HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカー2324fcの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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HP S tor age W orks C ar r ie r -Gr ade 2 3 2 4fc Modular Smar t A r r a y user g u id e P ar t number : 5 9 9 1 -8 05 0 second edition: Mar c h 2009.
Legal and noti ce infor mation © Cop yr ight 2008- 2009 Hew lett-P ac kar d De velopment C ompan y , L.P . The inf ormati on combined her ein is sub ject to c hange witho ut notice . T he only w arr anties f or HP produ cts and servi ces ar e set f o rth in the expr ess war ra nty statements accompan y ing suc h produ cts and servi ces.
HP StorageWorks 2324fc Modular Smart Array user guide 3 About this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Intended audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 6 LED descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Front panel LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HP StorageWorks 2324fc Modular Smart Array user guide 5 Weight and placement gu idelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Electrical guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HP StorageWorks 2324fc Modular Smart Array user guide 7 Fi g u r e s 1 Cabling connections between a single-controlle r enclosure and one MSA2000 3.5 12-drive enclosure 22 2 Cabling connections between a dual-controlle r enclosure and one MSA2000 3.5 12-drive enclosur e .
HP StorageWorks 2324fc Modular Smart Array user guide 9 Ta b l e s 1 Document conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2 Installation checklist . . . . . . . . . .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 11 Abo ut this gui de This gui de pr o vi des inf or mation abou t the HP Stor age W orks 2 3 2 4fc Modular Smart Arr ay.
12 WA R N I N G ! Indicates that failur e to foll o w dir ecti ons could r e sult in bodily harm or death . CAUT ION: Indicat es that failur e to follo w dir ecti ons could r esult in damage to equipment or data . IMP O R T AN T : Pr o v ide s c larify ing inf or matio n or spec if i c instr ucti ons .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 13 Pr oduc t w ar r an ties F or inf ormati on about HP S tor age W or ks pr oduct w arr antie s, see the w arr anty infor mation w ebsit e: http://www .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 15 1O v e r v i e w T h e 2324 f c M o d u l a r S m a r t A r r a y i s a h i g h - p e r f o r m a n c e s t o r a g e s o l u t i o n t h a t c o m b i n e s o u t s t a n d i n g perfor mance w ith high r eli ab ility , av ailability , fle xibility , and manageab ility .
16 Overview.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 17 2C o m p o n e n t s F r ont panel componen ts MSA2 3 2 4f c 1 Enclosur e ID LED 2 H ard d riv e On l i n e / Ac t ivi t y LE D .
18 Components Har d dr i ve ba y numbers MSA2 3 2 4f c Re a r p a n e l c o m p o n e n t s MSA2 3 2 4f c 1 Po w e r s u p p l i e s — A C 2 Po w e r s w i t c h e s — AC 3 Host ports 4 CLI port 5.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 19 M S A2000 3 . 5 1 2 -dr i v e enc lo sur e NO TE: T he M S A2 3 2 4fc can also be attac hed to an MS A7 0 that is running f irm w ar e v ersi on 2 .
20 Components CAUT ION: T o pre serve the e x isting data st or ed in the Compac tF lash, y ou mus t tr ansport the Com pactfF ash f r om the f ailed contr oller to the r epl acement contr oller u sin.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 21 3I n s t a l l i n g t h e e n c l o s u r e s Installati on c hec klist The f ollo w ing table outlines the steps r e quir ed to install the enc losur es and initi ally conf igur e the s y stem .
22 Installing the enclosures Co nnecting co ntr oller and M S A2000 3 . 5 1 2 -dr i v e enc lo sur es Y ou can connec t up to thr ee M S A2000 3. 5 1 2 -dr i v e enc losur es t o an MS A2 3 2 4fc. The cabling di agr ams sho w n in this secti on sho w the r ecommended fa ult- toler ant cabl ing patterns .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 23 Fig u re 2 Cabling connec tions betw een a dual-contr olle r enc lo sur e an d one M S A200 0 3 . 5 1 2 -dr i v e enclo sure Fig u re 3 Cabling connecti ons betwee n a dual-contr oller enc losur e and up t o thr ee MS A2000 3 .
