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1 Contents Contents ......... .................................................................. 1 About this manual... ............................. .......................... .......................... ......... 2 Operation During Proj ection ......
2 Replacing t he Lamp ....... ............................. ......................... .......................... . 26 To check the current lamp use time .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..... 26 When to replace the lamp .
3 Operation During Pr ojection This section explains the v ari ous types of ope rations you can perf or m while the projector is projecting an image. Y ou can perf orm the following oper ations while projecting an image .
4 Selecting the Color Mode Y ou can select from among five diff erent co lor mode settings to optimize the projected image in accordance with image c ontents and projection conditions. T o change the color mode 1 Press the [COLOR MODE] key . z This displays the colo r mode selection window .
5 Momentarily Cutting Off th e Input Sour ce Image 1 Press the [BLANK] key . z This temporar ily cuts off the im age from the input so urce and projects a black screen in its place. 2 T o resume projection of the image from the input source, press the [BLANK] key (or [ESC] key).
6 Displa ying a P ointer in the Projected Ima ge Y ou can select from among eight different point er styles, including v arious arrow styles, f or display in the projected image. P ointers can be used during a presentation to indicate or highlight a specific par t of the image .
7 Press the [ASPECT] ke y to toggle the aspect ratio of the displa yed image betw een 4:3 and 16:9. Note z The aspect ratio setting aff ects the projec ted image only when the input source is VIDEO or component. z When the input source is a component signal with an aspect ratio of 16:9, the aspect ratio s witches automat ically to 16:9.
8 Pressing the [FUNC] ke y displa ys the menu shown belo w . Y ou can use this menu to perform the operations descr ibed below . z Adjust image brightness Highlight “Brightness” and then press the [ENTER] key . • This perf orms the same operation as pressing the [BRIGHT] ke y ( ke y) described on page 3.
9 Configuring Ad v a nced Pr ojector Settings Y our projector has a setup menu that you can use to configure advanced settings. Display ing the Setup Menu Pressing the [MENU] ke y displa ys the menu shown belo w in the center of the projection screen.
10 Basic Setup Menu Example The procedure below sho ws how to conf igure the f ollowing three settings: • Image Adjustment J Contrast • Image Adjustment J Color Mode • Option Settings 1 J Eco Mode Note z Cer tain settings on the setup menu cannot be changed while there is no input signal to the projector .
11 T o configure the “Option Settings 1 J Eco Mode” setting 1 Press the [ESC] key . 2 Press the [ T ] key three times to select “Option Sett ings 1”. 3 Press the [ENTER] key . 4 Press the [ T ] key three times to select “Eco Mode”. 5 Use the [ W ] and [ X ] keys to select “On” or “Off”.
12 Y ou can use the procedures in this section to re store all of the settings on a par ticular main menu or all of the settings on the setup menu to their initial f actor y def aults. T o restore all setting s on a particular main menu to their initial factory defaults 1 Press the [MENU] key to display the setup menu.
13 T o restore all settings on the setup menu to their init ial factory defaults 1 Press the [MENU] key to display the setup menu. 2 Use the [ T ] key to select “Restore All Defaults”, and then press the [ENTER] key . z This displa ys a confirmation message asking if you w ant to initialize al l settings .
14 Image Adjus tment Main Menu Setting Name Input Setting Unit Description Brightness RCVU Source Specific Use this sub-menu to a djust the brightness of the projected image . A larger v alue produces a brighter image. Contrast RCVU Source Specific Use this sub-menu to a djust the contr ast of the proje cted image.
15 Ve r t i c a l Po si t io n RCV Signal Specific Use this sub-menu to a djust the v er t ical position of the input source image within the projection area . Horizontal P osition RCV Signal Specific Use this sub-menu to a djust the horizontal position of the input source image within the projection area .
16 About the “Signal Sp ecific” Setting Unit For the items that hav e “Signal Specific” in the “Setting Unit” column of the above tabl e, the setting is saved f or the s pecific type of signal (XGA/60H z, SXGA/60Hz, etc.) that is being input when the setting is performed, an d not f or a spe cific input source .
17 Projec tion Mode RCVUN Single Use this sub-menu to specify whether p rojection will be from the front of the screen or the bac k of the screen. * : Select this opt ion when projecti ng from the fro nt of the screen. : Select this opt ion when projecti ng from the bac k of the screen.
