HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカーN1200-320の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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*AG314-960 01* A G314 -9 6001 HP S tor age W orks N1200 -3 20 4Gb Net w or k Sto r age R outer user a nd se r v ic e gu id e P ar t number : AG314-96 001 F irst edition: June 2006.
Legal and n otice in formation © Cop yri ght 2006 Hewle tt -P ackar d Dev elopm ent C ompany , L .P . Hewle t t-P a ck ard Co mp an y makes no w arranty of any kind w i th r egard to this material , including, but not limited to, the implied warra ntie s o f merc ha ntability and fitness for a particular purpose.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 3 About this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Intended audi ence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 4 N1200 -320 4Gb Network Stora ge Router management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Configuratio n methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Serial port management access .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 5 Editing a ho st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Trace and event settings conf iguration . . . .
6 A Pin assignments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 DB-9 pin assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 7 About this guide This guid e prov ides informa tion ab out: • Installing the HP S torage W orks N1200 -3 20 4Gb Networ k Stor age Rou t.
8 IM PO R T AN T : P r ovides clarif ying in formation or sp ecific instru ctions. NO TE: Pr ov ides additio nal informati on. TIP: Pr ov ides helpf ul hints and shortc uts. HP tec hnical support T elephone numbers f or w orldw ide te chnical s uppo r t ar e list ed on the HP support web sit e: http :// www .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 9 1I n t r o d u c t i o n The HP Stor ag e W orks N120 0 -3 20 4Gb Ne twork Storage Router provides bi-directiona l con nectivity between .
10 Introduction Oper ation indi cator s The HP N1200 -3 20 4Gb Network S torage R o ut er has LED indicato rs for monit oring o ver all status as sho wn in Fig u re 3 .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 11 Ho w th e HP N1200 -3 20 4Gb Netw ork S tor age Rou ter w or ks The netw ork stor ag e r outer is a de vi ce that translates the F ibre .
12 Introduction External indicator s • F ibre Channel link status and acti vity LEDs • S CSI bus ac tiv it y LED • Ethernet link s tatus and acti v ity LEDs • Po we r / F a u l t L E D HP N120.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 13 2 Inst allation , cabling , and se tup NO TE: Read thi s chapter car efull y and completel y befor e wor king with the netw ork s torage r outer .
14 Installa tion, cabling, and setup Desktop in s tallation Remo ve the r outer fr o m the pr otecti ve bag . Attach the sti ck - on f eet to the bottom four c orners of the r outer . Plac e the rou ter on a flat , lev el table or desktop making sur e the airflo w vents ar e clear o f obstru ctions .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 15 Atta ch the outer rail assembly to the rac k NO TE: The si ze of the router and the r a il as sembly is 1U . 1. Determine the cor rec t rac k location . 2. Align the three sc re w holes on the fr ont of the ou ter r ail assembl y w ith the fr ont of the r ack .
16 Installa tion, cabling, and setup Attac h the rear e xtensi on br ack et 1. Loos en the sc re w on the r ear exten sion br ack et of the out er rai l assembl y . 2. While holding the o uter r ail ass embly le vel , e xtend the r ear ext ension br ack et to the insi de of the r ear of the r ack .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 17 Inst all the r out er int o the r ac k 1. Mov e the ball-bearing slide on each of the outer rail s tow ards the fr ont of the rack .
18 Installa tion, cabling, and setup Setting u p ser ial port co mmunicati ons The netw ork sto rage r outer is designed to commu nicate w ith a ter minal or an y operating s y stem utili zing a ter minal emulator . F or e xample , most W indow s ® o perating s yst ems can use a termi nal.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 19 Ca bling the N1 200 - 3 20 4Gb Net w or k Sto r age Ro uter NO TE: Re fer to the HP S torage W or k s M SL20 2 4 or the M SL404 8 T ape L ibrary User and Serv ice Guide for detailed tape libr ar y info rmation .
20 Installa tion, cabling, and setup S CSI connection CA UT ION: S CSI por ts on the ne twork storage r outer are not hot -p luggab le. P ow er off the network stor age router w henev er connecting/disconnec ting the S CSI cables .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 21 Serial por t conn ection The 3-pi n connector on the network s tor age rou ter pro vi des a ser ial port that is compatible w ith RS- 2 3 2 signaling le vels .
