HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカーCP4005の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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HP C olor L a se rJet CP4 00 5 U ser Gui de.
HP Color LaserJet CP4005 User Gu ide.
Copyright and License © 2006 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development C ompany, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as a llowed under t he copyright laws. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
HP customer care Online se rvices For 24- hour access to in formation usin g a m odem or Inter net conn ection : World Wide W eb URL: F or t he HP Col or L aserJet CP400 5 Serie s prin ters, up dated HP pr inter s oftware, produc t and support inform ation, and pri nter dri vers in sever al l anguages can be o btained fr om http://www.
HP support a nd information for Maci ntosh computers Go to http://www.h p.com/ go/ ma cosx fo r Mac intos h OS X support infor mation and HP su bscr iption service for driver updates. Go to http://www.h p.com/ go/ ma c for pr oduct s des igned spec ifically for the Mac intos h us er.
Table of contents 1 Printer basics Quick access to printer inform ation ......... ....... ......... ....... ........ ....... ............ ....... ......... ....... ......... ....... .... 2 World Wide Web links ......... ............ ............ .....
Supporte d printer drivers ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ..... ....... ...... .......... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... . 1 9 Gaining ac cess to t he prin ter drivers ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ....
Showing the IP address .... ...... ..... ...... ...... ........ ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... .... 54 Color/black mix .... ....... ....... .......... ...... ....... ....... ....... ...... ...... ....... ........ ...... .........
Wireless printing ....... .......... .......... ........... .......... ......... .......... ............... .......... .......... ....... .............. ...... 7 5 IEEE 802.11 standard .... ........... ............ ............ ............ ..........
Lay out opt ions f or prin ting on bot h side s ...... ........... ........ ......... ......... .......... ... 103 Setting t he color options .. ....... ...... ...... ......... ....... ...... ....... ..... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ........
Networking tab ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... ...... ....... ....... ....... .......... ...... ....... ....... ....... ...... ....... . . 1 2 8 Other links ............... ............ ........... ............ .......... ............ .........
Supply replaceme nt guideli nes ............ .......... ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ ......... ..... 147 Making ro om around the pri nter for re placing su pplies .. ..... ..... ...... ..... ... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..
Incorrect printe r output ....... ....... ....... ....... ........... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .... ....... .... 203 Incorrect fonts .......... ................... .......... ............ ........... ....
Next-day on -site serv ice ......... .......... .......... ........... .......... ............... ........... ...... 23 9 Weekly (volu me) on -site servic e .... ..... ........ ..... .... ...... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... . 239 Appendix D Print er specifi cations Physical dim ensions .
xiv EN WW.
1 Printer basics This cha pter co ntains info rmati on on set ting up y our print er and be comin g familiar with its features. T he foll owing top ics are co vered: ● Quic k acce ss to pri nte r in.
Quick access t o printer information World Wi de Web lin ks Printe r driver s, updat ed HP printer softwar e, and produc t inform ation and suppo rt may be obta ined fro m the f ollowing URLs: ● http://www .hp.com/ s upport/l jcp400 5 Printe r driv ers may be ob tained fr om th e foll owing sites: ● In China: h ttp://www.
HP Em bedded We b Server User G uide Informa tion ab out us ing the embedded Web serv er is availabl e on th e CD- ROM that came with th e prin ter. Accesso ry and Consu mable Instal lation Gu ides Provi des ste p-by- step inst ructi ons f or inst alling t he print er’s acces sories and cons umables .
Printer config urations Thank you for purchasin g the HP Colo r Las erJet CP 4005 S eries printer. This p rinte r is av ailable i n two config urati ons.
Printer fe atures This prin ter combine s the quality and reliabi lity of Hew lett-Packar d printin g with the foll owing ne w featu res and standa rd capab ilitie s. For more inf ormation abo ut printe r features, see the Hewlett-Pack ard Web sit e at http:// www.
Fonts ● 80 internal fonts available for bot h PCL and PostScript emulation. ● 80 printer-matching screen fonts in T rueType format av ailable with the software solution. ● Supports forms and fonts on the disk using HP Web J etadmin. Paper handling ● Prints on media from 77 mm x 12 7 mm (3 inc hes x 5 inches) up to 216 mm x 35 6 mm (8.
Walk a round The fo llowin g illus tratio ns id entify the lo cation s and names of k ey com ponents of thi s pr inter . Figure 1-1 Front view (HP Colo r LaserJe t CP4005d nwith opti onal 500 -shee t .
Figure 1-2 Back/sid e view ( HP Color Lase rJet CP4005dn with optiona l 500-s heet fe eder shown ) 1 Formatter board 2 Upper formatter board tab 3 USB 2.
Printer software Include d with the pr inter i s a C D-ROM contain ing the printin g syst em soft ware. The so ftware compon ents an d printer drivers on this CD -ROM hel p you u se the pri nter to its fullest pot ential . See the Gett ing Started Guide for ins talla tion ins tructio ns.
Preco nfigurati on, in format ion tech nology (IT) admi nistrato rs can pre configure the print ing a nd d evice defaults for HP print er dr ivers before inst alling the d rivers i n the network envi ronme nt. For more inform ation, see t he HP Driv er Preconfi gurat ion Support Gui de , whi ch is avai lable at http://www.
Inst all ing th e sof tware after the US B cabl e has be en co nnecte d If you have alrea dy conn ected a US B cable to a Wi ndows co mputer , the New Hardware Found dialog box ap pears wh en you turn on the comp uter. Installing th e software for Windows 2000 or Windows XP 1.
If the welc ome sc reen does not o pen, star t it b y using the fo llowing proce dure: ● On the Start me nu, click Run . ● Type th e followi ng: X: setup (wher e X is the le tter of the CD-R OM driv e). ● Click OK . 5. When pro mpted, cl ick In stall P rinter and follo w the instruct ion s on the computer screen.
HP Web Jetadmin HP We b Jeta dmin allo ws you to ma nage H P Je tdirect- connecte d pri nters wi thin your intranet usi ng a Web br owser. H P Web Jetad min is a brows er-base d mana gement tool, a nd sh ould be i nstall ed onl y on a single net work admini stration server.
● Viewing pr inter doc umenta tion ● Gaining acce ss to trou bleshooti ng and mai ntenanc e tools You can use the H P Easy P rinter C are Softwa re whe n the prin ter is directl y connec ted to y our comp uter or when it is connect ed t o a networ k.
Windows Mac OS Network administrator ● Software installer — autom ates the printing system installation ● Online Web registration ● PostScript Printer Description files (PPDs) — f or use w ith the Apple PostScript drivers that comes with the Ma c OS ● HP Web Jetadmin — A browser- based system management too l.
Printer drivers The prod uct c omes with softw are th at allows the com puter to commu nicate wi th the product (by using a prin ter langu age). This s oftwar e is ca lled a pr inter driver . Print er dr ivers p rovide acces s to p roduct features , such as printin g on custo m-size d paper, resizing doc uments , and inse rting wa termarks.
Select the correct printer driver Selec t a pri nter driver ba sed on the op erating syste m that you a re usin g and the way that you use the produc t. See the pri nter-dri ver Help f or the fe atures th at ar e ava ilable. For in forma tion a bout g aining access to the printer-d river Help, see Printer-d river Help.
Operating System To change the settings for all print jo bs unt il the so ftware prog ram is close d To change t he print job def a ult settings (for example, turn on Print on B oth Si des by defaul t ) To change the configuration settings (for example, add a tray or enable/disable Manual Duplexing ) Mac OS X v10 .
Printer d rivers for Macint osh com puters The printer com es with p rinter-driver softwa re that u ses a printer langua ge to co mmunicat e with th e printe r. Prin ter driv ers pr ovide a ccess to prin ter fe atures, such as printing on cus tom-s ized pa per, resizin g docume nts, and inse rting waterma rks.
Operating System To change the settings for all print jo bs unt il the so ftware prog ram is close d To change t he print job def a ult settings (for example, turn on Print on B oth Si des by defaul t.
Software for Macintosh computers The HP ins taller provides PostSc ript® Pr inter Des cripti on (PPD ) files, Printer Dial og Extensio ns (PDE s), and the HP Pri nter Util ity for use with Mac intos h compu ters.
5. On the comp uter hard drive , open Applications , o pen Utilities , and then open Print Center or Printe r Setup Utility . NOTE If you are using Mac OS X v10.3 or v 10.4, t hen the Printer Setup Utility has replaced the Print Cente r . 6. Click Add Printer .
