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MS23 20 Stratos H ™ Installation and User’s Guide Scann er / A very S cale.
Disclaimer Honeyw ell Internatio nal Inc. ( “HII”) reserves th e right t o make ch anges in s pecificati ons and other inform ation conta ined i n th is document w ithout prior notice, and the reader should in a ll cases co nsult HII t o determ ine whether any such changes h ave been made.
ii T ABLE OF C O NTENTS I NTRODUCTION Manual Scope .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Product O verview .........
iii T ABLE OF C O NTENTS Keyboard E mulation M ode .............................................................................................................................................. 17 RS485 ................................................
iv T ABLE OF C O NTENTS M AINTENANCE Platter / H orizontal S can W ind ow R eplacement ..................................................................................................................... 50 Ver tical Scan Window Replacement .........
1 I NTRODUCTION M ANUAL S COPE This guide pr ovide s informatio n on the inst allatio n, setup an d operat ion of Ho neywell’s Strat os H ™ , M S2320 scanner /Ave ry scale unit .
2 I NTRODUCTION M ODEL N U MBE R D ESIGNA TION Figure 1 . Model Number Designation B ASE K IT C OMPONENTS Part # Description MS 2320 - * Stratos H Series Sc anner * See model number des ignati on above for d etailed informati on on int erface, w indow, cable and unit type .
3 I NTRODUCTION O PTIONAL A CCESSORIES Part # Description AC to DC P ower T ransformer - Regulated Output: +5 V @ 4A +12V @ 1 .5 A 46 - 46812 120V United St ates and C anada 46 - 46813 220V – 240V C.
4 I NTRODUCTION G ENERAL P RECAUTIONS The follow ing list inc ludes general preca utions to rem ember when handling the Strato s H . D O N OT T URN the unit upsi de down w ith the platter in place. D O N OT P RESS on the w indow in the placement p latter or t he verti cal w indow frame.
5 I NTRODUCTION MS23 20 S CANNER /S CALE D ESIGN S PECIFICATIONS Operational Light Source: VLD 650 nm Peak Laser P ower: < 2.2 mW Embedded Las er: Max Optic al Power: 10 mW Wavelength: 650 nm Horizontal Depth of Fiel d: 0 mm - 152 mm (0 "- 6" ) for 0.
6 B ASE M ODEL C HARA CTERISTICS MS2320 Scanner / Aver y Scale Components Figure 8 . MS232 0 Components I TE M N O . D ESCRIPTION OF I TE M 1 Blue and White LED Indicator s (see page 28 ) 2 Vol ume/T .
7 B ASE M ODEL C HARA CTERISTICS MS2320 Scanner / Aver y Scale Dimensi ons Figure 9 . MS2320 Dimensions Connector Pa nel Figure 10 . MS232 0 Connector P anel Specificat ions are subject to change w ithout not ice.
8 B ASE M ODEL C HARA CTERISTICS MS232 0 Scanner / Aver y Sc ale Caution and Se rial Number Labels Figure 11 . MS2320 Label Locations (Top) and Examples (Bottom) Caution: To mai ntain compli ance with.
9 I NSTALLATION Q UICK I NSTALLATION O UTLINE The follow ing is a qu ick previe w of the ste ps requir ed for fir st time installat ions. Ea ch item i s discus sed in detai l later in this section. • Determi ne clearan ce, ventila tion an d service access requir ement s.
10 I NSTALLATION Q UICK I NSTALLATION O UTLINE Power Insta llation The Pow er Supply (A C/DC) sh ould be conn ected to an AC Outlet that is fr ee of elec trical n oise (cle an). A qua lified ele ctrici an can de termine th e amoun t of electr ical nois e on the AC line.
11 I NSTALLATION U NPACKING THE U NIT 1. Make sure th e shipping box is top - side up bef ore opening. 2. Remove th e accessor ies box and check the b ox’s cont ent for the fol lowing it ems. • Product Manuals • Pow er Supply • Communi cation Cab les 3.
