HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカーC7200の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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HP Photo smar t C7 200 A ll-in- One se r i es W indo w s He lp.
Contents 1 HP Photosmart C720 0 All-in-One series He lp ............................. ................................... ........9 2 HP All-in-One ov erview The HP All-in-One at a glance............ ...................................................
Computer connection information....... .............................. ............................ ............................30 Supported connec tion types........................................... ..................................................
Choose papers for printing and copying........................................... ........................................73 Recommended papers for printing and copying....................... ..........................................73 Recommended papers for prin ting only.
Edit photos using th e control panel......................... ...................................... .........................109 Zoom and pan to crop a photo ......................... .................................. ..............................109 Rotate a photo.
11 Use the fax fe atures Send a fax..............................................................................................................................131 Send a basic fax....................... . ............................... ............
Work with ink cartridges....... ........................ ....................... ...................... ...................... ..... ...158 Replace the ink cartridges.................. .................................. ...............................
HP Quick Exchange Servic e (Japan)............................................. ........................................282 Call HP Korea customer su pport........................ ....................................................................282 Prepare the HP All-in-One for shipm ent.
8 Contents.
1 HP Photosmart C7200 All-in- One series Help For information a bout the HP All-in-One, see: •“ HP All-in-O ne overview” on page 11 •“ Find more i nformation” on page 23 •“ Finish sett.
Chapter 1 10 HP Photosmart C7200 All-in-One series Help HP Photosmart C720 0 All-in- One series Help.
2 HP All-in-One overview Use the HP All-in-One to qui ckly and easily accomplish ta sks such as making a copy, scanning documents, sending and receiving faxes, or print ing photos from a mem ory card. You can access many HP All-in-One fu nctions directly from the contro l panel, without turning o n your computer.
Label Description 7 Paper-width and paper-length guides for the photo tray 8 Paper-length guide for the main input tray 9 Photo tray 10 Ink cartridge door 11 Front USB port for your came ra or other s.
Control panel features The followin g diagram and related tabl e provide a quick reference t o the HP All-in-One control panel features. Label Name and D escription 1 Displa y : Displays menus, photos, and messages. The angle of the display can be changed for better viewing.
Label Name and Description 12 Fax Menu : Presents the Enter Fax Number screen to enter a fax number. If you press it again, the Fax Menu appears where you can select fax options. 13 Auto Answer : When this button is lit, the HP All- in-One automatica lly answers incoming phone calls.
Icon Purpose NOTE: The ink level icons will only appear if one of the ink cartridges is less than 50% full. If the ink level for all ink cartridges is more than 50% full, the ink cartridge icons do not appear on the display. Shows that the ink cartridge is nearly empty, and will need to be replaced.
• Setup Menu • Help Menu Photosmart Expres s Menu The follo wing options are availabl e in the Photosmart Expres s menu when you insert a memory card or stor age devic e, or when you pr ess Photo Menu on the control p anel.
Scan Menu The followin g options are available whe n you press the Scan Menu button on the control panel. NOTE: The applicatio ns that appear on the Scan Men u vary depending on the software applicat ions installed on your computer.
NOTE: The Bluetooth Menu option only app ears if an optional HP bt450, Printer and PC Adapter with Bluetooth ® Wireless Technology is attached to the HP All-in- One. Help Menu The Help Menu menu provides quick access to key help topics and is available when you press the Help button.
To enter text 1. Press the keypad numbers that correspon d to the letters of a name. For exampl e, the letters a, b, and c correspo nd to the number 2, as shown o n the button below. TIP: Press a but ton multiple times to see the available ch aracters.
To enter text using the visual keyboar d 1. To select a letter, num ber, or sym bol in the visual keyboard, press , , , and to highlight the appropriate selection. To enter low ercase letter s, upperca se letters, number s, and symbols • To enter l owercase letters, select th e abc button on the visual keyboard, and th en press OK .
Available symbols Description Available when entering + Displays a plus symbol. This symbol does not affect dialing. Fax header name, fax header number, speed dial names, speed dial numbers, and fax or phone numbers Use the HP Photosmart Software The HP Photosma rt Software provid es a fast and easy way to make pri nts of your photos.
Chapter 2 22 HP All-in-One overview Overvi ew.
3 Find more information You can access a variety of resources, both printed and onscreen, that provide information abo ut setting up and using the HP All-in-One. Setup Guide The Setup Guide provides instructions for setting up the HP All-in -One and installing software.
Chapter 3 24 Find more information Find more information.
4 Finish setting up the HP All-in- One After you have completed the steps in your Setup Guide, re fer to this section to help you finish setting up the HP All-in-One. This section contains important setup -related information f or your device, including inform ation on setting preferences.
To set your la nguage and country/regi on 1. Press Setup . 2. Press to hig hlight Preferenc es , and then press OK . 3. Press to hig hlight Set Language , and then press OK . 4. Press to scro ll through the languages. Wh en the language you want t o use appears, press OK .
To adjust the volume o f fax sounds 1. Press Setup . 2. Press to hi ghlight Basic F ax Setup , and then press OK . 3. Press to hi ghlight Fax Sound Volume , and then press OK . 4. Press to highlight one of the options: Soft , Loud , or Off , and t hen press OK .
3. Press to highlight Bluetooth Tray Select , and then press OK . 4. Press to highlight Main T ray or Photo Tray , and then press OK . Restore the factory defaults You can restore the current settings to what t hey were when yo u purchased the HP All- in-One.
3. Press to hi ghlight Tips Slidesho w , and then pres s OK . 4. Press or to highlight On or Off , and then press OK . Fax preferences You should review the in formation in the Fax setup section of the printed document ation to find out the recomme nded settings for the options d escribed in the following top ics.
Pulse Dialing . Contact your local telephone company i f you are unsure which setting to use. NOTE: If you select Pulse Di aling , some phone system features mi ght not be available. It can al so take longer to dial a fax or phone number. NOTE: This feature is no t supported in all countries/regions.
Wireless Technology into th e front USB port, Bluetooth ® devices such as PDAs and camera phones can pr int to the HP All-in-O ne. NOTE: In the remainder of this chapter, the HP bt450, Print er and PC Adapter with Bluetooth ® Wireless Technolo gy is referred to simply as an HP bt450.
Connect using int egrated wireless W LAN 802.11 The HP All-in-One u ses an internal networking compon ent that supports a wireless network. Fo r detailed instructions on conn ecting the HP All-in-One to a wi reless (802.11) network, see “ Integrated wireless WLAN 802.
5. When you have finished entering a name for the HP All-in-One, press OK . The name you entered will appear on your Bluetooth device when you connect to the HP All-in-O ne to print.
6. Press until Security Level i s highlighted, and then press OK . 7. Press OK to select High . High level secu rity requires authentication . Passkey authen tication is now set for the HP All-in-One.
NOTE: The only softw are functionalit y available with a Bluetooth connection is printing. Scannin g and software-based faxing cannot be done ov er a Bluetooth connection.
To install and print using the Widcomm stack 1. Make sure that you have installed the HP All-in-One softw are on the computer. NOTE: The purpose of instal ling the software is to make sure the printer driver is available for t he Bluetooth ® connection.
If you want to: See this section: Change the HP All-in-One from a U SB connection to a network connection. NOTE: Use the instructions in this section if you first installed the HP All-in -One with a USB connection, and you now want to change to either a wireless or Ethernet network connection.
What you n eed for a wi red network Before you connect the HP All-in-O ne to a network, make sure you have all of the re quired materials. ❑ A functional Ethernet network that includes a router, switch, o r hub with an Ethernet port. ❑ CAT-5 Ethernet cable.
2. Connect the Ethernet cab le to the Ethernet port on the back of the H P All-in-One. 3. Connect the other en d of the Ethernet c able to an avai lable port on your Ethernet router or switch. 4. Once you have connected th e HP All-in-One to the network, install the software.
The advantages of a w ireless infrastructure network as compared to an ad hoc network include: • Advanced network securi ty • Enhanced reliabil ity • Network flex ibility • Better performance, espe cially with 802.11 g mode • Shared Broadband Internet access To set up the HP All-in-O ne on an integrated wireless WLAN 802.
supports th is feature. See the doc umentation that came with your wireless rou ter or access point to find out if it supports using EasySet up and for additional setup instruct ions.
c . When you have fini shed entering the new SSID, use the arrow buttons to highl ight Done on the visual keyboa rd, and then press OK . TIP: If the HP All-in-One is un able to discover the network based o n the network nam e you entered, you will se e the following prom pts.
