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1037312-0001 Re vision A March 2, 2007 HN System Installation Manual f or .98 m K u-band Upgradeable Antenna Model AN6-098P.
Copy right © 2007 Hughes Netw ork Sys tems, LLC All rights reser ved. This pub lication and its conten ts are propr ietary to H ughes Network Systems, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any f orm or by any means without the written permission of H ughes Network Systems, LLC , 11717 Explor ation Lane, Germantown, Mar yland 20876.
• Important sa fety informat ion 1037312-0001 Revision A iii Impor tant safety inf ormation For your safety and protection, r ead this entire installation manual before you attempt to install the satellite antenna. In particular , read this safety section carefully .
• Important safety info rmation iv 1037312-0001 Revision A Pr oduct warning labels The follo wing safety alert labe ls are af f ixe d to the satellite antenna feed support tube, tran smitter , and antenna reflector: These labels advise that the antenna emits radio frequency (RF) energ y .
• Important sa fety informat ion 1037312-0001 Revision A v Antenna installation safety Observe the follo wing precautions when installing the satellite antenna. This manual also includes additiona l safety alerts where appropriate concerning specific installation procedures.
• Important safety info rmation vi 1037312-0001 Revision A W ARNING • Do not w ork in high wind or rain or if a storm, lightning, or other adv erse weat her conditions are pres ent or approa ching. • Do not attempt to assemb le, mov e, or mount the antenna on a wind y day .
• Important sa fety informat ion 1037312-0001 Revision A vii CA UTION Observe these precautions to av oid exposure to RF radiation, a potential saf ety hazar d: • The antenna m ust be installed in.
• Important safety info rmation viii 1037312-0001 Revision A Some installations ma y require additi onal precautions. See also the HN System Antenna Site Preparation and Mount Installation Guide (1035678-00 01).
• Contents 1037312-0001 Revision A ix Contents Important safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Types of warnings used in this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Product warning labels . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• Contents x 1037312-0001 Revision A Small hardware parts lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Additional parts for J-type radio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• Contents 1037312-0001 Revision A xi Chapter 7 Pointing the antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Antenna pointing overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Using the installation software . . .
• Contents xii 1037312-0001 Revision A.
• Figures 1037312-0001 Revision A xiii Figures Chapter 1 1. Hughes mode l AN6-098P .98 m satellite antenna with radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Chapter 2 2. Shipping container contents—main components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• Figures xiv 1037312-0001 Revision A 31. Securing the feed horn clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 32. Attaching the radio assembly to t he feed support tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• Tables 1037312-0001 Revision A xv Tables Chapter 2 1. Two antenna kit configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2. Small hardware parts used in antenna kits for both radio types . . . . . . . . . .
• Tables xvi 1037312-0001 Revision A.
• About this document 1037312-0001 Revision A xvii About this document Scope and audience This manual ex plains ho w to a ssemble, install, and point the Hughes model AN6-098P .
• About this document xviii 1037312-0001 Revision A Related publications The HN System Antenna Site Preparation and Mount Installation Guide (1035678-0001) con tains detailed information about: • .
Chapter 1 • Overview 1037312-0001 Revision A 1 Chapter 1 Overview This chapter presents an o ve rvie w of the Hughes model AN6-098P .98 m Ku-band antenna in the follo wing sections: • The model AN.
Chapter 1 • Overview 2 1037312-0001 Revision A The model AN6-098P antenna Each remote terminal at a custom er site requires an antenna and radio assembly to communicate w ith the system satellite and the Network Operations Center (NOC).
Chapter 1 • Overview 1037312-0001 Revision A 3 Antenna installation summar y The antenna installatio n steps and related tasks are summarized below . The steps in bold type are documented in this man ual. 1. Choose an installation site. 2. Select a method for mounting t he antenna.
Chapter 1 • Overview 4 1037312-0001 Revision A T asks related to antenna installation This section e xplains where you can f ind information on tasks related to antenna installation.