12 I NSTALLATION U NPACKING THE U NIT MS2320 Pa ckage W arnin g All hard ware secur ing the scale ar ms during sh ipping m us t be rem oved or the s cale will not f unction! Do not discard instruction sheet a nd shipping hardware! These item s m ust be reins talled if the un it is g oing to be ship ped.
13 I NSTALLATION I NSTALLING THE U NIT IN THE C OUN TER MS2320 M ounting Diagr am (Two Point Support) Figure 18 . M S2320 Mounting Diagram, Two Point Support Specificat ions are subj ect to change w ithout notice.
14 I NSTALLATION I NSTALLING THE U NIT IN THE C OUN TER MS2320 M ounting Diagr am (Th ree Point Su p p o r t) Figure 19 . MS2320 Mounti ng Diagram , Three Point Support Specificat ions are subj ect to change w ithout notice.
15 I NSTALLATION C ABLE I NSTALLAT ION (I NTERFACE S PECIFIC ) RS232 The follow ing steps describe h ow to pr operly inst all the cab les fo r an RS232 Stratos H appl ication . T he scanner /sca le must then be conf igured to match th e host’ s RS232 para meters.
16 I NSTALLATION C ABLE I NSTALLATION (I NTERFACE S PECIFIC ) RS232 9. Turn on the host sys tem. 10. Scan t he Recall Def aults bar code. The Recall Defaults bar code is lo cated in the Metr oSelect Config uration Gui de ( PN 00 - 024 07 x) , under Need to St art Over .
17 I NSTALLATION C ABLE I NSTALLATION (I NTERFACE S PECIFIC ) F ULL S PEED USB The follow ing steps d escribe h ow to proper ly inst all the cab les for a Fu ll Speed US B Stratos H applicat ion. The s canner /scal e must then be configure d to match the host’s USB para meters.
18 I NSTALLATION C ABLE I NSTALLATION (I NTERFACE S PECIFIC ) F ULL S PEED USB 9. Turn on the host sys tem. 10. Configur e the Str atos H to m atch the ho st syste m’s USB par ameters.
19 I NSTALLATION C ABLE I NSTALLATION (I NTERFACE S PECIFIC ) xxx * Specifies internat ional connection. See page 3 for a c omp lete listing of power supply options and their part numbers. See power source caution statement on page 8 of this manual. Figure 21 .
20 I NSTALLATION C ABLE I NSTALLATION (I NTERFACE S PECIFIC ) RS485 The follow ing steps d escribe h ow to proper ly inst all the cab les for an RS48 5 Stratos H applicati on. The scanner /scale must then be conf igured to match th e host’ s RS485 para meters.
21 I NSTALLATION C ABLE I NSTALLATION (I NTERFACE S PECIFIC ) RS485 9. Turn on the host sys tem. 10. Configur e the Stratos H t o mat ch the host syste m’s RS485 parame ters.
22 I NSTALLATION C ABLE I NSTALLATION (S ECONDARY H O N E YW E L L S CANNER ) The follow ing steps d escribe h ow to proper ly inst all the cab les between a seco ndary Hone ywell sca nner and the Stratos H . The Stratos H and the seconda ry scanner mu st then be confi gured to c ommunica te proper ly.
23 I NSTALLATION C ABLE I NSTALLATION (S ECONDARY H O N E YW E L L S CANNER ) † See Aux power notes on page 22 See power source caution statement on page 8 of this manual.
24 I NSTALLATION EAS D EACTIVATION S W 1 and S W 2 ar e the swit ch bank s inside t he Checkp oi nt d evic e that set the d eactivati on range. The follow ing is a list of Checkp oint recomme nded switch b ank settin gs.
25 S CANNER O PERATION S CAN Z ONE Figure 26 . Checker - Side (13 mil) Figure 27 . Horizontal Left/Ri ght (13 mil) Specificat ions are subj ect to change w ithout notice.
