InFocusメーカーLP 70+の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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User’s Guide InFocus Corporation 27700B SW Parkway Avenue Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-9215 1-800-294-6400 • 503-685-8888 Fax : 503-685-8887 http://www .
This entire user’s guide is available on the enclosed CD as an Adobe Acrobat pdf file in the following languages: English, Fre n ch, German, Italian, Norwe- gian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese.
Decla ration of Confor mity Manufa cturer: InFocus Corpor ation, 27700B SW Parkway A ve. W ilsonv ille, Oregon 97070 U SA European Office: Strawinskyla an 585, 1077 XX Am sterdam, The Nethe rlands W e.
3 T able of Contents Introduc tion 4 Positioning t he projector 5 Connecting a c omputer source 6 Required computer connection s 6 Optional computer connections 6 Displaying a computer source image 7 .
4 Intr oduction Y our new digit al projecto r is easy to connect, use, a nd maintain. I t is an exceptional projector f or both business pr esentations a nd home entertain- ment.
5 P ositioning the pr ojec tor T o determine wher e to position th e projector , cons ider the size and sha pe of your scr een, the location of y our power outlets, and t he distance between the proj ector and the r est of your e quipment.
6 Connecting a computer source Required compute r connections Connect one end of the computer cable (see page 1 1 for connecting video devices ) to the d ark blue Compu ter In connector on the pr ojector . Connect the other end to the v ideo port on your computer .
7 Displa ying a computer sour ce ima ge Remove the lens cap. To g g l e t h e Po w e r switch on the si de of the pr ojector to the On posit ion. The LED fla shes green and the fans sta rt to run. Whe n the lamp comes on, the start up s creen display s and the LED is st eady green.
8 Adjusting the imag e Adjust the height of the pr ojector , if nece ssary , by pres sing the rel ease but- ton t o exten d the foot. Rotate the leveling foot located at th e rear of th e proje ctor , if necessary . A void placing your hands in near th e hot exhaust vent in fr ont of the projec- tor .
9 Using the pr o jector w ith Windo ws 98 for the first time The first time you connect a computer running W indows 9 8 to the pr ojector , the computer recognizes the pr ojector as “ new ha rdw are ” and the Add Ne w Ha rd wa re W i za rd ap pe ar s.
10 Skip thi s pag e if y ou did not co nnect a USB mo use cable F or Windo ws 9 8: • If you connected the USB cable, the Add New Hardwa re W izar d appears a gain. Drivers mu st be install ed to use th e USB functiona lity . • The Wizar d launch es thr ee tim es .
11 Connecting a video de vice Y ou can connect VCRs, DVD player s, camcor de rs, digital camera s, video games, HDTV r eceivers, and TV tuners to the pr ojector .
12 Video connection s The next s tep is to figure out wh at type of conn ectors/out put the equip- ment you want to con nect has. If ther e is more than one output, select the one with t he highest quality . Component video has the best qual ity , fol- lowed by S-vi deo, then composite video.
13 Video de vice connections Composite video connection Plug the in cluded video cab le ’ s yell ow connector into the video-ou t connec- tor on y our video devic e. Plug the other yellow co nnector into the yellow Video In connector on the pr ojector .
14 Component video connection If your vide o device has component connectors, use t he component to S-video ada pter . Plug the component cabl e into the video device. Plug the other en d of the componen t cable into the adapter and plug the adapter i nto the projector ’ s S-video connec tor .
15 Displa ying video Remove the lens cap. T oggle the Po w e r swi tch on the sid e of the projecto r to the On position. The LED flash es green and the fans start to r un. When the la mp comes on, the start-up scr een is display ed and the LED is steady green.
16 Adjust the zoom an d focus. If the image is not squar e, adjust the key stone using the butt ons on the key- pad. Pr ess the top Ke y s t o n e b utton to reduce the up per part of the imag e, and press the bo ttom Ke y s t o n e butt on to r educe the lowe r part.
