HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカーHP J3175Aの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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HPAdvanceStack Switch 208/224 Installationand Reference Guide HPJ3175A HPJ3177A.
YUMABOOK.BK : 0_frtcvr.fm5 Page 2 Thursday, Febr uar y 20, 1997 9:35 AM.
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HP Ad vance St ack Sw itc h 208/2 24 Installa tion and Re ference Guide YUMABOOK.BK : 0_front. fm5 Page i Thur sday, February 20, 1997 9:35 AM.
He wlett- Packard Compa ny 8000 Foo thi ll s Boulev ard, m/ s 55 52 Rosevi lle, Calif orn ia 9574 7- 5552 htt p:// www.hp. com/ go/net work_ city © C opy right 1997 Hewl ett-P ackar d Co mpan y All R ights Re serve d. This doc ume nt co ntain s in forma tio n whic h is p rotect ed b y copyright .
iii Conten ts 1 Instal ling the Swi tch 208/2 24 Incl ud ed P a rt s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 2 In st al la tio n S te ps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv 3 Tr ouble shoo ting So lu t ion s to C o mm on P r o bl e m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 1 LED E rror Ind icat ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 3 Diagnostic Tests .
1- 1 Inst all ing t he Switch 20 8/22 4 1 I nstall ing th e Switch 208/ 224 The HP AdvanceS tack S witch 208T and 224T are low -l atency, high -speed switch es that you can use to build high- p er formance switched workgr oup networks.
1-2 Inst a lli n g th e S w it ch 20 8/ 22 4 Incl uded Par ts Inst all ing t he Switch 208/2 24 In cluded Par ts The Sw itch 208T and 224T have the fo llowin g components shipped wi th them: ■ HP Ad.
1-3 Inst alli ng t he Sw itch 2 08/22 4 Ins talla ti on St eps Inst all ing t he Switch 20 8/22 4 1. Prepare the Inst allation Site ■ Cab ling Infrastru cture - Ens ure that the cabli n g infr astru.
1-4 Inst a lli n g th e S w it ch 20 8/ 22 4 Inst a llati on S tep s Inst all ing t he Switch 208/2 24 2. Install Any Opt ion al Mo dules Install optional m odules into the Manag e ment Slot, E xpansion Sl ot, or trans- ceiver slot by followin g the instr uctions in th e m anuals that accompan y these products .
1-5 Inst alli ng t he Sw itch 2 08/22 4 Ins talla ti on St eps Inst all ing t he Switch 20 8/22 4 Note An expa nsion slot m odule u ses the s witch port 1 circuitry to communi cate with the o ther s wi tch ports. T herefore, installing an e xpansion m odule disable s port 1 as reflected by the LED on the front of the switch.
1-6 Inst a lli n g th e S w it ch 20 8/ 22 4 Inst a llati on S tep s Inst all ing t he Switch 208/2 24 3. Verify th e Swit ch’s Oper at ion After you have installed any modules, but before mounti n .
1-7 Inst alli ng t he Sw itch 2 08/22 4 Ins talla ti on St eps Inst all ing t he Switch 20 8/22 4 When the s witch i s powered o n, it perfor ms its diag nostic self test. W ith the Switch Managem en t Mod ule in sta lled, the sel f test takes approxi- mately 15 seconds to c o mplete.
1-8 Inst a lli n g th e S w it ch 20 8/ 22 4 Inst a llati on S tep s Inst all ing t he Switch 208/2 24 4. Mount the Sw itc h After the modules are i n serted and you have verified that the switch passes self test, you are ready to mount the s w itch in a stable location.
1-9 Inst alli ng t he Sw itch 2 08/22 4 Ins talla ti on St eps Inst all ing t he Switch 20 8/22 4 2. Par tially install a s c r ew (5/ 8-inch nu mb er 12-24) into the top hole o f a pair of holes that are 0.5 inch es apar t in each rack/ cab i net upright as shown in the illustratio n below.
1-10 Inst a lli n g th e S w it ch 20 8/ 22 4 Inst a llati on S tep s Inst all ing t he Switch 208/2 24 4. Inst all the o ther nu mber 12- 24 screw in to the uppe r hole in eac h bracket . Tighte n these scr ew s- be car eful not to overtighten . ins tall addi tion al screw YUMABOOK.
