HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカー140の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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basic s guide hp photosmar t 140 ser ies.
© Cop yr ight 200 3 Hew lett-P ac kar d C ompan y All right s are reserved. No par t of this docume nt may b e pho tocopied, reproduc ed, or t ranslate d to ano ther l angu age with out the p rio r wr itte n consen t of He wle tt-P ack ar d C ompan y .
basics guide i contents 1 get star ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 w elcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 doc umentati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hp photosmar t 140 series ii 4 main tain an d transp ort your printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 cle an and maint ain y our pr inter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 cl ean the pr inter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 basics guide 1 get star ted welc om e Thank y ou for pur chasing an HP Photosmart 140 Ser ies pr inter! W ith y our new , compact photo printe r , you can print beau tiful photos q uickly and easil y without having to use a co mputer .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 1 2 documentation Y our new pr inter comes w ith the f ollo wing doc umentation to help y ou get started and get the most ou t of yo ur printer : • Setup G uide —The HP Photosmart Setup Guide contains quic k and easy instruc tions to help you set u p your pri nter and print yo ur first photo .
basics guide get started 3 quick start Pri nting photos is as easy as 1- 2-3! Her e’s ho w you do it. Caution! Y ou c an permanently damage your equipment if y ou do not corr ectly install th e print cartr idge and inse rt the memory card .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 1 4 step 2: print a photo i ndex Caution! Inserti ng the memo r y car d incorr ectl y or forcing t he me mor y ca rd into the printe r too far may damage the memory ca r d and the printer . F or more informat ion, see insert a memo ry card on page 18.
basics guide get started 5 printer p ar ts front of the print er Pa p e r t r ay d o o r Open this door to load paper or inser t a memor y car d Pri nt cartr idge door O p e n th i s d o o r to c h a .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 1 6 back of the printer Note: P lace th e pr int er on a f lat , sta ble surface wi th the back of the printer at least 10 i nch es (250 mm) away from a ny obstr uction to allow sp ace for the paper to mo ve dur ing pri nting .
basics guide get started 7 memory card slot s Note: F or in format ion about how to inse rt a mem ory c ard into y ou r printer , see in sert a memory card on page 18. cont rol pan el Note: The S AVE button w orks only w hen your pr inter is connected to a computer .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 1 8 L CD screen photo lay out icon Pr ess the L AYOU T + or – button to scr oll throug h the photo lay outs. The Ph oto Layout icon on t he p rinte r’s L CD screen shows the current layout.
basics guide get started 9 printer menu Y ou can vi ew the printer men u on the pr inter’ s L CD sc reen when n o memory card is inse rted and the printer is tu rned on.
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 1 10 The me ssage B EST appears on the printe r’s L C D sc reen . 3 Selec t from the follo w ing: – T o print the highest quality photos, pr ess the OK button. – T o print normal quality photos, pr ess the S ELE CT P HOTOS button.
basics guide get started 11 change the LCD screen language and country/region If y ou purchased y ou r printe r in a c ountry other than the U. S. or Canada, y ou are ask ed to set the language an d country/region for the pr inter’s L CD scr een the f irst time y ou turn on the pr inter .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 1 12 paper inf ormatio n Y ou ca n pr int photos on photo paper , plain paper , or index cards . Y ou r print er su pports the fo llo wing pa per ty pes an d si z es: T o get the bes t perfor mance fr om your pr inter , use gen uine HP photo pa per .
basics guide get started 13 3 Mov e th e paper w idth guide on the paper tra y to f it close to the le ft ed ge of the paper without bending the paper . This helps the paper feed str aight into the pr inter . Tip: With paper other than HP premium plus photo paper , yo u may ex perien ce paper f eeding or eje cting pr oblems.
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 1 14 print cartr idge inform ation Y our H P Photosmart 140 Ser ies print er can print color and black and white photos. HP pro vides two t ype s of print cart ri dges so y ou can choose the be st print cartridg e for y our proj ect .
basics guide get started 15 4 Open the pr int cartridge doo r . The re d On/Attenti on light flashes when the print cartr idge door is open. Note: F or in structio ns on remov in g a p re viously instal led print car tridge, see rem ov e the prin t cartrid ge on page 16.
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 1 16 7 Clos e the prin t cartridge door . After y ou install a new pr int cartri dge, the message L OAD PLAIN PAPER THEN PR ESS OK appears o n the printer ’s L CD scr een.
2 basics guide 17 pr int fr om a memory car d It’s eas y to print hi gh-quality photos for y ou rself , family , and fri ends. If y our dig ital came ra u ses a memo ry card to stor e phot os , you ca n insert the memory card in to th e printe r to prin t your p hotos.