17 Shutting do wn the projector The projector automatica lly displ ays a black screen a fter no activ e source is detected for 3 0 minutes. This blac k screen hel ps preserve t he life of the pr o- jector . The image r eturns when a n active source is detected or a r emote or keypad b utton is pr essed.
18 Problem Solution Result no start up scr een plug po w er cord in pr ojector’ s left side rem ove len s ca p toggle power switch correct i mage only start up scr een appears pre ss the Computer b .
19 Problem Solution Result no compute r imag e , just the words “ Signal ou t of range ” press the Auto Image button o n k eypad comput er ima ge pr oject ed A Signal out of range P anel> Displ.
20 Problem Solution Result ima ge fu zzy or cr opped set y our comput er ’ s display r esolution to the na tive resolution of the projector (Start>Settings> Control Panel>Display>Setting.
21 Problem Solution Result ima ge not square adjust K eysto ne on k eypad squar e image image not sharp adjust Sharpness (video sources only) in the Pictur e>Ad vanced men u correct i mage image do.
22 Problem Solution Result image upsi de down turn off ceiling in Sett ings>Sys tem menu correct i mage image r eversed left t o right turn off re ar in Set tings>Sy stem men u correct i mage pr.
23 Problem Solution Result lamp w on ’ t tu rn on, LED blinking r ed mak e sure v ents aren ’ t bl ock ed, turn o ff the pro jector and al low it to cool for a minute lamp turns on “ Chang e lam.
24 Still need assi stance? If you nee d assistance, call InFocus Cust omer Service dir ectly a t 1-800-79 9-9911 . Support is fr ee between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. PST , Monday thr ough Friday . S upport is avai lable in Nor th America afte r hours and weeken ds for a f ee at 1-888-5 92-68 00.
25 Using the remote contr o l The r emote uses two (2) pr ovided AAA batt eries. They ar e easily install ed by slidi ng the cove r off the r emote ’ s ba ck, aligni ng the + an d - ends of the batteries , sliding them into place, and then repl acing the cover .
26 Using the audio T o use the projector ’ s speaker , conne ct your sour ce to the Aud io In connec- tor on th e pr oje ctor . Se e page 13 regarding using the audio ada pter . T o adjust the volume, pr ess the Vo l u m e buttons o n the keypad o r remote.
27 Optimizing computer images After your comput er is connected properly and the computer ’ s imag e is on the scre en, you can optimize t he image using the onscr een menus. For gen- eral info rmation on using the menus, see page 29 . • Adjust the Keys tone, Co ntrast, or Bri ghtnes s in the Pict ure menu (page 3 0).
28 Optimizi ng video ima ges After your v ideo de vice is connec ted prop erly an d the im age is o n the screen , you can optimize the ima ge using the onscre en menus. For general information o n using the menus, see page 29. • Adjust the Keystone , Contrast, B rightness, Co lor , or T int in t he Pictur e men u (page 30).
29 Using the menus T o open the menus, press th e Menu button on the keypad or remote. (The menus a utomatically close a fter 60 second s if no button s are pre ssed.) The Main menu appears. Use the arrow buttons to move up and down to high - light t he desired submenu, then pr ess the Select button .
30 Picture menu T o adjust th e following set tings, highl ight the settin g, press Select , use the up and do wn arrows to ad just th e values, th en press Sele ct to con firm the changes . Ke y s t o n e : adjusts the image v ertic ally and m akes a square r image.
31 Presets : Pr esets are pr ovided tha t optimize the pro jector for displayin g computer presen tations, photogra phs, film images, and video images. Film input is material or iginally captur ed on a fil m camera, l ike a movie; v ideo input is material or iginally captur ed on a v ideo camera, l ike a TV sho w or sporting event.
32 Advanced menu Sharpness : (v ideo sources onl y) changes the clarity of the edges of a video image. Select a sha rpness settin g. Color T emperatur e : change s the intensi ty of the colors . Select a liste d rela- tive wa rmth valu e. Color Co ntrol : allows you to ind ividually adju st the gain for th e red, gr een, and blue co lors.
