HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカーDX2718 MTの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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s e r vi c e ref e re n c e g u i d e HP C om paq dx2 710 MT/d x2 718 MT/ dx2 710 SFF Busi ness P Cs 1st E dition T his docu ment p ro v ide s inf or mati on on the r emo v al and r e placement of all.
Service R ef erenc e Guid e HP C ompaq dx2 710 MT/dx2 718 MT/dx2 710 SFF Bu sines s P Cs 1st E dition Doc um e nt P art Number: 4 8 3 9 4 1-001 Fe br ua r y 20 08.
© Copy right 2008 Hewlett-P ackard De velopm ent Compan y , L.P . The in formation contai ned here in is subje ct to ch ange wit hout notice . Microsoft, MS-DOS, W ind o ws, and W indows NT are trade m arks of Micros oft Corporat ion in the U.S. and ot her countrie s.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 iii Conte nts 1 Installing the Op erating System 1.1 Micros oft Windows XP/Windo ws Vista/Redflag Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 –1 1.1. 1 Insta lling or Upgra ding Dev ice Driv ers (Onl y applic able fo r Window s OS) .
i v 4 83 9 41-001 Servi ce Ref ere nce Guide Con t en t s 5 Identifying the Chassis , Routine Care, and Disassembly Preparation 5.1 Chassis Desi gnations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ser vice R eference Gu ide 48 3 9 4 1-0 01 v Con tents 6.9 Front I/O Pan el Housing Assembly - MT cha ssis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–28 6.10 System Fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 1–1 1 Insta llin g t he O pera tin g S y stem Depending on the model, Microsoft W i ndo ws XP Home, W i ndo ws XP Profes sional (V ista Do wngrade), W indows .
1–2 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Installin g the Operating S ystem 1 .2 C on v er ting to NTFS (A ssoc ia ted wit h Windo w s OS) 1 .2. 1 Window s XP Home/XP Professional( Vista dow ngra d.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 2–1 2 Setup U tilitie s and Dia gnostic s F ea ture s Setup Uti lities (F1 0) and diag nostic feat ures pro vide info rmation ne eded about t he computer system when contacting Cu stomer Support .
2–2 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Setup Utilities and Diagnostic s Featur es 2.2 Comp uter Setup U tilities Use Computer Setup Utilit ies (F10) t o: ■ Modify or r estore f actory def ault sett ings.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 2–3 Setup Uti lit ies an d D iagn ostics Feat ures 3. A choice o f headings app ears in the Co mputer Setup Uti lities menu: Sys tem Informati on, Standard CMO.
2–4 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Setup Utilities and Diagnostic s Featur es 2.2.2 Comp uter Setu p Menu Computer Set up Headin g O ption Desc ription Sys t e m In fo rm a t io n Sys te m S / N (vi ew o n ly ) Product N am e (vie w only) Ow nerShip T AG [Pr es s En ter] Enter o wne rship tag assigned b y the o wne r .
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 2–5 Setup Uti lit ies an d D iagn ostics Feat ures Standar d CMO S Fe a t u r e s (contin ued) SA T A P o r t 0 SA T A P o r t 1 SA T A P o r t 2 SA T A P o r .
2–6 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Setup Utilities and Diagnostic s Featur es Advanc e d BIOS F eatur es (contin ued) Re mo vea ble De v ice Pri or ity Al lo w y ou t o sel ect F DD or U SB-FDD as the fir st rem ove ab l e d evic e.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 2–7 Setup Uti lit ies an d D iagn ostics Feat ures Advanc e d Chipset Fe a t u r e s PEG/ O nch i p VGA Con tro l (V G A Se ttin g) Allo ws y ou to set s y ste.
2–8 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Setup Utilities and Diagnostic s Featur es Integr ated P eriphe rals USB Contr oller Disables/enable s USB contr oller . USB L egacy Support Disables/enable s USB legacy suppo r t. HD Audio Allo ws y ou to auto-detect or disable o nboar d aud io.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 2–9 Setup Uti lit ies an d D iagn ostics Feat ures Po w e r Management Setup HPET Sup por t Dis able / e nab le H PET featu re , on ly ca n be v isible for V ista OS . HPE T Mode 3 2 b it mode/64 b it mode. V ie w onl y , and only c an be visible f or V ista OS .
