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HYUNDAI MICRO ELECTR ONICS 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS GMS90X51C GMS90X52C GMS90X54C +<81'$, M i cr oEle ct r oni cs Semi condu ct or Gr oup o f Hy undai El ect roni cs I ndust ri al C o.
Version 1.0 Published b y MCU A pplication Team 2001 2001 2001 2001 HYUNDAI MicroElectronics All right reserved. Additional information of this manual may be served by HYUNDAI MicroElectronics offices in Korea or Dis- tributors and Repres entatives liste d at addr ess directory.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 Device Naming Structure GMS90X5XC Seri es Selection Guide Operati ng Voltage (V) ROM size (bytes ) RAM size (bytes) Devi ce Name Operati ng Frequency (MHz) MASK 4.25~5.5 4K 8K 16K 128 256 256 GMS90C 51C GMS90C 52C GMS90C 54C 12/24 /40 12/24 /40 12/24 /40 2.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 GMS90C51C GMS90L51C(Low voltage versions) • Fully c ompatible to standar d MCS-51 mi crocontro ller • Wide o perating fr equency up t o.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 1 GMS90C52C/54C GMS90L52C/54C(Low voltage versions) • Fully c ompatible to standar d MCS-51 mi crocontro ller • Wide o perating fr eque.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 2 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 PIN CONFIGURA TION 44-PLCC Pin Configuration (top view) P0.4 / AD4 P0.5 / AD5 P0.6 / AD6 P0.7 / AD7 EA / V PP N.C.* ALE / PR OG PSEN P2.7 / A15 P2.6 / A14 P2.5 / A13 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 RESET RxD / P3.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 3 40-PDIP Pin Configuration (top view) P0.4 / AD4 P0.5 / AD5 P0.6 / AD6 P0.7 / AD7 EA / V PP ALE / PROG PSEN P2.7 / A1 5 P2.6 / A1 4 P2.5 / A1 3 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 40 P2.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 4 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 44-MQFP Pin Configuration (top view) P0.4 / AD4 P0.5 / AD5 P0.6 / AD6 P0.7 / AD7 EA / V PP N.C.* ALE / PROG PSEN P2.7 / A15 P2.6 / A14 P2.5 / A13 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 RESET RxD / P3.0 N.C .* TxD / P3.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 5 Logic Symbol XTAL1 XTAL2 RESET Port 0 8-bit Dig ital I/O Port 1 8-bit Digita l I/O Port 2 8-bit Digita l I/O Port 3 8-bit Digita l I/O EA.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 6 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 PIN DEFINITIONS AND F UNCTIONS Symbol Pin Number I nput / Ou t pu t Function PLCC- 44 PDIP- 40 MQFP- 44 P1.0-P1.7 2 -9 2 3 2 1-8 1 2 1 40-44, 1-3 40 41 40 I/O Port1 Port 1 is an 8-b it bidire ctional I /O por t with inter nal pull-ups .
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 7 XTAL1 21 19 15 I XTAL 1 Input to the invert ing osci llator am plifier an d input to the intern al clock ge nerator circ uits.To dri ve the device from an ex ternal cl ock sou rce, XTAL1 s hould be drive n, while XTAL2 is left un connecte d.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 8 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 ALE / PROG 33 30 27 O Th e Address Latc h Enable / Progra m pulse Output p ulse for latc hing the low byt e of the ad dress duri ng an acce ss to exte rnal memo ry.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 9 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The GMS90X5XC series is fully compatible to the s tandard 8051 microcontroller family . It is compatible with th e general 8051 family. While maintain ing all architectural and operatio nal characteristics of the general 8051 fa mily.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 10 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 CPU The GMS90X5XC series is efficient both as a controller and as an arithmetic processor. It has exten si ve facili- ties for binary and BCD arithmetic and excels in it s bit-handling cap abilities.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 11 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS All registers, except the pr ogram co unter and the four general pu rpose register b anks, re side in the special fu nc- tion register area.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 12 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 C0H C1H C2H C3H C4H C5H C6H C7H reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved XX H XXH 2) XXH 2) XXH 2) XXH 2) .