Using the HP Prin ter Utility for Macintosh Use the HP P rinte r Util ity to conf igu re and main tain a print er from a compu ter ru nning Mac O S X v10. 2, v10.3, and v1 0.4, or late r. This sect ion descr ibes sever al funct ions that you ca n perfor m through the HP Print er Utili ty.
Viewing supplies status View th e statu s of the print er su pplies ( such as print cartr idges, i magin g drum, or pr int m edia) fr om a comput er. 1. Open the HP Prin ter Utility . 2. In the Configuration Settin gs list, se lect Supplies Status . 3.
Updating the firmware Obtain the new fi rmware fi les for y our printe r at htt p://www.hp.c om , and t hen upda te the printe r firm ware by loadin g the new firmw are file. 1. Open the HP Prin ter Util ity. 2. In the Configuration Settings li st, selec t Firmware Update .
5. In the Default Media Type pop-up menu , select the de fault m edia t ype for the tr ay. 6. Click Apply Now . Changing network setting s Chang e the networ k in ternet pr otocol (I P) se ttings fr om the comput er. You al so c an open the embedde d Web s erver to change additi onal s ettings.
5. Click the Events tab, and , in th e list, define the event s for which an e-m ail aler t should be se nt. 6. To test the alerts set up, click the Ser ver ta b, and then click Te st . A samp le mess age is se nt to the defined e- mail ad dres ses if the c onfigu ration i s co rrect.
Print media spec ifications For optimum results, us e convention al 75 g/m 2 (20 lb) photocop y pape r. Veri fy tha t the pa per is o f good quality and i s free of cuts, nicks, tears, s pots, l oose par ticles, dust, wrin kles, c urls, or b ent edg es.
Table 1-3 Tra y 2 and optional Tray 3 media si zes 1 Tray 2 and optional Tray 3 Dime ns ions Weight or thickness Capacity Paper, standard sizes (letter/ A4, legal, executive, JIS B5, A5); custom sizes Range: 148 x 210 mm (5. 83 x 8.27 in) to 216 x 356 mm ( 8.
Auto matic dup lex printi ng Dimensio ns Weight or thickness Executive: 184.2 x 266.7 mm (7.25 x 10.5 in) JIS B5: 182 x 257 mm (7 .17 x 10.12 in) Glossy paper (A4/l etter, 13 x 8.5 in, legal, executive, JIS B5) NOTE Do not use inkjet papers in this printer.
2 Control panel This ch apter conta ins i nformatio n on th e printer control panel , which pr ovides contr ol of pr inter fun ction s and commu nicat es infor mation about the pr inter and print jobs.
Introd uct ion The co ntrol pan el pro vides contr ol of p rinter fu nctio ns and com munic ates info rmati on abou t the p rinter and pr int j obs. I ts di splay provi des g raphic inform ation about p rinter a nd su pplies s tatus, makin g it e asy to ident ify a nd co rrect problems .
Figure 2-2 Pr inter disp lay 1 Message area 2 Prompt area Figure 2-3 Pr inter disp lay 1 Message area 2 Supplies gauge 3 Print cartridge colors are indicated from left to right: black, m agenta, cyan, and yellow The me ssage and prom pt areas of the disp lay aler t you to the s tate of the print er an d tell you h ow to respon d.
Accessing the control pan el from a computer You ca n als o access the pr inter co ntrol panel fr om a compu ter by u sing the Set tings page o f the embedde d Web serve r.
Control pane l buttons Use the buttons on the control panel to perform printe r functio ns and to navi gate and respond to menu s and mess ages in the displa y. Button name Function Sele ct Makes selections and resumes printing after reco very errors.
Interpr eting control pan el indi cator lights Figure 2-4 Con trol pan el in dicat or ligh ts 1 Ready 2 Data 3 Attention Indicator On Off Flashing Ready (green) Printer is online ( able to accept and process data). Printer is offline or is turned off.
Control pan e l menu s You ca n per form mos t rou tine p rinting tasks from the c ompute r throug h the printer driver or s oftware applic ation. This is the most conve nient way to contr ol the printer , and will over ride th e printer co ntrol pane l settin gs.
Menu hierarc hy The fo llowin g table s list the hi erarchi es of each m enu. To enter the menus Pres s Menu to enter ME NUS . Pres s or to nav igate t he li stings.
PRINT FILE DIRECTORY PRINT PC L FO NT LIST PRINT PS FON T LIST Paper handli ng menu See Paper hand ling menu f or mo re infor mat ion. PAPER HANDLING TRAY X SIZE X = 1, 2 or 3 TRAY X TY PE X = 1, 2 or 3 Configur e device menu See C onfigur e devic e menu and Chang ing printer contr ol panel conf igurat ion set tings for mor e infor mation.
Retrie ve jo b m enu The RETRIEVE JOB men u allo ws y ou to vie w list ings of all s tored jobs. Menu item Description PRIN T ST ORED JOB LIST Prints a page that lists all jobs st or ed on the printer. Each person who has jobs stored on the printer is listed.
Informati on menu Use the infor mation menu to acces s and print specifi c prin ter i nformatio n. Menu ite m Description PRINT ME NU MAP Prints the control panel m enu map, which s hows th e layout and current settings of the control panel menu items.
Paper ha ndling menu The pape r hand ling me nu allo ws you to co nfigur e input tray s by siz e and type . It is importa nt to corr ectly configu re the trays with th is menu bef ore you print for the first time.
Config ure d evice menu The CONFIGURE DEVICE menu allows you to chang e the d efault printing setti ngs, a djust the prin t quality , change the system configurati on and I/O options , and reset the de fault set tings. Printing menu These settings affect o nly j obs witho ut iden tified propert ies.
Menu item Val ues Description FONT POINT SIZ E SYMBO L SE T APPEND C R TO LF SUPPRES S BLANK PAGES MEDIA SO URCE MAPP ING FONT N UMB ER : The printer assign s a number to each font and lists the num bers on the PCL font li s t. The range is 0 to 999. FONT PIT CH : Selects the font pitch.
Menu ite m Va lues D escription PRIN T TE ST PAGE : Prints a test page that shows the current reg istration settings. Source : A llo ws you to se lec t the tr ay for which you want to print the test page. If installed, optional trays appear as selections, where [N] is t he number of t he tray.
Menu item Value s Description FUSE R TEM P TRA Y 1 RESTORE OPTI MIZE QUICK CALIBRAT E NOW Performs parti al printer calibra tions. For more information, see Calibratin g the printer . CALIBRATE NOW Performs all printer calibrations. For more information, see Calibratin g the printer .
Menu ite m Value s D escription Date /Time DAT E Date Form at TIME Time Forma t Allows you to set various configurations for the date format when setting the date and select a 12-hour or 24-hour clock when setti ng time. SHOW ADDRESS AUT O OFF This item determines whether t he printer’s IP address is shown on the display with the Ready messag e.
Menu item Val ues Description See Changing p rinter control panel configuration settings for m ore informati on. Sleep De lay 1 Minute 15 MINUTES 30 MINUTES 45 MINUTES 60 MINUTES 90 MINUTES 2 HOURS 4 HOURS Reduces power consumpt ion when the printer has been inactive for the selected period.
Menu ite m Value s D escription JAM RECOVE RY AUT O OFF ON Sets whether the printer will attempt to reprint pages after a jam. The default is AUT O . RAM DISK AUT O OFF Allows you t o specify how th e RAM disk is configured. When set to AUTO , the prin ter determines the optimal RAM disk size based on the amount of available memory.
Menu item Value s Descripti on printing environment, an d return all de fault settings to factory defaults. SLEEP MO DE Values ar e ON and OFF . Allows you to enable and disable sleep mode.
Diagnosti c s menu The DIAGNOSTICS menu al lows you to run tes ts that can help you id entify and solve probl ems with the print er. Menu ite m Description PRINT E VEN T LO G This item will print an event log that will displ ay the last 50 ent r ies in the printer’s event log, starting with the most recent.
Changing printer control panel c onfiguration se ttings By us ing the pri nter cont ro l panel, yo u can m ake chang es to g eneral prin ter co nfigurati on defau lt settings such as tra y size and type, sleep mode , printe r pers onalit y (lan guage) , and jam re cover y.
3. Press to select CONFIGUR E DEVICE . 4. Press to hig hlight SYST EM S ETUP . 5. Press to select SYST EM SE TU P . 6. Press to hig hlight COLOR/BLACK MIX . 7. Press to select COLOR/BLACK MIX . 8. Press or to select the desired option. 9. Press to selec t the option.
