HP (Hewlett-Packard)メーカーxw9300の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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HP xw9 3 00 W o r kst ati on Se r v i ce and T ec hni cal R e f er e nce Gui de F irst Ed ition: 02/200 5 Seco nd Edit ion: 04/ 2005.
Copyri ght Info rmat ion © 2005 C opy right He wlett-P ac kar d Dev elopment Co mpany , L.P . F irst Ed ition: F ebruary 2005 Second Editi on: April 2005 Warranty Hew lett-Pa ck ard Compan y shall no.
Contents Conte nts 3 Preface Important Safety Warning s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Updating BIOS, Drivers, and Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4C o n t e n t s 3 System Management Computer Setup (F1 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 BIOS ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents Conte nts 5 Security Lock (O ptional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Cable Lock (Optio nal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6C o n t e n t s Solving Display Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Solving Audio Pro blems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents Conte nts 7 G Additional Password Secu rity and Resetting CMOS Resetting the Passw ord Jumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Clearing and Resetting the CMOS . . . .
8C o n t e n t s.
Pr eface 9 Pr e f ace This pr ef ace contains the follo wing inf ormati on. • “Important Safety W arnings ” on page 10 • “Updating BIO S, Dr iv ers , and Softwar e ” on page 13 • “F in.
10 Important Saf ety W a r nings WA R N I N G ! A v oiding Electr ical Shoc ks. T o avo id electr ical shoc k, do not open the po wer su pply . The re are no user -servi ceable par ts inside . T o a vo id electr ical shock and har m to your e y es b y laser light , do not open the DVD la ser module .
Important Safety Warnings Pr eface 11 WA R N I N G ! Avoi di n g Metalli c P artic ulates . The y can be espec ially har mful ar ound electr onic equipment .
12 NO TE: Recycl in g Y o ur S yste m. HP has a str ong commitment to war d the env ir onment . Y our HP s ys tem has been designed to r espect the en vir onment as muc h as possible . HP can also take back y our old s ys tem for rec yc ling when it r eaches the end o f its useful lif e .
Updating BIOS, Drivers, and Software Pr eface 13 Updating BIO S , Dr i v er s , and So ft w a r e HP continuall y str iv es to implemen t new enhancements that w ill inc reas e functi onality , performance , and rel iabi l it y o f you r H P W o rkst at ion.
14 Fi n d i n g I n f o r m a t i o n E- S u p p o r t F or online access t o techni cal support informati on and tools, go to http ://www .hp .com/ su pport . Su pport re sour ces include W eb-based trouble shooting tools, tec hnical kno wledge databas es, dr iv er and patch dow nloads, online communiti es, and pr oacti ve notif ication services .
Finding Information Pr eface 15 Usi ng the Doc u ment ation L ibr ar y and Di agnosti cs CD T o acces s the contents of the Doc umentation L ibr ary and Di agnostic s CD, f ollow the steps that ar e applicable t o your w orks tation . Window s -Ba sed W ork station s Insert the CD into the CD-ROM dr iv e .
Pr oduct Overv ie w 17 1P r o d u c t O v e r v i e w This c hapter pre sents an ov ervi ew of the har dw ar e components of the HP xw9 300 W orkstati on.
Product Overview 18 Pr oduct F eatur e s This s ection cont ains the follo w ing infor mation: • “Exploded Vi ew ” on page 18 • “Rear P anel Components ” on page 20 • “Ser ial Number a.
Product Features Pr oduct Overv ie w 19 F r ont P a nel C omponents The f ollo wing image sho ws a typ ical HP xw9 300 W orkstation . Dr iv e confi gurati ons can vary . Ta b l e 1 -2 Fron t P a ne l Vi ew 1 Optical Dr iv e E ject Bu tton 5 Uni versal S erial B us (USB) (x2) 9 5 .
Product Overview 20 Re a r P a n e l Co m p o n e nt s Ta b l e 1 - 3 Rea r P a nel Com po nen ts 1 Univ ersal Chassis Clamp Opening 9 Graphi cs Adapter 2 Access P anel K ey s : Mic roph one Connecto .
Product Features Pr oduct Overv ie w 21 Ser ial Number and C O A La bel L ocation E ach HP W orkstati on has two unique ser ial n umber labels. T he ser ial number labels ar e located on the side panel 1 of the unit and on the rear panel 3 . Y ou n eed th is numb er when co ntacting customer servi ce for assis tance.
Product Overview 22 Pr oduct S pec if i cations The f ollow ing table lists the phy sical dime nsions of the HP xw9 300 W orkstati on. Ta b l e 1 - 4 Ph ysi cal Char acter istic s We i g h t (dependent on confi guratio n) 19–2 4k g (4 2–54 lb) T o wer Dime nsions 4 5 5mm (17 .
Power Supp ly and Cooling Pr oduct Overv ie w 23 P o w er Suppl y and C ooling This s ection cont ains the follo w ing infor mation: • “P ow er Suppl y Specif icati ons ” on page 2 6 • “P ow.
Product Overview 24 P o w er Outpu t and Cooling The HP xw9 300 W orkstati on pow er suppl y contains 9 outputs: • +3 .3 V —used w ith P CI, P CI-X, P CI-E , NVIDIA nF or ce Pr ofes sional 2000 se.
Power Supp ly and Cooling Pr oduct Overv ie w 25 WA R N I N G ! Do not e x ceed 136W of a 5V and 3 . 3V po wer co mbination . WA R N I N G ! Do no t ex ceed 5 5A (6 60W) of 12V (CP U0/CPU1/A/B/C) po w er combinati on. WA R N I N G ! Do not e x ceed 70 0 W of total continuous output po wer .
Product Overview 26 P o w er Su ppl y Spec ifi cati ons The f ollow ing table lists the po wer suppl y specif icati ons. Ta b l e 1 -7 P o wer Suppl y Spec ifi cations F ull Ranging Input (No L ine Se.
Power Supp ly and Cooling Pr oduct Overv ie w 27 P o w er Consum pti on and C ooling The f ollow ing table sho ws the po w er consumption f or a typical conf igur ation (based on pr imary pow er consumptions): • T wo processo rs (2 .
Product Overview 28 S y s tem F ans and A irflo w The w orkstati on includes one r ear sy stem fan , one CPU heatsink for eac h process or (CPU), one pow er suppl y fan, plu s a fr ont sy stem f an if t w o CP Us are in s talled.
Power Supp ly and Cooling Pr oduct Overv ie w 29 R es etting the P o w er Su ppl y If an ov erload tr iggers the po w er supply o v erload pr otecti on, all po wer is immediat ely c ut . T o r eset the po wer suppl y unit: 1. Disconnec t the po we r cord .
