HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカーmp3320の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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1 hp mp 3 3 20 se r ies digital pr o ject or user’ s g uid e.
Notice The informat ion contain ed herein is subject to ch ange without n otice. The only warranties fo r HP products and s ervices are set for th in the expr ess warran ty statemen ts accompan ying s uch produ cts and services. Nothing herein sh ould be construed as constitu tin g an additional warranty .
User ’s Gu id e 3 Contents 1 Setting Up What’s in th e Box?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Identifyi ng Common Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 User’s Guide Con te n ts 3 Adjusting the Projector Adjusting the Pi cture and Sou nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 To adjust a s lanted picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User ’s Gu id e 5 Content s 6 Fixing Problems Troubleshoot ing Suggesti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 Start-up p roblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 User’s Guide Con te n ts.
User ’s Gu id e 7 1 Setting Up The chapt er explains how to in stall a nd set up the HP digita l projector . ■ “What’ s in the Box? ” on page 8 ■ “I d ent ifyi ng Co mm on Fe atur es” .
8 User’s Guide Setting Up What ’ s in t he Box? Before s etting up your proje ctor , be sure your shipping box include s the fol lowing items. If the shi pping bo x does not c ontain any of the fo llowing items, cont act HP . Appearance of included remote may vary from remote shown.
User ’s Gu id e 9 Setting Up Identify ing Common F eatur es This secti on iden ti fi es common feat ur es and func tions of the proje ct or . ■ “Projector at a gla nce” on page 10 ■ “Proje.
10 User’s Guide Setting Up Pr ojector at a glance Identifying the pr ojector S ymbol Item Function 1 P ower co rd so cke t Con n e cts p ower co rd to p roje cto r . 2 Button panel Cont ains buttons and lights . 3 Z oo m r ing Enlarges pi cture si ze 100–120%.
User ’s Gu id e 11 Setting Up Pr ojector buttons and lights Identify ing buttons and ligh ts on the proje ctor S ymbol Item Function 1 P ow er bu tt on T urn s th e projector o n or off. 2 Enter bu tton, bac k button, and dir ectional arr ow s Change pro jector settings using the on -scr een menu .
12 User’s Guide Setting Up Back pane l Identifying the ba ck panel Sy m b o l I t e m Fu n c t i o n 1 Se curi t y s lo t Se cures t h e p roje ct or us i ng a c ab l e l ock . 2 Re ce iver fo r rem o te c o nt rol Rece ives s ig n a ls f rom t h e rem o te co nt ro l.
User ’s Gu id e 13 Setting Up Rem ote co ntro l ✎ Before usi ng the remote contr ol, remove the batt ery protect or by pulling the plast ic tab until i t comes out of th e remote control.
14 User’s Guide Setting Up Accessor ies Get more f rom your presen tations with HP pr ojector acc essories . Y ou c an purchas e accesso ries at www .hp.com or thro ugh your projecto r dealer . ■ HP ceiling mount kit enabl es you to s imply and di screetl y instal l your pro jector on th e ceilin g.
User ’s Gu id e 15 Setting Up Setting Up the Pr ojec tor This sec tion desc ribes how t o set up, pl an, and connect the pr ojector . ■ “T o position t he projec tor” on page 16 ■ “T o set.
16 User’s Guide Setting Up T o positio n the projector The foll owing tabl es show y ou where to p osition t he proje ctor in r elation to the scr een. Identifying image s iz e rela tiv e to dist ance fr om screen Ima ge s ize (d iagon al) Imag e size ( width) Dista nce (len s to sc re en) 30 in .
User ’s Gu id e 17 Setting Up If you do not want to use the di stance t able, you c an use the following equations to help d eterm ine w here to ins tall the pr oje ct or re l ativ e to th e scre en. T o set up on a table 1. Plac e the project or on a st able pla tform locate d 1.
18 User’s Guide Setting Up To c o n n e c t p o w e r ■ Connect on e end of the power c ord to the side o f the pro jector 1 and t he oth er end to an electrical ou tlet 2 .
User ’s Gu id e 19 Setting Up T o connect a c ompu ter 1. Connec t the VGA cabl e between t he VGA port on t he projec tor 1 a nd the VGA port on t he computer 2 .
