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Setup, Operator , and Service G u i d e Imation L1200 L T O 2U T ape Library and L1400 L T O 4U T ape Library Model 3573 L4U & Model 3573 L2U Setup, Operator , and Service G u i d e Imation L1200 .
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. © Imation Corp and others. Imation and the Imation logo are trademarks of Imation Corp and its affiliates.
Read This First This product is not intended to be connected dir ectly or indir ectly by any means whatsoever to interfaces of public telecommunications Networks. For onl ine T ec hnica l Su ppor t fo r yo ur T a pe Libr ary , visit: http://www .imation.
Contents Read This First .................................................. iii Contacting Imation T echnical Support.....................................iii Safety Notices ............................................................. . vii Danger Notice.
Connecting a Power Cor d...............................................4-17 Installing Y our Library .............................................................4-18 Choosing Y our Configuration Method..........................4-18 Using Factory Defaults as Y our Configuration.
Replacing the Library Enclosur e..........................................10-15 Preparing the Defective Library for Replacement.....10-15 Unpacking and Preparing the Replacement Library Enclosur e.......................................................
Safety Notices If the symbol is... It means... A gen er al l y ha za rdo us con di ti o n no t rep res en te d b y ot he r sa fe ty symbols. Th is p rod uc t c on ta in s a C la ss II la se r .
T ape Drive AC Grounding Inspection Power off the drive. 1. Disconnect all cables. 2. See Figure 1 on page 3. ix which is provided for r efer ence only . Disconnect the power cord fr om its sour ce. Inspect the power cable for visible cracks, wear , or damage.
T he pr od u c t m ay co n t ai n a la s e r a ss e mb l y t h at co m p li e s w it h th e p e r fo r ma n ce s ta n da rd s se t b y t h e U . S. Fo o d a n d D ru g Ad m in i st r a ti o n f or a C l as s I l as e r p ro du c t . C la s s I la s er pr od u c ts do no t em i t h az a rd o us la s er r ad i at i on .
Caution Do no t i ns ta l l a un i t in a ra ck wh er e t he i n te rn a l ra ck am bi e nt t e mp er at u re s • wi l l ex c ee d t he m an u fa ct u re r ’ s re c om me nd e d am b ie nt te mp er a tu re fo r al l y ou r rack mounted devices.
On c e th e r ac k c ab in e t is in t he ne w l oc at io n , do th e fo l lo wi n g: • – Lower the four leveling pads. – Install stabilizer brackets on the rack cabinet. – If you removed any devices from the rack cabinet, repopulate the rack cabinet from the lowest position to the highest position.
Notice: This mark applies only to countries within the Eur opean Union (EU) and Norway . App lia nces are lab eled in acc ordan ce w ith Euro pean Di recti ve 2 002/ 96/ EC c onc erni ng was te elec tri cal and ele ctron ic e qui pmen t ( WEEE ).
Flat Panel Display Th e flu ore sc en t lam p or l am ps i n t he l iq ui d cr yst al d is pl ay c ont ai n me rcu ry . Di sp os e of it as requir ed by local or dinances and regulations. Monitors Co nn ec ti cu t - P le as e se e th e w eb s it e of t he De pa rt me nt o f Env iro nm en ta l Pro te cti on at h tt p: // ww w .
Preface Th is m an ua l con ta in s in fo rm ati on a nd i ns tru ct io ns n ec ess ar y fo r th e ins ta ll at io n, operation, and service of the ImationTM L1200 L TO 2U T ape Library and L1400 L TO 4U T ape Library . Note: Th e Im ation TM L 1200 L TO 2 U T ape Lib rary and L140 0 L TO 4U T ap e Li brar y is a cus tome r ins tall ed u nit.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 1-1 Chapter 1. Product Description Th e I mat ion ® L 12 00 L TO 2U T a pe Lib rar y (2U li bra ry) an d t he Im ati on L14 00 L TO 4U T ape Library (4U library) provide compact, high-capacity , low-cost solutions for si mpl e, una tte nd ed dat a b ack up.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 1-2 T able 1-1. 2U library and 4U library front panel descriptions Number Item Description 1 Power button Pressing this button powers ON the library . Pressing and holding this button for 4 seconds will power OFF the unit (soft power down).
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 1-3 Rear Panel a77ug232 1 3 4 2 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 Figure 1-3. Rear panel of a 2U library with a SCSI drive 1 3 4 2 5 7 8 9 10 a77ug233 11 12 6 Figure 1-4. Rear panel of a 4U library with full high Fibre Channel drive and half high SCSI and SAS drives.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 1-4 T able 1-2. 2U library and 4U library rear panel descriptions Number Item Description 1 Power connector(s) Both libraries requir e a 1 10/220 volt AC power connection. v The 2U library has one power supply .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 1-5 Bar Code Reader Encryption The bar code reader is an integral part of the library accessor . The bar code reader provides inventory feedback to the host application, Operator Contr ol Panel display , and W eb User Interface by reading cartridge bar code labels.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 1-6 Supported Internet Protocols The library supports the following Internet protocols: IPv4 • IPv6 • T o learn more about Internet protocols, visit http://www .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 1-7 Maximum Library Storage Capacity and Data T ransfer Rate Maximum Library Storage Capacity and Data T ransfer Rate Maximum library storage capacity and maximum data transfer rates are as follows: T able 1-3.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 1-8 Ultrium T ape Drives Th is lib rar y s up por ts the Ul tri um 4, an d U ltr ium 5 T a pe Dr ive s.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 1-9 1 Figure 1-7. Library drive sled with ESD springs [1] (SAS sled shown) Note: Ul triu m 3 a nd 4 SCS I, S AS, a nd F ibre C hann el dr ives are a llow ed i n the sam e physical and logical library .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 1-10 Da ta Car tri dge s at ori gin al Ult riu m 3 c apa cit ies , a nd ca n a lso rea d L TO U ltr ium 2 Dat a Ca rtr idg es wit h imp rove d d ata ra tes . U lt riu m 4 ta pe dri ves c ann ot read Ul tri um 1 tapes.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 1-1 1 Operation Specifications T able 1-7. Operation Specifications: Ultrium 5 Library with Ultrium 5 drive(s) 2U Library 4U Library Maximum storage c.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 1-12 T able 1-9. Operation Specifications: Ultrium 3 (continued) Library with Ultrium 3 drive(s) 2U library 4U library Sustained native data transfer .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 1-13 Supported Device Drivers Keep the library away from moving air caused by doorways, open windows, fans, • and air conditioners. Ensure that the machine covers ar e always kept closed to minimize any contamination from airborne particles.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 2-1 Chapter 2. User Interfaces This library has two user interfaces. Operator Control Panel - located on the fr ont panel of the library • “W eb User Interface” on page 2-5 - accessed via a web browser • Operator Control Panel The Operator Control Panel operates in two basic modes.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 2-2 bec ome illum inat ed. The error code remain s on the Oper ator Con trol P anel unti l a push button is pressed, which causes the Operator Control Panel to r eturn to the Home Screen.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 2-3 If a l ib ra ry fa il ure o cc ur s, t he Re ad y/ Ac ti vi ty LE D wi ll t ur n O FF a nd t he E rro r L ED il lu mi na te s. Th e Op er at or C ont rol P an el w il l als o di sp la y an ap pro pr ia te e rro r co de to help identify the failure.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 2-4 Selecting Predened V alues T o set the predefined values, press the SELECT button to select the menu item. 1. Usi ng the UP and DO WN b utto ns, sele ct one o f t he vario us predefin ed v alue s f or that 2.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 2-5 W eb User Interface Many of the same operations performed from the Operator Contr ol Panel can also be performed remotely using the W eb User Interface.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 2-6 System Status The System Status scr een is always present after login giving current status of the library . Status icons indicate the following conditions. v The gr een check mark indicates that the library is fully operational and that no user intervention is r equir ed.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 2-7 If Auto Cle an i s ena bled and a c leani ng c artr idge is n ot p resent , or if a cle anin g • cartridge is present, but not in a r eserved slot, Auto Clean status will show Chk Media/Rsvd Slot? and Status will show a green check mark and the wor ds Medi a Attention .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 2-8 Web User Interface Help Pages Each screen on the W eb User Interface has an associated Help page. T o access a Help page, click on Help in the uppe r ri ght corn er of the scree n. A n ew w eb p age w ill open .