Product Overview 30 En v ir onmental S pec if i cati on The f ollo wing ta ble desc ribe s env ir onmental spec if ications f or the HP xw9 300 W orkst ation .
PCI and PCI Expr ess Slot Power Specific ations Pr oduct Overv ie w 31 P CI and P CI Expr e ss Slot P o w er S pec if i cati ons The f ollow ing table des cr ibes the slots, car d t y pes, and max imum slot pow er .
Product Overview 32 ENER G Y S T AR The ENERG Y S T AR® pr ogr am, a gov ernment-back ed initiativ e , promote s energ y effi ci ency by i dentif y ing wa ys to reduce ener g y consumption . Select HP wo rkstati ons partic ipate in the ENERG Y S T AR pr ogr am.
Installing or R estor ing the Operating S ystem 33 2 Installing or R est or ing the Oper ating Sy s t e m This c hapter desc ribe s the installation and r estor ation o f the operating s ys tem.
Installing or Restoring the Operating System 34 Inst alling the Oper ating S y s tem and S oft w ar e The following sect ion discusses the operating s ystem an d HP sof tware install ation p r oced ures .
Installing or R estor ing the Operating S ystem Installing t he Operating Sys tem and Software 35 L in u x -Pr e inst alled W or kstati ons If y ou hav e a Lin ux -pr einstalled HP W orkstati on, f ollo w the instruc tions in this secti on to set u p your O S and softwar e.
Installing or Restoring the Operating System 36 2. Cop y the ISO image to CD-R boota ble media. On ano ther Linu x wo rkstati on, us e the cdrecor d utility . Identify the d e v ice addre ss fo r the CD burner ( cdrecord --scanbus ). The def ault is usually 2 , 0, 0.
Installing or R estor ing the Operating S ystem Installing t he Operating Sys tem and Software 37 L in u x -Enabled W or kst ations Li nux -enabled HP W orkstati ons r equire the HP Inst aller Kit f or Linu x and the pur chas e of a Red Hat box set .
Installing or Restoring the Operating System 38 HP Sof tware The f ollow ing HP softwar e is installed the f irst time the HP W orkstati on is turned on: • Computer S etup (F10) Utilities and di agnostic featur es • HP Support Softw are inc luding dev ice dr i ver s • HP Client M anager Soft war e (available for download from http://www .
Installing or R estor ing the Operating S ystem Restoring the Operating System 39 R es tor ing the Oper ating S y st em T o r estor e the ori ginal Windo ws oper ating s ystem and f actory-installed softwar e , insert the Re st ore Pl us ! CD that came with y our HP W orkstation .
Installing or Restoring the Operating System 40 Pr otecting the So ft w ar e T o pr otect so ftware f ro m loss or damage, k eep a back up copy o f all sy stem softw are , applicati ons, and re lated files s tored on the har d dri v e.
Installing or R estor ing the Operating S ystem Ordering Backup Software 41 Or der ing Bac k up So ft w ar e All softwar e that shipped w ith the wor kstation , including the Resto re Plus ! CD, can be or der ed fr om HP as a single set , or you can or der the var iou s softwar e pack ages separ ately .
Installing or Restoring the Operating System 42.
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t 43 3 S y stem Man agement This sec tion des cri bes the var ious tool s and utilities that allo w fo r the sy stem management o f the work sta tion.
System Management 44 C omput er Setup (F10) This s ection con tains the foll ow ing infor mation t o help y ou use C omputer Se tup . • “BIOS R OM” on page 4 5 • “Using Co mputer Setup (F10).
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Computer Setup (F10) 45 • Exec ute self-tests on spec ifi ed S A T A har d dri ves ( when supported by the dr i ve). BIO S R OM The Basi c Input/Output S y stem (BIO S) of the comput er is a colle c tion of machine languag e pr ograms stor ed as firm war e in r ead-only memory (R OM) .
System Management 46 Using C ompu ter Se tup (F10) Y ou can only open C omputer Setup b y turning on the wor kstati on or res tarting the sy stem. T o access the Comp uter Se tup U tilit ies me nu: 1. T ur n on or rest art the w orkst ation. 2. Pr ess the F1 0 ke y as soon as the monitor light turns green .
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Computer Setup (F10) 47 Computer Setup M enu NO TE: T he follo wing conte nt is subject to change w ith new f irm war e releases , so yo ur menu might be than the follo wing table .
System Management 48 Storag e Device Con figurati on Lists all installed non-SC SI storage dev ices. SC SI storage dri ves w ill not be li st ed in Computer Setup (F 10). S A T A stor age dri ves w ill not be listed in this menu . When a dev ice is selected , detailed informati on and options are displa yed .
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Computer Setup (F10) 49 Sto r a ge Options Remo va ble Media Boot Enables/disables ability to boot the s yst em fr om remo vable media . Remo v al Media Disk ette W rite Enables/disables ab ility to write dat a to remo vable medi a.
System Management 50 Security Setup Pa s s wo r d Allo ws y ou to set and enable setup (adminis trator ) pass wor d . NO TE: If the setup passw ord is set , it is requ ired to change Computer Setup options, flash the RO M, and make c hanges to certain PnP settings under Windo ws.
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Computer Setup (F10) 51 Advanc ed ** Boot Allow s y ou to set: • PO S T Mode (QuickBoot , F ullBoot , or FullBoot e ve r y 1–3 0 day s) . • PO S T Message s (enable/disa ble) . • F9 Pr ompt (enable/disable). Enabling this feature w ill display the te xt F9=Boot Menu duri ng PO S T .
System Management 52 Pr ocessors Enable/disable Pr ocess or Cache and C ohere nt HT Speed*. NO TE: Y ou can set the H yper T ransport Speed be tween the CPUs to one of the follo wing v alues: 200, 400, 600, 1000, and Auto . *This opti on is only av ailable on sy stems w ith two pr ocessor s.
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Computer Setup (F10) 53 Slot 6 (PCI-X 13 3) Conf igur es the option R OM, latency time r , and PCI x4 functi on chec k**. *A vailable o n select m odels.
System Management 54 Desk top Manage ment HP Client Management Solutions (av ailable for dow nload fr om http://www .hp.com/go/ea sy deplo y ) pr ov ides standar ds-based s olutions fo r managing and controlling w orkst ations in a networ ked env ir onment.
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Desktop Management 55 Initi al Co nf igur ation and Deplo y ment The w orkst ation comes w ith a pre installed s ys tem softwar e image . After a bri ef softwar e “ unbundling ” pr ocess, the w orks tation is r eady to us e.
System Management 56 R em ote S y stem Insta llat ion Remot e Sy stem Installati on lets yo u start and set up yo ur sy ste m using the s oftwar e and conf igur ati on infor mation located on a networ k server .
