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TO P - M O U N T REFR IGERATOR Use & Care Guid e In Canada, c all for as s istan ce 1- 800-461 -5681 , for i nstallati on and serv ice, call: 1- 800-8 07-6777 or visi t our we bsite at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS REFRIGE RA TOR SAF ETY ........ ... ..... ... ..... .. ... ..... ... ..... ... .. ...... .. ..... . 3 Proper Disp osal of Y ou r Old Refri gerator .... ... ..... .. ...... .. ...... .. ..... . 3 REFRIGE RA TOR IN STALLAT ION .... .
3 REFRI GERATOR SA FE TY Proper Disposal of Y our Old Refrigerator IM PORT ANT : Child entr apment and s uffo cation ar e not pr oblems of the past . Junked or abandoned r efrige rators ar e still danger ous – even i f they will sit for “ just a few days.
4 REFRIGERATOR IN STALL ATION Unpacki ng Removing p ackagin g ma terials ■ Remove tape a nd glue r esidue from sur faces before tur ning on the refriger ator . Rub a small am ount of liquid d ish soap over t he adhesive with you r fingers. Wip e with warm water and d ry .
5 Electr ic al Requirements Befor e you m ove your r efrigerator into its fina l locatio n, it is impor tant to make su re you ha ve the pr oper electrical connec tion: Recomm en ded grounding me thod A 115 V olt, 60 Hz., AC on ly 15 or 20 ampere f used, gr ounded electrical supp ly is require d.
6 6. Fasten the shutof f valve to t he cold water p ipe with the pip e clamp. Be s ure t he outlet end is so l idly in the ¹⁄₄ in. drilled hole in the water pi pe and that the wash er is under t he pipe clamp . Tighte n the pack i ng nu t. Tighten the pipe clamp scre ws car efully and evenly so washer makes a w atertight seal.
7 Do or Rev ersa l (o pti onal ) Cabinet 1. Remove ⁵⁄₁₆ in. hex-head hing e screws fr om handle side a nd move t hem to oppo site side (see Grap hic 1-1). 2. Remove cab inet hinge hole plugs f rom cabin et top and move them t o opposite side hing e holes as show n (see Graphic 1-2).
8 Door Remov al & Replacement Door Swing Rever sal (optional) 1. Door Hinge Hole Plug 1. Flat-Head Handle Screws 2. Freezer Handle 1. Cabinet Hinge Hole Plugs 1. Door Handle Sealing Screws 1. Door Stop Screw 2. Door Stop 3 4 1. Door Handle Seal Screw Front 1-2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 6-1 7 1.
9 Door Closing and Alignment Door C losi ng Y o ur refr igerator has t wo fr ont adjustab le ro ll ers – one on the r igh t and o ne on the left. If your re frig erato r seems unsteady or you want th e doors to c lose eas i er , adjust the refriger ator's tilt using the inst ructions below: 1.
10 REFRIGERATOR US E Ensuring Proper Air Circ ulation In or der to en sure pr oper tem peratur es, you need to permit airflow between the r efrigerator and fr eezer sections. As shown in the illustration , cool air enters thr ough the bottom of the freeze r section and moves up.
11 Ice Maker (on some models - Acce ssory) T urn ing the ice make r o n/off NOTE: Do not fo rce the wir e shutof f arm up or down. ■ T o tur n the ic e maker on, simp ly lower the wir e shutof f arm. NOTE: Y our ice maker has an auto matic shut off.
12 Lateral Adj ustable Shelf (on some models) T o slide the s helf from side to side, lift up on t he fron t of she l f and slide to the desired loca tion. Lower shelf to t he level position. NOTE: Y ou do not have to r emove small items fr om the sh elf befor e moving it from side to side.
13 T o remove and replace the meat drawe r cover (Style 2 plastic): 1. Remove t he meat drawe r . Tilt th e cover up at t he front and pull it forwar d and o ut. 2. Repl ace the meat drawer cov er by fitting the not ches and rear edge o f the cover over rear and center cr ossbars on the sh elf.
