HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカー9315Mの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Software release 07.8.04a supersedes earlier software releases in the 07. x software branch. (For information about software branches and minimum release requiremen ts for management module support, refer to “Software Branches” on page 3.) The 07.
Release Notes for 07.8.04a ii © Copyright 2001, 2008 Hewlett-Packard Develop- ment Comp any , L.P . The informatio n cont ained herein is subject to ch an ge without notice. Publication Number 5991-4722 September 2008 Applicable ProCurve 930 0 (Current) Products 9304M Routing Switch .
iii Release Notes for 07.8.0 4a Content s Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Product Documentation for Software Relea s e 07.8.
1 Release Notes for 07.8.04 T er minology T erminology The following table defines basic product terms used in ProCurve routing switch documen tation. Product Document ation for So f tware Release 07.8.04a Software release 07.8.04a includes all of the features in release 07.
Product Documentation for Softw are Release 07.8.04a Release Notes for 07.8.04 2 T able 1: Where T o Get More Information Title Content s Installation and Basic Configuration Guide • Installation �.
3 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Downloading the Latest Software and Documentation Downloading the Latest So f tware and Documentation Y ou can download software version 07 .8 .04a and the late st routing switch product documentation from the ProCurve website as described below .
Software Requirements for Management Modules Release Notes for 07.8.04 4 Sof tware Requirement s for Management Modules T abl e 3 shows the minimum software releases required to run redundant management mo dul es. T able 3: Minimu m Software Requir ements f or Management Modules 07.
5 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software S uppor ted on ProCur v e Routing Switches Sof tware Supported on Pr oCurve Routing Switches T abl e 4 shows the software releases s upporte d on each ProCurve routing switch.
Boot Code Require ments f or ProCur v e Software Release Notes for 07.8.04 6 T able 5: Boot Code Requirements Routing Switch Modules Sof tware Image Minimum Boot Co de Required ProCurve 9304 M ProCurve 9308 M With one of the following M1 1 modules (without Redundant Management): J4141A 10/100 J4144A Gigabit SX J4146A Gigabit 4LX/4SX HPR06636.
7 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Upgrading Software on an M2 , M4, or EP Management Module to Release 07.8.04a Upgrading Sof tware on an M2, M4 , or EP Management Module to Release 07.
Upgrading Software on an M2, M4, or EP Management Module to Release 07.8.04a Release Notes for 07.8.04 8 B. If the routing switch is running software EARLIER than rele ase 07.6.01b , copy release 07.6.01b to flash memory . Then reboot the device to load the 07.
9 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Upgrading Software on an M2 , M4, or EP Management Module to Release 07.8.04a is displayed when the flash images are synchro nized and the upgrade is complete.
Using SNMP to Upgrade Software on a Management Module Release Notes for 07.8.04 10 5. Reboot the routing switch to load software release 0 7.8.04a from the area of flash memory (primary or secondary) where you stored it. NOTE: When you reload the software after upgrading the software to release 07.
11 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Upgrading th e FPGA on a 10 Gigabit Ethernet Module < tf tp-ip- addr > is the TFTP server ’ s IP address. < file-name > is the image file name. < command-integer> is one of the following values: 20 – Downloads the software code into the device’s primary flash area.
Using Different Combinations of Management Mod ules Release Notes for 07.8.04 12 NOTE: The show flash command will list the new FPGA code versio ns but the new versions do not take effect until you reload the software.
13 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Non-Redundant Management on ProCur ve 9304M and ProCur ve 9308M Routing Switches management module, and also do wnlo adable from t he ProCurve website (see “T o Downl oad Product Documentation:” on page 3).
Removi ng a Module from an Ac tive De vice Release Notes f or 07.8.04 14 Removing a Module from an Active Device Before you remove a module from a routing switch in operation, first disable the module. Disabling the module before removing it prevents a brief service in terruption on other unmanag ed modules.
15 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Enhancements and Configuration Note s in 07.8.03 Inserting or Removing an EP Module on a ProCurve 9315M NOTE: This section applies only to a ProCurve 93 15M (15-slot ch assis) with EP modules. Do not insert or remove EP modules in a ProCurve 9315M until the device has full y booted.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 16 Sof tware Fixes The fixes for software bugs found on ProCurve 9300M Seri es routing switches in software releases 07.8.00h through 07.8.03 are described in the following table. Software fixes are listed by bug ID for the software release in which th ey were imple mented.
17 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 45318 After you disable and swap a module, the active management module crash es. System 07.8.00 45319 When you enter the ip rebind-acl all command, the following message is logged: Exceed max DMA 9 L4 cam resource, using flow based ACL instead ACL 07.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 18 48927 Port-based rate-limiting on outbou nd traf fic may not function properl y if a large output ra te is configured. Rate Limiting 07.8.00 07.8.00i 29031 In show ip nat trans command output, a maximum of 3000 Network Address T ranslation (NA T) sessions are displayed.