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Desktop Management 57 So ft w ar e Updating and Management HP pr ov ides s ev era l tools for managing and updating so ft w ar e on desktops and w orkstati ons—HP Clie nt.
System Management 58 F or more inf ormati on and details on how to do wnl oad a fully-f unctional 3 0 -day ev aluation v ersio n of the Altir is soluti ons, v isit http://h18000.www1.hp .com /im/pr odinfo .html#deplo y . Fo r m o re i n fo rm a ti on , vi s i t http: //www .
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Desktop Management 59 ROM Fla s h The w orkst ation comes w ith a pr ogramma ble flash r ead-only memory (ROM). By e stablishing a setup pass wor d in the Computer Setup (F10) Utility , yo u can pr otect the ROM fr om being unintenti onally updated or o verwr itten.
System Management 60 NO TE: Some mode ls also support r ecov ery from a R OMP aq CD. IS O R OMP aq ima ge s are inc luded with select ed models in the dow nloadable ROM s oftpaqs. When the boot block detec ts an inv alid sy stem R OM, the po w er LED blinks RED ei ght times, one e very second, f ollow ed by a 2 -second pause.
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Desktop Management 61 R eplicating the S etup The f ollow ing pr ocedur es giv e an administrat or the ability to easily cop y one setup conf igur ation to other wor kstations of the same model . This allo ws for f aster , mor e consistent configur ation of multiple work sta tion s.
System Management 62 NO TE: A boota ble diskette is r equir ed for this pr ocedur e . If Windo ws XP is not av ailable to create a bootable disk ette, us e the method for cop ying to a single w orkstati on instead (s ee “Copy ing to a Single W or kstation ” on page 61 ).
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Desktop Management 63 W orld W ide W eb Site HP engineers r igor ousl y test and debug softwar e dev eloped b y HP and third-party supplie rs, and de v elop oper ating sy stem spec if ic support softwar e , to ensure perf ormance , compatibility , and reli ability for HP work sta tion s.
System Management 64 Ass et T r acking and S ec ur ity Asset tr acking f eature s incorpor ated into the wor kstati on pro vi de ke y ass et trac king data that can be managed using HP S y stems Insight Manager , HP Clie nt Manager Soft w are , or other s ystem management applicati ons.
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Desktop Management 65 P a s sword S e cu ri t y The po wer -on pass wor d pre vents unautho ri z ed use of the wor kstation b y req uiring entry of a passw or d to access applicati ons or data each time the w orkst ation is turned on or r estarted .
System Management 66 NO TE: If y ou do not pres s the F1 0 k ey at the appr opri ate time , you mus t re start the works tation and pr ess and hold the F1 0 ke y again to access the utility . If yo u ar e using a P S/2 ke y boar d, y ou might s ee a K e yboar d Err or mes sage—disr egar d it .
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Desktop Management 67 E nt eri n g a S et up P as sword If a setup pass w ord has been est ablished on the wor kstation , you w ill be pr ompted to enter it eac h time you r un Computer Setup . T o enter a se tup passw or d: 1.
System Management 68 NO TE: See the “National K ey board Delimite r Char acters ” on page 68 f or info rmation about the alternate delimit er char acters . The po w er- on pass wor d and setup pa ssw or d can also be c hanged using the Secur it y options in Computer Set up .
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Desktop Management 69 Clearing P ass wor ds If yo u for get y our pass wor d, y ou cannot acces s the works tation . Ref er to “ Additional P assw or d Secur ity and Res etting CMOS” on page 20 3 for instr uctio ns on clear ing pass wor ds.
System Management 70 4. Bef or e ex iting , cl ic k File > Sav e C hang es and Exit . Ca ble L ock Pr ov ision (Opti onal) The r ear panel of the chas sis can accommodate a cable lock acces sory that allows the works tation to be phy si cally sec ur ed to a w ork ar ea.
Sys t em M a n a g em e n t Desktop Management 71 F ault Notif i cation and R e co v er y F ault Notifi cation and Reco very featur es combine innov ati ve har dw are and softwar e technolog y to pre v ent the loss o f cr itical data and minimi z e unplanned do w ntime .
System Management 72.
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es 73 4 R emo v al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es This c hapter desc ribes r emo val and r eplacement pr ocedure s of most inter nal components.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 74 Se r vice Con s ide r a t ion s The f ollow ing secti ons discu ss servi ce consider ations that should be r ev ie wed and pr acticed bef or e re mov ing and r eplacing an y s ys tem components .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Service Considerations 75 Electr os tati c Disc har ge Inf ormati on A sudden disc harge of st atic electr ic ity fr om y our finger or other conduc tor can destr o y static -sensiti ve dev ice s or micr oc ir c uitr y .
Removal and Replacement Procedures 76 P ers onal Gr ounding Methods and E quipment Use the follo w ing equipment to pre vent stati c electri city damage to equipment: • W rist str ap s are f lex ible str ap s with a max imum of one -megohm ± 10% r esist ance in the gr ound cor ds.
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Service Considerations 77 • Conducti v e plastic tubes • Conductiv e tote boxes • Opaque shie lding bags • T r anspar ent metalli z ed shielding bags .
Removal and Replacement Procedures 78 • Do not use ex cess iv e fo rce w hen inse rting a dri ve . • A voi d exposing a har d dri v e to liquids , temper ature e xtreme s, or produc ts that have magneti c fie lds such as monito rs or spe ak ers.
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Pre-Disassembly Procedures 79 Pr e -Disa ss embl y Pr ocedur e s Before ser vic ing t he workstat ion: 1. Close an y open softw are appli cations . 2. Remo v e any disk ette or compact disc fr om the wo rkstati on.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 80 Sy s t e m B o a r d This sec tion pr ov ides additi onal infor mation about the s y stem boar d. • “S y stem Boar d Components ” on page 8 0 • “S y ste.
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es System Board 81 S y st em Boar d Ar c hitectur e The f ollo wing illu str ation sho w s the HP xw9 300 W orkst ation bloc k diagr am.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 82 R emo v al and R eplace ment o f C omponents This sec tion disc usses the pr ocedur es necessary to re mov e and install var ious har dw are components on yo ur wor kstation .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 8 3 Disassem bl y Or der Use the follow ing table to determine th e sequence in w hich to remo ve the ma j or c omponents.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 84 Sec ur it y L ock (Opti onal) If a sec urity lock is installed , re mov e it befor e servi c ing the unit. T o remo ve the sec urity lock , unlock it and slide it out of the padloc k loop as sho wn in the f ollow ing image .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 8 5 Uni ver sal Chassi s Clamp Loc k If a univ ersal c hassis clamp loc k is installed , remo ve it bef or e servi cing the unit . To r e m o v e t h e l o c k : 1. Unlock the de vi ce and remo v e the locking mechanism .
