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Intel® Embe dded Compact Ex tended Form Fac tor Pr oof-of-Concept Boa rd Based on Intel ® 9 15GM Chipset User’s M anu al June 2007 Order Nu mbe r: 310915-002.
Conte nts Contents 1 Produ ct Overvi ew ............................................................................................................5 1.1 I ntr oducti on .................................................................................
Conte nts Tabl e 18. LVDS Connec t or (CN6) .................................................................................... 19 Tabl e 19. Power Connector ( CN7) ................................................................................... 19 Tabl e 20.
Produ ct O verview 1 Product Ov erview 1.1 Intr oduc ti on The Pr oof of Concept board utili zes the I ntel® Penti um® M Processor Low Vol t age 738 or Int el® Cel er on® M Processor Ult ra Low Vol t age 373, and the I nt el® 915GM and Int el ® I/O Control l er Hub 6-M (ICH6- M ) chipset.
Produ ct O verview 1.3 Pr odu ct C o nt ents The I nt el® ECX Form Factor POC boar d based on Int el® 915G M chi pset is shipped wit h the f o ll owing peri pherals: y One PO C board w i t h t wo heat sink s – one for the CP U and one f or the GMCH y 15 Jum per caps 1.
Produ ct O verview Disp lay: y Anal og CRT DAC i nt erf ac e support - 24-bi t RAMDAC support ( 8-bit f or each RGB signal DAC) - Resoluti on up t o 2048 x 1536 at 75Hz - DDC2B co m pli ant y Anal og .
Produ ct O verview 1.5 Intel® EC X F orm Fa ct or P OC B oar d Base d o n I nte l® 9 15GM Chipset Block Dia gram Figu re 1. Block Di ag ram B5581- 01 LV DS VG A TVO UT Intel ® 91 5GM GMCH In tel ® Pe ntiu m ® M LV 7 38 or Intel ® Celeron ® M ULV 3 73 Proc essor FSB 4 00 479 uP CBCA 1257 F CBCA DMI SATA x 1 PATA, CF USB 2.
Insta l l a t i o n Gu id e fo r PO C Bo a rd 2 Installation G uid e for POC B oard 2.1 Be f ore Yo u B egi n Tabl e 2 shows the additi onal hardware that may be needed to set up the board. Table 2. A dditi onal H ar d war e Com ponent Descri pt i on VGA Monit or Standar d VG A or great er resolut i on monitor .
Ins talla tion Gui de f or P OC B oard 2. Verif y conten ts. I nspect t he cont ents o f y our kit, and ensure t hat ev erything li sted i n Sect i on 1.3 is incl uded. Chec k for dam age that may hav e occurred dur i ng shi pm ent. 3. Check jump er setting s.
Insta l l a t i o n Gu id e fo r PO C Bo a rd Figu re 2. Assembly board , Top Vi ew Figu re 3. Assembly board , Bot tom View.
Ins talla tion Gui de f or P OC B oard 6. In stall st orage d evices. T here is one IDE and one SA TA connect or on the POC board, whi ch supports up t o 3 hard dr iv es (t wo PATA I DE dev ic es—a m aster and a slav e and one SATA IDE devi ce. Note: Master / slav e s etti ngs are determ i ned by a jumper on each IDE dev ic e.
Insta l l a t i o n Gu id e fo r PO C Bo a rd Notes: Powering up wit hout all c om ponent s install ed c or r ectly coul d lead t o a power-up fail ur e that coul d damage t hat board. Do not power up the board unt il the source of any loose com ponent s i s fix ed and the component has been replac ed on t he board.
Connect ors and Jumpers 3 Connectors and Jump ers Thi s secti on descr i bes the pl acem ent of the c onnec t ors as w el l as j um per setti ngs on the board.
Connect ors and Jump ers Figur e 6. S ol der Si de 3.1 Lis t of Jum pers Tabl e 4 to Tabl e 9 must be used i n set ti ng the jum pers on the PO C board. These tabl es giv e det ail s about the j um per s show n in F i gure 5 and Figure 6 . T he jumper s all ow confi guri ng t he system t o user’s appl i cati on.
Connect ors and Jumpers T able 5. Compact Fl ash Pow er Select (JP1) Opti on JP1 3.3 V ( default ) Short 1-2 5 V Short 2-3 T able 6. LVDS Voltag e select (JP 2) Opti on JP2 3.
Connect ors and Jump ers 3.2 Lis t of C o nn ect ors The boar d has a num ber of connec t ors configur i ng the sys tem t o user’s appli cati on. The tabl e below shows the f uncti on of each board’s connect ors: T able 12.
Connect ors and Jumpers T able 15. Primary I DE Hard Dri ve Connect or ( CN3) Pi n Si gnal Pi n Si gnal 1 PRI_I DERST# 2 GND 3 PDD7 4 PDD8 5 PDD6 6 PDD9 7 PDD5 8 PDD10 9 PDD4 10 PDD11 11 PDD3 12 PDD12.
Connect ors and Jump ers T able 17. USB Port 2 & Port3 Conn ector ( CN5) Pi n Si gnal Pi n Si gnal 1 VCC 2 VCC 3 D0- 4 D1- 5 D0+ 6 D1+ 7 GND 8 G ND 9 GND 10 G ND T able 18.
Connect ors and Jumpers T able 21. Seri al Port2 Connecto r (CN9) Pi n Si gnal Pi n Si gnal 1 Data Carr i er Detec t (DCD) 2 Data Set Ready ( DSR) 3 Receiv e Dat a (RXD) 4 Request to S end ( R ST) 5 T ransmi t Data (TXD) 6 Clear t o Send (CTS) 7 Data T ermi nal Ready ( DT R) 8 Ring I ndicat or (RI) 9 Ground (GND) 10 NC Table 22 .
Connect ors and Jump ers T able 26. TV-OUT Conn ect o r (CN14) Pi n Si gnal Pi n Si gnal 1 Red 2 Green 3 Bl ue 4 NC 5 GND 6 AGND 7 AGND 8 A GND 9 NC 10 GND 11 NC 12 DDC DAT 13 Hori zont al S y nc 14 Vert ic al Sync 15 DDC CLK T able 27.
Connect ors and Jumpers T able 30. FDD Conn ector ( CN18) Pi n Si gnal Pi n Si gnal 1 5 V 2 I NDEX 3 5 V 4 DRIVE 0 5 5 V 6 DSKCHG 7 NC 8 NC 9 NC 10 MOTO R ON 11 NC 12 DIR 13 HD SEL 14 STEP 15 NC 16 W DATA 17 GND 18 W GA TE 19 GND 20 TRK0 21 G ND 22 W P T 23 GND 24 RDATA 25 GND 26 SI DE0 T able 31.
Connect ors and Jump ers Table 32 . Fa n C onnec tor (FA N1) Pi n Si gnal Pi n Si gnal 1 GND 2 12 V 3 Sensor.
デバイスIntel 915GMの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Intel 915GMをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはIntel 915GMの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Intel 915GMの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Intel 915GMで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Intel 915GMを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はIntel 915GMの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Intel 915GMに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちIntel 915GMデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。