HPメーカーColor LaserJet 4550の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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HP Color LaserJet 4550/4500 Quic k Ref erence Ser vice Guide Vo l u m e I No vember 2000 Edition www.GovTechMedia.com.
Hewlett-Packard Company 11311 Chinden Boulevard Boise, Idaho 83714 U.S.A. © Cop yright H e wlett-P ac kard Company 2000 All Rights Reser v ed. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written per mission is prohibited, e xcept as allow ed under the cop yr i ght la ws.
EN iii Contents 1 T roub leshooting control panel messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 Ser vice tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3 P ow er supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv EN Or dering other man uals This HP Color LaserJet F amily Quick Ref erence Ser vice Guide has been created to help the HP LaserJet ser vice engineer quic kly troub leshoot common pr inter problems .
EN Overview 5 1 T roub leshooting control panel messages Overview This chapter provides a list of control panel messages f or the HP Color LaserJet printers. Alphabetical messages are listed first, f ollow ed by numerical messages. Control panel messages that are self-e xplanator y are not included.
6 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN Pre-tr oub leshooting chec klist W ARNING! Alwa ys tur n off , then unplug, the pr inter bef ore ser vicing. Current is present in the DC pow er supply whene v er the printer is plugged in. Note The customer is responsib le f or ensur ing that the maintenance units are in good condition.
EN Pre-troubleshooting checklist 7 1 • Has the printer hardware or software configur ation changed? Or could the prob lem be associated with any specific softw are? – Contact the Customer Care Center f or software-related prob lems (see Chapter 11, “ Ser vices and suppor t resources ” ).
8 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN Contr ol panel messa ges Alphabetical messages A CCESS DENIED MENUS LOCKED Appears f or appro ximately 5 seconds when a user has attempted to select a menu v alue while the printer control panel locking is enab led.
EN Control panel messages 9 1 CANNO T DUPLEX CLOSE REAR BIN The printer cannot duplex because the rear output bin is open. 1. Close the rear output bin door .
10 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN CLOSE MIDDLE FR ONT DRA WER The dra wer that holds the intermediate transf er belt is open. This dra wer is called the ITB dr aw er , but is ref erred to as the middle fr ont dra wer f or end users .
EN Control panel messages 11 1 CLOSE UPPER REAR DRA WER Switch SW5 monitors the closing of the printer ’ s upper rear door (this door allows y ou to access the fusing assemb ly). When the fusing door is closed, a tab on the rear door pushes a door s witch actuator that runs along the left-side of the pr inter and closes SW5.
12 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN CLOSE UPPER FR ONT DRA WER The dra wer that holds the imaging drum (the dr um dr aw er) is open.
EN Control panel messages 13 1 CONTINUOUS P A GE PRESS CANCEL JOB (4500) The printer configuration page is being pr inted continuously . l Press [Cancel Job] to ter minate continuous configur ation page printing and retur n the pr inter to the READY state .
14 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN DR UM LIFE LO W REPLA C E DR UM KIT (4500) -or- DR UM LIFE LO W ORDER DR UM KIT (4550) Appro ximately 80 percent of the drum ’ s lif e has been consumed. l Continue printing and order the dr um kit.
EN Control panel messages 15 1 FUSER LIFE LO W REPLA CE KIT (4500) -or- FUSER LIFE LO W ORDER KIT (4550) Appro ximately 95 percent of the fuser ’ s lif e has been consumed. l Continue printing, or replace the fuser kit. Fuser replacement will be required in the near future.
16 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN MEMOR Y SETTINGS CHANGED The I/O b uff er ing settings w ere changed by the printer because there is not enough memor y av ailable to use the pre vious settings . l No action required. How e v er , adding pr inter memor y might pre v ent this from occurring.
EN Control panel messages 17 1 P A GE CANNO T PRINT NO W alter nates with RETR Y WHEN PRINTING ST OPS An inter nal page has been requested while the printer is pr inting an incoming job .
18 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN PRINTING CALIBRA TION PA G E The color calibration page is being printed. The printer retur ns to the READY stage upon completion of this page. l No action is required. PRINTING CONFIGURA TION P A GE The configuration page is being printed.
EN Control panel messages 19 1 PRINTING LASERJET DEMO 2 (4500 only) The demo page is being printed. The pr inter retur ns to the READY state upon completion of this page. l No action is required. PRINTING A CCESSORIES The accessories page is being pr inted.
20 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN REINST ALL TRANSFER BEL T This message occurs if y ou do not hav e the intermediate transf er belt installed in the printer or if the home position mar ks (on the ITB) are not detected b y sensor PS5.
EN Control panel messages 21 1 REMO VE P APER T OP OUTPUT BIN The top output bin holds 250 sheets of paper . Sensor PS9 along with its sensor flag detects the height of the output paper stac k. P erf or m the action items if this message appears with no paper in the output bin.
22 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN SELECT LANGU A GE The language selection pow er-up ke y sequence has been entered. The printer will prompt the user to select a new control panel displa y language once it has completed its initialization process.
EN Control panel messages 23 1 T ONER POSITION [COLOR] = [ST A TE] Indicates the current state of a par ticular toner car tr idge. This message appears when [Select] is pressed while a TONER LOW/OUT message appears. l If necessar y , replace the specified toner car tridge.
24 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN TRA Y X SIZE [SIZE] Media has been loaded into the specified tra y . The most recently configured size will be displa yed with an asterisk next to it. Action: 1. [ – V alue +] might be used to view all possib le media sizes .
EN Control panel messages 25 1 Numerical messages 13.XX Jam Note Ref er to the jam troub leshooting section f or the complete details about locating jams.
26 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN 13.XX Jam alter nates with CHECK MIDDLE FR ONT DOORS Media is jammed in the transf er belt area or media is not pic king. 1 Open the ITB dra wer and remo v e any jammed media. 2 Chec k f or media between the tr ansf er roller and the fusing assemb ly .
