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LP 280/290 ™ USER’S GUIDE 5166dividers.qxd 5/1/01 3:10 PM Page 2.
Copyri ght © 2001 by InFoc us Corpor ation W ilsonvi lle, Oregon. All rights r es erved..
FCC W arn ing This equipment has been tested and fo und to comply with the l i mits for a Clas s A digital device, pur suant to part 15 of the FCC Rule s. These l imits ar e designed t o provide reasonab le protection agains t harmfu l interfe rence when the equipm ent is oper ated in a co mm ercial enviro nmen t.
Declar ation of C onformity Manufacturer: InFocus Corpor ation 27700B SW Pa rkway A ve. W ilsonville, Or egon 9707 0 USA European Office: Olym pia 1, NL-12 13 NS Hilve rsum, T he Netherla nds W e d ec.
i T ABLE OF CONTENTS Safety Ins tructio ns iii Introd uction 1 Image Resol ution 1 Compatibili ty 2 Unpacking the Projecto r 2 Usage Guidelines 5 If You Need Assistance 5 Warranty 6 Setting up the Pro.
ii Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Append ix 39 Spe cifica tio ns 3 9 Accessories 40 Port able a nd La ptop A ctiv ati on Char t 42 Using Video M irroring with a PowerBook Com puter 47 Projected Image Si.
iii SAFETY INST RUCTION S Please read and follow all safety i nstructions provided BEFORE using your new projector . Failure to comply with safety instruc- tions may resu lt in fire, el ectrical shock, or personal injury and may damage or im pair protection pr ovided by equipment.
iv Safe ty Inst ruction s • Caut ion: Don’ t set liquid s on th e projector . Spil led liquids m ay dama ge your pr oject or . • Caut ion: Don’t place the projector on a h ot surface or in dir ect sunlight. • Caut ion: Do not drop the pr oj ector .
1 INTR ODUCTION The InFocus ® LP280™ and LP29 0™ mult imedia pr ojectors ar e specifically design ed for multipurpose use. They are easy to con- nect, easy to use, eas y to transport, and eas y to maintain. The LP280 h as nati v e SVGA 800x600 r esolutio n, the L P290 has XGA 1024x768 resolution.
2 Intr oduction Compati bility The projector is compatible with a wide variety of computers and video devices, includ ing: • IBM-com patibl e computers, inclu ding laptops, up to 1280x10 24 res o l u ti o n . • App le ® Macintosh ® and Pow erBook ® computers up to 1280 x1024 r esoluti on.
3 F IGURE 1 Shipping box contents 1. Pr ojector + le ns ca p 6. Compu ter ca ble 2. Soft carry case 7. PS/2 mous e cable 3. Use r’ s Guide , Quic k Star t card, and CD 8.
4 Intr oduction F IGURE 2 Front view of projector F IGURE 3 Rear view of projector key pa d zoom ring focus rin g foot r elease IR sensor conn ector s security lock power cord connector foot r elease .
5 Usag e Guidelines • Do not loo k directly into the projection lens when the projector is turned on. The bright light may harm your eyes. • Do not block the grills on the projector . Restricting the air flow can cause it to over heat and turn off.
6 Intr oduction W arranty This pro d uct is backed by a limited two-year warran ty . The details of the wa rranty are printed at the back of this manua l. An extended warranty plan may be pur chased from your InFocus dealer , a ny time during th e original tw o year warranty period .
7 SETTING UP THE PR OJECTOR 1 Place the pr o jector on a flat s urface. • The pr ojector must be within 6 feet (1.8 m ) of your power source and your computer . • If you want to project fr om behi nd a translucent screen, set up the pr o jector behind your scr een.
8 Setti ng up the Proj ector NO TE : Bef o re you continue , mak e sure the p rojector and all other equipment is turned o f f. If you’ re connecting a computer , mak e sure the distance betw een it and the pr ojector is 6 f eet or less .
9 Connecting a Computer NO TE: Many laptop computers do not automatically turn on their external video por t when a sec- ondar y disp lay device such as a pr ojector is connected. Ref er to your computer manual for the command that activates the exter- nal video por t.
