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MX480 3D Univ er sal Edg e R out er Har dw are Guide Published: 2011-11-30 Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc..
Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 1194 North Mathil da Av enue Sunnyv ale, Calif ornia 94089 US A 408-7 45-2000 www .juniper .net This pr oduct includes the Env oy SNMP Engine, devel oped by Epil ogue T echnology , an Inte grat ed Sys tems Company . C opyright © 1986-1997 , Epilog ue T echnol ogy Corpor ation.
The inf ormation in this document is current a s of the dat e listed in the revision hist ory . YEAR 2000 NO TICE Juniper Netw orks hardwar e and software pr oducts are Y ear 2000 compliant. Junos OS ha s no known time-rel ated limita tions through the year 2038 .
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. iv.
T abl e of C ont ents A b o u tt h e D o c u m e n t a t i o n .........................................x x v Junos Documenta tion and Rel eas e Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxv O b j e c t i v e s ..............
MX480 S witch Contr ol Board (SCB) Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 MX480 S witch Control Board (SCB) Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 S C B S l o t s .......................................
C o n n e c t i o n t o B u i l d i n g S t r u c t u r e ...................................4 8 MX480 R outer Cle aranc e Requir ements for Airfl ow and Hardw are M a i n t e n a n c e ...................................................4 8 M X 4 8 0 R o u t e r C a b i n e t R e q u i r e m e n t s.
R emoving the FPCs Bef ore Installing the MX480 R outer W ithout a Lift . . . . 79 Installing the MX480 Chassis in the Rack Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 R einstalling Components in the MX480 R outer A fter Installing It W ithout a L i f t .
P art 3 Har dware Maint enance , T r oubleshooting, and R epl acement Pr ocedur es Chapter 12 Maintaining MX480 Rout er Har dware Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 T ools and Parts Requir ed to Maintain the MX480 Rout er . . . . . .
Chapter 14 R eplacing MX480 Har dware Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 MX480 Field-R eplac eable Units (FRUs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 T ools and Parts Requir ed to R eplace MX480 Hardware Components .
R eplacing an SFP or XFP T ransc eiver on an MX480 DPC, MPC, MIC , or PIC . . . 209 R emoving an SFP or XFP T ransceiv er from an MX480 DPC, MPC , MIC, or P I C ......................................................2 0 9 Installing an SFP or XFP T ransc eiver into an MX480 DP C, MPC, MIC, or P I C .
L i g h t n i n gA c t i v i t yW a r n i n g.......................................2 4 6 O p e r a t i n g T e m p e r a t u r e W a r n i n g ..................................2 4 7 P r o d u c t D i s p o s a lW a r n i n g ........................
MX480 R outer Gr ounding Cabl e S pecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 MX480 AC Po wer Specifica tions and Requir ements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 A C Electric al Specific ations for the MX480 Rout er . .
P art 5 Index I n d e x.............................................................3 1 1 Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. xiv MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
List of Fig ur es P art 1 MX480 3D Univer sal Edge R outer Overvie w C h a p t e r 2 M X 4 8 0 H a r d w a r e C o m p o n e n t s ......................................7 Figure 1: Front Vie w of a Fully Configur ed R outer Chassis . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 30: Ins talling the Front Mounting Hardw are for a Four-P ost Rack or C a b i n e t .......................................................5 8 Figure 31: Installing the Mounting Hardwar e for an Open-Frame Rack . . . . . . . . . 59 Chapter 7 Installing the MX480 R outer with a Mechanical Lift .
F i g u r e6 7 : D P CE d g e s ...............................................1 3 2 Figure 68: Do Not Gra sp the Connect or Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Figure 69: Do Not R est the DPC on an Edge . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 114: Removing the Cabl e Management Bracke ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 P art 4 Appendix es Figure 115: Placing a Component into an Elec trosta tic Bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Figure 116: MX480 Declar ation of Conf ormity .
Figure 133: 40-Port MIC Serial Number Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 Figure 134: A C Po wer Supply Serial Number Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 Figure 135: DC Po wer Suppl y Serial Number Label .
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. xx MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
List of T abl es A b o u tt h eD o c u m e n t a t i o n.........................................x x v T a b l e 1 : N o t i c e I c o n s ................................................x x v i T abl e 2: T ex t and S yntax Conv entions . . . . . . .
P art 4 Appendix es T a b l e2 4 :P h y s i c a lS p e c i f i c a t i o n s.....................................2 6 5 T abl e 25: R outer Environmental Specifica tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 T a b l e 2 6 :M X 4 8 0 D CZ o n i n g.
T abl e 41: RJ-45 Conne ctor Pinout f or the Routing Engine ETHERNET P ort . . . . . 291 T abl e 42: RJ-45 Connec tor Pinout for the AUX and CONSOLE P orts .
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. xxiv MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
About the Document a tion • Junos Documenta tion and Rel ea se Notes on pag e xxv • Objectiv es on page xxv • Audienc e on page xxvi • Documenta tion Conv entions on page xxvi • Documenta ti.
Audienc e This document ation is designed f or netw ork administra tors who are ins talling and maintaining Juniper Net works har dware equipment or pr eparing a site for har dware install ation.
T abl e 2: T ext and S yntax Con ventions (c ontinued) Exampl es Description Conv ention Configur e the machine’s domain name: [edit] root@# set s ystem domain-name domain-name R epresents variabl es (options f or which you substitut e a value) in c ommands or configur ation sta tements.
https:/ / www .juniper .net/ cgi-bin/ docbugreport/ . If y ou are using e-mail, be sure t o include the foll owing inf ormation with y our comments: • Document or topic name • URL or pag e number .
Opening a Ca se with JT AC Y ou can open a ca se with JT AC on the W eb or by t elephone. • Use the Ca se Management t ool in the CSC a t http:/ /www .juniper .net/ cm/ . • Call 1-888-314-JT AC (1-888-314-5822 t oll-free in the US A, Canada, and Mexic o).
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. xxx MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
P ART 1 MX480 3D Univ er sal Edg e R out er Ov ervie w • MX480 R outer Overvie w on page 3 • MX480 Hardw are Components on pa ge 7 1 Copyright © 2011, Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. 2 MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
CHAPTER 1 MX480 R out er Overvie w • MX480 R outer Description on pag e 3 • MX480 Component R edundancy on pag e 4 MX480 R outer Description The MX480 3D Univ ersal Edge R outer is an Ethernet-optimize d edge rout er that pro vides both swit ching and carrier-cla ss Ethernet routing.
• Contr ol plane—Gigabit Etherne t links betw een the combined S CBs/Routing Engines and each DP C, FPC, or MPC. All boar d-to-board inf ormation is pa ssed ov er Ethernet ex cept f or low-l ev el status and c ommands. • Manag ement signals—Pro vide for l ow-le vel sta tus diagnostic support.
PEM3 (le ft to right). Each A C pow er supply pro vides pow er to all components in the rout er . When two or mor e power supplie s are present, the y share pow er almost equally within a full y populat ed syst em. Four AC po wer supplies pro vide full pow er redundancy .
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. 6 MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
CHAPTER 2 MX480 Har dw ar e C omponents • MX480 Chassis De scription on page 7 • MX480 Midplane De scription on page 9 • MX480 Dense P ort Concentr at or (DPC) Overview on pa ge 10 • MX480 Mod.
Figure 1: Fr ont View of a Full y Configure d Rout er Chassis Figure 2: R ear View of a Full y Configure d AC-P ow ered R outer Chassis Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc.
Figure 3: R ear View of a Full y Configure d DC-Pow ered R outer Cha ssis R elate d Documenta tion MX480 R outer Description on pag e 3 • • MX480 Midplane De scription on page 9 • MX480 R outer .
Figure 4: Midpl ane R elate d Documenta tion MX480 R outer Description on pag e 3 • • MX480 Chassis De scription on page 7 • MX480 Dense P ort Concentr at or (DPC) Description on page 10 • MX4.
DPCs ar e hot-remov able and hot-insertabl e, as de scribed in “MX480 Field-R eplac eable Units (FRUs)” on pa ge 153 . When you inst all a DPC in an opera ting router , the R outing Engine downl oads the DPC softw are, the DPC runs its dia gnostics, and the Pa cket Forwar ding Engines housed on the DPC are enabl ed.
DPC Component s Each DPC c onsists of the foll owing c omponents: • DPC co ver , which functions as a gr ound plane and a stiff ener . • Fabric int erfac es. • T wo Gig abit Ethernet interf aces tha t allo w control inf ormation, r oute informa tion, and sta tistics to be sent bet ween the R outing Engine and the CPU on the DPCs.
MX480 Modular P ort Conc entra tor (MPC) Ov erview • MX480 Modular P ort Conc entrat or (MPC) Description on pag e 13 • MX480 Modular P ort Conc entrat or (MPC) LEDs on pag e 15 MX480 Modular P or.
Figure 7: T ypical MPC Support ed on the MX Series R outer g004902 MPC (empty) Figure 8: MP C Installe d Horizontall y in the MX480 Rout er OK MASTER FAN ONLINE OFFLINE 0 1 1 0 FAIL FAIL PEM FAIL FAIL.
• Physic al MPC connec tors. • Up to f our Junos T rio chipsets, which perform c ontrol functions tail ored t o the MPC’ s media type. • Midplane c onnector s and power cir cuitry . • Pr ocessor subsy stem, which include s a 1.5-GHz CPU, sy stem contr oller , and 1 GB of SDRAM.
MICs re ceive inc oming packet s from the netw ork and transmit outg oing packet s to the netw ork. During this process, e ach MIC performs fr aming and high-speed signaling for its media type . Before tr ansmitting outg oing data pa ckets thr ough the MIC interf aces, the MPCs enc apsulat e the pack ets rec eived.
Figure 9: FP C Installe d in the MX480 Rout er Chassis OK MASTE R F AN ONLIN E OFFLIN E 0 1 1 0 F AI L F AI L PEM F AI L F AI L F AI L F AI L F AI L F A I L ES D OK OK OK OK OK OK O K 2 3 4 5 ACO / L .
Engines re ceive inc oming packet s from the PICs install ed on the FPC and forw ards them through the s witch plane s to the appropria te destina tion port. The FPCs int erfac e with the pow er supplies and SCBs. FPCs ar e hot-remov able and hot-insertabl e, as de scribed in “MX480 Component R edundancy” on page 4 .
FPCs S upported by the MX480 R outer An FPC occ upies two sl ots when install ed in an MX Series rout er . The MX480 r outer supports up to thr ee FPCs.
MX480 PIC LEDs Each PIC ha s LEDs loca ted on the f acepl at e. For more inf ormation about LEDs on the PIC fa cepla te, se e the “LEDs” section for e ach PIC in the MX Series 3D Universal Edg e Rout ers Line Card Guide .