Wireless ad ho c network setup Use this sect ion if you want to conn ect the HP All-in-One t o a wireless-capable com puter without using a wirel ess router or access point. NOTE: An ad hoc connecti on is available if you do not have a wireless router or access point.
1. In the Control Panel , double-click Network Connection s . 2. On the Network Connections window, right-click the Wireless Netwo rk Connection . If you see Enable on the pop-up menu, select it. Otherwise, if you see Disable on the me nu, the wireless connection is alread y enabled.
Create a ne twork prof ile for other ope rating system s If you have an operat ing system other than Windows XP, HP recommends that you use the configuration program that came wi th your wireless LAN card. To find the configuration program for your wireless LAN card, access your computer's list of programs.
c . When you have fini shed entering the new SSID, use the arrow buttons to highl ight Done on the visual keyboa rd, and then press OK . TIP: If the HP All-in-One is un able to discover the network based o n the network nam e you entered, you will se e the following prom pts.
To install the Windows H P All-in-One software 1. Quit all applicatio ns running on your computer, inclu ding any virus detection softw are. 2. Insert the Windows CD that ca me with the HP All-in-One i nto the CD-ROM drive on your computer and f ollow the onscreen instructio ns.
4. Press to highlight Wireles s Setup Wizard , and then press OK . This runs the Wireless Setup Wizard . 5. Install the soft ware for a network connection, choose Add a Device , and then choose Through the network .
Use the Wir eless Setup W izard The Wireless Setup Wiza rd provides an easy way to set up and manage a wireless connection to the HP All-i n-One. To run the Wireless Setup Wizard 1. On the control panel of the HP A ll-in-One, pre ss Setup . 2. Press until Network is highlighted, and t hen press OK .
To restore network defaults 1. On the control panel of the HP All-in-One, press Setup . 2. Press until Network is highlighted, and t hen press OK . 3. Press until Restore Networ k Defaults is highlight ed, and then press OK . 4. Press OK to confirm that you want to restore the network de faults.
To set link speed 1. Press Setup . 2. Press until Network is highlighted, then press OK . The Network menu appears. 3. Press until Advanced Setup is highlighted, and then pre ss OK .
Use the Embedded Web Serve r If your computer is connect ed to an HP All-in-One on a network, you can acce ss the Embedded Web Server that resides in the HP All -in-One.
Use the Embedded Web Server setup wizard The network setup w izard provided in the Embedded Web Server gives you an intui tive interface to your network connection paramete rs. To access the Embe dded Web Server setup wizard 1. Print a network con figuration pa ge to find the IP address for the HP All-in-One.
General ne twork settings The followi ng table describes the general netw ork settings shown on the netw ork configuration p age. Parameter Description Network Status Status of the HP All-in-One: • Ready : The HP All-in-One is ready to r eceive or transmit data.
Paramete r Description NOTE: Some Internet service providers ( ISPs) require that you register the MAC address of the Network Card or LAN Adapter that was connected to your cable or DSL modem during installa tion. IP Address This address uniquely iden tifies the dev ice on the network.
Parameter Description broken up into packets. Each packet contains the destination address as well as the data. Total Packets received The number of packets received by the HP All-in-One without error since it has been turned on. The counter clears after the HP All-in-One is turned off.
Paramete r Description DNS server The IP address of the domain name service (DNS) for the network. When you use the Web or send an e-mail message, yo u use a domain name to do it. For example, the URL http://www.hp.com conta ins the domain name hp.com.
Parameter Description number. Value is from 1 to 14; countries/regions might limit the range of approved channels. • (number) : Value ranging from 1 to 14, d epending on country/region. • None : No channel is in use. • Not Applicable : The WLAN is disabled or this parameter does not apply to this network type.
Paramete r Description Access Point HW Address The hardware address of the wireless router o r access point on the network to which the HP All-in-One is connected: • (MAC address) : The unique MAC (Media Access Control) hardware address of the access point.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A server on the network that supplies configuration parameters to device s on the network. On small networks, this could be a router. DNS Domain Name Service. When you use the Web or send an e-mail message, you use a domain name to do it.
router A router provides a bridge betwe en two or more networks. A rou ter can link a network to the Inter net, link two networks and connect both to the Internet, and help secure networ ks through the use of firewalls and assign ing dynamic addresses.
Norway www.hp.no/faxconfig Ireland www.hp.com/ie/faxconfig France www.hp.com/fr/faxconfig Italy www.hp.com/it/faxconfig This section contains the foll owing topics : • Change sett ings on the HP All.
For example, se t your answerin g machine to a low numbe r of rings and the HP All -in-One to answer in the maximum number o f rings. (The maximum number of rings varies by country/region.) In th is setup, the answering machine will answer the call and the HP All- in-One will monito r the line.
• Checks for an active p hone line • Tests the status of you r phone line connection The HP All-in-One prints a report with the result s of the test. If the te st fails, review the report for information on how to fix the problem and rerun the test .
Set up speed dialing You can assign speed di al entries to fax numbers you use often. This lets you dia l those numbers quickl y by using the control pa nel.
Update indivi dual speed dial entries You can edit the name or fax number in a speed dial entry from the control panel or f rom your computer by usin g the software that you inst alled with the HP All-in -One. To update a speed dial entry from the control panel 1.
5. Press or to scroll through th e individual speed dial entries you set up, and then press OK to sel ect the appropriate e ntry. Repeat this step for each number you wa nt to add to the grou p speed dial. 6. When you are done, press to high light Done Selecting , and then press OK .
Chapter 4 68 Finish setting up the HP All-in-One Finish setup.
5 How do I? This section contai ns links to commonly performed tasks, such as printing photos, scanning, maki ng copies, and faxing. •“ How do I print 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6) inch borderless photos fr .
Chapter 5 70 How do I? How do I?.
6 Load originals and load paper You can load many differen t types and sizes of paper in the HP All-in-One, in cluding letter or A4 paper, legal paper, p hoto paper, transparencie s, envelopes, and HP CD/D VD tattoo labels.
To load a n original in the document feeder tray 1. Load your original, w ith the print side up, into t he document feeder tray. Slide th e paper into the a utomatic document feeder unti l you hear a beep or see a m essage on the display in dicating that the HP All-i n-One detected the page s you loaded.
3. Close the lid . Choose papers for printing and copying You can use different types and sizes of pape r in the HP All-in-One. Review the following recommendations to get the best printing and copying quality. Wh enever you change paper types or sizes, rem ember to change those settin gs.
One. HP Adva nced Photo Paper is marked on the nonprinting co rners with the follow ing symbol. HP Premium Inkj et Transparency Film and HP Premium Plus Inkjet Tran sparency Film HP Premium Inkjet T ransparency Film and HP Premium P lus Inkjet Tran sparency Film make your color presentations vivid and even more imp ressive .
HP Premium Photo Cards HP Premium Photo Card s enable you to make your own greeting cards. HP Brochure & Flyer Paper HP Brochure & Flyer Paper (Glo ss or Matte) is glossy-coated or matte-coated on both sides for two-sided use.
• Inkjet labels. • HP CD/DVD tattoo labels. Load paper This section descri bes the procedure for loading di fferent types and sizes of p aper into the HP All-in-One f or your copies or printouts. TIP: To help prevent rips, wrinkles, an d curled or bent edges, store all pape r flat in a resealable bag.
3. Insert the stack of pape r into the main input tra y with the short edge forw ard and the print side down. Sli de the stack of paper forward until it stops. CAUTION: Make sure that the HP All-in-One is id le and silent when you load paper into the ma in input tray.
5. Push the main input tray ba ck into the HP All-in-One. 6. Pull the output tra y extende r toward you , as far as it wi ll go. NOTE: When you use legal-size paper, leave the tray e xtender closed.
3. Slide the paper-lengt h and paper-width guides inw ard against the stack of pho to paper unti l the guid es stop. Do not overload the pho to tray; make sure the stack of photo paper fi ts within the photo tray and is no higher than the top of the paper-width guide.
3. Slide the pape r-length and paper-width guides inward against the stack of cards until the guides stop. Do not overload the photo tray; make sure the stack of cards fits within the photo tray and is no higher th an the top of the paper-widt h guide.
4. Slide the paper-wid th guide inward against the stack o f envelopes until it sto ps. Do not overload th e main input tray; make sure the stack of envelopes fits with in the main input tray an d is not higher than the top of t he paper-width guide. 5.
HP CD/DVD Tattoo labels ▲ Place one sheet of CD/D VD tattoo paper in the i nput tray with the print side do wn; slide the CD/D VD tattoo paper forward unti l it stops.