2–10 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Setup Utilities and Diagnostic s Featur es PnP/P CI Con fig ura t io ns (contin ued) Re sour ces Contr olled B y Allo ws y ou to select w hether r esour c.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 4 83 9 41-001 2–11 Setup Uti lit ies an d D iagn ostics Feat ures 2.3 Reco v ering t h e C onfi gura tion Set ting s Recov erin g the conf iguratio n setting s establis hed in the Comp uter Setup (F 10) Utility requires that y ou first bac k up the se ttin gs befor e a re covery i s ne ede d.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 3–1 3 De skt op Manage ment ✎ Support f or specif ic feat ures desc ribed in thi s guide may v ary b y model or so ftware v ersion . 3. 1 Initia l Confi gura tion an d De pl o yment HP comput ers come with a preinsta lled system s oftwar e image.
3–2 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Desktop Ma nagem ent 1. Remov e all r emov able media an d turn of f the power . 2. Insert a disk ette, CD, or USB flash de vice c ontaining t he desired BIOS image f ile in the root direct ory . The media must be formatted using the F A T12, F A T16, or F A T32 f ile system.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 3–3 Deskto p Man agement 3.2.4 W orl d W id e W eb S it e When making the tr ansition t o new or re vised o perating sy stems, it i s important to impl ement the support software d esigned for t hat operati ng system.
3–4 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Desktop Ma nagem ent 1. T urn o n or restar t the computer . If you are in W indo ws, click St a r t > Shut Down > Rest art. 2. As soon as the compute r is turned on, pr ess and hold t he F1 0 ke y unti l you enter Co mputer Setup.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 3–5 Deskto p Man agement T o change the s upervisor pa ssword, a s soon as the computer is tur ned on, press a nd hold th e F1 0 ke y until you en ter Computer Setup. Pre ss Enter to b ypass the title s creen, if ne cessary .
3–6 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Desktop Ma nagem ent Nationa l K e yb oar d Deli mit er Char acter s Each ke yboar d is designed to meet countr y-specif ic re quirements. The syntax and k eys t hat you use for changing or de leting your p assword depend on the k eybo ard that came wi th your computer .
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 4–1 4 Seri a l A T A Dr iv e G uid el ines an d Feat ures ✎ Serial A T A = SA T A HP does not support th e use of a P A T A (IDE) har d driv e / op tical dri ve on th ese model s of computer . 4. 1 S A T A 3.
4–2 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Ser ial A T A Dri ve Guidelines and F eatures 4.2 S A T A H ard Driv e C a b les 4.2. 1 SA T A Da ta Ca ble Alwa ys use an HP appr ov ed SA T A 3.0 Gb/ s cable as it i s fully backw ards compati ble with the SA T A 1.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 4–3 Serial A T A Drive Guid eli nes a nd Featu res 4.3 S A T A SMART Driv es The S elf Moni tor ing A naly sis and R eco rdin g T echnol ogy (SMAR T) A T A dri.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 5–1 5 I d enti fyin g t h e C h a ss is , Rout in e C are, a nd Di sasse mbl y P re pa rat io n This ch apt er pr ovide s g enera l s erv ice in form atio n f or the c om pute r . Ad her ence to the pr oce dur es and p recau tio ns des crib ed in this cha pter i s ess entia l fo r pro per s ervi ce.
5–2 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Identify ing the Chas sis, R outine Car e , and Disassem bly Pr eparation Note: dx2 718 MT is only for Chi na Market.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 5–3 Identifying the Chassis, R outine Car e, and Disass embly Pre paration 5 .2 Elec trosta tic Disc h arge Infor ma tion A sudden di scharge of static electrici ty from your f inger or other conduc tor can de stroy sta tic- sensit iv e de vices or mi crocircuit ry .
5–4 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Identify ing the Chas sis, R outine Car e , and Disassem bly Pr eparation 5 .2.3 P ersonal Grounding M et hods an d Equip men t Use the f ollo wing equipme.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 5–5 Identifying the Chassis, R outine Car e, and Disass embly Pre paration ■ Static awa reness label s ■ Wrist st raps and foot wear straps providin g one-.
5–6 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Identify ing the Chas sis, R outine Car e , and Disassem bly Pr eparation 5 .3. 3 C leanin g t h e K e yboard F ollo w all safety precau tions in Sectio n 5.3.1, “General Cleaning Safet y Precautio ns, ” before cleani ng the ke yboard.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 5–7 Identifying the Chassis, R outine Car e, and Disass embly Pre paration 5 .4 Servic e Cons iderat ions Listed b elo w are some of th e considerat ions that you should k eep in mind d uring the disassembly and asse mbly of the computer .