Chapter 1 • Overview 1037312-0001 Revision A 5 Appr oved cab les For a list of appro v ed cables for the interfacil ity link (IFL) between the antenna and the re mote terminal, see the Hughes FSB, IFL Cable, Appro v ed List (with lengt hs) for D W7x00, D W60xx, and D W40xx Domestic Installations (FSB_060316_01A).
Chapter 1 • Overview 6 1037312-0001 Revision A.
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and r equired tools 1037312-0001 Revision A 7 Chapter 2 Antenna par ts and required tools This chapter describes the parts pro vided in the model AN6-098P antenna kit.
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and required tool s 8 1037312-0001 Revision A Antenna kit components This section desc ribes the main components of the .98 m antenna kit: • Az/El and reflector bracket a.
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and r equired tools 1037312-0001 Revision A 9 Inspecting the antenna par ts The antenna kit for each radio type is shipped in tw o boxe s, as sho wn in Figure 2 .
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and required tool s 10 1037312-0001 Revision A Description of main components The following sections describe and illustrate the antenna assembly’ s main components.
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and r equired tools 1037312-0001 Revision A 11 Antenna reflector The antenna reflector is sho w n in Figure 4. Figure 4: Antenna re flector.
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and required tool s 12 1037312-0001 Revision A Feed support tube and feed r ods The radio assembly moun ts onto the feed support tube (Figure 5). The feed rods ( Figure 6 ) attach to the refl ector and support th e feed support tube.
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and r equired tools 1037312-0001 Revision A 13 The feed support tube and the feed rods are the only main parts included in both antenna kits that are dif fer ent. Feed horn and wa veguide transition The feed horn (Figure 7) transmits and receiv es signals to and from the reflector .
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and required tool s 14 1037312-0001 Revision A Radio mounting adapter The mounting adapter sho wn in Figure 8 is used for both radio types to mount the radio assemb ly on the feed support tube.
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and r equired tools 1037312-0001 Revision A 15 Radio assembl y types The radio assembly is not part of the antenna kit; ho wever , radio assembly installation is included in this manual because the antenna and radio assembly are usually installed at the same time.
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and required tool s 16 1037312-0001 Revision A see Installing a shim for verti cal transmit polarization on page 32 . Cradle-type radio assembl y Figure 12 illustrates the cradle-type radio assembly .
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and r equired tools 1037312-0001 Revision A 17 Cradle-type refers to the o v erall design of the radio; therefore, two radios with dif ferent model numbers may both be crad le-type radios.
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and required tool s 18 1037312-0001 Revision A Small har dware parts lists T ables 2 and 3 list the small ha rdware parts included in the antenna kits for the two radio types (J-type and cradle-type). The parts listed in T able 2 are included in both kits , for both radio assembly types.
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and r equired tools 1037312-0001 Revision A 19 Additional parts for J-type radio The parts listed in T able 3 are included only in the antenna kit for the J-type radio. The antenna kit for the J-type radio also includes the part listed in Ta b l e 2.
Chapter 2 • Antenna parts and required tool s 20 1037312-0001 Revision A To o l s Ta b l e 4 lists the tools required to install and poin t the antenna. See the HN System Antenna Site Preparation and Mount Installation Guide (1035678-0001) for a more complete list of tools and items that may be needed for installation.
Chapter 3 • Assemblin g the antenn a 1037312-0001 Revision A 21 Chapter 3 Assemb ling the antenna This chapter explains ho w to install: • The Az/El and r eflector bracket assembly – The Az/El mount assembly and reflector bracket assembly are pre-assembled for installation as a single unit, as sho wn in Figure 3 on page 10 .
Chapter 3 • Assembling the ante nna 22 1037312-0001 Revision A In this manual, installation softwar e refers to installation, pointing, and commissio ning software accessed through the IDU , which works in conjunction wi th SBC.
Chapter 3 • Assemblin g the antenn a 1037312-0001 Revision A 23 Installing the Az/El and reflector brac ket assembl y Follo w these steps to install the Az/El and reflector bracket assembly onto the mast: 1. Before you install the Az/El and reflector brack et assembly onto the mast pipe, use a bubble lev el to mak e sure the mast is plumb .