18 Blank Screen RCVUN Single Use this sub-menu t o specify what should be pro jected after the [BLANK] ke y is pressed. Blue: Select this opt ion to project a b lue screen. Black * : Select this opt ion to project a b lack screen. Logo: Select this option to project the proje ctor’ s built-in logo screen.
19 Input Settings Main Menu Setting Name Input Setting Unit Description RGB Input RC UV N Single Use this sub-menu to spe cify manually t he type of signal being input from the projector’ s RGB input terminal. Aut o * : Aut omatically detects t he signal being in put from the RGB input terminal and configures t he appropriate input protocol.
20 Option Settings 1 Main Menu Setting Name Input Setting Unit Description Menu Position RCVUN Single U se this sub-menu to spec ify the display position of the setup menu as eit her the cent er or the left side of the screen. * : Select this option to disp lay the setup men u in the center of the screen.
21 Direct P ower On RCVUN Single Use this sub-menu to turn Direct P ower On on or off . See “Direct P ower On” in the “User’ s Guide” for more info rmation. On: Select this option to turn on Dir ect P ower On. Off * : Select this option to turn off Dir ect P ower On.
22 Option Settings 2 Main Menu Setting Name Input Setting Unit Description Zoom Memory RCVUN Single Use this sub-menu to turn zoom memory on or off. Zoom memory lets you sa ve the zoom setting when t he projector is turned off , so it can be restored automatically the ne xt time the pr ojector is turned on.
23 Operational Info Main Men u Setting Name Input Setting Unit Description Lamp Time RCVUN Single This sub-menu item shows the cum ulativ e number of hours the current lamp has been used t o date. Use this value as a ref erence when deciding whether or not the current lamp needs to be replaced.
24 Restore All Defaults Main Menu Setting Name Input Setting Unit Description Restore All Defau lts RCV U N Single This sub-menu returns all sub-menu items on all main menus to their initial def ault settings.
25 User Maintenance P eriodically clean the projector exterior , len s , int ak e vents, and e x haust vents on a regular basis . Important! z Alwa ys make sure that the projector has cooled sufficiently befor e cleaning it. If the projector is tur ned on, perf orm t he following steps bef ore cleaning it.
26 Important! z Continued use of the projector after dust has accumulated around the intak e vents can cause ov erheating of inter nal components and lead to malfunction. z Cer tain operating conditions also can caus e dirt and dust to accumulate around the projector's exhaust vents on the front.
27 When to replace the lamp The LAMP indicator star ts to flash red and the message sho wn below appears whene ver the lamp time e xceeds 2000 hours. When this message appears, replace the lamp as soon as possible using the procedure under “Replacing the Lamp” on page 27.
28 T o replace the lamp Important! When replacing the lamp, use the special sc rewdriver that comes with the SP-LAMP-029 replacement lamp . The projector does not come with a scre wdr iv er . 1 T urn off the projector and unplug its AC power cor d. 2 W ait f or about 60 minutes to allow the pr ojecto r’ s current lamp to cool down completely .
29 6 Use the lamp cartridg e handle to pull the lamp cartridge from the projector . 7 Insert the ne w lamp car tridge as far as it will g o , as shown in the illust ration. z After inserting the lamp cartridge, la y its handle d own in the po sition sho wn in the illustration under step 5 on this page.
30 T o reset the lamp time 1 T ur n on the pr ojecto r . 2 Press the [MENU] key to display the setup menu. 3 Press the [ T ] key to select “Operational Info”, and then press the [ENTER] ke y . 4 Press the [ENTER] key . 5 This causes the message “Reset Lamp Time?” to appear .
31 Appendix When performing an operation on the remote contro ller, point it at the remote control signal receiver on the bac k or front of the projector.
32 Some video devices are equipped with a component video output terminal. Y ou can use an optionally availab le VESA to component vide o adapter (SP-VESA-ADPT -R) and a component video cable to connect the RGB input terminal of the projector to the component video output terminal of a video device .
33 Full-screen Displa y of an RGB Image The projector outputs images using XGA (1024 pix els × 768 pi x els) video resolution. When the input signal from the co mputer connected to the proj ector is .
34 Use the follo wing procedure to replace the l ens co v er if it should accidentally become detached from the projector. 1 Insert th e n ub ( ) of the left tab of the lens cover into the depression ( ) of the tab under the lens.
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InFocus IN12をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはInFocus IN12の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。InFocus IN12の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。InFocus IN12で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
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