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 3-1 Chapter 3. Installation Planning Before installing your library , take time to r eview the following information. Y ou can partition the library into as many logical libraries as there are drives in the library .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 3-2 Library configuration is not limited to the examples given above. Many co nfi gu ra ti on s a re po ss ib le , an d c an b e de si gn ed ac co rdi ng t o yo ur bu si ne ss n ee ds. For additional information, refer to your host application documentation.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 3-3 Fo r li br ar y firm wa re of 8 .x x or lo we r th e 2U l ibr ar y do es n ot su pp or t Co nt rol P ath Failover and Data Path Failover . As a r esult, there should be no license key entry fo r “P at h Fa ilo ve r” o n th e 2U li br ar y .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 3-4 Conguration of a 1 - Partition System A one part ition sys tem confi gured for a 4U libr ary c onta ins any and a ll d rive s pres ent in any drive positions, and it will contain all four magazines.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 3-5 Conguration of a 3 - Partition System A t hre e par ti ti on s ys te m m us t ha ve a t le ast t hre e dr iv es i nst al le d.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 3-6 SCSI Element Addressing Eve ry l ogica l li brar y st arts at t he fi rst drive slo t wi th th e cu rrent assi gned elem ent star t address (default value 256). It will be incr emented fr om the bottom to the top slots for eve ry d rive slot .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 3-7 When a server is booted, devices are discover ed and assigned SCSI tar get and LUN IDs. It is possible for these SCSI assignments to change between boots. Some operating systems do not guarantee that devices will always be allocated the same SCSI target ID after rebooting.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 3-8 SCSI Interface Note : Altho ugh the L VD hardw are in the libr ary is ca pabl e of ope ratin g in sin gle-e nded (SE) mode, SE operation is not recommended. The library su pports SCSI L VD attachment s b y u sing SCSI c ables wi th 6 8-pin, HD -connec tors.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 3-9 Fo r m axi mum pe rf orm anc e, mul tip le SC SI bus es may be req uire d ( se e “ Usi ng Multiple SCSI Buses”), and Ultrium T ape Drives must be the only target devices that are active on the bus.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 3-10 SCSI Differential - L VD L VD tape devices support a bus length of 25 meters (82 ft.) point-to-point, and 12 meters (39 ft.) using multi-drop inter connection (daisy-chaining). For each daisy- chained device, the maximum cable length must be reduced by 0.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 3-1 1 Cables and Speeds Ult rium 3, U ltri um 4 , an d Ult rium 5 F ibre C hanne l ta pe d rive s use LC dupl ex fi ber optics cables. The maximum distances that the library supports on a Fibre Channel link is determined by the link speed, the type of fiber (50-micron or 62.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-1 Chapter 4. Installation and Conguration Note: Review the information in “Installation Planning” before installing your library . The Ima tion L120 0 L TO 2U T a pe Li brar y an d L14 00 L T O 4 U T ape Lib rary is a cus tome r ins tall ed un it.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-2 Choosing a Location Choose a location that meets the following criteria: Unpacking the Library Note: If the temperature in the r oom wher e the li.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-3 V erifying the Shipment V erify that the following items ar e included in your library shipment: W ith every library: • – Power cord – Fo.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-4 3. Install the foot pads on the bottom of the library enclosur e by pr essing each foot into one of the six areas ( 1 ) as shown in the figure below . 4. Carefully return the library to an upright position.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-5 1. Remove the blue label ( 2 ) that is securing the lock ( 1 ) to the top of the library , then remove the lock (see Figure 4-2). 2. Store the lock ( 1 ) and label ( 2 ) on the rear panel of the library as shown in Figure 4-3.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-6 Rackmounting the Library (for Rack Installation ONL Y) The 2U libra ry a nd t he 4 U lib rary are e asil y ins tall ed i nto a sta ndard 19-i nch rack syst em. The 2U library requir es 2U (3.5 in.) of space.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-7 b. Rack Kit B: The following parts make up Rack Kit B. v Packaged in plastic material: – 12 black plastic squar e plugs for covering rack holes .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-8 1 T wo EIA units for round hole and square hole installation 3 W ide Gaps within the EIA unit 2 4 Narrow Gaps between EIA units 3.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-9 a77ug274 Figure 4-7. Alternate rear view of a rack showing the narrow part of the rail Chapter 4.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-10 Note: The rail must be fastened with the bottom of the rail parallel to floor and at the same level. 4. Using the T orx wrench included in your shipment, remove the screws ( 1 ) as shown in Figure 4-10 on page 4-1 1.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-1 1 5. Install the library rack anchors ( 2 ) as shown in Figure 4-1 1 on page 4-12 on each side of your library using the longest counter-sunk scr ews included in the a77ug27 0 Figure 4-9. Close-up a77ug2 6 3 Figure 4-10.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-12 rack kit. 6. Install the library mounting brackets ( 1 ) as shown on the 2U library on each side of the library using the screw that was r emoved from your library and an additional short, counter-sunk screw included in the rack kit.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-13 8. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver , secure the library to the rack (see Figur e 4-14 on page 4-14 for a 2U library; see Figure 4-15 on page 4-14 for a 4U library) by placing a screw in the center hole of each mounting bracket and tightening a77ug2 6 7 Figure 4-12.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-14 them ( 1 ). Install either the r ound or the square rack holes as shown above. a77ug2 65 Figure 4-14.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-15 Attaching the Library to a Server The 2U library and the 4U library can be attached to servers using the following interfaces: SCSI (L VD Ultra 160) • Fibre Channel • Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) • Carefully r eturn the library to an upright position.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-16 3. Attach the other end of the host interface cable as follows: v For a SCSI library , connect the host interface cable to the connector on the SCSI host bus adapter or to the connector on the pr evious device on the SCSI bus.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-17 For a SAS library , connect the Host Interface Cable to the host HBA, using a dir ect • SFF-8088 connection, or an interposer as r equir ed.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-18 Note: Review the information in “Installation Planning” before configuring your library . The lib rary can be c onfig ured u sing the Oper ator Cont rol Pa nel and/ or th e W eb User Interface.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-19 Conguring Y our Library Using the W eb User Interface T o con figure your libr ary usin g the W e b Us er I nterf ace, com plet e the fol lowi ng procedur es: “Establishing Remote Access to Y our Library” on page 4-20 1.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-20 Establishing Remote Access to Y our Library Sta tic lib rar y ne twor k s etti ngs mus t be ent ered usin g t he O pera tor Con trol Pane l b efore the li brar y c an b e a cces sed remot ely usi ng the W e b Us er I nte rfac e.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-21 a. Press the SELECT button to highlight the IP Address field. b. Press the UP or DOWN button to select the digit(s) in the first octet of your library’s IP Address. c. Press the SELECT button to highlight the digit(s)in the next octet of your IP Address.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-22 Logging on to the Web User Interface T o com plet e the con figur atio n of your lib rary usin g th e W eb User Inte rfac e, f ollo w the steps below . On your host computer , open an Internet browser .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-23 2. V erify the SNMP MIB file currently installed on your SNMP server . V erify the levels of librar y and drive firmwa r e curr ent ly instal led on your libr ary by comple ting the followin g steps: a.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-24 Note: Slots can be reserved so that they ar e invisible to the host. It may be necessary to reserve slots in or der to match the number of available slots to the ISV software licensing. Slots will be r eserved starting with the highest element address.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-25 3. If your library has more than one drive, proceed to “Choosing the Number of Logical Libraries for Y our Library.” If your library has one drive, proceed to “Entering Path Failover Featur e Activation Key” on page 4-26.