26 S CANNER O PERATION S CAN Z ONE Figure 28 . Horizontal Direct (13 mil) Figure 29 . Vertical Direct (13 mil) Specificat ions are subj ect to change w ithout notice .
27 S CANNER O PERATION IR A CTIVATI O N A REA (IR LED O UTPUT ) The Stratos H ’’ s default pow er save mode † is Dual A ction Po wer Save M ode #2 (see p age 32 ) . T his power sav e mode † turns the laser OF F after a configur ed peri od of non - us e then tur ns the motor O FF after thirty - minute inter vals.
28 Figure 31 . LE D s S CANNER O PERATION I NDIC ATOR D ESCRIPTIONS Audible W hen in operation , the Stratos H provide s au dible f eedba ck that i ndicate s the statu s of the unit and the current s can . Eight sett ings are av ailable for the to ne of the be ep (norma l, six alternate ton es and no t one) plu s three vol ume settin gs.
29 S CANNER O PERATION I NDICATOR D ESCRIPTIONS Visual Steady White and Blue After a suc cessful scan, the s canner tr ansmits t he data to th e host device. So me communi cation modes requ ire that t he host infor m the scanner when data is ready to be re ceived.
30 S CANNER O PERATION I NDICATOR D ESCRIPTIONS Diagnostic Indi cator Dis play There is a t wo - digit error code display lo cated under the platt er near the end of th e scanner farthest fr om the v ertical w indow (see figur e below ) . Figure 32 . Error Code Display The follow ing is a li st of poss ible error codes and their mean ings.
31 S CANNER O PERATION I NDICATOR D ESCRIPTIONS Diagnostic Indi cator Dis play E RROR C ODE D ESCRIPTION 11 SWITCH ERROR – The switch used for volume s election or slee p mode is det ected in error (alw ays closed) . The condition i s self - correc tin g if po ss ible .
32 S CANNER O PERATION P OW E R S AVE M ODES The Stratos H has fiv e configur able pow er save mode s. Refe r to the M etroSelect C onfigura tion Gui de ( PN 00 - 02407 x ) for additi onal infor mation o n Pow er Save M odes. 1. Blink Po wer Save Mo de: Blinks the l aser OF F & ON aft er a configur ed period of n on - use.
33 S CANNER O PERATION B EEPER O PTIONS AND B UTTON F UNCTIONS Changing the B eeper Tone Beeper tone s may be configured in crement ally using t he foll owing bar c ode. The new tone w ill be heard follow ed by a short pause. T wo more new tones w ill be heard signifying the new setting has been stored in memor y.
34 S CANNER O PERATION S TAR TUP When the scanner first receives pow er the white LED w ill flash, the blue LED w ill turn o n and the scanner w ill beep once ( the white LED will r emain on f or the durat ion of t he beep ). The scan ner is now ready to s can.
35 S CALE O PERATION S CALE Z EROING After the un it has b een officia lly calibr ated ( see pa ge 36 ) the scale can be re - zero ed by pre ssing the s cale zeroi ng butto n on either the unit or o n the remot e display stand. Ref er to the figures below for button l ocations.
36 S C ALE O PERATIO N C ALIBRATION The scanner/ scale mu st be cal ibrated if: • it is a f irst tim e insta llation • the sca le cannot be re - zeroe d • the cali bration ver ificatio n tests in dicate er rors • there is a change in the unit s of measur e [i.
37 S C ALE O PERATIO N C ALIBRATION Primi n g th e Sca le for Calibration Prime the scale befor e startin g either m ethod of calibration . Calibrate th e scanner /scale after the unit is ins talled in the check out counter top. It is import ant to us e the cor rect certif ied (lb.
38 S CALE O PERATIO N C ALIBRATION Scale Ca libration Proced ure (lb s. or kg) with Remote Di splay * 1. Temporari ly remove t he platt er and pla ce it in a s afe loc ation.
