HPメーカーLaserJet 5MPの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Service Supplement HP LaserJet 5P / 5MP / 6P / 6MP Printer (C3150A / C3155A / C3980A / C3982A).
Service Supplement HP LaserJet 5P / 5MP Printe r (C3150 A / C3155A).
© Copyright Hewlett- Packa rd Company 199 5 All Rights Reserved. Repro- duction, adaptat ion, or translation without prior written permission is pro- hibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
Con venti ons This manual uses the following con v ention s: Colo r is used to em phasize items which are impo rtant to the mate rial un der d iscussio n. The nam es of major printe r parts and ass emblies are Capit alized. Bold is used for emphasis, p articular ly in situations whe re it alic type would b e confusing.
Conte nts Ove rview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Produ ct Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Key Prin ter Loca tion s an d Pa rts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Model and Serial Numbers . . . . .
Accesso ries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 iv.
HP LaserJet 5P Printer Servic e Supplement.
Overview The HP Lase rJet 5P and 5MP prin ters (HP Prod uct Numbers C3150A and C3155A) have many service and repair processes in commo n with th eir predecessor s, th e HP Lase rJet 4L/4ML and 4P/4MP printe rs.
Product Information Print e r Featu res Features Print Speed 6 PP M Text & G raphics Res olutio n 600 dpi; p lus Resolutio n Enhance ment Techn ology (REt) Print er Languages HP Las erJet 5P HP La.
Key Printe r Locations and Parts. 1. Status Panel 5. Infrared Port an d Status Light 2. Top Output Tray 6. Removable Side Panel 3. Tray 1 - MultiPurpose T ray 7. Interface Cable Door 4. Tray 2 - 250-sheet Paper Cassette 1. Top Cover Release Button 3 .
Model and Serial Numbers The mode l numbe r and serial numbers are liste d on identific ation labels located on the rear of the printer. The mode l numbe r is alphanume ri c, such as C3150A for the HP Las erJe t 5P printer and C3155A for the HP Lase rJet 5MP printer.
Product S pecificati ons Dim e nsio ns Widt h 15.79 in. (401 mm) Depth 17.38 in. (441.7mm) Heig ht 7.92 in. (201.1mm) Weig ht 15.4 lbs. (7 kg ) Figure 4.
Electrical Specifications Power Requirements 100/1 20V (+/- 1 0%) 50/6 0Hz (+/- 2 Hz) 127 Volts NOM 220/24 0V (+/- 10 %) 50 Hz (+ /- 2Hz) Power Consumption (typical for HP LaserJet 5P and HP LaserJet .
Documentation and Software Docume ntation You can order the documents listed b elow. There is a charge f or some d ocument s. Title Part Nu mber The PCL/PJL Technical Reference Package contains the following documents* 5961-0601 PCL5 Printer Languag e Technical Reference Man ual.
Softw are The follow ing software drive r diskettes are ship ped with th e C3150A HP LaserJe t 5P printer: • The HP LaserJet 5P DOS Util ities and DOS Printer Drivers diskette. The DOS utilities inc lude a Status Monitor and Remo t e Control Pane l.
New Product Features The HP LaserJe t 5P/5MP Status Panel This HP LaserJe t printe r has been designed to be contr olled mainly by so f tware. However, some s imple func t ions are also available from the status panel.
Pressin g the GO bu tton: • Tells the prin t er to resume printing. • Prints a demo p age. Th e print er must be in R eady M ode (the green Read y light on st eady). • Prints a self-test pag e wh en press ed simultaneously wit h t he RESET but t on.
TRAY 1 (amber ) Tra y 1 ( the MP tra y) is empt y. Ad d pap er to T ray 1 . Wh en th e Tray 1 light is flashing, the p rinter is waiting for pap er to be manually fed into Tray 1. On ce you hav e inse r ted the paper, you mu st press the G O button to fee d the pape r.
Light Pattern Descrip tion The printer is in Ready Mode and is rea dy to print. Press the GO button to print a demo page. Press the GO and RESET buttons to print a self-test page. The printer has received data. If the Ready light is flas h ing, the printer is processing the data—wait for the next pag e to be printed.
Light Pattern Descriptio n Tray 2 (the Paper Cassette) is empty. Add paper to the tray. A data er ror has occurred . Press the GO button to continue printing (some d a ta may be lost). For more information, s e e “Data Error Light Patterns,” later in this appendix.
Light Pattern Descrip tion A fatal error has occurred. Turn the print e r o ff and then back on. If the same l ight pattern reappears, turn the printer off again a nd leave it off for about 10 mi nu tes, t hen turn it back on. If the same light pattern reap pears.
Paper Mo vement Overview The pap er feed system p icks print media aut omatica lly from the paper cassette or accepts it from the manual feed slot and delivers it t o th e image formation system at prec isely th e right time.
PS1 Input Paper Sensor Input Paper Sensor (PS1) Posit ion s: PS2 Tray 2 Paper Out Sensor A = M an ual Feed S en se Posi tion PS3 Exit Pape r Sensor B = Registration Sense Position PS4 Winding Paper Se.
Infrared C ommunication The HP Lase rJet 5P and 5MP prin ters are equipp ed with an Infrar ed Datalink Association (IrDA) compliant port. The IrDA specif ication allows "wir eless" transmis sion of print data be tween a wi de v arie ty of hos ts (p rima ry) an d pe ripher al (seco ndary) devic es .
Sy stem Re quire ments • Hardw are • Both the pr imary and secondary devic es must be eq uipped with an IrDA-comp liant IR compone n t. Older, non- I rD A- compliant devic es may not be compatible with the HP Lase rJet 5P/MP pr inters.
T o Print Us ing the Infrared Port The infrar ed (IR) port on your HP LaserJe t 5P or 5MP p rinter is located on the low er front left corner of the printe r (Figure 8). This port is compliant with the specif ications determined by the Infr ared Data Associatio n (IrDA ).
(1 m) of the IR port on the printe r and at an a ngle of ±15 degrees to ensure printing (Figu re 9). 3. Send the p rint job. The status light above the IR port turns o n (printing a complex document or using a s oftware print spooler on yo ur PC m ay delay the time it takes for the I R status light to turn on).
If you still have problems print ing, make sure you are using an IrDA-comp liant device and proper softwar e and h ave selected the proper port for printing. See "Infrared Port Not Respondin g " on page 65. Note The IrDA standar d for infra red communic ations represents an emerging techno l ogy .
If all these elements are properly inst alled and configur ed, use the IR test tool to test the IrDA protoco l trans mission and devic e operatio n. This tool for troubles hooting IR communic ation problems , shown in Figure 10, has been develop ed by Genoa Tech nology, Inc .