20 User’s Guide Setting Up T o connec t a handheld or ganizer 1. Be sur e the handh eld or ganizer has a VGA-out port. If nec essary , inst all a VGA-out acc essory card int o the or ganizer . ✎ Not all handhelds c ome with VGA-out ports. For exa mple, the iP AQ Poc ket PC requir es a VGA-out PC Ca rd with 15- pin connec tor .
User ’s Gu id e 21 Setting Up To c o n n e c t v i d e o s o u r c e s If you ha ve a SCAR T video device, y ou will nee d an adapte r (avail able from HP) to connect the dev ice to th e projector . S-video c onnection Many DVD player s and VCRs have S-video out put.
22 User’s Guide Setting Up Composite v ideo connect ion Many VCRs and ot her video equipment ha ve composite vi deo output , a single RCA video out put connec tor . 1. Connec t a composite v i deo cable (RCA conne ctor) (not provid ed) between the composite video por t on the pr ojector 1 and the RCA vi deo port on the video device 2 .
User ’s Gu id e 23 Setting Up Component video connec ti on Many DVD pla yers and other video equ ipment have component-video output , three RCA connecto rs labeled "Y ,Pb,Pr", "R,G ,B", or similar .
24 User’s Guide Setting Up T urning On and Off This sec tion provi des inst ructions on t urning t he project or on and o ff. ■ “T o turn the proj ector on ” on page 24 ■ “T o turn the proj ector of f” on page 25 T o turn th e projector on 1.
User ’s Gu id e 25 Setting Up To t u r n t h e p r o j e c t o r o f f 1. Pres s the power button on t he projec tor or re mote contr ol to tur n off the proj ector . The powe r but ton blinks d uring the cool- down period, then th e pr ojector tu rns off.
26 User’s Guide Setting Up Making Basic Adjustments This sec tion provi des inst ructions on ma king basic adjustment s to the projecto r . ■ “T o aim the projec tor” o n page 26 ■ “T o ad.
User ’s Gu id e 27 Setting Up T o adjust th e focus and z oom 1. Rotat e th e foc us ring un ti l th e imag e becomes clear . The projector can be f ocus ed at dist ances of 1.2 to 12 m (4 t o 40 ft). 2. Rotat e the zoom ring to adjust the pict ure size fr om 100 to 120%.
28 User’s Guide Setting Up.
User ’s Gu id e 29 2 Giving Pr esenta tion s The chapt er explai ns how to give p resentatio ns with the project or . ■ “Using th e Remote Contr ol” on page 29 ■ “Showing Pr esentati ons” on pag e 31 Using the Remot e Contr ol ■ T o turn the project or on or of f, press th e power b utton 7 .
30 User’s Guide Giv ing Presentat ions ■ T o operate as a mouse on a compute r , press the edge of the mouse pad 4 in the direct ion you wan t the poi nter t o move, and p ress the left-cl ick 5 or right -click 5 button. Th is fe ature re quires a USB c onnection between th e project or and computer .
User ’s Gu id e 31 Giving Presenta tion s Sho wing Prese ntations This secti on descri bes sev eral thi ngs you can do during present ations. ■ “T o present f rom a computer ” on page 31 ■ “T o change t he source” on page 32 ■ “T o hide or show t he displ ay” on page 32 T o present from a com puter 1.
32 User’s Guide Giv ing Presentat ions T o c hange th e sour ce T o change th e source, e ither: ■ Press t he source button on the pro j ector or remote control . ■ Open the on-sc reen menu, go to Select input and selec t the p ort to which t he input source i s connect ed.
User ’s Gu id e 33 3 Adjusting th e Pr ojec tor This chap ter desc ribes how to make adj ustments to t he proj ector . ■ “Adjusti ng the Pic ture and So und” on page 33 ■ “Using th e On-Sc.
34 User’s Guide Adjusting th e Projector T o adjust the image accordi ng to th e t ype o f pic tur e Use the pi cture mode buttons on the pr ojector or the re mote contro l to opti m ize th e image. ■ T o optimize th e picture f or data pres entatio ns, press the graphics button on the project or .