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-26 The I/O Station and slots r eserved for cleaning cartridges, if any , are shar ed among all logical libraries. Click 1. Configure Library → Logical Libraries in the left navigation pane. Select the number of logical libraries you would like to create in your library .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-27 v Submit - to apply the changes made to the screen Note: If you have a Fiber Channel Drive connected to an AS/400 Host, dir ect attached to the Fiber HBA, set the Port T ype to L-Port.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-28 2. Select a Protocol Stack - Choose IPv4 only , IPv6 only , or Dual Stack IPv4 & IPv6 . If you choose Dual Stack IPv4 & IPv6, you must be prepar ed to enter both IPv4 and IPv6 IP addr esses.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-29 The library must be rebooted or the changes will not take place. Entering User Access Information using the Web User Interface The Configure Library → User Access page is only accessible to the Admin and Service login.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-30 Note: Only one support person can be configured for the entir e tape library . The support person may or may not be one of the user , superuser , or admin account holders. 7. In Support Phone , enter the phone number of the person that will be able to offer the user help with the library .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-31 2. For Err or Log Mode, select Continuous so all information for logs and traces will be captured. 3. T race Level and T race Filter options can be changed by Service personnel only . 4. Click one of the following: v Refresh - to cancel all of your entries and leave the settings as they wer e.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-32 5. In SMTP Server Address (IPv4 or IPv6) , enter the IP Address of the SMTP server associated with the email address. 6. Enter the Domain Name for your library . This field cannot be blank when using event notification.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-33 Note: This option is only available if the library firmware is 9.00 or higher , and the latest library MIB file has been added to the SNMP Management console. 3. Click one of the following: Refresh • - to cancel the changes made to the screen.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-34 T o complete the configuration of your library , the following items will have to be accessed from the W eb User Interface: Encryption (see “C.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-35 The library has removable magazines. Magazine access is passwor d pr otected. For safety reasons, the accessor motion is stopped when a magazine is r emoved. Th e m ag a zi ne s c an b e re l ea se d u si ng th e Op e ra to r C on tr ol P a ne l or th e W e b U se r Interface.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-36 2U Library I/O Station The I/O (Input/Output) Station (see Figur e 4-39) in a 2U library is part of the left magazine. T o open the I/O Station, select Control → Open I/O Station . The I/O Station will pop open.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-37 4U Library Cartridge Magazines The 4U library has four cartridge magazines, two on each side (see Figure 4-40 on page 4-37 and Figure 4-41 on page 4-37). The upper left magazine has twelve storage slots.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-38 There are finger holes on the back side of the I/O Station (see 1 in Figur e 4-43) that allow the user to push the cartridges out of the I/O station. a77ug103 Figure 4-42. 4U library I/O Station in the lower left magazine a77ug104 1 Figure 4-43.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-39 Populating the Library with Data Cartridges Fo r i nf o rm at i on o n w or ki n g wi th th e c ar tr id g e ma g az in es , s ee “C ar t ri dg e Magazines” on page 4-35. Pro pe rl y la be l th e da ta car tr id ge s.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 4-40 2. The Auto Clean function must be Enabled . •OperatorControlPanel: Configure->Library Settings->Auto Clean: Enabled .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-1 Chapter 5. Operations The fol lowi ng t able lis ts m enu navig atio n sh ortc uts to ac tivi ties tha t ca n be per form ed v ia the Operator Control Panel and/or the W eb User Interface.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-2 T able 5-1. Menu navigation shortcuts (continued) Information/ Activity Menu Navigation Shortcuts Operator Control Panel For More Info W eb User I.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-3 T able 5-1. Menu navigation shortcuts (continued) Information/ Activity Menu Navigation Shortcuts Operator Control Panel For More Info W eb User Interface For More Info Display Contrast Service → Display Contrast “Service: Display Contrast” on page 5-31 Not available with this interface.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-4 T able 5-1. Menu navigation shortcuts (continued) Information/ Activity Menu Navigation Shortcuts Operator Control Panel For More Info W eb User Interface For More Info Drive Dump, save Not available with this interface.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-5 T able 5-1. Menu navigation shortcuts (continued) Information/ Activity Menu Navigation Shortcuts Operator Control Panel For More Info W eb User I.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-6 T able 5-1. Menu navigation shortcuts (continued) Information/ Activity Menu Navigation Shortcuts Operator Control Panel For More Info W eb User I.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-7 5-42 5-55 T able 5-1. Menu navigation shortcuts (continued) Information/ Activity Menu Navigation Shortcuts Operator Control Panel For More Info W eb User Interface For More Info Slots, reassign number of active, reserving Note: V aries according to the number logical libraries.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-8 T able 5-2. Library Control Keys Control Keys Description 1 UP (+) - Upper-left button Used to scroll upward through menu items. 2 CANCEL - Upper-right button Used to cancel a user action and return to the previous menu screen.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-9 T able 5-2. Library Control Keys (continued) Control Keys Description 4 DOWN (-) - Lower-left button Used to scroll downward through menu items. 1. Press the UP ( 1 ) or DOWN( 4 ) keys to enter Interaction Mode.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-10 Note: Depending on the version of library firmware, ther e may be differences between the Menu T ree description in this document and the OCP Menu T ree on your library .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-1 1 Under Monitor → Library are the following items: v Status Error L o gN etwor k I dentity Monitor St a t u s St a t u s Act .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-12 Under Monitor → Library are the following items: • Status • Identity • Error Log • Network Under Monitor → Library .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-13 Monitor: Drive This menu item displays drive information and settings. Under Status and Drive (n) ar e the following items: v Status - the curr e.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-14 Under Status and Drive (n) are the following items: •Status-thecurrentstatusofthedrive • Activity-.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-15 Note: 2U has a single right side magazine. Under Magazine choose one of the following to see a graphical repr esentation of the cartridge magazine(s). Slots containing cartridges will be highlighted.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-16 T able 5-3. Detailed information on cartridges residing in a magazine 1 Magazine slot number 3 Media type (generation of cartridge) .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-17 T o move a cartridge from point A to point B, you must make the following choices: v Source T ype - Drive, I/O station, magazine.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-18 Attention: Af t er i n se rt i ng t he ma ga z in es i n to t h e li br a ry , y ou mu st w a it f o r th e library to complete its inventory before pr oceeding with normal library operations.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-19 Note: The maximum number of Logical Libraries in a 2U is two. Note: This menu is only available on libraries with multiple drives. Note: Whenever ther e is a hardware configuration change such as drives being swapped with differ ent form factors (i.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-20 Configure: Library Note: The Remove DCS No is only available on libraries with the DCS featur e.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-21 The following library configuration items are in this menu: Mode: • – Random: In random mode, the library allows the server ’s (host’s) application software to select any data cartridge in any or der .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-22 •ActiveSlots- Use this menu item to enable the Auto Clean function. All cleaning cartridges must have “CLNxxxLx” as part of the bar code. W ith Auto Clean disabled, the cleaning tape can be stored in any data slot if you wish to manually clean the drives.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-23 Configure: Drive The following items ar e in this menu: v Drive Interface - use this to assign a SCSI ID to a SCSI drive or to assign a Port Speed, Port T ype, and Loop ID to a Fibr e Channel drive.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-24 Configure: Network Use these menu items to change the curr ent network settings which allow you to access the library r emotely via a web browser . v IP Stack - Choose IPv4 only , IPv6 only , or IPv4 & IPv6 .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-25 assigned IPv6 IP addresses ar e desir ed. T o view the assigned IPv6 addr esses after enabling Stateless Auto Config Addr ess, do the following:.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-26 Setting the Operator Control Panel Access PIN using the Operator Control Panel: 1. Navigate to Configure → Set Access PIN . 2. Press the SELECT button to highlight the first digit of the 4-digit Access PIN.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-27 Configure: Save/Restore Use this menu item to r estore the factory default settings. v Restore Passwords - This menu item restores the factory default RMU Admin user access password. v Restore all - This menu item restores all factory default settings (refer to T able 5-4).
