Honda AutomobilesメーカーGC135E GC160Eの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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1 OWNER’S MANUAL SERIAL NUMBER AND ENGINE T YPE GC135E • GC160E Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2003 06/12/01 19:14:14 32Z2L600_001.
2 Indicates a stro ng po ssibility o f severe perso nal inj ury or de at h if inst ruc ti ons ar e not foll owe d. Indi ca te s a poss ibi li t y of pers onal i njur y or equi pment dama ge if ins tr uct ions a re not fol low ed. Indi ca te s tha t equi pment or pr oper ty da mage c an result if instru ctions are n ot f ollo wed.
− 3 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS To ensur e sa fe oper at ion Honda e ngine i s de si gne d to giv e s afe a nd depe ndabl e se rv ic e if oper at ed ac cor ding to i nst ruc t ions . R ea d a nd unde rs ta nd the Owner’s Manual before opera ting the engi ne.
− 4 Safety Instruction SAFETY INDICATION LOCATION If any fuel is spilled, clean it up comp letely and allow petroleum va pours t o diss ipa te be fore s ta rt ing the e ngine . To ensur e sa fe oper at ion Do not smok e or a ll ow fl ame s or s par k s whe r e the e ngi ne is refu eled or wh ere gaso line is sto red.
6 PRE-OPERATION CHECK Engine oi l l evel Us ing nonde te rge nt oi l or 2 -st rok e e ngine oil c ould s hort en t he eng ine’s service life. Be sure to check th e engin e on a level surf ace with th e engin e st opped. Runni ng the engi ne w it h ins uffi ci ent oil ca n ca use se ri ous engi ne dama ge.
7 Air clean er Never run the en gine wit hout the air c le ane r. R api d engine w ea r will result. 2. AIR CLEANER CO VER ELEMENT Remo ve the air cleaner co ver and ch eck th e cleaner for d irt or obstr ucti on of the ele ment (page 1 9 ).
8 Fuel Gasolin e is extremely flammab le and is explo sive und er certain condi ti ons. Re fuel i n a w el l -ve nti l at ed a r ea wi t h the en gine st oppe d. Do not smo ke or allow flames or sparks in the area where the engin e is refu eled or wh ere gaso line is sto red.
9 GASOLINE S CONTAINING A LCOHOL Ga sol ine s poil s v er y qui ck ly depe nding on f ac tor s s uch a s l ight ex posur e, tempe ra ture and time . In wo rst cases, gasoline can be con tam inat ed with in 1 mon th . Using contaminated gasoline ca n s eri ously damage the engine (ca rbur etor c logge d, va lv e stuc k).
11 Do not a l low t he s ta rt er gr ip t o sna p ba ck a gai ns t t he e ngi ne. Return it gen tly to prevent damag e to the starter. ON O O N N CONTR OL LEVER D D i i r r e e c c t t i i o o n n t t o o p p u u l l l l Con trol lever with o nly eng ine sto p fun ction : Mo ve the co nt rol lever t o th e ON po sitio n.
12 High a lt it ude ope ra ti on Ope ra ti on of the engi ne a t a n al ti tude l owe r t han t he c ar bure tor is je tt ed for may r es ult i n re duce d per forma nc e, ove rhe at ing, and seriou s engin e dam age cau sed by an excessively lean air/ fuel mixtu re.
13 Oil alert system If th e engine sto ps an d will no t restart, check the engin e oil level (page ) before tr ouble shoot ing i n othe r a re as . (whe re e quippe d) 6 The O il Ale rt S ys te m is desi gne d to pre v ent e ngi ne dama ge ca use d by a n ins uff ic ie nt amount of oi l i n the c ra nkc as e.
14 OPERATION CHOKE ROD OPEN CONTR OL LEVER SLOW FAST O O P P E E N N If the c hoke r od has been pu ll ed to the C LO SED pos iti on to s tar t the e ngine , pus h it to the O PEN pos iti on as s oon as the e ngine war ms up e nough to run s moothly .
15 STOPPING THE ENGINE CONTR OL LEVER CONTR OL LEVER STOP STOP OFF OFF Mo ve the co nt rol lever t o th e STOP po sitio n. Con trol lever with en gin e stop fu nctio n: Con trol lever with o nly eng ine sto p fun ction : Mo ve the co nt rol lever t o th e OFF po sitio n.
16 MAINTENANCE Shut off the e ngine be fore pe rfor ming any ma int ena nce . To preven t accidental start- up , disc onnect t he spa rk pl ug cap. Us e only ge nui ne Honda pa rt s or t hei r equi v al ent . The us e of replacem ent parts wh ich are n ot o f equ ivalent q uality m ay dama ge the e ngine .
− − − 17 Mai nte nanc e Sc hedul e REGU LAR SERVICE PERI OD (4) Perform at every indicated month or operating hours interval, whi chever comes first . First month or 5h r s . Every season or 25 hrs. (1) Every season or 50 hrs. (2) Check that there is no c rack and abnormal wear-out in the belt, and replace if it is abnormal.