24 Installing the enclosures T e sting enc losur e connecti ons 1. Pr ess the po w er s w itc hes at the bac k of each dr i v e enc losur e to On. IMP O R T AN T : T his ensure s that the disks in the enclosur es ha v e enou gh ti me to c omple tely spin up b efor e being scanned b y the RAID modules in the controlle r enclo sur e .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 25 1. F r om y our netw ork administr ator obtain an IP addr ess , subne t mask, and gate w a y addre ss fo r contr oller A and contr oller B . 2. Use the pr o v ided mi cr o-D B9 ser ial cable to connect contr o ller A to a seri al port on a host computer .
26 Installing the enclosures 6. At the pr om pt , type the f ollo w ing co mmand to se t the value s y ou obtained in S tep 1 f or eac h Ether net ma n a g em e nt p or t, fi rs t for c on t rol l er .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 27 1. Attac h the r ear brac k ets to the M S A2 3 2 4 Car r ier -Grade (CG). 2. Attac h the left brac k et ass embly t o the left r ack r ail . 3. Attac h the righ t brac k et ass embl y to the ri ght r ack r ail .
28 Installing the enclosures T able 5 Callout locati ons 1L o c k w a s h e r 2S c r e w 3F l a t w a s h e r 4B o l t 5 Gr ound cable lug . P osition between ear and r ail (cable not sho w n) .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 29 8. Loo sel y attach the r ear br ack ets to the rear br ac k et ass emblies . 9.
30 Installing the enclosures.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 27 4 C onnec ting ho sts Host s ystem r equirements D a t a h o s t s c o n n e c t e d t o M S A 2324 f c a r r a y s m u s t m e .
28 Connecting hosts T w o s erver s/one dual-ported HB A per serv er/dual path C onnecting s witc h at tac h conf i gur ations T w o serv ers/tw o s w itc hes Co nnecting r emote manageme nt ho s ts The manage ment hos t dir ectl y manages s ys tems out-of-band o v er an Ether net networ k .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 29 5 Ba s ic o p e ra t ion Po w e r i n g o n / p o w e r i n g o f f Bef or e po w er ing on the encl osur e for the f ir st time: • Install all har d dr i v es in the enclo sur e so that the connec ted host co ntr oller can identify and conf igur e them at po wer -up.
30 Basic operation.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 31 6 LED des c r iptio ns F ront panel LEDs LED Description Definition 1 Enclo sure ID Green — On Enables you to corr elate the enclosur e with logical vi ew s pr esented b y management s oftwar e .
32 LED descriptions Har d dr i v e LED s LED Description 1 F ault/UID (amber/blue) 2O n l i n e / A c t i v i t y ( g r e e n ) T able 5 Har d dr iv e LED comb inat io ns Online/Ac tiv ity (green) Fault/UID (amber/blue) Description On Off Normal oper ati on.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 33 Blinking reg ularl y ( 1 Hz) Off CAUT ION: Do not remo ve the drive . Removing a dri ve may terminat e the current opera tion and cause data loss. The driv e i s rebuild ing. Off Off E ither there is no po w er , the dr i ve is offline , or the dri ve is not conf igured.
34 LED descriptions R ear panel LEDs MSA2 3 2 4f c LED Description Definition 1 P ow er supply LEDs See Po w e r s u p p l y L E D s . 2 Host L ink St atus/Acti v ity FC port 1 Blinking gree n ( 1 Hz) — No link is detected . 2G LED illuminates gree n — L ink speed is 2 Gbit /sec.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 35 1 0 Cache Statu s Green — C ache is dirty (contains unwr itten data) and operatio n is normal . Off — In a wor king contr oller , cache is c lean (contains no un wr itten dat a).
36 LED descriptions M S A2000 3 . 5 1 2 -dr i v e enc lo sur e LED Description Definition 1 P ow er supply LEDs See Po w e r s u p p l y L E D s . 2 Unit Locat or Off — Normal oper ati on Blinking white— Ph y sicall y identifi es the e xpansion module.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 37 Po w e r s u p p l y L E D s P ow er r edundanc y is achi e ved thr ough tw o independ ent load-shar ing pow e r suppli es.
38 LED descriptions.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 39 7 C onf igur ing a s y stem f or the f irs t time Co nf i gur ing y our w eb br o w se r f or SMU Bef or e using SMU to perf orm.
40 Configuring a system for the first time T ips f or u sing the help w indo w • In the main panel, c lic king the help icon displa y s help for the last-selected item, w hether it is a component in the Conf igur ation Vi ew panel or a su bpanel in the main panel.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 41 Us i ng t h e Con fig u ratio n Wi z a rd The C onf igur atio n Wi zar d helps y ou initi ally conf ig ur e the sy stem or change s y ste m confi gur ation s ettings.