User ’s Gu id e 35 Adj ustin g the Pr ojec tor T o adjust the projector setup 1. Open t he on-scre en menu and se lect Setup. 2. Set t he setup a djustme nts as nee ded. From the Se tup menu, y ou can sel ect settin gs such as menu langu age, pro jector positi on, and lamp s aver mode.
36 User’s Guide Adjusting th e Projector Using the On - Sc reen Menu This sec tion expl ains how to navigate t he on-scree n menu and provides f unction defini tions. The tables i n this sec t ion describe a ll the f unctions availabl e in the on-s creen menu fo r the f irmwar e v ersio n at publi catio n.
User ’s Gu id e 37 Adj ustin g the Pr ojec tor T o ch an ge s etti ngs u sing the o n -s cre en men u Y ou can chan ge the on-sc reen menu set tings wit h either t he buttons on the proj ector or on th e remote con trol. 1. Pres s enter on t he projec tor or t he remote co ntrol to open th e on-scre en menu.
38 User’s Guide Adjusting th e Projector Quick ch oic e men u Quick choice K ey stone Cor rects the slanted side s of an image. Re set k e ys tone Resets k ey stone corr ecti on to z ero . Next inpu t Sear ches f o r the ne xt av ailable signal fr om an input sour ce .
User ’s Gu id e 39 Adj ustin g the Pr ojec tor Selec t input m enu For a vis ual aid, s ee “Back pan e l” on page 12. Select input V GA Sho ws the in put to the V G A port . This u s ually conne cts to a comp uter , altho ugh i t can al so con nect to a compo nent-vi deo dev ice .
40 User’s Guide Adjusting th e Projector Adju st pi c ture m en u Adjus t p ic ture P icture mode Adjusts the col or sett ings for th e type of pictu re . Y ou can optimi z e the pictur e for computer pr esent ations or v ideo output . T h e r emote con tro l and pr ojec tor hav e buttons to change the pic tur e mode.
User ’s Gu id e 41 Adj ustin g the Pr ojec tor Ti nt Shifts colors to w ard r ed or gr e en . Red Adju sts the amount of r ed in the pi ctur e . Green Adj usts the amount o f green in the pi ctur e. Blue Adj usts the amoun t of blue in the pic tur e.
42 User’s Guide Adjusting th e Projector Setup menu Help menu Set up Language ... Selects the language fo r the menus . Lamp sav er Sets a low er pow er lev el for the lamp. Pr ojec tor positi on Adju sts the image to match the or ientati on of the pr ojector : upr ight or upsi de -dow n, in fr ont of or behind the sc r een.
User ’s Gu id e 43 4 Mai ntaining the Pr ojec tor This chap ter expl ains ho w to maintai n the p rojector . ■ “Perform ing Routine Mainten ance ” on page 43 ■ “Upgrading t he Project or” on page 47 P erforming R outine M aintenan ce This sec tion provi des instruc tions on p erforming routing mai ntenance.
44 User’s Guide Maint aining th e Pr oj ector T o cl ean t he projector lens ■ T o minimize the r isk of da maging or sc ratching the lens surface, blow d ust partic les of f the lens wit h clean, d ry , deionized air .
User ’s Gu id e 45 Mainta ining the Pr ojec tor 1. T urn of f the pr ojector a nd allow it to cool f or 30 minut es. 2. On the bottom of t he projec tor , loosen th e two screws on the lamp cover and remove th e cover . 3. Loosen the two sc rews on the lamp modul e and pull out the module.
46 User’s Guide Maint aining th e Pr oj ector T o replace the bat tery in the remote contr ol 1. Pull out the ba ttery hol der . 2. Inse rt the ne w battery in the hol der .
User ’s Gu id e 47 Mainta ining the Pr ojec tor Upgr ading the Pr ojector T o update the firm ware HP might per iodical ly release u pdated versions of the pro jector fir mware to enhance the proj ector pe rformance. The projector fi rmware ver sion is s hown in the o n-screen menu at Hel p.
48 User’s Guide Maint aining th e Pr oj ector.
User ’s Gu id e 49 5 Installing P ermanentl y This chap ter e xplains ho w to perma nently in stall t he digita l projec tor . Installing the Pr ojector This sec tion provi des inst ructions on how to per manentl y instal l the pro jector .