MX480 S witch C ontrol Board (S CB) Overview • MX480 S witch Contr ol Board (SCB) Description on p age 21 • MX480 S witch Contr ol Board (SCB) LEDs on pa ge 22 MX480 S witch C ontrol Board (SCB) D.
SCB R edundancy If tw o SCBs are install ed, one S CB functions as the ma ster SCB and the other a s its backup . If the mast er fails or is r emoved , the backup re starts and become s the master .
T abl e 4: Swit ch Control Boar d LEDs (c ontinued) Description Sta te Col or Label SCB oper ates in f abric-only mode. On ste adily Green F ABRIC ONL Y SCB oper ates in f abric/ control bo ard mode. Off – SCB is online. On ste adily Green OK/F AIL SCB ha s faile d.
Figure 12: R outing Engine R outing Engine Components NO TE: For specific informa tion about Routing Engine c omponents (for exampl e, the amount of DRAM), issue the sho w chassis routing-engine command .
NO TE: If the rout er boots from an alt ernate boot de vice, a y ellow al arm lights the LED on the rout er ’s cr aft interf ace. If the R outing Engines are config ured for gr ace ful switcho ver , the backup R outing Engine automa ticall y synchroniz es its configur ation and sta te with the ma ster R outing Engine.
g006040 USB por t Reset button Extractor clip Extractor clip Console por t Auxiliary por t Ethernet por t SSD slot 2 SSD slot 1 Each R outing Engine consists of the f ollo wing components: • CPU—Runs Junos O S to maintain the r outer's routing tabl es and routing pr otocol s.
• One cop y on the hard disk in the R outing Engine. • One cop y on a USB fla sh drive tha t can be inserted int o the slot on the R outing Engine fa cepla te. The R outing Engine boots from the st orag e media in this order: the USB de vice (if present), then the Compa ctFla sh card, then the S olid Sta te Disk (SSD ), then the LAN.
T abl e 6: Routing Engine LEDs ( continued) Description Sta te Col or Label Indica tes activit y on the hard disk drive. Blinking Green HDD R outing Engine is transitioning online. Blinking Green ONLINE R outing Engine is functioning normally . On ste adily R outing Engine has fail ed.
• MX480 Component LEDs on the C raft Int erfac e on page 29 • Alarm R elay C ontacts on the MX480 Cr aft Int erfac e on page 32 Alarm LEDs and A larm Cut off/Lamp T est Butt on on the MX480 Cra ft Interf ace T wo l arge al arm LEDs are l ocat ed at the upper right of the cr aft int erfac e.
• SCB LEDs on the MX480 Cr aft Int erfac e on page 31 • Fan LEDs on the MX480 C raft Int erfa ce on page 31 Host Subs ystem LEDs on the MX480 C raft Int erfac e Each host subs ystem ha s three LEDs, l ocat ed on the upper le ft of the craft int erfac e, that indica te its sta tus.
T abl e 10: DPC and MPC LEDs on the Cra ft Interf ace ( continued) Description Sta te Col or Label Card ha s fail ed. On ste adily R ed F AIL FPC LEDs on the MX480 Cr aft Interf ace An FPC tak es up two DP C slots when install ed in an MX Series r outer .
T abl e 13: Fan LEDs on the Cr aft Int erfac e Description Sta te Col or Label Fan is func tioning normally . On ste adily Green F AN Fan ha s fail ed.
supplies conne ct to the midpl ane, which distributes the diff erent output vol tag es produce d by the po wer supplies t o the router c omponents, depending on their vol tage r equirements. Each po wer supply is c ooled b y its own int ernal cooling sy stem.
Figure 1 7: AC P ow er Suppl y Figure 18: High-C apacity A C Po wer Suppl y AC OK DC OK PS FAIL For more inf ormation about the A C power spe cifications, see the MX480 3D Univ ersal Edge R outer Hardware Guide . W ARNING: The r outer is plugg able type A equipment ins talled in a restric ted-ac cess loc ation.
pow er supplies assume the entir e electric al load without int erruption. Three po wer supplies pro vide the maximum configur ation with full po wer for a s long a s the rout er is opera tional. The l ow-line config uration r equires thr ee power supplie s and the fourth pow er supply pr ovides redundanc y .
R elate d Documenta tion MX480 Chassis De scription on page 7 • • MX480 P ower S yst em Description on page 32 • MX480 A C Pow er Suppl y Description on page 33 MX480 DC Po wer Suppl y Description Each DC po wer supply w eighs appro ximatel y 3.
Four pow er supplies provide full r edundancy . If a DC power suppl y in a redundant config uration is r emoved or f ails, its r edundant power suppl y tak es over without interruption.
T abl e 16: DC Pow er Suppl y LEDs (c ontinued) Description Sta te Col or Label Po wer suppl y is functioning normally . On The main output v oltag e is out of range (l ower limit: 3 7 .5 V to 39 .5 V; upper limit: 72.5 V to 7 6 V). On Y ellow DC pow er supply circuit br eaker is turned off .
abov e the cra ft interfa ce. The e xhaust for the po wer supplies is l ocat ed on the rear bulkhead po wer supplies. Figure 21: Airfl ow Thr ough the Chassis The host sub system monit ors the temper atur e of the router c omponents. When the rout er is opera ting normally , the fans function a t lo wer than full speed.
Figure 23: Air F ilter R elate d Documenta tion MX480 Fan LED on p age 40 • • Maintaining the MX480 Air Fil ter on pag e 116 • Maintaining the MX480 F an T ra y on page 116 • T rouble shooting the MX480 Cooling S ystem on pa ge 144 MX480 Fan LED Each f an has an LED tha t display s its status.
Figure 2 4: Cabl e Management Br acke ts Figure 25: C able Mana gement Bra ckets Ins talled on the R outer R elate d Documenta tion • Maintaining Cabl es Tha t Connect t o MX480 DPCs, MPCs, MIC s, or PICs on page 130 • R eplacing the MX480 Cabl e Management Br acke ts on page 223 41 Copyright © 2011, Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. 42 MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
P ART 2 S et ting Up the MX480 R out er • Pr eparing the Site for MX480 R outer Install ation on pag e 45 • MX480 R outer Install ation Overvie w on page 51 • Unpacking the MX480 R outer on pag .
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. 44 MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
CHAPTER 3 P r eparing the Sit e f or MX480 R out er Inst all a tion • MX480 Site P repara tion Checklist on pag e 45 • MX480 R outer Rack R equirements on pag e 46 • MX480 R outer Cle aranc e Re.
T abl e 17: Site P repara tion Checklist (c ontinued) Dat e Perf ormed By For More Inf ormation Item or T ask “MX480 Chassis Gr ounding Specific ations” on page 273 , MX480 R outer Grounding Cabl e Lug Specific ations, MX480 R outer Grounding Cabl e Specific ations Loc ate sit es for c onnection of syst em grounding.
In gener al, a center-mount r ack is pref erabl e to a front-mount r ack beca use the more ev en distribution of weight in the cent er-mount rack pr ovides gre ater st ability . For instructions about installing the mounting har dware , see “Installing the MX480 R outer Mounting Hardw are for a R ack or Cabinet” on pag e 57 .
Connec tion to Buil ding Structur e Al ways s ecure the ra ck to the structur e of the building. If your g eographic al area is subject to e arthquakes, bol t the rack t o the floor . For maximum stability , also secur e the rack t o ceiling br acket s.
Figur e 27: Clear ance R equirements f or Airflo w and Hardwar e Maintenance for an MX480 R outer Chassis Rear Front 17.4" (44.2 cm) 24.5" (62.2 cm) g004259 F ront-mounting flange 19.2" (48.7 cm) 24" (61 cm) clearance required for maintenance 24" (61 cm) clearance required for maintenance Cable management system 27.
MX480 R outer Cabinet Airfl ow R equirements Bef ore you install the r outer in a cabine t, you must ensure tha t ventil ation through the cabinet is sufficient t o prev ent overhe ating.
CHAPTER 4 MX480 R out er Install a tion Ov ervie w • Installing an MX480 R outer Ov erview on page 51 Installing an MX480 R outer Ov erview T o install the router: 1. Pr epare the install ation site . See “MX480 Sit e Prepar ation Checklis t” on page 45 .
9 . Po wer on the rout er . • P owering On an A C-Po wered MX480 R outer on pag e 99 • P owering On a DC-P ower ed MX480 R outer on pag e 105 10. P erform the initial s ystem c onfigura tion. See “Initiall y Configuring the MX480 R outer ” on pag e 109 .
CHAPTER 5 Unpa cking the MX480 R out er • T ools and Parts R equired to Unpa ck the MX480 Rout er on page 53 • Unpacking the MX480 R outer on pag e 53 • V erifying the MX480 Rout er Parts R ecei.
T o unpack the router (se e Figure 29 on pag e 54 ): 1. Mov e the shipping cra te to a st aging area a s close t o the installa tion site a s possible, where y ou have enou gh room to r emove the c omponents from the chassis. W hile the chassis is bol ted t o the palle t, you can use a f orklift or pallet ja ck to mov e it.
V erifying the MX480 Rout er Parts R eceiv ed A packing list is incl uded in each shipment. Check the parts in the shipment a gainst the items on the pa cking list. The packing list specifies the p art numbers and descriptions of each part in y our order .
T abl e 19: Ac cessory Bo x Parts Lis t Quantity P art 22 Scr ews to mount cha ssis and small shelf 8 DC pow er terminal Lugs, 6-A WG 1 RJ-45-t o-DB-9 cable t o connect the r outer through the serial port 2 Cabl e management bra ckets 2 T erminal block pl ug, 3–pole, 5.
CHAPTER 6 Inst alling the MX480 R out er Mounting Har dw ar e • Installing the MX480 R outer Mounting Har dware f or a Rack or Cabinet on pa ge 57 • Moving the Mounting Br acket s for Cent er-Moun.
3. Install the mounting shel f on the back of the rack r ails. R est the bottom sl ot of each flang e on a mounting screw . 4. P artially ins ert the remaining screw s into the open hol es in each flang e of the mounting shelf (se e Figure 30 on pag e 58 or Figure 31 on pag e 59 ).
Figure 31: Ins talling the Mounting Hardwar e for an Open-Frame R ack R elate d Documenta tion Installing the MX480 R outer Using a Mechanic al Lift on page 66 • • T ools Requir ed to Install the .
6. Insert the t wo screw s at the t op of the brack et and tighten ea ch partially . T wo scr ews are ne eded for mounting the br acket on the c enter of the cha ssis. Y ou do not need the thir d screw . 7 . Tight en the two scre ws compl etel y . 8. R epeat the pr ocedur e for the other bra cket.