If the "PASS" LED lights, the test was suc cessful, indicat ing that communicat ion with the printer’s IR p ort is functioning no rmally. On HP LaserJe t printers , a self-test page will be initiat ed by the te st.
Interface Connections Your HP LaserJet 5P or 5MP print er sup p or ts the following interfaces (see Figure 11): • Two IEEE-1284–c ompliant parallel ports at the back of the prin t er— one large B-type and one small C-type. • One LocalTalk port at the back of the printer.
The P arallel P rinter Interface s These inter faces are compliant with IE EE-1284 specificat ions for "Compatibilit y Mode” and “Nibble Mode ” or “HP Bi-tronics ”.
Resource Sa ving Resour ce Saving give s the p rinter the ability to save certain entitie s such as perm anent soft fonts , macros, symbo l sets and user- d ef ined graphic s patt erns when the printer ch anges perso nalities, reso lutions or page prot e c t m od es.
I/O Buffering I/O buffering allo ws the us er to allocat e printer m emory to h old the job while it pr ints, freeing up the host system soone r, like a print spooler.
THIS PAGE INTEN TIONALLY LEFT BLANK HP LaserJet 5P Print er Service Supplement New Product Features 29.
Service Mode, PJL Defaults The Servic e Mode should be used only by authorize d service per s onne l. While in Serv ice Mode, you ca n: • Prin t a Ser vice Mode S elf Test. • Verify and s et the Page Co unt (the page c ount also is displaye d on the standard self test).
Common PJL Comma nds PJL Com mand Expl anation E C %-12345X@PJL Start PJ L job. @PJL SET S ERVICEMODE =HPBOISEID Enter Service Mo d e @PJL SET PAGES=0 Set page count [= xxxxx ] @PJL SET CRPAPER=LETTER.
T est Page s and Rese ts Test pages, resets, and NVRAM initialization can all be performed by using the GO and RES ET button s on the HP LaserJe t 5P/5MP printer status pa nel. Table 2 sh ow s h ow to perform these tests and diagnos ti c fu nctions. FUNC TION A CTIO N RES UL T Self Te st Press GO and RESET buttons simultaneously.
Printing a Self-T est Page You can pr int a sel f-tes t page to get inform ation abou t you r printer’s cur rent se t tings, options, and print quality. You can use this page t o troublesh o ot print q uality proble ms and to view cur rent print densit y and Resolution Enh ancement settings so you can adju st the m.
Figu re 1 2. HP La serJ et 5P Self- Tes t Pa ge HP La serJet 5P Print er Service Suppl ement Service Mode, PJL Defaults 34.
Key to Figure 12. Sel f-Test Page Item Explan ation 1 Printer Options: Lists printer optio ns you can a djust using your printer softw are (see Ap pendix F, “Software Pro cedures”) . 2 Test Pa ges: Shows test p ages you can p rint from yo ur printe r.
Life Expectancy of Consumables Always inspec t the com p on ents listed in the follow ing table for wea r when se rvici ng th e pri nter. R eplace t hese com ponents as need ed, based on pr inter failure s or wea r, not strictly on usa ge. DES CRIPTI ON PART NO.
Removal and Replacement Overvie w The removal and replac e ment p rocedures for many HP LaserJet 5P print e r Fie ld R ep laceable Units (FRUs) ar e identic al to the HP Lase rJet 4L a nd 4 P print ers .
Note Always r emove the toner c artridge and the paper c assette from the printer before removing or rep lacing printer parts. Required T ools Refer to p age 6-3 o f the Combine d Service M anual. A TORX T-10 head screwdrive r is need ed t o remove the formatter shield .
Removing the Power Door The Power Door is locat ed on the right rear of the printer. 1. Ensure the powe r to the print e r is tu rned OFF. 2. Grasp th e power do or by the fin ger slot dir ectly above the power cord, and swing the rear of the door out and forward.
Removing the Left Side Cover 1. D is con ne c t all I/O cables. 2. Pr ess the Top Cover Release button on the ri ght side o f the printer, and o pen the t op cover. 3. Pr ess th e remo vable side panel release latch sh o wn in Figure 14. 4. Slid e the cover forwar d and pull straight away from the side of the p rinter.
Removing the T op Co ver 1. Remove the toner car tridge and pape r cassette if they have not already been removed. 2. Remove the (4) self-tap ping printer cover screws (Figu re 15). 3. G rasp t he l ower l eft front corne r of the top c over, and l ift it forwar d and up.
6. Lif t the rear o f the print er slight ly. Grasp the low e r righ t back corner. With your thumbs, flex the plastic towar d you, up, and out. Figure 16 shows this process for the rear right corner. Repeat th e process for t he left rear corner. Note Note the p os ition of the tabs and the cat ches carefully.
Replac ement Note When reseating the top cover onto the printer frame, ensure the black paper-out flag in front of Tray 1 is seate d in the groo ve of the Tray 1 lift plate. If not in the groove, it can easily break when th e co ver is forc e d into place.
Removing the T ray 1 Pickup Assembl y 1. R emove Tra y 1 by opening the tray at a 45° angle and pulling up on the tray (Figure 18). 2. U nplug th e two cab les (Callo ut 2 in Figur e 19) by gras ping the cables wher e they attac h to the plug and pulling straight back.
5. Press the two r el ease t abs on eit h er s id e of the pickup assembly (callout 3 in Figure 19) and pull the assemb ly away fr om the printe r. (The left side release tab is part ially hidden from vie w. Pressin g in on bo th sides will release the tabs.
Replac ement Note When r eplacing the pickup assembly roller, h old the shaft from the l eft side s o that the pi ckup roller shaft and gear s will remain in place.
Removing the Formatter Boa rd and Shield 1. Remove any installe d SIMMs. Note There are two TORX screws holding the I/O conne ctor in position ( Callout 1 in Figu re 21).
2. R emove the (7) screws shown in Figur e 22. 3. P ull the f ormatter boar d straight f r om the sid e of the ch assis. (There will be a slight resistance fro m the DC Con t ro ller interconne ct.) 4. Pu ll the DC con t rolle r interconnect out (Fig ure 23).
Note RETAIN THE DC CONTROLLER INTERCONNECT whe n replacing the DC Contr oller Bo ard. The rep lacement boar d part number does not includ e this interconnect.
Removing the Fusing Assembly 1. R emove the top cover ass emblies. 2. Lo cate the black plas tic fuser cover at the bac k of the print er. Pr e ss the release tab (callo ut 1 in Figure 24). 3. Slid e the cover all the way to the right. 4. Pu ll the left end of the strip tow ard you at a 45° angle.