Removal and Replacement Procedures 86 Ac ce ss P a ne l Befo re acces sing the internal components o f the works tation , the access panel must be r emo ved .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 8 7 F r ont Bez el T o r emo ve the fr ont bez el: 1. Disc onne ct power fr om the system ( page 7 9 ) and open the access panel ( page 8 6 ). 2. Li ft up on the three ta bs 1 located on the fr ont bez el.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 88 Hood Sens or T o r emo ve the hood sensor : 1. Disc onne ct power fr om the system ( page 7 9 ) and r emov e the access panel ( page 86 ). 2. Unlatc h the plastic snap that s ecur es the cables insi de the chassis .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 8 9 F r ont P anel I/O De v i ce Ass embl y T o r emo ve the fr ont panel I/O de vi ce assembl y: 1. Disc onne ct power fr om the system ( page 7 9 ), remo ve the access panel ( page 8 6 ) , and r emo ve the front be z el ( page 8 7 ).
Removal and Replacement Procedures 90 P o w er Bu t t on Assembl y and S y s tem Speak er The po w er button and the sy stem speak er ar e part of the same assembl y .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 9 1 P o w er Suppl y T o r emo ve the po w er supply : 1. Disc onne ct power fr om the system ( page 7 9 ) and r emov e the access panel ( page 8 6 ). 2. Disconnec t the pow er suppl y fr om the s y stem boar d.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 92 Memor y Duct T o r emo ve the memory duct: 1. Disc onne ct power fr om the system ( page 7 9 ) and r emov e the access panel ( page 86 ). 2. Press in to unla tc h th e plastic clip 1 and pull the duct aw ay fr om the fan 2 .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 9 3 Sy s t e m Fa n T o r emo ve the s yst em fan: 1. Disc onne ct power fr om the system ( page 7 9 ), remo ve the access panel ( page 8 6 ) , and r emo ve the memory duct ( page 92 ).
Removal and Replacement Procedures 94 Memor y Memory Module F eatur es • Contai ns 8 memor y slots f or DIMMS • Supports 512MB, 1GB, and 2GB pairs • Supports 1GB minimum confi gurati on (2 x 512.
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 9 5 T o inst all a memory module: CA UTION: HP onl y ships DIMMs that are elec tricall y and thermall y compatible with this pr oduct . Because thir d-party DIMMs might not be electr icall y or thermally compatible , the y are not supported by HP .
Removal and Replacement Procedures 96 3. Lo w er the DIMM strai ght dow n and be sure the soc ket le v ers sec ure the module int o place..
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 9 7 P eripher al Component Inter connect (P CI) Slots The sec tion contains inf ormati on on the fo llow ing top ics: • .
Removal and Replacement Procedures 98 PC I Ca rd S u p p or t F or added protecti on, so me cards hav e P CI holders installed to pre v ent mov ement during shipp ing. T o re mov e t h e c a rd s u pp or t : 1. Disc onne ct power fr om the system ( page 7 9 ) and r emov e the access panel ( page 86 ).
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 9 9 P CI Expr es s PC I E x pre ss , a n ew ha rdwa re in te rc on ne ct s ta nd a rd (fo r exam p le, I/ O sl o ts ) , is a po in t - t o - po in t ar chitectur e and use s a seri al data transmissi on prot oc ol.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 100 T o re mov e a P CI E xp re ss ca rd : 1. Disconnect po w er fr om the s yst em ( page 7 9 ), remo v e the access panel ( page 8 6 ) and re mov e the PCI car d support ( pa ge 9 8 ), if ins talled . 2. Lif t t he PCI leve rs 1 by fir st pr essing do wn and then up .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 101 PC I or PC I -X NO TE: T he follo w ing illustr ation sho w s a PCI card be ing remo v ed fr om a PCI slot . A PCI-X car d is re mov ed fr om a PCI-X slot . T o r e move a PCI or PC I- X c ard: 1.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 102 NO TE: T he follo w ing illustr ation sho ws a P CI card be ing installed in a PCI slot . A PCI- X card must be installed in a P CI-X slot .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 103 Fro n t Fa n T o r emo ve the fr ont fan: 1. Disc onne ct power fr om the system ( page 7 9 ) and r emov e the access panel ( page 8 6 ) . 2. Disconnec t the header 1 fr om the s yst em board and thr ead it out of the card gui de.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 104 T o r eplace the front f an: 1. Attach the f an to the f an housing as show n in the pre v ious illu strati on. 2. Lo w er the fan holder 1 into the c hassis and snap it into place . Be sure that the airflo w dir ecti on arr ow on the side of the fan f aces the rear o f the chassis .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 105 Batter y CA UTION: Be for e remo v ing the bat tery , be sure y our CMOS settings are bac ked up because all CMO S settings are lo st whe n the batter y is r emo ved .
Removal and Replacement Procedures 106 P o w er Connec ti ons to Dr i v es F or help in identify ing pow er cables , r efer to the follo wing inf ormati on. R oute or tie ca bles so that ther e is no possible w ay f or them to interfer e w ith the CPU heatsink f ans.
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 107 Opti cal Dr i v e T o r emo ve an opti cal dri v e: 1. Disc onne ct power fr om the system ( page 7 9 ), remo ve the access panel ( page 8 6 ) , and r emo ve the front be z el ( page 8 7 ).
Removal and Replacement Procedures 108 T o r eplace an optical dri v e: 1. Slide the opti cal dri ve into the bay until it stop s. L ift the green dr i veloc k releas e lev er and push the dri v e in a fe w mor e inches , then rel ease the le ver and sli de the dri ve completel y into the bay until the dr iv e is secur ed .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 109 Disk et te Dr i v e T o r emo ve a disk ette dri ve: 1. Disc onne ct power fr om the system ( page 7 9 ), remo ve the access panel ( page 8 6 ) , and r emo ve the front be z el ( page 8 7 ).
Removal and Replacement Procedures 110 T o r eplace a diskette dr iv e: 1. Slide the disk ette dri ve into the br ack et and sec ur e with tw o M3 scr e ws in the r earmost hole s.
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 111 Har d Disk Dr i v e F or mor e infor mation on S A T A hard dr i ves and the S A T A RAID confi guration , see “S A T A Dev ices ” on page 17 7 . T o r emo ve a har d dri ve: 1.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 112 4. Attach the r ails to the hard dr iv e by f irst ins erting the hard dr iv e rail as sembly p ins into one si de of the hard dr iv e scr e w holes. Ne xt, gentl y flex open the opposite side of the har d dri ve r ail assembly and insert the r emaining pins into the holes in the har d dri v e.