22 Installa tion, cabling, and setup.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 23 3 De v ice manageme nt T o pro vide connecti vity between hosts and dev ices , it is necessary fo r the networ k stor age ro uter to be re cogniz ed w ith an addre ss on the connect ed F ibre C hannel networ k.
24 Device ma nagement Disco very Discov er y is a f eature that mak es it eas y to displa y attached FC and S CSI tar g et de vi ces and hav e them mapped automati cally on the h ost side for the connect ed bus/port. Ther e ar e two disc ov er y methods av ailable— Man ua l Di sc o ve ry and Auto Disco very .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 25 • The Inde xed map is initiall y empty and can be modifi ed by the u ser , ho we ver , this is not re commended. • The A uto Assigned ma p is built dy namicall y , and cont ains all the dev ices f ound during di scov ery .
26 Device ma nagement.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 27 4 N1 200 - 3 20 4Gb Net w or k Stor age R outer management The HP N1200 -3 20 4Gb Network S tor age Router c an be managed ov er the fol.
28 N12 00-320 4Gb Network Storage R outer management Y our DH CP serv er ma y also allo w you t o set up a n e xtended lease r eservati on f or an IP addre ss, b y pro viding the s erver w ith the Ethernet MA C addre ss of the netw ork s tor ag e r outer .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 29 Vi su a l m a na g e r The netw ork s torage r outer allo ws an y standar d Inter net W eb br ow ser to vi ew and change the networ k stor age router ’s confi gur ation with the Vi sual M anage r int erface .
30 N12 00-320 4Gb Network Storage R outer management.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 31 5 V isual ma nager u ser inte r f ace The HP N1200 -3 20 4G b Netwo rk Stor age R outer allo ws an y standar d Internet W eb br ow ser to vi ew and change the net w ork st orage r outer ’s confi guratio n with the Visual Manager int erface .
32 Visua l manager user interface 5. Enter the au thori zed u ser name and pass w ord . T he user name and pass wor d ar e case -sensiti v e. The de fault user name is root and the default pass wor d is password .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 33 Home page T he Main menu home page is displa yed when V i sual Manager (VM) is acc essed . The home page contains statu s infor mation, inc luding a phy sical image of the netwo rk stor age ro uter (see Fig u r e 1 2 ).
34 Visua l manager user interface • Main menu options: • Home display s net w ork stor age ro uter status infor mation . • Sys tem conf igure s standar d sy stem components . • Po r t s confi gure s the Fi bre Channel port and SC SI bu ses. • Disco very displa ys dev ices and discov ers new dev ices .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 35 Ser ial conf igurati on The Ser ial sc reen is us ed to change the baud r ate for the s eri al port (see F igure 15 ). NO TE: If the Autobaud f eature is being used , it may not be necessary to set the baud r ate.
36 Visua l manager user interface Ne t work c on figu rat ion The Networ k scr een is used to enter Ether net confi gurati on settings (see Fi g u re 1 6 ). Figure 1 6 Network s cr een CA UT ION: If this confi gur ation is incor rectl y se t, pr ocessing diff ic ulties ma y occ ur .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 37 NO TE: T o use the DHCP f eature , a DHCP ser ve r must be oper ational on the Ethernet networ k.
38 Visua l manager user interface User sec urity set tings Us er name an d pass wor d The User s cr een is used to set u p net w ork stor age router s ecur it y suc h as the user name and pass w ord (see Fig u r e 1 8 ). Figure 1 8 User s cr een User s ettings: • User Name (def ault: root ) is an y alphanumer ic com bination .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 39 Real-T im e Clock conf igurati on The Real- Time Clock scr een is used to set the sys tem time and date (see Fi g u re 1 9 ).
40 Visua l manager user interface Res et me n u The R eset men u is used to r eset the networ k stor age ro uter to f actory defau lt settings (see F igur e 20 ).
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 41 Po r t s m e n u Accessed f ro m the Main menu , the P orts menu is us ed to vi ew and t o modify conf igur ation settings of the F ibre Channel port and SC SI bus es (see Fig u re 2 1 ).