10 Setti ng up the Proj ector Do you want to c ontrol the comp uter’ s mouse from the p rojector’ s rem ot e ? If y our computer ha s a PS/2 connecto r , use the PS/2 mouse cabl e. 1 Plug the green end of the PS/2 mouse cable into the mouse connector on your computer .
11 Connec ting a Video Pla y er If your video device (VCR, DVD pl ayer , video camera) uses a ro und, one-pr o ng composite video connector, use the composite audio/video (A/V) cable pr ovided. The end with 2 connectors attaches to the projector , the other end attaches to th e video device.
12 Setti ng up the Proj ector 3 Plug the A/V cabl e’s white connector into the left “audio out” connector on your video device. Plug the cable’s r ed con nec- tor into the right “audio out” connector on the video device. 4 Plug the blue end of the A/V cable into the “Audio in” co n- nector on the projector .
13 P o wering up the Pr ojector NO TE : Alwa ys use the pow er cor d that shipped with the pr ojector . 1 Remove the lens c ap. 2 Plug the power cord into the back of the projector, then plug it into your electrical outlet. A surg e-pro tected po wer strip is re commended.
14 Setti ng up the Proj ector T urning Off the Pr ojector T o turn off the projector , press the Power button. A dialog box appears, asking f or confirmation. Press the Power button again to turn the lam p off. The fans cont inue to run for a minute, then the pro jector shuts off.
15 USING THE PROJECTOR This section d escribes how to use and mak e adjustm ents to the pro jector . It also provides a r eferen ce to the keypad and r emote buttons and the opti ons available f rom the on-scr een menus. Basic Imag e Adjustment 1 Make sure you have powered up your equipment in the right or der (page 13).
16 Usin g the Projector The projector is equipped with a self-locking, qu ick-release feet and buttons. T o raise the projector: 1 Raise the pro j ector to the height you want, then pr es s and hold the foot release buttons. Release the buttons to lock the feet into position (F igure 9).
17 Using the Remote Cont rol T o control the computer ’s mouse from the pr ojector ’s re m ote, you must connect the USB or PS/2 mouse cables to the computer and the pr o jector . See page 10 for details. Point the remote contr ol at the projection scr een or at the front or rea r o f the pr ojector (not at the computer).
18 Usin g the Projector Using the K eypad and R emote Buttons While the menus are dis played, the Ke y s t o n e and Vo l u m e button s on the keypad and the a rrow buttons on th e r e mote act as me.
19 Vo l u m e Press the V ol ume buttons to a djust the volum e. Arro w but tons Use these buttons to n avigate through and make adjustm ents to the on-scr een menus. See “Using the On-Scr een Menus” on page 21 for detai ls. Ke y s t o n e Use this feature to adjust the image vertically a nd make a squarer imag e.
20 Usin g the Projector Bla ck (r emot e only) Press this button to display a black screen. Eff ect (r emote only ) Press this button to invoke the presentation effect. The default eff ect is magn ify . Y ou can sel ect among freeze, black, mute, and 16:9.
21 Using the On-Scr een Menus The pr ojector has menus th at allow you to ma ke image adju st- ments an d change a variety of set tings. NO TE: Some me nu items may be gray ed out (dimmed) at cer tain times. This indicates the item is not applicable to y our setup or th e item is not enabled until another selection is made .
22 Usin g the Projector Basic Menu F IGURE 14 Basic menu Contra st The contrast contro ls the degree of differ ence between the lightes t and darkest parts of the picture.
23 Ke y s t o n e This option helps to keep the image squar e as the angle of projec- tion is changed . Use this feature to adjust the image vertica lly and make a s quarer image. See page 19 for details on keystone adjustm ent s. 1 Press the down button to highl ight Keyston e, then press Source/Select .
24 Usin g the Projector Setup me nu F IGURE 15 Setup and Picture menus Picture menu • Screen Aspect : The default is 4: 3. Click 16: 9 if you ar e watching videos in widescr e en format.
