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Color Television User’ s Guide Model Number Serial Number IMPORT ANT NOTE T O THE CUSTOMER: In the spaces below, enter the model and serial number for your television (located on the rear of the television cabinet). Staple your sales receipt or invoice to the inside cover of this guide.
IMPOR T ANT SAFEGUARDS CAUTION: Please read and retain for your safety . Electrical energy can perform many useful functions. This TV set has been engineered and manufactured to assure your personal safety. But improper use can result in potential elec - trical shock or fire hazards.
u ni t, si ze of gr ou nd in g c on du ct or s, lo ca t io n o f a nt en na di sc ha r g e u ni t, co nn ect i on r e q u i r e me nt s f or th e g ro un di ng el ec tr o d e .
CONNECTIONS Co nn e ct ions Ch ecklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Front & Rear Panel Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Guide Plus+ Gold Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Cable & Antenna Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Audio/Video Connections — Stereo .
C O N N E C T I O N S 5 1) Refer to the connection instructions in the user’ s guide for each component you plan to connect. They will provide more detailed information about their products, and they will tell you what plugs and cables are required.
C O N N E C T I O N S 7 GUIDE PLUS+ GOLD ™ SETUP CABLE & ANTENNA CONNECTIONS G U I D E P lu s + G O L D r e q u i r e s a c e rt a i n ho ok u p t o p r o pe r ly f un c t i o n. I t r e q u i r e s t ha t t h e T V , t h e V CR , a n d th e c ab l e b o x b e c on n e ct e d i n a c er ta i n , s p ec if i c m a n ne r .
8 C O N N E C T I O N S #3 #2 Cable Box Required For All Channels Cable Box Required but with Cable Box Video Output 1) Connect cable wir e out from the wall, in to the cable box input. 2) Connect cable wir e out from cable box, in to the splitter RF input.
C O N N E C T I O N S 9 1) Y ellow video cable out from camcorder , in to TV Video input jack. 2) White audio cable out from camcorder , in to TV Left Audio input jack. 3) If you have a stereo model camcorder, connect the Red Audio cable out from the camcorder , in to the TV Right Audio input jack.
1 0 C O N N E C T I O N S CONNECTING TO AN EXTERNAL AMPLIFIER 1) White audio cable out from TV Left Audio output jack, in to Amplifier [Left] input. 2) Red audio cable out from TV Right Audio output jack, in to Amplifier [Right] input.
C O N N E C T I O N S 1 1 CONNECTING TO JVC AV COMPU LINK EX CAPABLE COMPONENTS NO T ES : A) The AV Compu Link EX cable has a male 3.5 mm (mono) mini plug on each end. B) If your JVC brand VCR has A Code/B Code Remote Control Switching (see your VCR instructions), using VCR A Code will switch the TV to Video Input 1.
1 2 GET TING ST A R T E D REMOTE CONTROLS Be sure to use only size AA batteries. Push down on the remote's back cover and slide towards the bottom to remove it. Insert the two supplied AA batteries, carefully noting the “+” and “–” markings on the batteries and remote control.
GETTING ST A R T E D 1 3 CHANGING CHANNELS 10 key direct access. Press the numbers on the remote’s 10 key pad. For single-digit channel numbers press 0 then the number. For channels above 100, press the 100+ button plus the 2-digit number . Channel +/- buttons.
1 4 G E T T I N G S T A R T E D CATV & Satellite Codes CABLE BOX OR SATELLITE SETUP T he r emo te is pr og ram me d wit h the C A T V and Sa tel lit e co des for pow er on a nd of f, 10 ke y , and cha nne l up an d do wn. 1) Determine the cor rect code from the “CATV & Satellite Codes” chart below .
G E T T I N G S T A R T E D 1 5 VCR Codes Sear ch Codes Function : 1) Slide the 2-Way Mode Selector Switch to TV . 2) Press the VCR P OWER and R ETURN + buttons simultaneously for more than three seconds, then release. 3) Press VCR P OWER and check if the accessory responds.