50 User’s Guide Installin g P ermanentl y T o install on the ceiling T o instal l the proj ector on a ceilin g, you will need a ceil ing mount ( availabl e from HP). Å WA R N I N G : T o minimi z e the risk of injury fr om impr operl y installed equipmen t, it is r ecommended that a pr ofe ssional ins taller perf orms the ce iling installation .
User ’s Gu id e 51 Installing P ermanently 3. W ith the pr ojector lens aiming awa y from the s creen, in sert the mounting pla te onto the bracket so the t abs engage , then pivo t the proj ector so it aims f orward. T ighten the re ar thumbscr ew fully , the n tighten the two ot her thumbscr ews.
52 User’s Guide Installin g P ermanentl y If you do not use an HP cei ling moun t, mount t he proj ector accor ding t o the f ollowi ng dimension s: ■ X = 82 mm (3.23 i n.) ■ Y = 55 mm (2.17 i n.) ■ Z = 1 10 mm (4.33 in.) ■ Thread si ze = M3 T o install for rear pr ojec tion 1.
User ’s Gu id e 53 Installing P ermanently T o mount the projector on a tripod The proje ctor inc ludes sta ndard tri pod mount on t he bottom o f the projec tor . This allows t he projec tor to be mounted on tr ipods re adily available at camera and other electr onic stor es.
54 User’s Guide Installin g P ermanentl y.
User ’s Gu id e 55 6 Fixi n g P ro b l e m s This chap ter de scribes potentia l problems and offers sug gestions to help correct them. ■ “T roubleshooti ng Sugge stions” o n page 55 ■ “T .
56 User’s Guide Fixi n g P r o b l e m s Start-up problems If no li ghts or sounds t urn on: ❏ Be sure t hat the po wer cable i s secure ly connect ed to the project or and the other end is plugge d into an ou tlet with power . ❏ Press t he power but ton aga in.
User ’s Gu id e 57 Fixi n g P r o b l e m s Pi c t u r e p r o b l e m s If the i mage is not d isplayed on the screen, bu t the HP s tartup scr een is displaye d: ❏ Press t he source button on t he projec tor or r emote contr ol. ❏ T urn off or disable the n otebook or desktop computer sc reen saver f unction.
58 User’s Guide Fixi n g P r o b l e m s If the imag e is ou t of fo cu s: ❏ Be su re the lens c ove r i s op en . ❏ While displayi ng the on-s creen me nu, adjust the focu s ring. (Th e image size shoul d not chang e; if it does, you a re adjust ing th e zoom not t he focus.
User ’s Gu id e 59 Fixi n g P r o b l e m s If a scr olling or c ut-off i mage is displ ayed: ❏ Press t he auto sync but ton on the p rojector or remote control. ❏ For a comput er connec tion, turn every thing of f, then power o n the proj ector f irst and power on the not ebook or des ktop computer s econd.
60 User’s Guide Fixi n g P r o b l e m s If the pr ojected color s seem slig htly wr ong: ❏ If the video butt on on th e projector is not li t, tr y pressin g the video but ton on the projector or t he pictur e mode butto n on the remo te cont rol.
User ’s Gu id e 61 Fixi n g P r o b l e m s Sound problems If no sound is coming out of the pr ojector: ❏ Be sure yo u have an aud i o cable secure ly connect ed between t he project or and the input dev i ce. ❏ Be sure that t he mute an d volume sett ings a re cor rect on the input device, s uch as a co mputer , DVD player , or camc order .
62 User’s Guide Fixi n g P r o b l e m s If the lamp shut s of f d ur in g a prese ntat ion : ❏ A minor power sur ge might cau se the la mp to shut of f. W ait a few minute s, then power on the pr ojector . ❏ If the lamp indica tor is on or blinking, unpl ug the pro jector a fter it cools down.
User ’s Gu id e 63 Fixi n g P r o b l e m s T esting the Pr ojec tor The on-sc reen menu con t ains diagnost ic tests you can use to verif y the prope r operati on of the projector and t he remote c ontrol. T o run the projector diag nostics 1. Open t he on-scre en menu and se lect Help > Diagnostics.