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 113 6. Connec t the data cable to the internal S CS I connector on the s yst em board .
Removal and Replacement Procedures 114 Installing an Ext ernal S CS I H ar d Dri v e Y ou can add an exter nal S CSI connector t o the on -boar d S CSI contr oller .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 115 Installing a S A T A Hard Dr i ve F or mor e infor mation on S A T A hard dr i ves and the S A T A RAID confi guration , see “S A T A Dev ices ” on page 17 7 . T o inst all on e to f our SAT A d ri ve s : 1.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 116 CP U Heatsink The HP W orkstati on ships w ith mor e than one type of heatsink . Use the dir ections that be st match y our heatsink. CP U Heatsink A T o r emo ve the CP U heatsink: 1. T ur n on the wor kstation and enter C omputer Setup (F10) ( page 44 ).
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 117 4. Disconnec t the CPU heatsink cable 1 fr om the s ys tem board . 5. Rotate the latch lever a way 2 fr om the s y stem board . WA R N I N G ! T he latch lev er is spr ing loaded and could cause inj ury .
Removal and Replacement Procedures 118 8. Rotate the CPU heatsin k a way 1 fr om the sy stem boar d b y lifting the si de wher e y ou r eleased the metal clamp and r otating the entir e CPU he atsink assembly awa y f rom the processor retention frame.
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 119 5. Hook the metal latch ov er the plastic f rame 1 and r ot ate the CP U heatsi nk do wn 2 .
Removal and Replacement Procedures 120 7. Rotate the latch lever do wn 1 . It w ill be almost parallel w ith the s ytem board . 8. Connec t the CPU heatsink cable to the w hite pr ocessor f an connector 2 . CA UTION: If the CP U heatsink cable does not r eac h the fan connector , y ou hav e installed the CP U heatsink back war ds.
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 121 CP U Heatsink B T o r emo ve the CP U heatsink: 1. T ur n on the wor kstation and enter C omputer Setup (F10) ( page 44 ). Let the wor kstatio n run in this mode fo r fi ve min utes .
Removal and Replacement Procedures 122 4. Disconnect the CPU heatsink cable 1 fr om the sy ste m board . 5. Hold do wn 2 and pr ess in 3 on the latch lever and rotate it up away fr om the system board to re lease the c lip fr om the pr oces sor r etenti on fr ame on the s ys tem boar d.
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 123 8. Rotate the CPU heatsin k a way 1 fr o m the sy ste m board b y lifting the si de wher e y ou r eleased the metal clamp and r otating the entir e CPU he atsink assembly awa y f rom the processor retention frame.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 124 5. Hook the metal latch o ver the plastic f rame 1 and r ot ate the CP U heats ink do wn 2 . 6. On the opposite side , push do wn on the CP U heatsink to clip the other met al latch o ver the pla stic fr ame .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 125 7. Rotate the latch lever do wn 1 until it snaps to the pla stic fr ame .
Removal and Replacement Procedures 126 10. Lo w er the CP U airflow duc t ov er the CP U heatsinks until it snaps into place . NO TE: T he CPU airflo w duct is only r equired w hen two pr ocessors ar e installed. NO TE: T he CPU airf low du ct mor e easil y installs i f the memor y duct is te mporar ily r emov ed fi rst .
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 127 Pr oc essor To r e m o v e t h e p ro c e s s o r : 1. Disc onne ct power fr om the system ( page 7 9 ), remo ve the access panel ( page 8 6 ) , and r emo ve the CPU heatsink ( page 116 ).
Removal and Replacement Procedures 128 T o r eplace the process or: 1. Disc onne ct power fr om the system ( page 7 9 ) , r emo ve the access panel ( page 8 6 ) , r emo ve the CP U heatsink ( page 11 6 ) , and r emo ve the pr ocess or ( page 12 7 ). 2.
Remo val and R eplac ement Pr ocedur es Removal and Replacement of Components 129 Sy s t e m B o a rd T o r emo ve the s ys tem board: 1. Disc onne ct power fr om the system ( page 7 9 ), remo ve the .
Removal and Replacement Procedures 130.
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting 131 5 S y s tem Diagno sti cs and T r oubleshootin g This c hapter disc usses the tools a vailable f or diagnosing and tr oubleshooting s y stem issues .
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 132 E -Support Help & Support Cent er (HS C) and E - Support HS C pro v ides online access to tec hnical support info rmation , softwar e updates and do wnloads, diagnosti c tools, and HP support contact infor mation .
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Troubleshooting Checklist 133 T r oubleshooting Chec klist Befo re r unning any of the di agnosti c utilities , go through the f ollo wing c hecklist to f ind possible so lutions for workstatio n or sof tware problem s.
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 134 LED C olor De f initi ons An LED light e x ists on the fr ont panel of y our wor kstati on. T he follo w ing table desc ribes w hat each colo r signif ie s. Ta b l e 5 -2 1 LED Co lor Def initions LED State LE D Color System Status Solid Green S ystem is on.
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting HP Insigh t Diagnostics Offline Edition 135 HP Insi ght Diagno sti cs Off line E diti on NO TE: HP Insi ght Diagnos tics is inc luded on CD with some com puter models only .
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 136 Quick T es t —pr ov ides a pr edetermined sc r ipt wher e a sample of each har dw ar e component is ex erc ised and requires no user intervention . Comple te T est —pr ov ides a pr edetermined sc ript w here each har d war e component is fully test ed.
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting HP Insigh t Diagnostics Offline Edition 137 Sur v e y T ab When the Sur v ey tab is selected , the Sur v e y menu displa ys and enables y ou to v ie w important sy stem con figuration in formation.
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 138 To b e g i n t e s t i n g : 1. Select th e T est tab . 2. On the left side of the tab, selec t the Ty p e o f T e s t to perform ( Quick , Complet e , or Custo m ). 3. On the left side of the tab, selec t the Te s t M o d e ( Interac tiv e or Una ttended ).
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting HP Insigh t Diagnostics Offline Edition 139 Sa v ing and Pr inting Inf ormati on in HP Insi ght Diagn osti cs Y ou can sa ve the inf ormati on display ed in the HP Insi ght Diagnos tics S tatus and L og tabs t o a diskette or a USB 2 .
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 140 Di agnos ti c L ight C odes This s ections pr o vi des an o vervi ew o f the diagnosti c lights that ar e r elated to y our w orkstati on. NO TE: T he beeps are hear d thr ough the on -boar d piez o speake r and not the chassis speak er .