18 Oil chan ge ENGINE OIL CAP ACITY: 1. DRAIN PLUG OIL FILLER CAP Dra in the oi l whi le th e engi ne i s sti l l war m to ass ur e ra pi d and compl ete dr ai ning. Ple as e dis pos e of us ed mo tor oi l in a ma nner tha t i s c ompa tibl e with the e nvi ronme nt.
19 Air clean er service Never run the en gine wit hout the air c le ane r. R api d engine w ea r will result. 2. AIR CLEANER CO VER ELEMENT LATCH TABS TABS A d irty air cleaner w ill restrict air flo w t o th e carburet or. T o preven t ca rbur etor ma l func tion, s e rv ic e the ai r c le ane r re gul ar ly .
20 ELEMENT Tap th e element lig ht ly several times o n a hard su rface to re move e xc es s d ir t, or b low c ompr es se d a ir thr ough th e f il ter from th e inside o ut. Never t ry to brush the d irt o ff; brush ing w ill force d irt int o t he fib ers.
21 Spark plu g service Re comme nded s par k pl ug: Never use a sp ark plug of inco rrect heat ran ge. If the engi ne ha s be en r unnin g, the muffl er w i ll be v e ry ho t. B e ca re ful not to t ouch t he muffl er . 3. BPR6E S (NGK) To ensur e pr ope r engi ne ope ra ti on, the s par k pl ug must be prope rl y ga pped a nd fr ee of de posi ts.
−− − − 22 0.70 0.80 mm (0.028 0.031 in) Vi sua ll y ins pe ct the spa rk p lug. Di sc ar d the spa rk pl ug if the re i s appa re nt wea r , or if t he ins ul ator i s c ra c ke d or chi pped . Cl ea n the s par k pl ug with a wir e br ush i f i t is to be r eus ed.
− 23 The spa rk pl ug must be s ec ure ly t ight e ned. An impr oper ly tigh tened sp ark plu g can beco me very ho t and may damag e the engi ne. Che ck tha t the s par k pl ug was her i s i n good condi tion a nd th read the spark plu g in by han d to p revent cross- th readin g.
24 Spa rk a rr es te r mai nte nanc e (opti onal pa rt ) If the e ngine h as be en runni ng, t he muffle r w il l be ve ry h ot. Al low it to c ool be fore proc ee ding. Th e spark arrester must b e serviced every 100 ho urs to m aintain its eff iciency.
25 Be carefu l not to dam age th e spark arrester screen . SCREEN Use a bru sh to rem ove carb on d epo sits from t he sp ark arrester screen. The spa r k ar re s ter mu st be fr e e of br ea ks a nd hole s . Re pl ac e, i f necessary. Inst all the spark arrester and t he mu ffler in the reverse order o f disassem bly.
26 TRANSPORTING/STORAGE Ga sol ine i s ex tr em el y fla mma ble a nd is e xpl osi v e under c e rt ai n condi ti ons. Do not smok e or al low fl ame s or spa rk s in the a re a. When transp orting the engin e, keep the e ngin e le vel to prevent fu el spillage.
27 Cha nge the engi ne oil (pa ge 18 ). Pull the s tar ter r ope sl owl y unti l re si s tanc e is f el t. Thi s cl os es the va lv es , a nd prote cts them f rom dus t and c orr osi on. Coa t ar ea s tha t ma y r ust wi th a l igh t fi lm of oi l. C ov er the e ngine and sto re it on a level surface in a dry, d ust free area.
28 TROUBLESHOOTING If an y fuel is sp illed, m ake sure th e area is dry bef ore testin g th e spark plu g or starting the eng ine. Fuel vapor or spilled f uel may igni te . DRAIN SCREW CARBURETOR Whe n the engine wi ll not sta rt: Is the re f uel i n the fuel ta nk? Is ga sol ine r ea chi ng the car bure tor? To ch eck, loosen th e drain screw.
29 If the e ngi ne s til l doe s not sta rt , tak e the e ngi ne to an autho ri zed Honda dea le r. Is th e cont rol lever p osit ioned pro perly ( pag e 10, 11)? Is the s par k pl ug in good c onditi on? (pa ge 2 1) 3.
×× 30 SPECIFICATIONS Engine Dimensions Specificatio ns may vary accordin g t o th e types, and are subject to cha nge wi thout notic e. Engine type Displa cemen t B o r exS t r o k e Max.
×× 31 Engine Dimensions 11.5 kg (25.4 lbs) 331 mm (13.0 in) 369 mm (14.5 in) 337 mm (13.3 in) GCABE GC160E Engine type Displa cemen t B o r exS t r o k e Max.
32 MEMO 06/12/01 19:17:23 32Z2L600_032.
デバイスHonda Automobiles GC135E GC160Eの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Honda Automobiles GC135E GC160Eをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHonda Automobiles GC135E GC160Eの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Honda Automobiles GC135E GC160Eの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Honda Automobiles GC135E GC160Eで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Honda Automobiles GC135E GC160Eを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHonda Automobiles GC135E GC160Eの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Honda Automobiles GC135E GC160Eに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHonda Automobiles GC135E GC160Eデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。