7. Press to select TRAY BE HAVIO R . 8. Press to select U SE REQUESTED TRAY . 9. Press or to select EXCLUS IVELY or FIRST . 10. Press to se t the beha vior. 11. Press Me nu . Setting manually feed prompt 1. Press Menu to enter the MENUS . 2. Press to highlight CONFIGURE DE VICE .
Setting the printer to use size/ t ype prompt 1. Press Menu t o enter th e MENUS . 2. Press to hig hlight CONFIGURE DEVI CE . 3. Press to select CONFIGUR E DEVICE . 4. Press to hig hlight SYST EM S ETUP . 5. Press to select SYST EM SE TU P . 6. Press to hig hlight TRAY BEHAV IOR .
7. Press to select TRAY BE HAVIO R . 8. Press to highlight DUPLEX BLANK PAGES . 9. Press or to select AUTO or YE S . 10. Press to se t the beha vior. 11. Press Me nu . Setting th e print er to rotate imag es 1. Press Menu to enter the MENUS . 2. Press to highlight CONFIGURE DE VICE .
8. Press or to select the appro priate time pe riod. 9. Press to set the time perio d. 10. Press Me nu . NOTE If media i s loa ded in op tional Tray 3 when the prin ter i s in sl eep mo de, the prin ter will not sens e new media whe n it c omes ou t of s leep m ode.
9. Press to acce pt the selectio n. 10. Press or to selec t cust om or Off . 11. Press to ac cept t he sel ection. 12. Press or to selec t the hour. 13. Press to ac cept t he sel ection. 14. Press or to selec t the min utes. 15. Press to ac cept t he sel ection.
Personality This pr inter f eatu res aut omatic perso nality ( printer lang uage) swit ching. AUTO is the de fault v alue. ● AUTO configur es the p rinte r to a utomatica lly d etect t he typ e of prin t job an d confi gure its persona lity to accom modate tha t job.
8. Press or to select t he app ropriate s etting. 9. Press to set the s election . 10. Press Me nu . Auto co ntinue You ca n deter mine pr inter behavio r when the s ystem g enerat es an Auto Continu able error. ON is t he default setti ng. ● ON disp lays an erro r message for ten secon ds befor e automat ically c ontinuing to pr int.
Setting replace supplies re sponse 1. Press Menu t o enter th e MENUS . 2. Press to hig hlight CONFIGURE DEVI CE . 3. Press to select CONFIGUR E DEVICE . 4. Press to hig hlight SYST EM S ETUP . 5. Press to select SYST EM SE TU P . 6. Press to hig hlight REPLACE SUP PLIES .
Setting color supply out response 1. Press Menu to enter the MENUS . 2. Press to highlight CONFIGURE DE VICE . 3. Press to select CONFIG URE DE VICE . 4. Press to highlight SY STEM SETU P . 5. Press to select SYSTEM SETUP . 6. Press to highlight COLOR SUPP LY OUT .
RAM di sk This opt ion al lows you to specify how the RAM d isk is confi gured. O ptions a re AUTO and OFF . When set to AUT O , the printer determi nes th e optimal RAM size base d on the a mount of ava ilable memo ry. The me ssage di splays on ly in prin ter model s that do no t have a h ard d isk in stalled.
Selecting the language i f the display is in a language you do not understand 1. Turn the printer power off. 2. Hold down th e key whi le tur ning the print er power on un til all three lights s tay o n. 3. Press ag ain. 4. Press or to scroll throu gh the ava ilable languag es.
Using t he printer cont rol panel in shared environments Becaus e yo ur pri nter is shared with other users , adhe re to the fol lowing guide lines to ensur e su ccessfu l printe r operati on: ● Consult you r system adm inistrat or before mak ing changes to control pa nel settings .
68 Cha pter 2 C ontrol p anel ENWW.
3 I/O configurat ion This cha pter d escr ibes how to c onfigu re certai n networ k parame ters on the pr inter . The follo wing top ics are c overed: ● Network c onfigu ration ● USB confi guratio.
Network con figuration You mi ght nee d to c onfigu re cert ain network paramete rs on the pri nter. You can con figure these parame ters fro m ins tallat ion softwa re, th e printer contro l pane l, the embe dded W eb ser ver, or managem ent so ftware, such as HP Web J etadmin.
14. Press to highli ght IP Address: . 15. Press to se lect IP Ad dress: . NOTE The first of three set s of numbers is highlighted . If a number is not highli ghted, a highli ghted em pty unde rscore appear s. 16. Press or to increase or decrease the num ber for configur ing the IP address.
Setting the default gateway 1. Press Menu to enter the MENUS . 2. Press to highlight CONFIGURE DE VICE . 3. Press to select CONFIG URE DE VICE . 4. Press to highlight I/O . 5. Press to select I/O . 6. Press to highlight EM BEDDED JE TDIR ECT ME NU . 7.
USB configuration This p rinter su pports a USB 2.0 connect ion . The USB port is loca ted on the back of the printe r, as show n in the f igure below.
HP Jetdir ect print servers The HP Jetdi rect pr int se rvers facil itate networ k ma nagemen t by allow ing yo u to co nnect a print er direc tly to your netwo rk at an y locati on. T hey supp ort mult iple networ k protoc ols and oper ating system s.
Wirele ss p rinting Wireles s networks offer a safe, secur e, and cost -effecti ve altern ative to tradi tional wired net work connec tions. IEEE 802.11 standard Option al HP Jetdir ect wire less pr int s ervers s upport c onnection to a n 802 .11 net work.
76 Chap ter 3 I/O conf igurat ion ENW W.
4 Printing tasks This chapt er desc ribes how to per form basic printing tas ks. The fol lowing topic s are cove red: ● Contro lling pr int jobs ● Selectin g print m edia ● Automatic medi a type.
Contro lling print jobs In the M icroso ft Window s oper ating system , three settings affect how the printer drive r tries to pul l paper when you send a print job. The Source , Type , and Size settin gs ap pear in the Pag e S etup , Print , or Print Prope rties dialog boxes in mos t sof tware program s.
● Printer Pr operties dialog box (printe r driver) . The pr inter driver o pens when y ou cli ck Prope rti es i n the Print dialog box . Settings c hanged in the Printer Proper ties dialog box do not overri de se ttings availa ble a nywher e e lse. ● Default p r inter setting s .
Selecti ng print media You can us e many type s of pape r and othe r prin t media with this printer. This sect ion provi des guid elines and speci ficati ons for selec ting and using differen t print media . For mo re informa tion abou t supported prin t media, see Print media spec ificat ions .
Automatic me dia type se nsing (auto se nse mode) The HP C olor L aserJ et CP40 05 Serie s printer s can auto matic ally cla ssify me dia int o one of th e follo wing catego ries : ● Plain ● Trans.
Tray 2 and o ptional Tray 3 sensing Expanded sensing ● The printer s tops the firs t five pages f ed from each pape r tray to se nse the type and ave rages the five re sults.
Configuri ng input tray s The pri nter a llows y ou to c onfigu re input trays by ty pe and size . You ca n load differen t medi a in the printe r’s input t rays an d then reque st media by type or s ize usi ng the contro l pan el.
A Setti ng saved mes sage appear s, and then the cu rren t type and size se ttings are di splayed. 8. If size and type are no w corr ect, pres s to clear the message. Configuri ng a tray to match print job settings 1. In the software applic ation, specify the sou rce tra y, the pap er siz e, and the paper typ e.
6. Press or to highligh t the c orrect paper t ype. 7. Press to select the correc t pape r type. A Setti ng save d message appear s, an d then the curr ent ty pe an d size settin gs are display ed.
7. Press to select the value. After the unit of measure is set pro perly, set the X dimen sion as fol lows: 8. Press or to highligh t the c orrect valu e. 9. Press to select the v alue. I f the v alue entered i s out side the valid rang e, Inva lid value wi ll app ear for two s econds.
4. Adjust th e sid e guid es so th at t hey ligh tly touch the p aper st ack bu t do no t bend the paper . NOTE Make sure the paper fits under the tabs on the guides and not abo ve the lo ad leve l indicat ors. Printing envelop es from Tray 1 Many ty pes o f enve lopes c an be printed f rom Tr ay 1.
2. Load up to 2 0 enve lopes in the cente r of Tray 1 wi th the side to b e pri nted fa cing down and t he postage e nd toward the pr inter. S lide the envel opes i nto the pr inter a s far as they wi ll go without forcing them. 3. Adjust the guid es to touch the envel ope stac k without bending the env elopes.
media size s: 8.5 x 1 3 and Executi ve (JIS ), dou ble J apan po stcard, and cu stom. The pri nter autom atica lly detects the media size in the se trays based on the tr ay’s paper guide conf iguration . (See Suppor ted media wei ghts and si zes .) CAUTION The paper pat h for o ptional Tray 3 pas ses thr ough Tra y 2.