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Diagnostic Light Codes 141 Beeps and bli nks RED 4 times P o wer su pply f ailur e: 1. Locate the f aulty devi ce by r emov ing all dev ices and then r einstalling one at a time until w orkstati on fails. R eplace the dev ice causing the f ailure .
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 142 T r oubleshooting S cenar i os and S oluti ons This secti on pres ents an extensiv e ov ervie w of var i ous tr oubleshooting scenar ios and include s possible solutions f or each .
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Trouble shooting Scenarios a nd Solutions 143 W or kstation pow ered off automaticall y and beeps and blink RED t w ice . Proce ssor thermal pr otectio n acti vat ed: A fan might be block ed or not turning . OR The CP U heatsink is not pr operl y attac hed to the pr ocessor .
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 144 So lv ing P o w er Su ppl y Pr oblems T es ting P o w er Su pply Bef ore r eplac ing the po wer suppl y , use the Built-In Self- T est (BI S T) featur e to learn if the po w er supply s till work s. T o test the po w er supply: 1.
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Trouble shooting Scenarios a nd Solutions 145 Po w e r L E D f l a s h e s R E D o n c e ever y t wo se con ds. Po w e r f a i l u r e ( p o w e r s u p p l y is ov erloaded) . 1. Check if a de vi ce is causing the pr oblem by re mov ing ALL at tac hed dev ices.
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 146 So lv ing Disk ette Pr oblems Ta b l e 5 -25 Diskette Pr oblems Problem Cause Solution Diskette dri ve light stay s on . Diskette is damaged. In Windo ws, open Explor er and sele c t File > Properties > T ools .
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Trouble shooting Scenarios a nd Solutions 147 Cannot f ormat disk ette. Invali d media reported . When fo rmatting a disk in MS-DOS, y ou might need to specify diskette capac it y . F or ex ample, to for mat a 1.
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 148 So lv ing Har d Dr i v e Pr oblems Ta b l e 5 -26 Hard Dri v e Pr oblems Problem Cause Solution Hard dri ve er ror occurs . H ar d disk has bad sectors or has failed . Use a utility to loca te and block u sage of bad sector s.
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Trouble shooting Scenarios a nd Solutions 149 So lv ing Displa y Pr oblems Ta b l e 5 -27 Displa y Problems Problem Cause Solution Blank scr een (no video). The cable connecti ons are not cor rect . Chec k the cable connec tions fr om the monit or to the wo rkstation and to a wor king electr ical outlet .
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 150 Monitor does not funct ion proper ly when used w ith ener gy sav er feat ur es. Monitor w ithout ener gy sav er capabilities is be ing used w ith en er gy sav er feat ures enab led. Disable monitor ene rg y sav er featu re .
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Trouble shooting Scenarios a nd Solutions 151 So lv ing A udio Pr oblems Ta b l e 5 -2 8 Au dio P r ob lem s Problem Cause Solution Sound does not come out of the speaker or headphones. So ft wa re vo lu m e c on tro l i s turned do w n.
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 152 NO TE: I f you set digital as the Output Mode , the internal speaker and external an alog speakers will no longer output au dio until you switc h back to an auto-sense or ana log mode.
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Trouble shooting Scenarios a nd Solutions 153 Sol v ing Pr inter Pr oblems Ta b l e 5 -29 Print er Problems Problem Cause Solution Prin ter does not pr int. Print er is not turned on and online. T u r n the printe r on and be sure it is online .
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 154 Solv in g K ey boa r d a nd Mouse Pr o ble ms Ta b l e 5 - 3 0 K e yboar d and Mous e Probl ems Problem Cause Solution K ey boar d commands and t y ping ar e not recogni z ed b y the wor ks ta tio n. K e yboar d connector is not pr operly connec ted.
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Trouble shooting Scenarios a nd Solutions 155 Sol v ing F r ont P anel C om ponent Pr oblems If y ou are e xperi encing pr oblems w ith one of the fr ont panel ports, yo u might be able to try y our dev ice in the corr es ponding port on the back si de of the compu ter .
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 156 So lv ing Har d w ar e Installati on Pr oble ms Y ou might need to r econf igur e the wor kstation w hen y ou add or re mov e hard war e , such as an additi onal disk ette dri ve . If y ou inst all a PnP dev i ce, W indo ws XP au tomaticall y r ecogniz es the dev ice and conf igur es the w orkstati on .
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Trouble shooting Scenarios a nd Solutions 157 Beeps and po w er LED flashe s RED si x times . Vi deo card is not seated pr operl y or is bad , or s ys tem boar d is bad. F or sy stems w ith a gr aphics car d: 1.
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 158 Solv in g N et w ork Pr ob le ms Thes e guidelines do not disc uss the pr ocess of debugging the netwo rk cabling . Ta b l e 5 - 3 3 Network Pr oblems Problem Cause Solution Wa k e - o n - L A N f e a t u r e i s n o t fun ctioni ng.
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Trouble shooting Scenarios a nd Solutions 159 Networ k controller stopped wor king when an ex pansion board was added to the wor ks ta tio n. Networ k controller inter rupt is shar ed with an e xpansi on board .
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 160 So lv ing Memory Pr oblems CA UTION: F or those sy stems that support E CC memory , HP does not suppor t mi x ing EC C and non -E CC memory .
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Trouble shooting Scenarios a nd Solutions 161 So lv ing Pr ocess or Pr oblems . Ta b l e 5 - 3 5 Proces sor Pr oblems Problem Cause Solution P oor performance is ex pe rien ce d. Proce ssor is hot . 1. Be sur e the airflow t o the wor kstatio n is not block ed.
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 162 Solv i ng CD -ROM a nd D V D P r ob lem s Ta b l e 5 - 3 6 CD-ROM and D VD Pr oblems Problem Cause Solution S yste m will not boot fr om CD- ROM or DVD drive. The CD-ROM or DVD boot is not enabled thr ough the Computer Setup utility .
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Trouble shooting Scenarios a nd Solutions 163 So lv ing Inte rnet A cce ss Pr oblems Ta b l e 5 - 37 Internet Access Problems Problem Cause Solution Unable to conne c t to t he Inter net. Int ernet Servic e Provider (I SP) account is not set u p pr operl y .
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 164 Internet takes too long to do wnload W eb sites. Modem is not set up pr operl y . V er ify that the corr ect modem speed and COM port are selec ted. Fo r W in d ows : 1. Open the Contr ol P anel. 2. Double -c lick Syst e m .
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Power On Self Test (POST) and Error Messages 165 P o w er On Se lf T es t (P O S T) and Er r or Mes sage s PO S T is a seri es of diagno stic te sts that runs automati cally w hen the sy stem is tur ned on. An a udible, visual , or both message occ urs if the P OS T encounters a pr oblem.