7 Print from your computer The HP All-in-On e can be used with any software ap plication that all ows printing. You can print a range of proje cts, such as borderless imag es, newsletters, greeting cards, iron-on transfers, and posters.
Make the HP All-in-One the default printer You can set the HP All-in-O ne as the default printer to use f rom all software applica tions. This means that the HP All-in-One is automatically select ed in the printer list when you select Print f rom the File menu in a software application .
the Size list to see if a defined paper size already exists for the type of paper you are using. Paper type Suggested paper size settings CD/DVD tattoo paper 5 x 7 in.
To view the print resolution 1. Make sure you have pa per loaded in the in put tray. 2. On the File menu in your softwa re application, click Print . 3. Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer. 4. Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
3. Make sure the HP All- in-One is the selected printe r. 4. Click the button t hat opens the Properties dial og box. Depending on your sof tware application, this button m ight be called Proper ties , Options , Printer Setup , Printer , or Prefer ences .
4. Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box. Depending on your sof tware application, th is button might be cal led Propertie s , Options , Printer Setup , Printer , or Preferen ces . 5. Select the print sett ings appropriate for your project on each of the tabs in the dialog box.
This section contai ns the following topics: • Create printing shortcu ts • Delete prin ting shortcuts Related topics •“ Print a borderless ima ge” on page 90 •“ Print a photo on pho to .
5. In the Printing Shortcuts list, click the printing shortc ut that you want to del ete. 6. Click Delete . The printin g shortcut is removed from the li st. NOTE: Only the shortcuts th at you have created can be del eted. The original HP shortcuts cannot be dele ted.
6. In the Size list, cl ick the size of photo paper loaded in the photo tray. If a borderless image can be printed on the specified size, the Borderless printing check box is enable d. 7. In the Paper Type drop-down list, click More , and then select the appropriate paper type.
NOTE: Do not leave unu sed photo paper in the inpu t tray. The paper might sta rt to curl, which could reduce th e quality of your printout. Photo paper should be flat bef ore printing .
7. In the Print Quality drop-down list, click Maximu m dpi . NOTE: To view the maximu m dpi that t he HP All-in -One will p rint, click Resolution . 8. Select any other print set tings that you want, and the n click OK . Print on both sides of th e page You can print two-sided p ages with the HP All-in-One.
7. Select the binding e dge from the Booklet layout is list , as appropriate for your langua ge. • If your langu age reads left-to-right, click Left edge binding . • If your langu age reads right-to-left, click Right edge binding . The Pages per sheet box is aut omatically set to two pages per sh eet.
Print multiple pag es on a si ngle sheet You can print up to 16 pages on a single sheet of paper. To print multiple pages on a sin gle sheet 1. Make sure you have pa per loaded in the input tra y. 2. On the File menu in your software application , click Print .
To print a multiple-p age docum ent in reve rse order 1. Make sure you have pa per loaded in the in put tray. 2. On the File menu in your softwa re application, click Print . 3. Make sure the HP All-in-One is the selected printer. 4. Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
To print on tra nsparencies 1. Load the transparency int o the input tray. 2. On the File menu in your software application , click Print . 3. Make sure the HP All- in-One is the selected printe r. 4. Click the button t hat opens the Properties dial og box.
Print a poster You can create a post er by printing a document on mu ltiple pages. The HP All -in-One prints dotte d lines on some pages to indicate where to trim the pages before taping them together. To print a poster 1. Make sure you have pa per loaded in the in put tray.
3. Make sure the HP All- in-One is the selected printe r. 4. If your Web browser supports it, select the items on the We b page that you want to include in th e printout. For example, in Internet Explore r, click the Options tab to select options such as As laid out on screen , Only the selected frame , and Print all linked documents .
4. Select the print job you want to cancel. 5. On the Document menu, click Cancel Prin ting or Cancel , or press the Delete key on your keyboard. It can take a few mome nts for the print job to be can celled. To stop a print job fro m the computer (Windows Vista use rs) 1.
8 Use the photo features The HP All-in-One is e quipped with memory card slots a nd a front USB port that en able you to print or edit photo s from a memory card or storage device (such as a keychain drive, portable hard dri ve, or a digital camera in stora ge mode) without upload ing your photos to a compute r first.
The memory card area also has a Photo light. This light blinks green when a memory card is being read or w hen an image is being print ed from a card, and stays solid g reen when images are ready t o be viewed. The Photo light is located ne ar the memory card slots and is indicated by a came ra icon.
To view and select photos 1. Insert a memory card into the appropriate slot on the HP All-in-One, or co nnect a storage device to the fr ont USB port. The Photosmart Expre ss menu appears, wi th the most recent photo shown on the display. View Print Create Share Save 2.
9. (Optional) If you want to check and/or modify any of your print settings, press to highlight Settings and press OK . 10. To print the photo (s), use or to highlight Print Now and press OK (or press Print Photos on the cont rol panel). A print status screen displa ys the number of pages to print and the estimated tim e to complete.
2. Load up to 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 in ch) paper in the photo tray or ful l-size photo paper in the main tray. 3. Press until Print is highlighted , and then press OK . The Layout screen appears. 4. Press or to scroll through the layout options, and press OK when the opti on you want is highlighted: 4x6 5x7 The Select Photos scree n appears.
To create spec ial projects 1. Insert a memory card int o the appropriate slot on the HP Al l-in-One, or connect a storage device to the front USB port. The Photosmart Express menu appea rs, with the most recent photo shown on the display. View Print Create Share Save 2.
5. Respond to the promp ts for the project you are creating. 6. At the Print Preview screen, highlig ht Print Now , and then press OK . A print status screen displays the number of pages to prin t and the estimated time to complete.
6. Press or to continue scrolling t hrough and selecting p hotos, and then press OK . The Share Options screen appears. 7. Press or to highli ght Share , and then press OK . If the HP All-in-On e is network-connected, a list of available computers appears.
2. Press until Save is highli ghted, and then pres s OK . If the HP All-in-One is ne twork-connected, a list of a vailable computers appears. Select the computer to which you want to transf er the photos, and then cont inue to the next step.
7. Use or to highlight Crop , and then press OK . The Crop screen ap pears. 8. Press Zoom In or Zoom Out to zoom closer to or farther awa y from the subject of the photo. An outline appe ars on the photo to show you an approxim ate view of the area that will print.
To adjust the brigh tness 1. Insert a memory card into the appropriate slot on the HP All-in-One, or co nnect a storage device to the fr ont USB port. The Photosmart Expre ss menu appears, wi th the most recent photo shown on the display. 2. With View highlighted, press OK .
7. Use or to highlight Color Effect , and then press OK . The Color Effect menu appears. 8. Use or to select one of the follo wing color effect option s, and then press OK : No Effect Does not apply any special color effects to you r photo. Black & White Prints the p hoto in black and white.
You can turn off the automatic photo enh ancement feature for ind ividual photos, on a per- image basis. To turn off auto matic photo enhancement 1. Insert a memory card into the appropriate slot on the HP All-in-One, or co nnect a storage device to the fr ont USB port.
Chapter 8 114 Use the photo features Photos.
9 Use the scan features Scanning is the process o f converting text and pictures into an electronic forma t for your computer. You can scan al most anything (photos, magazine art icles, film negatives, slides, and te xt documents) on the HP All -in-One.
To reprint an original photo 1. Press Reprints for the Scan and Reprin t option. NOTE: You can also press Scan Menu on the contro l panel for the Scan and Reprint option. NOTE: Depending on the pap er size you cho ose, you can place the photo paper in the photo tray or the main input tray.
look for the HP All-in-One icon in the system tray at the lower ri ght side of the screen, near the time. NOTE: Closing the HP Di gital Imaging Monitor icon in the Windows system tray can cause the HP All -in-One to lose some of its scan fun ctionality.
you to use the phot o print options to print borderless prin ts and album pages from the scanned imag e. NOTE: If the HP All-in-One is connected t o a network, you can access the scanned image only if the card or device is being shared across the network.
correctly is important if you want to obtain the best results. Do not expect scanned text documents to be letter-perfe ct the first time you use your OCR sof tware.
Chapter 9 120 Use the scan features Scan.
10 Use the copy features The HP All-in-O ne enables you to produce hi gh-quality color and black-an d-white copies on a variety of paper types, includin g transparencies.
To preview your copy fro m the control panel 1. Press Copy Menu . The Copy Menu appears. 2. Change copy settin gs on the HP All-in-One to accurately reflect the copy you want to make. 3. Press to highlight Preview , and then press OK . An image on the displa y shows how your copy will print.