AUTO TUNER SETUP D uri ng Au to T une r Se tup , the TV w i l l au tom ati cally scan thr oug h all ava ila b le ch ann els and memor ize t he acti ve one s s o tha t when yo u sc an, you do not pick u p weak or noi sy chan nels .
1 8 G U I D E P L U S + G O L D S E T U P S E T T I N G U P G U I D E P L U S + G O L D ™ B e f o r e y o u c a n s t a rt t a k i n g a d v a n t a ge o f a l l t h e g r e a t f e a t u r e s o f G U I D E P l us + G O L D , y o u n e e d t o p e r f o r m t h e s e t u p p r o c e s s .
STEP 3 Next G U I D E P l u s + G O L D will ask if your television is connected to a cable system. 1. Use the up and down ar r ow keys on your remote to select Yes or No. 2. Press the E NTER button to record your selection. ( If you selected NO, you will automatically move to Step 4.
2 0 G UIDE PLUS+ GOLD SETUP STEP 3D G U I D E P l u s + G O L D will ask you for the cable output channel. This is the channel your television must be tuned to in order for your cable box to work. 1. Use the up and down ar r ow keys on your remote to select the channel number or input needed to operate your cable box.
STEP 4B G U I D E P l u s + G O L D will send a test signal to your VCR. The test signal will change your VCR's tuner to channel 09 1. G U I D E P lus + G O L D wil l as k if th e VC R sw itc hed t o c ha nne l 09. If the VC R h as ch ang ed to 0 9 use th e up an d do wn a rr ow ke ys to sel ect Y es an d pr ess E N T E R .
STEP 6 Y ou will now see a final menu screen. From this menu you have four options: 1. If you feel you may have made a mistake during the setup process and would like to repeat the setup, select Setup. Please turn back to Step 1 in this section and repeat the Setup process.
INTRODUCTION GUIDE PLUS+ GOLD 2 3 In this section you will learn how to use the features of your G U I D E P l u s + G O L D system. From easy to r ead program listings, to sorting your view choices by categor y , to one-touch VCR r ecording, watch - ing television will never be the same.
2 4 GUIDE PLUS+ GOLD GRID Grid shows you television listings on an easy-to-read, interactive display. By highlighting a program, you can get a brief summary of that show, with information including the V-Chip rating. Highlight a station and view what shows will be playing on that for the entire day.
GUIDE PLUS+ G O L D 2 5 GRID Summary Window The summary window on the G U I D E P l u s + G O L D grid screen displays a brief description of programs you highlight from the programming Grid. In addition to a summary of the show, it displays information such as V-Chip rating, if Closed Captioning is available and if it is a stereo broadcast.
2 6 GUIDE PLUS+ GOLD SOR T Sort lets you organize the G U I D E P l u s + G O L D listings so that you can find your favorite type of pro- gram quickly and easily. You may sort your programs by three main categories and numerous "sub-themes", all with a few simple buttons on your remote control.
GUIDE PLUS+ G O L D 2 7 SOR T Once you have selected a program you can set your television to either Record or Watch. Press B LUE Button to Watch a program from the Sort list. Press the G REEN Button to Record a program from the Sort list. (See page 25 for more on the Watch and Recor d commands.
2 8 GUIDE PLU S+ GOLD NEWS The News feature helps keep you keep up with what's happening. G U I D E P l u s + G O L D will display the day's top news stories right on your TV screen. Select a topic from a list of headlines, then read the story on your TV.
Press the G UIDE /TV Button P r es s t he M E N U Bu t to n t o ac ce ss th e t o ol b ar T o Schedule A list of any scheduled events will appear . T o move through Schedule list Once you have selected a program from the Schedule list you have several options: Press the G REEN Button to change how often a program is watched or recorded.
3 0 GUIDE PL US+ GO LD MESSAGES Messages may sometimes be received by your GUIDE Plus+ GOLD system. These messages may contain information about the operation of your GUIDE Plus+ GOLD system.
EDITOR Use the Editor feature to make changes to your GUIDE PLus+ GOLD program line up. Since cable systems may include dozens of stations, Editor allows you to turn the display of information for any channel on or off. It is especially useful for turning off stations you do not watch.