2. Adjust th e rea r media- lengt h guid e by squ eezing th e guid e adju stmen t latc h and slidin g the back of the tray to the le ngth of the me dia be ing used . 3. Slide the medi a-widt h guid es ope n to th e size for th e media y ou are using .
5. Insert th e tray i nto the printer . The pr inter w ill d ispla y the tray’s media type and size . If th e configur ation i s not corr ect, pres s the key when the pri nter prompts you to conf igure the tray for type and size. (For mo re informa tion s ee Con figur ing a tra y whe n load ing p aper .
2. Adjust th e rea r media- lengt h guid e by squ eezing th e guid e adju stmen t latc h and slidin g the back of the tray to the le ngth of the me dia be ing used . 3. Slide the medi a-widt h guid es ope n to th e size for th e media y ou are using .
5. Insert th e tray i nto the printer . The pr inter w ill d ispla y the tray’s media type and size . If th e configur ation i s not corr ect, pres s the key when the pri nter prompts you to conf igure the tray for type and size. (For mo re informa tion, s ee Co nfiguring a tray when loa ding paper .
3. Load media into the tr ay face up. NOTE For bes t performan ce, load the tr ay complete ly full wit hout splitti ng or fanning the ream of p aper. Splitt ing or fa nning t he rea m might c ause a mult i-feed pr oblem, wh ich c ould result in a pape r jam.
Printi ng on sp ecial media Use the se gu idelin es when p rinting on sp ecial types of med ia. NOT E S pecia l media such as envelo pes, trans parencie s, cus tom-siz e paper, or heavy media greater than 120 g/ m 2 is used in Tray 1. To pr int on any speci al me dia, u se the foll owing procedu re: 1.
Col ored pap er ● Colored p aper shoul d be o f the s ame h igh quali ty as white xer ographic pap er. ● Pigments used in col ored media must be able to wi thstand the printer ’s fusing temperatur e of 190° C (374°F) for 0. 1 second wit hout deteriora tion.
Paper type Paper weig ht Heavy and extra-heavy st ock 105-163 g/m 2 28-43 lb Cardstock 164-220 g/m 2 43-58 lb Interme di ate 90-105 g/m 2 24-28 lb HP Tough paper 5 mil When pri nting on heavy paper types, use the fo llowin g guidel ines: ● Use Tray 1 for paper th at is heavier than 1 20 g/m 2 (32 lb) .
● Forms and letterhead sho uld be seal ed in a mois ture-pro of wrapping to preven t change s during st orage. ● Before loading prepri nted pa per suc h as forms an d letterh ead, v erify th at the ink on t he paper i s dry. Dur ing the f using process , wet ink can come off of preprin ted pa per.
Using f eatures in t he printer driver When you prin t from a software program , many of th e produc t features are av ailable from the prin ter drive r. For com plete in formation about th e feature s that ar e availabl e in the prin ter drive r, see the pr inter- drive r Help.
To use quick sets 1. Open the print er driver (see Gain ing acce ss to the prin ter drive rs ). 2. Select the quick s et that you w ant to use from the Print Task Quick Sets drop-dow n list. 3. Click OK . The produc t is now set to prin t accordin g to th e saved settings in the q uick se t.
Setting a custom paper size from the printer driver To set a custom paper size 1. Open the prin ter driver (s ee Gain ing access to the prin ter drive rs ). 2. On the Paper or Paper/Quality t ab, cl ick Custom . 3. On the Custom Paper Size window, type the name of the cus tom pape r size.
To print multiple pages on one sheet of paper 1. Open the print er driver (see Gain ing acce ss to the prin ter drive rs ). 2. Click the Finis hing tab. 3. In the sect ion for Document Options , select the num ber of p ages t hat yo u want to pri nt on each sheet (1, 2, 4, 6, 9, or 16 ).
To print on both sides manually 1. Insert en ough pa per into o ne of the trays to acco mmodate the prin t job. If you are loa ding s pecial paper s uch as l etterh ead, lo ad it in one of the follo wing w ays: ● For Tray 1, load t he letterh ead paper with the front side up, bottom-edge fi rst.
3. Long-edge portrait This is the default setting, and the most common layout used, with every printed im age oriented right-side-up. Facing pages are read from top to bottom on the first pag e, then from top to bottom on the second page. 4. Short-edge portrait This layout is often us ed with clipboards.
● SmartFocus : Enhance the im age q uality and cla rity of low res olution imag es su ch a s those downloaded from the Interne t. Click On to allow t he printer softwa re to shar pen deta ils in the i mage automat ically . ● Sharp ness : A djus t the i mage sha rpness to you r preferen ce.
Using features in th e Macintosh printer driv er When y ou print from a sof tware program , many of the pr inter fe atures a re avai lable from the p rinter drive r. For comp lete in formation about the feature s that are av ailable in the print er drive r, see the printe r- drive r Help.
To print a cover page 1. Open the prin ter driver (s ee Gain ing access to the prin ter drive rs ). 2. On t he Co ver Page or Paper/Quality pop -up menu , sele ct whet her to print the c over pa ge Before Document or Af ter Doc ument .
To print on both sides by using the duplex-printing access ory 1. Insert eno ugh pap er into on e of the trays to accom modate the print job. I f you are l oading s pecia l paper su ch as lette rhead,.
NOT E F or more infor mation about usi ng the c olor opti ons, see Ma naging print er c olor options on Macin tosh com puter s . To set the color options 1. Open the prin ter driver (s ee Gain ing access to the prin ter drive rs ). 2. Open the Color Options pop-up menu.
Two-sid ed (duplex) pri nting Some p rinter m odels are ca pable of dupl ex print ing ( printing on both sides of a pag e). To find ou t whic h models suppo rt au tomatic duplex ing, see P rint er ba sics . All pri nter m odels s upport m anual dupl exing.
Control panel settings for au tomatic two -sided printing Many so ftware appli cation s allow you to cha nge two-s ided prin t settings. If you r software app lica tion or printe r driver doe s not allow yo u to adjust two- sided printi ng sett ings, you ca n adjust t hese settin gs thro ugh the c ontrol panel .
NOTE To sel ect tw o-sided printing from the pri nter d river, the driver must first be p roperly configu red. For inst ruct ions, se e the o nline Help f or the printe r driv er. For mo re i nformatio n, see Pr inter driver s or Pri nter driv ers for Mac intosh comp uters .
To manua lly print on two si des (d uplex) 1. Ensure that the printer dri ver is configur ed to allow ma nual duplex ing. Fo r more infor matio n, see Printer driver s or Prin ter driv ers for M acinto sh com puters . In the printer driver, se lect Allow Manual Duplex .
Special printing situation s Use these gui delines whe n printi ng on special ty pes of media. Printing a different first page Use the fo llowin g procedu re to p rint th e first pag e of a docum ent .
Stopping a print request You ca n stop a prin t requ est ei ther fro m the printe r co ntrol pan el or from y our sof tware appli cation . To stop a prin t reques t from a comput er on a network , see th e onli ne Help for the s pecific networ k softwar e.
Job s torag e fea tur es Use the HP Colo r Lase rJet CP400 5 Serie s printer job- storage feature lets to store a job in th e printer’s memo ry for prin ting at a later time.
can be s tored is 32 . You ca n chang e the num ber of jobs that can be s tored from the con trol pa nel. For more i nform ation abo ut sett ing the job s torage l imit, se e Con figure de vice me nu . A job can be d eleted from th e cont rol p anel, from the embedd ed We b serve r, or fr om H P Web J etadmi n.
5. Press to highlight a JOB NAME . 6. Press to s elect the JOB NAME . PRINT is hig hlighte d. 7. Press to select PRINT . 8. Press or to select the firs t digit of the PIN. 9. Press to selec t the digit. The num ber changes to an asterisk . 10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 to ente r the remaini ng thr ee dig its of th e PIN.
The HP Color La serJet C P4005 Series printe rs supp ort mopy ing whe n they hav e suff icient total mem ory (128 M B DDR). The mopyi ng fea ture is enable d by defa ult if the Mopier Mode s etting is Enable d on the D evice Se tting s tab.
Managin g memory The HP Co lor Las erJet C P4005 Ser ies printer s suppo rt up to 5 44 MB of memor y: 51 2 MB DDR. You can add addit ional mem ory by inst alling dual data- rate (DDR ) memory. To acco modate for me mory expans ion, the printer has one DDR slot, whi ch acc epts 1 28, 256 , or 512 MB of RAM.