Rem oving the DC Controlle r Assemb lies The DC Controller Assembly is located on the bottom of the printer. The PCA is protected by a metal shield assembly , and is mount e d to a plastic base.
4. O n the left side, re move the (2) screws that attac h the grounding strap to the Gear Train Assembly (see callout 1 in Figure 6-36 of the Combined Service Manual).
Note Th e PS1 In put Se nsor Arm ma y come l oos e and fall out when you re move the D C Controller Assembly. See Figure 6-51 in the Combined Service Manual for re-installatio n. 7. Remove the metal bac king plate from the DC C ontroller Assembly (see pages 6-43 and 6-44 in the Co mbined Service Manual for this procedure.
Figure 26 Tray 1 Interco nnect PCA and Cable 302 HP La serJet 5P Print er Service Suppl ement Remo val and Repl acement 54.
T roublesh ooting The trouble sh ootin g p roces s for the HP LaserJe t 5P/5M P pr inter has two key differences from th e 4L/4 ML p rin t er: • Different error light patterns (5 LEDs instead of 4).
Continuable D ata Error Light P atterns Possible data error light patterns ar e listed in the first column of the fo llowing table. If the Error and Data light s on the S ta tus Panel are lit, simultane ously press the GO and RESET butt ons on the printer to display a secondar y light pattern.
Data Er ror Light Pattern Comp uter Mess age Descr ipti on Reco mmende d Ac tion 40 ERROR Indicate s an abn ormal conne ction b reak occurred while transferr ing d ata from the compu ter. Press GO on the p rinter to clear the error message . 41 ERROR A tempor ary error occurred while prin ting.
Error 53 -- Mem ory/SIMM Errors Error 53 is indicated by a combination of t he Error LED and either Tray LED, on and s teady. More detail about t he error is found by pressing the GO and RES ET but ton s simultaneously, whic h causes a secondary sequen ce of light patt ern s.
Figur e -27 Secondary Light Patterns HP LaserJet 5P Print er Service Supplement Trouble shooting 59.
Fatal/S ervice Errors The following table s show fatal/s e r vice errors, which a re not continuable; no further operation of the p rin t er will occur until corrective action is taken. LED Display ERROR CODE Description and Recommendation 50 Fuser Malfunction 1.
LED Display ERRO R CODE Desc ription and Rec ommendation 57/58 Main Motor Failure The DC Con troller ha s reporte d a gene ral motor failure . The M ain Moto r is controlled by the DC C ontroller PCA, and seated in to conne ctor J601. Power-cycle the printer.
LED Display ERROR COD E Description a nd Recommendation 61.1 SIMM Slot One Parity Error 62.1 SIMM Slot One Memo ry Pr o blem 1. Power-cycle th e printer . 2. Resea t the SIMM. 3. Repla ce the SIMM. 61.2 SIMM Slo t Two Parity Error 62.2 SIMM Slo t Two Memo ry Pr o blem 61.
LED Display ERROR CODE Description and Recommendation 62.0 Interna l Memory Problem 63 In ternal RAM Mem ory Test Failed 64 Scan Buffer Erro r 1. Powe r-cycle the prin ter.
‘ LED Display ERROR CODE De scription and R ecommendation 64 ER ROR: Video DMA Tim e out 1. Power-cycle th e printer . 2. Repla ce the Forma tter PCA. Table 10. Vide o DM A Time out Error LED Display ERROR CODE D escription and Re commendation 65 ERROR: Dynamic RAM Controller 1.
Infrared P ort Not Re s pond ing Sit uat ion Solu tion The connection cannot be estab- lished or the transmission seems to be taking longer than usua l. Make sure the device you are using is IrDA- compliant; look for an IrDA symbol on the device or refer to the m a nual for the device for IrDA specific a t ions.
Using the Infrared T est T ool A special infrared troubleshooting test to ol manufac t ured by Geno a Technolo gy, Inc. in cooperat ion with Hewle tt-Packar d is available through HP Direct Ord ering ( par t numbe r 5062-4461). Refe r to the disc ussion begin ning on page 22 for more inf ormation .
Tray 2 Paper Out Sensor PS2 AA Winding Paper Sensor PS4 Input Paper Sensor PS1 Tray 1 Paper Out Sensor PS5 Tray 1 Inter-connect PCA Tray 1 Pickup Assembly Exit Paper Sensor PS3 Tray 2 Solenoid SL1 J10.
Parts and Diagrams The figur es in this se c tion illustrate th e major subass emblies in the print er and their co mponent part s. A table (material list ) follows each explo ded assembly diagram.
Ordering C onsumable s Consum ables and accessorie s such as those listed on page 8-5, and in Table 4-1, Chapter 4, may be ordered direct f r om Hewle tt-Packar d.
Figu re 2 9. HP La serJ et 5P Co ve rs a nd D oors HP La serJet 5P Print er Service Suppl ement Parts and Diagram s 70.
REF PAR T NO. QTY DE SCRI PTION 1 RG5-1709-00 0CN 1 To p Door Assembly 2 RG5-1699-00 0CN 1 Power Connector Cover As sy 3 R B1-593 1-000CN 1 Cover, Main 4 R B1-593 5-000CN 1 But ton, Lock 5 R S5-222 8-.
Figure 30. H P LaserJ et 5P In ternal Components (1) HP La serJet 5P Print er Service Suppl ement Parts and Diagram s 72.
REF PAR T NO. QTY DE SCRI PTION 1 RG5-1 801-000CN 1 Fan Asse mbly 2 R B1-600 6-000CN 1 Arm, Sensor 3 R B1-633 2-000CN 1 Pick-Up Roller (tray 2) 4 RG5-1692-00 0CN Pick-Up Assy (tray 2) 5 RG5-1799-00 0CN 1 Motor Assembly 6 C3150-00 005 1 Formatter Shield 7 C3152-69 001 1 PostScript SIMM ( e xch.
Figure 31. H P LaserJ et 5P In ternal Components (2) HP La serJet 5P Print er Service Suppl ement Parts and Diagram s 74.
REF PAR T NO. QTY DE SCRI PTION 1 RG5-0683-02 0CN 1 Roller, Upper Output Assembly 2 XA9-0666-000CN 2 S crew, TP 3 RG5-1786-00 0CN 1 Mirror Assembly 4 R B1-587 3-000CN 1 Roller, Transfer 5 R S5-031 3-0.
Figure - 32. HP LaserJet 5P Intern al Components (3) HP La serJet 5P Print er Service Suppl ement Parts and Diagram s 76.
REF PAR T NO. QTY DE SCRI PTION 1 RG5-1 780-000CN C3150-69005 1 Laser Scanner Assembly (new) Laser Scanner Assembly (exch.) 2 RG5-1698-00 0CN 1 Top Oblique Roller Assy 3 R B1-300 2-040CN 1 Plunger Loc.
