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2 GENERALINFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 5 A BOUTTHI S E NCYCLOPEDI A ................................................
3 L IGHTW EIGHT B ODY P A NELS ............................................................................................................. 26 B ODY R EPAI R I NFORMATIO N ..........................................................
4 Design ............................................................................................................................................ 58 B ATT ERY M ODULE .....................................................................
6 A BOUT THIS E NCYC LOPEDIA This encyclopedia is pr ovided so that you ca n learn m ore ab out the Insight and how it works.
7 V EHICULE I DE NTIFICA T ION N UMBER (VIN) The I nsight' s VIN c an be found many places on the car.
8 F EA T URESA N D S PECIFICA T IONS Overview Vehicletype Subco mpact,two- seater,front-wheeldrive,gasoline-electrichy brid Standa rdfeatures Major.
9 Valvetrain 1 2valveSOHC VTEC-Evariable valvetim ingandlifttechnology Borexstroke 72 mm x81.5mm Displacement 0. 995liter Compressionratio 1 0.8:1 Tune-up interval 17 0,000 km(105,000 mi) Engine weight 56kg(12 4lbs.
10 Wheels&Tires Wheels 14x5.5J Castalum inum Tires BridgestonePotenzaRE9 2165 /65R147 8S Tread wear260T ractionATemperatureB.
11 FuelConsum ption&Emissi ons Fuelcon sumption 3 .4l/100 km(EUDC) 61mpgcity/70mpghig hway (EPA) CO2emissions 80g/km California.
13 Non-ScaleDrawingofCargoArea (CourtesyofJohnJohnson) .
15 S PECIA L M A INT ENA NCE C ONSIDER A TIONS EngineOil TheInsightusesanAPISJratedo ilwith anSAE0W-20viscosity.
16 L ONG -T ERM S TORA GE In ad dition to a conventional 12 V battery, the Insigh t has a .
17 H A TCH A CCESS The I nsight rear hatch diff ers from m any Honda m odels because there is no mechanical link age between the hatch release on the outside of the vehicle and the ac tual latch.
18 T OWING I NFORMA TION To accommodate flat-bed towin g equipment, the Ins ight is provided with a f ront towing h ook, and front and rear tie down hook holes.
19 S ERVICE S A FETY C ONS IDERA TIONS The Insight' s IMA system em ploys high- voltage components and highly m agnetic components, and so anyonew or kingontheIMAsy stemmus texercisecautionandfollowServiceManualproceduresc arefully .
20 S ERVICE C ONNE CTORS TheInsightusesanindustry standar dOBD-IIo nboardd iagnosticssy stem. This system allows standard OB D-II diagnostic.
22 A ERODYNA MICS Regardless of wh at power source a car is using, the less its aer odynam ic drag, the less energy w ill be needed to travel at any given speed.
23 • Low -dragdoo rmirrors • Rear wh eel wells enclosed by f ender skirts and disk -shaped w heels alum inum alloy w heels smoothairflow �.
24 A LUMINUM C ONSTRUCT I ON The Honda Insight's body is made of aluminum , offering light weight and a high level of body rigidity to enhance overall fuel econom y, handling and passeng er safety .
25 On the Insight, each fram e m ember's size and strength is optimized so that the frame is strongwhere it needs to be, and lighter in less critical areas.
26 L IGHTWEIGHT B ODY P A NELS The Ho nda Insight features lightw eight plastic panels wh ich are used extensively in non-st ructural applications. T he front fenders, spoilers, under b ody cover and r ear fender skirts are all made o f plastic.
27 B ODY R EPA IR I NFORMA TION DacroCoatedBolts Bolts that make c ontact with the aluminu m bo dy o r alumin um suspension components have a special Dacro coating to prevent corr osion b etween two dissimilar metals.
28 P LA STIC F UEL T A NK TheHonda Insightus esaplasticfueltank. Use of a plastic fuel tank reduces w eight.
30 E LECT RIC P OWER S TEERING The Honda Insight uses a variab le-assist rac k and pinion e lectric power steering (EP S) system rather thanatypicalhy d raulicpowersteeringsy stem.
31 ElectronicConstruction The E PS co ntrol unit is mounted inside the car on the right side bulkhead, underneath the dash. It receivesinputfromtheveh iclespeed sensorandtorquesensormountedonthesteeringpinionshaft.
32 F RONT S USPENSION The I nsight uses a Ma cpherson Strut type front suspension withstabilizer b ars (0.
33 R EA R S USPENSION The I nsight' s rear suspension uses tr ailing arms. These are co nnected midw ay along their length by a curved,�.
34 B RA KING S YSTEM FrontDiscBrakes The front brake single piston calipers fitted to the Insight are made from alumin um.