14 F R EEZER FEATURES Y o ur model may have some or all of these features. F eatures t hat can be pur chased sep arately as produc t accessor ies are labeled with the word “ A ccessory .
15 Can Racks and Door Bins (on some models) NOTE: Can rack s may be purchase d as an A ccessory fo r some mod el s. T o remove and replace the racks/bins: 1. Rem ove the rack /bin by lifting it and pulling it straight out. 2. Repl ace the rack/b in by sliding it in above th e d esir ed support and pushing it d o wn until it stops.
16 5. Ther e is no need for rou tine condenser cleaning in norm al home operating envir onments. If th e environment is partic ularly gre asy or dusty , or ther e is significant p et traf fic in the ho me, the conde nser should be cleaned every two to thre e m ont h s to e ns ure ma xi mu m e ffic ie n cy .
17 TROUBLESHOOTING T ry the solutions suggeste d here first in order to avoid the cost of an unnece ssary service ca ll. Y our r efrigerato r w ill n ot opera te ■ Is th e po wer cor d unplug ged ? Plug into a ground ed 3 pr ong out le t .
18 The water dispen ser will not op erate properly ■ Has th e water sy stem not fill ed? The water system needs to be filled t he first time it is used. Use a stu rdy container to depr ess the wate r dispenser until water begins to flow . Dispense and d i scard 2 to 3 gal.
19 AS SI ST A NC E O R S ERV I CE Before calling for assistance or service, please check “ T rou blesho oting. ” It m ay save you the cost of a service call. If you still need help, fo llo w the instructions b elow . When calling, please know the pur chase date and the c om plete model and serial number of your appliance .
20 INGLIS ® REFRI GERA TOR W ARRANTY ONE-YEAR FULL W AR RANTY ON REFRIGERA TOR For o ne year fr om the date of purc hase, when this r efrige rator (excluding th e water filte r) is operated and maintained acco rdin g t o instructions a ttached to or furnished with the pr oduct, Whirlpool Canada I nc.
21 S É CU RIT É DU R É FR IG É RA TEU R M i s e a u r e b u t d e v o t r e v i e u x r é fr ig é rateur IM PORT A NT : L ’ emprison nement et l ’é touf fement des enfants ne sont p as un pro bl è me du pas s é .
22 INSTALLATIO N DU R É FRI G É RATEU R D é ballage Enl è vement des ma t é riaux d ’ em ballage ■ Enlever le ru ban adh é sif et la colle d es surfaces du r é frig é rateur avant de le brancher . Fr otter une petite quanti t é de savon liquid e pour la vaisselle sur l ’ ad h é sif avec les doigts .
23 Sp é cif ica tion s é lectriques A vant de placer le r é frig é rate ur à son e mplacement fina l, il est imp ort a nt d e v ou s a ss urer d ’ avoir l a connexion é lectrique appr opri é .
24 5. À l ’ aide d ’ u ne perceu se é lectriqu e re li é e à la ter re, pe rc er u n trou d e ¹⁄ ₄ po dans le tuyau de canalisa tion d ’ eau froide choisi. 6. Fix er le r obinet d ’ arr ê t sur la canalisation d ’ eau fr oide avec la bride de tuyau.
25 Inversio n de la porte (fac u ltatif) Caisse 1. Enlever le s vis de char ni è re à t ê te hexagon ale de ⁵⁄₁ ₆ po (c ô t é poi gn é e) et les transf é re r du c ô t é oppo s é (voir l ’ illustration 1- 1).
26 D é montage et r é installation de la porte Inversion du sens d'ouverture des portes (option) Grille de la base Charni è re sup é rieure Charni è re inf é rieure Charni è re centrale 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1. Plaque de charni è re sup é rieure 2.
27 F ermeture e t alignement des portes Fermeture des portes Vo t r e r é frig é rat eur pr é sente deux rou lettes r é glab le s à l ’ avant – l ’ une d u c ô t é droi t et l ’ autr e du c ô t é gauche .
28 UTILI SATION DU R É FRI G É RATEU R Po u r s ’ assurer d ’ une circulation d ’ air appropri é e Pour s ’ as surer d ’ a voi r de s t e mp é ra tu res a pp ropri é es, il faut perm ettre à l ’ air de cir culer en tre les deu x sections du r é frig é rateur et du cong é l ateur .