To set the paper size from the control pan el 1. Press Copy Menu . The Copy Menu appears. 2. Press to hi ghlight Paper Size , and then press OK . The Paper Size menu appea rs.
3. Press until the appropria te paper type appea rs. Refer to the fo llowing table to determine wh ich paper type setting to choose base d on the paper l oaded in the input tray.
• Normal delivers high quality and is th e recommended setting for most of your copying. Normal copies fast er than Best and is the def ault setting. • Fast copies faster than the Normal setting. The text is compa rable to the quality of the Normal setting, but the graphics might be low er quality.
NOTE: The settings you specify he re are only saved on the HP All-in-One. They do not adjust the setti ngs in the software. You can save your most frequently used settings by usi ng the software that yo u installed w ith the HP All-in-One.
Related topics •“ Load 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 in ch) photo paper” on page 78 •“ Set the copy pape r type” on page 123 Resize an original to fit onto letter or A4 paper You can use the Fit to Page feature to copy an original to fit withi n the printable margins of a page withou t the risk of cropping some part of your orig inal.
4. Press to highlight Size , and then press OK . The Size menu appears. 5. Press to highlight Custom 100% , an d then press OK . The Cus tom 100% menu appears. 6. Use the keypad or press or to select a percentage to reduce or enla rge the copy. (The minimum and maximum percentage to resize a copy varies by model.
Improve the quality of a copy You can use the Enhancements fe ature to adjust the quality of text documents by sharpening edges of black text or adjust photograph s by enhancing light colors tha t might otherwi se appear white. The Mixed enhancement is the default option.
Chapter 10 130 Use the copy features Copy.
11 Use the fax features You can use the HP All-in-One to send and receive f axes, including color faxe s. You can set up speed dial entries to send f axes quickly and easily to frequently u sed numbers.
TIP: You can also send a fax manual ly from a phone or by using moni tor dialing. These features allow you to control the pace of your dialing. They are also useful when you want to use a calling card to charge the call and you need to respond to tone prompt s while dialing.
To send a fax using speed d ials from the control p anel 1. Load your originals prin t side up into the document feede r tray. If you are sending a single-page fax, such a s a photograph, you can also load yo ur original print side d own on the glass.
To send a fax manuall y from a connected phone 1. Load your original s print side up into the document feeder tray. NOTE: This feature i s not supported if you load your originals on t he glass. You must load your original s in the document feeder tray.
Scan a fax to sen d from memory You can scan a black-and-white fax int o memory and then send the fax from memory. This feature is usefu l if the fax number you are trying to reach i s busy or temporarily unavailable. The H P All-in-One scans the originals into me mory and sends them once it is able to connect to t he receiving fax machine.
To cancel a sche duled fax 1. Press the Fax Menu button twice to advance to the Fax Men u . 2. Press to highlight Send Fax Later and then p ress OK . The Fax I s Scheduled screen appears.
To send a color fax fro m the control panel 1. Load your originals prin t side up into the document feede r tray. If you are sending a single-page fax, such a s a photograph, you can also load yo ur original print side d own on the glass. NOTE: If you are sending a multip le-page fax, you must load the ori ginals in the document feeder t ray.
The followi ng resolution settin gs are available for sending faxes: Fine , Very Fi ne , Photo , and Standard . • Fine : provid es high-quality text su itable for faxing most do cuments. This is the de fault setting. When sendi ng faxes in color, the HP All-in-One always uses the Fine setting.
To change the Lighter/Darker setting from the control pa nel 1. Press Fax Menu . The Enter Fax N umber screen appears. 2. Enter the fax numbe r by using the keyp ad, press to redial the last number dialed, or press to access speed dials. 3. Press Fax Menu again .
To change the ECM setting from the control panel 1. Press Setup . 2. Press to highlight Advanced Fax Setup , and then press OK . The Advanced Fax Setup menu appears. 3. Press to highlight Error Correction Mo de , and then press OK . The Error Co rrection Mode menu appears.
To receive a fax m anually 1. Make sure the HP Al l-in-One is turned on and you have paper loaded in the input tray. 2. Remove any originals f rom the document feeder tray. 3. Set the Rings to Answer set ting to a high number to al low you to answer th e incoming call before the HP Al l-in-One answers.
NOTE: If Backup Fax Reception is enabl ed and you turn off the HP All-in-One, all faxes stored in memory are deleted, in cluding any unprinted faxes that you m ight have received while t he HP All-in-One was in an error conditio n. You will need to contact the senders to ask them to re send any unprinted faxes.
To reprint all faxes in memory ▲ Press to highlight All faxes in m emory , and then press OK . 6. If you want to stop reprinting the f axes in memory, press Cancel . To delete all the faxes in me mory from the contro l panel 1. Press Setup . 2. Press to hi ghlight Tool s , and then press OK .
To forward faxes fr om the control panel 1. Press Setup . 2. Press to highlight Advanced Fax Setup , and then press OK . The Advanced Fax Setup menu appears. 3. Press to highlight Fax For warding , and then press OK . The Fax For warding menu appears.
from printing faxes o n photo or transparency paper left in th e input tray from a previous job. If you have plain paper loaded and the H P All-in-One is erroneously detecting your paper as a type othe r than plain, you can chang e the Paper Chec king setting, so this detection does not take place be fore printing faxes.
NOTE: This feature is no t supported in all countries/regions. If it is not supported in your country/ region, Junk Fax Blocker Set Up doe s not appear in the Basic Fax Setup menu.
3. Press to hi ghlight Junk Fax Blocke r Set Up , and then pres s OK . The Junk F ax Blocker menu a ppears. 4. Press to hi ghlight Add nu mber to Junk List , and then press OK . The How to Add menu appears. 5. Press to hi ghlight Enter new number , and then press OK .
use a slower fax spe ed. You can do this by changin g the Fax Speed setting from Fast (33600) (the default) to Medium (144 00) . You should also check with your t elephone company to make sure t heir Internet phone service supports faxing.
12 Print reports and forms The HP All-in-On e enables you to print reports and to control when reports are printed automatically. You ca n also print forms such as ruled papers and checklist s.
the color bl ocks continue to show print quali ty problems after clea ning and aligning, cont act HP support. • Bluetooth information : l ists the settings for the optiona l Bluetooth device. • History log : con tains information that might be used for diagnostic purposes if you need to call HP support.
3. Press to hi ghlight Fax Con firmation , and then press OK . 4. Press to select one of t he following, and th en press OK . Off Does not print a fax confirmation report when you send and receive faxes successfully. This is the default setting. On Fax Send Prints a fax confirmation report for every fax you send.
To clear the fax log from memory 1. Press Setup . 2. Press to highlight Tools , and then pr ess OK . The Tool s menu appears. 3. Press to highlight Clear Fax Log , and th en press OK . The fax log and an y faxes that might have bee n stored in memory are deleted.
the format your phone provider uses to transmit caller ID information, might include the name of the sender. NOTE: This feature is not supported in all coun tries/regions. If it is not supported in your country/region, Caller ID Report does not appear in the Print Rep ort menu.
Chapter 12 154 Print reports and forms Print reports and forms.
13 Maintain the HP All-in-One The HP All-in -One requires l ittle maintena nce. Sometimes you mi ght want to clean the glass and lid backing to re move surface dust and ensure tha t your copies and scans remain clear. You will also ne ed to replace ink cartridges, clean the print head assembly, or align the print er from time to time.
To clean the g lass 1. Turn off the HP All -in-One, and raise the lid. 2. Clean the gla ss with a soft cloth or sponge sligh tly moistened with a nonabrasive glass cleaner. CAUTION: Do not use abrasives, acet one, benzene, or carbon tet rachloride on the glass, si nce they can damage it.
5. Lower the autom atic document feeder mechan ism, and then close the cover of the automatic docum ent feeder. 6. Turn on the HP All-in-One. Clean the lid ba cking Minor debris can accumula te on the white document backing loca ted underneath the lid of the HP All-in-One .
To check the ink leve ls from the control panel 1. Press Setup . 2. Press to highlight Tools , and then pr ess OK . 3. Press to highlight Display Ink Gauge , and then press OK . The HP All-in-One d isplays a gauge that shows the estimated ink levels of all cartridges inst alled.
Replace the ink car tridges Follow these instruct ions when you need to replac e ink cartridges. NOTE: If you are installing ink cart ridges in the HP All-in-One for the first tim e, be sure to use only the ink cartridges th at came with the device.