5 Managing the printer This chapt er desc ribes how to mana ge the print er. The foll owing top ics are cover ed: ● Printer inform ation pages ● Using the embed ded W eb serv er ● Using the HP E.
Printer informati on pages From the prin ter contr ol panel , you can p rint pag es tha t give detai ls about the prin ter a nd its curr ent configu ration .
4. Press to hig hlight PRINT CONFIGUR ATION . 5. Press to select PRINT CONFIGURATION . The me ssage Printing... CONFIGURATION app ears on t he dis play u ntil the pr inter fi nishe s printing th e configu ratio n page. The pr inter returns to the Read y st ate af ter prin ting th e con figuratio n pag e.
Demo page A demo page is a repre sentation of a c olor ph otogra ph that demo nstra tes pri nt qual ity. 1. Press Menu to enter the MENUS . 2. Press to highlight INFORMA TION . 3. Press to select INFORM ATION . 4. Press to highlight PR INT DE MO . 5. Press to select PRINT DE MO .
File directory The fil e director y page c ontains in format ion for al l insta lled mass stora ge devices . This optio n does not appe ar if no mass stor age d evices are insta lled. 1. Press Menu t o enter th e MENUS . 2. Press to hig hlight INFORMATION .
Using the embe dded We b serv er NOTE When the printer is dir ectl y connected to a c omput er, use the HP Easy P rinter Care Softwar e to vie w the p rinter stat us. When th e printer is directl y co nnected to a co mputer , the e mbedde d Web s erver is supp orted for Window s 2000 and later.
Inform ation tab The In formation pages gr oup c onsists o f the follow ing p ages. ● Device Stat us . This pa ge disp lays the pr inter status and sh ows the li fe rema ining of HP supplies , with 0% repres enting tha t a sup ply i s empty. The page al so sh ows the type and s ize of p rint medi a set for each t ray.
● Tim e Ser vic es . Config ure the p rinter’s ti me settin gs. ● Restrict Color . Set user color print job restricti ons. Fo r more informatio n on rest ricti ng and reportin g color usage , see http:/ /www.hp.com / go/colo racces s . Setting the real-t ime clock Use the real- time clock feature to set th e date and ti me se ttings.
Using the HP Easy Pr inter Care Software The HP Easy Printer Care Software is a n applic ation that y ou can use for the fo llowing tasks: ● View color usage i nformat ion. ● Check th e printe r st atus. ● Chec k supplies status . ● Set up a lerts.
Section Description Support tab Provides help information and links. ● Printer usage r eports ● Software updates, including automatic updates for HP drivers ● Online diagnostics ● Online user .
6 Color This chapt er desc ribes how the HP Color Las erJe t CP4005 Ser ies printe r prov ides grea t color prin ting. This chapt er al so desc ribes wa ys to produc e the b est p ossib le colo r pr ints.
Using co lor The HP Color LaserJe t CP40 05 Ser ies pr inter offers g reat col or prin ting a s soo n as yo u set up the printer . It provides a combinat ion of automa tic color fea tures to ge nerate excellent colo r resu lts for the general office user, pl us sophi sticated tools for the profe ssional wh o is experi enced with color us e.
systems , sRGB has gaine d broad adoptio n as a means to excha nge colo r informa tion betwe en applic ations an d dev ices us ing a common defin ition tha t a ssures ty pica l users will experie nce g reatly impro ved color matc hing.
Color ma tching The pr ocess of matc hing pr inter output c olor to y our c omputer s creen is quite compl ex becau se pr inters and com puter monito rs use differ ent meth ods of produci ng color .
vary depend ing on paper type and the softwar e applicati on used. For mo re detail s on how to use the color sa mples, go to http://www.hp.com / supp ort/ljc p4005 . Use the follo wing p rocedur e to pri nt color samples at th e pri nter usi ng the c ontro l pan el: 1.
Managin g print er color options o n Windows computers Setting c olor opti ons to Auto matic t ypica lly prod uces the be st poss ible print qual ity for the m ost com mon printi ng req uirement s. Howe ver, for som e doc uments, s etting the col or op tions m anuall y can enhanc e the way the doc ument appe ars.
NOT E A utomati c is the defa ult sett ing and i s recomm ended for pr inting most co lor docum ents. The Manual color adjustm ent option allows yo u to adjust the neu tral gray color treatment, halft ones, and edge en hance ments fo r text, g raphi cs, and photo graph s.
Two v alues are ava ilabl e for the Ne utral Grays settin g: ● Black Only genera tes ne utral c olors ( grays and b lack) us ing o nly bla ck to ner. T his guar antees neutra l colors with out a color cast. ● 4-Color gen erates n eutral colors (gray s and bl ack) by combin ing al l four toner c olors.
Managi ng prin ter colo r opti ons on Ma cintosh compute rs Setting the color opti ons to Automati c typical ly produce s the best pos sible print qua lity for the most common pri nting r equirem ents. Howeve r, for som e docu ments, setti ng the col or op tions manua lly can enhance the w ay the docum ent ap pears .
NOTE Some s oftware pr ogra ms conv ert text or grap hics to raste r im ages. In th ese cas es, the Photographs settings also co ntrol tex t and gra phics. RGB C olor Five va lues are avai lable for the RGB Color setting : ● Select De fau lt ( sRGB ) for most print ing needs.
7 Maintenance This ch apt er desc ribes wa ys to m aintain you r print er. T he f ollowing topic s are cover ed: ● Managing p rint c artri dges ● Changing pr int ca rtridges ● Replacin g suppl i.
Managi ng prin t cartri dges Be sure to use genuine HP print cartridge s with Color Sphere ton er for the be st printing resul ts. HP Colo rSphere toners ens ure high qual ity resul ts, page afte r page. T his secti on provid es infor mation about using a nd sto ring HP cartr idges c orrect ly.
Print cartridge storage Do n ot remov e the print ca rtrid ge from its p ackage u ntil y ou are r eady to use i t. CAUTION To preve nt damage to the pr int cartri dge, do not expo se it to light for more than a few min utes.
Changing print cartridge s When a prin t cartridge approac hes the end of its usef ul life, t he control pan el disp lays a me ssage recom mendin g that you orde r a r eplacem ent.
2. Pull dow n the f ront c over an d t ransfer unit. CAUTION Do not plac e any ite m on the tr ansfer u nit whi le it is open. If the tr ansfer un it is puncture d, print qu ality prob lems coul d resul t. 3. Remove th e used p rint cartridg e fro m the pr inter.
5. Align the print cart ridge wit h the tra cks ins ide the printe r and in sert the cartr idge un til it i s comple tely seated . NOTE The print c artridg e tape seal is r emoved a utomati call y whe n the print c artr idge is installed in t he pr inter.
Replaci ng supplies When y ou use g enuine HP s upplies, the pr inter automati cally notif ies you when supp lies are nea rly depleted . The notifica tion to orde r su pplies a llows ample ti me to order ne w su pplies b efore they need to be re place d.
Making room arou nd the printer for replacing suppl ies The fol lowin g illustr ation shows the cle arance n ecess ary in front of , above , and to t he sid e of the p rinter for repl acing suppl ies. 1 2 3 Figure 7-2 Suppli es rep lacem ent c leara nce d iagra m 1 530 mm (20.
Using t he cleaning page During printing, t oner and dust part icles can accumu late inside the printer. Over time, thi s buildup ca n cause print qu ality problem s, su ch as toner s pecks o r smear ing. Th is prin ter has a c leaning mode that can c orrect and prev ent th ese p roblems .
13. Press to highli ght PROCES S CLEANI NG PAGE . 14. Press to se lect PROCESS CLEA NING PAGE . Cleanin g the HP Color Laser Jet CP4 005dn printe r at the contro l panel 1. Press Menu to enter the MENUS . 2. Press to highlight CONFIGURE DE VICE . 3. Press to select CONFIG URE DE VICE .
6. Press to hig hlight CLEANING I NTERVAL . 7. Press to select CLEANING INTE RVAL . 8. Press to hi ghligh t the d esired value . 9. Press to sele ct the desired value.
Configu ring aler ts You ca n use HP Web Jetadm in or th e pri nter’s e mbedde d Web s erver t o conf igure the system to al ert you of problems with the prin ter. The aler ts take the for m of e -mail m essages to the e- mail account or accoun ts that you spec ify.
8 Problem solving This chap ter describ es what to do i f proble ms arise w ith your printe r. The foll owing topi cs are cove red: ● Basic tr ouble shooti ng che cklist ● Factors affecting pr int.