EN Control panel messages 27 1 13.1 Jam OPEN MIDDLE FR ONT DRA WER (4500) 13.5 Jam OPEN MIDDLE FR ONT DRA WER (4550) alter nates with CHECK IN REAR OF DRA WER A jam has occurred inside the ITB dra wer area. (The ITB dr a wer is also ref erred to as the middle front dr aw er f or end users.
28 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN 22 P ARALLEL I/O BUFFER O VERFLO W alter nates with PRESS GO T O CONTINUE Indicates the parallel b uff er has o v erflowed. 1. The current data in the print buff er will be lost. 2. Press [Go] to resume printing and then resend the job .
EN Control panel messages 29 1 41.5 UNEXPECTED P APER TYPE alter nates with CHECK P APER IN TRA Y X A tra y is configured f or a specific media type , b ut the printer detects a diff erent media type loaded. The most common cause f or this error is a jam at registration plate (under the ITB) where the customer does not remov e the paper .
30 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN 49.ERR OR XXXX CYCLE PO WER (continued) Note The printer control panel will display 49 (FFFF) and the displa y will be dark if the r ibbon cab le is not connected. T o verify that the f or matter is functioning properl y , run the formatter tests a v ailable in the diagnostics mode .
EN Control panel messages 31 1 49 04E7 (continued) Note This error is primar ily associated with the fir mware and should not require a ne w f or matter . 49 04FF A large print job (800 to 1200 pages) or complex g raphics can cause the printer to quit pr inting.
32 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN 49 04FF (continued) Putting the printer in Lossy mode might affect perf or mance and pr int quality . 49 FFFF Issue repor ted by lif e test when replacing the fuser . This error might also occur during the boot cycle.
EN Control panel messages 33 1 50.x Fuser Err or (continued) X Description: 1 Low temper ature error 2 Fuser warm-up ser vice 3 High fuser temperature 4 F aulty fuser 5 Fuser v oltage mismatch (v er ify that y ou ha v e NO T installed a 110V fuser in a 220V printer or vice-v ersa).
34 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN 50.7 FUSER ERR OR (continued) 4 If the error persists, Obser v e the drive shaft of M1 while po wering on the printer . If this shaft DOES NO T rotate, y our f a ilure is related to the motor drive circuitr y .
EN Control panel messages 35 1 52 SCANNER ERR OR (4550) -or - 52 PRINTER ERR OR (4550) Indicates that a scanner error has occurred. 1 T ur n the pr inter off and on to reset the printer . 2 V er ify connectors J551 on the beam detect PCB , J1103 on the scanner motor , and J1006 on the DC controller are fully seated and connected correctly .
36 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN 54.1 PRINTER ERR OR (continued) CA UTION 54.1 errors can be caused b y damaging the ther mistor while cleari ng fuser jams. 4 Mak e sure there is not a fluctuation in the pow er supply to the printer .
EN Control panel messages 37 1 54.2 PRINTER ERR OR (continued) Note The printer CANNO T operate with the top co v er remov ed unless the carousel brak e has been released or remo v ed. 2 V er ify the carousel driv e motor wiri ng har ness is firmly seated into connector J203 of the de v eloping PCB .
38 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN control ar m of the imaging drum dra wer to J1010 of the DC controller PCB. V er ify that the cable is firmly seated into the J1010 of the DC controller PCB . 3 If the error persists, replace the density sensor assemb ly .
EN Control panel messages 39 1 54.6 PRINTER ERR OR (continued) 4 If the error persists, v erify that all connectors are fir mly seated. 5 Replace ITB dra wer . 55 DC CONTR OLLER ERROR The print engine is not communicating with the f or matter . The communication link between the f or matter and DC controller was lost.
40 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN 57.2 F AN F AILURE The printer detected that the fan (an e xhaust f an located in the upper , right rear cor ner of the pr inter) w as not rotating. This f an, operates off +24Vdc and is enab led by the DC controller PCB ’ s micro-processor .
EN Control panel messages 41 1 62 NO SYSTEM Indicates there is a printer fir mware prob lem. Either there is no fir mw are DIMM installed or the DIMM has f ailed. If the f or matter w as just replaced, mak e sure all DIMMs hav e been mo v ed from the old f or matter to the ne w one.
42 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN 68 NVRAM FULL CHECK SETTINGS Indicates that a non-v olatile storage de vice is full. Some settings might ha v e been reset to f actor y def aults. 1 Chec k pr inter settings to determ ine which v alues ha v e been changed.
EN Troubleshooting paper path problems 43 1 T r oub leshooting paper path pr ob lems P aper jams P aper jams are posted if paper f ails to arriv e at or clear the paper path sensors in the allow ed time.
44 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN P aper jam sensors 1 Registration paper sensor (PS2) 2 Duple x paper-pick sensor (PS3104) 3 Re v ersed unit paper sensor (PS3103) 4 Re v ersed paper sensor (PS3101) 5 Deliv er y paper sensor (PS7) www.
EN Troubleshooting paper path problems 45 1 P aper jam locations Use the figure below to troub leshoot paper jams in the printer . F o r instructions on clear ing paper jams, see the sections later in this chapter .
46 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN T able 1-1 4500 Jam locations and associated err or messages 1 13.11 P aper in the paper path is too long. Check the T ra y 1 area. Check the entire paper path. 8 13.3 Ja m in duple x re verse unit.
EN Troubleshooting paper path problems 47 1 T able 1-2 4550 Jam locations and associated err or messages 1 13.25 P aper in the paper path is too long. Check the T ra y 1 area. Check the entire paper path. 8 13.10 J am in duplex rev erse unit. Inspect the rear of the duple x unit and the duple x tra y .
48 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN General paper path ch ec klist • V er ify that media is correctly loaded in the input tr a ys and that all length and width guides are set correctly .
EN Troubleshooting paper path problems 49 1 Print media chec klist Many print prob lems are caused by printing on media that does not meet specifications. See “ Suppor ted media weights and siz es ” on page 90 and the HP LaserJet Printer F amily Print Media Guide fo r detailed inf or m ation about media specifications .
50 Chapter 1 Troubleshooting control panel messages EN www.GovTechMedia.com.
EN Overview 51 2 Ser vice tools Overview This chapter provides inf ormation on ser vice tools that ser v ice personnel can use to v erify and manipulate inter nal pr inter settings and diagnostics. Note Only authorized ser vice personnel should use the ser vice mode.