Chapter 3 • Assembling the ante nna 24 1037312-0001 Revision A 3. Optional: If you adjust the antenna ele v ation no w to the coarse ele v ation v alue, before installing the reflector , it’ s easier than making this adju stment after the reflector is attached.
Chapter 3 • Assemblin g the antenn a 1037312-0001 Revision A 25 Attaching the reflector Follo w these instructions to atta ch the antenna reflector to the reflector bracket. 1. Orient the reflector so the H ughesNet logo on th e front is near the top, as sho wn in Figure 16 .
Chapter 3 • Assembling the ante nna 26 1037312-0001 Revision A 3. Insert two ¼-20 × 1- 3 ⁄ 8 -inch hex thread-cutting scre ws (without washers) th rough the upper holes on th e reflector bracket and into the refl ector holes indi cated in Figure 17 (upper arro ws on the right photo).
Chapter 3 • Assemblin g the antenn a 1037312-0001 Revision A 27 Installing the feed suppor t tube Install the feed rods and feed su pport tube as exp lained in the follo wing two sections. Thes e instructions apply to both types of feed support tubes and feed rods, that is, the tube and feed rods for the J-type radio or cradle-type radio.
Chapter 3 • Assembling the ante nna 28 1037312-0001 Revision A Securing the feed support tube Secure the feed support tube: 1. Attach the lo wer ends of the feed rods to the feed support tube as follo ws: Insert the ¼-20 × 2-i nch hex bolt through the tube, and use the hardw are sho wn in Figure 19 .
Chapter 3 • Assemblin g the antenn a 1037312-0001 Revision A 29 Tightening the hard ware T ighten the hardware as follo ws: 1. T ighten the three nuts on the reflector rim (indicated b y the black arro ws in Figure 21 ). 2. T ighten the nut where the feed ro ds attach to the feed support tube (indicated by the white arro w in Figure 21 ).
Chapter 3 • Assembling the ante nna 30 1037312-0001 Revision A.
Chapter 4 • Installing a J-type radio assembly 1037312-0001 Revision A 31 Chapter 4 Installing a J-type radio assembl y This chapter applies to the J-type r adio assembly only . If you are installing a cradle-type radio assembly , go to Chapter 5 – Installing a cradle-type r adio assembly , on page 43 .
Chapter 4 • Installing a J-type radio assembly 32 1037312-0001 Revision A Installing a shim f or ver tical transmit polarization F ollow the instructions in this section only if the installation specification or service order states that vertical transmit polarization is r equir ed.
Chapter 4 • Installing a J-type radio assembly 1037312-0001 Revision A 33 Figure 24 illustrates the dif ference between the horizontal shim and vertical shim.
Chapter 4 • Installing a J-type radio assembly 34 1037312-0001 Revision A 5. Install the ve rtical shim and O-ring in the same location. Because of its shape and alignment pins on the transmit/recei ve isolation assemb ly (TRIA), the v ertical shim can only be installed in the position sho wn in Figure 24 (upper right photo).
Chapter 4 • Installing a J-type radio assembly 1037312-0001 Revision A 35 Figure 26 sho ws ho w the TRIA is positioned for horizontal transmit polarization compared to ho w it is positioned for vertical transmit polarization. 6. Make sure the O-ring sho wn in Figure 25 on page 34 is in place in the shim.
Chapter 4 • Installing a J-type radio assembly 36 1037312-0001 Revision A Installing the radio assembl y This section explains ho w to in stall the J-type radio assembly . Y ou must use the antenna kit indicated in Ta b l e 1 on page 8 for the J-type radio assembly .
Chapter 4 • Installing a J-type radio assembly 1037312-0001 Revision A 37 Attaching the feed horn and transition to the radio assembl y The feed horn and wav e guide transition are shipped from the factory pre-attached, as sho wn in Figure 28 .
Chapter 4 • Installing a J-type radio assembly 38 1037312-0001 Revision A 3. Place the neck of the feed horn into the up per mounting bracket, and position the square end of the w av e guide transition close to the TRIA.
Chapter 4 • Installing a J-type radio assembly 1037312-0001 Revision A 39 8. T ighten the bolts alternately , a little at a time. Mounting the radio assembl y on the feed suppor t tube T o mount the radio assembly on th e feed support tube, first mount the lo wer mounting bracket on the feed support tube: 1.