42 Visua l manager user interface F ibre Channel por t configur ation When the F ibr e Channel port is selected in P orts menu , the F ibre Channel C onfi gurati on scr een is dis pla ye d (s ee Fi g u re 22 ).
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 43 • Disco very on Link Up allo w s the networ k stor age rout er to automati cally disco ver all F ibre C hannel dev ices w hen reboo ted or when link -up ev ents occ ur , such as connecting cables or r ebooting networ k hubs.
44 Visua l manager user interface SC S I b u s c o n fi g u ra t i o n When a S CS I bus is selected in the P orts menu , the SC SI Bus C onfi gurati on scr een is displa yed (see Fig u r e 2 3 ). Figure 23 SCS I Bu s 0, 1 conf igur ati on sc re ens S CSI bus c onfigur ation settings: • Primary Initiator ID (def ault: 7) must be a unique ID .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 45 Disco very menu Accessed f ro m the Main menu , the Disco very menu is used to vie w ex isting, and dis cov er new T ar get dev ices (see Fig u r e 2 4 ). Figure 24 D iscov er y scr een T o per f orm a manual discov ery: 1.
46 Visua l manager user interface Figure 26 P erform disco very on SCS I Bu s 0 scr e en.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 47 Mapping menu Acce ssed from the Mai n menu, the Ma pping menu is us ed to create o r edit LUN maps a nd assig n them to hosts . (see Fi gu re 27 ). Figure 27 Mapping scr een NO TE: Index ed , Auto Assigne d , and SCC maps cann ot be deleted or r enamed.
48 Visua l manager user interface V ie w ing and c hanging F ibr e Channe l map inf ormati on NO TE: Po r t 0 D e v i c e M a p is the HP r ecommended map to be used f or editing and assi gning to hosts that communi cate w ith the library .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 49 St at i st ic s me nu Access ed fr om the Main men u, the S tatisti cs menu is u sed to displa y F ibre C hannel port and S CSI b u s infor mation (see Fig u re 28 ).
50 Visua l manager user interface Utilities men u Access ed fr om the Main men u, the Utilities menu is u sed to v ie w and conf igur e utility options (s ee Fig u r e 29 ). Figure 29 Ut ilit ies me nu Utilities menu tasks: • FTP Utility opens an FTP sessi on.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 51 FTP utility ac cess The FTP u tility scr een is used to open an FTP sessio n (see Fi g u r e 3 0 ). Figure 3 0 FTP Utility scr een The FTP utility r equir es the use of a JA V A applet and p r ompts for permis sion to install the applet , if needed.
52 Visua l manager user interface NO TE: If a v alid f irm war e or con figur ation file is u ploaded to the netw ork st orage r outer , an au tomatic reboot occurs once the file has been r eceiv ed.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 53 C urr ent , pre v iou s, and last assert tr ace displays These thr ee Utilities menu sc reens sho w tr ace infor mation. • The C urre nt T races sc reen sh ow s data since the networ k stor age router w as last booted.
54 Visua l manager user interface • Wa r n i n g E v e n t s • Notify Ev ents • Info E vents • Debu g Ev ents • Log All E v ents Ev ent logging captures th e last 215 ev ents and then starts o verwr iting the log.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 55 Clear ev ent lo g The Clear E vent Log sc reen is u sed to clear the E vent L og (see Fig u re 3 4 ) .
56 Visua l manager user interface While the netw ork sto rage r outer ’s cur rent , pre vi ous, and last assert tr ace data does pr ov ide a com plete summar y o f ev ents in a c hron ological f ash.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 57 R eboot o ption CA UT ION: Co nfir m there is n o acti vity , suc h as a back up in pr ogres s, bef or e initiating a r eboot beca use networ k storage r outer acti viti es will be disru pted.
58 Visua l manager user interface.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 59 6 Using the C ommand L ine Interf ace This c hapter desc ribe s specif ic confi guratio n options a vailable f ro m the perspecti ve o f the Command L ine Interface (CLI).
60 Usi ng the Command Line In terface The main menu allo ws f or var iou s operati ons to be perfor med on the networ k stor age ro uter . • Select 1 to acces s netwo rk st or age r outer c onfig urati on setti ngs. • Select 2 to acc ess System U tili ties.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 61 Baud r ate conf igur ation This me nu changes the baud rate used on the ser ial port . Selec t 1 thro ugh 5 fo r the appropr iate baud r ate setting. If y ou ar e using the A utobaud featur e, it ma y not be neces sar y to set a baud r ate .