Figure 33. DC Con troller Assemb ly HP La serJet 5P Print er Service Suppl ement Parts and Diagram s 78.
REF PAR T NO. QTY DE SCRI PTION 1 RG5-1719-00 0CN 1 HVT Controller Assembly 2 RH2-5259-000CN 1 Cable, Flat 3 RG5-1712-00 0CN 1 DC Co n troller Case As sy 4 RG5-1808-00 0CN 1 Tray 1 Connector PCA Assy .
Figure 34. T ray 2 Assembly HP La serJet 5P Print er Service Suppl ement Parts and Diagram s 80.
REF P ART NO . QTY DESC RIP TION R75-4000-000CN 1 Complete Tray 2 Assembly 1 RF5-0673-000 CN 1 Plate, Side 2 R S5-245 8-000CN 1 Spring, Compression 3 R B1-342 6-000CN 1 Claw, Separa tion 4 R B1-637 8-000CN 1 Tray, Legal 5 R B1-333 8-000CN 1 Plate, End Table 17.
Figure 35. T ray 1 Assembly HP La serJet 5P Print er Service Suppl ement Parts and Diagram s 82.
REF PAR T NO. QTY DES C RG5-1695-00 0CN 1 Complete Tray 1 Pickup Assy 1 RG5-1804-00 0CN 1 Tray 1 Sensor Cable 2 RG5-1694-00 0CN 1 Paper guide Plate Assy 3 R S5-241 5-000CN 1 Spring, Compression 4 RH7-.
Figu re 3 6. HP La serJ et 5P Fusing As sembly HP La serJet 5P Print er Service Suppl ement Parts and Diagram s 84.
REF PAR T NO. QTY DE SCRI PTION RG5-1700-00 0CN C3150-69003 RG5-1701-00 0CN C3150-69004 1 1 Complete Fuser As sy (100-12 0V) (new) (exchange) Complete Fuser As sy (220-24 0V) (new) (exchange) 1 R B1-5.
Accessories Listed below are the ac cessor ies and supplie s, inclu ding supple mental docu mentation yo u can o rd er for your HP LaserJet 5P or 5M P printer. Option Part N umber Description or U se Toner Ca rtridge C3903 A Rep lacemen t toner cartridg e.
Index ! 20 MEM OVERFLOW 5 6 21 PRINT OVERRUN 56 22 IO ERROR 56 40 ERROR 57 41 ERROR 57 50 FUSER ER ROR 6 0 51 ERROR 57 52 ERROR 57 55 ERROR 57 57/58 MOTOR ER ROR 6 1 61.
cables, compliant 26 parallel ports 25 - 2 6 specifications 26 infrared communication 18 interface 3 operation 21 port 4, 10 printing 20 software 18 status light 4, 10, 12, 15, 20 test tool 22, 23, 66.
protocol infrared 18 R ready light 12 reference guides 8 -9 regulatory information 5 removal and replacement 37 DC Controller 51 formatter 47 fusing assembly 50 I/O cover 39 left side cover 40 power d.
HP C3150A Printer Servi ce Manual Reader’s Com ment Sheet Please give us your co mmen ts concernin g this manual. Your constructive cri ticism will help us create better manuals in the future. Be as specific a s possible, giving section and page reference where appropriate.
© Copyright Hewlett- Packard Company 1996 All Rights Reserved. R epro- duction, adaptation, or translation wi thout prior written perm ission is pr o- hibited, except as allowe d under the copyright laws.
Conventions This m anual uses the followin g conventio ns: Color is used to emphasi ze items whi ch are import ant to the mate rial under discussion. The names of major prin ter parts and assemblies are Capitalize d. Bold is used fo r emphasis, particularly in si tuations wher e italic type would be confusing.
Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Product Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Key Prin ter Locations and Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Model and Se rial Numbers . . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Continuable Dat a Error Light Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Error 53 -- Memory/SIMM Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Fatal/Servi ce Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overv iew The HP LaserJet 5P/5MP and 6P/6 MP printers (HP Product Numbers C3150A/C3155A, and C3980A/C3982A) have many service and repair processes in commo n with their predecessors, the HP LaserJet 4L/4ML and 4P/4MP printers.
Product Information Printe r Features Features HP Lase rJet 5P/5MP HP Lase rJet 6P/6MP Print Sp eed 6 PPM 8 PPM Text & Graphics Resolu tion 600 d pi; plus Resoluti on Enhanc ement Tec hnology (REt.
Key Printer Locations a nd Par ts. 1. Top Sta tus Panel 5. Infrared Port and S tatus Light 2. Top Ou tput Tray 6. Remov able Side Pan el 3. Tray 1 - MultiPurpo se Tray 7 . Interface C able Door 4. Tray 2 - 250-shee t Paper C assette 1. To p Cover Rele ase Button 3.
Model and Serial Numbers The model number and serial n umbers are liste d on identification labels locate d on the rear of the printer. The m odel numberd are alphanumeric: • HP LaserJet 5P C3150A �.
Product Specifications HP Las erJet 5P/5MP Physi cal Di mension s Width 15.7 9 in. (401 m m) Depth 17.38 in. ( 441.7mm) Height 7.92 in . (201.1mm ) Weight 15.
HP Las erJet 6P/6MP Physi cal Di mension s Height 7.87 in (200 mm ) Width 15.75 i n (400 mm) Depth (bo dy) 17.52 in (445 mm ) Weight 15.4 lb s. (7 kg) Electrica l Specificat ions Powe r Require ments .
Location Space Requirements Make sure there is adequ ate space fo r: • Opening top cover ( A ) • Opening Tray 1 ( B ) • L oading Tray 2 ( C ) • E xtending rear output tray ( D ) Figure 4.
Documentation an d Software Documentation You can or der the docu ments listed below. Ther e is a char ge for some do cuments. Title Part Nu mber The PCL /PJL Techni cal Refer ence Packag e contains the following documents* 5961- 0601 • PCL5 Pr inter La ngua ge Techn ical Re ference Manua l.
Software The follo wing table lists the software that is s hipped with each printer. HP LaserJet 5 P C3150A • The HP LaserJe t 5P DO S Utilities and DO S Printer Drivers diskette. The DOS utili- ties include a Sta tus Moni tor an d Remote Cont rol Pan el.
New Product Features The HP LaserJet 5P/5MP Status Panel This HP L aserJet printer has been designed to be controlle d mainly by s oftware. Howe ver, som e simple functions are also available from the status pane l.