33 Settings menu Audio : allows adjust ments to V olume of the intern al speaker . Adjust ments can also b e ma de from the projec tor ’ s keypa d and the r emote. Sour ces: P ow er -up Sour ce determ ines which s ource the projector c hecks first fo r active vi deo durin g power-up.
34 Star tup Logo: allows y ou to display a blank scr een instea d of the defaul t scr een at startu p, and when no source is detected. Blank Screen : determine s what color i s displayed whe n you pr ess the Blank b utton on the r emote.
35 Languag e : al lows yo u to sel ect a la nguage for the onscreen displ ay . Ser vice : T o use these featur es, highlig ht them and pre ss Select . Fac tor y Res et : r estor es all set tings to their defa ult. Lamp Reset : resets th e lamp hours used counter in the About menu to zer o.
36 Maintenance Cleaning th e Lens 1 Apply a non-abra sive camera lens cleaner to a soft, dr y cloth. • A void using an excessive amo unt of cleaner , and do n ’ t apply th e cleaner dir ectly to the lens. Abrasive cleaners, sol vents or other harsh chemic als migh t scratch the lens.
37 4 Loose n the two captive scr ews that a ttach th e lamp ho using to the pr o- jector . 5 Detac h the lamp co nnecto r from the proje ctor by de pressing th e lockin g tab on t he connector and lightly pulling it free. WA R N I N G : T o avoid bu rns, allo w the pr ojecto r to cool for at le ast 30 mi nutes be fo re yo u re pl ac e t he l am p .
38 Cleaning the Lamp Ho using Screens In dirty or dusty environ ments, the two dust filt er screens in the lamp hous- ing can become clogged, causing h igh temperatures and pr emature lamp failur e. Routine mai ntenance to r emove dust fr om the scr eens lowers the lamp operating temperature and pr olon gs lamp li fe.
39 Appendix Specifications Accessories Te m p e r a t u r e Opera ting 50 to 10 4 ° F (10 to 40 ° C) at sea lev el 50 to 95 ° F (10 to 35 ° C) at 10 ,000 f eet Non-o perating -4 to 140 ° F (-2 0 .
40 NO TE : Use onl y approved accessories . Y ou can purchase thes e items by contacting your dealer or InF ocu s Catalog Sales at 1-800- 660-002 4 or visi ting our w ebsite at www .infocu cces- sories . For gene ral product i nformat ion, pleas e call 1-8 00-294- 6400.
41 Red LE D Beha vi or and Project or Err o rs If the pr ojector is not function ing properly and the LED is blinking re d, con- sult Ta b l e 3 t o determine a possible cause. The re ar e two-second pauses between t he blinking cycles. V isit www .infocus.
42 Numerics 16x 9 vs 4x3 s creen as pect 1 1 800x60 0 resol ution 4 A About 34 , 35 Accessor ies optional 40 standa rd 39 accessori es, ordering 39, 40 Advance me nu 32 altitude limits 39 Aspect Ratio.
43 K keypad button s projector 26 keysto ne adjust ment 8, 16 L lamp ordering 39 Lamp Housing Screens cleaning 38 lamp replacement 36 Lamp Rese t 35 Langu age 35 LED 17 blinkin g green 17 solid gree n.
44 S Screen Aspect 11 Screen Sa ve 17 secur ity lock 38 Servic e 35 Service Code 35 Setting s menu 33 sharpnes s 32 solid gree n 17 solid red 17 Sources 3 3 Specifica tions 39 Startup L ogo 34 S-vide .
45 Limite d W arrant y Subjec t to the Lim itations, Exc lusions and Disc laimers her eof, InFoc us Cor- poration ("In Focus") warrants that the Projector , L amps and Accessories (her einaf.
46 Limite d W arr anty P eriod The Limited W arranty periods hereof commence on the date of purcha se by the end-user customer . These Limited W arranty prov isions shall apply only to the en d-user p.
デバイスInFocus LP 70+の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
InFocus LP 70+をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはInFocus LP 70+の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。InFocus LP 70+の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。InFocus LP 70+で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
InFocus LP 70+を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はInFocus LP 70+の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、InFocus LP 70+に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちInFocus LP 70+デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。