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 166 164—Memory Siz e Er ror Memory configur ation is incorr ect . 1. Run Computer Setup (F10 Set u p) or Windo ws utilitie s. 2. Be sure memory modules ar e installed pr oper ly . 3. If third-party memory has been added, test using HP only memory .
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Power On Self Test (POST) and Error Messages 167 304—K eyboar d or S ystem Unit Err or Key b o a r d fa i l u r e. 1. R econnect the k ey board w ith wor kstation turned off . 2. Be sur e that none of the ke y s are pr essed .
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 168 94 0 — E x t e n d e d R O M signatur e not fou nd The si gnatur e at the start of the RO M flash is missing .
S ystem Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Power On Self Test (POST) and Error Messages 169 17 8 2—Disk Contr oller Fa il ure H ard driv e ci rcui t ry e rror . 1. Run Computer Setup (F10 Setup) . 2. Clear CMOS. 3. Check cable seating/jumper settings.
System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 170 1800—T emperatur e Aler t Internal temperatur e exceeds specificat ion. 1. Check that w orkstati on air vents are not block ed and cooling f an is running . 2. V er if y pr ocessor speed selection. 3. Replace the pr oce ssor .
S CS I Dev ices A 171 AS C S I D e v i c e s This appendi x pr ov ide s more inf ormati on for se tting up your S CS I hard dr i ve . • “S CSI Gui delines ” on page 17 2 • “Using S CSISelect.
SCSI Devices 172 SC S I G u i d e l i n e s When installing and oper ating S CS I dev ices , you mu st foll ow thes e guidelines: • A w ide (68-p in) SC SI contr oller w ith two channels , one for inter nal dev ices and one f or exter nal dev ices .
S CS I Dev ices A Using SCSISelect with SCSI Devices 173 Us in g S CS I Sel ect wi t h SC S I D e vic e s The Ultr a160 and f aster S CS I host adapt ers include the S CS I Select utility to configur e the host adapter and to run the S CSI disk u tilities.
SCSI Devices 174 SMAR T The SMAR T SC SI har d dri ve s for HP wo rkstati ons hav e built- in dr iv e failur e predi ction that w arns the us er or the networ k administr ator of an impending f ailur e or cr ash of the har d dr iv e.
S CS I Dev ices A Jumpers 175 Jump er s All S CSI controll ers r equire a uniq ue SC SI ID (0–15) f or each S CS I dev ice inst alled. The contr oller identif ies a S CS I dev ice by its S CS I ID number rather than its location .
SCSI Devices 176.
S A T A De vi ces B 177 BS A T A D e v i c e s This appendi x pr o vi des additional inf ormati on for s etting up yo ur SA T A har d dr iv es. • “S A T A Guideline s ” on page 17 8 • “S A T.
SATA Devices 178 SA T A G u i d e l i n e s NO TE: T hese s ystems support a mi xed confi gurati on of S CSI and S A T A hard dri v es. T he HP xw9 300 W or kstation does not support IDE hard dr i ves .
S A T A De vi ces B SATA RAID Configurations 179 S A T A R AID C onf igur ati ons This w orkst ation supports an embedded S A T A RAID . R edundant Ar ra y of Ine xpensiv e Disks (RAID) combines m ultiple phy sical dr iv es together to pr ov ide e ither incr eased perfor mance or incr eased re dundancy .
SATA Devices 180.
Connec tor P ins C 181 C C onnec tor P ins This appendi x pr o vi des pin inf ormatio n for y our s yst em: • “Enhanced K ey boar d” on page 18 2 • “Mouse ” on page 18 2 • “Ethernet RJ.
Connector Pins 182 Enhanced K e y boar d Mous e Ether net RJ- 4 5 Keyb oa rd Co nn e ct or Pin S ig na l 1 2 3 Data Unused Gr ound 4 5 6 +5 VDC Clock Unused Mouse Connec tor Pin Signal 1 2 3 Data Unus.
Connec tor P ins C Serial Interface 183 S er ial In terf ace US B IEEE 13 9 4 Serial Connector Pin Signal 1 2 3 Carrier D etect Rec eive D at a Tr a n s m i t D a t a 4 5 6 Data T er minal Rea dy Sign.
Connector Pins 184 Mic r oph one Headphone L ine -in A udio Li n e - o u t Au d i o Microphone Connec tor (1/8 i nc h) Pin Signal 1 (Tip) 2 (Ring) 3 (Shield) Aud io Po w e r Gr ound Hea dph one C onn .
Connec tor P ins C Ultra SCSI 185 Ultr a S C S I Ultra SCSI con nec tor Pin S ig nal Pin S ig nal 1 +DB12 3 5 -D B12 2 +DB13 3 6 -D B13 3 +DB14 3 7 -D B14 4 +DB15 38 -DB15 5 +DPB1 3 9 -D PB1 6+ D B 0 .
Connector Pins 186 SA T A SA T A Connector Pi n Signal P in Signal Pin Signal Data Cable P ow er Cable P o wer Cable S -1 Gr ou nd P -1 3 . 3- V po w er P -8 5- V po wer S - 2* A+ P - 2 3.
Connec tor P ins C Monitor (VGA) 187 Monitor (V G A ) NO TE: Monitor connec tors can v ary depending on y our conf igur ation . Monitor (D VI) NO TE: Monitor connec tors can v ary depending on y our conf igur ation .
Connector Pins 188 A T A/A T AP I (I DE) S tandar d Dr i v e C able 13 T .M.D .S D A T A 3+ C4 A NAL OG HOR Z S YNC 14 +5V P OW ER C5 ANAL OG GROUND 15 GND ATA / ATA P I ( I D E ) C o n n e c t o r Pi.
Connec tor P ins C 24-Pin Power (Mai n) 189 2 4 -P in P o w er (Main) 8-P in P o w er (f or Pr oce sso rs) 1 24-Pin Main P o wer Connec tor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +3 .3 V +3 .3 V GND +5 V GND +5 V GND 8 9 10 11 12 13 POK +5 V au x +12 V -A +12 V -A +3 .3 V +3 .
Connector Pins 190 6- P i n P o w e r ( A u x i l i a r y P C I E x p r e s s ) NO TE: T he 6 -pin po w er (aux ili ar y P CI Expr ess) is only r equir ed w ith high-po we red gra phics cards .
S y stem Boar d Desi gnators D 191 D S y stem Boar d Designator s This ap pendix list s the system bo ar d designators f or this sy stem . Ta b l e D - 39 Sy ste m Board Desi gnators Designator Silksc.
System Board Design ators 192 P20 N/A Prima r y IDE connecto r P2 3 FRNT A UD F ront panel a udio header P2 4 FRNT USB Fr ont panel U SB header P2 9 HD-LED HDD LED connector P5 0 S A T A1 port 2 Ser i.