The HP LaserJet 6P/6MP Status Panel The s tatus p anel o n the HP LaserJ et 6P/ 6MP pri nter dif fers slightly from the 5P/5 MP printer. The s tatus lights for T ray 1 and Tray 2 have been moved from top status panel do wn to the f ront of the printe r.
Status Panel Buttons The HP Lase rJet 5P/5MP printer has two buttons: GO and RESET. The HP Lase rJet 6P/6MP printer has two buttons: GO and JOB CANCEL. Pressing the GO button: • Te lls the printe r to resume printing. • Prints a demo page. The printe r must be in Ready Mode (the green Ready light on steady) .
Status Panel Lights There are s ix Status Panel l ights on the pri nter: • ERROR • TRAY 1 • DATA • TRAY 2 • READY • IR Sta tus These lights indicate the current status of the pri nter by displaying an amber or a green hue and flashing individually or sequentially as a group (cascading) .
IR Port Stat us Light (green) The status l ight above the IR port indicates th e current status o f the IR port by displaying a gree n hue. This status light comes on when a conn ection has bee n established wi th the IR po rt. The other Status Panel lights o perate the same for the IR po rt as they do for any other port on the printe r.
Light Pat tern Description 5P/5M P 6P/ 6MP If the Data light an d the Ready light ar e both on for an extended p eriod of tim e (the Read y light does no t begin to fl ash), press the GO button to pri nt the data in the printer . A page may take a lo ng time to print if, for example, the page contai ns complex t ext or graphi cs.
Light Pattern Description 5P/5M P 6P/6MP If the Tray 1 light is flashi ng, the printer is waitin g for paper to b e manually fed into Tray 1. Once you have inserted the paper, you must press the GO bu tton to feed the paper. Tray 2 (th e Paper Casse tte) is em pty.
Paper Moveme nt Overview The paper feed system picks print media auto matically from Tray 1 or Tray 2 and delivers it to the image formation system at precisely the right time.
PS1 I nput Paper Sensor Inpu t Paper Se nsor (PS1) P ositions: PS2 Tray 2 Paper Out Sensor A = Man ual Feed Se nse Position PS3 Exit Pa per Se nsor B = Re gistr ation Sense Positi on PS4 Winding Pape .
Infrared Communication The HP Lase rJet 5P/5MP and 6P/ 6MP printers are e quipped with an Infrared Datalink Association (IrDA) compliant port. The IrDA specificatio n allows “wireless ” transmission o f print data between a wide variety of hosts (pri mary) and peripheral (se condary) devices.
The LAP and LMP layers can reside in either firmware, software, or a c ombination of both. There are different LAP and LMP protocols for primary and secondary devices.
System Requirements • H ardware • Both the primary and secondary devices must be equipped with an IrDA -compliant IR component. Older, non-IrDA - compliant de vices may not be compatible with the HP Laser Jet 5P/5MP an d 6P/6MP printe rs.
T o Print Using the Infrared Port The infrare d (IR) port on your HP LaserJe t 5P/5MP or 6P/6MP printer is locate d on the lowe r front left corne r of the printer (Figure 9). This port is comp liant with the specifications determined by the Infrared Data Association (IrDA).
on). If the status li ght does not turn on, realign the port on your portable equ ipment with the port on the printer, resend the print job and s tay within the range of operation during pri nting. 4. If you have to move the device, make sure you stay within the range of operation to ma intain the connection.
Note The IrDA standard for infrared communications represents an emerging technolo gy. Older non-IrDA-compliant portable devi ces may not be compatible with your HP LaserJet 5P/5MP, 6P/6MP printer.
The IR te st tool can be us ed with any IrDA -compliant primary or secondary device, regardless of manufacturer . To tes t the peripheral device : 1. Put the printer in Ready Mode . 2. Press the "Peripheral Test" button on the te st tool. The LEDs on the te st tool will sequence.
To test the host compute r: 1. Place the test tool on a table in fro nt of the PC’s IR port 2. Press the "Computer Test" button. The test to ol will se quence the LEDs. If the "PA SS" LED light, the test was s uccessful, indicati ng that communication with the printe r’s IR port is functioning n ormally.
Interface Connections Your HP Lase rJet 5P/5MP, 6P/6MP pri nter supports the following interf aces ( see F igure 12): • Two IEEE-1284–c o mpliant parallel ports at the back of the printer—one large B-type and one small C -type. • One LocalTa lk port at the back of the print er.
The Parallel Printe r Interfaces These interfaces are compliant with IEEE-1284 specifications for "Compatibili ty Mode” and “Nibble Mode” or “HP Bi-tronics”. To use advanced interface functions, such as bi-directional communication, the parallel port on your host PC must also be IEEE-1284 "Nibble Mode" compatible.
Resource Saving Resource Saving gives the printer the ability to save certain entities such as permane nt soft fonts, macros, symbol se ts and user-def ined graphics patterns when the printe r changes personali ties, resoluti ons or page protect modes.
I/O Buffering I/O buffe ring allows the user to all ocate printer memory to ho ld the job while it prints, freein g up the ho st system soone r, like a prin t spooler.
Reprinting Jammed Pages When a paper j am is cleared i n the HP LaserJet 5P printer and other previous HP LaserJet printe rs, the printe r will autom atically reprint the page (s) that were j ammed. The HP LaserJet 6P print er will not do this by defau lt with standard me mory installed.
Service Mode, PJL Defaults The Service Mode should be used o nly by authorized servi ce personnel. While in Service Mode, you can: • Print a Service Mode Self Test. • V erify and set the Page Count (the page count also is displayed on the standard self test ).
Comm on PJL Co mmands PJL Co mmand Expla nation E C %-12345X @PJL Start PJL job. @PJL SET SER VICEMODE=HP BOISEID Enter Service Mode @PJL SET PAGES=0 Set page coun t [= xxxxx] @PJL SET CRPAP ER=LETTER.
T est Pages and Resets Test pages, resets , and NVRAM initialization can all be performed by using the GO and RESET/JOB CANCEL buttons on the HP LaserJet 5P/5MP, 6P/ 6MP printer status panel. Table 2 shows how to perfo rm these tests and diagnostic functi ons.
Printing a Self-T est Page You can prin t a self-test page to get informati on about your printer’s current settings, op tions, and print qual ity. You can use this page to troublesho ot print quality problems and to vie w current print dens ity and Resolutio n Enhancement set tings so you can adjust them.
Figure 13. HP Laser Jet 5P Self- Test Page HP LaserJet 5P/5MP , 6P/6MP Printer Service Supplement Service Mode, PJL Defaults 36.