52 Chapter 2 Service tools EN Cold Reset Cold reset clears all data from the print buff er and returns the pr inting menu and the configur ation menu to the f actor y def ault settings .
EN Service mode 53 2 Service mode menu map Ser vice menu Seria l number= T ransfer main t count= Fuser maint count= Color page count= To t a l p a g e count= Cold reset paper= Clear ev ent log Cyan re.
54 Chapter 2 Service tools EN Service menu items The Ser vice menu pro vides the options listed below . Press the I TEM ke y to scroll through the Ser vice men u.
EN Service mode 55 2 Registration page Note Y ou m ust set the registration v alues if both the f ormatter and DC controller are replaced at the same time or if the f or matter was pre viously installed in another pr inter . If the DC controller is replaced b y itself , these v alues are copied from the f ormatter to the DC controller .
56 Chapter 2 Service tools EN Registration page www.GovTechMedia.com.
EN Service mode 57 2 Setting registration number s On each of the color bars in the process section are bolded numbers that indicate the current number set on the control panel.
58 Chapter 2 Service tools EN The left-side margin setting is tra y dependent. T ra y 1 has its o wn number while T ra ys 2 and 3 are combined. The procedure is the same as the top margin with one e xception. The page must be printed from the tra y that will be adjusted.
EN Diagnostics mode 59 2 Diagnostics mode This section provides an o v er vie w of the diagnostic tools incor porated into the HP Color LaserJet 4500 series and 4550 ser ies printers. CA UTION Use caution when perf or ming printer diagnostics to av oid risk of injur y .
60 Chapter 2 Service tools EN Formatter diagnostics F or matter diagnostics are designed to be used b y qualified ser vice personnel. This set of tests are designed to thoroughly test the functionality of the f or matter . If all the tests pass, the f or matter is working correctly and it is likely that the prob lem resides else where.
EN Diagnostics mode 61 2 Formatter diagnostics T est Description REPEA T If set to yes , the tests will run continuously until interrupted. In the 4550 series only , [C ANCEL J OB ] will abor t the test. ON F A UL T The f ollo wing will occur f or each setting: BREAK – The test will stop when a f ailure occurs .
62 Chapter 2 Service tools EN Engine diagnostics A good understanding of how the printer operates is required to use the engine diagnostics successfully . T o hav e a better vie w of the areas being e x ercised, remov e the left-side cov er and the ITB dr aw er .
EN Diagnostics mode 63 2 P aper path test Note If an error occurs during the paper path test, the message PATH_1PAPER PATH TEST FAILED displa ys . 1 Press the I TEM k e y until y ou see ENGINE DIAGS PAPER PATH TEST . 2 Press the S ELECT k e y to activ ate the test.
64 Chapter 2 Service tools EN Developer test The de v eloper test rotates the carousel stopping at each toner car tridge and rotating the de v eloper slee v e . F or the best vie w of the carousel and the toner car tr idge slee v es , remov e the drum car tr idge.
EN Diagnostics mode 65 2 P ath sensor s The path sensors test allows the paper path sensors and s witches to be tested f or correct operation. The tab le belo w shows the correlation between the identifier on the f ront panel and the sensor or s witch it represents.
66 Chapter 2 Service tools EN When running this test, make sure the ITB dra wer is installed with T ra y 2 and T ra y 3 (if installed) remo v ed. In this state, the def ault v alue on the front panel should be: 0X111111110010, where the x can be either 0 or 1 .
EN Diagnostics mode 67 2 Door sensor test The door sensor test allows service personnel to open and close doors on the printer while watching the sensor status on the front panel. Switches 4 and 5 are in series with each other , which causes the v alue to toggle under identifier A.
68 Chapter 2 Service tools EN Engine test The printer has one test patter n (ver tical lines). When an image def ect appears, a test print can be made to identify the problem. The test print can be made b y pressing the test pr int switch located on the right side of the printer (see figure below).
EN NVRAM initialization 69 2 NVRAM initialization NVRAM initialization should alwa ys be ex ecuted immediately after replacing the fir mware or the f or matter board. This procedure aligns the fir mware with the f or matter . Not perf or ming NVRAM initialization could result in deterioration of pr int quality .
70 Chapter 2 Service tools EN • Printer ser ial number www.GovTechMedia.com.
EN Overview 71 3 P o w er supply Overview Three pow er supplies are used to po we r v arious sections of the pr inter: A C , DC , and a high-v oltage po wer supply .
72 Chapter 3 Power supply EN A C/DC power suppl y The low-v oltage po wer supply circuit supplies +24 Vdc and +5 Vdc , which is required f or the pr inter , and 3.3 and 5 Vdc, which is required f or the video controller . +24 Vdc • The paper pic kup motor , scanner motor , and high-voltage po wer supply PCB use +24 Vdc.
EN Overcurrent/overvoltage protection 73 3 Over current/o verv oltage pr otection Each DC pow er supply circuit has an ov ercurrent protectiv e function and ov er v oltage protectiv e function.
74 Chapter 3 Power supply EN High-v oltage po wer suppl y The printer contains two high-v oltage PCBs mounted in one assembly . T ogether these PCBs generate the voltage supplied to the f ollowing: .
EN Overview 75 4 Input/Output (I/O) Overview This chapter provides inf ormation on cabling and the printer interf ace. www.GovTechMedia.com.
76 Chapter 4 Input/Output (I/O) EN Enhanced I/O (EIO) configuration Both 4500 series and 4550 ser ies printers come equipped with two enhanced input/output (EIO) slots. These slots hold compatib le e xter nal de vices such as the HP JetDirect 600N Print Ser ver .
EN HP JetDirect print servers 77 4 HP JetDirect print servers HP JetDirect print ser vers (netw or k cards) can be installed in one of the printer EIO slots.
78 Chapter 4 Input/Output (I/O) EN LocalT alk I/O The LocalT alk interface enab les y ou to print directly from a standalone Apple Macintosh computer or from a Macintosh computer on a LocalT alk networ k.