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-28 T able 5-4. Factory Default Settings (continued) Restored Item Default Setting* Comments DHCP Enabled Note: DNS server addresses, if available, will be automatically assigned. If the DHCP server does not find any DNS server , the DNS fields will be set to "0.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-29 Configure: Set Date and Time Use this menu item to set the curr ent date and time in your library . Configure: Path Failover Use this menu item to enter the Path Failover Feature Activation key (Supported on 4U library only for library firmware levels at or below 8.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-30 Service: Library V erify This is an overall diagnostic that exercises all library components. T o run the Library V erify test, complete the following procedure. 1. On the Operator Contr ol Panel, navigate to Service → Library V erify and start diagnostic.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-31 T o Slot test, you will need to Inventory yo u r li br a ry b e fo re p la ci n g it b a ck o n li ne , since this test scrambles the cartridge slot locations. Note: Af t er r un n in g th e S ys t em T es t or t h e Sl o t to S l ot T es t, t h e li br a ry w i ll n ee d t o be re-inventoried.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-32 The following display contrast settings ar e available in this menu: v The numbers 1 thr ough 10 will display , with 10 being the lightest shade and 1 being the brightest.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-33 Monitor Library Menu The • Monitor Library menu contains the following sub-menu items. “Monitor Library: Library Identity” on p age 5-33.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-34 T able 5-6. Library Identity page elements (continued) Menu Item Description 2U 4U MAC Address This is the machine's access code assigned to your library . X X WW ide Node Name This is the W orldwide Node Name assigned to your library .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-35 T able 5-7. Drive Identity page elements (continued) Menu Item Description 2U Library 4U Library SCSI Fibre SAS SCSI Fibre SAS Firmware Revision This is the current level of firmware installed on the drive.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-36 a77ug 091 Figure 5-27. The 4U library Monitor Library: Drive Identity page showing one SAS (#1), one SCSI drive (#2), and one Fibre Channel drive.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-37 Monitor Library: Library Status This page displays the dynamic information about the library , such as the curr ent status of the components. No changes can be made from this page. T able 5-8 lists all available elements on the Library Identity page.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-38 T able 5-8. Library Status page elements (continued) Menu Item Description 2U 4U 1. Right Magazine This displays whether the lower right magazine is "Present" or "Not Present".
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-39 T able 5-9. Drive Status page elements (continued) Menu Item Description 2U Library 4U Library SCSI Fibre SAS SCSI Fibre SAS Port B Status This indicates whether Port B is logged on or out. X X Port Name This is the name assigned to the Port on the drive.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-40 Monitor Library: Inventory This page provides detailed information about the tape inventory in the library . A summary of each magazine is shown. T o get detailed information about the cartridges that reside in a magazine, click on the + button.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-41 Manage Library Menu Manage Library: Move Media This page allows the user to move tape cartridges within the library . The source and destination are selected and then the MOVE button in the center of the screen is clicked to activate the move.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-42 The following elements appear in the Source and Destination screens. Element In the Source scr een, this identifies the library element that contains a cartridge. In the Destination screen, this identifies the library element that is empty and can receive a cartridge.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-43 Configure Library Menu The Configure Library menu contains the following submenu items: v “Configure Library: General” v “Configure Library.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-44 T able 5-1 1. Configure Library: Specific page elements (continued) Menu Item Description 2U 4U Active Slots It may be necessary to modify the number of active slots to agree with the number of slots allowed by your host software.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-45 Note: When r educing the number of drives in your library , update the Logical Library configuration. This will remove the Attention LED on the fr ont panel and the exclamation mark on the Home screen indicating that a drive is missing.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-46 Congure Library: Encryption Note : Application Managed Encryption (AME) does not requir e a license key . Library Managed Encryption (LME) and System Managed Encryption (SME) requi re a l icen se k ey .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-47 On the 5. Encryption screen, enter the Feature Activation Key to enab le th e li brar y managed and the system managed encryption options. Click 6. Activate to save the key and expand the screen for additional encryption settings .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-48 Internal Label - Encrypt All • : This policy is based on the internal volume label information. Curr ently , the only application that supports this option is Symantec NetBackup. Encrypts all cartridges.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-49 the check mark in the Power On box. The displayed information will vary depending on the library model and drive type (SCSI, SAS, or Fibre Channel). T able 5-12 lists all available elements on this page.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-50 Click one of the following: v Refresh - to cancel the changes made to the screen. v Submit - to apply the changes made to the screen. Configure Library: Network This page shows the current network configuration of the library and allows modification to the configuration.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-51 Important: Do not click the Submit button until all changes have been made to the Network page. Once the Submit button has been clicked, no other changes can be made until after the library has applied the current changes.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-52 Note: If you get a security certificate alert when logging in to the W eb User Interface, you can install the certificate or allow an exception (depending on the internet browser you are using). SSL is enabled when the URL begins with https:// and some br owsers will show a lock.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-53 Congure Library: User Access Thi s pa ge al lows the use r to add and modi fy us er a ccou nts. See “Log in” on pa ge 2 -5 for information on user types. The Configure Library → User Access page is only accessible to the Admin and Service login.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-54 Click one of the following: Refresh • - to cancel the changes made to the screen. Submit • - to apply the changes made to the screen. Congure Library: Date & Time This page allows the user to set the time and date, and how it will be displayed.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-55 Congure Library: Email Notication Thi s pa ge al lows the use r to ente r in form ation for ema il no tific atio n. W hen s et u p correctly , Email Notification allow s th e li brar y to send an emai l to a de sign ated individual when the library is experiencing a problem.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-56 2. Enter SNMP settings. Note: For mor e information on SNMP , refer to “SNMP Messaging” on page 1-6 and Appendix F , “SNMP Status MIB V ariables and T raps,” on page F-1. a. Enabled - Check this box to have SNMP traps sent to a SNMP Management console(s).