Basic troubles hooting ch ecklist If you a re expe rienc ing prob lems with th e printer , thi s checkli st can h elp id entify the cau se of the pr oblem .
Factors a ffecting print e r performa nce Several factor s affe ct the time it takes to print a job. A mong thes e is m aximum pr inter s peed, me asured in pages per minute (ppm) .
Troubles hooting info rmation pages From the prin ter contr ol panel , you can p rint pag es tha t can help dia gnose prin ter pro blems. The proced ures for p rinti ng the fo llowin g inf ormation pa.
Registration pag e The regis tration page prints a horizontal arro w and a vertical arrow that show how far from center an image c an be printed o n the page. Y ou ca n set re gistr ation va lues for a tray so that a n imag e on t he back and fron t of a page is cen tered.
Contro l panel mess age types Control panel messag es ar e divide d into three ty pes, depend ing o n their sev erity. ● Status m essages ● War ning messag es ● Erro r mes sages With in the erro r mess age cate gory, some mess ages are ra nked as Critical error m essages.
Control pane l messages Message listing Control panel message De scription Recommended action 10.90.X REPLACE [COLOR] CARTRIDGE alternates with For help press A color ca rtridge is out of toner and needs to be replaced. Replace the color cartridge. 10.
Control panel message Des cription Recommended action 3. For more information, see Clearing jams . 4. If the mess age persists after c learing all pages, contact HP Suppo rt at http://www.hp. com/ support/ljcp4005 . 13.X. XX JAM IN TRAY 1 Clear jam then press Paper is jammed in Tray 1.
Control panel message De scription Recommended action 3. For more information, see Clearing jams . 4. If the mess age persists after c learing all pages, contact HP Support at http: //ww w.hp .com / support/ljcp4005 . 13.X. XX MULT IPLE JAMS IN P APE R PAT H For help press There are multiple jams in the paper path.
Control panel message Des cription Recommended action 41.5 UNEXPECTED TYPE I N TRAY X For help press alternates with LOAD TRAY X [TYPE] [SI ZE] To use another tray press The printer senses a different media type in the media path t han configured in the tray .
Control panel message De scription Recommended action turn off then on 52.X PRI NTER ERRO R alternates with To contin ue turn off then on A printer error has occurred. Turn the printer off then on. Press for mo re information. If the m essage pe rsists, con tact HP Support at http://ww w.
Control panel message Des cription Recommended action 57.0X PRINTER ERROR To co ntinue turn off then on A printer fan error has occurre d. 1. Turn the printer off then on. 2. If the problem persists, contact HP Support a t htt p://w ww.h p.com / support/ljcp4005 .
Control panel message De scription Recommended action STOR AG E FULL 4. For 68.1 errors, use the HP Web Jetadmin software to delete files from the disk drive. 5. For 68.1 errors that persist, contact HP Support. 68.X PERMANEN T STOR AGE WRIT E FAIL A non-volatile storage device is full.
Control panel message Des cription Recommended action [FS] DEV ICE WRITE PRO TECTED To clear press alternates with Ready The file syste m device is protected and no new files can be written to it . 1. To enable writing to the Flash Memory, turn off writ e protection, us ing HP Web Jetadmin.
Control panel message De scription Recommended action The supplies gauge will display the consumption levels of print cartridges. 3. Remove t he incorrect p rint cartridge. 4. Install the c orrect print cartridge. 5. Close image tr ansfer unit and then close the top and front covers.
Control panel message Des cription Recommended action Creating... CLEANIN G PAGE This message is displayed while a cleaning page is being gene rated. When th e page is complete, the control panel disp lay backs up one screen to the PRINT QU ALITY menu.
Control panel message De scription Recommended action DIS K FILE SYST EM IS FUL L To clear press alternates with Ready The printer received a PJL fil e system command that at tempted to s tore something on the file system but was unsuccessful because the file system is full.
Control panel message Des cription Recommended action INCOMPATIBLE SUP PLIES alternates with For status press The supplies gauge will display the consumption levels of print cartridges. At least two supplies are installed that are not intended for use in this d evice.
Control panel message De scription Recommended action DIMMS LOAD TRAY 1: [TYPE] [SIZE ] alternates with LOAD TRAY 1: [TYPE] [SIZE ] For help press Tray 1 is loaded and configured for a t ype and size other than the one specified in the job. 1. If the correct paper is loaded, press .
Control panel message Des cription Recommended action MAGENTA CARTRI DGE IN WRONG POSITION alternates with For help press The supplies gauge will display the consumption levels of print cartridges. The magenta ca rtridge is in stalled in the wrong slot an d the c over is closed .
Control panel message De scription Recommended action Then press to print sec ond sides Moving solenoid To exit press. Stop The printer is executing a component test and the component selected is a solenoid. No action necessary. Moving solenoid an d motor To exit press.
Control panel message Des cription Recommended action 5. Pres s to acces s help for the supply. 6. Obtain a part number from help. 7. Order the supply. 8. Repeat the previous steps as necessary for each supply that needs to be ordered. 9. Supplies ordering information is also available from the embedded Web server.
Control panel message De scription Recommended action Print ing... DIAGNOSTICS PAGE The printer is generating the diagnostics page. The printer will return to the on line Ready state when the page is completed. No action necessary. Print ing... ENGI NE TEST The printer is generating the engine test page.
Control panel message Des cription Recommended action Processing... copy <X> of <Y> The printer is current ly processing or printing collated copies. The message indicates that copy X of Y total copies is curr ently being processed. No action necessary.
Control panel message De scription Recommended action PRINT CARTRIDGES To exit press. Stop Remove at least one print cartridge. To exit press. Stop The printer is executing a disable cartridge check or component test where the component select ed is the cartridge motor.
Control panel message Des cription Recommended action ● Remove the old fuser unit from the printer. ● Install the new fuser unit. ● Close the top cover. ● Supplies ordering information is also available fr om the embedded Web server. See Using the embedded Web server fo r more information.
Control panel message De scription Recommended action <Current s tatus message> REPLACE TRANSF ER KI T For help press The transfer un it is at end of life. Printing ca n continue but print quality might be reduced. 1. Open the top a nd front c over.
Control panel message Des cription Recommended action a restore act ion, such as RESTOR E COLOR VALUE S . Res tori ng. .. factory se ttings The printer is restoring factory settings.
Control panel message De scription Recommended action 4. Close the im age transfer unit and then close the top and front covers. 5. If the error persis ts, contact HP Support at http://ww w.
Control panel message Des cription Recommended action to rein itiali ze device modes have chang ed or the printer is coming out of the diagnostics mode and will automatically restart. Waiting for tray X to lift The printer is w aiting for Tray 2 or optional Tray 3 to lift.
Pape r jams Use this il lustrati on to trouble shoot paper jams in the printe r. For ins truction s on clea ring paper jams, see Clearing jams . NOT E A ll areas of th e printer th at mi ght nee d to be opened to clea r jams are equi pped w ith green han dles for ra pid iden tifica tion.
To disable paper jam rec overy 1. Press Menu to enter the MENUS . 2. Press to highlight CONFIGURE DE VICE . 3. Press to select CONFIG URE DE VICE . 4. Press to highlight SY STEM SETU P . 5. Press to select SYSTEM SETUP . 6. Press to highlight JAM RECOVERY .
Common causes of pape r jams The follo wing t able lists co mmon cau ses of pape r jams and suggested s olutio ns for re solv ing them. Paper jams Cause and solution Cause Soluti on When the printer is first installed, the p rotective insert does not eject properly.
Clearing jams Each se ction b elow corr espon ds with a jam mes sage tha t might appear on the control panel. Use these proced ures to clear the ja m. Jam in Tray 1 1. Open Tray 1. 2. Remove loaded pape r from Tray 1. 3. Reload paper in Tray 1 and chec k to make sure the med ia is loaded co rrec tly.
Jam in Tray 2 or optional Tray 3 1. Pull out th e tray indicated and pla ce it on a fl at surf ace. Make sure that the p aper gui des are in the correc t posi tion. 2. Remove a ny parti ally fed me dia. Gr asp th e media b y both corner s and pull d own.
5. Check to make sure the medi a is loa ded correctl y. Insert th e tray into the prin ter. Make sure all tray s are comp letely cl osed . Jams in top cover area Jams in the top cover occur in of t he areas indi cated in the fig ures below. Use the proce dures in this sectio n to c lear a j am in this area.
Clea rin g a jam in th e top c over area WARNING! Do not tou ch the fu ser. It is hot and c ould cau se bur ns! Th e fuser’ s oper ating tempera ture is 190°C (374° F). Wait ten minute s to allow the fuser to cool before touching the fuser. 1. Open the top and fr ont cov ers.
