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EN (2-24) FR (25-47) ES (48-70).
English - - - 2 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 SYMBOL E XPLANA T ION Only intended for trimmer heads. Nois e emiss ion to the envi ronment ac cor ding to the Europe an Community ’s Dire ctiv e. The mac hine’s emission is specified in the T echni cal data s ect ion and on label.
English - - - 3 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 CONT ENTS Cont ents KEY T O SYMBOLS Sy mbols 2 ..................... .... CONTENTS Contents 3 .................... .... Note the followi ng before starting 3 .... WHA T IS WHAT? What is w hat? 4 ..............
English - - - 4 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 WHA T IS WHA T? 1. Trimmer head 12. Start er handle 2. Greas e filler c ap 13. Fuel tank 3. Bev el gear 14. Chok e control 4. Cutting att achment guard 15. Primer bulb 5. Upper s haft 16. A ir filter c over 6.
English - - - 5 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 GENERAL SAF ETY PRECAUTIONS IMPORT ANT! Whenever y ou use a clear - ing saw, brushc utter or trimmer y ou must wear per sonal prot ectiv e equipment that is approv ed by the aut horities.
English - - - 6 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 GENERAL SAF ETY PRECAUTIONS IM PORT AN T! All s erv icing and repai r work on the machine r equires s peci al training. This is espec ially tru e of the machine’s safety equipment. If y our mach ine fails any o f the check s desc ribed bel ow y ou must contact your s erv ice age nt.
English - - - 7 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 GENERAL SAF ETY PRECAUTIONS W ARNING : Over exposure t o vibr ation can lead t o circula tory damage o r nerve damage in people who h ave impaired ci rculat ion. Cont act your doct or if you exper i - ence sympto ms of over exposur e to vibr ation.
English - - - 8 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 GENERAL SAF ETY PRECAUTIONS Cut ting equip me nt This s ec tion desc ribes how t o choos e and maintain yo ur cut ting equipment in order t o: S Obta in maximum c utting per formanc e. S Ex tend the life of c utting equip ment.
English - - - 9 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 ASSEMBL Y S Pus h the attac hment into the c oupling until the attac hment sn aps into plac e. S Before us ing the unit, ti ghten the knob s e- cur ely . N O TE: Make s ure unit is ass embled cor- rec tly as shown in this manual.
English - - - 10 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 ASSEMBL Y F itti ng the t rimmer guard and trimmer head S Fit the c orrec t trimmer guard ( D) for us e with the t rimmer head. Hook the trimmer guard/c ombination guard onto the fitting on the s haft and sec ure wit h the bolt (E).
English - - - 11 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 FUEL HANDLING Fuel safet y Nev er star t the machine: 1. If y ou hav e spill ed fuel on it. Wipe off the spilla ge and allow r emaining fuel to ev apo - rate. 2. If y ou hav e sp illed fuel on y ours elf or y our cloth es, c hange your c lothes .
English - - - 12 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 FUEL HANDLING S Alwa ys s tart by f lling half the amount of the petrol t o be used . Then add the ent ire amount of oil. Mix ( shak e) the fuel mix ture. Add the remaining a mount of petr ol. S Mix ( shak e) the fuel mix ture thoroughly before filling t he machine’s fuel tank .
English - - - 13 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 ST ARTI NG AND STOPPING Check befo re starting S Nev er s tart t he machine in doors. Ex haus t fumes c an be dangerou s if inh aled. S Obs erve y our s urroundings and mak e sur e that there is no risk of people or animals c oming into c ontact w ith the cutt ing equipment.
English - - - 14 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 ST ARTI NG AND STOPPING CAUTION! Do not pull t he starter cord all the way out and do not let go of the s tarter handle when the c ord is fully ex tended. This c an damage the machine. NOTE: If engine dies , retur n blue engine chok e lever to the c losed pos ition and repeat s tarting steps .
English - - - 15 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 WORKING TECHNIQUES Gene ra l work ing inst ruc tions IMPORT ANT! Th is se cti on d e scri be s the b a sic saf e ty pr e- caut ions for w ork ing with tr immers. I f you enco unter a sit uation wher e you are unc er - tain how to pr oceed y ou should as k a n ex - pert.
English - - - 16 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 WORKING TECHNIQUES S Reduce the risk o f damaging plants b y s h o r t e n i n gt h et r i m m e r l i n et o4 - - 41 / 2i n c h e s (10 - - 12 c m) and redu cing the engine s peed.
English - - - 17 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 MAINTENANCE Ca rbur et or Y our H usqv arna produc t has been designed and manufactured to s pecif ications t hat re- duce harmful emis sions . After the engine has us ed 8 - - 10 tank s of fuel, the engine w ill be run - - in.
English - - - 18 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 MAINTENANCE T wo - - pi ece sh aft The driv e shaft end in the lower s haft should be lubr icated w ith greas e every 30 hours . There is a ris k that the driv e shaft ends ( splined c oupling) will s eize i f they are not lubric ated regular ly .
English - - - 19 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 MAINTENANCE Bevel g ear The bevel gear is filled wit h the right quan- tity of gr ease at the fac tory. However, be- fore us ing the machine y ou s hould chec k that the bev el gear is f illed three - - quarter s full with greas e.
English - - - 20 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 MAINTENANCE Ma intena nc e sc hedule The following is a lis t of the maintenance that mus t be performed on the mac hine. Mos t of the items ar e desc ribed in the Maintenanc e sec tion. The us er must only car ry out the main- tenance and s erv ice w ork des c ribed in this O perator ’s Manual.
English - - - 21 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 TECHNICAL DA T A T ec hnica l data 128LDX Engine Cy linder displac ement, cm 3 28 Cy linder bore, mm 35 Stroke, m m 28,7 Idle speed, r pm 2800- - 3200 Rec ommended max. fast idle s peed, rpm 1 1000 Speed of output shaf t, rpm 8000 Max.
English - - - 22 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 TECHNICAL DA T A Attachment s Part. no . Gras s blade/gras s cutt er kit 952 715 616 Cultiv ator attac hment with s haft 952 71 1 907 / 537 42 54 - - 01 Edge.
English - - - 23 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 T r imm er H ea d Line Loading Instr uct ions 20 i 10 i 3m 6m 1 23 45 6 78 9.
English - - - 24 115299326 Rev . 2 7/15/10 Pla stic B lade s (T r i Cut) 12 3 4 5 6 7 8.
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Husqvarna 952711948をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHusqvarna 952711948の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Husqvarna 952711948の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Husqvarna 952711948で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Husqvarna 952711948を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHusqvarna 952711948の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
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