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-57 Saving and restoring configuration data can be done using the Remote Management Unit (RMU) and/or the Operator Control Panel (OCP). The featur e has been imple- mented on the RMU and on the OCP , but with slightly dif fer ent functionality .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-58 If ther e is no cleaning cartridge in the library , the Clean button can not be selected and the Slot # will display N.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-59 Options → Security → Custom Level → Downloads → Automatic Prompting for file Downloads and File Downloads are both Enabled.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-60 Service Library: Save Drive Dump This menu item allows a drive dump to be saved to the host computer . Select the drive. Then click Save Drive Dump . Once the Save Drive Dump button is clicked, the user will have the option of saving the drive dump to their hard drive.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-61 Th is p ag e pro vi des t he s ys te m adm in is tr at or w ith g en er al t es ts to v er if y th e usa bi li ty an d rel ia bi li ty of t he l ib ra ry .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-62 Click 3. Service Library , then Key Path Diagnostic s . 4. Click Start T ests. Note: If you have just enabled encryption on your library , wait for all LME drives to be displayed in the table and the Start T ests button to become active.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-63 Note: During the update no host drive action is possible. The drive update takes approximately 5 minutes. The system status panel (in the right of the br owser window) will change from “update” to “r eady”.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-64 a77ug2 90 Figure 5-60. The 2U library Service Library: Upgrade Firmware page showing one Ultrium 3 SAS Half High V2 drive and one Ultrium 4 SAS Half High drive. a77ug 09 7 Figure 5-61. The 4U library Service Library: Upgrade Firmware page Chapter 5.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-65 Service Library: Reboot Important: Some options of the W eb User Interface take the library OFFLINE.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-66 Import and Export Media during Normal Library Operation Import Media Data cartridges can be inserted and taken out of a magazine while the library is in ope rati on.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-67 From the OCP Main Menu, select 1. Control → Magazine . C hoos e the mag azin e yo u wish to unlock/remove. Pull out the magazine and remove the desir ed data cartridge(s). 2. Push the magazine back into the library .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 5-68 library is chosen for the reserved slot containing the cleaning cartridge. As with a library with a single logical library , this slot is the last physical slot in the library (top right magazine, uppermost rear slot).
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 6-1 Chapter 6. Using Ultrium Media Figure 6-1 shows the Imation L TO Ultrium 1500 GB Data Cartridge and its components. Chapter 6. Using Ultrium Media T o ensur e that your IBM Ultrium T ape Drive conforms to IBM's specifications for reliability , use only IBM L TO Ultrium tape cartridges.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 6-2 T ype Color Ultrium 1 Black All generations contain 1/2-inch, dual-coat, metal-particle tape. Y ou can order tape cartridges with the bar code labels included, or you can or der custom labels. T o obtain tape cartridges and bar code labels, see “Ordering Media Supplies” on page 6-19.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 6-3 Cartridge Compatibility T able 6-2. Ultrium data cartridge compatibility with Ultrium tape drive IBM Ultrium T ape Drive IBM L TO Ultrium Data Car.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 6-4 W ith each library , a specially labeled L TO Ultrium Cleaning Cartridge is supplied to clean the drive head. The drive itself determines when a head needs to be cleaned. It alerts you by lighting the “Clean Drive” (amber LED) above the library Operator Control Panel.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 6-5 The bar code for usa ge i n L TO tape libr arie s mu st me et p redefin ed s peci ficati ons. They include (but are not limited to): Six or eight (th e de faul t) up percas e al phan umeri c ch arac ters , whe re the las t tw o • characters must be L5, L4, L3, L2, or L1.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 6-6 F i g u r e 6 - 3 . S a m p l e b a r c o d e l a b e l o n th e LTO U l t r i u m 5 T ap e C a r t r i d g e . T h e v o l u m e s e r i al n u m b e r ( LTO 1 2 3 ) and bar code are printed on the label.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 6-7 Th e po si ti on of t he w ri te -p rot ect s wi tc h on t he ta pe c ar tr id ge (s ee Θ ) de ter mi ne s whether you can write to the tape. If the switch is set to: The locked position (solid red), data cannot be written to the tape.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 6-8 Attention: Do not inse rt a dam aged tape car trid ge i nto t he d rive . A dama ged cartridge can interfere with the r eliability of a drive and may void the warranties of the drive a nd the c artr idge .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 6-9 Check that the leader pin is properly seated. • If you susp ect that the cart ridg e has been mish andl ed but it appea rs usabl e, cop y any • dat a on to a good car trid ge im medi atel y fo r pos sibl e da ta rec overy .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 6-10 Handle the Cartridge Carefully Bef ore you use a tape car trid ge, acc lima te it to the opera ting environm ent fo r 24 hour s or the tim e nece ssar y to prevent cond ensat ion in the drive (the time will vary , depe ndin g on the environmental extr emes to which the cartridge was exposed).
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-1 Chapter 7. T roubleshooting The library consists of the following CRUs (Customer Replaceable Units): • – Contr ol Card (electr onics, pr ocessor , memory , etc.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-2 T able 7-1. T roubleshooting table (continued) Problem Solution ENCR YPTION Encryption Error: Displayed when the drive detects an error associated with an encryption operation - if the problem occurred while the tape drive was writing data to, or reading data from, tape 1.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-3 5-59 5-58 C, C-1 7-1 1. 7-9. T able 7-1. T roubleshooting table (continued) Problem Solution There is an error code in the error log. Most library or drive errors will result in an error code or error message on the Operator Control Panel display .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-4 T able 7-1. T roubleshooting table (continued) Problem Solution Error LED If the Error LED remains ON after completing any user action listed for the error code in Chapter 8, “Error Codes,” on page 8-1, run Library verify (Operator Control Panel: Service → Library V erify ).