5–8 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Identify ing the Chas sis, R outine Car e , and Disassem bly Pr eparation 5 .4.3 C ab les and Conn ec tors Most cabl es used thro ughout the unit are f lat, fle xible cabl es. These cables must b e handled wit h care to av oid damage.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 6–1 6 Rem o v al an d Rep l a cem e n t Pro ced ures— Micro to w er (M T)/S mal l F or m F acto r ( SF F ) Ch a ss i s Adherence to the pr ocedures and pr ecautions d escribed in this chapt er is essen tial for pr oper servic e.
6–2 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 6.2 Remo ve t he c omp uter a cces s pan el an d front be zel ( MT ch a ssi s and SFF c h a ssis ) 6.2. 1 A cc ess P an el (M T C h a s sis) 1.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 6–3 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 6.2.2 Fron t B e zel ( MT C ha s s is) 1. P rep are t he c omp uter for disa sse mbl y ( Section 6.1 , “Prepa ration for Disassembly” ).
6–4 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 6.2. 3 Removing t he C omp u ter Access P an el and Front B ezel (SFF c has sis) T o remov e the computer access panel : 1.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 6–5 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 4. T o remov e the fr ont bezel, gently pull up a ll three ta bs 1 on the top of the bezel, then pull the bezel 2 away fr om the ch ass is.
6–6 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 6.3 Usin g t he Sm all F orm Fac to r Com p u ter in a M inito w er Co nfigura tion The Small Form F actor compu ter can be used in ei ther a mini to wer or deskto p confi guration.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 6–7 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 6.4 Fro n t D rive B e z el s 1. P rep are t he c omp uter for disa sse mbl y ( Section 6.1, “ Preparati on for Disa ssembly” ).
6–8 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 6.5 M e m o r y F or more information on the memo ry in this series of co mputers, refer to Appendix E, “Memory .
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 6–9 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s ✎ A memory module can be installed in only one wa y . M atch the notch on the module wi th the tab on the memor y socket.
6–10 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 5. Locate t he memory module soc kets. Å W ARNIN G: T o reduce risk of pers onal in jury from hot su rface s, allo w the internal s ys tem compon ents to cool b efor e t ouching.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 4 83 9 41-001 6–11 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 6.6 Expansion C ards 6.6. 1 Ex pan sion Sl ot Cov er L oc k 1. P rep are t he c omp uter for disa sse mbl y ( Section 6.
6–12 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis T o install a n expan sion card in an empty slot c ontinue with s tep 9.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 4 83 9 41-001 6–13 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 6.6.3 Installi ng an Expansion C ard The compute r has four PCI e xpansion s lots. Each slo t can accommodate a half-heigh t PCI or PCI Express e xpansion card up to 6.
6–14 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 7. H old th e ca rd ju st a bove the exp ansio n sl ot .
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 4 83 9 41-001 6–15 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 6.6.4 Re m o vin g a n E xpa nsio n C ar d T o remov e an e xpansion card : 1. T urn o ff t he computer pro perly thr ough the opera ting system, t hen turn o ff an y e xternal de vices.
6–16 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 6 .7 Cable Manage ment Alwa ys follo w good cab le management pr actices when w orking ins ide the comp uter .
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 4 83 9 41-001 6–17 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 6.8 Dr ives The comp uter support s up to four dr iv es that may be instal led in v arious configu rations.
6–18 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 6.8.2 Remo ving a Dri v e 1. T urn o ff the computer properly thr ough the ope rating syst em and turn of f any ex ternal de vices.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 4 83 9 41-001 6–19 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 5. Remo ving the Hard Di sk: remov e the tw o scre ws that s ecure the ha rd disk dri ve c age to th e chass is.
6–20 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 7. Lift t he hard disk dr i ve cage ou t of the chas sis. Rem ovi n g t h e Ha rd D rive Ca g e 8. Disconnec t the po wer cable 1 and data cable 2 from t he back of the hard dri ve.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 4 83 9 41-001 6–21 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 9. Remov e the f our scre ws that sec ure the hard disk dri ve to the hard d isk dri ve cage 1 , th en slide t he hard disk d riv e out of the hard dis k dri ve ca ge 2 .
6–2 2 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis T o verify the type, size, and capa city of the s torage de vices i nstalled in the compute r , run Computer Se tup.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 6 –2 3 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s Re mov ing the Optical Dri ve or Disk ette Dri v e T o replace the dri ve, rev erse the r emov al proce dures.