Chapter 4 • Installing a J-type radio assembly 40 1037312-0001 Revision A 4. T ighten the nuts. Attach the upper and lo wer mounting brack ets to each other , as sho wn in Figure 33 : 1. Place the radio assembly (attached to the upper brack et in pre vious steps) onto the lower brack et.
Chapter 4 • Installing a J-type radio assembly 1037312-0001 Revision A 41 5. T igh ten the four bolts. 6. Remov e the protecti ve packing material from the feed horn windo w . This completes installati on of the radio assembly . Figure 33: Attaching the radio assembly to the f eed suppor t tub e 1/4-20 x 0.
Chapter 4 • Installing a J-type radio assembly 42 1037312-0001 Revision A.
Chapter 5 • Installing a cradle-type radio as sembly 1037312-0001 Revision A 43 Chapter 5 Installing a cradle-type radio assembl y This chapter applies to the cr adle-type radio assembly only . If you are installing a J-type radio assembly , go to Chapter 4 – Installing a J-type radio assembly , on page 31 .
Chapter 5 • Installing a cradle-type radio as sembly 44 1037312-0001 Revision A Installing the radio assembl y This section explains ho w to install the cradle-type radio assembly . Y ou must use the antenna kit indicated in Ta b l e 1 on page 8 for the cradle-type radio assembly .
Chapter 5 • Installing a cradle-type radio as sembly 1037312-0001 Revision A 45 2. Apply silicone grease to the O -ring groo ve in the feed horn. 3. Place the O-ring (0.9-inch in side diameter) in the groo ve. Make sur e the O-ring r emains in the O-ring gr oove .
Chapter 5 • Installing a cradle-type radio as sembly 46 1037312-0001 Revision A 4. T ighten the bolts securely . 5. Remov e the protecti ve packing material from the feed horn windo w . This completes installati on of the radio assembly . Figure 36: Mountin g the radio on the f eed support tube 5/16-18 2.
Chapter 5 • Installing a cradle-type radio as sembly 1037312-0001 Revision A 47 Setting polarization f or the cradle-type radio T o set polarization for the cradle-t ype radio, you adjust th e radio, not the antenna. This section expl ains ho w to calculate and set the polarization v alue for the cradle-type radio assembly .
Chapter 5 • Installing a cradle-type radio as sembly 48 1037312-0001 Revision A Setting the radio polarization Set polarization on the cradle-type radio as follows: 1. Before proceeding, mak e sure the antenn a polarization is set to 0°. See Setting polarization on page 63 .
Chapter 6 • Cabling and co nnections 1037312-0001 Revision A 49 Chapter 6 Cab ling and connections This chapter illustrates where the ODU ground, transmit, and receiv e connectors are located; sho ws ho w to route the transmit and recei ve cables at the ODU; and e xplains ho w to connect the transmit and recei ve cables to the radio assembly .
Chapter 6 • Cabling and connectio ns 50 1037312-0001 Revision A Routing the cables at the ODU Route the coaxial transmit and recei ve cables at the ODU as follo ws: 1.
Chapter 6 • Cabling and co nnections 1037312-0001 Revision A 51 3. Coil the extra cable, leav e a dr ip loop, and secu re the transmit cable with ca ble ties .
Chapter 6 • Cabling and connectio ns 52 1037312-0001 Revision A Connecting the transmit and receive cables This section explains ho w to connect the transmit and recei ve cables to the radio assembly . T ransmit cable Connect the transmit cable to the transmitter as follo ws: 1.
Chapter 6 • Cabling and co nnections 1037312-0001 Revision A 53 4. If necessary , secure the cable with cable ties. Figure 41: T ransmit connector – J-t ype radio Figure 42: T ransmit connector �.