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-5 T able 7-1. T roubleshooting table (continued) Problem Solution Extended library recovery time 1.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-6 T able 7-1. T roubleshooting table (continued) Problem Solution Changed drive ID, but the host server does not recognize the new ID 1. Ensure that all devices on the same bus/network have unique ID numbers.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-7 Pro bl em s en co un tere d du ri ng t he i nst al la ti on o f the l ib ra ry a re us ual ly c au se d by improper SCSI bus configuration, application softwar e configuration err ors, or an in co rre ct ly c on figu red o pe ra ti ng s yst em .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-8 T he 2U a nd 4U li b r ar y f i rm w a re w i ll ge n e ra l ly re tr y fa i le d o p e ra t io n s u p t o t h re e t im e s b e fo re po s ti n .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-9 Procedures for Isolating CRU Problems Isolating a Power Supply Problem Note: Not all pow er s uppli es h ave LEDs . The ori gina l pow er s uppl y fo r the 2U li brar y did not hav e LE Ds th ough any powe r su ppli es rep lace d wil l li kely have LEDs.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-10 T able 7-2. Power Supply LED Meanings 1 If the blue LED is lit, AC voltage is available. 2 If the amber LED is lit, there is a possible fan problem or other power supply issue. The power supply will need replacement.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-1 1 If your library has -05 level r edundant power supplies, the “Gr een” LED will be ON on both power supplies. If both “Green” LEDs are not ON, r eplace the failed power supply (refer to “Replacing a Power Supply” on page 10-1 1).
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-12 Note: On a Half high SAS drive, run SAS wrap test. On a Full high SAS drive, run SAS W rap A and then run SAS W rap B. Note: If a SCSI drive wrap test fails, run the test again, with a dif ferent SCSI terminator prior to exchanging the drive sled.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-13 6. If the err or code indicates an accessor type error (slider , elevator , sled, etc.), release and r emove both magazines (see “Control: Maga.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-14 Isolating Accessor Scanner Problems Isolating Host Attachment Interface Problems If t he se rver has rep orte d inv ento ry prob lems relati ng t.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 7-15 Identifying a Suspect Cartridge The am ber Att enti on L ED will be lit on t he front panel of the libr ary when th ere h as b een a fai lure t hat i ndic ates a pi ece of med ia i s bad , ma rginal , or inva lid.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 8-1 Chapter 8. Error Codes If an e rror o ccurs dur ing oper ation of the libra ry , t he l ibra ry s tops the curren t op erati on and dis plays an error code on the L CD s creen.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 8-2 Error Codes Errors described in this section are har d errors. If such an error occurs the library stops all operations and the Err or LED starts blinking. An appr opriate message will be posted on the Operator Control Panel and the W eb User Interface.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 8-3 T able 8-1. Main Error Codes (continued) Error Code Description User Action 8E Cannot find gripper block within the expected range Refer to “Isolating a Library Controller Card vs. Accessor Enclosure Problem” on page 7-1 1.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 8-4 T able 8-1. Main Error Codes (continued) Error Code Description User Action C0 Network initialization failed 1. Refer to “Isolating W eb User Interface Problems” on page 7-12. 2. If the error recurs, refer to “Contacting IBM T echnical Support” on page 9-5.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 8-5 T able 8-1. Main Error Codes (continued) Error Code Description User Action DC I ² C Bus Failure 1. Retry the operation.. 2. After several occurrences, refer to “Contacting IBM T echnical Support” on page 9-5.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 8-6 T able 8-1. Main Error Codes (continued) Error Code Description User Action F1 Drive Communication Error Library controller has lost communication to drive The subcode indicates which drive is affected.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 8-7 T able 8-1. Main Error Codes (continued) Error Code Description User Action F6 No drive installed.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 8-8 T able 8-2. Sub error codes (continued) 11 Error during slider home movement 12 Error during rotation to F AR position 13 Error sled init, move to.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 8-9 T able 8-2. Sub error codes (continued) 39 Error during sled positioning without sensor 3A Err or during elevator movement without sensor 3B Err o.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 8-10 T able 8-2. Sub error codes (continued) 81 Error during movement to I/O slot open position. 82 Error during moving back - sensor was found. 90 Movement to home position failed. 91 Elevator movement to home position failed.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 8-1 1 W arning Events W a rnin g ev ents desc ribe d in this sec tion are rep orte d via ema il n otific atio n.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 8-12 T able 8-3. Warning Events (continued) 4C SCSI: library controller busy Complete process and retry operation. 4D SCSI: cannot make reservation Refer to your host application documentation for problem determination information.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 8-13 T able 8-3. Warning Events (continued) 81 Fan Alert. 82 Clean request from drive. 83 Media Attention. 84 Drive reported warning or critical tape alert flag. 85 Network problem. Check network connections, configuration, and settings.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 9-1 Chapter 9. Service Procedures Removing Cartridges from Magazine Slots In the event of a severe mechanical pr oblem with the library or if cir cumstances requir e you to remove tape car trid ges, do t he f ollo wing.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 9-2 3. T o manually release the magazines, push the end of a straightened paper clip into the access hole for each magazine at the back of the library . While holding the paper clip, have a second person pull the magazine out of the front of the unit.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 9-3 4. If ther e are additional tapes still in the library , or if you were unable to manually r emove the magazines and drive, contact technical support for further instr uctions.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 9-4 T ape Diagnostic T ool (ITDT) The T ape Diagnostic T ool (ITDT): Run s qu ick o r ex tend ed d iagno stic s on tap e dri ves.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-1 Chapter 10. Check, Adjust, Remove, and Replace T ools Required T o service a library you may need one or more of the following tools: #2 Phillips.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-2 6. Insert the shipping lock ( 1 ) into the slot located on the center of the top of the library and secur e with the shipping label ( 2 ). 7. Pack the library in its original packaging materials (or equivalent packaging) for moving or shipping.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-3 Removing/Installing/Adding a T ape Drive Sled There ar e two types of drive sleds in a L1200 L TO library (2U library) and a L1400 L TO library (4U library). The contents of the ship groups ar e specific to the type of drive sled.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-4 Removing a T ape Drive Sled 1. IT IS IMPOR T ANT TO PRESER VE A DRIVE DUMP FOR ANAL YSIS IF ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS EXIST : Library Error LED is ON. • Operator Control Panel is displaying a drive err or message.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-5 5. I f pres ent, remove the con ducti ve t ape from t he d rive sled (refe r to Figu re 10- 9 on page 10-8).
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-6 Installing a T ape Drive Sled Note: Power OFF the library before installing a SCSI drive sled. Fibre Channel and SAS drive sleds ar e hot pluggable and may be removed and installed while the library is power ed ON.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-7 5. T ighten the captive thumbscrews ( 7 in Figure 10-6 on page 10-5) until the drive sled is secur e. 6. If you are installing a drive sled without ESD springs (see Figur e 10-4 on page 10-3), apply conductive tape to the sled as shown in Figur e 10-9 on page 10-8.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-8 Note: Th e sm all g ray mark ers show where cond ucti ve ta pe s houl d be plac ed t o provide ESD protection. 7. Push the black tab (Θ Θ in Figure 10-6 on page 10-5) back underneath the library .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-9 Installing a T ape Drive Sled Note: Power OFF the library before installing a SCSI drive sled. Fibre Channel and SAS drive sleds ar e hot pluggable and may be removed and installed while the library is power ed ON.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-10 Conguring the T ape Drive 1. Log on to the W eb User Interface. 2. V erify that you ar e running the latest version of Library firmwar e and drive firm ware (library firmware: Monitor Library > Library Identity ; drive firmware: Monitor Library > Drive Identity ).