19 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 47395 If the primary link in an Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) 802.3ad trunk go es down for more than 90 seconds and then comes back up, port flapping occurs. LACP 07.8.00 47826 The system rel oads when the ARP t able contains more entries than the configured maximum arp ta bl e value.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 20 50092 When you enter the no spee d-duplex command including speed and duplex at tributes, the specified fixed speed and duplex settin gs are not re moved. CLI 07.8.00 50203 A routing switch does not flush a MAC address on the Metro Ring Protocol (MR P).
21 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 49218 LACP implementation caus es a trunk instance to be recreated if a primary tr unk port attached to a Cisco 6500 goes down or comes up. LACP 07.8.00 49294 If you do not enter the no rfc153 -compatibility command, type 3 summary link-state advertisements (LSAs) with maximum cost are sent.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 22 52419 SSH disconnects an SSH client after the configured idle time expires even during an active SSH session. SSH 07.8.00 53721 A reload is performed due to the lack of memory allocated to the "vlan_router_int_list" pointer.
23 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 50323 802.1w is disabled i f you configure a topology gro up (802.1w in the master VLAN) and more VLANs than the configured s ystem-max spanning-tree value.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 24 51933 A traffic flow is over-reporting the number o f outbound bytes transmitted as compared with the number of interface counters recorded by SNMP . SNMP 07.8.00 52074 When NA T and ACL are configured on the same interface, NA T does not translate packet s after you modify the ACL configuratio n.
25 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 57594 The child route (more specific route) ages out from CAM before the parent route, resulting in blackholing of traffic. System 07.8.00 57774 A Data Access Exception crash occurs when a trunk is created with out entering the trunk deploy command and when the lead port is configured for 802.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 26 07.8.01 14668 Although rare in occurre nce, in some configurations with EBGP , IBGP , and OSPF routes, a routing switch may not always sele ct the best route.
27 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 29670 If you enable 802.1w ( spanning-tree command) on a port-based VLAN before configuring th e port as tagged or untagged, 802.1w fails to initialize. In addition, the show 8 02-1w command output shows that Rapid Sp anning Tree Protocol (RSTP) is not configured.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 28 31084 On an EP 8 Port Mini-GBIC Redundant Management module, a system reload occurs when a BGP packet with an invalid header length is received. BGP4+ 07.8.01 31 157 A BGP routing switch fails to send notification after clearing a peer session.
29 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 32360 On an EP 48-Port 10/1000-TX RJ45 module, the routing switch does n ot successfully remove some ACL remarks and line entries from the configuration.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 30 3351 1 If a port in a trunk group goes down then comes up again, the routing switch incorrectly load balances traffic across the port s in the trunk group. In normal operation, the switch re-balance s the traffic so that all of the ports in the trunk group are properly utilized.
31 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 34609 A 10 Gigabit Ethe rnet link stays up when the egress side of the link is disabled. No l ink-fault signal (LFS) is configured.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 32 46924 After a system reload, the sFlow sample command at the trunk configuration level is no longer supported. sFlow 07.6.06 07.8.01b 47724 The show ip bg p nei adv command output may not display all advertised routes.
33 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 43721 After you install a 2-port 1-Gigabit Ethernet mo dule, the dm de lete < slot-number > command cau ses the routing switch to reload. 10GE link 07.6.05 07.8.01c 44138 CPU spikes occur for about 8 seconds when you add or remove ports with an outbound ACL on a VLAN.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 34 50592 Multicast jumbo packets are not supported on the 10 Gigabit Ethernet module. Multicast all 07.8.01c 51482 The system reload s when you enter the ip t f tp source loopback 19899960 command in config mode.
35 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 54251 The debug 802.1w a ll_802_1W_events vlan command does not send output to a console, T elnet, or SSH session.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 36 36440 The routing switch doe s not forward the MAC g roup address 01-80-C2-00-00-03 tha t was filtered by an IEEE 802.1D MAC bridge. MAC Addressing 07.8.02 38066 When you add a single, multicast static MAC address to a port that is a member of a VLAN may result in packet loss.
37 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 47254 On an EP 8 Port Mini-GBIC Redundant Management module, when you configu re sFlow and an ACL so that packet s that were being forwarded by the CPU are filtered by the ACL, an incorrect VLAN ID is matched with the ACL.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 38 49141 On an EP 8 Port Mini-GBIC Redundant Management module, you cannot reassign the same interfaces to an MRP ring. MRP 07.8.02 49240 On a 2-Port 10 Gigabit Ethernet module, when you configur e a jumbo MTU, p acket loss may result when a link on a 10 Gigabit port is re moved and re- inserted.
39 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 54622 On an EP 8 Port Mini-GBIC Redundant Management module, a port in a virtual router interface on which an ACL is applie d was changed, added, or removed and the ACL was re-applied. This behavior may resu lt in a system reload.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 40 56399 When rate limiting is enabled , the ip rebind [ acl- num ] command does not function co rrectly and some ACL definitions are changed.