29 Mac hin e à gla ç ons (su r ce rtai ns m o d è les - accessoire) Mise e n march e/ar r ê t de la machine à gla ç ons REMARQUE : Ne pas f orcer le b ras de comm ande en br oche vers le ha ut ou vers le bas . ■ Pour me ttr e la machine à gl a ç ons en m ar che, i l suffit d ’ aba i sser le b ras de comm ande en br oche.
30 T ablettes cou lissantes ( sur certains mod è le s) Pour enle ver et r é i n staller une tabl ette dans le cadre en m é ta l : 1. Retir er l a tablette jusqu ’à la but é e. Incliner le devant de la tablett e vers le haut et la soulever l é g è remen t en ti ra nt l a tab le t te h ors du ca dre.
31 2. Soule ver le cadr e du couver cle et le r etir er . Pour r é installer le couver cle du ou des bacs : REMARQUE : Av a nt d e r é installer le cou ver cle, s ’ assurer que la barr e de renf orcemen t en U est r é install é e sur le bor d avant d u couver cle du bac.
32 Guide d ’ entreposage des viandes La pl upart des vi andes peuv ent ê tr e conserv é es d ans leur emballage original t ant que cet emballage est her m é tiq ue et à l ’é preuv e d e l ’ h umidit é . Emballer de nouveau si n é c essaire.
33 Clayette ajustab le dem i-largeur pour cong é lateur (sur certains mod è les) Pour enle ver et r é i n staller la clayette : 1. Enlever la claye tte en la sou levant et la r etirant dir ectement vers l ’ ext é rieur . 2. R é installer la clayette sur les appuis et l ’ aba isser en place .
34 Compartiment utilitaire et plate au r é glables (sur certains mod è les) Le compartiment utilitaire et le plateau glissent d ’ un c ô t é à l ’ autre pour une plus grand e souplesse de r angement. Le p lateau convient d ’ un c ô t é ou l ’ autr e du com partiment utilit aire ou partiellement en dessous.
35 IM PORT A NT : Ce n e tto y ant e st p ou r le s pi è ces en acier inoxydable seu l ement! V eiller à ce que le netto yant et poli pour acier inoxyda ble n ’ entr e pas en contact a vec les pi è ces de plastiq ue telles que garnitures, couver cles de distribu teurs ou joints d e porte.
36 3. V ider le ba c à gl a ç ons. 4. T our ner la co mmande du t hermostat (ou la commande d u r é frig é rateur , selo n le mod è le) à OFF (arr ê t). V oir la section “ Utilisation des comman des ” . 5. D é branc her le r é fri g é rat e ur .
37 ■ Un gla ç o n est-il coinc é dans le b ras é ject eur? Enlever le gl a ç on du bras é jecteur avec un ustensile en plast ique. V oir la section “ Machine à gla ç ons ” .
38 ■ Vi e n t - o n d ’ ajo ut e r une gr ande qu ant it é d ’ aliments au r é fri g é rate ur ou au cong é lateur ? L ’ addi tion d ’ une gr ande qua nti t é d ’ alim ents r é chau ffe le r é frig é rateur .
39 GARANTIE D U R É FR IG É R A TEUR IN GLI S ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN A N DU R É FRIG É RA TEU R Pend ant un an à comp ter de la da te d ’ achat , lorsque ce r é fr ig é rateur ( à l ’ exclusion du filtre à eau) est utilis é et entr etenu conform é ment aux instructio ns f ournies avec le pro duit, Whirlpool Canada Inc.
2225407 © 2002. All rig hts reserved. Tous droit s ré servé s. ® Regis ter ed T radema rk of Whirlpool Can ad a Inc. ® Marq ue dé posée d e Whir lpool Cana da Inc.
デバイスInglis 2225407の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Inglis 2225407をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはInglis 2225407の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Inglis 2225407の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Inglis 2225407で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Inglis 2225407を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はInglis 2225407の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Inglis 2225407に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちInglis 2225407デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。