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-1 1 Replacing a Power Supply 1. Power OFF the library by pressing and holding down the power button for 4 seconds. 2. Disconnect the power cord fr om the electrical sour ce, then from the library . 3.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-12 Replacing a Library Controller Card Read Me Before Continuing Th e L ibr ary Co nt roll er Card co nta ins a cop y of the vi tal pro duc t d at a ( VPD ) f or you r li bra ry . Th e V PD con tai ns yo ur cur rent li bra ry co nfig ura tio n.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-13 5. Remove the packaging fr om the replacement Library Contr oller Card. 6. Grasp the two thum bscrew s an d pu sh th e repl acem ent Libra ry C ontrol ler Card into the library . 7. T ighten the two blue captive thumbscrews on the Library Contr oller Car d.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-14 13. Package the failed Library Controller Card in the same packaging in which the new control board was shipped to you and return to IBM. Fill out the W arranty Redemption form and return it in the package with the Library Controller Card.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-15 Replacing the Library Enclosure Th is p roc ed ure i s n ec es sa ry w he n the l ib ra ry e nc los ure , ac ce ss or , o r di sp la y fai ls . These components are contained within the r eplacement library enclosur e.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-16 5. Place the defective library on a clean and sturdy work surface. 6. Proceed to “Unpacking and Preparing the Replacement Library Enclosur e.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-17 3. Carefully return the library to an upright position. 4. Remove the shipping lock from the top of the r eplacement library enclosur e (see Figur e 10-17 on page 10-18). 1 a77ug085 Figure 10-16.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-18 5. Store the lock and label on the back panel of the r eplacement library enclosure (see Figur e 10-18).
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-19 Installing Y our Drive(s) in the Replacement Library Enclosure Note: It is important to install the drives from the defective library into the same positions in the replacement library enclosure in or der to maintain your curr ent library configuration.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-20 Note: The gray markers show where conductive tape should be placed. i. Push the black tab back underneath the drive sled. When inserted properly , only the handle of the tab will be visible. Note: The gray markers show where conductive tape should be placed.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-21 2) Push the power supply forward until it is properly seated. 3) T ighten the thumbscr ews. 3. Plug the power cor d into the replacement library enclosur e then into a power sour ce. 4. Power ON the r epl acem ent l ibra ry e nclo sure.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-22 Swapping Library Controller Cards IMPORT ANT – READ ME BEFORE CONTINUING Th e L ib ra ry E nc l os ur e c o nt ai ns a c op y o f th e vi t al p rod uc t da t a ( V PD ) f or y ou r li b ra ry .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-23 Note: If y ou p ower on t he rep lace ment libr ary with out fi rst swap ping the Library Controller Car d from the original (defective) library enclosur e, the following message will appear on the Operator Control Panel shortly after applying power: “New library detected.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-24 b. If pow er O N is not succ essf ul: 1) The Error LED (Θ ) in Figure 10-23) will turn ON. This indicates that the Library Controller Card fr om the defective library is not functioning properly .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-25 a77ug025 Figure 10-24. Access hole for the left magazine (facing rear of library) Chapter 10. Check, Adjust, Remove, and Replace 10-25.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-26 b. Push the end of a straightened paper clip into the access hole for each magazine at the back of the library . DO NOT push the paper clip in more than 1/2 inch. While holding the paper clip, have a second person pull the magazine out from the front of the unit.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-27 2. Insert the cartridge magazines removed from the defective library into the same positions in the r eplacement library enclosure. 3. Insert the cartridge magazines removed from the replacement library enclosure into the same positions in the defective libraryto return to IBM.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-28 3. T ig hten the moun ting bra cket screw s (ΘΘ Θ ) i n Fig ure 10 -15 on p age 10-16 ) to anchor the r eplacement library enclosure to the rack. 4. Pr oceed to “Completing the Installation of the Replacement Library Enclosure.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-29 Completing the Installation of the Replacement Library Enclosure 1. Connect all cables to the r eplacement library enclosure. 2. Power ON the r eplacement library enclosure. 3. Upgrade library firmwar e and drive firmware to the latest version.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide 10-30 Returning the Defective Library Enclosure 1. Remove the shipping label (ΘΘΘ ) in Figur e 10-18 on page 10-18) and lock (ΘΘΘ ) fr om the re.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide A-1 Appendix A. SCSI Element T ypes, SCSI Addresses, and Physical Configurations For an overv iew of l ibra ry pa rtit ioni ng a nd el emen t ad dressi ng, s ee “ Libr ary Partitioning and Element Addr essing” on page A-3.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide A-2 DTE assignments Logical Library 1: Drive 1: 256 (0x100) • Logical Library 2: Drive 2: 256 (0x100) • STE assignments Logical Library 1: S.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide A-3 T able B-4. 4U library SCSI element addresses for storage slots and drive slot (one logical partition with drives in slot 1 and slot 2) (continued.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide A-4 Important: In a 4U libr ary a fu ll h igh d rive s led may be i nstal led in d rive s lot 1 (driv e will occupy slot 1 and slot 2) or drive slot 3 (driv e will occupy slot 3 and slot 4). A full high driv e sled should nev er be installed in drive slot 2 (driv e will occupy slot 2 and slot 3).
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide A-5 Configuration of a 3 - Partition System A three partition system must have at least thr ee drives installed. A drive must be installed in drive position 1, another drive must be installed in drive position 2, and another drive must be installed in either drive position 3 or drive position 4.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide A-6 SCSI Element Addressing Every logical library starts at the first drive slot with the current assigned element start addr ess (default value 256). It will be incr emented from the bottom to the top slots for every drive slot.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide A-7 Note: Wh en r ed uc in g t he n um be r of dr ive s in y ou r li br ary , up da te t he Lo gi ca l Library conguration. This will remove the Aention LED on the front panel and the exclamation mark on the Home screen indicating that a drive is missing.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide B-1 Appendix B. T apeAlert Flags This appendix is intended to provide additional information to the r eader about the tape drive. All err or code and diagnostic information contained in this chapter can be accessed from the Operator Contr ol Panel of the Library .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide B-2 04d Library Hardwar e D C v Make sure the media changer and drives are not being used by any host, then reset the library from the front panel. v If the problem persists, contact T echnical Support.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide B-3 T apeAlert Flags Supported by the Drive T apeAlert Flags Supported by the Drive T able C-1. T apeAlert Flags Supported by the Ultrium T ape Drive Flag Number Flag Description Action Required 3 Hard error Set for any unrecoverable read, write, or positioning error .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide B-4 T able C-1. T apeAlert Flags Supported by the Ultrium T ape Drive (continued) Flag Number Flag Description Action Required 18 T ape directory corrupted in the cartridge memory Set when the drive detects that the tape directory in the cartridge memory has been corrupted.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide B-5 T able C-1. T apeAlert Flags Supported by the Ultrium T ape Drive (continued) Flag Number Flag Description Action Required 53 T ape system area read failure Set when the tape system area could not be read successfully at load time.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide B-6 T able C-1. T apeAlert Flags Supported by the Ultrium T ape Drive (continued) Flag Number Flag Description Action Required 60 WORM Medium – Overwrite attempted Set when the drive rejects a write operation because the rules for allowing WORM writes have not been met.