1- 11 Inst alli ng t he Sw itch 2 08/22 4 Ins talla ti on St eps Inst all ing t he Switch 20 8/22 4 Mount ing the Switch on a Wall You can mount the sw itch on a wa l l as shown i n the illustration be low. Note that the switch should be m ounted only to a wall or wo od surface that is at least 1/2-i nch plyw ood or its e quiva lent.
1-12 Inst a lli n g th e S w it ch 20 8/ 22 4 Inst a llati on S tep s Inst all ing t he Switch 208/2 24 5. Connect th e Swi tch to a Powe r Source 1. (Opt i ona l.) This product supports us e of the HP J2962 A Redundant Powe r Supply (RPS), w hich c an help e nsure c ontinuo us sw itch opera t ion in the event o f a power fail ure.
1- 13 Inst alli ng t he Sw itch 2 08/22 4 Ins talla ti on St eps Inst all ing t he Switch 20 8/22 4 6. Connect the Networ k Cables Using RJ-45 Connectors (10 Mbit/s an d 100 Mbit/s ports) 100Base-T Xc.
1-14 Inst a lli n g th e S w it ch 20 8/ 22 4 Inst a llati on S tep s Inst all ing t he Switch 208/2 24 If the Port LE D doe s not go on when the network cable is connecte d to the port, use this tabl.
1- 15 Inst alli ng t he Sw itch 2 08/22 4 S am pl e Netw ork Topo logi es Inst all ing t he Switch 20 8/22 4 Sa mp l e N et wo r k To pol o gi es This sect i on shows y o u a few s ample netwo rk topologies i n which t h e Switch 208/22 4 is impleme nted.
1-16 Inst a lli n g th e S w it ch 20 8/ 22 4 Sam pl e Network Topolog ies Inst all ing t he Switch 208/2 24 The switch, in turn, is connected to a network backbone throug h fiber-optic cabl in g co n nected to a 100Bas e-FX transcei ver insta lle d in the switch .
1- 17 Inst alli ng t he Sw itch 2 08/22 4 S am pl e Netw ork Topo logi es Inst all ing t he Switch 20 8/22 4 Connect ing to a Backbo ne Switch The simpl er segment and des ktop netw orks shown in the pr evious two examp les can easi ly b e combi ned and expanded .
1-18 Inst a lli n g th e S w it ch 20 8/ 22 4 Cabl e Manag ement Inst all ing t he Switch 208/2 24 Cable Mana gem ent The Switc h 208/224 has been desi gned to help you wit h the problem of managing your network cables . On both s ides of t he fron t of eac h switch are two ho les that ac cept a ca ble ti e to ti e-wrap yo ur cables .
2- 1 Sw it c h 20 8/ 22 4 De sc r ipt io n 2 Swi t c h 208 /2 24 Descr ipt io n The HP AdvanceS tack S witch 208T and 224T are hig h-speed, multi port switches that can be used to build switched networks with both Ethernet/ IEEE 802 .
2-2 Swi tch 208/2 24 Descr ipti on Fron t of the Swit che s Sw it c h 20 8/ 22 4 De sc r ipt io n Fr on t of th e Sw i tch es Netw or k Po rts ■ 8 o r 24 10 Mbi t/s RJ- 45 Ether net/IE EE 802.
2-3 Swi tc h 208 /224 Des cr ipt ion Fro nt of th e Swit ches Sw it c h 20 8/ 22 4 De sc r ipt io n LEDs LED State Meaning Po w e r (g re e n) Off The swi tch is n ot rece ivin g pow er. On The swi tch is r ece ivin g power . Fault On T he swi tch has faile d its se lf-t es t af te r being power ed on or re set .
2-4 Swi tch 208/2 24 Descr ipti on Fron t of the Swit che s Sw it c h 20 8/ 22 4 De sc r ipt io n Managem ent S lot The M anagement S lot i n the front o f th e switch all ows you to instal l an HP Switch 208/224 Management Modul e.
2-5 Swi tc h 208 /224 Des cr ipt ion B ack of th e Switch es Sw it c h 20 8/ 22 4 De sc r ipt io n Ba ck of the Sw it ch es Power Conn ecto rs The swit ch d o e s not have a power s w i tch; it i s po.
2-6 Swi tch 208/2 24 Descr ipti on Swit ch Ope rat ion Sw it c h 20 8/ 22 4 De sc r ipt io n Sw it ch O pe rat io n Address Table Oper at ion Address L earn ing.