Chapter 6 • Cabling and connectio ns 54 1037312-0001 Revision A Receive cable Connect the recei v e cable to the lo w noise block con v erter (LNB) as follo ws: 1. Connect the receiv e cable (marked with red tape) to the recei ve connector on the LNB.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the ant enna 1037312-0001 Revision A 55 Chapter 7 P ointing the antenna This chapter explains ho w to po int the antenna. T opics include: • Antenna pointing overvie w on page.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the an tenna 56 1037312-0001 Revision A Antenna pointing o verview This chapter describes a general procedure for point ing the antenna.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the ant enna 1037312-0001 Revision A 57 P er sonnel requirements One person can point the antenna if an outdoor pointing interface (OPI) is used.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the an tenna 58 1037312-0001 Revision A Installing the OPI T o prepare for antenna pointing, attach the OPI to the recei ve cable from the LNB, as shown in Figure 46 . Note that the OPI will not w ork unless it is enabled on the approp riate screen on the installation software.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the ant enna 1037312-0001 Revision A 59 Adjusting the antenna T o point the antenna you make th ree adjustments to the position of the antenna reflector: • Ele v ation – Adj.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the an tenna 60 1037312-0001 Revision A Adjustment l ocations on the antenna Figure 48 sho ws the mechanical adjustments for azimuth, ele v ation, and polarization. A ll pointing adjustments require a ½-inch wrench. Detailed procedures fo r adjusting the antenna are included in the sections that follo w .
Chapter 7 • Pointing the ant enna 1037312-0001 Revision A 61 Setting coarse ele v ation The antenna pointing pr ocedur e be gins with the steps described in this section and continues th r ough the end of this chap ter . F ollow the instructions in th e or der they a r e pr esented.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the an tenna 62 1037312-0001 Revision A Fine ele v ation adjustment The f ine ele vation ad justment rod (sh o wn in Figure 50) allo ws you to make f ine adjustments of the antenna elev ation.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the ant enna 1037312-0001 Revision A 63 Initial elev ation setting Make sure the antenna reflect or is set to the initial ele v ation v alue giv en b y the installation software.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the an tenna 64 1037312-0001 Revision A Setting azimuth W ith the elev ation and polarizatio n set to the initial values gi v en by the instal lation softw are, follo w these steps to set the antenna azimuth to the initial v alue specif ied by the installation software and then adjust it as necessary: 1.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the ant enna 1037312-0001 Revision A 65 6. After acquiring a signal, adjust the azimuth to obtain the highest signal quality . 7.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the an tenna 66 1037312-0001 Revision A P eaking the signal (procedure) After the satellite signal is detect ed, peak the signal as follo ws: 1.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the ant enna 1037312-0001 Revision A 67 Isolating the tran smit signal T o prev ent signal cros s talk, you use a proc edure kno wn as Automated Cross Polarization (A CP ) to isolate the transmit signal from the recei ve signal.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the an tenna 68 1037312-0001 Revision A A utomatic A CP test V erify that the signal is sti ll peaked b y initiating an automatic A CP test.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the ant enna 1037312-0001 Revision A 69 Final steps Complete the follo wing steps befo re lea ving the inst allation site. Remo ve the OPI Remov e the OPI so you can re-use it for subsequent installations: 1. Disconnect th e OPI and block, if used.
Chapter 7 • Pointing the an tenna 70 1037312-0001 Revision A.
• Acronyms and abbreviations 1037312-0001 Revision A 71 Acr on yms and abbre viations A ACP – Automated Cross Polarization Az/El – Azimuth and elevation F FSB – Field service bulletin ft – F.
• Acronyms and abbreviations 72 1037312-0001 Revision A.
• Index 1037312-0001 Revision A 73 Inde x A Antenna assembling, general instructions 22 illustrated 2 kits 8 main components 8 small hardware parts 18 mount 4 pointing 56 isolating the transmit sign.
• Index 74 1037312-0001 Revision A feed horn cradle-type radio 44 J-type radio 37 feed support tube 28 final steps 69 IDU 4 J-type radio assembly 31 OPI 58 O-ring 37, 45 radio assembly 39 reflector .
• Index 1037312-0001 Revision A 75 S Safety labels and/or signs 69 Shim for transmit polarization 32 Signal strength 62 maximizing 66 Site, installation 4 Summary of installation steps 3 T Tasks, an.
• Index 76 1037312-0001 Revision A.
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