Key to Fig ure 13. Self-Test Pag e Item Explana tion 1 Printer Opti ons: Lists printer option s you can adjust usi ng your prin ter software (see Appendix F, “Software Procedure s”). 2 Test Pages: Shows t est pages you can pri nt from your p rinter.
Figure 14. HP Laser Jet 6P Self- Test Page HP LaserJet 5P/5MP , 6P/6MP Printer Service Supplement Service Mode, PJL Defaults 38.
Key to Fig ure 14. Self-Test Pag e Item Explana tion 1 Printer Information: Lists t he Format ter Num ber, Firmwa re Date code, Page Count, and L ocalTalk N etwork informa tion for the printer. 2 Memory: Lists printer memory, I/O B uffering data, and Resource S aving data.
Life Expectancy of Consumables Always inspect the components l isted in the fol lowing table for wear when se rvicing the printer. R eplace these components as needed, base d on printer failures or wear, not s trictly on usage . DESCRIPT ION QTY EST. L IFE (pages) REMARKS 1.
Removal and Replacement Overview The removal and repl acement procedures for many HP Lase rJet 5P/5MP, 6P/6MP printer Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) are identical to the HP LaserJe t 4L and 4P printers.
CAUTION To install a self-tapping scre w, first turn it counter-clo ckwise to align it wi th the existing thread pattern, the n carefully turn clockwis e to tighten . Do not over-tight en. If a self- tapping screw-hole becomes stripped, repair of the screw-hole or replacement of the affec ted assembly is required.
Removing the Power Door The Power Do or is located on the right rear of the printer. 1. Ensure the power to the printe r is turned OF F. 2. Grasp the po wer door by the finger sl ot directly above the powe r cord, an d swing the rea r of the door ou t and forwa rd.
6P/6MP I/O Cover 1. Pull the I/O door out using the finger slo t for levarage. Figure -16 6P /6MP I/O C over Finge r Slot HP LaserJet 5P/5MP , 6P/6MP Printer Service Supplement Removal and Replacement.
Removing the Left Side Cover 1. Disconnect all I/O cables. 2. Press the Top Cover Rel ease button on the right side of the printer, and open the top cover. 3. Press the removable side panel as shown in Figure 17. 4. Slide the cove r forward and pull straig ht away from the side of the printer.
Removing the T op Cov er 1. Remove the toner cartridge and paper casse tte if they have not already been removed. 2. Remove t he (4) self- tapping printer cover screws (Figure 18). 3. Grasp the lowe r left front corner of the top cover, and lift i t forward and up.
6. Lift the rear of the printer s lightly. Grasp the lower right back corner. Wi th your thumbs, fl ex the plastic toward you, up, and out. F igure 19 shows this pro cess for t he rear right corner. Repeat the process fo r the lef t rear corner. Note Note the position of the tabs and the catches carefully.
Replacement Note When reseatin g the top cover onto the printe r frame, ensure the black paper-out flag in front of Tray 1 is seated in t he groove of the Tray 1 lift plate. If not i n the groove, it can easily break when the cover is forced into place .
Removing the T ray 1 Pickup Ass embly 1. Remove Tray 1 by opening the tray at a 45° angle and pulling up on the tray (Figure 21). 2. Unplug the two cables (Call out 2 in Figure 22) by grasping the cables whe re they attach to the plug and pulling straight back.
5. Press the two release tabs on either side of the pickup as sembly (callo ut 3 in Figure 19) and pull the assembly away from the printer. ( The left side release tab i s partially hidden from view. Pressing in on both sides will release the tabs .) 6.
Replacement Note When replacing the pickup assembly roller, hold the sh aft from th e left side so th at the pick up roller shaft and gea rs will remain in place.
Removing the Formatter Board and Shield 1. Remove any installed SIMMs. Note There are two TORX screws holding th e I/O connector in po sition (Callou t 1 in Figure 24). These are the only two TOR X screws in the HP LaserJet 5P print er. Note also the location of the test print button hole (Callout 2 ) on the side of the formatter board cover.
2. Remove the (7) screws shown in Figure 25. 3. Pull the formatter board straight fr om the side of the chassis. (There will be a slight resistance f rom the DC C ontroller interc onnect.) 4. Pull the DC controlle r interconnect out (Figure 26). 5. 5.
Note RETAIN THE DC CONTROLLER INTERCONNECT whe n replacing the DC Controller Board. The replacement board part number does not include this interconnect .
Removing the Fus ing Asse mbly 1. Remove the top cove r assemblies. 2. Locate the black plasti c fuser co ver at the back of the printe r. Press the release tab (ca llout 1 in Figure 27). 3. Slide the cover all t he way to the right. 4. Pull the left end of the strip toward you at a 45° angle.
Removing the DC Controller Asse mbli es The DC Co ntroller Assembly is located on the bottom of the printer. The P CA is protected by a me tal shield assembl y, and is mounted to a plastic base.
4. On the le ft side, re move the (2) screws that atta ch the grounding strap to the Gear Train Assembly (s ee callout 1 in Figure 6 -36 of the Combi ned Service Ma nual).
Note The PS1 Input Se nsor Arm may co me loose and fall out when you remove the DC Controller Assembl y. See Figure 6- 51 in the Comb ined Service Manual for re-installation. 7. Remove t he metal backi ng plate from the DC Controll er Assembly (s ee pages 6-43 and 6-44 in the Combined Se rvice Manual for this p rocedur e.
Figure 29 Tray 1 Intercon nect PCA and Cable 302 HP LaserJet 5P/5MP, 6P/6MP Printer Service Supplement Removal and Replacement 59.
T roubleshooting The troubl eshooting process fo r the HP L aserJet 5P/5MP and 6P/6MP prin ters has two key differences from the 4L/4ML printe r: • Di fferent erro r light patterns (5 LEDs i nstead of 4).
A fatal error has occurre d. Turn the printe r off and then back on. If the same light patte rn reappears, tur n the print er off again and lea ve it off for a bout 10 minutes, then turn it back on . If the same light p attern reappears. refer to the discussion of Fa tal Errors i n "Tro ubleshoo ting.
Continuable Data Error Light Patterns Possible data error light patterns are listed in the first co lumn of the following table. If the Error and Data lights on the Status Panel are lit, simultaneo usly press the GO and RESET/JOB CANCEL buttons on the printer to dis play a secondary light pattern.
Data Error Light Pattern 5P/5MP 6P/6MP Computer Message Description & Recomm ended Action 40 ERROR Indicate s an abno rmal connecti on break occurred w hile tran sferring d ata from the comput er. Press GO on the p rinter to clear th e error message.
Data Error Light Pattern 5P/5MP 6P/6MP Computer Mess age Description & Recommended Ac tion 68 SERVICE or 68 READY/ SERVICE The p rinter’s nonvola tile memo ry (NVRAM) is full o r defective. Press GO on th e prin ter to clea r the e rror message .