25 System menu T urn the features in the System m enu on and off by highlighting them and pr essing Source/Select . A checkmark in the box indi- cates the featur e is on; an empty box means the featur e is off . F IGURE 16 Syst em menu • Ceiling : Thi s turns the ima ge upside down for ceiling-moun ted projection.
26 Usin g the Projector Langua ge men u Y ou can display the on-screen menus in Engli sh, German, Span- ish, Fr ench, Ita lian, Dut ch, Norwe g ian , Por tugu ese, Japane se, Chinese, or Simplified Chinese. Highlig ht the desired language, then pres s Source/Select .
27 Ser vice menu F IGURE 19 Service m enu • Fa ct or y r es e t : This resets all optio ns to the original factory s et- tings. Highlig ht it, then press Source/Select . A confirmation dial og box appea rs. Press Sour ce/Sele ct to r es et, pr ess the right arrow button to highligh t No, then press Sour ce /Select if you don’ t want a reset.
28 Usin g the Projector User logo menu This menu al lows you to dis play a blan k blue or black sc re en instead of the default InFocus scr een when no source is detected. Highlight the desired color , press Source/Select , then press the left arrow to r e turn to the previous menu.
29 MAINTENAN CE & T R OUBLES H OOTING This section d escribes how to: • clean the lens • clean the air intake d ust filters • r eplace the pr o jection lamp • r eplace the batteries in the.
30 Mainte nance & T roubles hooting F IGURE 21 Removing the filter doors 3 Remove the filter doors and clean th em using a vacuum cleaner on low p ower .
31 Replacing the Pr ojection Lamp WA R N I N G : T o avoi d burns , allow the p rojector to c o ol for at least 60 minutes before you replace the lamp. Ne ver extract the lamp housing while the pr ojec- tor is oper ating. The lamp hour tim er in the Service Info menu counts the number of hours the lamp has been in use.
32 Mainte nance & T roubles hooting F IGURE 24 Remo ving the lamp ho using 5 Install the n ew lamp hous ing and tight en the screws. WA R NI NG : Do not dro p the lamp module or touc h the glass bulb! The glass may shatter and cause injur y. 6 Plug in the power cord and pr ess the Power button to turn the projector back on .
33 F IGURE 25 Replacing the batteries in the remote 5 Slide the two tabs on the battery door into posi tion, press the release tab and push the door into the r e mote to re-install the door . Using the Security Lock The proje ctor has a security connector for us e with a PC Guardian Cable Lock System (Figu re 26).
34 Mainte nance & T roubles hooting T roubles hoo ting LEDs The Alarm LE D on top of the projector ( Figure 1 1 on page 18) will alert you to cer tain proble ms. • A solid red Alarm LED m eans it is time to chang e the lamp. See page 31 . • A blinking red Alarm LED m eans the projector is overheat- ing.
35 Prob l em: On ly the star t-up sc r een displays • V erify that the cables ar e connected correctly . See page 9 for connection procedur es. • Make sur e th at the cables do not have any bent pins. • V erify that the proper input sour ce is con nected.
36 Mainte nance & T roubles hooting Pr oblem: Image is too wide or narr o w for sc reen • Adjust the zoom or p ro jec tor pl acement. • Adjust the w idth of the image. See page 2 4. Pr oblem: Ima ge is out o f focu s • T urn the projection lens to focus the im age.
37 The most current troubleshooting info rmation can be foun d in the Service and Support section of our website at http://www vice . Y ou’ll also fi nd a T ech nical Library , F AQs, and support contacts including a technical sup- port e-mail form.
38 Mainte nance & T roubles hooting.
39 APPENDIX Specific ations The pr o jector must be operated an d stor ed within the tempera- ture and humidity ra nges specified. Te m p e r a t u r e Opera ti ng 41 to 95 ° F (5 to 35 ° C) at sea .
40 Appendix Accessor ies NO TE: Use o nly I nFocu s- appro ved accessories . Other products have not been tested with the pr ojector . Standa rd Ac cessories (shi p with th e projector) P a r t Number Quick Star t card 801967 User ’ s Gu ide 80146 9 Soft Cas e 420074 Ship ping Box (with pack aging ) 42007 1 Compu ter Cab le 6 ft (1.