42 Configuring a system for the first time Usi ng th e P r o v is ioni ng Wi z ard The Pr ov isi oning Wi z ar d helps y ou cr eat e a vdisk w ith vo lumes and to map the v olu mes to ho sts . T he w i z ar d has se v er al steps , whi ch ar e highli ghted at the bottom of the panel as you complet e them.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 43 8T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g F ault isolati on methodo log y The M S A2000 F amily stor ag e s ys tem pr ov ides many w ay s to iso late faults w ithin the s ys tem. T his sec tion pr esents the basic me thodology us ed to locate f aults and the assoc iated FRUs .
44 Troubl eshootin g Co rr ecting enclo sur e IDs When install ing a sy s tem w ith dr i ve enc losur e s at tac hed, the enclo sur e IDs might not agr ee w ith the ph ys ical cabling or der .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 45 Ar e both dri v e module LEDs off (Online/Acti v ity and F ault/UID)? Is the dr i v e module F ault/UID LED blinking amber? Is a con necte d host por t’s Host Link Status L ED off? Answer P ossibl e Reasons Acti ons Ye s • Th ere i s n o p ower .
46 Troubl eshootin g Is a connec ted port’s Expansi on P or t St atus LED o ff? Is a connected port’s Ethe rnet li nk status LED off ? Is the po w er suppl y’s A C P o w er Good LED off? Answer P ossibl e Reasons Acti ons No S y st em fu ncti oning pr oper l y .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 47 Is the dr i v e enc lo sur e bac k panel OK LED off? Is the dr i v e enc lo sur e F a ult/Serv i ce R equir ed LED amber? Answer P ossibl e Reasons Acti ons No S y stem f unctio ning proper ly .
48 Troubl eshootin g Co ntr oller f ailur e in a single -contr oller conf igur ation C a c h e m e m o r y i s f l u s h e d t o C o m p a c t F l a s h i n t h e c a s e o f a c o n t ro l l e r f a i l u re o r p ow e r l o s s .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 49 Isolating a ho st-side connecti on f ault During nor mal oper ation , whe n a contro ller module host port is connected to a data host , the port’s hos t link statu s LED and host link ac ti vi ty LED are gr een .
50 Troubl eshootin g Isolating a contr oller module e xpansion port connec tio n f ault During nor mal oper ation , when a contr oller module’s e x pansion port is connected to a dr i v e enclo sure, the e xpansion port status LED is gr een . If the connected port ’s expansi on port LED is off , the link is dow n .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 51 Sens or locations The s tor age s ys tem monitor s conditions at diff er ent points w ithin eac h enclo sur e to alert yo u to pr oblems. P ow er , cooling fan, te mper atur e , and v oltage sens ors ar e locate d at ke y po ints in the enclo sur e .
52 Troubl eshootin g When a po w er suppl y sens or goes out of r ange , the F a ult/ID LED illuminates amber and an e v ent is logged to the ev ent log . P o we r suppl y module v oltage s ensor s P ow er suppl y v oltage s ensor s ensur e that an enc losur e ’s po w er supply v oltage is w ithin nor mal range s.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 53 A. P arts catalog This pr oduct contains the parts illustr ated in Fi g u r e 4 , Fi g u r e 5 , and Fi g u re 6 .
54 Parts catalog F Fig u re 4 MSA23 1 2 f c ex pl o d e d view T able 1 1 MS A2 3 1 2fc par ts list Item Description Spares part number CSR Mand at ory Optional 1 SPS-BL ANK,HDD 4 8 1 344 -00 1 Mandatory 2 Har d dr i v es — — a) SP S —DRV , HD 1 46GB MS A2 3 .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 55 7P o w e r s u p p l i e s — — SPS -POW ER SUPP L Y (AC) 48 1 320 - 00 1 Man d at or y SPS - DC D I SK E NC L, POWE R SUPPL .
56 Parts catalog Fig u re 5 MSA23 2 4f c ex p l od e d vi ew T able 1 2 M S A 2324 f c p a r t s l i s t Item Description Spares part number CSR Mand at ory Optional 1 S PS - B L A N K , H D D 37 6383.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 57 7P o w e r s u p p l i e s — — a) S PS - POWE R SU PPL Y 48 1 320 - 0 0 1 Ma nd a to r y b) SP S-DC DISK ENCL, P O WER SUPPL.