CHAPTER 7 Inst alling the MX480 R out er with a Mechanic al Lift • T ools Requir ed to Install the MX480 R outer with a Mechanical Lift on pa ge 61 • R emoving Components fr om the MX480 Rout er B.
to the r outer . The foll owing pr ocedures de scribe how to r emove c omponents from the chassis, fir st from the re ar and then from the front: 1. R emoving the Po wer Supplie s Before Inst alling the MX480 Rout er with a Lift on pag e 62 2. R emoving the Fan T ra y Befor e Installing the MX480 R outer with a Lift on pag e 63 3.
R emoving the F an T ra y Befor e Installing the MX480 R outer with a Lift T o remov e the fan tra y (see Figure 33 on pa ge 63 ): 1. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o an approv ed site E SD grounding point.
5. Pla ce one hand undernea th the SCB to support it, and slide it c omplet ely out of the chassis. Pl ace it on the antist atic mat. CA UTION: Do not stack hardw are components on one another a fter you remo ve them. Plac e each c omponent on an antistatic ma t resting on a stabl e, fla t surfac e.
When the DPC is out of the cha ssis, do not hold it by the eje ctor handl es, bus bars, or edg e connect ors. They c annot support its weight. Do not stack DPC on t op of one another aft er removal. Pl ace e ach one individuall y in an electr ostatic ba g or on its own antista tic mat on a fla t, stabl e surfac e.
5. Care fully slide the rout er onto the mounting shel f so that the bott om of the chassis and the mounting shelf o verlap b y appro ximatel y two inches. 6. Slide the r outer onto the mounting shel f until the mounting brack ets cont act the rack rail s.
• T ools Requir ed to Install the MX480 R outer with a Mechanical Lift on pa ge 61 • R emoving Components fr om the MX480 Rout er Befor e Installing It with a Lift on pag e 61 • R einstalling Co.
Figure 38: R einstalling a Po wer Suppl y R einstalling the Fan T ra y Aft er Installing the MX480 Rout er with a Lift T o reinstall the f an tray (see Fig ure 39 on pag e 70 ): 1. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o one of the ESD points on the cha ssis.
Figure 3 9: Reinst alling a Fan T ra y R einstalling the SCBs A fter Installing the MX480 R outer with a Lift T o reinstall an SCB (see Fig ure 40 on pag e 71 ): CA UTION: Befor e removing or repl acing an SCB, ensure tha t the ejector handle s are stor ed verticall y and pressed t oward the c enter of the SCB.
Figure 40: R einstalling an SCB R einstalling the DPCs A fter Installing the MX480 R outer with a Lift T o reinstall a DPC (see Fig ure 41 on page 72 ): 1. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o one of the ESD points on the cha ssis.
Figure 41: R einstalling a DPC R einstalling the FPCs A fter Installing the MX480 R outer with a Lift T o reinstall an FPC (see Fig ure 42 on pag e 73 ): 1. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o one of the ESD points on the cha ssis.
Figure 4 3: Installing the Cabl e Management Br ack ets R elate d Documenta tion • Pr eventing El ectrost atic Discharg e Damage t o an MX480 Rout er on page 232 • T ools and Parts R equired for MX480 R outer Connec tions on page 89 Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc.
CHAPTER 8 Inst alling the MX480 R out er W ithout a Mechanic al Lift • T ools Requir ed to Install the MX480 R outer Without a Mechanic al Lift on page 75 • R emoving Components fr om the MX480 Ro.
cabl es to the r outer . The foll owing proc edures des cribe how to r emove c omponents from the chassis, fir st from the re ar and then from the front: 1. R emoving the Po wer Supplie s Before Inst alling the MX480 Rout er Without a Lift on pag e 76 2.
R emoving the F an T ra y Befor e Installing the MX480 R outer Without a Lift T o remov e the fan tra y (see Figure 4 5 on page 77 ): 1. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o an approv ed site E SD grounding point.
5. Pla ce one hand undernea th the SCB to support it, and slide it c omplet ely out of the chassis. Pl ace it on the antist atic mat. CA UTION: Do not stack hardw are components on one another a fter you remo ve them. Plac e each c omponent on an antistatic ma t resting on a stabl e, fla t surfac e.
When the DPC is out of the cha ssis, do not hold it by the eje ctor handl es, bus bars, or edg e connect ors. They c annot support its weight. Do not stack DPC on t op of one another aft er removal. Pl ace e ach one individuall y in an electr ostatic ba g or on its own antista tic mat on a fla t, stabl e surfac e.
Installing the MX480 Cha ssis in the Rack Manuall y T o install the router in the r ack (see Figur e 49 on pag e 82 ): CA UTION: If you are inst alling more than one router in a r ack, install the lo west one fir st. Installing a rout er in an upper position in a rack or cabinet requir es a lift.
Figure 4 9: Installing the R outer in the Ra ck NO TE: This ill ustration depic ts the router being inst alled in an open-frame rack. R elate d Documenta tion MX480 Site P repara tion Checklist on pag.
R einstalling Component s in the MX480 Rout er Aft er Installing It Without a Lift Aft er the router is ins talled in the r ack, you r einstall the remov ed components be fore booting and config uring the router . The f ollowing pr ocedure s describe how t o reinstall components in the cha ssis, first in the re ar and then in the front: 1.
Figure 50: R einstalling a Po wer Suppl y R einstalling the Fan T ra y Aft er Installing the MX480 Rout er Without a Lift T o reinstall the f an tray (see Fig ure 51 on pag e 85 ): 1. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o one of the ESD points on the cha ssis.
Figure 51: R einstalling a Fan T ra y R einstalling the SCBs A fter Installing the MX480 R outer Without a Lift T o reinstall an SCB (see Fig ure 52 on pag e 86 ): CA UTION: Befor e removing or repl acing an SCB, ensure tha t the ejector handle s are stor ed verticall y and pressed t oward the c enter of the SCB.
Figure 52: R einstalling an SCB R einstalling the DPCs A fter Installing the MX480 R outer Without a Lift T o reinstall a DPC (see Fig ure 53 on page 87 ): 1. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o one of the ESD points on the cha ssis.
Figure 53: R einstalling a DPC R einstalling the FPCs A fter Installing the MX480 R outer Without a Lift T o reinstall a DPC (see Fig ure 54 on page 88 ): 1. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o one of the ESD points on the cha ssis.
CHAPTER 9 C onnec ting the MX480 R out er • T ools and Parts R equired for MX480 R outer Connec tions on page 89 • Connec ting the MX480 Rout er to Manag ement and Alarm Devic es on page 89 • Co.
3. Plu g the other end of the cable int o the network de vice. Figure 55: Ethernet P ort Figure 56: R outing Engine Ethernet Cabl e Connect or Connec ting the MX480 Rout er to a Manag ement Consol e o.
Figure 5 7: Auxiliary and C onsole P orts Figure 58: R outing Engine Consol e and Auxiliary Cabl e Connect or Connec ting the MX480 Rout er to an Ex ternal Alarm-R eporting Device T o connect the rout er to e xternal al arm-reporting device s, atta ch wires to the RED and YELL OW rel ay cont acts on the cra ft interf ace.
R elate d Documenta tion T ools and Parts R equired for MX480 R outer Connec tions on page 89 • • R outing Engine Interfa ce Cabl e and Wire S pecifications f or MX Series R outers on pag e 288 Co.
Figure 6 0: Att aching a Cable t o a DPC Figure 6 1: Att aching a Cable t o a MIC g004928 Fiber-optic cable R elate d Documenta tion • T ools and Parts R equired for MX480 R outer Connec tions on page 89 93 Copyright © 2011, Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. 94 MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
CHAPTER 10 Gr ounding and P r o viding P o w er t o the MX480 R out er • T ools and Parts R equired for MX480 R outer Grounding and P ow er Connec tions on page 95 • Grounding the MX480 R outer on.
appropria tel y-sized driver or sock et wrench, with a maximum t orque capacity of 50 lb-in. or le ss. Ensure that the driv er is undamaged and pr operly calibr ated and tha t you ha ve been trained in it s use. Y ou may wish to use a driver tha t is designed to pr event ov ertorque when the pr eset tor que lev el is achiev ed.
Conne cting Po wer t o an AC-P ow ered MX480 R outer with Normal-C apacity P ower Supplies CA UTION: Do not mix AC and DC po wer supplies within the same rout er .
Figure 62: C onnecting A C Po wer t o the Rout er (110V) R elate d Documenta tion Pr eventing El ectrost atic Discharg e Damage t o an MX480 Rout er on page 232 • Installing the MX480 A C High-Capacit y Po wer Supplies T o install a high-capacity A C pow er supply: 1.
Figure 6 3: Installing an AC P ow er Suppl y ERROR: Unr esolv ed graphic fil eref="" not f ound in "/ / cmsxml/ defaul t/ main/T echPubsW orkInProgre ss/S T AGING /images/". P owering On an A C-Po wered MX480 R outer T o power on an A C-power ed rout er: 1.
NO TE: Aft er powering off a po wer suppl y , wait at l eas t 60 seconds bef ore turning it back on. A fter pow ering on a power suppl y , wait a t lea st 60 seconds be fore turning it off .
T o connect the DC sour ce pow er cables t o the rout er: 1. S witch off the dedica ted c ustomer site cir cuit break ers. Ensure tha t the vol tage acr oss the DC pow er source c able l eads is 0 V and tha t there is no chance tha t the cable le ads might become ac tive during install ation.
CA UTION: The maximum t orque ra ting of the terminal studs on the DC pow er supply is 36 lb-in. ( 4. 0 Nm). The terminal studs ma y be damaged if ex cessiv e torque is applied . Use only a t orque-controll ed driver or sock et wrench t o tighten nuts on the DC pow er supply t erminal studs.
Installing an MX480 DC High-C apacity Po wer S upply T o install a DC power suppl y (see Figur e 111 on page 218 ): 1. Ensure tha t the vol tage acr oss the DC pow er source c able l eads is 0 V and that ther e is no chance tha t the cabl e leads might be come activ e during installa tion.
CA UTION: Ensure that e ach power c able l ug seats fl ush against the surf ace of the terminal bl ock as y ou are tightening the nuts. Ensur e that each nut is properl y threaded ont o the terminal stud . The nut should be abl e to spin freel y with your fing ers when it is first pla ced onto the t erminal stud.
Figure 66: C onnecting DC P ow er to the R outer P owering On a DC-P ower ed MX480 Rout er T o power on a DC-po wered r outer: 1. V erify that an ex ternal manag ement device is c onnected t o one of the Routing Engine ports ( AU X , CONSOLE , or ETHERNET ).
NO TE: The circ uit break er may bounce back t o the off (O ) position if you mov e the break er too quickl y . If any of the sta tus LEDs indica tes tha t the power suppl y is not functioning normally , repe at the install ation and cabling pr ocedure s described in “Repl acing an MX480 DC P ower Suppl y” on page 214 .