4. Grasp the media by both corners and pul l down. 5. Close the transfer uni t. 6. Close the top an d front c overs. 190 Cha pter 8 Prob lem s olving ENWW.
Clearing other jams 1. Using the handles , open the top and fron t covers. 2. If media is present , grasp the media by both corners and pull down. 3. If media is present , grasp the media by both corners and pull up. NOTE If no media is pre sent at th ese loc ations, c ontinu e to the n ext s tep.
4. Grasp the green han dle on the transfe r unit and pull dow n. 5. If media i s pres ent, gras p the media by bo th corne rs and p ull d own. 6. If media i s pres ent, gras p the media by bo th corne rs and p ull u p.
7. Close the trans fer unit. 8. Clos e the top an d front co vers. ENWW Clearing jams 193.
Media- hand ling prob lems Use only me dia that meets HP speci fications . For pape r specifi cation s for this pri nter, se e Supp orted media w eig hts and size s .
Incorrect tray Table 8-3 Pri nter pulls from inc o rrect tray Cause and solution Cause Soluti on You are using a driver for a different printer. F or more information, see Printer drivers or Printer drive rs for Macintosh computers . Use a driver f or this print er.
Cause and solution Cause Soluti on The correct med ia type for t he input tray is not selected in t he printer control panel. From the printer control panel, select the correct media type for the input t ray. Media from a previous jam has not been completely removed.
Envelope printin g error Table 8-7 Envel opes jam or wil l not feed in t he printer Cause and solution Cause Soluti on Envelopes are loaded in an unsupported tray. Only Tray 1 can feed envelopes. Load envelopes into Tray 1. Envelopes are c urled or damaged.
Duplexing error Table 8-9 Printe r will not dupl ex or duplexes i n correctly Cause and solution Cause Soluti on You are trying to duplex on unsupported media. Verify that the media is supported for duplex printing. See Supported media weights and sizes .
Printer r espo nse pr oblem s Control panel display is blank Table 8-10 No disp lay me ssage Cause and solution Cause Soluti on The printer’s on/off button is in the standby position. Verify that the printer is on. Fans might run while the printer is in standby mode (off).
Cause and solution Cause Soluti on The computer port is not confi gured or is not working properly. Run another peripheral connected to this por t to verify that the port is working properly. The printer has not been corr ectly named fo r the networ k or for a Macintosh computer.
Cause and solution Cause Soluti on The correct printer driver is not installed in the computer. Install the correct pr inter drive r. For more information, see Printer drivers or Printer drivers for Maci ntosh computers . The correct print er and port ar e not selected on the computer.
Printer control panel problems Control p anel settin g Table 8-14 Control panel sett ings work incorrectly Cause and solution Cause Soluti on The printer control panel display is blank or is not lit, even when the fan is running. Fans might run w hile the printer is in standby m ode (off).
Incorrect printer output Incorrect fonts Table 8-16 In correct fonts are p r inted Cause and solution Cause Soluti on The font has not been correctly selected in the software application. Re-select the font in the software application. The font is not available t o the printer.
Cause and solution Cause Soluti on The interface cable is damaged or bad. Try using a different int erface cable. The power cable is loose. Disconnect and reconnect the power cable. You are attempting to print a P CL job with the printer configured for PostScript Emulation.
Software application p roblems System selection through software Table 8-21 Unable to change system selec tions through software Cause and solution Cause Soluti on System software changes are lock ed out by the printer control panel. Consult with your network administrat or.
Optional Tray 3 and duplexer recognition Table 8-24 Printer driver does not reco gnize optional Tray 3 or the duplexer Cause and solution Cause Soluti on The printer driver h as not be en configured to recognize optional Tray 3 or the duplexer.
Troubles hooting common Mac intosh problems This sect ion list s problem s that can o ccur when using Ma c OS 9. x or Mac OS X. Solving p roblems with M ac OS X. Table 8-25 Probl ems with Mac OS X The pri nter driver is not li sted in the Print Cente r or Printer Setu p Utility.
The printer driver does not automatically set up your selected printer in the Print Center or Printer Setup Utility. Cause Soluti on The Postscr ipt Printer De scription ( PPD) file is corrupt. Delete the PPD f ile from the fo llowing hard-drive folder: Library/ Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/<lang>.
When connected with a USB cable, the printer does not appear in the Print Cent er or Printer Setup Utility after the driver is s elected. Cau se Solu tion This problem is caused by ei ther a sof tware or a hardware component. Software troubleshooting ● Check that your Macintosh suppor ts USB.
Color print ing problems Printout color erro r Table 8-26 Printing black in stead of color Cause and solution Cause Soluti on Color mode is not selected in t he software applicat ion or printer driver.
Cartri dge erro r Table 8-29 Inconsistent c olors after installin g a print cart ridge Cause and solution Cause Soluti on Another print cartridge might be low. Check the supplie s gauge on the control panel or print a supplies status page. See Printer information pages .
Print q uality troubleshootin g When o ccasion al print quali ty pr oblems o ccur, u se the informa tion i n this sectio n to help solve t he prob lem. Print quality problems associated with media Some pri nt quality proble ms arise fro m use of ina ppropri ate media .
● The selec ted col ors are und esirabl e when prin ted. Sele ct differen t colors in the softw are applic ation or printer driv er. ● If you are using a re flective ov erhead pro jector, us e a standard ov erhead pr ojector in stead.
Calibrating the printer The HP Color Las erJe t CP4005 Serie s print er automa tical ly calibr ates and clean s at variou s times to maintai n the highes t level of print qua lity.
1 First occurrence of the defect (the distance from the top of the page to the defect might vary. 2 Print cartridge (34.3 mm (1.35 inches)) 3 Print cartridge or transfer roller (if the defect occurs in only o ne color, the defecti ve part is the print car tridge; if the defect occurs in all colors, the defect ive part is the ETB) (37.
the pro blem. For the lates t informa tion a nd pr oblem-s olving p rocedur es, go to http://www.hp .com/ suppor t/ljcp4 005 an d http://w ww.hp.com/ go/pr intqua lity/lj cp400 5 NOTE The print- qualit y defect char t assum es the use of letter - or A4-s ize media tha t has move d through the printe r shor t-edge first (portrait o rienta tion).
Color fade in al l colo rs ● Make sure that the operation and location requirements of the printer are met. ● Calibrate the printer. Color fade i n one colo r ● Make sure that the operation and location requirements of the printer are met. ● Calibrate the printer.
Smeared toner ● Make sure to use supported media. White areas (dro pouts) on page ● Make sure that the operation and location requirements of the printer are met.
wrinkles or dents from handling, and t hat the media is not contaminated with visible fingerprints or other foreign substan ces. ● Make sure that the following supplies are seated co rrectly: ● fuser ● transfer belt ● Inspect the jam areas and remove any undetected jammed or torn media.
220 Cha pter 8 Prob lem s olving ENWW.
A Working with memory ENWW 221.
Printer memory You migh t want to ad d more memory to t he print er if you often pr int compl ex graphic s or PS doc uments, or use many downloaded font s. Additi onal mem ory also allows the printer to pr int mult iple, coll ated copies at the maximu m spe ed.
Installing memory You can install more me mory for the prin ter. CAUTION Stati c elect ricit y can d amage DIMMs . When ha ndling DIMMs , eith er wear an antista tic wr ist str ap, or fr equen tly touch the s urface of the D IMM an tistat ic pa ckage an d then touch b are metal o n the printe r.
3. Locate the formatter board in the rear o f the p rinter. 4. Grasp the black ta bs s ituated near the top an d botto m of th e form atter board . 224 Ap pendix A Workin g with memor y ENWW.
5. Gently pul l on the bl ack tabs to p ull th e form atter b oard fro m the p rinter. Place the forma tter b oard on a clean, flat, gro unded surfa ce. 6. To replace a DDR DIMM that is c urrently instal led, spr ead the l atches a part on e ach sid e of the DIMM slot , lift the DD R DIMM u p at an angle, and pull it ou t.
8. Holding the DIMM by t he edges , align th e notc h on the DIMM with the ba r in the DIMM slot at an angle and firm ly press the DIM M into the s lot un til it is full y se ated. W hen inst alled corr ectly, the metal cont acts are not visible. 9. Push down on the DIMM u ntil b oth lat ches eng age the DIMM.
10. Align the for matter bo ard i n the t racks at the top and bo ttom of the s lot, an d then slide the boar d back into the pr inter . 11. Reconnect the power cab le and interfac e cables , and turn the prin ter on. 12. If you installed a mem ory DIMM , go t o Enablin g memor y .