35 While a typical cast iro n drum might weig h 3.4 kg (7.5 lbs.), the Insight's aluminum /cast iron drum weig hs2.1kg(4.6 lbs.).T hedrum'souts idediameteris181 mm .
37 C A BIN I NTERIOR InteriorFe atures The interior of the Insight is well equipped, w ith automatic climate control, po wer w indows, power mirrors and power doo r locks with keyless en try.
38 To assist in holding ca rgo in place, the cargo area is equipped with D-rings in four co rners to w hich a cargonetorca rgobagmaybehooked.
39 E LECT RONIC I NSTRU MENT D ISPLA Y Housed in a hooded central p od direc tly in front of the driver, the Insight's Electronic Instr.
40 • Batter y charging : The IM A is recharging the battery pack, using en ergy from vehicle mom entum / the gasoline engine.
41 When the sp eedometer is set to mph, od ometer / trip meter d istances are displayed in miles, and fuel efficiency is d isplayed in m iles per gallon.
42 P A SSENGER R EST RA INT S YSTEM The Honda Insigh t Supplem ental Restraint System consists of an SRS control unit withintegral impact sensors, driver and passenger airbags, and seat belt tensioners.
43 H EA TING ,C OOLING &V ENTILA TION The Honda Insight Heating and Air Conditioning (optional) achieves a balance between com fort for the passengers and fuel economy for the vehicle.
44 M ICRON A IR F ILTRA TION The Ho nda Insight is equipped with a cabin air filter located between the blower housin g and the evaporator case.
46 IMAH YB RID S YSTEM A hybrid power sys tem for an automobile can have a series configuration or a parallel configuration.
47 IMAM ODESOF O PERA TION As the Insi ght's g oes from being stationary to accelerating, cruis ing an d then decelerating, the IMA hybrid system 's mode of operation changes.
48 S TA RTING /R ES TA RTING M ODE Energyflow from batteryto gasengine(v iaelectric motor) Under mostconditio ns,the Insight engineis started by theI MAmotor,whichinstantly spinsthe engine to100 0rpm.
49 A CCELERA TION /A SSIST M ODE Energyflow from gasengineto w heels&f rombatteryt oelectric motort owheels During acce.
50 C RUISING M ODE Energyflow from gasengineto w heels(&s ometimes alsoto batteryv iamotor/ generator) When the Insight is.
51 D ECELE RA TION /R EGENERA TIVE B RA KING Energyflow from w heelsto battery(v iaelectric motor/generat or) During deceler ation, the.
52 F UEL C UT M O DE Energyflow from w heelsto crankshaft (nofuel burned) Whenever the Insight is moving wit h the clutch .
53 I DLE S TOP M ODE NoEnergyFlow (Vehiclestat ionary,coasting ordecelerating) To prevent unnecessaryfuel consumptionand exhaust.
54 may o ccur, possibly causing the air co nditioning compressor to temporarily stop. See the climate control pageformoreinformation.
55 IMAC OMPONENT L OCA TIONS This view shows the contents o f the "I PU" compartment, imm ediately b ehind the driver and pa ssenger seats.
56 • Junction Boar d: T his is the black component, lo cated to the right of the DC-DC Converter, and is actually part o f the Battery Module assem bly.
57 IMAM OTOR /G ENERA TOR Role The thin design motor is located between the 3-cy linder engine and the tr ansm ission.
58 Design TheIMAmotorisaper manen t-mag nettype,brushlessDCm otor. The only moving part in this type of motor, the roto r, consists of nothing but permanent magnets.
59 .
60 B A TTER Y M ODULE The Battery Module uses nickel metal h ydride (NiMH) technologyf orhighenergydensity and longservicelife. The battery is manu factured by P anasonic E V Energy and weig hs only 48 lb s.
61 J UNCT ION B OA RD The J unction Board is located in the IP U compartment and is attached directly to the Battery M odule.
62 B A TTER Y C ONDITION M ONITOR (BCM) The Battery Condition Mo nitor Mod ule (BCM) monitors the condition o f the main b attery, via four temperature sensors and 10 voltage sensors in the Battery Module.
63 M OTOR C ONTR OL M ODULE (MCM ) The I MA Motor/Generator's function is to charge the Battery Module, to assist the g asoline engine underacceleration,and tostarttheengineunderspecificconditions.
64 M OTOR D RIVE M ODULE (M DM) The IMA system assists the engine with an ele ctric motorusing powerfro mthe Battery Module. It mustalso recharge the Battery Module by using power generated by the motor.
65 DC-DCC ONV ERTER The Insight engine is not equipped w ith an ACG (AC Generator or Alternator). Instead, recharging of the 12V batte.
67 A DVA NCED G A SOLINE E NGINE The Insight's internal combustion engine is an in-line three-cylinder with a displacement of 995cc.