P owering Off the MX480 R outer NO TE: Aft er powering off a po wer suppl y , wait at l eas t 60 seconds bef ore turning it back on. T o power off the r outer: 1. On the ex ternal manag ement device conne cted t o the Routing Engine, issue the request s ystem hal t both-routing-engines opera tional mode command.
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. 108 MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
CHAPTER 11 C onfiguring Juno s OS • Initiall y Configuring the MX480 R outer on pag e 109 Initiall y Configuring the MX480 R outer The MX480 r outer is shipped with the Junos OS pr einstall ed and ready t o be configur ed when the MX480 rout er is power ed on.
3. St art the CLI. root# cli root@> 4. Ent er configur ation mode. cli> configur e [edit] root@# 5. Config ure the name of the router . If the name includes spac es, enclose the name in quota tion marks (“ ”). [edit] root@# set s ystem hos t-name host-name 6.
[edit] root@# set s ystem r oot-authentication ssh-dsa public-k ey or [edit] root@# set s ystem r oot-authentication ssh-rs a public-key 13. (Optional) C onfigure the sta tic rout es to remot e subnets with ac cess to the manag ement port. Acc ess to the manag ement port is limited t o the loc al subnet.
[edit] root@host# e xit root@host> NO TE: T o reinstall the Junos O S, you boot the r outer from the remo vable media. Do not insert the remo vable me dia during normal operations. T he rout er does not operat e normally when it is boot ed from the remo vable media.
P ART 3 Har dw ar e Maint enanc e, T r oubl eshooting, and R epl ac ement P roc edur es • Maintaining MX480 R outer Hardw are Component s on page 115 • T rouble shooting MX480 Hardware C omponents on pag e 141 • R eplacing MX480 Hardw are Component s on page 153 113 Copyright © 2011, Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. 114 MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
CHAPTER 12 Maint aining MX480 R out er Har dw are C omponents This chapt er describes how t o maintain hardw are components inst alled in the rout er .
• Inspect the air fil ter a t the left r ear of the router , replacing it e very 6 months for optimum cooling s ystem perf ormance. Do not run the r outer for mor e than a few minut es without the air filt er in plac e.
Class Item Status Measurement Temp PEM 0 OK 40 degrees C / 104 degrees F PEM 1 OK 40 degrees C / 104 degrees F PEM 2 Absent PEM 3 Absent Routing Engine 0 OK 36 degrees C / 96 degrees F Routing Engine .
FPC 1 QX 1 TSen OK 48 degrees C / 118 degrees F FPC 1 QX 1 Chip OK 51 degrees C / 123 degrees F FPC 1 LU 1 TCAM TSen OK 48 degrees C / 118 degrees F FPC 1 LU 1 TCAM Chip OK 47 degrees C / 116 degrees .
degrees F FPC 3 IA 0 Chip OK 40 degrees C / 104 degrees F FPC 3 IA 1 TSensor OK 41 degrees C / 105 degrees F FPC 3 IA 1 Chip OK 43 degrees C / 109 degrees F FPC 4 Intake OK 31 degrees C / 87 degrees F.
FPC 5 QX 1 Chip OK 52 degrees C / 125 degrees F FPC 5 LU 1 TCAM TSen OK 48 degrees C / 118 degrees F FPC 5 LU 1 TCAM Chip OK 53 degrees C / 127 degrees F FPC 5 LU 1 TSen OK 48 degrees C / 118 degrees .
CPU utilization: User 0 percent Background 0 percent Kernel 8 percent Interrupt 0 percent Idle 92 percent Model RE-S-1300 Serial ID 1000694968 Start time 2007-07-10 12:27:39 PDT Uptime 1 hour, 40 minutes, 37 seconds Load averages: 1 minute 5 minute 15 minute 0.
State Online Standby Temperature 40 degrees C / 104 degrees F Power 1 1.2 V 1202 mV 1.5 V 1514 mV 1.8 V 1807 mV 2.5 V 2500 mV 3.3 V 3293 mV 5.0 V 5053 mV 12.0 V 12200 mV 1.25 V 1260 mV 3.3 V SM3 3319 mV 5 V RE 5059 mV 12 V RE 12007 mV Power 2 11.3 V bias PEM 11311 mV 4.
• Maintaining MX480 MICs on pa ge 129 • Maintaining Cabl es Tha t Connect t o MX480 DPCs, MPCs, MIC s, or PICs on page 130 • Holding and S toring MX S eries DPCs on pag e 131 • Holding and S t.
Total CPU DRAM 1024 MB Total RLDRAM 256 MB Total DDR DRAM 4096 MB Start time: 2007-07-10 12:28:38 PDT Uptime: 1 hour, 33 minutes, 47 seconds Max Power Consumption 249 Watts Slot 2 information: State O.
Maintaining MX480 FPCs Purpose T he MX480 router c an have up t o three Fl exible PIC C oncentr ator s (FPCs) install ed horizontall y in the front of the cha ssis. For optimum router perf ormance, v erify the condition of the FPC . Ac tion On a regul ar basis: • Check the LEDs on the cr aft interf ace dir ectly abo ve the FPC.
Uptime: 15 hours, 2 minutes, 53 seconds Max Power Consumption 335 Watts Slot 4 information: State Online Temperature 29 degrees C / 84 degrees F Total CPU DRAM 1024 MB Total RLDRAM 256 MB Total DDR DR.
Ac tion On a regul ar basis: • Check the LEDs on PIC f acepl ates. T he meaning of the LED sta tes diff ers for v arious PICs. For more inf ormation, se e the MX Series 3D Universal Edg e Routers Line Car d Guide . If the FPC tha t houses the PIC detec ts a PIC fail ure, the FPC g enerat es an alarm messag e to be sent t o the Routing Engine.
• Issue the CLI show cha ssis fpc command to check the st atus of install ed MPCs. As shown in the sampl e output, the val ue Online in the column l abeled S tate indic at es that the MP C is functi.
State Online Temperature 40 degrees C / 104 degrees F Total CPU DRAM 2048 MB Total RLDRAM 1324 MB Total DDR DRAM 5120 MB Start time: 2009-12-22 12:27:02 PST Uptime: 6 days, 3 hours, 8 minutes, 43 seconds Max Power Consumption 440 Watts • Issue the CLI show cha ssis fpc pic-status command.
If the MPC tha t houses the MIC detec ts a MIC fail ure, the MPC g enerat es an alarm messag e to be sent t o the Routing Engine. • Issue the CLI show cha ssis fpc pic-status command.
• K eep the cabl e connections cl ean and fre e of dust and other particles, which c an cause drops in the r eceive d power l evel. Al wa ys inspect cabl es and cl ean them if necess ary bef ore connec ting an interfa ce. • Label both ends of the cabl es to identify them.
MX480 DPC T erminol ogy R egardl ess of whether y ou are holding a DPC v erticall y or horizontall y , this informa tion uses the same t erms for all f our edges of the DPC (see Fig ure 6 7 on page 13.
T o hold a DPC vertic ally: 1. Orient the DPC so tha t the fac eplat e fac es you. T o verify orienta tion, confirm tha t the te xt on the DPC is right-side up and the el ectromagne tic interfer ence (EMI) strip is on the right-hand side. 2. Pla ce one hand around the DPC f acepl at e about a quarter of the wa y down from the top edg e.
Figure 6 9: Do Not Re st the DPC on an Edge If you must r est the DPC tempor arily on an edg e while changing its orient ation betw een vertic al and horizontal, use y our hand as a cushion betw een the edge and the surf ace .
Nev er stack a DPC under or on top of an y other component. R elate d Documenta tion MX480 DPC T erminology on pa ge 132 • • Holding an MX480 DP C on page 132 Hol ding and Storing MX S eries FPCs .
• St oring an MX480 FPC on page 138 Holding an MX480 FP C CA UTION: Many components on the FPC ar e fragil e. Fail ure to handl e FPCs as specifie d in this document can cause irr eparable dama ge. NO TE: An FPC config ured with PICs install ed can weigh a s much as 18 lb (8.
Figure 72: Do Not C arry an FPC with Only One Hand • Do not rest an y edge of an FPC dire ctly ag ainst a hard surf ace (see Figur e 73 on page 138 ). If y ou must rest the FPC t emporaril y on an edge whil e changing its orienta tion between v ertical and horizontal, use y our hand as a cushion betw een the edge and the surf ace.
Figure 73: Do Not R est the FPC on an Edg e Y ou hold an FPC horiz ontally when inst alling it into the cha ssis or an equipment rack. If the FPC is horizont al before y ou gra sp it, plac e your le ft hand around the fa cepla te and your right hand al ong the bottom e dge.
CA UTION: T o prev ent damage when st oring FPCs: Nev er lay an FPC c omponent-side down. • Figure 7 4: Do Not Sta ck FPCs • Nev er stack an FPC under or on top of an y other component (see Figure 7 4 on page 139 ).
• R outinely check the sta tus LEDs on the pow er supply f acepl ate s and the craft int erfac e to de termine if the pow er supplies are functioning normall y . • Check the re d and yello w alarm LEDs on the cr aft interf ace . Pow er supply f ailure or remo val triggers an al arm that c auses one or both of the LEDs to light.
CHAPTER 13 T r oubl eshooting MX480 Har dw ar e C omponents • T rouble shooting Resour ces f or MX480 Rout ers on page 141 • T rouble shooting the MX480 Cooling S ystem on pa ge 144 • T rouble s.
Chassis and Int erfac e Alarm Messa ges When the R outing Engine detec ts an alarm c ondition, it lights the red or yell ow al arm LED on the cra ft interf ace a s appropriat e.
• SCB LEDs— T wo LEDs, OK and F AIL , indica te the sta tus of each SCB. Gr een indica tes OK and red indic at es a failur e. The S CB LEDs are loc at ed on the left of the cr aft interf ace along the bot tom. • Fan LEDs— T wo LEDs indica te the sta tus of the fans.
T roubleshooting the MX480 C ooling S yst em Probl em The f ans in the fan tr ay are not func tioning normally . Sol ution Follow the se guidelines to tr oubleshoot the f ans: • Check the f an LEDs and alarm LEDs on the cra ft interf ace.
• Check the OK/F AIL LED on the DPC and OK and F AIL DPC LEDs on the cra ft interfa ce. When the DPC is online and functioning normall y , the OK LED lights green st eadily . • Issue the show cha ssis fpc command to check the st atus of install ed DPCs.
Slot 5 information: State Online Temperature 42 degrees C / 107 degrees F Total CPU DRAM 1024 MB Total RLDRAM 256 MB Total DDR DRAM 4096 MB Start time: 2007-07-10 12:28:42 PDT Uptime: 1 hour, 33 minut.
NO TE: The sho w chassis fpc command displa ys the sta tus of the FPCs. For more det ailed output, add the de tail option. The foll owing exampl e does not specify a slot number , which is optional: u.