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 2 18 The f ollow ing illustr ation show s the top si des of the supported memory car ds. Th is is the side that shou ld face up w h en y ou inse rt the memory card into th e printer . suppor ted file formats Y ou c an print JP EG and uncompressed TIFF fi l es dir ectly fr om the memor y card .
basics guide print fr om a memo ry card 19 T o inser t a memory card: 1 Re mov e any memory cards that ar e alread y inserted into any of the memor y c ard slots. Caution! Do not pull out a memory car d while the memo r y car d light is blink ing. F or mor e info rmati on, s ee r emo ve a me mory car d on page 2 2.
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 2 20 M emory c ard Memo ry ca rd slot H o w to h old and inse rt the me mory card CompactF lash T ype I or II To p - l e f t s l o t • Fr ont label faces up , an.
basics guide print fr om a memo ry card 21 Note: I f yo u u s e d yo u r d i g i t a l c a m e ra t o s e l e c t p h o t o s o n t h e m e m o r y c a rd for pr inting, a message a ppears on the printer’s L CD scr een asking if yo u want to pr int the camera-selected photo s.
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 2 22 re move a m em o r y ca rd Once the memory card li ght stops blinking, g ently pull the memory card t o r emo ve it fr om the p rin ter’s me mory car d slot . Caution! Do not pull out the mem or y car d while the me mory card light is blinking.
basics guide print fr om a memo ry card 23 The thumbnail v iew s on a photo index pr int at low r esolution in order t o print qui ckly , so they do not r epresen t the final prin t quality of the photos. Index numbers a ppear in th e corne r of each thumbnail vi ew .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 2 24 3 Press th e OK or P RI NT button to prin t a photo index sho wing all the photos stor ed on the memory card , up to 200 0 photos. A me ssage appears on the printer ’s L CD scr een indicating the number of photo index pages that wi ll print .
basics guide print fr om a memo ry card 25 4 Pr ess the OK button to select the photo . The in dex numbe r of the select ed photo appears in the S elected Phot os secti on at the bottom of the prin ter’s L CD scr een. select multiple photos 1 Insert a memory card into the pr i nter’ s memory card slot .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 2 26 beginning of the lis t mov e off the L CD scr een. T o indicate that ther e are additional index number s that are curr ently hidden from v iew , t wo hyphens appear at the beginning of the li st .
basics guide print fr om a memo ry card 27 5 Pr ess the S ELEC T P HOTOS or button until the index n umber of the last photo in the range appears on the pr inter’s L CD scr een. Pr ess the OK button. The s elected r ange of photos appear s in the Selected Photos section at the bottom of the pr inter’s L CD scr een.
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 2 28 4 Pr ess the OK button . The s elected r ange of pho tos appears in the Selected Ph otos sec tion of the printe r’s L CD scr een. F or ex ample, the r an ge 12–16 appears on the L CD sc reen follo win g the index n umbers of the pho tos that w ere pre vi ousl y sele cted.
basics guide print fr om a memo ry card 29 select new p hotos Y ou can selec t all the “ new” ph otos on yo ur memor y car d. “Ne w” photos ar e photos that haven ’t prev iousl y been pr inted fr om the printer ’s control panel .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 2 30 clea r pho to s Y ou can clear photos one at a time , starting fr om the last photo selec ted, or y ou can cl ear a ll sel ected photo s at o nce. Note: Clear ing photos fr om the printe r’s L CD display does not dele te them fr om the memory ca rd .
basics guide print fr om a memo ry card 31 print photo s Y our printer can print digital photos that are s tored on a memory card . Digital photos may be unmark ed or camera-selected . Fo r a li st of supported digital photo fi le types, see pr inter specifications on page 5 2.
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 2 32 Tip: Pres s and hold the C OPIES + or – but ton to ch ange th e number of co pies rapid ly . b . Pres s the OK button to select the displa yed number of copies , or wait a fe w seconds and the printe r will se lect the display ed number of copies for you.
basics guide print fr om a memo ry card 33 The pr inter a utomatically r ecogniz es the DPOF f ile on the memory card , and the messages P RI N T CA ME RA SELECTED PH OTOS ? and th en P RESS OK OR CANC EL. flash alter nately on the pr inter’s L CD scr een.
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 2 34.
3 basics guide 35 print fr om an hp direct-pr inting digi tal cam era Y our printer allow s y ou to print beautif ul photos fr om an HP direct-printing digital camer a with out using y our computer . T o see a list of the HP dir ect-printing di gital cameras that w ork wi th your pr inter , go to www .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 3 36.