39 S CALE O PERATIO N C ALIBRATION Scale Cali b r ation Procedure (l bs. or kg) with Remote Display * 5. Enter calibration mode. T he remot e display will fla sh all of the character s availab le ( see il lustr ation below ). Pr ess the right arrow button twice ( ►)(►) while the display flas hes all charact ers .
40 S CALE O PERATIO N C ALIBRATION Scale Ca libration P rocedure (lbs. or kg) with Re m o te Display 9. Place a h alf load (15. 00 lbs. or 7.500 kg) on the center of the scale p latter the n press the right arrow ( ►) button. Figure 46 . 10. Add an additional half load ( 15.
41 S CALE O PERATIO N C ALIBRATION Scale Cali b r ation Procedure (l bs. or kg) with Remote Di splay * 14. T he unit’s cali bration mu st now be verified as re quired by state an d/or loc al Weights and M eas ures regulat ions (starting on page 46 ).
42 S CALE O PERATIO N C ALIBRATION Bar Code Cal ibration Procedur e without Remote Display * The follow ing calibrat ion pro cedure can be used w hen the r emote scale display i s not pr esent. Thi s proced ure requir es that the scanner/ scale hav e a soft ware serial number of 1 5001 o r greater.
43 S CALE O PERATIO N C ALIBRATION Bar Code Cal ibration Procedur e without Remote Display * 5. Reinstall th e platter a nd power up th e unit . Figure 54 . Platter Instal l ation and Power Up S ee power source caution statement on page 8 of this manu al.
44 S CALE O PERATIO N C ALIBRATION Bar Code Cal ibration Procedure without Remote Display * 9. Place a h alf load on t he center of the s cale platter . The w hite LE Ds will blin k twice p eriodica lly. W ait for scale sta bilit y, and then p ress the be eper vol ume sw itch once.
45 S CALE O PERATIO N C ALIBRATION Bar Code Cal ibration Procedur e without Remote Display * 13. Calibra tion is now comple te. The scan ner will automatica lly restart , and be ep one t ime, in 5 secon ds.
46 S CALE O PERATIO N C ALIBRATION V ERIFIC ATION U.S. Pounds (lbs.) The follow ing tests v erify if the scale's C alibrati on is acc urate. For Ki logram s see instr uctions s tarting o n page 47 . The follow ing tests ar e based on a 2 - dig it accuracy setting f or poun ds.
47 S CALE O PERATIO N C ALIBRATION V ERIFIC ATION Kilogram s (kg ) The follow ing tests v erify if the scale's C alibrati on is acc urate. For U S Pound s see instr uctions starting on page 46 . The follow ing tests ar e based on a 3 - dig it accuracy setting f or kil ograms.
48 S C ALE O PERATIO N S ECURITY S EAL I NSTAL LA TI ON The certif ication of t he weigh ing mecha nism of the scale v ersion of thi s scanner is subje ct to feder al, state a nd loca l W ei ghts and M easures statutes an d regulat ions and c an only be perform ed by author ized gov ernment ag encies and/or the ir duly r egistered ag ents.
49 S CALE O PERATIO N S ECURITY S EAL I NSTAL LA TI ON Wire Secur it y Seal (Sea l Con version K it 46 - 468 90 )* 1. Temporari ly remove t he platt er and pla ce it in a safe loc ation. 2. Install the calibr ation switch/b utton tabbe d cover. 3. Secure the cover in p lace w ith the fl at head Phil lips screw prov ided.
50 M AINTENANCE P LATTER / H ORIZONTAL S CAN W INDO W R EPLACEMENT Figure 68 . Platter/ Hori zontal Scan Window Replacement * * S ee replacement parts on page 3 .
51 M AINTENANCE V ERTICAL S CAN W INDO W R EPLACEMENT ( PN 46 - 46889 ) Figure 69 . V ertical Scan W indow Replacement D AIL Y M AINTENANCE Smudges and dirt can interfer e with the pr oper scann ing of a bar code. T herefor e, the h or izontal and vert ical output window s will need occasion al cleaning.