62 Usi ng the Command Line In terface Ether net conf igur ati on This opti on allo ws f or setting up all Ethernet netw ork settings i ncluding IP addr ess, subnet mask , IP gatew ay , secur ity settings, Ethernet mode , phy sical addr ess, and hos t name.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 63 • Select 7 to toggle the DHCP setting . This setting enab les/disables support f or Dy namic Co nfigur ation Pro tocol.
64 Usi ng the Command Line In terface F i bre Ch an n el c o nfig urat ion This menu allow s fo r setting the F ibre Channel Addr ess method , Hard Addres s value , discov ery mode, WWN o ver rides , tape bac ku p settings, def ault map v alue , and FC port mode .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 65 • Select 3 to chang e the T oggle P ort Mode betw een A uto Sens e - Soft AL_P A, N_P or t , and Auto Sense - Hard AL_P A. The de fault set ting is N_P ort mode. In this mode , the FC port tr ies coming u p as a f abri c port.
66 Usi ng the Command Line In terface F ollow ing are des cr iptions f or each of the ov err ide setting s : NO TE: Normall y , o ver ride s ettings should n ot be changed e xcept w hen direc ted to do so b y an author i z ed HP technic ian. • Select 1 to toggle the Hi- Sup Bi t betw een SET and CLEAR .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 67 P arallel SCS I configur ation This menu allow s fo r setting up S CS I attributes . Figure 42 P arallel S CSI confi gurati o n menu Pr ess the Ente r k ey to toggle the c urr ent menu to the ne xt SC SI bu s.
68 Usi ng the Command Line In terface S CS I initiator men u This opti on allo ws f or setting up the S CSI Initi ator . Figure 43 SCS I initiator menu • Select 1 t o select the pr imary SCS I Initiator ID . This is the ID f or the S CS I dev ice that r equests oper ations from othe r SC SI devices k now n as targets.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 69 Max imum S CS I bus sp eed men u This opti on allo ws fo r setting the maxim um SC SI bus speed . When this option is selected , the user mus t fir st select the T ar get ID for th e bu s befor e this menu appear s.
70 Usi ng the Command Line In terface De v ice ma pping This opti on allo ws t he u ser to manipulate ma ps and assoc iate a select ed host w ith a particu lar map. Eac h phy sical po rt/ bus on the s ystem has at least an Index ed map and an Aut o A s si g n ed map .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 71 NO TE: Because the enti re list o f maps may n ot fit on one s cr een, select N or P to go bac k and fo r th between sc r eens display ing mor e maps. Select X to r eturn to the Dev ice Mappi ng Main menu .
72 Usi ng the Command Line In terface NO TE: Hi-Sup Bit is only se t in an Acti ve F abri c L UN whi ch needs to be mapped a s the fir st dev ice (FC LU N 0 0 ) . Select a n umber fr om the left column Num to add a de vi ce to the map . Selecting a de vice w her e LUN=’-’ adds all L UNS for this tar g et .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 73 Rem ove ga ps NO TE: S CSI dev ices attached to a F ibre C hannel port must be mapped as sequenti al FC L UNs starting at L UN number 00.
74 Usi ng the Command Line In terface The f ollo win g is an ex ample of a ho st list f or FCP hos ts: Figure 49 Host list for FCP hosts NO TE: Because the entir e list of hosts ma y not fit on one sc reen , select N or P to see any additio nal pages show ing the list o f hosts.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 75 F ollow ing the successful additio n of the host, the host list is displa y ed again and the user can make sur e that the host infor mation is cor rec t. Deleting a hos t Select D to delete a host f rom the host lis t.
76 Usi ng the Command Line In terface • Select 8 fr om the Dev ice Mapp ing Main menu to d ispla y the entir e dev ice lis t. Bec ause the entir e dev ice list may not fit on one sc reen , selec t N or P to go back and f or th betw een scr eens display ing mor e maps.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 77 T race and ev ent settings configur ation This opti on allo ws se t up of tr ace and ev ents settings . Figure 53 Utility settings • Select 1 to edi t the trace set tin gs co nfigurat ion.