4 basics guide 37 maintain and tr ansport your pr inter Y our printer r equir es very little maintenance . Fo r best results , keep y our p r inter and supplies c lean an d stor e them proper ly . Because it is compact and light, y our pr inter is easy to tr ansport an d set up almost an ywhere .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 4 38 3 Load paper in the paper tra y and press the OK button . T o conserve photo paper , use plain paper or index car ds. F or more info rmation, see load the paper on pa ge 12. The pr inter begins cleaning the print cartridge .
basics guide maintain and transport your pr inter 39 Note: When y our printer is connect ed to a computer , you can als o print a test page fr om the computer usi ng the HP Photosmart Series T oolbox ( W i n d o w s P C ) o r t h e H P I n k j e t U t i l i t y ( M a c i n t o s h ) .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 4 40 stor e your pr inter Pr otect the pri nter and print cartr idge by sto ring them pr o per ly when y ou are not usi n g th em. store the printer Y our printer is built to w ithstand long or shor t per iods of inacti vity .
basics guide maintain and transport your pr inter 41 maintain the quality of y our photo paper T o ensur e high-qu ality prin ts, i t is import ant to ma intain the qu ality of y our photo paper by st oring and handli ng it proper ly . store the photo paper K eep unused photo paper in its original pack aging inside a res ealable plastic bag.
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 4 42 transp or t y our printer Y our printer can tr av el with y ou . Be sure to al way s carry the pri nter uprig ht. T o tran sport y our pr inter : 1 If ther e is a memory card in a memory card slot , remo ve it.
5 basics guide 43 tr oubleshooting Y our HP Photosmart printer is designed to be r eliable and eas y to use . This chapter ans wers fr equentl y asked questi ons and contains information about t he fo.
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 5 44 pr inting problems Befo re contacting HP support, r ead this section for tr oubleshooting ti ps or go to the online support serv ices at www .h p .com /s up po rt . Th e On/Attenti on light i s blinking amber .
basics guide tr oubleshoo ting 45 Photo paper does not feed i nto the pr inter corr ectly . Y ou r printe r may be in an extremely h igh or low hum idi ty env ironme nt . T r y the follo wing: • Insert the photo paper as fa r as it wi ll go into the paper tra y .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 5 46 No page came out of the printer . The pri nter ma y need at tenti on. Chec k the p r inter ’s L CD scr een for inst ructions. The pr inter’s pr int cartri dge door may be open. Clos e the printe r’s pri nt car tridge d oor .
basics guide tr oubleshoo ting 47 The photo printed at an angle or is off center . The paper may not be loaded corr ectly . T r y the follo wing: • Make sur e the paper is corr ectly or ient ed in the paper tra y . • Make sur e the paper width guide f its clos e to the edge of the paper .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 5 48 error messag es Befo re contacting HP support, r ead this section for tr oubleshooting ti ps or go to the online support serv ices at www .h p .com /s up po rt . Photos ar e not prin ting corr ectly . Y ou may hav e loaded the phot o pape r inco rr ectl y .
basics guide tr oubleshoo ting 49 C ARTR IDGE SERVICE STA TI ON IS STUCK . There i s a n o bstru ction blocking the path of the cart ri dge s erv ic e st ati on , located beneath the print cart ri dge c r adle . Mov e the pr int cartridge cr ad le to the left to acce ss the cartridge s ervice station .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 5 50.
6 basics guide 51 specifications This c hapter lists r ecommended papers for y our printer and pr ov ides s elected pr inter s pec ifi cati ons. Note: F or a complete lis t of prin ter spec ificat ions and system requirements, see the HP Ph otosmart Prin ter Help .
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 6 52 printe r specificati ons Conne ctivi ty US B: M icrosof t ® Windo ws 9 8, 2000 Pr ofessio nal, ME , XP Home , and X P Pr ofes sional; Mac ® OS 9 v9 .
basics guide specifi cations 53 P aper tr ay ca pacity 20 sheets, max imum thickne ss 11.5 mil ( 29 2 µm) p er sheet Pow e r c o n s u m p t i o n Pr inting: 8.
hp photosmar t 140 series cha p te r 6 54.
basics guide 55 inde x A add bor ders 10 all photos sel e ct 28 B bor derless pr inting 10 bor ders add 10 buttons contr ol panel 7 C calibr ate prin ter 39 calibr ation page 40 camer a -selected phot.
hp photosmar t 140 series 56 On button 7 open paper tr ay door 12 prin t cartri dge door 15 P paper getting it to feed in straigh t 13 load 12 pr oblems 44 store 41 supported 12 , 51 P aper Count icon.
index basics guide 57 U unma rked phot os 31 US B p or t 6 W wel c o m e 1 X xD-P ictur e Car d memory car d slot 7.
hp photosmar t 140 series 58.
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014 ______________________________________________________________________ Manufacturer's Name: Hewlett-Packard Company Manufactur.
Print ed on recy cled paper Pri nted in U. S., 5/0 3 ENERG Y ST AR ® is a U .S . r egist ered ma rk . As a n ENERGY S T A R ® par tner , He wle tt-P ack ar d Co mpan y has de ter mined that this pr oduct meets the ENERG Y S T AR ® guidelin es for energy eff iciency .
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) 140の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) 140をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) 140の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 140の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 140で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) 140を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) 140の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) 140に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) 140デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。