EN Fast InfraRed Receiver (optional) 79 4 • Microsoft Windows 9x, Windo ws NT 4.0, Windo ws 2000 or Mac 8.5 with a LaserWriter 8.6 or higher dr iv er . Note Older non-IrD A-compliant por tab le computers might not be compatib le with the HP F ast Inf raRed Receiv er .
80 Chapter 4 Input/Output (I/O) EN Bidirectional parallel interface When used to describe a parallel interf ace, the term bidirectional indicates that the printer is able to both receiv e data f rom the computer and send data to the computer through the parallel por t.
EN Bidirectional parallel interface 81 4 P arallel cab le pin configuration Use the f ollowing tab le to v erify the correct pin configuration. Signal name Printer pin # Computer por t # nSTR OBE 15 1.
82 Chapter 4 Input/Output (I/O) EN IEEE-1284 compliant parallel cables HP helped de v elop the IEEE-1284 standard and is one of the first companies to introduce products that are compliant with it. HP off ers the f ollowing IEEE-1284 compliant par allel cab les.
EN Configuring the computer interface 83 4 Configuring the computer interface Y ou can v erify that the pr inter is configured properly by printing out a printer configuration page.
84 Chapter 4 Input/Output (I/O) EN 1 Printer inf ormation — Lists the pr inter serial number , PCL/Emulated P ostScr ipt fir mw are re vision, total number of pages printed dur ing the lif e of the printer , and total number of color pages printed during the lif e of the printer .
EN Configuring the computer interface 85 4 13 Printer usage information — (4500 series only; 4550 series usage inf or mation is on the Usage P age) Shows the number of pages printed for the f ollo w.
86 Chapter 4 Input/Output (I/O) EN 14 Calibration density settings — On the bottom row of te xt, there are f our separate b loc ks of numbers . The first b lock is f o r cyan, second f or magenta, third f or y ellow , and the last is f or b lac k. Mak e sure the numbers are not near z ero (if so , no calibration w as done).
EN Configuring the computer interface 87 4 Note F or ro ws one to three, the page count is incremented after e ver y ten pages. Ro w f our is incremented after e v er y end of page . Rows one to f our are counted through the engine . Rows fiv e and six are driver requests.
88 Chapter 4 Input/Output (I/O) EN www.GovTechMedia.com.
EN Overview 89 Overview Use media that meet the specifications listed on the following pages. By doing so, you will minimize the incidents of p aper jams, prevent premature wear to the printer , and reduce repair cost s. Hewlett-Packard recommends testing print media before buying it in large quantities.
90 Chapter 5 Media specifications EN Supported media weight s and sizes The table below shows the media types and sizes supported by the printer and the printer accessories.
EN Supported media weights and sizes 91 5 *T rays 2 and 3 do not support the range of custom sizes available in T ray 1. **T rays 2 and 3 use “custom” size—specifically for B5 ISO. Note Use only HP-supported transparencies (HP p art number C2934A, letter size; C2936A, A4 size).
92 Chapter 5 Media specifications EN Media requirement s Selecting print media Y ou can use many types of p aper and other print media with the HP Color LaserJet printers. This section provides guidelines and specifications for selecting and using dif ferent print media.
EN Media requirements 93 5 Non-supported media Use the following guidelines to avoid poor print quality or damage to your printer: • Do not use paper that is too rough. • Do not use paper that is embossed or coated unless it is specifically recommended for use in the HP Color LaserJet printers.
94 Chapter 5 Media specifications EN T ransp arencies Note Hewlett-Packard recommends using HP Color LaserJet T ransp arencies with this printer . HP products are designed to work together for optimum printing results.
EN Media requirements 95 5 Glossy p aper For optimum results when printing on glossy p aper , select the glossy print setting in the printer driver . Y ou can also use the printer control panel to set the media type to GLOSS for the input tray you are using.
96 Chapter 5 Media specifications EN Envelopes Envelopes can only be printed from T ray 1. For information on loading envelopes, see the section in the online user guide on loading envelopes into T ray 1.
EN Media requirements 97 5 Labels Note T o print labels, Hewlett-Packard recommends configuring T ray 1 as a cassette and setting the tray’ s media type to LABELS in the printer control panel. When printing labels, use the following guidelines: • V erify that the label’s adhesive material can tolerate temperatures of 190° C (374° F) for 0.
98 Chapter 5 Media specifications EN Recycled p aper This printer supports the use of recycled p aper . Recycled paper must meet the same specifications as standard p aper (refer to the HP LaserJet Family Print Media Guide ). The guide is available through HP Direct.
EN General tips 99 5 General tip s Paper curl Paper curl results from both the heating process used to bond the print image (toner) to the paper and from the p ath that the paper must negotiate through the printer . T ake the following actions to help reduce paper curl: 1 T urn the p aper over in the input tray .
100 Chapter 5 Media specifications EN www.GovTechMedia.com.
EN Overview 101 Overview This chapter provides information on toner cartridges and their use. Hewlett-Packard recommends using HP toner cartridges, which are designed specifically to enhance the output from the HP LaserJet family of printers. www.GovTechMedia.
102 Chapter 6 Toner cartridge information EN Approximate replacement intervals for consumable items Y ou can identify consumable items by their labeling and their blue plastic handles. For instructions on installing consumables, see the installation guides supplied with each consumable item.
EN Approximate replacement intervals for consumable items 103 6 1 The approximate average A4/letter-size page count is based on 5 percent coverage of individual toner colors. Page counts are only estimations; usage conditions and print patterns can cause results to vary.
104 Chapter 6 Toner cartridge information EN Potential toner cartridge issues Banding When printing with a laser printer , the toner is applied across the page in horizontal strip s. The page is moved through the printer and toner is continually applied.
EN Potential toner cartridge issues 105 6 T oner cracking When the paper is folded and the crease aligns with a line of text, it is possible with certain types of p aper for the text to break along the line, giving the appearance of a white line through the text.