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 13 Table 2. Special Func tion Registers - Functional Bloc ks Block Symbol Name Address Contents after Reset CPU ACC B DPH DPL PSW SP Accu m.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 14 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 81H SP 82H DPL 83H DPH 87H PCON SM OD --- G F 1 G F 0 P D E I D L E 88H TCON TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT 0 89H TMOD GATE C/T M1 MT GAT.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 15 † indicates resident in the GMS90 X52C/54C, not in 90X51C. Table 3. Contents of SFRs, SFRs in Numeric Order (cont’ d) Address Regist.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 16 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 X2 MOD E The GMS90X5XC core needs only 6 clock p eriods per machine cycle. This f eature called ”X2” provides the following advantages: • Div ide frequenc y crys tals by 2 ( cheaper cr ystals ) while ke eping sa me CPU power .
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 17 Figure 3. Mode Swithc ing Waveforms . XTAL1 CPU Clock XTAL1:2 X2 Mode X2 bit STD M ode STD Mode.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 18 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 TIMER / COUNTER 0 AND 1 Timer/ Counter 0 and 1 can be used in four operati ng modes as l isted in Tab le 4: In the "timer" function (C/ T = "0") the register is incremented every machine cycle.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 19 TIMER 2 Timer 2 is a 16-bit timer/Cou nter with an up/down count feature. It can operate either as timer or as an event counter which is select ed b y bit C/T2 (T2C O N.1). I t ha s three op eratin g modes as show n in Table 5 .
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 20 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 SERIAL INTERF ACE (USART) The serial por t is full dupl ex and can operate in four modes (one sy nchronous mode, three as ynchronous modes ) as illustrated in Table 6. The possibl e baud rates can be calculated using th e formulas given in Table 7.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 21 INTERRUPT SYSTEM The GMS90X5XC seri es provides 5 (4 K bytes ROM version) o r 6 (above 8K bytes R OM version) in terrupt sources with two priority levels. Figu r e 5 gives a general overview of the interrup t sources and illu strates the request and con trol flags.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 22 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 A low-priority interrupt can itself b e interrupted b y a high-priority interrupt, but n ot by anot her low priority in- terrup t. A high -priorit y interrup t cannot be interrup ted by any other int errupt sour ce.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 23 Power Saving Modes Two power do wn modes are available, the I dle Mode and Power Down Mode. The bits PDE and IDLE of the register PCON s elect the Power Down mode or the Idle mode, respectively.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 24 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 ELEC TRICAL CHARAC TERISTICS Absolute Ma xi mum Ratings Ambient temperature u nder bias (T A ) ....... ........... ................. ................. ................. ................. -40 to + 85 ° C Storage temperature (T ST ) .
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 25 DC Charac ter istics DC Characterist ics for GMS 90C51C/52C/5 4C V CC = 5V + 10%, -1 5%; V SS =0V; T A = 0 ° C to 70 ° C Parameter Sy mbol Limit Values Unit Test Conditions Min. Max. Inpu t low volta ge (except EA , RESET) V IL -0.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 26 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 2) Capacitive loading on ports 0 and 2 may cause the V OH on ALE and PSEN to momentarily fall below the 0.9V CC specifica- tion when the address lines are stabil izing. 3) I CC Max at other f requencies is given by: active mode: I CC = 1.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 27 DC Characterist ics for GMS 90L51C/52C/54C V CC = 3.3V + 0.3V, -0.6V; V SS =0V; T A = 0 ° C to 70 ° C Parameter Sy mbol Limit Values Unit Test Conditions Min. Ma x. Inpu t low volta ge V IL -0.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 28 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 AC Charac ter istics Explanation of the AC Symbols Each timing symbol h as 5 characters. The first character is always a ‘t’ (stand fo r time). The other characters, depending on their positions, stand for the name of a signal or the logi cal status of that signal.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 29 † Interfacing the GMS90X5XC series to devices with float times up to 75 ns is permissible.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 30 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 AC Characterist ics for GMS 90X5XC serie s (12MHz) External D ata Memory Chara cteristics Advance Information (12 MHz) External C lock Drive Parameter Sy mbol 12 MHz Oscillato r Varia ble Oscillator 1/t CL CL = 3.