78 Usi ng the Command Line In terface If the Enter k ey is select ed, the ne xt page of tr ace lev els appears as follo ws: Figure 55 Tr a c e s e t t i n g s Enter a lev el number fr om the T race Settings that are sho wn . This toggles the cur re nt set ting to either ON or OFF .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 79 • Ente r 1 to disable e vent logging . • Ente r 2 thr ough 9 to log the spec ifi ed ev ents or higher . • Ente r 0 to log all ev ents. • Select U to send e vent conf igur ation changes t o the network storage r outer now .
80 Usi ng the Command Line In terface R eal- Tim e clo ck conf igur atio n When this opti on is selec ted fr om the P erfor m Confi gurati on menu , the S y stem Clock Setup menu appears. NO TE: The tim e is bas ed on a 2 4 -hour c lock. Ther e is no a .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 81 • Select 2 to change the locati on of L UNs in an auto- assi gned map . L UNs can be positi oned starting at the beginning (f irst locatio n) or at the end (last location) of the map . NO TE: Contr oller L UNS in auto -assigned map settings are F irst or L ast.
82 Usi ng the Command Line In terface Sys t e m s t a t i s t i c s m e n u Figure 6 1 S yst em status/statist ics menu • Select 1 fr om the S ys tem Status/S tatistics men u to display s ystem st atus. Figure 62 Sys t e m s t a t u s m e n u • Select 1 t o display memory statistics .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 83 • Select 1 f r om the F ibre C hannel Statu s menu to displa y F ibr e Channel L ink Status . Fig u re 63 belo w show s the status and s tatistics for a Fibr e C hannel loop . Similar data can also be sho wn f or a F ibre Channel f abric .
84 Usi ng the Command Line In terface Select A to hav e the status inf ormation r epeatedly r efr eshed. • Select 2 fr om the F ibr e Channel Status menu to displa y Attached Fibr e Channel Dev ices.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 85 • Select 5 t o displa y FC SeqCmd_Q Reso ur ces. • Select 6 to disp lay F C SF P D ata. • Select 3 fr om the S ys tem Statu s/Statisti cs menu to displa y P arallel S CSI Pr otocol Statu s.
86 Usi ng the Command Line In terface Even t Lo g When this option is selected fr om the S ystem Uti lities menu , the Ev ent Log men u is display ed (see Fig u r e 6 7 ). Figure 6 7 Eve nt l og me nu • Select 1 to display the e ven t log. • Select 2 to clear the e ven t log of all old e ntries and start ov er w ith an empty list .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 87 Diagnosti cs mode When this opti on is selec ted fr om the S y stem Utilit i es menu , a confi rmation mes sage appears to v eri fy the selection .
88 Usi ng the Command Line In terface Spec ial F i br e Chann el link control When this option is selected fr om the S ystem Utilitie s menu, the Spec ial Fibr e Channel L ink Control men u is dis pla ye d (s ee Fig u re 70 ).
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 89 or other ID . S CSI commands w hich ha ve alr e ad y been tr ack ed, the n that infor mation is displa yed b y selecting this opti on. • Select 4 to clear the log of all pr ev iou sly r ecorded r esults .
90 Usi ng the Command Line In terface • F or the pr ev ious trace buffer , use get prvtrace.txt . The f ile transf ers fr om the networ k stor age router . R eboot When this opti on is selec ted, a conf irmati on messag e appear s to ve rify the selection .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 91 7U s i n g t h e F T P i n t e r f a c e This cha pter descr ibes spec ific manage ment opti ons availa ble fr om the FTP interf ace.
92 Using the FTP interface NO TE: If the netw ork stor age router is t o use a st atic IP addr ess, the pr e -filled in addr ess w hen DHCP is disabled is and should b e c hanged to an addr ess that is appr opri ate f or the IP network it will r eside on .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 93 • F or the c urr ent e vent lo g, use get eventlog.txt . The file w i ll tr ansfer to the cur ren t dir ectory spec ifi ed on y our computer’s FTP u tility . If running FTP fr om a DOS o r Linu x command line , the destinatio n dire ctory can be set using the lcd command (e x.