106 Chapter 6 Toner cartridge information EN T ransfer of toner image (post-image transfer) After printing a document on a HP LaserJet printer , folding it, and sending it through the mail, you might observe that a portion of the print image was transferred to opposing surfaces of the folded document.
EN Potential toner cartridge issues 107 6 HP LaserJet printers have been designed for optimum results with xerographic (laser) bond papers such as HP Multipurpose p aper . The properties of this type of paper (for example, surface roughness, composition, and moisture content) are such that the other causes of potential toner transfer are minimized.
108 Chapter 6 Toner cartridge information EN HP Planet Partners The U. S., Canada, Europe, and Australia now have HP toner cartridge recycling programs. The used toner cartridge should be placed in the wrapper and box that held the new cartridge and sent back for recycling.
EN HP Planet Partners 109 6 Note Recycling information is included in the toner cartridge package. For additional information about HP corporate-wide, environmental policies, practices, and awards, visit www .hp.com . CANADA Canada uses Federal Express for their recycling program.
11 0 Chapter 6 Toner cartridge information EN T oner cartridge refill st atement Hewlett-Packard toner cartridges have been designed to maximize the reliability of the HP LaserJet printer by including all of the components that need frequent replacement or adjustment within the cartridge.
EN Toner cartridge refill statement 111 6 The entire family of HP LaserJet printers is covered under a standard one-year warranty from the date of purchase.
11 2 Chapter 6 Toner cartridge information EN www.GovTechMedia.com.
EN Overview 11 3 Overview The following tables list the product s, product numbers, product descriptions, and service part numbers for each printer . Parts can be ordered through HP Parts Direct Ordering at (800) 227-8164 (U.S. only). For additional product support, see the inside back cover of this guide.
11 4 Chapter 7 Printer options and consumables EN Identifying consumables The following illustrations show the location of the consumables. Consumable locations * * See “Approximate replacement intervals for consumable items” on page 102.
EN Printer options and replaceable parts 11 5 7 Printer options and replaceable p art s Printer options and replaceable p art s Product Product number Product description 4500 p art number 4550 p art .
11 6 Chapter 7 Printer options and consumables EN Network connectivity J31 10A HP JetDirect 600N for ethernet (10Base-T [RJ-45]) J31 10-69001 J31 10-69001 J31 1 1 A HP JetDirect 600N for ethernet (10B.
EN Printer options and replaceable parts 11 7 7 Options C4082A 500-sheet input tray C4082-67901 C4082-67901 C4083A Duplex unit (two- sided printing) C4083-67901 C4083-67901 C4235A HP Color LaserJet 45.
11 8 Chapter 7 Printer options and consumables EN Consumables C4195A Drum kit R94-4001- 410CN R94-4001- 410CN C4196A T ransfer kit R96-5009- 000CN R96-5009- 000CN C4197A Fuser kit (1 10V) R96-5007- 00.
EN Overview 11 9 Overview This chapter provides the part numbers and descriptions of the most commonly used assemblies and subassemblies in the HP LaserJet color printers. The shaded numbers in the tables refer to the location of the part in the printer , as shown in the corresponding illustrations.
120 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN Common fasteners Illustration Description S ize Uses Screw , machine w/washer M3X6 M3X10 M3X12 M3X14 T o hold plastic to metal example: the skins Screw , self- tapping M.
EN Parts lists and illustrations 121 8 Part s list s and illustrations The following illustrations and their respective part s tables list the field replaceable units (FRU) for this printer . Each table includes the name of the part (description), p art number , quantity , and reference number pointing to the part and location in the illustration.
122 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN Part s for the HP LaserJet 4500 series External covers, p anels, etc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 11 www.GovTechMedia.com.
EN Parts lists and illustrations 123 8 Note Early CLJ4500 printers (serial numbers xxGxxxxxxx and below) have two versions of the drum drawer cover and the upper (drum) drawer Ref Description Qty Part.
124 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN assembly . If the drum drawer cover requires replacement, first determine whether you have the original version of the drum drawer by locating a bar code label with a part number of RG5-3315 on the inside of the drum drawer cover , just to the right of the fan cover .
EN Parts lists and illustrations 125 8 T op cover assembly Ref Description Qty Part s for 4500 s/n xxG and below Part s for 4500 s/n xxH and above Part s for 4550 1 Cover , top 1 RG5-3300- 000CN RG5-5150- 000CN RG5-5150- 000CN 2 Cover , toner access 1 RF5-2076- 000CN RF5-3137- 000CN RF5-3137- 000CN 1 2 www.
126 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN CAUTION T wo versions of the HP Color LaserJet 4500 series printers are available. Before ordering part s, you will need to identify which printer version you are servicing. For more information, see page 121. 4 2 1 3 9 6 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 14 17 18 www.
EN Parts lists and illustrations 127 8 Internal component s (1 of 3) Internal component s (1 of 3) Ref Description Qty Part s for 4500 s/n xxG and below Part s for 4500 s/n xxH and above Part s for 45.
128 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN 11 Fu s er , 2 20 V 1 RG5-3251- 000CN C4084- 69003* RG5-3251- 000CN C4084- 69003* RG5-5155- 050CN C4084- 69003* 12 Kit, Fuser Deflector 1 C4084-67906 C4084-67906 C4084-6.
EN Parts lists and illustrations 129 8 Internal component s (2 of 3 1 3 4 2 7 5 6 www.GovTechMedia.com.
130 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN CAUTION T wo versions of the HP Color LaserJet 4500 series printers are available. The 4550 series printer is similar to the newer version of the 4500 printer , but does contain some new service pa rts. Before ordering part s, you will need to identify which printer version you are servicing.
EN Parts lists and illustrations 131 8 Internal component s (3 of 3) 1 2 12 13 11 10 9 4 5 6 8 14 3 -A 14 -B 7 (SW3) www.GovTechMedia.com.
132 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN Internal component s (3 of 3) Ref Description Qty Part s for 4500 s/n xxG and below Part s for 4500 s/n xxH and above Part s for 4550 1 Guide, drum drawer cable 1 RB2-14.