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 31 AC Characterist ics for GMS 90X5XC seri es (16MHz version) V CC = 3.3V + 0.3V, − 0.6V; V SS = 0V; T A = 0 ° C to 70 ° C (C L for port 0.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 32 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 AC Characterist ics for GMS 90X5XC serie s (16MHz) External D ata Memory Chara cteristics Advance Information (16 MHz) External C lock Drive Parameter Sy mbol 16 MHz Oscillato r Varia ble Oscillator 1/t CL CL = 3.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 33 AC Characterist ics for GMS 90X5XC seri es (24MHz version) V CC = 5V + 10%, − 15% ; V SS = 0V; T A = 0 ° C to 70 ° C (C L for port 0.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 34 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 AC Characterist ics for GMS 90X5XC serie s (24MHz) External D ata Memory Chara cteristics Advance Information (24 MHz) External C lock Drive Parameter Sy mbol 24 MHz Oscillato r Varia ble Oscillator 1/t CL CL = 3.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 35 AC Characterist ics for GMS 90X5XC seri es (33MHz version) V CC = 5V + 10%, − 15% ; V SS = 0V; T A = 0 ° C to 70 ° C (C L for port 0.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 36 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 AC Characterist ics for GMS 90X5XC serie s (33MHz) External D ata Memory Chara cteristics Advance Information (33 MHz) External C lock Drive Parameter Sy mbol 33 MHz Oscillato r Varia ble Oscillator 1/t CL CL = 3.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 37 AC Characterist ics for GMS 90X5XC seri es (40MHz version) V CC = 5V + 10%, − 15%; V SS = 0V; T A = 0 ° C to 70 ° C (C L for port 0.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 38 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 AC Characterist ics for GMS 90X5XC serie s (40MHz) External D ata Memory Chara cteristics Advance Information (40 MHz) External C lock Drive Parameter Sy mbol at 40 MH z Clock Variable Clock 1/t CL CL = 3.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 39 Figure 6. External Program M emory Read Cycle t LHL L t PXAV t PXIZ t PXIX t LLAX t LLIV t PLIV t PLPH t AZPL t LLPL t AVL L A0-A7 INSTR.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 40 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 Figure 7. External Data M emory Read Cyc le Figure 8. External Data M emory Write Cyc le t LHLL P2.0-P2.7 or A8-A15 fro m DPH A8 -A15 from PCH ALE PSEN PORT 0 PORT 2 RD t LLWL DATA IN A0-A7 from P CL INS TR.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 41 Figure 9. AC Testing: Input, Output Waveforms Figure 10. Float Wave forms Figure 11. External Clock Cycle AC Inputs du ring testin g are dr iven at V CC − 0.5V for a logi c ‘1’ and 0.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 42 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 OSCILLA TOR CIRCUIT Figure 12. Recommende d Oscillator Circui ts Oscillation circuit is designed to be used either with a ceramic resonator or crystal oscillator.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 43 Plastic Pack age P-LCC-44 (Plastic Leaded Ch ip-Carrier) 0.180 0.165 UNIT: INCH 44PLCC 0.012 0.007 5 0.120 0.090 0.032 0.026 0.630 0.590 min. 0 .020 0.656 0.650 0.695 0.685 0.656 0.650 0.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 44 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 Plastic Pack age P-DIP-4 0 (Plastic Dual in-Line Package) UNIT: INCH 2.075 2.045 0.200 m ax. 0.022 0.015 0.065 0.045 0.100 BSC 0.550 0.530 0.60 0 BSC 0-15 ° 0 . 0 12 0 .0 0 8 40DI P 0.140 0.
GMS90X5XC Series HYUNDAI MicroElectr onics Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0 45 Plastic P ackage P-MP QF-44 (Plastic Metric Quad Flat Package) 2.35 max. SEE DETAIL "A" 1.03 0.73 0-7 ° 0.25 0.10 1.60 REF DETAIL "A" UNIT: MM 0.45 0.30 0.80 B SC 2.10 1.
HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series 46 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0.
MASK ORDER & VERIFICA TION SHEET GMS90X5XC-GC 1. Customer Information Company Na me 2. Device Inform ati on 3. Marking Specific ation 4. Delivery Schedule Cust omer Sample Date Risk Order Y YYY MM DD Quant ity HME Confi rmation Applic ation Order Da te YYYY MM DD Te l : Fax: Name & Signatu re: Package HME Y Y W W K O R E A 5.
デバイスHyundai GMS90X54Cの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Hyundai GMS90X54Cをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHyundai GMS90X54Cの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Hyundai GMS90X54Cの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Hyundai GMS90X54Cで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Hyundai GMS90X54Cを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHyundai GMS90X54Cの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Hyundai GMS90X54Cに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHyundai GMS90X54Cデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。