41 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 57758 On a network with OSPF Equal-Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) enabled, only the two next hops can be viewed when four next-hops exist. OSPF 07.8.02 57806 When you ente r the no port security command, all interface-level configurations are removed.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 42 58868 Y ou cannot d isable the HP Discovery Protocol (FDP) or Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) on a secondary trunk port if you have entered the no f d p enable or no cdp enable command on a primary trunk port.
43 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 60395 Although a device has a route in the OSPF routing table, the device may add an IP cache entry that is flagged as "DI", meaning the packet destination is unknown. This problem occurs when you disa ble IP load-sharing.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 44 59468 If OSPF is configured, the OSPF configuration is not displayed in show ip osp f config command output until the c onfiguration is saved and the switch is reb ooted. OSPF 07.8.02 59698 If SSH is configured, a system re loa d sometime s occurs due to insufficient stack sp ace.
45 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 60916 T raffic is not evenly balanced on the members of a trunk after you enter the ip net-aggregate command and configure multislo t switch tru nks.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 46 62894 If the ports within a trunk are disabled due to a port security violation, the disable command is not displayed as part of the show ru nning-conf ig command output.
47 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 63975 A routing switch in which ProCurve 9300M Series modules are installed can someti mes reload due to incorrect logic fo r lockup detection.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 48 59279 If supernet routes are used and the IP Routing feature i s config ured, th e CAM entry of a child route sometimes gets aged out, l eaving the CAM entry of parent route programmed. This can cause misforwarding of traf fic.
49 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 65342 When detecting a port lockup condition on a routing switch, a system reload may occur . System 07.8.02 65418 If you configure the Port Security feature with an ACL that permits Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) traffic, ICMP p acket s may sometimes be dropped.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 50 65528 Removing a module from a ro uting switch may cause Port Database entries on the module to be inaccessible, resulting in a system reload.
51 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 69334 In a Switch/Router configured wi th outbound ACLs using the ip access-policy command, the L4 CAM entry is not programmed causing the packets to be forwarded via the Processor .
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 52 07.8.03b 67638 Module: N/A Symptom: In a Switch or Router configured with the AAA authentication l ogin command using the line method keyword, all the available commands d o not appear with the CLI prompt.
53 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 73502 Module: N/A Symptom: In a Rout er co nf iguration wi t h ACL configured in flow mode, the sw itched packets with TCP SYN and ACK flag are incorrectly discarded. Resolution: Fixed in this release . L2 Forwarding 07.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 54 74773 Module: N/A Symptom: In a Switch or Router configured with MAC Authenticati on, if when an authentica ted MAC moves from one port to another port, this can sometimes cause a system reset. Resolution: Fixed in this release .
55 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 07.8.03d 76148 Module: N/A Symptom: In a Switch or Router configured with AAA and authentication using T A CACS+ server fo r user access through the Web Management interface, authentication requests after an unsuccessful login do not cease to be sent to the server .
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 56 75878 Module: N/A Symptom: In a Switch or Router if the SSH is used for management, occasionally this can cause a system reset .
57 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Software Fix es 77253 Module: N/A Symptom: In a Switch or Router running 07.8.03e and 07.8.03d, an ACL configure d with Rate Limit can occasionally cause high CPU usage due to traffic that is incorrectly coming to CPU. This problem does not exist in patches prior to 07.
Software Fix e s Release Notes for 07.8.04 58 36440 Module: N/A Symptom: The Switch or Router forwards the packet with Destinat ion MAC address of 01:80:c2:00:00:0x. Thes e p acket s should be discarded. Resolution: Fixed in this release . Layer 2 07.
59 Release Notes for 07.8.04 Known Issues in 07.8.03 Known Issues in 07.8.03 This section lists the known issues in software release 07.8.03. ProCurve 9300M Series Modules T abl e 9 list s the modules that are currently available for use in Pro Curve 930 0M Series routing switches.
ProCur v e 9300M Series Modules Release Notes for 07.8.04 60 T able 9: ProCurve 9300M Series Modules Module T ype Part Number and Description Module S tring EP Redundant Management Modules J4885A ProC.
61 Release Notes for 07.8.04 ProCur v e 9300M Series Modules Unmanaged Mo dul es (S tandard, non-EP) J4140A ProCurve 9300 10/100 Modul e (24-port) 24-port-copper-module Discontinued J4142A ProCurve 93.
ProCur v e 9300M Series Modules Release Notes for 07.8.04 62 —This page intentionally left blank—.
63 Release Notes for 07.8.04 ProCur v e 9300M Series Modules 5991-4722 September 2008 © Copyright 2001, 2008 Hewlett-Packard Devel opment Company , L.
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HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9315Mを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) 9315Mの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9315Mに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) 9315Mデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。