Error 53 -- Memory/SIMM Errors Error 53 is indi cated by a combinati on of the Er ror LED and e ither Tray LED, on and ste ady. More detail about the error is found by pressing the GO and R ESET/JOB CANCEL buttons si multaneously, which causes a se condary sequence o f light patterns.
Figure -30 Sec ondary Light Pa tterns HP LaserJet 5P/5MP , 6P/6MP Printer Service Supplement Troubleshooting 66.
Fatal/Service Errors The following tables show fata l/service errors, which are not continuable; no further op eration of the printer will occur until corrective action is taken. LED Display 5P/5MP 6P/6MP ERROR CODE D escripti on an d Recom mendati on 50 Fuser Malfun ction 1.
LED Display 5P/5MP 6P /6MP ERROR CODE D escripti on and R ecommend ation 57/58 M ain Motor Failur e The DC Controll er has repo rted a genera l motor fai lure. The M ain Moto r is controlled b y the DC Co ntroller PCA, and seated into connect or J601.
LED Display 5P/5MP 6P/6MP ERROR CODE D escripti on an d Recom mendati on 61.1 SI MM Slot One Parit y Error 1. Power-cycle the printer. 2. Res eat th e SIM M. 3. Repl ace the S IMM. 61.2 SIMM Slot Two Parit y Error 61.3 SIMM Slot Three Parit y Error Table 8.
LED Display 5P/5MP 6P/6MP ERROR CODE D escripti on an d Recom mendati on 62.1 SIMM Slot One Memory Problem 1. Power-cycle the printer. 2. Res eat th e SIM M. 3. Repl ace the S IMM. 62.2 SIMM Slot Two Memory Problem 62.3 SIMM Slot Three Memory Problem Table 9 62.
LED Display 5P/5MP 6P/6MP ERROR CODE D escripti on an d Recom mendati on 62.0 Interna l Memory Prob lem 63 Intern al RAM Memory Test Failed 64 Scan Buffer Error 1.
LED Display 5P/5MP 6P /6MP ERROR CODE D escripti on and R ecommend ation 64 ERR OR: Video D MA Tim eout 1. Pow er-cycle the printer. 2. Repl ace the Format ter PC A. Table 12 . Video DM A Timeout Er ror LED Display 5P/5MP 6P /6MP ERROR CODE D escripti on and R ecommend ation 65 ERR OR: Dynamic RAM Control ler 1.
Infrared Port Not Responding Using the Infrared T est T ool A special infrared troubl eshooting test tool manufactured by Genoa Te chnology, In c. in cooperati on with Hewle tt-Packard is available through HP Direct Ordering ( part number 5062-4461). Refer to the discu ssion beginning on page 22 for more information.
Tray 2 Paper Out Sensor PS2 AA Winding Paper Sensor PS4 Input Paper Sensor PS1 Tray 1 Paper Out Sensor PS5 Tray 1 Inter-connect PCA Tray 1 Pickup Assembly Exit Paper Sensor PS3 Tray 2 Solenoid SL1 J10.
Parts and Diagrams The figures in this section ill ustrate the majo r subassembli es in the printe r and their component parts. A table (mate rial lis t) follows each exploded assembly di agram.
Ordering Parts All standard part nu mbers listed are stocked and may be ordered from HP’s Part s Direct Ordering, or Parts Center Europe (PCE). Hewle tt-Packard Co. Support M aterials Organ ization 8050 Footh ills Blvd. Ros eville, CA 95678 Parts D irect Order ing: 1-800-227-8 164 (U.
Ordering Consumables Consumables and accessories such as those lis ted on page 8-5, and in Table 4-1, Chapter 4, may be ordered direct from Hewlett-P ackard.
Figur e 32. HP L aserJ et 5P /6P Cove rs an d Doors HP LaserJet 5P/5MP , 6P/6MP Printer Service Supplement Parts and Diagrams 78.
REF PART NO. QTY DESCRIPT ION 1 RG5-170 9-000CN RG5- 2782-000C N 1 Top Door Assem bly (5P/ 5MP) Top D oor Assemb ly (6P/6 MP) 2 RG5-169 9-000CN RG5- 2779-000C N 1 Power Connector Cover Assy (5 P/5MP) .
Figure 33. HP Laser Jet 5P/6P In ternal Comp onents (1) HP LaserJet 5P/5MP , 6P/6MP Printer Service Supplement Parts and Diagrams 80.
REF PART NO. QTY DESCRIPT ION 1 RG5-1801 -000CN RG5-2 776-000CN 1 Fan A ssembly (5P/5M P) Fan Assem bly (6P/6MP) 2 RB1-6006- 000CN 1 Ar m, Sensor 3 RB1-6332-00 0CN 1 Pick-U p Roller (tr ay 2) 4 RG5-16.
Figure 34. HP Laser Jet 5P/6P In ternal Comp onents (2) HP LaserJet 5P/5MP , 6P/6MP Printer Service Supplement Parts and Diagrams 82.
REF PART NO. QTY DESCRIPT ION 1 RG5-0683 -020CN 1 Rol ler, Upper O utput Assem bly 2 XA9-0666-00 0CN 2 Screw , TP 3 RG5-1786 -000CN 1 Mi rror Assembly 4 RB1-5873-00 0CN 1 Roller, Transfer (5P on ly) 5.
Figure -35 . HP Lase rJet 5P/6P Intern al Comp onents (3) HP LaserJet 5P/5MP , 6P/6MP Printer Service Supplement Parts and Diagrams 84.
REF PART NO. QTY DESCRIPT ION 1 RG5-1780 -000CN RG5-2 848-000CN C3150 -69005 C3980 -69005 1 Laser Scanner Assembly (new 5P /5MP) Laser Scanner Assem bly (new 6P/6MP) Laser Scanner As sembly ( exch 5P/.
Figure 36. DC C ontrolle r Assemb ly HP LaserJet 5P/5MP , 6P/6MP Printer Service Supplement Parts and Diagrams 86.
REF PART NO. QTY DESCRIPT ION 1 RG5-1719 -000CN 1 HVT Controlle r Assembly 2 RH2-5 259-000C N 1 Cable , Flat (5P/5M P) 3 RG5-1712 -000CN RG5-2 774-000CN 1 DC Controller Case Assy (5P/ 5MP) DC Controll.
Figure 37. Tray 2 Assembly HP LaserJet 5P/5MP , 6P/6MP Printer Service Supplement Parts and Diagrams 88.