T roubleshooting the MX480 PIC s Probl em The PICs ar e not functioning normall y . Sol ution Check the status of e ach port on a PIC by l ooking at the LED l ocat ed on the PIC fa cepla te. For inf ormation about the me aning of LED stat es on different PIC s, see the MX Series 3D Univer sal Edge Rout ers Line Card Guide .
Sol ution • Monitor the green LED l abeled OK abo ve the MPC on the cr aft interf ace as soon a s an MPC is sea ted in an oper ating r outer . The R outing Engine downl oads the MPC softw are to it .
seconds Max Power Consumption 365 Watts Slot 2 information: State Online Temperature 41 degrees C / 105 degrees F Total CPU DRAM 1024 MB Total RLDRAM 128 MB Total DDR DRAM 2048 MB Start time: 2009-12-.
PIC 2 Online 1x 10GE(LAN/WAN) EQ PIC 3 Online 1x 10GE(LAN/WAN) EQ Slot 1 Online DPCE 40x 1GE R EQ PIC 0 Online 10x 1GE(LAN) EQ PIC 1 Online 10x 1GE(LAN) EQ PIC 2 Online 10x 1GE(LAN) EQ PIC 3 Online 10.
DC Output Voltage(V) Current(A) Power(W) Load(%) 59 18 1062 42 If a pow er supply is not functioning normall y , perform the f ollo wing steps t o diagnose and corr ect the probl em: • If a red al arm condition oc curs, issue the show cha ssis alarms command to de termine the sourc e of the problem.
CHAPTER 14 R epl acing MX480 Har dwar e C omponents • MX480 Field-R eplace able Units (FR Us) on page 153 • T ools and Parts R equired to R eplace MX480 Har dware C omponents on page 154 • R epl.
T abl e 21: Field-R eplac eable Unit s Hot-Plu ggable FRUs Hot-R emovabl e and Hot-Insertable FR Us • Mast er Swit ch Control Boar d (SCB) (if nonstop ac tive routing is not c onfigured) • Mast er.
T abl e 22: T ools and P arts Requir ed (c ontinued) Components T ool or Part • Cra ft Interf ace • DPC • FPC • PIC • MPC • MIC • R outing Engine • SCB Ele ctrosta tic bag or antistati.
CA UTION: Alw ays k eep the air filt er in place whil e the rout er is operating, ex cept during repl acement. Bec ause the fans are v ery powerful, the y coul d pull small bits of wire or other ma terials int o the router throu gh the unfilter ed air intak e.
Figure 7 6: Installing the Air Fil ter g004228 R elate d Documenta tion Pr eventing El ectrost atic Discharg e Damage t o an MX480 Rout er on page 232 • • Maintaining the MX480 Air Fil ter on pag .
Figure 77: A larm R elay C ontacts R emoving the MX480 Cr aft Interf ac e T o remove the cr aft int erfac e (see Figure 78 on pag e 158 ): 1. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o one of the ESD points on the cha ssis.
4. Align the bot tom of the cra ft interf ace with the sheet me tal abov e the card ca ge and press it int o plac e. 5. Tight en the screw s on the left and right c orners of the cra ft interf ace f acepla te. 6. R ea ttach any e xternal devic es connec ted t o the craft int erfac e.
• MX480 Cr aft Interf ace De scription on page 28 • Alarm LEDs and Al arm Cut off/Lamp T est Button on the MX480 C raft Int erfac e on pag e 29 R eplacing the MX480 F an T ra y 1.
Figure 81: R emoving the F an T ra y Installing the MX480 F an T ray T o install the fan tr ay (see Figur e 82 on page 162 ): 1. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o one of the ESD points on the cha ssis.
Figure 82: Ins talling the Fan T ray R elate d Documenta tion Pr eventing El ectrost atic Discharg e Damage t o an MX480 Rout er on page 232 • R eplacing MX480 Host S ubsys tem C omponents • Effe .
offline cause s the router t o shut down. The eff ect of taking the ma ster host subs ystem offline varies depending on y our configur ation of high av ailability f eatur es. T abl e 23 on page 163 e xplains the eff ect of taking the host subsy stem offline.
NO TE: Rout er performanc e might change if the backup R outing Engine's config uration diff ers from the f ormer master's c onfigura tion. For the most predic table perf ormance, config ure the two R outing Engines identicall y , ex cept f or paramet ers unique to each R outing Engine.
• Issue the foll owing c ommand. The ma ster R outing Engine is designat ed Mast er in the Current s tate field: user@host> show cha ssis routing-engine Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Master .
nece ssary . Utilize the indexing f ea ture to maximiz e lev erag e and to av oid hitting any adjac ent components. • Opera te both ejec tor handle s simultaneousl y .
6. Pl ace one hand undernea th the SCB t o support it, and slide it comple tel y out of the chassis. 7 . Plac e the SCB on the antista tic mat. 8. If you ar e not repla cing the SCB now , install a blank panel o ver the empty sl ot. Figure 83: R emoving an SCB Installing an MX480 S CB T o install an SCB (see Figur e 84 on page 169 ): 1.
CB 0 status: State Online Master Temperature 25 degrees C / 77 degrees F Power 1 1.2 V 1198 mV 1.5 V 1508 mV 1.8 V 1830 mV 2.5 V 5059 mV 3.3 V 6593 mV 5.0 V 5111 mV 12.0 V 12181 mV 1.25 V 1250 mV 3.3 V SM3 6587 mV 5 V RE 5078 mV 12 V RE 12026 mV Power 2 11.
Figure 84: Ins talling an SCB Upgra ding an MX480 SCB 1. Pr eparing for the Upgra de on page 169 2. Upgra ding the First SCB on pag e 171 3. Upgra ding the Second S CB on page 172 4. C ompleting the S CB Upgrade on pag e 174 Preparing f or the Upgrade NO TE: Do not make other chang es to the CLI during the entire upgr ade proc ess.
1. V erify that the sy stem runs Junos OS R ele ase 11. 4 or la ter by issuing the sho w version command on the ma ster r outer . user@host> show v ersion Model: mx480 Junos Base OS Software Suite [11.3-20110530]; NO TE: The Enhanc ed MX SCB is supported onl y in Junos OS R elea se 11.
NO TE: Do not add or remo ve any rout er hardwar e during the upgrade proc edure. Upgrading the Fir st SCB TIP: MX480 has t wo slots f or SCB—tha t is, SCB0 and SCB1—and these corr espond to RE0 and RE1 respec tivel y , where SCB1 is the first S CB.
Other detail s, such as pow er , are also displ aye d along with the sta te. 9 . V erify that the f abric planes c ome online corre ctly b y issuing the show chassis f abric summary command: user@host.
6. T ake the SCB in sl ot 0 offline by issuing the re quest chassis cb offline sl ot 0 command . 7 . V erify that the c ontrol board is offline b y issuing the show chassis en vironment cb 0 command: user@host> show cha ssis environment cb 0 CB 0 status: State Offline Power 1 Disabled Power 2 Disabled 8.
Compl eting the SCB Upgr ade T o comple te the proc edure aft er upgrading the S CBs: 1. V erify that any Modul ar Port C oncentra tor (MPC) is running a t 3G instea d of 6G by issuing the request cha.
user@host> show cha ssis fabric fpcs FPC 1 PFE #0 Plane 0: Links ok Plane 1: Links ok Plane 2: Plane enabled Plane 3: Plane enabled Plane 4: Plane enabled Plane 5: Plane enabled PFE #1 Plane 0: Lin.
Y ou can see tha t the MX480 now has enhanc ed SCBs. R elate d Documenta tion Opera ting and Positioning the MX480 S CB Ejector s on page 165 • • Effe ct of T aking the MX480 Host Subsy stem Offli.
NO TE: T o maintain proper airfl ow throu gh the chassis, do not le ave an SCB install ed in the chassis without a R outing Engine for ext ended periods of time. If a R outing Engine is remov ed, a repl acement R outing Engine should be ins talled a s soon as possibl e.
lights st eadily , the Routing Engine is not functioning pr operly . Contac t your customer support repr esentativ e. T o check the status of the R outing Engine, use the CLI c ommand: user@host> show cha ssis routing-engine Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Master .
Figure 8 7: RE-A-1800 Stor ag e Drive Sl ots g006041 USB por t Reset button Online LED Storage LED SSD slot 2 SSD slot 1 Online/Offline button Extractor clip Extractor clip Figure 88: RE-S-1800 S tor .
The f ollo wing drive has be en verified to w ork in the RE-1800 Routing Engine s: • SSD SL C 32 GB T o replac e a stor age drive: 1. Disabl e and deactiva te the st orag e drive.
4. Pl ug one end of the repl acement cabl e into the ETHERNET port. Figur e 90 on page 181 show s the port. 5. Plu g the other end of the cable int o the network de vice.
R elate d Documenta tion R outing Engine Interfa ce Cabl e and Wire S pecifications f or MX Series R outers on pag e 288 • • Pr eventing El ectrost atic Discharg e Damage t o an MX480 Rout er on page 232 • R eplacing an MX480 R outing Engine on page 176 R eplacing an MX480 DPC 1.
CA UTION: Av oid bending fiber-optic cable be yond its minimum bend radius. An ar c smaller than a f ew inches in diameter c an damage the c able and cause pr oblems that ar e difficult t o diagnose. 6. Immedia tel y cov er each optic al transceiv er and the end of each fiber-optic cabl e with a rubber sa fety c ap.
Figure 9 2: Remo ving a DPC Installing an MX480 DPC A DPC weighs up t o 14.5 lb ( 6.6 k g). Be prepared t o acc ept its full weight. T o install a DPC (see Figur e 93 on page 185 ): 1. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o one of the ESD points on the cha ssis.
as it hang s to the floor . Place e xc ess cabl e out of the way in a nea tly c oiled l oop. Pla cing fas teners on the l oop helps to maintain its shape . CA UTION: Do not let fiber-optic c able hang free fr om the connect or . Do not allo w fa stened l oops of cable t o dangle, which str esses the cabl e at the fa stening point.
Figure 9 4: Atta ching a Cable t o a DPC R elate d Documenta tion Pr eventing El ectrost atic Discharg e Damage t o an MX480 Rout er on page 232 • • MX480 Dense P ort Concentr at or (DPC) Descript.
4. Use one of the f ollo wing methods to tak e the FPC offline: • Pr ess and hold the FPC online/ offline butt on. The green OK LED ne xt to the but ton begins t o blink. Hold the butt on down until the LED goes off . The LEDs and online/ offline button f or each FPC ar e loca ted dir ectly abo ve it on the cr aft interf ace .