2-7 Swi tc h 208 /224 Des cr ipt ion Swit ch Ope rat ion Sw it c h 20 8/ 22 4 De sc r ipt io n Simul tan eou s Networ k Comm uni cati ons In addi tion to tr affic is olation benef its provi ded by the.
YUMABOOK.BK : 2_dscrip.fm5 Page 8 Thur sday, February 20, 1997 9:35 AM.
3- 1 Troubles hooting 3 Trouble shoo ting This chapter des cribes how to troubleshoot you r Switch 208/2 24. Note that if you have a Switch 208 /224 M anagement Module, you can troubleshoot your switch usin g soft ware. See the HP Advan ceStack Swi tch 208/224 Ma nage - ment M odule In stallation an d Re ference Guide for m ore information.
3-2 T roubl eshoot ing Solu tion s to Common Pro bl ems Troubles hooting cable in a ppen dix A, “ Cables a nd Conn ectors” f or pinouts and co rrect cabl e wi ri ng. A catego ry 5 cabl e tester is a recommended tool for ever y 100Bas e-T n etwork in stallat ion.
3-3 Troubl es hooti ng LED Er ror In dic atio ns Troubles hooting LED Error Indications L ED pat te rn s ind ic ating prob le ms Diag nost i c Tip s Power F aul t RPS Po rt OFF * * * Check th e po wer cor d and p ower sou rc e. I f they ar e OK , the swi tc h may have to be repl aced.
3-4 T roubl eshoot ing Diag nos tic Tes ts Troubles hooting Diagn os tic Tes ts When a Managem ent Module is instal led, the HP AdvanceS tack Assistant an d switch co nso le soft ware provide test s, indicato r s, and an event log that can be used to monitor the swit ch and its network connecti ons.
3-5 Troubl es hooti ng Diagno stic T ests Troubles hooting Test ing E nd-t o-End N etwor k Co mmun icat ions Both the s witch and the ca bling can b e tested by running a n end-to-e nd communica t ions test -- a te st that sends known data fro m one network dev i ce to another through the switch.
3-6 T roubl eshoot ing HP Cust omer S uppo rt S erv ices Troubles hooting Resetting th e Switch You can r eset the switch by unpl ugging and p lugging back in the po wer cord; each switc h does no t h ave a r es et button. B y reins er ting the pow er cord, the swit ch pe rfor ms the power-o n self -test.
A-1 Cab les a nd Connect ors A Cable s an d Co nne cto rs This append ix l ist s cable s t hat h ave been tes ted and verifi ed for u s e with the HP Switc h 208/ 224. It also incl u d es mi ni mum pin-o u t in fo r mation so, if you wish to use an unlis ted cab le, you can verify that the cables used in your in stal lat ion are correctly wired.
A- 2 Cabl es and C onnect ors Tw is ted -Pa ir Cabl e/Con nect or Pin -Ou ts Cab les a nd Connect ors Twisted -P air Cab le for Switch (M DI-X) t o Comput er ( MDI) Ne two rk Conn ection To conne ct PCs or oth er MD I network devices to t hese ports, use a “s traight- through” cable.
A-3 Cables a nd Con nector s Twist ed-Pai r Ca ble/ Conn ector Pin- Outs Cab les a nd Connect ors Twisted -P air Cab le for Switch (M DI-X) t o Hub or Sw itch (MDI-X ) N etw ork C onn ect ion To connect hubs or switches or othe r MDI-X network dev ices to these ports, use a “cr ossover ” ca b le.
A- 4 Cabl es and C onnect ors Fib er-Opt ic Cabl es Cab les a nd Connect ors T wi s t ed- Pai r Ca bl e Pi n Ass i gnm ent s Twis ted-P air Straight- Through C able Twisted-P air C ross-Over Cable Fib.
B-1 Specif icati ons B Spec ifica tions Physical Electrical The HP Swit ch 208T and 224T automat ically ad just t o any volta ge between 100-12 7 a nd 200- 240 volts and ei ther 50 or 6 0 Hz.) Envir onmental Wi dt h: 44. 2 cm (1 7.4 in ) De pt h: 29. 8 cm (1 1.
B- 2 Sp ecifi cati ons Specif icatio ns Conn ectors ■ The 10 Mb it/s RJ -4 5 twisted- pair ports ar e compati ble wi th the I EEE 802.3 Type 10Bas e-T stand ard. ■ The 100 Mbit/ s RJ-45 twis ted-pair por t is compati ble with the IEEE 802. 3u standard.