68 E NGINE W EIGHT R ED UCTION T EC HNOLOGIES Allengin epartshavebeenmadeaslightaspossible.M ajor weig ht-reducingfeatu resare: • Sleevelesscylin derswithm inimaldimensionbetw e enbores • The intake manifold used on the Insight' s 1.
69 E NGINE F RICT ION R EDUCTION T EC HNOLOGIES To minim ize energy losses, friction between m o ving parts is m inim ized by utilizing the f ol.
70 V IBRA TION C ONTROL S YST EM A three cy linder engine, w ithout balance shafts (w hich decr ease power and thus fuel efficien cy), is inherently pro ne to vibration.
71 O FFSET C YLINDER C ONST RUCTION The e ngineb lock has a unique,o ffsetcylinder d esign in which the b ore centeris offset 14mm fromthe crank center.
72 S PA RK P LUGS TheInsightusesanew ,iridiumsparkplugthatisuniquetothisv ehicle. There are four different pa rtn umbers for thespark plugs,and eachhasthe electrode aligned differently with the plug threads.
73 R OCKER A RMS &S HA FT In order to r educe friction and weigh t, L-shaped, roller rocker ar ms are mounted on a single shaft.
74 VTEC-ES YST EM The Ho nda Insight'sengine employs a newly designed VT EC system . I nthis system , thec amfollowers of theintake primaryro cker armsare fitted withroller s thatminim izefrictio nonthe cam'scontactsurfaces.
75 I NTEGRA TE D H EA D The Honda Insight's cylin der head has a unique, cast-in exh aust man ifold that saves w eight and increasesexhaustheatretention.
76 D IRECT I GNITION S YSTEM The Insight engi ne employ s a direct ignition system similar to those used on the Honda S2000 and the 1999 Odyssey . Separateignitioncoilsforeachcylinderarelo cateddire ctlyabovethesparkplugs.
77 CVTT RA NSMISSION TheInsightismadew ithtw otransmissions: • aconventional5-speedmanualtransm ission,and • a continuously variab.
78 Honda claims that their CVT transm ission is the w or ld's first m ass-pro duced, high- power, stepless transmis sion.
79 1) Driven-Shaft- PlacedAccelera tionClutch The Honda Multimatic differs from p reviously existing step-less transmissions is that the acceleratio n clutch is placed on the d riven shaft.
80 changes. At the same time, this allow s for a more dir ect connection to the engine, resulting in less slip-loss -w hichultim atelyleadstohigherfueleconom y.
81 2) AccelerationCo ntrol The accelera tion clutch's power transfer amoun t is controlled via the clutch piston's oil pressure. Additionally, the amount of creep is also controlled here as well.
85 E MISSIONS S TA NDA RDS We know that Honda has gone to great le ngths in eng ineering the Insig ht in the pursuit of low emissi on.
86 ComparisontoVariousCar Em issionsStandards Smong -CausingComp ounds Greenhouse Gas Hydrocarbo ns Carbon Monoxide Nitrog en Oxides Particulate�.
87 L EA N -B URN O XYGEN S ENSOR A normal zirco nia oxygen sensor is only capa ble of measuring the oxy gen content of the exhaust in a narrow air-fuel mix ture range, r ight around stoichiometric (14.
88 Unlike a conventional sensor, the voltage c an be positive or negative, and it reads the opposite direction. T hat is, positive voltage indicates a lean mixtu re, and negative voltage indicates a rich mixtu re.
89 A DVA NCED C A TA LYST S YSTE M The insightisdesignedto oper ateat averylean air fuelratio duringlightthrottlec ruiseconditions.The mix ture can be as lean as 22:1 ifco nditions allow.
90 CatalyticConverter DeteriorationDet ection/Replaceme nt The Insightuses2 oxygensensorsto monitortheco nditionof the3-way catalystas required byOBD-II and EU2000 regulations.
91 E XHA UST G A S R ECIRCULA TION S YST EM The Insight uses a linear-s olenoid-oper ated EGR valve that feeds recirculated exhaust g as into an equal-lengthEGRm anifoldthatissandwichedbetweentheint akemanifoldandthecyl inderhead.
92 ORVR&V A CUUM D ISTRIBU TION U.S. and Canada model Insights are equipped with On -board Refueling Vapor Recovery (ORVR) syst emsthatareidenticaltothesystem introducedonthe19 98Accord.
93 1. Primaryheatedoxygen sensor(pr imary HO2S) 2. Secondaryheatedoxygensensor(secondaryHO2S) 3. Manifoldabsolutep ressure(MAP)sensor 4. Intakeairtemperature(IAT )sensor 5.
デバイスHonda Insightの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Honda Insightをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHonda Insightの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Honda Insightの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Honda Insightで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Honda Insightを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHonda Insightの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Honda Insightに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHonda Insightデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。