If you are replacing one of the five color ink cartridges, such as yellow, light cyan (blue), cyan, ligh t magenta (pink), or magenta, lift t he appropriate latch in the cente r area. 1 Ink cartridge latch for the black ink cartridge 2 Ink cartridge latches for the color ink cartridge s 4.
5. Remove the new ink cartridge from its packaging, and then, holding it by the handl e, push the ink cartridge into the empty slot. Match the color and patte rn of the ink cartridge to the color an d pattern on the print carriage. 6. Close the latch and m ake sure it is secure.
maintenance to ensure excellent print quality. Yo u might want to use thi s feature when the self-test report shows streaking or white lines through any of t he blocks of color. If you still have print quality problems after aligning the printe r, try cleaning the print head.
To clean the print head fr om the control panel 1. Load letter o r A4 unused plain white pap er into the input tray. 2. Press Setup . 3. Press to hi ghlight Tool s , and then press OK . 4. Press to hi ghlight Clean Printhead , and then press OK . The HP All-in-One cleans the print head and prints a page t hat you can recycle or discard.
To clean the i nk cartridge contacts 1. Make sure the HP All-in -One is turned on. 2. Lift the ink ca rtridge door. 3. Squeeze the bottom of the latch below the i nk cartridge you want to clean, and th en lift the latch. NOTE: Do not remove multiple ink cartri dges at the same time.
Surface Remedy Color fabric Wash the fabric in cold water and use sudsy ammonia. CAUTION: Always use cold water to remove ink from f abric. Warm or hot water can set the ink into the fabric.
Chapter 13 166 Maintain the HP All-in-One Maintain the HP All-in-One.
14 Shop for ink supplies For a list of ink cartrid ge numbers, see the printed documentati on that came with the HP All-in-One . You can also use the software that came wi th the HP All-in-One to find out the reorde r number for all the ink cartridges.
Chapter 14 168 Shop for ink supplies Shop for ink supplies.
15 Troubleshooting This section contai ns the following topics: • Troubleshootin g tips • Hardware setup troubleshooting • Software instal lation troubleshoot ing • Network tr oubleshooting �.
sure the other end o f the USB cable is plugged into a USB port on your computer. After the cable is conn ected properly, turn the HP All-in-O ne off and then on again. • If you are connecti ng the HP All-in-One through a USB hub, make sure the hub i s turned on .
• Do not clean the prin t head unnecessarily. This wastes i nk and shortens the life of the cartridges. • Handle ink cartridges carefu lly. Dropping, jarring, or rough handl ing during installation can cause temporary printing problems. Informat ion on paper The HP All-in-One is d esigned to work well with most paper types.
Paper can al so jam in the automatic docume nt feeder. Seve ral common actions can cause paper to j am the automatic document feeder: • Placing too much p aper in the document feeder tray. The aut omatic document feeder can hold up to 50 sheets of letter or A4 paper, or 35 sheets of legal paper.
To clear a paper jam in the automatic document feed er CAUTION: Do not lift the lid of the H P All-in-One and try to rem ove the jammed document from t he glass. You might damage you r original document. 1. Remove all orig inals from the document feeder tray.
cover to access the pick assembly inside the automatic docum ent feeder, clean t he rollers or separator pad, an d then close the cover. To clean the r ollers or separator pad 1. Remove all originals from the d ocument feeder tray. 2. Lift the automat ic document feeder cover.
This section contai ns the following topics: • The HP All-in-On e will not turn on • I connected the USB cable , but I am having problems using the H P All-in-One with my computer • The display .
• Test the power out let to make sure it is working. Plug in an appliance that yo u know works, and see if th e appliance has power. If not , then there might be a problem w ith the power o utlet. • If you plugged th e HP All-in-One into a switched outlet , make sure the switch is on.
For more information o n installing the software and connect ing the USB cable, see the Setup Guide that came with the HP All- in-One. The display shows the wrong language Cause: You might ha ve selected the incorrect language w hen setting up the HP Al l- in-One.
Solution: Check that t he ink cartridges are installed p roperly and have ink. For more information, see: “ Work with ink cartridg es” on page 158 Cause: The HP All-in-One might no t be turned on. Solution: Look at t he display on the HP All-in-One.
Cause: The print head assembly is blocked. Solution: There might be some packing mate rial inside the HP All-in-One. Turn the HP All-in-One of f and open the ink cartridge door. Re move any objects that are blocking the p rint head assembly (i ncluding any packi ng materials), and the n turn the HP All-in-One on a gain.
Solution: Check that the HP All-in-One is turned on, and then try the usb connecti on again. To retry the usb co nnection 1. Unplug the H P All-in-One power cord, and then p lug it in again. 2. Verify that the U SB cable and power cord are plugged in.
The registration screen does not appear Cause: The regi stration screen did not launch automatical ly. Solution: You can access the registration (Sign up now) screen from the Windows taskbar by clicking Start , pointing to Programs or All Programs , HP , Photosmart C7200 All-in -One series , and then clicking Product Registration .
4. Disconnect the H P All-in-One from your computer. 5. Restart your computer. NOTE: It is important th at you disconnec t the HP All-in-One before restarting your computer. Do no t connect the HP All-in-One to your co mputer until after you have reinstalle d the software.
Solution: Turn the computer o n. Cause: The HP Al l-in-One is not properly connected to the computer. Solution: Check the connection f rom the HP All-in-One to your compu ter. Verify that the USB cable is securely p lugged into the USB port on the back of th e HP All- in-One.
Solution: Check th e following cables to ens ure the y are connected properly. • Cables bet ween the HP All-in-One and the hu b or router • Cables bet ween the hub or router and your computer • .
Solution: Turn off the HP All-in-On e, the computer, and the router. Wait 30 seconds. Turn on the router fi rst, and then turn on the HP All-in-One and the computer. Cause: The HP Al l-in-One and computer are not conn ected to the same network. Solution: Try accessing the Embe dded Web Server on the HP All-in-One.
software. You can re -enable your firewall a pplication after inst allation is complete. I f you still see firewal l pop-up messages, you must always accept or allow the pop-up messages. For more informa tion, see the documentation p rovided with the firewall softw are.
bit. Assuming th e equipment is functioni ng properly, try doing t he following things separately or in combi nation: • If there is a long d istance between your computer or wireless router a nd the HP All-in-O ne, move them closer toge ther.
on how to turn on the wire less router, see the documen tation that came wi th your wireless router. Cause: The HP All-in-One is not rece iving a signal. Solution: Move the wireless router and the H P All-in-One closer together. Then run the wireless set up again.
Solution: Run the wireless set up process again and enter the corre ct passphrase. The passphrase is case-sensitive. The Printer Not Fou nd screen appears during in stallation Cause: A firewall, a nti-virus, or anti-spyware applicat ion is preventing the HP Al l- in-One from accessing your computer.
If the self-test re port shows a defect, tr y the following: • Clean the ink cartridg es automatically. For more information, see “ Clean the print head” on pa ge 162 . • If you are m issing lines when you print, clean the electrical co ntacts.
If prompted, choose your country/region , and then click Co ntact HP for information on calling for techni cal support. For more information, see: •“ Clean the prin t head” on page 162 •“ Print a self-test repo rt” on page 149 •“ Align the prin ter” on page 161 Cause: The paper i s too close to the print head.
Cause: The copy or print paper type sett ing is incorrect. Solution: Load hi gh-quality paper in the input tray and print the image w ith a high print quali ty sett ing, such as Best , Maximum dpi , or High Resolution . Always make sure the paper you are printing on is f lat.
The printout has a horizontal ban d of distortion near the bottom of the pa ge Cause: Your imag e has light blue, gray, or brow n hues that print near the bot tom of the page. Solution: Load high-qual ity paper in the input tray an d print the image with a high print quality sett ing, such as Best , Maximum dpi , or High Resolution .
Solution: Clean the print head, and then prin t a self-test report. Che ck the color blocks in the report for any problems. If the color blocks show print quality problems, perform a printer alig nment. If the problem persists a fter cleaning and aligning, contact HP support for help.
Cause: The print head needs to be cleaned. Solution: Clean the print head , and then print a self-test report . Check the color blocks in the report for any pr oblems. If the color blocks show print quality problems, perform a print er alignment. If the problem persi sts after cleaning and aligning, contact HP support for help .
Solution: Chang e the Paper Type sett ing to match the type of paper loade d in the input tray. For more information, see: •“ Set the copy paper type” on pa ge 123 •“ Set the paper type f or printing” on page 85 Cause: Copying a poor-quality pi cture, such as a newspaper photo, causes bands, checks, or stripes to appear on your copy.