CA UTION: The weight of the FP C is concentr ated in the ba ck end. Be prepar ed to acc ept the full weight —up to 18 lb (8.2 kg)—a s you slide the FPC out of the chassis. When the FPC is out of the cha ssis, do not hold it by the eje ctor handl es, bus bars, or edg e connect ors.
Installing an MX480 FPC An FPC tak es up two DP C slots on the MX480 rout er . Up to thr ee FPCs can be inst alled horizontall y in the front of the r outer . The FPCs ar e hot-insertable and hot-r emovabl e. An empty FPC3 w eighs 14 lb (6 .5 kg). A fully c onfigured FPC c an weigh up to 18 lb (8 .
CA UTION: Do not let fiber-optic c able hang free fr om the connect or . Do not allo w fa stened l oops of cable t o dangle, which str esses the cabl e at the fa stening point. CA UTION: Av oid bending fiber-optic cable be yond its minimum bend radius.
• Pr ess its online/ offline button. For a PIC install ed in FPC3, use a narro w-ended tool that fit s inside the opening that le ads to the butt on.
Figure 9 7: Remo ving a PIC g004412 Installing an MX480 PIC T o install a PIC (see Figure 98 on pa ge 195 ): 1. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o one of the ESD points on the cha ssis.
CA UTION: Do not lea ve a fiber-optic tr ansceiver unc over ed ex cept when inserting or remo ving cable . The saf ety cap k eeps the port cle an and prev ents accident al exposure to l aser light. 6. Insert the appr opriate c ables int o the cabl e connect ors on the PIC.
Figure 98: Ins talling a PIC g00441 1 R elate d Documenta tion Pr eventing El ectrost atic Discharg e Damage t o an MX480 Rout er on page 232 • • T rouble shooting the MX480 PICs on page 148 • M.
R emoving an MX480 MPC When y ou remov e an MPC, the router c ontinues to function, al though the MIC int erfac es install ed on the MPC being remo ved no l onger function. An MPC install s horizontall y in the front of the rout er . The MPCs ar e hot-insertable and hot-remo vable .
6. If a MIC uses fiber-optic c able, imme diatel y co ver each tr ansceiv er and the end of each c able with a rubber sa fet y cap. 7 . Arrang e the disconnect ed cabl es in the cable mana gement bra ckets t o prev ent the cabl es from dev eloping str ess points.
Figure 99: R emoving an MPC OK MASTER FAN ONLINE OFFLINE 0 1 1 0 FAIL FAIL PEM FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL ESD OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 2 3 4 5 ACO/LT YELLOW ALARM RED ALARM NC NO C NC NO C MX480 REO RE1 0 1 2 3 SCB SCB g004916 Installing an MX480 MPC An MPC install s horizontall y in the front of the rout er .
11. If any of the MICs on the MPC c onnect t o fiber-optic cable, r emove the rubber s afe ty cap fr om each transc eiver and cabl e. W ARNING: Do not look dir ectl y into a fiber-optic transc eiver or into the ends of fiber-optic cabl es.
• Pr ess its online/ offline button. Use a narro w-ended tool tha t fits inside the opening that l eads t o the button. P ress and hol d the button until the MIC OK/F AIL LED goes off (about 5 sec onds).
Figure 101: R emoving a MIC g004925 Figure 102: R emoving a Dual-Wide MIC g005051 Ejectors MIC handles Installing an MX480 MIC T o install a MIC (see Figure 104 on pa ge 204 ): 1. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o one of the ESD points on the cha ssis.
Figure 103: Ins talling the Septum g005041 Install four scre ws on bottom. Slide septum into MPC. Install two screws . 3. If the MIC uses fiber-optic cabl e, verify tha t a rubber saf ety c ap is over e ach transceiv er on the fa cepla te. Inst all a cap if nece ssary .
CA UTION: Av oid bending fiber-optic cable be yond its minimum bend radius. An ar c smaller than a f ew inches in diameter c an damage the c able and cause pr oblems that ar e difficult t o diagnose. 11. Use one of the foll owing me thods to bring the MIC online: • Pr ess the MIC offline/ online butt on until the MIC OK/F AIL LED lights green.
Figure 105: R emoving the Septum g005040 Remov e four screws on bottom. MPC Remov e two screws on top . Slide septum forw ard. 3. If the MIC uses fiber-optic cabl e, verify tha t a rubber saf ety c ap is over e ach transceiv er on the fa cepla te. Inst all a cap if nece ssary .
CA UTION: Av oid bending fiber-optic cable be yond its minimum bend radius. An ar c smaller than a f ew inches in diameter c an damage the c able and cause pr oblems that ar e difficult t o diagnose. 11. Use one of the foll owing me thods to bring the MIC online: • Pr ess the MIC offline/ online butt on until the MIC OK/F AIL LED lights green.
• T o take a DPC or an MPC offline: • Pr ess and hold the c orresponding online butt on on the craft int erfac e. The gr een OK LED nex t to the button be gins to blink.
4. R emov e the cable fr om the cable mana gement bra ckets. 5. Disconne ct the cable fr om the destination port. Installing a Cabl e on an MX480 DPC, MPC, MIC, or PIC T o install a cabl e: 1. Hav e ready a l ength of the type of cabl e used by the DP C, MPC, MIC, or PIC.
• Issue the foll owing CLI c ommand: user@host> request cha ssis fpc slot sl ot-number online For more inf ormation about the c ommand, see the Junos OS S yst em Basics and Servic es Command Re ference . • T o bring a PIC online: • Pr ess the PIC offline/ online butt on until the PIC LED lights green.
T o remov e an SFP or XFP transceiv er (see Figure 10 7 on page 211 ): 1. Hav e ready a r eplac ement transceiv er or a transc eiver slot pl ug, an antista tic mat, and a rubber sa fety c ap for the trans ceiver .
Figure 10 7: R emoving SFPs or XFP s 9 . Plac e a rubber saf ety cap o ver the transc eiver . 10. Pl ace the r emoved tr ansceiv er on an antistatic ma t or in an electr ostatic b ag. CA UTION: Aft er removing a tr ansceiver fr om the chassis, wait a t lea st 30 seconds be fore reins erting it or inserting a transceiv er into a differ ent slot.
W ARNING: Do not look dir ectl y into a fiber-optic transc eiver or into the ends of fiber-optic cabl es. Fiber-optic transc eivers and fiber-optic cabl e connec ted to a tr ansceiv er emit laser light tha t can damag e your eye s.
T o remov e an AC pow er supply (see Fig ure 108 on pag e 213 ): 1. S witch off the dedica ted c ustomer site cir cuit break er for the po wer supply , and remo ve the pow er cord fr om the AC po wer sourc e. Follo w the instructions for y our site . 2.
5. At tach the pow er cord t o the power suppl y . 6. R oute the po wer cor d along the cabl e restr aint to ward the l eft or right corner of the chassis. If ne eded to hol d the power c ord in pla ce, thre ad pla stic cable tie s, which you must pro vide, through the opening s on the cable r estraint.
NO TE: The minimum number of po wer supplies must be present in the r outer at all times. W ARNING: Befor e performing DC pow er proce dures, ensure tha t power is remo ved from the DC cir cuit.
Figure 110: R emoving a DC P ower S upply from the R outer Installing an MX480 DC P ower S upply W ARNING: Befor e performing DC pow er proce dures, ensure tha t power is remo ved from the DC cir cuit.
23 lb-in. (2. 6 Nm) and 25 lb-in. (2.8 Nm) of tor que to each nut. Do not o vertighten the nut. (Use a 7 / 16-in. [11 mm] torque-c ontrolle d driver or socke t wrench.) a. Sec ure the positive (+) DC sour ce pow er cable l ug to the R TN (return) t erminal.
11. V erify that the pow er cabling is corr ect, that the c ables ar e not touching or bl ocking acc ess to r outer component s, and that they do not dr ape where people c ould trip on them. 12. S witch on the dedica ted c ustomer site cir cuit break ers.
Figure 112: C onnecting DC P ow er to the R outer R elate d Documenta tion Pr eventing El ectrost atic Discharg e Damage t o an MX480 Rout er on page 232 • • MX480 DC P ower Suppl y Description on pag e 36 R eplacing an MX480 A C Po wer Suppl y Cor d 1.
Connec ting an MX480 AC P ower S upply Cor d T o connect the A C power c ord: 1. Loc at e a replac ement power c ord with the type of pl ug appropria te for y our geogr aphical l ocation (se e “ AC P ow er Cord Spe cifications f or the MX480 Rout er ” on pag e 277 ).
3. V erify that the INPUT OK LED on the pow er supply is not lit. 4. R emov e the power c able from the e xternal DC po wer sourc e. 5. At tach an ele ctrosta tic discharge (E SD) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and conne ct the strap t o one of the ESD points on the cha ssis.
CA UTION: The maximum t orque ra ting of the terminal studs on the DC pow er supply is 36 lb-in. ( 4. 0 Nm). The terminal studs ma y be damaged if ex cessiv e torque is applied . Use only a t orque-controll ed driver or sock et wrench t o tighten nuts on the DC pow er supply t erminal studs.
R elate d Documenta tion Pr eventing El ectrost atic Discharg e Damage t o an MX480 Rout er on page 232 • • MX480 DC P ower Suppl y Description on pag e 36 • R eplacing an MX480 DC P ower S upply on pag e 214 R eplacing the MX480 Cabl e Management Br ack ets T o remov e the (see Figure 114 on pa ge 223 ): 1.
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. 224 MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
P ART 4 Appendix es • Sa fety and R egul at ory Compliance Inf ormation f or the MX480 Rout er on page 227 • MX480 R outer Physic al Specifica tions on page 265 • MX480 R outer Environment al Sp.
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. 226 MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
APPENDIX A Sa f et y and R egul a t ory C omplianc e Inf orma tion f or the MX480 R out er • Definition of Sa fety W arning Lev els on pag e 227 • General Sa fe ty Guidelines for Juniper Net works.
W ARNING: This s ymbol means danger . Y ou are in a situation tha t could c ause bodil y injury . Before y ou work on any equipment, be a ware of the hazar ds inv olved with el ectrical cir cuitry and be familiar with st andard prac tices for prev enting accidents.
V arning! Denna varningssymbol signal erar f ara. Du befinner dig i en situa tion som kan l eda till personskada. Innan du ut för arbet e på någon utrustning måst e du vara me dveten om f arorna med elkre tsar och känna till vanligt förf arande f ör att f öreby gga skador .
• Do not push or for ce any objec ts through any opening in the cha ssis frame. S uch an action c ould re sult in el ectrical shock or fire . • Av oid spilling liquid onto the cha ssis or onto any hardw are component. S uch an action coul d cause el ectrical shock or dama ge the hardwar e equipment.
R estricte d Acc ess Area W arning W ARNING: The har dware equipment is intende d for install ation in restric ted acc ess area s. A restrict ed acc ess area is an are a to which ac cess can be gained.