C-1 Saf ety a nd Regul atory Stat ements C Safe t y an d Re gul at o r y S ta tem en ts This chapte r covers the followi n g topic s: ■ mounti ng precauti ons ■ power precauti ons ■ safety and r.
C- 2 Sa fe ty a nd Regula tor y Stat emen ts Pow er Pr ecaut ions Saf ety a nd Regula tory Stat ements Power Pre cautions Follow these precautions when unpl ugg ing and plugging in power to the switch as well as addin g or removing m odules.
C-3 Safet y an d Regu lat or y State ment s Sa fety Inf orm atio n Saf ety a nd Regul atory Stat ements Safety I nformation Grou ndi ng These are saf ety class I p roduc ts and have protective earthin g termin als.
C- 4 Sa fe ty a nd Regula tor y Stat emen ts Inf or m ati on s conc er nant la sécu ri té Saf ety a nd Regula tory Stat ements Infor mation s co ncerna nt la s écurité Cet appareil est un produi t de classe I et pos sède une b orne de mise à la terre.
C-5 Safet y an d Regu lat or y State ment s Hinwei se zur Si ch erh ei t Saf ety a nd Regul atory Stat ements Hinw eise zur Sich e rhe it Dies ist ei n Gerät der Si c h e rhe its k las se I und verfügt über e inen s chü tzenden Erdungsterm inal.
C- 6 Sa fe ty a nd Regula tor y Stat emen ts Consi de razi oni s ulla si curezz a Saf ety a nd Regula tory Stat ements Cons ideraz ioni s ulla sicu rezz a Questo prodotto è omologato nella classe di sicurezza I ed ha un terminale prot ettivo d i col legamento a te rra.
C-7 Safet y an d Regu lat or y State ment s Consid era ci ones sobr e se gur id ad Saf ety a nd Regul atory Stat ements Cons iderac iones sobre segur idad Este apar ato se enmarca dentr o de la clase I de seguridad y se encuentr a protegido por un a borna de puesta a tierra .
C- 8 Sa fe ty a nd Regula tor y Stat emen ts Sa fety Inf or m ati on ( Jap anese) Saf ety a nd Regula tory Stat ements S afety I nf ormat ion ( Jap anes e) YUMABOOK.
C-9 Safet y an d Regu lat or y State ment s R egul ator y State ment s Saf ety a nd Regul atory Stat ements Regulatory Statements FCC Class A Statement (for U. S.A. Only): This equipment has bee n t es ted and found to comply with the limits for a Class A dig ital device, pursuan t to Part 15 o f the FCC Rules .
C-10 Sa fe ty a nd Regula tor y Stat emen ts Dec la r at ion of C onf o rmi ty Saf ety a nd Regula tory Stat ements De clar atio n of C onf ormi ty The fol lo w in g Declara t io n of Conf o r mity for the HP AdvanceStack S wi t ch 208T and 224T complies with I SO/IEC Gu i de 22 an d EN 45014.
Index – 1 Index Index Numerics 10 M b it/ s p or t s loca tion on sw i tch … 2 -2 100 LED … 2-3 100Bas e- FX tra nsceiv er por t cabl es use d wit h … 1-3 100Bas e- T port s LEDs f or … 2-3 .
2 – Index Index fla shing LED e rro r ind icati ons … 3-3 flo oding tr affi c … 2-6 forw a rdi ng tr affi c … 2-6 fron t of switc h descr ip tion … 2-2 H ho rizont al s urface moun ting swi .
Index – 3 Index R rack mounti ng th e swit ch in … 1-8 preca utions whe n usi ng … C-1 re sett ing the swi tch … 3-6 trou bleshoo ting pro cedur e … 3-4 RPS ( Redun dant Po wer Supply) conne.
YUMABOOK.BK : YUMABOOK.IX Page 4 T hursda y, February 20, 1997 9:35 AM.
YUMABOOK.BK : yumabkcv.fm5 Page 1 Thursday, February 20, 1997 9:35 AM.
Techn ical in f o rmati o n in this document is sub ject to change without n otice. © Copyri gh t 1997 Hewle tt-Packard C ompany Pr in t e d in U. S .
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) HP J3175Aの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP J3175Aをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) HP J3175Aの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP J3175Aの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP J3175Aで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP J3175Aを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) HP J3175Aの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP J3175Aに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) HP J3175Aデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。