Solution: Change the Paper Type setting to match the type of paper loaded in the input tray. For more information, see: •“ Set the copy paper type” on page 123 •“ Set the paper type for pri nting” on page 85 Cause: The copy o r print paper type setting is incorrect.
Solution: Make sure the paper is loaded correct ly. For more information, see: “ Load full-size paper” on page 76 Cause: More than one type of pape r is loaded in the input tray. Solution: Load only one type of paper at a time. Cause: The original might have been loaded incorrectl y into the sending fax machine.
The print quality of the fax I r eceived is poor Cause: The phone line connection is noisy. Phone lines with poor sou nd quality (noise) can cause print quality problems. Solution: If the failur e was due to noise on the phone line, contact the sender to have them resend the f ax.
Solution: If t he paper you are using is too fibrous, the ink applied by the HP All-in - One might not fully cover the surface of the paper. Use HP Premium Papers or any other paper type that is appropriate for the HP All-in -One. Cause: The print head ne eds to be cleaned.
Cause: The wr ong type of envelope is loaded. Solution: Do not use shiny o r embossed envelopes or envel opes that have clasps or windows. Borderless pri nting produces unexpected results Cause: Printing a b orderless image from a no n-HP software applicat ion produces unexpected results.
Cause: The HP All-in-One is out of p aper. Solution: Load pa per in the input tray. For more information, see: “ Load paper” on page 76 Cause: The print head assembly h as stalled. Solution: Turn th e HP All-in-One off and open the ink cartridg e door.
Cause: The status o f the printer driver has changed. Solution: The printer driv er status might have changed to eith er offline or stop printing . To check the printe r driver status 1. In the HP Solution Ce nter, click the device tab. 2. Click Settings .
Some documents t ake a long time to print. If n othing has printed several minut es after you sent a pri nt job to the HP All-in-One, ch eck your computer to see if ther e are any messages. Cause: The HP Al l-in-One is not the selected printer. Solution: Make sure the HP All -in-One is th e selected printer in your software application .
Solution: Turn the HP All-in-One off and open the ink cartridge door. Remove any objects that are blocki ng the print head assembly (in cluding any packing materials), and then turn the HP All-in-One on again. Cause: The HP All-in-One is out of paper.
Solution: Remove the stack of paper from the input tray, reload the paper, and then slide the paper w idth guide inward until it st ops at the edge of the pape r. For more information, see: “ Load paper” on page 76 Cause: A stack of enve lopes is loaded inc orrectly.
Solution: Make sure the layout of the document you are tr ying to print fits on a paper size supported by the HP All-in-One. To preview the print layout 1. Load the correct paper size i nto the input tray. 2. Preview your print job before sending it to the HP All-in-One.
Solution: Firmly insert the Two-sided printi ng accessory into the back of the device until both sid es snap into place . NOTE: Do not press the butto ns on either side of the accessory when installing it. Use the but tons only when removing the accessory from th e device.
After the memory card has been inserted properly, the Ph oto light will blink for a few seconds, and then remai n lit. Cause: The memory card or storage device is not fu lly inserted. Solution: Make sure you fully insert th e memory card into the appropriate slot on the HP All-in-One.
are on the right (and fa cing the device), and then push the card forward into the appropriate sl ot until the Photo light turns on. If the problem conti nues, the memory card might be defective . Cause: You have inserted more t han one memory card, or you have an inserted a memory card and a stor age device at the same time.
If the HP All-in-One is network-connected, check physical netwo rk connections and make sure the network i s operational. Once you verify network connec tivity, retry the task.
HP All-in-One. Thi s lets you read/write files on the network from the memory ca rd or storage device in th e HP All-in-One. The CIFS server appea rs on your computer as a network drive. In addition to reading/ writing files from yo ur memory card or storage device, you can also create folders and store oth er information.
• Text is incorrect or missing • The scan feature does not work Scan halts Cause: The computer system resources might be low. Solution: Turn off the HP All-i n-One and then turn it back on. Tu rn off the computer and then turn it ba ck on. If this does not work, try changing the scan to a lower resolution .
Solution: Load your origin al print sid e down on the ri ght front corner of th e glass. Scanned image i s incorrectly cropped Cause: The software is set to automatically crop sca nned pictures. Solution: The Autocrop featu re crops anything that is not part of the main image.
Cause: Debris mi ght be stuck on the glass o r on the back of the document lid. This can cause poor-quality scans. Solution: Clean the glass an d lid backing.
Copies are to o light or too dark Cause: The Lig hter/Darker setting for the HP All-in-One is set too light or too dark. Solution: Adjust the lightness and darkness of the copies. For more information, see: “ Adjust the lightness an d darkness of your copy” on page 125 Cause: The original you are copying is overexposed.
Solution: Reload the origi nal on the glass. For more information, see: “ Load or iginals” on page 71 Cause: The origi nal fills the entire sh eet.
A borderless copy has white space around the edges Cause: You are trying to make a border less copy of an original that is too small. Solution: When you make a borderless copy of a sm all original, the HP All-in-One enlarges th e original u p to a maximum per centage.
The printo ut is blank Cause: The origi nal is placed incorrectly on the gla ss. Solution: Reload the origi nal on the glass. For more information, see: “ Load or iginals” on page 71 Fax troublesh.
Solution: Look at t he display on the HP All-in-One. If th e display is blank and the On button is not lit, the HP All -in-One is turned off. Make sure the powe r cord is firmly connected to the H P All-in-One and plugged into a power outlet. Press the On button to turn on th e HP All-in-O ne.
If you used a 4-wire p hone cord, disconnect it, find the sup plied 2-wire phone cord, and then connect the 2-wire phone cord to the port labeled 1-LINE on the back of the HP All-in-One. If the HP All-in-One came with a 2-wire phone cord adaptor, you can u se it with a 4- wire phone cord, i n case the supplied 2-wire pho ne cord is too short.
Use the port labeled 1-LI NE on the back of the HP All-in-One to conne ct to the telephone wall jack. Use the 2-EXT port to con nect to any other equipment, such as an answering mach ine or a telephone, as show n below.
If you are still having p roblems faxing, set the Fax Speed to a slower rate such as Medium (14400) or Slow (960 0) . For more information, see: •“ Send a fax in Error Corre ction Mode” on page 139 •“ Set the fax speed” on page 30 Cause: Other e quipment that uses the sam e phone line as the H P All-in-One might be in use.
Solution: • Make sure the HP All-in-One is connected to the port that is de signated for fax and phone use. Also, make sure that the terminal adapter is set to the correct switch type fo r your c ountry/region, if possible. NOTE: Some ISDN systems a llow you to configure the ports f or specific phone equ ipment.
You can check t he sound quality of the phone line by plugging a phone i nto the telephone wall jack an d listening for static or other noise. If you hear n oise, do the fol lowing 1. Turn off you r DSL modem and completely remove power for at least 15 minutes.
You can also send the f ax using monitor dialing. This enables you to listen to the phone line as you dial. You can set the pace of your diali ng and respond to prompts as you dial.
Solution: NOTE: This possible so lution applies only in the co untries/regions that receive a 2-wire phone cord i n the box with the HP All-in-One , including: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cana da, C.
Pages of a fax I sent are missi ng Cause: Two or more pages were fed thro ugh the document feeder tr ay at the same time. Solution: Print a Last Trans action report to verify the numb er of pages that were sent.
If the print quality is stil l poor, turn off ECM, and then cont act your telephone provider. For more information, see: “ Send a fax in Error Correction Mode” on page 139 Cause: The fax resolu tion sett ing is set to a low resolution, such as Standard .
The fax I sent was blank w hen it was received Cause: The original was not loaded or was loaded incorrectly. Solution: Load your origin als print side up into the document feeder tray. I f you are sending a sing le-page fax, such as a photograp h, you can also load you r original print side down on the gla ss.
connected, or a voice mai l service could be interfering with the recip ient's phone line. You can also ask the recipient to check the recei ving fax machine for any proble ms. Cause: The Fax Speed option is set to a slow tran smission speed. Solution: Make sure the Fax Speed option is set to Fast (33600) or Medium (14400) .
For more informat ion on how to set up the HP All-in-One whe n you have a voice mail service, see the print ed documentation that came w ith the HP All-in-One.
labeled 2-EXT, as shown belo w. You also need to set the correct numb er of rings to answer for both the a nswering machine an d HP All-in-One. 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Connect to the IN port on the an.
