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Order Number : 301561- 001 Intel ® NetStructure™ MPCHC552 5 Sy stem Ma ster Pr oces sor Boa rd IPM I Re fere nce Driver User ’s Man u al Ma y 2004.
2 Intel ® NetStruc ture™ MPCHC5525 System Mast er Pro cess or Boar d IPMI Ref erence Driver Use r’s Man u al INFORMA TION IN THIS DOCUME NT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH INT ELR PRODUCTS.
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver User’ s Manual 3 Contents Content s 1 Usin g Th is Guid e ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... ..... .... ... .... ..... .. .
4 Intel ® NetStruc ture™ MPCHC5525 Syst em Mast er Proc essor Boa rd I PMI Refe rence Dr iver Us er’s Manua l Contents 4.2.4 SDR Comm ands ........... ................... ................... ................... .............. .................. 24 4.
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver User’ s Manual 5 Contents Revision History Date R evision Description May 20 04 001 Ini tia l Re lease of th is man ua l.
6 Intel ® NetStruc ture™ MPCHC5525 Syst em Mast er Proc essor Boa rd I PMI Refe rence Dr iver Us er’s Manua l Contents.
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver Us er ’s Gu id e 7 Us ing Th is Gu id e Using This Gui de 1 The In tel ® NetS t ructure ™ MP CH C5525 S.
8I n t e l ® NetStr uct ure™ MPCHC5525 Syst em Maste r Processo r Boar d IPMI Ref erence Driver Use r ’s G uid e Usi ng Th is Gui de 1.2 Other Sources of Information SDR Sens or Data Record SE L System Ev ent L og SMI Sys te m Ma nage men t Inte rface T ab le 2.
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver Us er ’s Gu id e 9 IBMU Fu nct i on ali ty IBMU Functionality 2 2.
10 Inte l ® NetStruct ure™ MPCHC5525 System Maste r Processo r Boar d IPMI Ref ere nce Driver Use r’s G ui de IBMU Fu nct i on ali ty 2.1. 3 Whe re Is IP MI -Re lev an t Inf or mat ion Stor ed? The follo wing table shows which info rmation is stored in whic h repos i tory of a BMC/PM.
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver Us er ’s Gu id e 11 IBMU Fu nct i on ali ty 2. 1.4 Bas ic C omm u ni cat io n Prin cip le s The sys te m m ana gem en t software communic ates wit h the devices via the BMC.
12 Inte l ® NetStruct ure™ MPCHC5525 System Maste r Processo r Boar d IPMI Ref ere nce Driver Use r’s G ui de IBMU Fu nct i on ali ty 2. 1.5.2 No nintelligen t Dev ices For the co mmunica tio n b.
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver Us er ’s Gu id e 13 IBMU Fu nct i on ali ty 2.1 . 6 A vail ab le D riv ers IPMI driv ers for the following.
14 Inte l ® NetStruct ure™ MPCHC5525 System Maste r Processo r Boar d IPMI Ref ere nce Driver Use r’s G ui de IBMU Fu nct i on ali ty Wherea s the Key boar d Contr oll er St yle ( KCS0) interfa c.
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver Us er ’s Gu id e 15 IBMU Fu nct i on ali ty Note: Aft er instal ling or removing a board under hot -swap condit ions, it is pos sible tha t noninte ll igent devic es will bloc k the IPMB bus.
16 Inte l ® NetStruct ure™ MPCHC5525 System Maste r Processo r Boar d IPMI Ref ere nce Driver Use r’s G ui de IBMU Fu nct i on ali ty 2. 2.1.3 O n-Board T empe ratur e Sensor T o read out th e ac tua l tempera ture v al ue from the on -boa rd se ns or , the proc edure is as follo ws: 1.
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver Us er ’s Gu id e 17 IBMU Fu nct i on ali ty The connec tion via I CMB is use ful for maintena nce purposes .
18 Inte l ® NetStruct ure™ MPCHC5525 System Maste r Processo r Boar d IPMI Ref ere nce Driver Use r’s G ui de IBMU Fu nct i on ali ty 1. The system manage m ent software residi ng on t he CPU board i n chassis 2 s ends a n ICMB mes s ag e to th e BMC2.
