a n Uppercase Alphabet ic charact er + param eters (not necessary for some comman ds) .
10/10/03 APPENDIX C HB P MODE COMMAN DS - 6 3.2 Commands (Detailed Explanation) 3.2.1 Resolution setting comm ands Command @L + * Function This command sets the pr inter resol ution.
10/10/03 APPENDIX C HBP M ODE COMMANDS - 7 3.2.3 Sleep mode setting commands Command @T+ * Function This command sets the sle ep time in minutes. Explanation This comm and is valid imm ediately after t he printer receives t he comm and. The command is valid until one of the follo wing o ccurs.
10/10/03 APPENDIX C HB P MODE COMMAN DS - 8 3.2.4 Mode setting commands Command @M+* Function This comm and allows various error m ode operations to be set. 1 byt e, used as 8 bit s, that follows the @M comma nd select t he settings for eac h mode. Bit0:0 = The printer clears t he input buffer when a Paper Jam error or Undefined Code error occurs.
10/10/03 APPENDIX C HBP M ODE COMMANDS - 9 3.2.5 Engine related setting commands Command @J+* Function This comm and allows the setting of engine relat ed comm ands.
10/10/03 APPENDIX C HB P MODE COMMA NDS - 10 3.2.7 Graphic data input commands Command @G+[data length(3bytes)]+data Function The 3 bytes of da ta following t he @G com mand shows the length of the dat a, N. The N byte s following thi s 3 byte heade r is handle d as graphic dat a.
10/10/03 APPENDIX C HBP MODE COMMANDS - 11 3.3 Graphic Data Format The data format , which follows the @G+ [num ber of data bytes (3 byte s)] command, is as shown below .
10/10/03 APPENDIX C HB P MODE COMMA NDS - 12 The 5th byte dat a onward is repl aced by the t welve data by tes AAh. 11101010b,02h,Aah When the replacement position and the am ount of replacem ent data are overflow, t he next data byte becomes an Expansi on Offset Byte.
10/10/03 APPENDIX C HBP MODE COMMANDS - 13 4. RECOMMENDED COMMAND STRING The comm and strings bel ow shows the recom mended comma nd stream for two pages of a print job.
10/10/03 APPENDIX D REFERENCE LI ST OF MX-2000/40 00/5000/7 000 SERIES UNIQUE COMMANDS - 2 C ONTENTS 1. INTRODUCT ION ............... ............. ................ ................ ............ ................ ..........3 2. GENERAL SPECIFICATION ..
10/10/03 APPENDI X D REFERENCE LI ST OF MX-2000/40 00/5000/7 000 SERIES UNIQUE COMMANDS - 3 1. INTRODUCTION This manual covers t he general specificat ions and th e comm and reference list of the MX-2.
10/10/03 APPENDIX D REFERENCE LI ST OF MX-2000/40 00/5000/7 000 SERIES UNIQUE COMMANDS - 4 2. GENERAL SPECIFICA TION The Mailbox unit is an option for the HL-2060, HL- 2460, HL-3260 or HL-7050 prin te r and the MX-2000/ 4000/ 7000 series compose d of three types of uni ts.
10/10/03 APPENDI X D REFERENCE LI ST OF MX-2000/40 00/5000/7 000 SERIES UNIQUE COMMANDS - 5 3. COMMAND REFERENCE LIST This section describes t he specific comm ands as listed below used to support the functions of the Mailbox unit .
10/10/03 APPENDIX D REFERENCE LI ST OF MX-2000/40 00/5000/7 000 SERIES UNIQUE COMMANDS - 6 3.1.2. PJL mailbox protection & bin number setting Format @PJL SET/DEFAULT MAILBOXPROTECT= TrayNumber Par.
10/10/03 APPENDI X D REFERENCE LI ST OF MX-2000/40 00/5000/7 000 SERIES UNIQUE COMMANDS - 7 3.1.4. PCL out put tray setting Command Esc&l#G (27)(38)(108)#(71) <1Bh><38h><6ch>#<47h> Parameter # denotes the output tray. • 1: Select the printer face -down output tra y.
10/10/03 APPENDIX D REFERENCE LI ST OF MX-2000/40 00/5000/7 000 SERIES UNIQUE COMMANDS - 8 Explanation • This operator select s the specifie d output tray and output m ode.
10/10/03 APPENDI X D REFERENCE LI ST OF MX-2000/40 00/5000/7 000 SERIES UNIQUE COMMANDS - 9 3.1.6. PS mailbox prot ec tion & bin number setting Command <HL-2060> # setoutputprotect <HL-24.
10/10/03 APPENDIX D REFERENCE LI ST OF MX-2000/ 4000/5000/ 7000 SERIES UNIQUE COMMANDS - 1 0.
10/10/03 APPENDIX E REFERENCE LIST OF FS-5050 SERI ES UNIQUE COMMA NDS - 2 C ONTENTS 1. INTR ODUCTION ............ ................ ................ ............ ................ ................ .............3 2. GENERAL SPECIFICATION .. ............
10/10/03 APPENDIX E REFERENCE LIST OF FS-5050 SERI ES UNIQUE COMMA NDS - 3 1. INTRODUCTION This manual covers the ge neral specificat ions and the c ommand refe rence list of the FS-5050 Finisher/S tapler units, which are optionally i nstalled onto the HL-3260 printe r.
10/10/03 APPENDIX E REFERENCE LIST OF FS-5050 SERI ES UNIQUE COMMA NDS - 4 3.1. Commands Descriptions 3.1.1. PJL output tray Format @PJL SET/DEFAULT OUTBIN= TrayName Parameter TrayName* • FINISHER: Select the tray of the Finisher/Stapler unit Default = ALLSTACKER Explanation • This command se lects the Fini sher/Stapler unit.
10/10/03 APPENDIX E REFERENCE LIST OF FS-5050 SERI ES UNIQUE COMMA NDS - 5 3.1.4. PJL staple on/off Format @PJL SET/DEFAULT STAPLE= StapleName Parameter StapleName* • UPPER LEFT: Select the upper l .
10/10/03 APPENDIX E REFERENCE LIST OF FS-5050 SERI ES UNIQUE COMMA NDS - 6 3.1.6. PJL job offset on/off Format @PJL SET/DEFAULT JOBOFFSET=ON/OFF Paramete r • ON: Paper is ejected offset by ea ch job. • OFF: Paper is ejected together. Default = ON Explanation • This command sele cts the job offset.
デバイスHomelite HL-P2500の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Homelite HL-P2500をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHomelite HL-P2500の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Homelite HL-P2500の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Homelite HL-P2500で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Homelite HL-P2500を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHomelite HL-P2500の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Homelite HL-P2500に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHomelite HL-P2500デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。