41 NO TE: Y ou can purchas e these items by contacting your dealer or InF ocus Catalo g Sales at 1-800-660-0024. Optional Accessories Shipping Case (A T A approv ed) CA-A T A-004 Samsonite T ra vel Ca.
42 Appendix P or table an d Laptop Activa tion Char t NO TE: Visit our w ebsite at www .infocus .com f or the most current activation char t. It is located in the T e chnical Librar y in the Ser vice and Suppor t section. Many laptop compu ters do not autom atically turn on their exter- nal video port when a pr ojector is connected.
43 Bond w ell LCD or CR T optio ns after bootup reb oo t fo r L CD or C R T options t o appear Chaplet* * setup scr een setup scr een FN-F6 FN-F6 FN-F4 FN-F4 Chembook FN-F6 FN- F6 Commax Ctrl-Alt-#6 C.
44 Appendix Gatewa y FN- F3 FN-F1/FN-F1 again simul- taneous FN-F3 FN-F1 Grid* ** FN-F2, choose a uto or simu ltaneous FN-F2 Ctrl-Alt-T ab Ctrl-Alt-T ab Hitachi FN-F7 FN-F7 Honeywell F N-F10 FN- F10 H.
45 Micro Express * auto mati c w arm reboot Micron FN-F 2 FN- F2 Mic rosla te* aut oma tic war m reb oot Mitsub ishi SW2 On-O ff-Off-Off SW2 Off-O n-On-On NCR setup screen option setup sc reen option .
46 Appendix * These man ufactur ers ha ve mod els that automati cally send video to the extern al CR T port when some typ e of displa y device i s attached. ** These man ufactur ers offer mo re than one k ey command depen d- ing on the co mputer mode l.
47 Using Video Mi rr oring with a P ow erBook Computer When you turn video mi rroring (called SimulS can in newer Pow- erBooks—see below) on, the pr ojector displays the same informa- tion that appears on your PowerBook’s built-in screen. When video mirroring is off, the pr oj ector acts like a separate dis play .
48 Appendix Pr o jected I mag e Size NO TE: Use the gr aph and table to help you determine pro jected image s izes. F IGURE 27 Proje cted ima ge size NO TE: Visit our w ebsite at www.inf ocus .com f o r an interactive image s ize calculator . It is located in the T ec hnical Librar y in the Ser vice and Suppor t s ection.
49 IND EX Numeri cs 16 by 9 forma t 26 A access ories, ord ering 40, 41 acti vati on co mma nds f or lap top com - puters 42 adjust ing brightness 22 colo r 22 contr ast 22 height of projector 15 image pos ition 24 image w idth 24 keystone 23 adjustin g the im age 24 altit ude limits 39 assistan ce.
50 Inde x F Factory reset 27 focusin g the i mage 15 Freeze 26 H Hide OSD 25 I IBM-comp atible co mputers comp atibil ity 2 connecting 9 image adj usting 13 , 15 colors d o n’t ma tch computer’s 3.
51 P Picture menu 24 Plug and Pl ay 25 PNP En able 25 position, a djusting 24 powe r cord connecting 13 orderin g 40 power saving mode 25 power up se quence 13 , 35 PS/2 mo use 10 R Rear projec tion 2.
52 Inde x.
LIMITED W AR RANTY InF ocus- Branded Pr oduct s InFocus Corporation (“InFocus”) w arrants that the InF oc us-branded pr oduct (“Product”) pur chased fr om InFocus or an I n Focus r eseller wil.
W ARRANTY LIMI T A TION A ND EXCLU SION This Lim ited W arranty exten ds only to Products pu r c hased fr om InFocus or an InFoc us authoriz ed reseller .
デバイスInFocus LP280の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
InFocus LP280をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはInFocus LP280の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。InFocus LP280の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。InFocus LP280で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
InFocus LP280を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はInFocus LP280の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、InFocus LP280に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちInFocus LP280デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。