EN Parts lists and illustrations 133 8 CAUTION T wo versions of the HP Color LaserJet 4500 series printers are available. The 4550 series printer is similar to the newer version of the 4500 printer , but does contain some new service pa rts. Before ordering part s, you will need to identify which printer version you are servicing.
134 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN Developing carousel assembly Ref Description Qty Part s for 4500 s/n xxG and below Part s for 4500 s/n xxH and above Part s for 4550 1 Fan, large 1 RH7-1346- 000CN RH7-1.
EN Parts lists and illustrations 135 8 CAUTION T wo versions of the HP Color LaserJet 4500 series printers are available. The 4550 series printer is similar to the newer version of the 4500 printer , but does contain some new service pa rts. Before ordering part s, you will need to identify which printer version you are servicing.
136 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN PCB assemblies PCB assemblies Ref Description Qty Part s for 4500 s/n xxG and below Part s for 4500 s/n xxH and above Part s for 4550 1 Developing PCB 1 RG5-381 1- 000CN.
EN Parts lists and illustrations 137 8 *These part s require exchange CAUTION T wo versions of the HP Color LaserJet 4500 series printers are available. The 4550 series printer is similar to the newer version of the 4500 printer , but does contain some new service pa rts.
138 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN Paper pick-up assembly (1 of 3) 2 1 5 4 3 www.GovTechMedia.com.
EN Parts lists and illustrations 139 8 CAUTION T wo versions of the HP Color LaserJet 4500 series printers are available. The 4550 series printer is similar to the newer version of the 4500 printer , but does contain some new service pa rts. Before ordering part s, you will need to identify which printer version you are servicing.
140 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN Paper pick-up assembly (2 of 3) 2 3 6 9 10 13 19 16 15 17 20 21 22 25 27 28 7 8 11 12 14 18 23 24 26 29 30 31 1 4 5 32 33 34 35 www.
EN Parts lists and illustrations 141 8 CAUTION T wo versions of the HP Color LaserJet 4500 series printers are available. The 4550 series printer is similar to the newer version of the 4500 printer , but does contain some new service pa rts. Before ordering part s, you will need to identify which printer version you are servicing.
142 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN 12 Bushing 2 RS5-1293- 000CN RS5-1293- 000CN RS5-1293- 000CN 13 Gear , 31 T 1 RS6-0136- 000CN RS6-0136- 000CN RS6-0136- 000CN 14 Motor (M2), stepping 1 RH7-1343- 000CN R.
EN Parts lists and illustrations 143 8 25 Gear , 26T 1 RS6-0149- 000CN RS6-0149- 000CN RS6-0149- 000CN 26 Gear , 37T 1 RS6-0143- 000CN RS6-0143- 000CN RS6-0143- 000CN 27 Sensor , paper size 1 RG5-3234.
144 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN Paper pick-up assembly (3 of 3) 1 2 3 5 7 20 22 23 25 24 26 27 6 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 28 33 32 29 30 30 31 www.
EN Parts lists and illustrations 145 8 Paper pick-up assembly (3 of 3) Ref Description Qty Part s for 4500 s/n xxG and below Part s for 4500 s/n xxH and above Part s for 4550 1 Cable, fusing/ option 1.
146 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN 14 Clutch (CL4), electromagneti c 1 RH7-5180- 000CN RH7-5180- 000CN RH7-5180- 000CN 15 Gear , 16T 1 RS6-0151- 000CN RS6-0151- 000CN RS6-0151- 000CN 16 Clutch (CL3), elec.
EN Parts lists and illustrations 147 8 CAUTION T wo versions of the HP Color LaserJet 4500 series printers are available. The 4550 series printer is similar to the newer version of the 4500 printer , but does contain some new service pa rts. Before ordering part s, you will need to identify which printer version you are servicing.
148 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN Alphabetical p art s list CAUTION T wo versions of the HP Color LaserJet 4500 series printers are available. The 4550 series printer is similar to the newer version of the 4500 printer , but does contain some new service pa rts.
EN Alphabetical parts list 149 8 Description Part s for 4500 series xx G ... and below Part s for 4500 series xx H... and above Part s for HP Color LaserJet 4550 printer Cable, ITB RG5-3786- 000CN RG5.
150 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN Description Part s for 4500 series xx G ... and below Part s for 4500 series xx H... and above Part s for HP Color LaserJet 4550 printer Continuous toner level sensor PC.
EN Alphabetical parts list 151 8 Description Part s for 4500 series xx G ... and below Part s for 4500 series xx H... and above Part s for HP Color LaserJet 4550 printer Drum bushing assembly RG5-3319.
152 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN Description Part s for 4500 series xx G ... and below Part s for 4500 series xx H... and above Part s for HP Color LaserJet 4550 printer Gear , 18T/14T RS6-0157-000CN RS.
EN Alphabetical parts list 153 8 Description Part s for 4500 series xx G ... and below Part s for 4500 series xx H... and above Part s for HP Color LaserJet 4550 printer ICL cam assembly RG5-3242- 000.
154 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN Description Part s for 4500 series xx G ... and below Part s for 4500 series xx H... and above Part s for HP Color LaserJet 4550 printer Paper size sensor PCB RG5-3816- .
EN Alphabetical parts list 155 8 *These part s require exchange Description Part s for 4500 series xx G ... and below Part s for 4500 series xx H... and above Part s for HP Color LaserJet 4550 printer.
156 Chapter 8 Printer parts EN www.GovTechMedia.com.
EN Overview 157 Overview This chapter includes information on the following topics: • The printer cleaning page • Image formation troubleshooting • Examples of image defects and recommended corrective actions • Overhead transparency defect troubleshooting • Repetitive defect troubleshooting www.
158 Chapter 9 Image quality EN Image formation troubleshooting Before beginning image formation troubleshooting, check that the media meets the specifications listed in the HP Laser Jet Printer Family Print Media Guide.
EN Image formation troubleshooting 159 9 Common causes of color variation The following list outlines the major causes of color variations between computers, applications, and output devices. • Halftone patterns produced on monitors and the types of p atterns used in the print jobs are dif ferent and might cause variations in the printed output.