58 Parts catalog Fig u re 6 MS A2000 3. 5 1 2 -dri v e encl osur e e xploded v ie w T able 1 3 MS A2000 3 . 5 1 2 -dr i v e enclo sur e parts list Item Description Spares part number CSR Mand at ory Optional 1 SPS-BL ANK,HDD 48 1 344 -00 1 Mandator y 2 Har d dr i v es — — a) SP S —DRV , HD 1 46GB MS A2 3 .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 59 • For mo re i nform a tio n a bo ut CS R, con ta ct your lo ca l s er vice p rov ide r . F or No r th Am eric a, se e t h e CS R we bs i t e at http://www .hp .co m/go/se lfr epair .
60 Parts catalog.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 61 B En v ir onmental r equir ements and s pec ifi cations Safety r equir ements Install the s y ste m in accordance w ith the local saf ety codes and r egulations at the fac ilit y site .
62 Environmental requireme nts and specifications W ei ght and placement guidelines Refer to Phy si cal re quir ements f or detail ed si z e and w e ight spec ificati ons . • The w e ight of an enc losur e d epends on the number and type of modules ins talled .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 63 NO TE: C onnec tions t o this de v ice m ust be made w ith shi elded cables w ith metall ic RFI/EMI connec tor hoods in or der to maint ain compliance w ith FC C R ules and R egulations .
64 Environmental requireme nts and specifications Electr i cal r equir ements Site w ir ing and po w e r requir ements E ach enc losur e has tw o po w er and cooling modules fo r r edundancy . If full r edundancy is r equ ired , u se a separ ate po w er so ur ce fo r each module .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 65 C Elect r ost ati c disc har ge Pr e v enting electr ostati c disc harge T o pre ve nt damaging the s ys tem , be aw ar e of the pr ecau tions y ou need to f ollo w w hen setting up the s y stem or handling parts.
66 Electrostatic discharge.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 67 D R egulat or y compli ance and saf ety R egulatory compli ance F ed eral Comm un ica t ion s Co mm iss ion no t ice P art 1 5 o.
68 Regulatory compliance and safety • 1 - 28 1 - 5 1 4 - 3333 T o identify this pr oduct , r ef er to the part , Regulato ry Model Number , or produc t number f ound on the product.
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 69 L ase r pr odu ct la bel The o ptio nal labe l in F igu r e 6- 1 or equi v alen t may be lo cated on the surf ace o f the HP suppli ed lase r dev i ce .
70 Regulatory compliance and safety BS M I n o t ic e Japanes e notice Ko r e a n n o t i c e s Safety Batter y r eplacement notice Y our computer is eq uipped with a lithium mangane s e dio x i de, a v anadium pento x ide , or an alk aline inter nal battery or batter y pack .
HP StorageWorks Carrier-Grade 2324 fc Modular Smart Array user guide 71 WA R N I N G ! Y ur computer contains an internal lithium mang anese di o x ide , a v anadium pento x ide , or an alk aline battery pack. T her e is ri sk of fir e and burns if the battery pack is not prope rl y handled.
72 Regulatory compliance and safety • K eep elec tr ostati c -sensiti v e parts in their containers until the y ar ri v e at stati c -fr ee w orks tations . • P lace parts on a grounded surface bef or e r emo v ing them f ro m their co ntainers . • A v oid t ouchi ng pins, leads , or c ir c uitry .
HP StorageWorks 2312fc and 2324fc Modular Sma rt Array user guide 73 Inde x A accessing the CLI 24 accessing the SMU 39 accumulators 71 audience 11 Avis Canadien, regulatory compliance notice 69 B bat.
74 F faults isolating a host-side connection 49 expansion port connection fault 50 methodology 43 FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Class A Equipment, compliance notice 67 Class B Equipment, com.
HP StorageWorks 2312fc and 2324fc Modular Sma rt Array user guide 75 physical requirements 63 point-to-point topology 27 ports MSA2000 3.5 12-drive enclos ure 19 MSA2312fc 18 MSA2324fc 18 power cord c.
76 W warnings lasers, rad iation 68 rack stability 12 voltage and temperature 50 web sites HP documentation 11 HP storage 13 HP Subscriber’s choice 13 web-browser co nfiguration 39 work mat, s tatic.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) 2324fcの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2324fcをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) 2324fcの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2324fcの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2324fcで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
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