Distinctive Rin g setting on the HP Al l-in-One is set to match. For e xample, if the phone company h as assigned your numbe r a double ring patt ern, make sure Double Rings is selected as the Distinctive Ring sett ing. NOTE: The HP All-in-One cannot reco gnize some ring patterns, such as th ose with alternat ing short and long ringing patt erns.
• The ink cartridge do or is open. Close the ink cart ridge door, as shown belo w: • The print head assembly is stalled. Turn the HP All-in-One off, remove any objects that are blocking the print head assembly (including any packing mate rials), and then turn the H P All-in-One on again.
documents loade d in the document feeder tray. Re move any originals before manually receiving faxes. You can also contact the sen der to verify that there are documents loaded in the sending fax machine. Cause: The Fax Speed setting might be set too fast.
When you have an answering mach ine on the same phone line you use for fax calls, you must conne ct the answeri ng machine dire ctly to the HP All-in-O ne using the port labeled 2-EXT , as shown below.
Cause: The HP All-in-One is set up to re ceive faxes manually, which means that the HP All-in-O ne will not answer incoming ca lls. You must be available t o respond in person to incoming fax calls, or the HP All-in-One wil l not receive the fax and you r answering machine wil l record the fax tones.
NOTE: The HP All-in-One can not recognize some ring patterns, such as those with alternati ng short and long ringing patterns. If yo u are having problems with a ring pattern of this type , ask your phone compan y to assign a non-alternating ring pattern.
Resolve any problem s found. To clear the memory, you can either print or delet e the faxes stored in memory. For more information, see: “ Reprint received faxes f rom memory” on page 142 Cause: An error condition is preventing the HP All -in-One from receiving faxes and Backup Fax Reception is set to Off .
paper in the i nput tray, the HP All-i n-One automatically be gins printing all th e unprinted faxes f rom memory, in the order t hey were received. If you do not have Backup Fa x Reception enabled, or if the fax was not stored in memory for some reason (for example, if th e HP All-in-One was out of memory), ask the sende r to resend the fax.
Solution: Check with the sender to see if the sending fax machin e is having problems. Cause: The fax originated on a larger paper size, such as legal , and the Automatic Reduction option is turned off.
NOTE: This possible so lution applies only in the co untries/regions that receive a 2-wire phone cord i n the box with the HP All-in-One , including: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cana da, Chile, Chin.
To set up the HP All-in-One to a comp uter with one phone port 1. Find the phone cord that connects from the back of your computer (your compute r dial-up modem) to a telep hone wall jack. Disconnect the cord from the telepho ne wall jack and plug it into the port la beled 2-EXT on the ba ck of the HP Al l-in-One.
splitter, or a para llel splitter which has two RJ-11 ports on the fron t and a plug on the back.) NOTE: This possible so lution applies only in the co untries/regions that receive a 2-wire phone cord.
To set up the HP All-in-One to a comp uter with one phone port 1. Find the phone cord that connects from the back of your computer (your compute r dial-up modem) to a telep hone wall jack. Disconnect the cord from the telepho ne wall jack and plug it into the port la beled 2-EXT on the ba ck of the HP Al l-in-One.
Cause: I am setting up the HP All-in-On e on a shared voice/fax line with a computer dial-up modem an d voice mail service, and the compute r has only one phone port . Solution: If your compute r has only one phone port, you will need to purchase a parallel splitt er (also called a coupler).
To set up the HP All-in-One to a comp uter with one phone port 1. Find the phone cord that connects from the back of your computer (your compute r dial-up modem) to a telep hone wall jack. Disconnect the cord from the telepho ne wall jack and plug it into the port la beled 2-EXT on the ba ck of the HP Al l-in-One.
to the port la beled 1-LINE on the back of th e HP All-in-One and to your te lephone wall jack, as shown belo w. 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the HP All-in-One This special 2-wire phone cord is differen t from the more common 4-wire phon e cords you might already have in your offi ce.
Try removing t he splitter and connecting the HP All-in-One di rectly to the telephone wall jack . Cause: You are not using a proper groun ded power outlet for the H P All-in-One.
Solution: What to do • Turn off the HP All-in -One by using the On button locat ed on the contro l panel and then unplug the pow er cord from the back of the HP All-in-One. After a few seconds, plug the po wer cord back in and turn the power on. Run the test ag ain.
1-LINE on the ba ck of the HP All-in-One. For more in formation on setting up t he HP All-in-One f or faxing, see the printed documentation. 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in th e box with the HP All- in-One • If you are using a phone splitter, this can cause faxing problems.
1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the HP All-in-One 2. After you have connected th e phone cord to the port labeled 1-LI NE, run the fax test again to make sure it p asses and th e HP All-in-On e is ready for fa xing.
• Check the connecti on between the telephone w all jack and the HP All-in-On e to make sure the phone cord is secure. Cause: The "F ax Line Con dition" test faile d. Solution: What to do • Make sure you connect the HP All-in-One to an analog phone line or you wil l not be able to send or receive fa xes.
Solution: What to do • Other equipment , which uses the same phon e line as the HP All-in-One, might be causing the test to fail. To find out if other equipme nt is causing a problem, disconnect everyt hing except the HP All-in -One from the phone line, and t hen run the test again.
• Check to make sure the country/region setting i s set appropriately for your country/region. If the country/region sett ing is not set or is se t incorrectly, the test might fail an d you might have problems sending and receiving faxes.
are specific to Error Correction Mode (ECM). If the same error appears repeatedly, try turning off ECM. Error code Error definition (223 Error Correction Mode ) 224 One or more received pages might not be readable. 225-231 There is a feature incompatibility with the sending fax machine.
Error code Error definition (338-342 Error Correction Mode ) 343 344-348 (349-353 Error Correction Mode ) 354-355 The telephone connection was lost. 356-361 (362-366 Error Correction Mode ) The receiving fax machine prematurely ended the session.
• Scanner failure • Photo tray problem • Photo tray cannot engag e • Photo tray cannot disenga ge • Two-sided printing a ccessory is miss ing Automatic document feed er failed to load Cause: The auto matic document feeder did no t work properly, and the job did not finish.
Memory is full Cause: While receiving a fax, the HP All -in-One jammed with paper or ran out of paper. Solution: If t he HP All-in-One supports faxi ng and you have Backup Fax Reception enabled, the HP All-in-One might have store d the fax in memory upon reception.
Solution: Do not overload the photo tray; make sure the stack of photo paper fi ts within the ph oto tray and is no higher than the top of the paper-width gui de. Cause: Two or more pieces o f paper might be stuck together. Solution: Remove the paper from the photo tray and shuffle t he paper so it does not stick together.
• File format not supported • Invalid fil e name • Supported file ty pes for the HP All-in-One • File corrupted Error rea ding or writing the file Cause: The HP All-in-One software could not open or save the file. Solution: Check to see if yo u typed the correct folder and file name.
Solution: Open the f ile in another applica tion, and save it in a format that the HP All- in-One softwa re recognizes. For more information, see: “ Supported file types fo r the HP All- in-One” on page 263 Invalid file name Cause: The file name you entered is inva lid.
• No scan options • Out of disk space • Memory card must be in slot • Card access error • Use only one card at a time • Card is inserted incorrectly • Card is not fully inserte d • Car.
Disconnected Cause: Several situa tions can cause this error message t o appear. • Your compute r is not turned on. • Your compute r is not connected to the HP All -in-One. • The softwa re that came with the HP All-in -One was not inst alled correctl y.
Solution: Remove the memory card and reinsert it correctly. T he front label of the Compact F lash card fa ces left. Cause: You have not fully inserted the m emory card. Solution: Remove the memory card and reinsert it in the m emory card slot un til it stops.
Solution: Reformat your memory card in your camera or format your memory card in a Windows XP computer by selecting the FAT format. Cause: The file system is corrupted. Solution: Check the display for an error me ssage telling you that the images on the memory card are corrupted.
Cannot load paper from input tra y Cause: There is not enough pape r in the input tray. Solution: If the HP All-in-One is out of paper or there are only a few shee ts remaining, load more paper in the input tray.
For more information, see: “ Clear paper jams ” on page 171 Cause: The print head assembly is blocked. Solution: Turn the HP All-in-One off and open the ink cartridge door. Remove any objects that are blocki ng the print head assembly (in cluding any packing materials), and then turn the HP All-in-One on again.
Cause: The HP All-in-One is not connecte d to the computer. Solution: If t he HP All-in-One is not properly conne cted to the computer, communication errors can occu r. Make sure the USB cabl e is securely connected to the HP All-in-O ne and the computer, as shown be low.