160 Chapter 9 Image quality EN Color selection process The user selects the color in the application, but the operating system might convert or modify some characteristics of the color before sending the information to the printer driver . The printer driver might also modify color characteristics depending upon the selected output mode.
EN Image formation troubleshooting 161 9 HP ColorSmart II HP ColorSmart II is a set of technologies that enables optimal color output automatically for diverse types of documents. HP ColorSmart II utilizes object tagging and S t andard RGB (sRGB) color technologies.
162 Chapter 9 Image quality EN Matching colors The process of matching printer output color to your monitor is quite complex because printers and computer monitors use different methods of producing color .
EN Image formation troubleshooting 163 9 For more information about using P ANTONE®* colors, see the Readme file for the P ANTONE® color-matching system included on the printing system CD-ROM. Note Color settings, halftone settings, and print media af fect the appearance of P ANTONE®* colors.
164 Chapter 9 Image quality EN Adjusting color balance This printer features automatic color calibration to provide high-quality color output. In situations that require critical color control, you can manually adjust the density balance of the printer ’s four toner colors.
EN Image formation troubleshooting 165 9 Color balance calibration p age S tep 2: Adjust the cyan (C) density setting Examine the cyan density bar (C) on the color balance calibration page from a distance of 2 meters (6 feet).
166 Chapter 9 Image quality EN 3 Press S ELECT to save the value. An asterisk ( * ) displays next to the selected setting. Step 3: Adjust the magent a (M ) density setting Examine the magenta density bar (M).
EN Image formation troubleshooting 167 9 2 Press the right side of the V ALUE key to increase the value, or press the left side to decrease it, until the number corresponding to the oval that most closely matches the background pattern is displayed. 3 Press S ELECT to save the value.
168 Chapter 9 Image quality EN Image Defect T able For more information, see the page numbers below each image. Image Defect T able Background scatter (see page 170) Banding and horizontal lines (see .
EN Image Defect Table 169 9 Additional defect information is found in the following sections: • Overhead transparency defect s (see p age 184) • Repetitive defects (see p age 187) Irregular raised.
170 Chapter 9 Image quality EN Image defect det ails • The media does not meet HP specifications. • The toner cartridge is defective. • The inside of the printer is dirty . • The transfer roller is dirty or worn. Generate a cleaning page. Banding occurs when solid fill areas show streaks or bands of shade variations.
EN Image defect details 171 9 • Observe the following from the test sample: – Check the spacing or “pitch” between the defect s. – Check to see if the defect spans all color planes.
172 Chapter 9 Image quality EN • The toner cartridge is defective. • The toner cartridge is not seated properly . • The fusing assembly is contaminated or damaged. • The static eliminator teeth are cont aminated or defective • The imaging drum is damaged or the waste toner collection in the drum is full.
EN Image defect details 173 9 • Y our software application is sending an extra p age-eject command. – Check the software’ s printing configuration information. • There is a problem with the network configuration. Some sharing devices on networks may generate a blank page as a sep arator .
174 Chapter 9 Image quality EN • The page length and margins are not set correctly for the p aper size. V erify that the ribbon connector at J1307 of the HVPS is properly seated. • If the HVPS has been removed recently , verify that the ribbon connector from the DC controller PCA to the HVPS is properly seated at both ends.
EN Image defect details 175 9 • Make sure clutch CL2 is connected (plugged into the paper PCA). • This defect can be caused by improper timing on the ITB clutch gears. Make sure that the cams are in sync. The two white gears on the left side of the printer should have two timing marks pointing toward each other .
176 Chapter 9 Image quality EN • The paper does not meet HP p aper specifications. • The printer ’s operating environment does not meet specifications. • The print density is set incorrectly .Change to a darker setting and retry printing. • The DC controller PCA is defective.
EN Image defect details 177 9 • The internal mirror or optics are contaminated. • The laser scanner is damaged. • The document scanner needs to be recalibrated. • There is a problem in the contact image sensor . • There is a problem in the formatter .
178 Chapter 9 Image quality EN • T oner collected on the transfer belt can cause smudging on the back of the page. Smudges commonly appear on the edges of p ages after the media size is changed. The belt is self-cleaning and the smudging will normally clear within a few pages.
EN Image defect details 179 9 • The letterhead you are using is printed on rough paper . T ry a smooth xerographic paper . If this solves your problem, consult with the printer of your letterhead to verify that the paper used meet s the specifications for this printer .
180 Chapter 9 Image quality EN • Loose toner is in the printer . • The toner cartridge is defective. • The paper is too smooth. • The driver setting for the paper type is wrong. • The fuser is defective.. Print a configuration page, and refer to the color blocks at the bottom of the page.
EN Image defect details 181 9 • Use paper with lower resistivity . • Make sure the humidity and temperature are within specifications. • Do not use Automatic Duplex mode. Duplex manually or not at all. • Check for a defective light pipe sensor .
182 Chapter 9 Image quality EN • There is dirt on the paper . • The fusing rollers are dirty . • The paper does not meet HP specifications. • The toner cartridge is defective. • The fusing assembly is defective. • There is dirt in the printer .
EN Image defect details 183 9 • This may be a repetitive defect. If so, the lines will be repeated at a consistent interval down the page. • The printer needs to be cleaned.
184 Chapter 9 Image quality EN Overhead transp arency defect s Overhead transparencies may display any of the image quality defect s shown in the previous samples. In addition, because transparencies are pliable while in the print path, they are subject to being marked by the media-handling components.
EN Overhead transparency defects 185 9 • If the transparency colors are dull or dark, ensure the transp arencies meet the specifications for this printer (part number C2934A for letter , and C2936A for A4). • The selected colors are undesirable when printed.
186 Chapter 9 Image quality EN If the transparencies have streaks, this could be due to condensed wax from the toner making its way onto the fuser assembly rollers during the fusing process. T ry cleaning the fuser rollers using the following process: 1 Saturate a corner of a lint-free, static-free wipe with isopropyl alcohol.
EN Repetitive defects troubleshooting 187 9 Repetitive defect s troubleshooting Repetitive defects are defect s that occur on the p age. Most repetitive defects are caused by problems with one of the following: See the service manual for the repetitive defect ruler .