REF PART NO. QTY DES CRIPTION R75-40 00-000CN R98-10 01-000CN 1 Complete Tray 2 Assembly (5P/5MP) Complete Tray 2 Assembly (6P/6MP ) 1 RF5-0673-000 CN 1 Plate, S ide 2 RS5-2458- 000CN 1 Spring, Com pr.
Figure 38. Tray 1 Assembly HP LaserJet 5P/5MP , 6P/6MP Printer Service Supplement Parts and Diagrams 90.
REF PART NO. QTY DESC RG5-1 695-000CN RG5-2 790-000CN 1 Complete Tray 1 Pick up Assy (5P/5MP) Complete Tray 1 Pi ckup Assy (6P/6MP) 1 RG5-1804 -000CN 1 Tra y 1 Senso r Cab le 2 RG5-1694 -000CN 1 Pape .
Figure 39. HP Laser Jet 5P/6P Fu sing Assemb ly HP LaserJet 5P/5MP , 6P/6MP Printer Service Supplement Parts and Diagrams 92.
REF PART NO. QTY DESCRIPT ION RG5- 1700-000C N RG5- 2800-000C N C31 50-69003 C39 80-69003 RG5- 1701-000C N RG5- 2801-000C N C31 50-69004 C39 80-69004 1 1 Compl ete Fuser Assy (100-120V) new ( 5P/5MP ).
Parts Index Alphabetical Parts Index DESCRIPTI ON PART NUMBER FI G Arm , Input Pape r Sensor RB1- 6001-000CN 35 Arm , Sensor RB1- 6006-000CN 33 Arm , Tray 1 S ensor RB1- 5939-000CN 32 Brush, M irror R.
DESCRIPTI ON PART NUMBER FIG Cover, Inte rface Connector (5P /5MP) RB1-5934-0 00CN 32 Cover, Inte rface Connector (6P /6MP) RB1-9151-0 00CN 32 Cover, M ain (HP LaserJet 5P/5M P) RB1-5 931-000CN 32 Cov.
DESCRIPTI ON PART NUMBER FI G Form atter Shie ld C3150- 00005 33 Fuser Delivery Assembly RG5-0681-0 00CN 39 Fuse r Film Assembly 100-12 0v (5P/5MP) RG5-17 02-000CN 39 Fuse r Film Assembly 100-12 0v (6.
DESCRIPTI ON PART NUMBER FIG Pad, S eparation RF 5-0343-000C N 38 Paper Feed Tray A ssembly (5P/5M P) RG5-16 97-000CN 32 Paper Feed Tray A ssembly (6P/6M P) RG5-27 85-000CN 32 Paper guide Plate Assy R.
DESCRIPTI ON PART NUMBER FI G Rolle r, Fuser Pressure (5P/5M P) RB1-591 0-000CN 39 Rolle r, Fuser Pressure (6P/6M P) RB1-917 9-000CN 39 Rolle r, Transfer RB1- 5873-000CN 34 Roll er, Tray 1 Pi ckup RB1.
DESCRIPTI ON PART NUMBER FIG Switch, Pl unger Assembly RG5-0694-0 20CN 34 Tab, Fuser Releas e RB1-5 906-000CN 39 Top D oor Assembly (5P/5MP) RG5-17 09-000CN 32 Top Door Assemb ly (6P/6MP ) RG5-2 782-0.
Numerical Parts Index PART NUMBER DESCRIP TION FIG 0515- 2701 TORX screws 33 C3150-0 0004 Nam eplate (HP LaserJet 5 P) 3 2 C3150-0 0005 For matter Shie ld 33 C3150-6 9001 DC C ontroller P CA 100-1 20V.
PART NUMBER DESC RIPTION F IG RB1-3 338-000CN Pl ate, End (5P /5MP) 37 RB1-3 426-000CN Cl aw, Separat ion 37 RB1-3 681-000CN Ca p, Laser Shu tter 35 RB1-5 873-000CN Rolle r, Transfer 34 RB1-5 906-000C.
PART NUMBER DESCRIP TION FIG RB1-6 008-000CN Da mper, Ru bber 35 RB1-6 332-000CN Pick-Up R oller (tray 2) 33 RB1-6 378-000CN Tra y, Legal 37 RB1 -6382-000C N Pla te, End (6P/6M P) 37 RB1-9 151-000CN C.
PART NUMBER DESC RIPTION F IG RG5-06 82-030C N Lower Delivery Roller 34 RG5- 0683-020CN R oller, U pper Output Assemb ly 34 RG5- 0694-020CN S witch, P lunger Ass embly 34 RG5- 0766-030CN S canner C on.
PART NUMBER DESCRIP TION FIG RG5-180 1-000CN Fan Assembly (5P/5MP) 33 RG5- 1804-000C N Tray 1 Se nsor Cable 38 RG5- 1808-000C N Tray 1 Co nnector P CA Assy 36 RG5- 1809-000C N DC Contro ller PCA 220-2.
PART NUMBER DESC RIPTION F IG RH2-5 259-000CN Cabl e, Flat 36 RH7-12 58-000 CN Sol enoi d SL2 (5P/ 5MP) 38 RH7-51 60-000 CN Sol enoi d SL2 (6P/ 6MP) 38 RS5-0 313-000CN G ear, 17T 34 RS5-0 637-000CN G .
Accessor ies Listed bel ow are the acce ssories and s upplies, including supplemental do cumentation you can order for your HP LaserJet 5P/5MP, 6P/6MP printe r. Option Part Number Description or Use Toner C artridge C3903A Replace ment toner cartridge.
Index ! 20 MEM OVERFLOW -62 21 PRINT OVERRUN -62 22 IO ERROR -62 40 ERROR -63 41 ERROR -63 50 Fuser ERROR -67 51 ERROR -63 52 ERROR -63 55 ERROR -63 57/58 Motor ERROR -68 61.
cables, compli ant -28 parallel ports -27 - -28 specific ations -28 infrared operation -23 port -3, -10 printing -22 software -19 status light -3 status light -10, -14, -1 6, -22 test tool -24, -73 tr.
power switch -3 Print Speed -2 print spoolers -28 printer diagram -3 dimensions -6 lights -13 parts diagr am -3 serial number -4 printer config uration -32 Printer La nguages -2 printer settings retur.
Inde x-4.
Hewlett-Packard Company C/O Service Training Team 11311 Chinden B lvd. MS 517 Boise, Idaho 83714-102 1.
デバイスHP LaserJet 5MPの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
HP LaserJet 5MPをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHP LaserJet 5MPの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。HP LaserJet 5MPの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。HP LaserJet 5MPで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
HP LaserJet 5MPを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHP LaserJet 5MPの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、HP LaserJet 5MPに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHP LaserJet 5MPデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。