¡At ención! Esta unidad ha sido diseñada par a instalar se en áreas de a cceso restringido . Área de ac ceso re stringido significa un área a l a que solamente tiene acc eso el personal de servi.
on pag e 233 ). If you are r eturning a component, pla ce it in an ele ctrosta tic bag bef ore packing it. Figure 115: P lacing a Component int o an Ele ctrosta tic Bag R elate d Documenta tion Genera.
Fire Suppr ession In the ev ent of an electric al hazard or an el ectrical fir e, first turn pow er off to the equipment at the sour ce. T hen use a T ype C fire ex tinguisher , which uses noncorr osive fire r etardants, to e xtinguish the fire .
Install ation Sa fet y W arnings for Juniper Ne twork s Hardwar e Equipment Observe the f ollo wing warnings bef ore and during hardw are equipment install ation: • Install ation Instructions W arni.
• The cha ssis must be installe d into a rack tha t is secured t o the building structur e. • The cha ssis should be mounte d at the bott om of the rack if it is the onl y unit in the rack.
• Le r ack sur lequel e st monté le r outer doit êtr e fixé à la struc ture du bâtiment. • Si ce tte unité c onstitue la seul e unité monté e en casier , elle doit êtr e placé e dans le ba s.
• R outer må install eres i et sta tiv som er for ankret til by gningsstruktur en. • Denne enhet en bør monteres neder st i kabinette t hvis dett e er den eneste enhet en i kabinette t.
• R outer måst e installer as i en ställning s om är förankr ad i by ggnadens struktur . • Om denna enhet är den enda enhet en på ställningen skall den ins taller as läng st ned på ställningen.
MX480 Chassis Lifting Guidelines The w eight of a fully c onfigured cha ssis is about 163.5 lb (74 .2 kg). Observe the f ollo wing guidelines f or lifting and moving the rout er: • Bef ore moving the r outer , verify tha t the intended sit e meets the specified po wer , environment al, and clear ance re quirements.
• Av oid direct e xposure to the be am. W ARNING: Untermina ted optical c onnector s can emit invisible l aser radia tion. The l ens in the human eye f ocuses all the la ser power on the retina, so f ocusing the ey e directl y on a laser sour ce—ev en a low-po wer la ser—coul d permanently dama ge the ey e.
A vvertenza A vvertenz a prodotto LED di Cl asse 1. Adv arsel LED-produkt i kl asse 1. A viso Produto de cl asse 1 c om LED. ¡At ención! Aviso sobr e producto LED de Cl ase 1. V arning! L ysdiodproduk t av kla ss 1. Laser Be am W arning W ARNING: Do not stare int o the la ser beam or view it direc tly with optical instruments.
W aarschuwing Aang ezien onzichtbare straling v anuit de opening van de poort kan k omen als er geen fiberkabel aang eslot en is, dient blootst elling aan straling en he t kijken in open openingen v ermeden te w orden.
• Lightning Ac tivity W arning on page 246 • Opera ting T empera ture W arning on pag e 247 • Pr oduct Disposal W arning on page 248 Bat tery Handling W arning W ARNING: R eplacing the bat tery incorr ectly might r esult in an expl osion. R eplace the ba ttery onl y with the same or equival ent type rec ommended by the manufa cturer .
V arning! Explosionsf ara vid f elaktigt ba tterib yte. Ersä tt endast b atterie t med samma bat terityp som rek ommendera s av till verkaren ell er motsvar ande.
em conta cto com a lig ação à t erra, podendo causar queima duras gr ave s ou ficarem s oldados aos t erminais. ¡At ención! Antes de oper ar sobre equipos conec tados a línea s de alimentación, quitar se las jo yas (incl uidos anillos, c ollares y r elojes).
Opera ting T emper ature W arning W ARNING: T o prev ent the hardwar e equipment from ov erheating, do not opera te it in an are a that ex ceeds the ma ximum recommended ambient temper ature of 104 ο F ( 40 ο C). T o prevent airfl ow re striction, allo w at l east 6 inches (15.
V arning! Förhindra a tt en router ö verhett as genom a tt inte anv ända den i ett område där den ma ximalt rek ommenderade omgivning stempera turen på 40 ο C öv erskrids. Förhindra a tt luft cirkulationen inskr änks g enom att se till at t det finns fritt utrymme på minst 15,2 cm omkring ventil ationsöppningarna.
• General El ectrical S afe ty Guidelines and W arnings Elec trical Codes f or M Series, MX Series, and T S eries Rout ers on pag e 253 • TN P ower W arning for M S eries, MX Series, and T S eries.
Grounding R equirements and W arning An insula ted gr ounding conduct or that is identical in siz e to the grounded and ungr ounded branch cir cuit supply c onductors, but is identifiabl e by gr een and yell ow stripes, is install ed as part of the br anch circuit tha t supplies the unit.
Multipl e Po wer Supplies Disc onnection W arning W ARNING: The r outer has mor e than one power suppl y connection. All connec tions must be remov ed compl etel y to remo ve pow er from the unit compl etel y .
V aroitus K ytke irti vaiht ovirtal aitteiden virtajoht o ja katkaise ta savirtalait teiden virta suojakytkimell ä, ennen kuin teet mit ään asennuspohjall e tai ty öskentel et virtal ähteiden läheis yydessä.
R elate d Documenta tion General El ectrical S afe ty W arnings for Juniper Netw orks Hardw are Equipment on pag e 249 • General El ectrical S afe ty Guidelines and W arnings Ele ctrical Code s for .
At tention Ce dispositif a é té conçu pour f onctionner av ec des syst èmes d'alimentation TN. W arnung Das Gerä t ist für die V erwendung mit TN-Str omsyst emen ausgel egt. A vvertenza Il dispositiv o è stat o proget tat o per l'uso con sistemi di alimentazione TN.
• Blue—Neutr al • Bro wn—Live R elate d Documenta tion A C Electric al Specifica tions for the MX480 R outer on pag e 276 • • Cal cula ting Po wer Re quirements for MX480 R outers on pag e.
• Ensure tha t the polarity of the DC input wiring is c orrect. Under c ertain conditions, connec tions with rev ersed polarit y might trip the primary circuit break er or damag e the equipment. • For personal sa fet y , connect the gr een and yell ow wire t o saf ety (e arth) ground at both the rout er and the supply side of the DC wiring.
V arning! Använd enda st ledar e av koppar . DC Po wer Disconnec tion W arning W ARNING: Befor e performing any pr ocedures on po wer supplies, ensure tha t pow er is remov ed from the DC circuit.
A viso Antes de ex ecutar um dos seg uintes proc edimentos, certifique-se que desligou a f onte de alimentaç ão de energia do circ uito de corr ente contínua.
die angemessene Gr öße für die Drähte haben und so wohl die Isolierung als auch den Leit er festkl emmen. A vvertenza Quando oc corre usar e trecc e, usare c onnettori omol ogati, c ome quelli a occhiell o o a forc ella c on linguette riv olt e verso l'al to.
Ag ency Approv als for MX480 R outer s The r outers c omply with the f ollowing st andards: • Sa fety • CAN/ CS A-22.2 No. 60950-00 /UL 1950 Third Edition, Sa fe ty of Informa tion T echnology Equ.
• GR-63-Cor e: NEBS, Physic al Prot ection R elate d Documenta tion Complianc e Sta tements f or NEBS for MX480 R outers on pa ge 261 • • Complianc e Sta tements f or EMC Requir ements for the M.
Figure 116: MX480 De clara tion of Conf ormity Japan T ransla tion from Japanese— This is a Cla ss A product. In a domestic en vironment this product ma y cause r adio interf erence in which c ase the user may be r equired t o take adequa te mea sures.
United S tat es The r outer has be en test ed and found t o comply with the limit s for a Cla ss A digital devic e, pursuant t o Part 15 of the FC C Rul es. These limits ar e designed to pr ovide rea sonable prot ection ag ainst harmful interfer ence when the equipment is oper ate d in a commercial environment.
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. 264 MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
APPENDIX B MX480 R out er Phy sic al Spe cific a tions • MX480 R outer Physic al Specifica tions on page 265 MX480 R outer Phy sical Specific ations T abl e 24 on page 265 summariz es the physic al specifications f or the rout er chassis. T abl e 24: Physic al Specifica tions Height Depth Width W eight Description 14.
T abl e 24: Physic al Specifica tions (continue d) Height Depth Width W eight Description 1.25 in (3.2 cm) 6.8 in (1 7 .3 cm) 6.25 in (15. 9 cm) Maximum up to 1.2 lb (0 .54 kg) MIC 6.25 in (15. 9 cm) 8.5 in (21. 6 cm) 21.25 in (54 cm) 1.1 lb ( 0.5 kg) Cra ft interf ace 1.
APPENDIX C MX480 R out er Envir onment al S pecific a tions • MX480 R outer Environment al Specifica tions on page 267 MX480 R outer Envir onmental Specifica tions T abl e 25 on page 267 specifies the en vironmental specific ations requir ed for normal r outer opera tion.
R elate d Documenta tion • T ools and Parts R equired to Maint ain the MX480 Rout er on page 115 • In Ca se of an Electric al Ac cident on page 252 Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc.
APPENDIX D P o w er Guidelines, R equir ements, and S pecific a tions f or the MX480 R out er • Cal cula ting Po wer Re quirements for MX480 R outers on pag e 269 • MX480 Chassis Gr ounding Specif.
Both normal-capacit y and high-capacity MX480 cha ssis with DC power supplie s are zoned , meaning that c ertain components ar e power ed by specific po wer supplies (see T abl e 26 on page 270 f or informa tion on zoning). When cal cula ting power r equirements, be sure tha t there is adequa te po wer for e ach zone.
1. Cal cula te the pow er requirement s (usage) using the v alues in P ower R equirements for an MX480 R outer as sho wn in T able 27 on pa ge 271 . T abl e 27: Sample P ow er Requir ements for an MX4.
T abl e 28: Calcul ating P ow er Budget f or a MX480 AC Cha ssis Unused P ower 1 Maximum S ystem Output P ow er Po wer Suppl y 1721 W 3081 W MX480 A C Normal-capacity (l ow-line) 1840 W 3200 W MX480 A.
1 Thes e values ar e at full l oad and nominal vol tage. 2 For this config uration, t otal pow er is 1440 W . 3 Z one 0 requirement. 4. Cal cul ate thermal output (B TUs). T o calc ulat e this, multipl y the input pow er requir ement (in wat ts) by 3.
Figure 11 7: Connecting A C Po wer to the R outer Figure 118: C onnecting DC P ow er to the R outer MX480 R outer Grounding Cabl e Lug Specifica tions The ac cessory bo x shipped with the rout er incl.