6–2 4 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis Installi ng Guide Sc re ws in the Optical Dr i ve 3. Positi on the gui de scre ws on th e dri ve into the J-s lots in th e dri ve ba y 1 .
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 6–2 5 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 4. Raise the Easy Access dri ve bay to the upright position and connect t he flat ribbon ca ble and audio ca ble to the system board.
6–2 6 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 6.8.6 Upgrading t he Hard Driv e - SFF ch assis Re mo ving and R eplacing the Hard Dri v e ✎ Only a ser ial adv anced tech nology atta chment (SA T A) hard dri v e can be insta lled on this computer .
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 6 –2 7 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 6. P ress th e la tch 1 . 7. Slide t he dri ve to the righ t of the bay 2 . Rem ovi n g t h e Ha rd D rive 8.
6–2 8 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 6. 9 Fr ont I/O P ane l Housi ng Assembly - MT ch assis 1. P rep are t he c omp uter for disa sse mbl y ( Section 6.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 6–2 9 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 6. 1 0 S yst em Fan 1. P rep are t he c omp uter for disa sse mbl y ( Section 6.1, “ Preparati on for Disa ssembly” ).
6–30 4 83 9 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 6. 1 1 Hea tsink - MT c ha ssi s 1. P rep are t he c omp uter for disa sse mbl y ( Section 6.1, “ Preparati on for Disa ssembly” ).
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 4 83 9 41-001 6–31 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 6. 1 2 Pr oce ssor 1. P rep are t he c omp uter for disa sse mbl y ( Section 6.1, “ Preparati on for Disa ssembly” ).
6–3 2 48 39 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 5. G o to st ep 7 . 6. If usin g a new h eatsink, remo ve the protect iv e cov ering from t he bottom of th e heatsink an d place i t in positi on atop the pr ocessor .
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 39 41-001 6–3 3 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 6. 1 3 S yst em B oa rd 1. P rep are t he c omp uter for disa sse mbl y ( Section 6.1, “ Preparati on for Disa ssembly” ).
6–34 4 83 9 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 6. 1 4 B a t te r y The batt ery that comes with your c omputer pro vides po wer to the real- time clock an d has a lifet ime of about thre e years.
Servi ce Ref erence Gui de 48 3 9 41-001 6–35 Removal and Repl ac ement Proced ures— Microto wer ( MT) /Sm al l Form F a ctor (SF F) Chas si s 6. 1 4. 1 Ba t ter y H old er 1. T o release th e batter y from its holder , squeez e the metal cl amp that e xtends abo ve one edge of the ba ttery .
6–36 4 83 9 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide Re mov al and Replacemen t Pr o cedur es— Mic ro tow er (MT)/Small F or m Fa ctor (SFF ) Chassis 6 . 1 5 P o w er Supply Å W ARNIN G: V oltage is alw ay s prese nt on the s yst em board w hen the comput er is plugged into an acti ve A C outlet .
Servi ce Ref erence Gui de 4 83 9 41-001 A–1 A Conn ec tor P in As si gnm ents This appe ndix contains the pin a ssignments fo r many comput er and wor kstation co nnectors. Some of these connect ors may not be u sed on the p roduct being s erviced.
A–2 48 3 9 41-001 S er vi ce Ref erence Guid e Co nnect or P in Assi gnmen ts P ara ll el In ter fa ce Connec tor and Ic on Pin Si gn al Pi n Sign al Pi n Sign al 1 2 3 Strob e Data Bit 0 Data Bit 1.
Servi ce Ref erence Gui de 48 3 9 41- 001 A–3 Connector Pin Assignme nts Headphone Connec tor and Ico n ( 1/8" miniphon e) Pin Si gn al 1 (T ip) Audio _Lef t 2 (R ing) Aud io _Right 3 (Shield) .
A–4 48 3 9 41-001 S er vi ce Ref erence Guid e Co nnect or P in Assi gnmen ts 24 - Pi n Powe r Connec tor Pin Si gn al Pi n Sig nal Pi n Signal Pin Sign al 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +3 .3 V +3 .3 V GND +5 V GND +5 V GND 8 9 10 11 12 13 13-1 P. G +5 VSB +12 V +12 V +3.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 B–1 B Pow e r C o r d S e t R e q u i r e m e n t s The volt age sele ct s witch fea ture on the c omp ute r per mi ts it t o ope rate from any l ine voltage between 10 0-127 or 220-24 0 vol ts A C.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 C–1 C POST E rro r M e s s a g es An error mess age results i f the Powe r-On Self-T est (POST) enc ounters a probl em. This test runs when the syst em is turned on, checking assemblies with in the computer and reporting an y errors found.