Improper shutdown Cause: The last time the HP All -in-One was used, it was not tu rned off properly. If the HP All-in-One is turned off by turning off the switch on a pow er strip or by using a wall switch, the device can be damaged. Solution: Press the On button located on th e control panel of th e HP All-in-One to turn the device on an d off.
• Ink cartridge pr oblem • Ink cartridge(s) are empt y • Ink cartridge(s) are expired • Ink delivery failure • Ink expiration near • Ink supply error • Non-HP ink • Original HP in k de.
Cause: The ink ca rtridge(s) are not intended for use in this device. Solution: Contact HP supp ort. Go to: www.hp.com/support If prompted, choose your country/region , and then click Co ntact HP for information on calling for techni cal support.
•“ Ink cartridge warran ty information” on page 279 •“ Shop for ink supplies” on page 167 Ink cartridge(s ) are empty Cause: The indicated ink cartridge(s) are out of ink. Solution: Replac e the indicated ink cartridge(s) wit h new ink cartridge(s).
Each ink cartridge has an expirat ion date. The purpose of expiratio n is to protect the printing system and t o ensure ink quality. When you receive an ink cartridge(s) are expired message, re move and replace the expired ink cartridge, and then close the message.
HP recommends that you use genuine HP ink cartridg es. Genuine HP ink cartridges are designed a nd tested with HP printe rs to help you easily pr oduce great results, time after time. NOTE: HP cannot guarantee the quality or reliability of non -HP ink.
Alignment failed Cause: An incorrect type of paper is loaded in the input t ray. Solution: If you have color o r photo paper loaded in the in put tray when you align the printer, the a lignment might fail. Load unused plain white le tter or A4 paper into the input t ray, and then tr y the alignment again.
To resolve this error, replace the affected ink cartridge(s) with the i nk cartridges that were shipped with th e HP All-in-One. For more information, see: “ Replace the ink cartridges” on page 159 Ink cartridge is mi ssing, incorrectly instal led, or not intended for your devic e Cause: One or more ink cartridges are missin g.
16 HP warranty and support Hewlett-Packard provides Internet and phone su pport for the HP All-in-One. This section contains the following topics: • Warranty • Ink cartridge warranty information �.
Support process If you have a problem, follow these steps: 1. Check the documentation that came with the HP All-in-One. 2. Visit the HP online support Web site at www.
HP support by phone For a list of support phone numbers, see the pr inted documentation that came with the device. This section contains the following topics: • Phone support period • Placing a ca.
HP Quick Exchange Service (Japan) For instructions on how to pack your device for exchange, see “ Pack the HP All-in-One” on page 284 . Call HP Korea customer support Chapter 16 282 HP warranty an.
Prepare the HP All-in-One for shipment If, after contacting HP support or returnin g to the point of purchase, you are requested to send the HP All-in-One in for service, make sure you remove and keep.
4. Retain the control panel faceplate. Do not return the control panel faceplate with the HP All-in- One. CAUTION: The replaceme nt HP All-in-One might not come w ith a control panel faceplate. Store your control panel faceplate in a safe place, and when the replacement HP All-in-One arrives, reattach your control pane l faceplate.
If you do not have the original packaging ma terials, please use other adequate packaging materials. Shipping damage caused by improp er packaging and/or improper transportation is not covered under the warranty. 2. Place the return shipping label on the outside of the box.
Chapter 16 286 HP warranty and support HP warranty and suppo rt.
17 Technical information The technical specifications and international r egulatory information for the HP All-in-One are provided in this section. For additional specifications, see the printed do cumentation that came with the HP All-in-One .
Print specifications • Up to 1200 x 1200 rendered dpi black when printing from a computer • Up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi color when printing from a compu ter and 1200-input dpi • Print speeds.
Acoustic information If you have Internet access, you can get acousti c informatio n from the HP Web site. Go to: www.hp.com/support . Duplexer paper spe cifications Table 17-1 Media weight Type Size Weight Paper Letter: 8.5 x 11 inches Executive: 7.25 x 10.
• Energy consumption • Special handling of materials • Attention California users • NDL battery disposal • Taiwan battery statement • Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in Private Households in the European Union Paper use This product is suited for the use of recycled paper according to DIN 19309 and EN 12281:2002.
Taiwan battery statement Disposal of Waste Equip ment by Users in Private Househol ds in the European Union Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in Private Households in the European Union This symbol on the pr oduct or on its packaging indicates that this pr oduct must not be disposed of with y our other household wa ste.
Regulatory no tices The HP All-in-One meets product requirements from regulatory agencies in your country/region. This section contains the following topics: • Regulatory model identification number • FCC statement • Notice to users of the U.
FCC statemen t FCC sta tement The Unit ed States F ederal C ommunications C ommission (in 4 7 CFR 1 5 . 1 05) ha s specif ied that the follo wing noti ce be brought to the attenti on of users o f this product .
Notice to users of the U.S. telephone netwo rk: FCC requirements Notice to users of th e U.S. telephone net work: FCC requirements This equipmen t complies w ith FCC rules , P art 68. On this equipment is a label that contains, among other inf ormation , the FCC Registr ation Number and R inger Equi valent Number (REN) for this equipmen t.
Note à l’attentio n des utilisateurs du r éseau téléphonique canadien/notice to user s of the Canadian tel ephone network Note à l’at tention des utilis ateurs du réseau téléphoniq ue cana.
Notice to users in the Eu ropean Economic Area Notice to users in th e European Economic Area This pr oduct is designed to be connec ted to the analog S witc hed T elecommunication Networks (P STN) of the E uropean E conomic Ar ea (EEA) countr ies/regi ons.
VCCI (Class B) compl iance statement for users in Japan Notice to users in Japan about power cord Geräusch emission Geräusc hemission LpA < 7 0 dB am Arbeitsplatz im Nor malbetrieb nac h DIN 45 6 35 T .
Wireless: Noti ce to users in Canada Notice to users in Can ada/Note à l'a ttention d es utilisateurs cana diens For Indoor Use. T his digital appar atus does not e xceed the Cla ss B limits for r adio noise emissions f rom the digit al apparatus se t out in the Radio Int erference R egulations of the Canadian Department of C ommunicati ons.
Wireless : Notice to users in Taiwan Declaration of c onformity (European Economic Area) The Declaration of Conformity in this docum ent complies with ISO/IEC 17050-1 and EN 17050-1. It identifies the product, manufacturer’s name and addr ess, and applicab le specifications recognized in the European community.
HP Photosmart C7200 All-in-One series declaration o f conformity DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY according to I SO/IEC 17050-1 an d EN 17050-1 Supplier's Name: Hewlett-Pack ard Company DoC#: SDGOB-0713-rel.
Index Symbols/Numerics 10 x 15 cm photo paper copy 122 load 78 specifications 287 2 pages on 1, print 95 4 pages on 1, print 95 4 x 6 inch (10 x 15 cm) borderless photos print 90 4 x 6 inch photo paper copy 122 4 x 6 inch photo paper, load 78 802.11 wireless, configuration page 56 802.
Ethernet 31 printer sharing 36 contrast, fax 138 control panel buttons 13 enter text and symbols 18 features 13 overview 12 copy blank 219 borderless has borders 218 borderless photo 126 cancel 129 cr.
IP phone, using 147, 256 lighten or darken 138 log 151 menu 17 monitor dialing 134 not answering 238 paper checking 144 paper size 144 paper width incorrect 269 parallel splitter 242 pause 18 photos 1.
L labels load 81 specifications 287 landscape orientation 86 language, set 25 left arrow 13 legal paper copy 122 load 76 specifications 287 letter paper copy 123 load 76 specifications 287 lid backing.
peer-to-peer network 43 phone recei ve fa x 140 send fax 133 phone cord check 252 connection, failure 252 phone line, answer ring pattern 63 phone numbers, support 280 phone support 281 phone support .
declaration of conformity (European Economic Area) 299 declaration of conformity (U.S.) 300 Directive 2002/95/EC 290 FCC part 68 requirements 294 FCC statement 293 geräuschemission 297 notice to user.
send fax 131, 132 set up 65 SSID troubleshoot 186 wireless setting 57 start copy black 14 start copy color 14 start fax black 14 color 14 status, network 54 stop copy 129 fax 148 print job 99 scan 119.
Z zoom button 13 buttons 109 photos 109 308 Index.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) C7200の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) C7200をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) C7200の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) C7200の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) C7200で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) C7200を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) C7200の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) C7200に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) C7200デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。