Figure 11 9: Grounding Cabl e Lug CA UTION: Befor e router install ation begins, a lic ensed electrician mus t attach a cabl e lug t o the grounding and pow er cables tha t you suppl y . A cable with an incorr ectly a ttached l ug can damag e the router .
A C Electric al Specifica tions for the MX480 R outer T abl e 33 on page 276 lists the A C pow er supply el ectrical specific ations; T able 34 on pag e 276 lists the AC po wer sy stem specifica tions.
T abl e 34: AC P ower S yst em Specifica tions (continued) High-Capacity –High Line High-Capacity –Low Line Normal-Capacity –High Line Normal Capacity –Low Line Item 4100 W 3501 W 3200 W 3081 .
T abl e 35: AC P ower C ord Specific ations ( continued) Plu g T ype Ele ctrical Specifica tion Model Number Country CH2-16P 220 V AC, 50 Hz A C CBL-M-PWR-RA-CH China CEE 7 /7 220 or 230 V AC, 50 Hz A.
W ARNING: The A C pow er cord f or the router is intende d for use with the rout er only and not f or any other use. W ARNING: T ransl ation from Japanese: T he atta ched power c able is onl y for this product. Do not use the cabl e for another produc t.
MX480 DC P ower S pecifications and R equirements • DC P ower Suppl y Ele ctrical Specific ations f or the MX480 Rout er on page 280 • DC P ower Cir cuit Break er Requir ements for the MX480 R out.
T abl e 37: Po wer S yst em Specifica tions High-Capacity Normal-Capacity Item 2+2 2+2 R edundancy 70 A (DIP=1) 60 A (DIP=0) 1600 W Output pow er (maximum) per supply 2600 W 2400 W 5200 W 4800 W 3200 .
Figure 121: T ypical DC Sourc e Cabling to the R outer The DC po wer supplies in PEM0 and PEM1 must be po wered b y dedica ted pow er feeds derived fr om feed A , and the DC po wer supplies in PEM2 and PEM3 must be po wered b y dedica ted po wer fe eds derived fr om feed B .
Figure 122: DC P ower C able Lug CA UTION: Befor e router install ation begins, a lic ensed electrician mus t attach a cabl e lug t o the grounding and pow er cables tha t you suppl y . A cable with an incorr ectly a ttached l ug can damag e the router .
Radio Fr equency Interf erence Y ou can re duce or eliminat e the emission of radio fr equency interf erence (RFI) fr om your site wiring b y using twisted-p air cable with a g ood distribution of grounding conduc tors.
APPENDIX E Cabl e and W ir e Guidelines and S pecific a tions f or the MX480 R out er • Understanding Fiber-Optic C able Signal L oss, Att enuation, and Dispersion on pa ge 285 • Cal cula ting Po .
significantl y lo wer for optic al fiber than for other media, it still oc curs in both mul timode and single-mode tr ansmission. An efficient optical da ta link must hav e enough light av ailabl e to ov ercome a ttenua tion. Dispersion is the spr eading of the signal in time.
The f ollo wing hypothetical po wer budge t equation uses v alues mea sured in decibels (dB) and decibel s ref erred to one milliw att ( dBm): P B = P T – P R P B = –15 dBm – (– 28 dBm) P B = .
• Higher-order mode l oss = 0.5 dB • Clock r eco very module = 1 dB The po wer margin ( P M ) is c alcul at ed as f ollow s: P M = P B – LL P M = 13 dB – 2 km (1.0 dB/km) – 5 ( 0.5 dB) – 2 (0 .5 dB) – 0.5 dB [HOL] – 1 dB [ CRM] P M =1 3d B–2d B–2 .
T abl e 40: Cable and W ire Specific ations for R outing Engine Management and Alarm Int erfac es (c ontinued) R outer R eceptacl e Maximum Length Cabl e/Wire Supplied Cabl e Specifica tion Port — None No Wir e with gauge betw een 28-A WG and 14-A WG (0.
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. 290 MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
APPENDIX F MX480 Cabl e C onnec t or Pinouts • RJ-45 C onnector P inouts for an MX Series Routing Engine ETHERNET P ort on page 291 • RJ-45 C onnector P inouts for MX Series Routing Engine AU X an.
RJ-4 5 Connect or Pinouts for MX S eries Routing Engine A UX and C ONSOLE P orts The ports on the R outing Engine labele d AUX and CONS OLE are as ynchronous serial interf aces tha t acc ept an RJ-45 c onnector . The ports c onnect the R outing Engine to an auxiliary or consol e manag ement device.
APPENDIX G C ont ac ting Cust omer S upport and R eturning MX480 Har dw ar e • Loc ating MX480 C omponent Serial Numbers on pag e 293 • Cont acting Cust omer Support on page 305 • R eturning a Hardwar e Component to Juniper Ne tworks, Inc.
Midplane REV 01 710-017414 MX480 FPM Board PEM 0 Rev 1E 740-017330 000083 PS 2.0kW; 90-264V AC PEM 1 Rev 1E 740-017330 000089 PS 2.0kW; 90-264V AC PEM 2 Rev 1E 740-017330 000109 PS 2.
Xcvr 4 REV 01 740-011782 PAR1Z4Q SFP-SX Xcvr 5 REV 01 740-011782 PAR1XDZ SFP-SX Xcvr 6 REV 01 740-011613 PAJ4SQQ SFP-SX Xcvr 7 REV 01 740-011782 P8N1Y6L SFP-SX Xcvr 8 REV 01 740-011613 PAJ4SYW SFP-SX .
Figure 12 4: MX480 Chassis Serial Number Label R elate d Documenta tion Displa ying MX480 Rout er Components and S erial Numbers on page 293 • • MX480 SCB S erial Number Label on page 296 • MX48.
Figure 125: S CB Serial Number Label g004068 Serial number ID label R elate d Documenta tion R eplacing an MX480 SCB on pa ge 166 • • Displa ying MX480 Rout er Components and S erial Numbers on page 293 • Cont acting Cust omer Support on page 305 • R eturning a Hardwar e Component to Juniper Ne tworks, Inc.
Figure 126: DP C Serial Number Label OK/ F AIL TUNNEL LINK 1/0 TUNNEL LINK 0/0 TUNNEL LINK 2/0 TUNNEL LINK 3/0 g004067 AA567 8 S e rial number ID label R elate d Documenta tion R eplacing an MX480 DPC.
Figure 12 7: FPC Serial Number Label g004410 Serial number ID label AA1234 R elate d Documenta tion R eplacing an MX480 FPC on pa ge 186 • • Displa ying MX480 Rout er Components and S erial Numbers on page 293 • Cont acting Cust omer Support on page 305 • R eturning a Hardwar e Component to Juniper Ne tworks, Inc.
Figure 128: PIC S erial Number Label R elate d Documenta tion R eplacing an MX480 PIC on pag e 191 • • Displa ying MX480 Rout er Components and S erial Numbers on page 293 • Cont acting Cust omer Support on page 305 • R eturning a Hardwar e Component to Juniper Ne tworks, Inc.
Figure 12 9: MPC Serial Number Label g004927 OK/Fail MX-MPC1-3D-Q Serial number ID label (yello w, on opposite side) R elate d Documenta tion R eplacing an MX480 MPC on pa ge 195 • • Displa ying M.
on the pla cement of components on the MIC boar d (see Figure 130 on pa ge 302 , Figur e 131 on pag e 302 , Figure 132 on pag e 302 , and Figure 133 on pa ge 302 ).
R elate d Documenta tion R eplacing an MX480 MIC on pag e 200 • • Displa ying MX480 Rout er Components and S erial Numbers on page 293 • Cont acting Cust omer Support on page 305 • R eturning a Hardwar e Component to Juniper Ne tworks, Inc.
Figure 135: DC P ower Suppl y Serial Number Label R elate d Documenta tion R eplacing an MX480 A C Po wer Suppl y on page 212 • • R eplacing an MX480 DC P ower S upply on pag e 214 • Displa ying.
R elate d Documenta tion R eplacing an MX480 R outing Engine on page 176 • • Displa ying MX480 Rout er Components and S erial Numbers on page 293 • Cont acting Cust omer Support on page 305 • R eturning a Hardwar e Component to Juniper Ne tworks, Inc.
For more inf ormation about re turn and repair policies, see the cust omer support W eb pag e at http:/ / www .juniper .net/ support/ guidelines.html . For product pr oblems or t echnical support issues, c ontact the Juniper Netw orks T echnical Assistanc e Center ( JT AC) using the Ca se Manager link a t http:/ /www .
P acking the MX480 R outer for Shipment T o pack the router f or shipment: 1. R etrieve the shipping cr at e and packing mat erials in which the router w as originall y shipped. If y ou do not hav e these mat erials, contac t your Juniper Netw orks repr esentativ e about approv ed packaging ma terials.
12. Sec urely t ape the box cl osed or plac e the cra te co ver ov er the router . 13. W rite the RMA number on the e xterior of the bo x to ensure pr oper tracking.
P ART 5 Inde x • Index on pa ge 311 309 Copyright © 2011, Juniper Netw orks, Inc..
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. 310 MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
Inde x S ymbols #, comments in c onfigura tion sta tements................ xxvii ( ), in synta x descriptions................................................. xxvii < >, in synta x descriptions............................................... xxvii [ ], in config uration st atement s.
Ethernet port (f or Routing Engine manag ement) connec ting during initial installa tion............. 89 repl acing ................................................................. 180 fiber-optic cle aning instructions for tr ansceiv ers.......... 130 grounding S ee DC power and gr ounding cable s MIC connec ting during maintenance.
redundanc y ......................................................................... 4 R outing Engine......................................................... 23 , 25 SCBs .............................................................................
ele ctricity sa fety w arnings............................................................ 249 site wiring g uidelines.................................................. 283 ele ctromagnetic compa tibility See EMC pulse ................................
cabl e, MIC for maint enance or repl acement................. 208 cabl e, MPC for maint enance or repl acement................. 208 cabl e, PIC for maint enance or repl acement................. 208 chassis tool s required..............................
maintenanc e guidelines air filt er............................................................................... 116 cabl e PIC ............................................................................. 126 DPC ...................................
surg es ............................................................................... 283 sys tem specifica tions ....................................................... 269 pow er supplies A C electric al specifications.............................
unpacking .......................................................................... 53 weight .................................................................................... 7 R outing Engine description..........................................
synta x conventions.............................................................. xx vi sys tem ele ctrical specifica tions...................................... 276 T taking host subs ystem offline.......................................... 162 technic al support cont acting JT AC.
Cop yright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. 320 MX480 3D Univers al Edge Rout er Hardware Guide.
デバイスJuniper MX480の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Juniper MX480をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはJuniper MX480の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Juniper MX480の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Juniper MX480で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Juniper MX480を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はJuniper MX480の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Juniper MX480に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちJuniper MX480デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。