188 Chapter 9 Image quality EN • If the problem is dust, remove the dust with isopropyl alcohol applied with a lint-free, static-free wipe. T ry this only if the print defect is unacceptable and the only other alternative is replacing the imaging drum.
EN Repetitive defects troubleshooting 189 9 Imaging drum exposed to light (not to scale) www.GovTechMedia.com.
190 Chapter 9 Image quality EN www.GovTechMedia.com.
EN Overview 191 Overview This chapter provides wiring diagrams. www.GovTechMedia.com.
192 Chapter 10 Wiring diagrams EN Wiring Diagrams Wiring diagram for 4500 serial number xxG ... and below (1 of 2) J1007 J61 J62 J60 J601 J602 J1009 J1004 5 J1013 J1010 J1008 J1006 Cassette paper sens.
EN 193 10 Wiring diagram for 4500 serial number xxG ... and below (2 of 2) Fusing unit pressure release sensor DC controller Laser/scanner assembly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2.
194 Chapter 10 Wiring diagrams EN Wiring diagram for 4500 serial number xxH... and above and 4550 (1 of 2) www.GovTechMedia.com.
EN 195 10 Wiring diagram for 4500 serial number xxH... and above and 4550 (2 of 2) www.GovTechMedia.com.
196 Chapter 10 Wiring diagrams EN www.GovTechMedia.com.
EN Overview 197 Overview This chapter provides information on obtaining training, support, and materials. www.GovTechMedia.com.
198 Chapter 11 Services and support resources EN How to get training Lecture/lab training (U.S. only) Service technicians who want individual, hands-on training can attend regularly scheduled lecture/lab training classes. These classes are of fered throughout the country .
EN Support resources—North America 199 11 Support resources—North America HP Customer Care Reseller Sales and Service Support Center The HP Customer Care Reseller Sales and Service Support Center is available for technical support to assist service technicians.
200 Chapter 11 Services and support resources EN to anyone with FTP access to the Internet. Access through the World Wide W eb is available at URL http://www .
EN HP end-user support options 201 11 Ordering p art s Field replaceable and accessory part numbers are found in Chapter 8 of this manual. Replacement part s can be ordered from HP’ s Commercial Support Services Organization-Americas (CSSO-A) or HP’ s Commercial Support Services Organization-Europe (CSSO-E).
202 Chapter 11 Services and support resources EN • Other local telephone numbers may also be available Ordering field replaceable unit s The HP Color LaserJet 4500 printer is designed to be rep aired by replacing field replaceable units (FRUs). Part numbers are located in chapter 8 and can be ordered from CSSO-A or CSSO-E.
EN HP end-user support options 203 11 Ordering document ation and software The table below shows ordering sources for related document ation and software.
204 Chapter 11 Services and support resources EN Support resources—Asia Pacific and Europe HP Customer Care Centers in Asia Pacific Country Customer Care Center Service Center Singapore 65-2725300 H.
EN 205 Acronyms and abbreviations AC Alternating current AUTOCONT Automatic continue BNC A 10-Base 2 connector used with coaxial cables CFG Configuration on control panel DC Direct current DCPS Direct.
206 Appendix A Acronyms and abbreviations EN MB Megabyte MEM Memory MIO Modular input/output MP pickup roller Multipurpose tray pick-up roller MP T ray Multipurpose tray MSDS Material safety data shee.
EN Index 207 Symbols +24 Vdc power supply 72 +3.3 Vdc power supply 72 +5 Vdc power supply 72 A abbreviations 205 – 206 AC power supply 72 accessories See also consumables acronyms 205 – 206 adjust.
208 Index EN imaging drum cartridge 114 intermediate transfer belt 114 toner cartridges 114 transfer roller 114 consumables 118 approximate replacement intervals 102 drum kit 102 error messages 103 fu.
EN Index 209 Index home position detection sensor (PS5) 20 HP Customer Care Center 200, 204 HP JetDirect print servers 77 HP LaserJet Family Paper Specification Guide 92 HP Parts Direct Ordering 113 H.
210 Index EN memory 115 configuration report 84 ordering 115 part numbers 115 product description 115 menu service 54 messages, control panel 8 – ?? models drum drawers 124 monitors, affect on color.
EN Index 21 1 Index power supply +24 Vdc 72 +3.3 Vdc 72 +5 Vdc 72 AC 71, 72 DC 71, 72 high-voltage 71, 74 print servers HP JetDirect 77 printer cable pin configuration 81 configuration page, interpret.
212 Index EN service mode access 52 menu 51 menu map 53 service menu items 54 service menu, access 52 software, ordering 203 Standard RGB (sRGB) 161 support assistance 199 information, obtaining 199 s.
EN Index 213 Index W warranty assistance 199 in-warranty 200 post-warranty 200 Windows FIR compliance 79 wiring diagrams 192 – 195 www.GovTechMedia.com.
214 – Index EN www.GovTechMedia.com.
Serv ice W e bsites HP Customer Care Online Software driv ers, suppor t documentation, and frequently ask ed questions http://www .hp.com/go/support HP T echnical T raining (Nor th Amer ica) Classes and schedules http://www .hp.com/go/resellertraining Pa r t s P ar ts inf or mation http://outfield.
Serv ice telephone n umber s All numbers listed are f or Nor th America only . HP Customer Care Reseller Sales and Ser vice Suppor t Center Dealer pre/post sales and ser vice suppor t (800) 544-9976 U .
EN www.GovTechMedia.com.
*5963-7921* * * 5963-7921 596 3 - 79 2 1 cop y r i ght © 2000 He w let t-P ac k ar d C o . ww w .hp .com/su ppor t/lj4 5 50 english www.GovTechMedia.com.
デバイスHP Color LaserJet 4550の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP Color LaserJet 4550をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP Color LaserJet 4550の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP Color LaserJet 4550の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP Color LaserJet 4550で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP Color LaserJet 4550を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP Color LaserJet 4550の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP Color LaserJet 4550に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP Color LaserJet 4550デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。