64 User’s Guide Fixi n g P r o b l e m s.
User ’s Gu id e 65 7 Referen ce This chap ter l ists t he s pecif icat ions , safe ty i nform atio n, an d reg ula tory infor matio n fo r the proj ector .
66 User’s Guide Refe renc e Lens 2 .0 t o 2 .4 thr ow r atio (distance/w idth) Optical z oom 1:1.2 K ey stone Manual correction: up to +25° to –30° vertical Audi o Monaur al speak er , 1- W peak output Lamp 20 0 -W P- V IP la mp , 1 .
User ’s Gu id e 67 Refe ren ce Noise le vel 3 8±2 dB A Env ir onment O perating: T emperatur e: 10 to 35°C (5 0 to 9 5°F) Humidity: 80% RH max, non -condensing Altitude: up to 3 , 000 m (10, 000 .
68 User’s Guide Refe renc e Analog Vi deo M ode Compatibility Compatibilit y Resolution V -S ync (Hz) H-S ync (kHz ) VG A 640 x 3 50 7 0 3 1.5 640 x 3 50 8 5 3 7 .9 640 x 400 85 3 7 .9 640 x 480 60 31.5 6 4 0 x 4 8 0 72 37 . 9 640 x 480 7 5 37 .5 640 x 480 85 43 .
User ’s Gu id e 69 Refe ren ce MA C II 13 640 x 4 80 6 6 .68 3 5 MAC 16 83 2 x 6 2 4 7 4.5 5 4 9 .7 2 5 MAC 19 102 4 x 7 6 8 7 5 60.2 4 MAC 115 2 x 8 7 0 7 5. 06 6 8 .68 MAC G 4 640 x 480 60 31.35 MA C G4 640 x 480 120 6 8.0 3 M A C G 4 1 0 24 x 7 68 1 2 0 97 .
70 User’s Guide Refe renc e Safety Informati on Safety precauti ons Å WA R N I N G : Observe the f ollo wing preca utio ns to r educe the r isk of inj u ry . ■ T o prevent eye injur y , do not look dire ctly int o the lens when the la mp is on. ■ T o prevent ele ctrical shock, do not expos e the projector to ra in or moisture.
User ’s Gu id e 71 Refe ren ce LED safety The infr ared po rts loca ted on the digital project or and remot e control are cla ssified as Class 1 LED d evices ac cording t o Interna tional S tandard IEC 825-1 (EN60825-1).
72 User’s Guide Refe renc e Reg ul ato r y In form a tio n This sec tion pres ents informat ion that shows how your digital project or complie s with reg ulations in cer tain regions. Any modificat ions t o your digi tal pro jector no t express ly approve d by HP coul d void the authorit y to oper ate the di gital pr ojector in these r egions.
User ’s Gu id e 73 Refe ren ce Japan Ko r e a.
74 User’s Guide Refe renc e Inte rna tiona l For regul atory i dentificat ion purpos es, your pr oduct is a ssigned a regulato ry model number . The regula tory model number for y our product is l isted in the decla ration of conformi ty . This r egul at or y numbe r i s dif ferent f rom the marketing name and pro duct number .
User ’s Gu id e 75 Refe ren ce.
76 User’s Guide Refe renc e.
User ’s Gu id e Index 7 5 Ind e x A accesso ries listin g 14 adjus t pi ctur e 34 aiming t he project or raisin g and lowe ri ng 26 analog vi deo mode comp atib ility 68 audio adjus tin g 34 B back .
Inde x 7 6 User’s Guide Inde x see ceiling in sta ll atio n see r ear project ion inst allati on see table i nst allati on K Kensingt on lock 53 keystone correct ion adjus tin g 33 L lamp module rep.
User ’s Gu id e Index 77 Index precaut ions 70 SCART device 21 secu rity locki ng 53 setup adjus tin g 35 see a lso ceil ing insta llation see a lso rear projecti on see a lso tabl e instal lation s.
Inde x 7 8 Us er’s Guide Inde x.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3320の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3320をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3320の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3320の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3320で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3320を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3320の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3320に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) mp3320デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。