C–2 4 8 3 9 41- 001 Servi ce Ref ere nce Guide POS T Error M essag es K e yb oard er ror or no key b o a r d p r es e n t Cannot initi ali z e the key b o a r d. Mak e sure the ke y board is attached corr ectl y and no k ey s ar e pre ssed dur ing PO S T .
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 C–3 PO ST Error Me ssag es E r ro r: N o n - Sys t e m d i s k or di sk error Re place and pres s any key wh e n re a d y Th e B I OS w as u n a b l e t o find a suitable boot de vi ce . F or Ar gali, thi s ma y mean an uninitiali z ed or corrupt ATA f l a s h .
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 D–1 D T ro ubles hooti ng W ithout Diagnost ics Preliminar y C hec klis t This sec tion descri bes some simpl e, prelimina ry tests and guidelines f or troubles hooting the computer wit hout using the diagnosti cs.
D–2 48 3 9 41-001 Ser vi ce Ref ere nce Guide T r oublesh ooting Witho ut Diagnos tics Solving G ene ral Problems Y ou may be able t o easily re solve the minor prob lems descr ibed in this section.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 D–3 T r oubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Com puter date and time displa y is inco rr ect . R T C (r eal-time cloc k) battery may need to be r eplaced. ✎ MConnecting the computer to a live AC outlet prolongs the life of the RTC batter y.
D–4 48 3 9 41-001 Ser vi ce Ref ere nce Guide T r oublesh ooting Witho ut Diagnos tics Some softwar e applic ations , espec iall y games , are s tressf ul on the graphics subsystem.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 D–5 T r oubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Solving Hardw are Install a tion Probl ems Y ou may need to r econfi gure the computer when you add o r remov e hardware , such as an additi onal dri ve or expans ion card.
D–6 48 3 9 41-001 Ser vi ce Ref ere nce Guide T r oublesh ooting Witho ut Diagnos tics Interpreting Dia gn ostic Lights and Audib le C odes This sec tion cov ers t he front pan el LED codes as we ll as the a udible cod es that may occ ur before or duri ng POST that do not necessaril y hav e an error c ode or te xt message associated wi th them.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 D–7 T r oubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Solving Dis pl ay Problems Solv ing Displ ay P roblems Problem Caus e So lution Blank sc reen ( no vi deo) . The ca ble connecti ons are not correct . Check the c able connections fr om the monitor to the comput er and to the electr ical outle t.
D–8 48 3 9 41-001 Ser vi ce Ref ere nce Guide T r oublesh ooting Witho ut Diagnos tics P ow er LED flashes Red si x times , once ev ery second, fo llo wed by a two seco nd pause , and the computer beeps si x times. Pr e -video gr aphic s error . F or s yste ms with a graphi cs card: 1.
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 48 3 9 41-001 D–9 T r oubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Hi gh pitched no ise coming fr om inside a flat panel monitor . Bri ghtness and/or contr ast settings ar e too high . L ow er br ightness and/or contr ast set t in gs.
D–10 48 3 9 41-001 Servi ce Refer ence Guide T r oublesh ooting Witho ut Diagnos tics Sol ving Audio Pr oblems Solvin g Au di o Probl ems Problem Caus e So lution Sou n d do e s no t c om e out of t he spe a k er or headphones . So ftwar e volume con trol is t urn ed down.
Servi ce Ref er ence Guide 48 3 9 41- 001 D–11 T r oubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Nois e or no sou nd comes out of th e s pea kers or headphones .
D–12 48 3 9 41-001 Servi ce Refer ence Guide T r oublesh ooting Witho ut Diagnos tics Solving Prin ter Problems Solv ing Printer Problems Problem Caus e So lution Pri nter w ill not print . Print er is not tur ned on and online . T urn the prin ter on and mak e sur e it is online .
Servi ce Ref er ence Guide 48 3 9 41- 001 D–13 T r oubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Solv ing K e yboard and Mouse Problems Solvin g Ke yboard Prob le ms Problem Caus e So lution K ey boar d c omm ands and ty pi ng ar e n ot r ecog ni z ed by the computer .
D–14 48 3 9 41-001 Servi ce Refer ence Guide T r oublesh ooting Witho ut Diagnos tics Sol ving Netw or k Pr oblems These gui delines do not discuss the process o f debugg ing the netw ork cabli ng. Solving Netw ork Problems Problem Caus e So lution Wa ke - o n - L A N f e a t u r e i s not func tioning .