P ow er Cord Set Requirements E 193 E P o w er C or d Set R equir ements The po we r cord se t (fle xible cor d or wall plug) r ecei v ed with this pr oduct meets the r equir ements for use in the country w here y ou pur chased the equipment .
Power Cord Set Requirements 194.
R outine Car e F 195 F R outine Car e This appendi x contains the additional inf ormati on for car ing for y our s ystem: • “Gener al Cleaning Sa fety Pr ecautions ” on page 19 6 • “Max imi .
Routine Care 196 Gener al Cleaning S afe t y Pr ecauti ons • Nev er us e sol vents o r flammable solu tions to c lean the w orkst ation . • Nev er immerse an y parts in water or c leaning solutions; a pply an y liquids to a c lean cloth and then use the c loth on the co mponent .
R outine Car e F Maximizing t he Airflow 197 Max imi zing the A irflo w K eep y our wor kstation in an ar ea whe re the airflo w to the fr ont and r ear of the sy stem is not obs truct ed. • If possible, k eep the unit off of surfaces wher e dust can gather .
Routine Care 198 C leaning the W or kstati on Ca se F ollo w pre vi ousl y stated saf ety pr ecauti ons befor e c leaning the works tation . T o c lean the wor kstation cas e: • T o r emo ve light s tains or dirt, us e plain water w ith a clean , lint -f ree c loth or sw ab .
R outine Car e F Cleaning the Keyboard 199 C leaning the K e y boar d F ollow all saf ety precautions stated earli er befor e cleaning the k e yboar d. CA UTION: U se safe t y glas ses equipped w ith side shi elds be for e attempting to clean debr is fr om under the k ey s .
Routine Care 200 C leaning the Monitor F ollow all saf ety precautions stated earli er befor e cleaning the monitor . T o c lean the monitor , wipe the monitor sc reen w ith a clean cloth mo istened w ith water or w ith a tow elette designed f or cleaning monit ors.
R outine Car e F Cleaning the Mouse 201 C leaning the Mouse F ollow all saf ety precautions stated earli er befor e cleaning the mouse . T o clean the mous e: • Clean the mouse ball b y f irst r emov ing the r etaining plate and the ball fr om the housing.
Routine Care 202.
Additional P assw or d Secur ity and R esetting CMO S G 203 G Additi onal P as s w or d Sec ur ity and Re se t t i n g C M OS This w orkst ation supports sec urity pass w ord f eature s, whi ch can be es tablished thr ough the Computer Setup Sec urity menu .
Additional Password Security and Resetting CMOS 204 R eset ti ng t he P ass w o r d Jump er T o disa ble the pow er -on or setup pass wo rd fe atures and c lear the pow er -on and setup pass w ords: 1. Shut do wn the oper ating sy stem and then tur n off the wor kstation and an y exte rnal dev ices .
Additional P assw or d Secur ity and R esetting CMO S G Clearing and Resetting the CMOS 205 C lear ing and R es etting the CMO S The CMO S of the wo rkstati on stor es pass wor d inf ormation and inf ormati on about the wor kstatio n confi guratio n. This s ection desc ribes the s teps to successfull y clear and re set the CMOS .
Additional Password Security and Resetting CMOS 206 Usi ng the CMOS But ton CA UTION: P ushing the CMOS button r esets CMO S value s to factory defa ults and eras es any c ust omiz ed infor mation inc luding passw or ds, as set numbers , and speci al settings.
Quick T roubleshooting F lo ws H 207 HQ u i c k T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g F l o w s This appendi x pr esents some qui ck tr oubles hooting f lowc harts for some common is sues. NO TE: T he flo wcharts pre sented here ar e f or general tr oubleshooting purposes onl y and the y might not apply to y our spec if ic w orkstati on.
Quick Troubleshooting Flows 208 Initi al T r ouble shooting.
Quick T roubleshooting F lo ws H No Power 209 No P o w er No P o w er , P ar t 1.
Quick Troubleshooting Flows 210 No P o w er , P ar t 2.
Quick T roubleshooting F lo ws H No Power 211 No P o w er , P ar t 3.
Quick Troubleshooting Flows 212 No V i deo No V ideo , P art 1.
Quick T roubleshooting F lo ws H No Video 213 No V ideo , P art 2.
Quick Troubleshooting Flows 214 No V ideo , P art 3.
Quick T roubleshooting F lo ws H Error Messages 215 Err or Mes sages Err or M essag es , P ar t 1.
Quick Troubleshooting Flows 216 Err or M essag es , P ar t 2.
Quick T roubleshooting F lo ws H Error Messages 217 Err or M essag es , P ar t 3.
Quick Troubleshooting Flows 218 No O S L oading.
Quick T roubleshooting F lo ws H No OS Loading from Hard Drive 219 No O S L oading fr om H ar d Dr i v e No O S L oading fr om Har d Dr i v e , P art 1.
Quick Troubleshooting Flows 220 No O S L oading fr om Har d Dr i v e , P art 2.
Quick T roubleshooting F lo ws H No OS Loading from Hard Drive 221 No O S L oading fr om Har d Dr i v e , P art 3.
Quick Troubleshooting Flows 222 No O S L oading fr om Disk e t te Dr i v e.
Quick T roubleshooting F lo ws H No OS Loading from CD-ROM Drive 223 No O S L oading fr om CD-R OM Dr i v e.
Quick Troubleshooting Flows 224 No O S L oading f r om Net w ork.
Quick T roubleshooting F lo ws H Non-functioning Device 225 Non -func ti oning De v i ce.
Quick Troubleshooting Flows 226.
Inde x Index 227 24-pin power connector pin assignments 189 6-pin PCI Express connector pin assignments 190 8-pin power for processors connector pin assignments 189 A access panel, installing and remo.
Index 228 heatsink, installing and removing 116 hood cover installation and removal 86 HP Client Management Solutions 54 I IDE connecto r pin assignments 188 IEEE-1394 front panel location 19 rear pan.
Inde x Index 229 protecting hard drive 71 R rear panel components 20 recovery, software 55 remote setup 56 Remote System Installation 56 removable media boot 49 removal and replacement 82 removing acc.
Index 230.
デバイスHP (Hewlett-Packard) xw9300の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP (Hewlett-Packard) xw9300をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP (Hewlett-Packard) xw9300の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP (Hewlett-Packard) xw9300の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP (Hewlett-Packard) xw9300で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP (Hewlett-Packard) xw9300を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP (Hewlett-Packard) xw9300の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP (Hewlett-Packard) xw9300に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP (Hewlett-Packard) xw9300デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。