Enabling memory If you instal led a memory DIMM, set the printer driver to recog nize the new ly added memor y. To enable memory for Windows 2000 and Win dows XP 1. On the Sta rt menu, poi nt to Setting s , a nd cl ick Pri nte rs or Printers and Faxes .
B Supplies and accessories To order sup plies in the U .S., co ntact http: //www.hp. com/ g o/ljsup plies . To order suppli es worldw ide, see http://www.hp.com/ g hp/buy onlin e.html . To order ac cessor ies, see http:// www.hp.com/ go/ accesso ries .
Ordering di rectly through the embedded Web se rver (for printers with ne twork conne c tions) Use the followi ng ste ps to o rder printing suppli es di rectl y through the emb edded W eb se rver (see Us ing the embe dded Web serve r .) 1. In the Web br owser on t he comp uter, enter the IP addres s for the printer.
Part numbers To order sup plies throu gh the embedded We b server, select the par t numbers yo u want to order and foll ow the instruc tions on th e screen.
Part Part number Type/size Q6547A HP Professional 120 Glossy Laser Paper (A4) Q6607A HP Color Las er Glossy Photo Paper (letter), 200 sheets Q6614A HP Photo 220 Glos sy Laser Paper (A4), 100 sheets Q6.
Part Part number Type/size For downloadable versions, go to http://www.hp. com/ support/ljcp4005 . When connected, select Manuals ENWW Part numbers 233.
234 Ap pendix B S upplie s and acces sories ENWW.
C Service and Support ENWW 235.
Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement HP PRODUCT DURATION OF LIMITED WARRANTY HP Color Las erJet CP4005n and CP4005d n One-ye ar limited w arranty HP warr ants t o you, the end-u ser c ustom er, .
Print cart ridge li mited warra nty statement This HP Print C artri dge i s warranted to be free from defects i n mate rials and wo rkmans hip. This war ranty d oes no t apply to prin t cartr idges th.
Fuser and transf er unit limit ed warran ty stateme nt This HP produ ct is wa rran ted to be free f rom d efects in mater ials an d wor kmanship until the printer provi des a low-life indicat or on the co ntrol panel .
HP m aintena nce agre ements HP has severa l typ es of maintenan ce agr eemen ts tha t meet a wide range o f supp ort needs . Mainten ance a greement s are not p art of the s tandard wa rran ty. Su pport servi ces may vary by area. Check with y our loc al HP de aler to dete rmine th e servi ces av ailable to yo u.
240 Ap pendix C Serv ice and Su pport ENWW.
D Printer specifications ENWW 241.
Physical d ime nsions Table D-1 Physical di mensions Produc t Height Dep th Width Weight HP Color LaserJet CP4005n 582 mm (22.9 in.) 598 mm (23.5 in.) 521 mm (20.5 in.) 47.7 kg (105.1 lb.) HP Color LaserJet CP4005dn with duplexer 628.6 mm (24.7 in.) 598 mm (23.
Electric al spe cification s 110-Volt models 220 -Volt models Power requirements 100-127V (+/- 10%) 50/60 Hz (+/- 2 Hz) 220-240V (+/- 10%) 50/60 Hz (+/- 2 Hz) Rated current 8 Amps 4 Amps Table D-2 Pow.
Acoustic e missions Sound Power Level Declared Per ISO 9296 Printing (31 ppm let ter) 1, 2, 3 Ready L WAd =6.7 Bels (A) [67 dB (A)] L WAd =4.7 Bels (A) [47 dB (A)] Sound Pressure Level - Bystan der Position Declared Per ISO 9296 Printing (31 ppm let ter) 1, 2, 3 Ready L pAm =50 dB (A) L pAm =31 dB (A) NOTE 1 Values are sub ject to change.
Environm ental specific ations Specification Recommended Allowed Temperature 17 to 25°C (62.6 to 77°F) 15 to 30°C (59 to 86°F) Humidity 30 to 70% relative humidity (RH) 10 to 80% RH Altitude N/A 0.
246 Ap pendix D Printer sp ecific ation s ENWW.
E Regulatory information ENWW 247.
FCC regulations FCC re gulation s This equ ipment has be en tested and foun d to c omply wi th the l imits for a Cla ss B di gital d evice, pu rsuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. Thes e limit s are design ed to provide reasonabl e protec tion agains t harmful interfe rence in a re siden tial i nstallati on.
Environm ental prod uct stewards hip program Protecting the environment Hewlett- Pack ard Comp any i s commi tted to provid ing q uality produc ts in an env ironmen tally soun d manner . This product has been desig ned wit h sever al attribu tes to m inim ize impac ts on our environ ment.
Return and recycling in structions United St ates and Puerto R ico The en close d labe l in th e HP L aserJ et tone r ca rtridge box is for the re turn an d recycli ng of o ne or m ore HP Laser Jet print cartri dges afte r use. Pl ease follow the applic able instr ucti ons below.
HP Color LaserJet C P4005 Series Type C arbon monofluoride lithium battery Weight 0.8 grams Location Formatter board User-removable No For recycl ing infor mation , you can g o to w ww.hp.com/ recycle , or contact y our loc al au thorities or the Electronic s Industries Alliance: www.
For mo re information To obt ain in formation about thes e env ironment al top ics: ● Product env ironmen tal profile sh eet for this and man y rela ted HP produc ts ● HP’s comm itment to the en.
Declarati on of Conformity Declaration of Conformity according to ISO/ IEC Guide 22 an d EN 45014 Manufac turer’s Name: Hewlett-Packard Comp any Manufacturer’s Address: 11311 Chinden Boulevard, Bo.
Safety statement s Laser safety The Center for Devic es and Rad iologica l Health (CDRH) of t he U.S. Foo d and Drug Ad minist ration has implem ented regula tions for laser produ cts manufac tured since Augu st 1, 1976. Compl iance is mandator y for p roducts mark eted in the Un ited State s.
Laser Statement for Finland Luokan 1 laserlait e Klass 1 Las er A ppara t HP Color Lase rJet CP400 5n, CP400 5dn -laserki rjoi tin on käyttäj än kannalt a turva llinen luoka n 1 laserlai te. Norm aalis sa käyt össä ki rjoitt imen s uojako teloin ti estää lasersä teen pääsyn l aitteen ulkop uolell e.
256 Ap pendix E Re gulatory informa tion ENWW.
Glossary bidirectional communication Two-way data t ransm issi on. bin A recept acle for h olding printed pages . BOOTP Abbrevi ation for "Bootst rap P rotocol, " an I nternet protoco l that allo ws a network ed co mputer o r periphera l to autom atically o btain its IP config uration from a BOOTP server.
HP Jetdirec t H P product for netwo rk printing. HP Web Jetadmin HP tr adema rked devic e man agemen t softw are that lets you manag e a s ingle printer or multiple prin ters us ing a Web br owser . I/O An acr onym fo r "in put/outp ut" an d refers to c omput er po rt setti ngs.
ROM An acr onym for "read- only mem ory, " a type of co mputer m emory used to stor e data that shoul d not be changed . supplies Mate rials th at the printe r uses up and that m ust b e replac ed. Su pply items fo r the HP Col or Lase rJet CP4005 Ser ies print er are the four print car tridges , the transf er belt, and the fuser.
260 Glossa ry ENWW.
Index Symbols/Numeri c s 2-side d printin g 1 10 A access ories ordering 22 9 access ory por t 7 3 address , printer Macintos h, trouble shoot ing 2 07 alerts config uring 152 e-mail 12 7 auto contin .
duplexi ng 102, 107 E e-mail a lerts 127 embed ded Web serv er checkin g toner l evel 143 descripti on 14 ordering supplie s 2 30 using 12 6 using to conf igure aler ts 152 end-o f-lif e disp osal 250.
retri eve jo b 42 syst em setup 48 mercur y-free produ ct 250 messag e types 158 messag es crit ical 15 8 error 1 58 st atus 158 warning 158 mopier m ode 118 multipl e pages per s heet 101, 107 N n-up.
recycl ing HP printing sup plies retur ns and envi ronme ntal pr ogra m 25 0 reducin g docu ments 100 registrati on page pri nting 157 regulat ions FCC 2 48 replace color suppl ies reporti ng 62 reset.
© 2006 Hew lett -P ack ard Dev elopment Compan y , L.P . www .hp .com *CB503-90901* *CB503-90901* CB5 03-90 901.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) CP4005の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) CP4005をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) CP4005の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) CP4005の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) CP4005で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) CP4005を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) CP4005の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) CP4005に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) CP4005デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。