94 Using the FTP interface.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 95 8T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g V ariou s problems c an arise w hen confi guring and using the HP N1200 -3 20 4G b Netwo rk Sto rage R outer .
96 Troubleshooting corr esponding tar get de vi ce acti vity , ther e ma y be a pr oblem w ith the S CSI bu s confi gur ation. V erify the SC SI bus conf igur ation . • Ethernet (10/100) —The LNK should sta y permanentl y lit to indicate an Et hernet link.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 97 discov er ed” dev ice ev ery time there is a reboot . By using the included INF f ile , the user j ust needs to identify the netw ork st orage r outer to the Windo ws Dev ice Manager onl y once .
98 Troubleshooting Ev en if the S CSI dev ices ar e displa yed , they ar e not acces sible unless the mappi ng mode is auto -assi gned or another non-empty map is used .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 99 Ta b l e 8 HP N120 0 -3 20 4Gb Net w ork Stor age R outer PRLI respons e data V er i fy HBA de vi ce dri ver infor mation Chec k the HB A de vi ce dr iv er Readme.txt f ile fo r configur ation specif ics .
100 Troubleshooting.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 101 AP i n a s s i g n m e n t s DB-9 pi n as sign ment s In conj unction w ith the pin assi gnments pro vided f or the 3-pin r eceptacle o.
102 Pin assignments RJ- 4 5 Ether net P in Ass ignme nts The pin assignments gi ven f or the RJ-45 Ether net connection ar e in r efer ence to the Ether net receptac le on the back panel of the HP N120 0 -3 20 4Gb Net w ork Stor age Router .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 103 B R egulat ory comp li ance and s afe t y R egulator y compliance Re gulator y compliance identif ication numbers F or the purpos e of regulatory compli ance cer tif icatio ns and identifi cation , y our produc t has been assigned a unique R eg ulato r y Model Number .
104 Reg ulatory compliance and saf ety • Connec t the equipment into an outlet on a c irc u it that is differ ent fr om that to whic h the recei ver is connected . • Consult the dealer or an exper ienced r adio or tele visi on techni ci an for help.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 105 Inte rnati onal noti ces and stat ements Canadian notice (av i s Canadien) Class A equ ipme nt This Cl ass A digital a pparatus meets all requ irements o f the Canadian In terfer ence -Causing E quipment Regu lat ions.
106 Reg ulatory compliance and saf ety Japanese notice Ko r e a n n o t i c e s Safet y Batter y statement WA R N I N G ! T his produc t contains on e lithium manganese di ox ide battery . • The N1200 -3 20 4G b Netwo rk Stor age Ro uter contains one Snaphat ® lithium batter y .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 107 T a i w an bat tery r ecy cling notice The T ai wan EP A requir es dr y battery manuf acturing o r importing fir ms in accordance with Artic le 15 of the W aste Dispo sal Act t o indicate the r ecov er y marks o n the batterie s used in sale s, giv ea way or pr omoti on.
108 Reg ulatory compliance and saf ety.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 109 C Inband S CS I-3 commands The HP N1200 -3 20 4Gb Network S tor age Rout er supports a set of S CS I-3 co mmands that can be rece iv ed inband ov er FCP . When r ecei ved by the netw ork s torage r outer , these commands ar e then ex ecuted b y the network s torage r outer itsel f.
110 Inband SCSI-3 commands Th e n et wo rk sto rag e rout er ret u rns t he LUN Param e te rs as de fin e d i n Ta b l e 1 2 . Ta b l e 1 2 Report L UNs P aramet er Li st NO TE: The L UN list length is the number of L U Ns times 8. All L UN s ar e reported and w ill appear in the ho st’s map .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 111 EVPD P age 0x80 If the EVPD bi t is set and the P age Code is 0x80 the unit ser ial n umber page i s returne d. The format of thi s page is show n in T able 14 . Ta b l e 1 4 F orm at of EVP D P age 0x80 The se rial n umber field is a 16 -byte left-justif ied A SCII str i ng .
112 Inband SCSI-3 commands NO TE: The R e vision L ev el comes f r om the last f our c harac ters of the build string , w hich appears in the headings for mo st me nu scr eens.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 113 D Addr es sing , str uc tur es, and oper atio ns F ibre C hannel and S CSI s y stems emplo y differ ent methods o f addressing de v ices .