Servi ce Ref er ence Guide 48 3 9 41- 001 D–15 T r oubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Diagnos tics pass es, but the computer does not communi cate with the netw ork. (co ntinued) The netw ork contr oller is no t conf igur ed for this comput er . Select the Netw ork icon in t he Con trol P ane l and co nfigur e the networ k contr oller .
D–16 48 3 9 41-001 Servi ce Refer ence Guide T r oublesh ooting Witho ut Diagnos tics Sol ving Memo r y Proble ms Ä CAUTION : F or tho se sy stems that suppor t ECC memor y , HP does not suppor t mixing EC C a nd no n -ECC memor y . Ot her wise, the system will no t bo ot t he o perati ng sy stem.
Servi ce Ref er ence Guide 48 3 9 41- 001 D–17 T r oubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Solving P rocessor Probl ems . Solv ing Proce ssor Pr oblems Problem Caus e So lution P oor perfor mance is exp e ri e n ce d. Pr ocesso r is hot . 1. Make sur e the air flo w to the comp uter is not bloc k ed.
D–18 48 3 9 41-001 Servi ce Refer ence Guide T r oublesh ooting Witho ut Diagnos tics Solv ing CD -ROM and D VD Problems Solving CD-ROM an d DVD Probl ems Problem Caus e So lution S y stem w ill not bo ot fr om CD-R OM or D VD dr i ve . Th e C D - RO M o r DV D boot is no t enabled thr ough the Com puter Setu p utility .
Servi ce Ref er ence Guide 48 3 9 41- 001 D–19 T r oubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics So lvin g Drive K e y P rob l em s Solving I nternet Access Probl ems R ecor ding audio CDs is difficult or im possi bl e. W rong or po or qu ali t y media type .
D–20 48 3 9 41-001 Servi ce Refer ence Guide T r oublesh ooting Witho ut Diagnos tics Unab le to con nect to th e Inte rnet . (continued ) Cable/DSL se r vi ce is not a vailable o r has been inter rupted due to bad weather . T ry con nect ing to t he In ternet at a later time or cont act your IS P .
Servi ce Ref er ence Guide 48 3 9 41- 001 D–21 T r oubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Inte rnet tak es too lo ng to do wnload W eb sites. Modem is no t set up pr operl y . V erify that the cor rec t modem speed and COM port are selec ted. F or Windo ws XP 1.
D–2 2 4 83 9 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide T r oublesh ooting Witho ut Diagnos tics Diagnost ic Fr ont P anel LE Ds and Audi ble Code s Diagnostic F ront P anel L EDs and Aud ible Codes Activity Beeps Po ssible Cause Recom men ded Ac tion Green P ow er LED On .
Servi ce Ref erence Guide 4 83 9 41-001 D–2 3 T r oubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Red Po we r L E D flashes 8 times, one eve r y s e c o n d, fo llo wed by a 2 sec on d pau se. A lso 8 simultaneous beeps w ill be heard . 8 Inv alid R OM based on bad che ck s u m.
D–2 4 4 83 9 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide T r oublesh ooting Witho ut Diagnos tics Sys t e m d o e s n o t po wer on and LEDs ar e not flashing . None Syst e m u n a b l e t o pow er o n. Pr ess and hold the pow er button for less than 4 seconds.
Serv ice Ref er ence Guide 48 3 9 41- 001 D–2 5 T r oubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Res to ri n g t h e So f t wa re The W indo ws operating syst em and softw are can be restored to the original state tha t they wer e when you pur chased the co mputer b y using th e Restor e Plus! CD.
D–2 6 4 83 9 41-001 Servi ce Ref erence Guide T r oublesh ooting Witho ut Diagnos tics Cont acting Cu stome r Supp ort F or help and se rvice, con tact an auth orized resel ler or deal er . T o locate a reseller or dealer near you, visi t www .hp .com .
Servi ce Ref er ence Guide 4 83 9 41-001 E–1 E Me mory Computers e quipped with I ntel-based processors c ome with double da ta rate synchronous dynamic r andom access me mory (DDR2) dual i nline memory modul es (DIMMs). The memory so ckets o n the system boa rd can be popul ated with up t o four indust ry-stan dard DIMMs.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) DX2718 MTの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) DX2718 MTをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) DX2718 MTの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) DX2718 MTの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) DX2718 MTで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) DX2718 MTを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) DX2718 MTの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) DX2718 MTに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) DX2718 MTデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。