52 T ROUBL ESHOOT ING The follow ing guide i s for refer ence purp oses only . Contact a cust omer ser vice represe ntative to pr eserve the limite d warranty term s. Symptom P ossible Cau se(s) Soluti on All Interfa ces No LEDs, b eep or motor sp in.
53 T ROUBL ESHOOT ING Symptom P ossible Cau se(s) Soluti on All Interfa ces Scanner be eps at so me bar code s and NOT for others of t he same b ar code symb ology. The aspect r atio of th e bar code is out of tolera nce. Check if it is a check digit, character or border problem.
54 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS S CANNER P INOU T C ONNE CTIONS The Stratos H scanner terminat e s to 10 - pin modular jack s lo cated on th e bottom of the u nit. T he serial n umber label indica tes the model nu mber and interfa ce of the s canner.
55 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS S CANNER P INOU T C ONNE CTIONS Figure 71 . S cal e Dat a (Dual Cable Appli cat ions) and Scale Display Connector Layout Scale R S232 to Ho st Scale Data, D ual Ca.
56 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS C ABLE C ONNECTOR C ONFIGURATIONS The follow ing cables are ex amples of som e of the sta ndard c ables that m ay be shipped w ith the Strato s H scanner. Please keep in mind tha t ever y applicati on is uniq ue and the cables r eceived w ith the Stratos H m ay be custom cables th at are not show n below.
57 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS C ABLE C ONNECTOR C ONFIGURATIONS Aux Port Configurat ion Cable * , PN 57 - 57008 x -N-3 Pin Function ** 9- Pin D - Type Connector 1 No Conn ect 2 Output fro m Sca.
58 R EGULA TOR Y C OMPLIANCE Safety ITE Equipmen t IEC 60950 - 1 S econd Edi tion EN 60950 -1 Se cond Edition Laser Laser Clas s 1: IEC 60825 - 1: Se cond Edition 2007 EN 60825 - 1: S econd Edi tion 2.
59 R EGULA TOR Y C OMPLIANCE EMC Emissions FCC Part 15 , ICES - 003, CIS PR 22, EN 55022 Immunity CISPR 24, E N 55024 Note : Immunity per formance i s not g uaranteed f or scanner cables grea ter than 3 meters in length w hen fully extended .
60 R EGULA TOR Y C OMPLIANCE EMC Changes or modifi cations not ex pressly approv ed by the party responsible for compliance coul d void the user’s author ity to operate th e equipment . Class B Dev ices The follo wing is appl icable when the s canner cab le is le ss than 3 m eters ( 9.
61 L IMITED W ARRANTY Hone ywell Inter national Inc. ("HII") warrants its pro ducts and optiona l acces sories to be f ree f rom def ects in mater ials and wor km anship and to c onform to H II’s publish ed sp ecificati ons ap plic able to the pr oducts purc hased at the tim e of s hipment .
62 I NDEX A AC ...................................................................... see power application ....................................................................... 30 audible ............................................................
63 I NDEX scanner pinouts .................................................................. 54– 57 seal ...................................................................... 38, 42, 48 secondary sca nner ...........................................
C USTOMER S UPPORT T ECHNICAL A SSISTANCE If you ne ed assistanc e installi ng or tro ubleshoot ing your device, p lease cont act us by using one o f the me thods below : Knowledge B ase: w ww.hsmknow m Our Know ledge Base pr ovides thousands o f immedia te soluti ons.
Honey w ell Scanning & Mobil ity 9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC 29707 00 - 02048 Rev K 8- 12.
デバイスHoneywell MS2320の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Honeywell MS2320をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHoneywell MS2320の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Honeywell MS2320の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Honeywell MS2320で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Honeywell MS2320を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHoneywell MS2320の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Honeywell MS2320に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHoneywell MS2320デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。