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver Us er ’s Gu id e 19 Prep aring Software for IPM I Usage Prepar ing Softw are for IPM I Usag e 3 3.1 Actio n Plan Before being a ble to u se IPMI th e fol lowing s teps are re quired a nd will be de scribed i n th is chapt er .
20 Inte l ® NetStruct ure™ MPCHC5525 System Maste r Processo r Boar d IPMI Ref ere nce Driver Use r’s G ui de Preparing Software fo r IPMI U sage 3.3 Sensor Dat a Records For each se ns or at tached to an IPMI cont rol ler in a syst em you nee d S DRs.
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver Us er ’s Gu id e 21 Prep aring Software for IPM I Usage 3. 4.2 Ch eck in g C PU Boar d Si gn als The IBMU is equi ppe d with severa l discret e sensors used to chec k the as se rti on or deass ertion of CPU board si gnals .
22 Inte l ® NetStruct ure™ MPCHC5525 System Maste r Processo r Boar d IPMI Ref ere nce Driver Use r’s G ui de Preparing Software fo r IPMI U sage 3. 4.2.4 POS T Code Thi s sensor allo ws you to read the board’ s POST code with the IPMI command “Ge t Sensor Re adi n g” .
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver Us er ’s Gu id e 23 Su pported IP MI Comm ands and B MC/PM Address es Supported IPMI Commands and BMC/PM Addresses 4 4.1 S t an dar d IP MI Commands This se ct ion provide s informa tion on which IPMI comm ands ar e support ed.
24 Inte l ® NetStruct ure™ MPCHC5525 System Maste r Processo r Boar d IPMI Ref ere nce Driver Use r’s G ui de Supp or te d IP M I C om m an ds and B MC /PM Ad dres se s 4. 2.3 S EL Comma nd s All c ommands in th is cate gory def ine d as ma ndatory by t he IPMI s pecifi cati on ar e imple mente d.
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver Us er ’s Gu id e 25 Su pported IP MI Comm ands and B MC/PM Address es 4. 2.6 Sen sor Dev ice Co mma nds All c omman ds in thi s ca te gory d ef in ed as m and at ory b y th e I PMI sp ec ifi catio n ar e i mplem en ted .
26 Inte l ® NetStruct ure™ MPCHC5525 System Maste r Processo r Boar d IPMI Ref ere nce Driver Use r’s G ui de Supp or te d IP M I C om m an ds and B MC /PM Ad dres se s 4.
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver Us er ’s Gu id e 27 Su pported IP MI Comm ands and B MC/PM Address es 4.3.2 F las hFile S ystem Cle ar This command is us ed to dele te all th e S D R, FRU and SEL rep osito ry and to upd at e the FRU da ta .
28 Inte l ® NetStruct ure™ MPCHC5525 System Maste r Processo r Boar d IPMI Ref ere nce Driver Use r’s G ui de Supp or te d IP M I C om m an ds and B MC /PM Ad dres se s 4.
In tel ® NetSt r ucture™ MPCHC5525 System Master Proce ssor Board IPMI Referen ce Driver Us er ’s Gu id e 29 Su pported IP MI Comm ands and B MC/PM Address es addre sses is define d in the PIC MG 2.9 Spec ifi cati on and is als o shown in the ta bl e that foll ows.
30 Inte l ® NetStruct ure™ MPCHC5525 System Maste r Processo r Boar d IPMI Ref ere nce Driver Use r’s G ui de Supp or te d IP M I C om m an ds and B MC /PM Ad dres se s.
In tel ® Net Structur e™ MPCHC5525 System Mast er Processor Boar d IPMI Reference Dri ve r User’s G u id e 31 Customer Suppo rt Customer Support 5 5.1 Cust omer Sup port This cha pter of fers techn ic al and sales assi stance inform at ion for this produc t.
32 Intel ® NetStruct ure ™ MPCH C5525 Syst em Master Proc essor Boar d IPMI Ref ere nce Driver Use r’s G ui de Customer Supp ort.
デバイスIntel MPCHC5525の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Intel MPCHC5525をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはIntel MPCHC5525の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Intel MPCHC5525の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Intel MPCHC5525で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Intel MPCHC5525を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はIntel MPCHC5525の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Intel MPCHC5525に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちIntel MPCHC5525デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。