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-1 Appendix C. Sense Data When a drive encounters an error , it makes sense data available. Y ou can use Imation de vi ce d ri ve rs to e xa mi ne t he se ns e da ta a nd de te rm in e er ror s.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-2 T able D-1. Library Sense Keys, ASC and ASCQ (continued) Sense Key ASC ASCQ Description Not Ready (02) 00h 17h Drive cleaning requested 04h 00h Cause not reportable 04h 01h In progr ess becoming ready , scanning magazines, etc.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-3 T able D-1. Library Sense Keys, ASC and ASCQ (continued) Sense Key ASC ASCQ Description Hardwar e Error (04) 81h 80h Cannot initialize bar code re.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-4 T able D-1. Library Sense Keys, ASC and ASCQ (continued) Sense Key ASC ASCQ Description Hardwar e Error (04) (continued) 81h B0h Slave r obotic co.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-5 T able D-1. Library Sense Keys, ASC and ASCQ (continued) Sense Key ASC ASCQ Description Illegal Request (05h) 1Ah 00h Parameter length error 20h 0.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-6 T able D-1. Library Sense Keys, ASC and ASCQ (continued) Sense Key ASC ASCQ Description Command Aborted (0Bh) 3Fh 0Fh ECHO buffer overwritten 43h .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-7 T able D-2. L TO T ape Drive Sense Data (continued) Byte Bit Address or Name 76 5 43 210 12-13 Additional Sense Code (ASC) Additional Sense Code Q.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-8 T able D-2. L TO T ape Drive Sense Data (continued) Byte Bit Address or Name 76 5 43 210 12-13 Additional Sense Code (ASC) - Additional Sense Code.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-9 T able D-2. L TO T ape Drive Sense Data (continued) Byte Bit Address or Name 76 5 43 210 12-13 Additional Sense Code (ASC) - Additional Sense Code.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-10 T able D-2. L TO T ape Drive Sense Data (continued) Byte Bit Address or Name 76 5 43 210 12-13 Additional Sense Code (ASC) - Additional Sense Cod.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-1 1 T able D-2. L TO T ape Drive Sense Data (continued) Byte Bit Address or Name 76 5 43 210 12-13 Sense Key 6 (Unit Attention) EE 12 - Encryption -.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-12 T able D-2. L TO T ape Drive Sense Data (continued) Byte Bit Address or Name 76 5 43 210 36-39 Port Identifier (Relative T arget Port Address) Reporting Sense (This is the port address of the drive port through which sense is being reported.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-13 T able D-2. L TO T ape Drive Sense Data (continued) Byte Bit Address or Name 76 5 43 210 65 Last Error FSC 66 67 Last Error Flag Data 68 69 LPOS .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide C-14 1 1. The Current W rap field (Byte 29) reports the physical wrap of the tape. The least significant bit reflects the current physical dir ection. A 0 means that the current dir ection is away fr om the physical beginning of the tape.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide D-1 Appendix D. SNMP Status MIB V ariables and T raps Note: For additional information, refer to “SNMP Messaging” on page 1-6. Appendix F . SNMP Status MIB V ariables and T raps Note: For additional information, r efer to “SNMP Messaging” on page 1-6.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide E-1 Appendix E. Library Configuration Form Use thi s for m wh en p lann ing y our libr ary config urat ion. Keep thi s do cume nt in a s ecure location and update it when changes are made to the library configuration.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide E-2 Drive types 4U Position 4: 4U Position 3: 2U/4U Position 2: 2U/4U Position 1: 4U Position 4: 4U Position 3: 2U/4U Position 2: 2U/4U Position 1: 4U.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide F-1 Appendix F . Accessibility Acc essi bilit y fe atures hel p a user who has a phy sica l di sabi lity , such as restri cted mob ilit y or limi ted visi on, t o us e th e HT ML ver sion of the c usto mer docum enta tion successfully .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide F-2 Notices Th e in fo rm ati on p rov id ed by t hi s me dia s up po rt s t he p rod uc ts an d se rv ic es de sc ri be d with consideration for the conditions described herein. Th is i nf or ma tio n co ul d in cl ude t ec hn ic al i nac cu ra ci es o r ty pog ra ph ic al e rro rs .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide F-3 Electronic Emission Notices Thi s se ction con tain s th e ele ctroni c em issi on no tice s or sta temen ts f or t he United States and other countries. Federal Communications Commission Statement This explains the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) statement.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide F-4 Germany Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive Deutschsprachiger EU Hinweis: Hinweis für Geräte der Klasse A EU-Richtlinie zur Elektromagnetisc.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide F-5 People’ s Republic of China Class A Electronic Emission statement Dieses Pr odukt entspricht dem "Gesetz über die elektromagnetische V erträglichkeit von Geräten (EMVG)." Dies ist die Umsetzung der EU-Richtlinie 2004/108/EG in der Bundesr epublik Deutschland.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide F-6 Japan Electronics and Information T echnology Industries Association (JEIT A) Statement (greater than 20 A per phase) T aiwan contact information This topic contains the product service contact information for T aiwan.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide G-1 Glossary This glossary denes the special terms, abbrevia - tions, and acronyms that are used in this publication. If you do not nd the term you are looking for , refer to the index or to the Dictionary of Computing , 1994.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide G-2 buffer . A routine or storage used to compensate for a dier - ence in rate of ow of data or time of occurrence of events, when transferring data from one device to another.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide G-3 device driver . A le that contains the code needed to use an aached device. DIAG . Diagnostic section of maintenance information manual. differential. See High Voltage Dierential (HVD) . direct access storage.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide G-4 format. The arrangement or layout of data on a data medium. formatter . Part of a magnetic tape subsystem that performs data conversion, speed matching, encoding, rst lev el error recovery, and interfaces to one or more tape driv es.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide G-5 L LAN. Local area network. A computer network within a limited area. LCD. See liquid crystal display . LED. Light-emiing diode. Linear T ape-Open (L TO). A type of tape storage technol - ogy de v eloped by the IB M Corpora tion, Hewle- P ackard, and Certance.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide G-6 NVS. Nonvolatile storage. A storage device whose contents are not lost when power is cut o. O oersted. The unit of magnetic eld strength in the unra - tionalized centimeter-gram-second (cgs) electromagnetic system.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide G-7 S s. Seconds of time. SAC. Ser vice Acti on Co de. Code devel oped to indic ate poss ible FRU or F RU’s to r epla ce t o repair the hardware. scratch cartridge. A data cartridge that contains no use- ful data, but can be wrien to with new data.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide G-8 U UAR T . Universal asynchronous receiv er/transmier. Ultrium T ape Drive. Located within the library, a data- storage device that controls the movement of the magnetic tape in an L TO Ultrium T ape Cartridge.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide Index-1 Index A ac grounding diagram ix ac grounding inspection viii Access PIN, Operator Control P anel 5-26 accessibility keyboard F-1 *repeat rate .
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide Index-2 I I/O Station 1-1, 4-37, 5-66 I/O Station, configuring 5-67 I/O Station, open and close 5-66 identifying a suspect cartridge 7-15 Import Media.
T ape Library Setup, Operator , and Service Guide Index-3 Simple Network Management 1-6 Protocol 1-6 sled, description of tape drive 1-8 slot physical locations A-2 S M E 5 - 4 6 SNMP 1-6, 4-32, 5-55,.
デバイスImation L1200の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Imation L1200をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはImation L1200の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Imation L1200の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Imation L1200で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Imation L1200を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はImation L1200の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Imation L1200に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちImation L1200デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。