114 Addressing, structures, and operations The netwo rk stor age r outer suppo r ts the P eripheral Dev ice Addr essing Method and the Logical Uni t Addr essing Method , depending on the conf igur ation .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 115 Inde x ed addr es sing option Index ed Addr essing allo ws fo r host bus ada pter (HB A) dr iv ers that onl y use P er ipheral De vi ce addr essing to access S CSI de vi ces attached to the networ k stor age ro uter .
116 Addressing, structures, and operations attached de vi ces dire ctly w ithout ha ving to perform dis cov ery by issuing c ommands through all possible combi nations .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 117 E Enabl ing DHCP on the HP N1200 - 3 20 4Gb Net w ork S tor ag e R outer DHCP , o r Dynami c Host C onfig urati on Pro tocol, is an open indus try standar d that simplif ies adminis tering networ k s bas ed on T ransmis sion C ontr ol Pr otocol/Int ernet Prot ocol (T CP/IP) .
118 Ena bling DHCP on the HP N1200 -320 4Gb N etwork Storage Router Setting up DHCP ov er netwo rk st or age r outer int erfaces Network s tor age r outer s use thr ee differ ent interfaces w hich can be used to enable DHCP: Serial , T elnet , and VM.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 119 • Select 2 . The follo w ing menu appears: Figure 79 Ether net confi gurati on menu Select 7 to toggle the DHCP setting .
120 Ena bling DHCP on the HP N1200 -320 4Gb N etwork Storage Router DHCP has been successf ully ac tiv ated. Note that the IP Addres s my also appear differ ent than the for mer non-D HCP IP Addr ess . NO TE: T o use the DHCP feature , a DHCP serv er must be oper ational on the Ether net networ k u sed by the networ k storage r outer .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 121 Vi su a l M a n a g er T o access the network st orage r outer using the V isual Manager interface: 1. Look u p the cur rent IP addres s within the Ether net Conf igur ation menu using the seri al interface .
122 Ena bling DHCP on the HP N1200 -320 4Gb N etwork Storage Router.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 123 Glos sar y adapter A prin ted cir cuit assembl y that tr a nslates dat a between the FC host pr ocessor ’s inter nal bus and a differ ent bus, suc h as S CSI . address Se e S CS I addr essing .
124 FC d evice A dev ice that us es Fi bre Channel communic ations . FC por t An opening at the bac k of the netwo rk stor age r outer that pro vi des a f iber optic connec tion between the FC adapt er and the FC ho st .
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 125 initiator A dev ice (usuall y a host sy stem) that requests an operati o n to be perfor med by another dev ice kno wn as a t arget (u sually a per ipher al) .
126 onlin e F or the networ k stor age ro uter , online indicates that at least one adapter in the networ k stor age r outer is acti ve and av ailable fo r access . F or a S CS I adapter , online indicate s the SCS I adapte r is acti ve and a vailable f or access and input/output proce ssing.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 127 SCSI bus The means of transfer ring SCS I data between S CSI de vices . It is an 8-bit o r 16 -bit bus that supports up to ei ght or si.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 129 Inde x A addressing 113 audience 7 authorized reseller, HP 8 autobaud 21 Avis Canadien, regulatory compliance notice 10 5 B batteries T.
130 Class B E quipment, com pliance notice 103 declaration of conf ormity 104 modifications 104 Fibre Channel hosts vi ewin g and ch angi ng Visual Manager 48 Fibre Channel maps editing entries Visual.
N1200-320 4Gb Network Storage Router user and service gu ide 131 Visual Manager 42 R rack stability, warning 8 reboot 90 rebooting Visual Manager 57 recycli ng, Taiwan EPA bat tery 107 regulatory comp.
132 configuration of 42 default map 43 discovery mode 42 hard AL_PA 42 link status 42 performance mode 43 port mode 42 Fibre Channel hosts, viewing and changi ng 48 FTP access 51 FTP utility sc re en,.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) N1200-320の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) N1200-320をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) N1200-320の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) N1200-320の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) N1200-320で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) N1200-320を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) N1200-320の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) N1200-320に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) N1200-320デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。