Press the G UIDE /TV Button P r es s t he M E N U B ut t on to a cc es s th e to ol b ar T o Setup Move to the option you wish to select using the arr ow keys. T o move to the option you wish to select If you need to change your Setup information, select Setup.
INFO If additional information about an item is available this icon will appear. T o access this added information, use the I NFO button. I NFO GUIDE PLUS+ G OLD 3 3 BUTTON FUNCTIONS Quick reference for the G U I D E P l u s+ G O L D buttons on your remote control.
GUIDE PLUS+ MENU Y ou ca n u se thi s op ti on t o ac ce s s th e Se tu p me nu s fo r t he GU ID E Plu s+ GO LD s y ste m. P r e ss t he M E N U b u t t o n T o GUIDE PLUS+ MENU T o enter menu system. For information on the GUIDE Plus+ GOLD Setup menus, please turn to page 18.
U .S. P ARENTAL RATING SYSTEMS Programs with the following Ratings are appropriate for Children. ❒ T V Y is A pp r op ri a t e f o r A ll C hi ld re n . P r o gra ms a re cr ea te d for ve ry you ng v iew ers a nd sh ou ld be sui ta ble fo r al l ag es, inc lu din g chi ldr en age s 2 - 6 .
Directions to Bloc k Viewing: L in e up th e cu r so r i n th e co lu m n ( TV P G , T V G, e tc .) w it h th e co n te nt r o w ( V/ F V , S , e t c. ) a nd p r es s th e o r t o mo ve t he c u rso r to t he co rr e ct l oc a ti on , an d p re ss o r to t u r n th e lo c ki n g f e at ur e o n o r of f .
signal will be in the “Unrated Programming” category . Examples of Unrated programs: Emergency Bulletins Locally originated programming News Political Programs Public Service Announcements Religio.
Accessing V -Chip Information: T o access Rating information about a certain program, press the V -C HIP button while viewing that program, this appears: If you decide you want to block this category of viewing, press "0" while the above screen is visible, and all programs from that category will be locked.
DETAIL Adjust the level of detail in the picture. Press the M ENU Button T o DETAIL T o make the picture sharper T o make the picture smoother T o move to the next TINT Adjust the levels of red and green.
4 0 SOUND ADJUST MTS (Multi-Channel T elevision Sound) MTS technology gives you a choice among stereo, mono, and Second Audio Programs (SAP). Press the M ENU Button T o MTS Select the mode (The ON AIR arrow tells you if the current signal contains Stereo or SAP) Note: Keep the TV in STEREO mode to get the fullest sound quali- ty .
ON/OFF TIMER YOU tell the TV to turn on and off. Use it as an alarm to wake up, as a program reminder, or to simulate that you’re home when you’re out of the house.
4 2 I NITIAL SETUP TV SPEAKER Y ou can listen to the TV speakers, or if your set is connected to a stereo, turn them off to listen to the stereo’ s speakers. Press the M ENU Button T o TV SPEAKER T o turn the speaker ON or OFF E XIT when finished Note: TV Speaker will be cancelled after a power inter ruption.
DISPLA Y T he ons cree n disp lay sh ows the cu rr e n t s tatus of tim ers and in p ut s. D ISPLA Y ❑ T he ch a n ne l o r A V in p u t ( C h. 07 ) ❑ Curr ent time (12:20 PM) ❑ Sleep Timer minu.
4 4 BUTTON FUNCTIONS TV/VIDEO TV/V IDEO controls the TV's input mode. TV/V IDEO 100 + The 100+ button lets you access all channels above Channel 99. T o move to Channel 124: 100+ 2 (two) 4 (four) NOTES : Licensed by BBE Sound, Inc. under USP4638258, 4482866.
ON/MOVE (Picture in Picture) PIP allows you to view two pictures simultaneously . (PIP) O N /M OVE E XIT to turn PIP off Note: The PIP channel and main screen channel will appear in the display momentarily right after you turn on PIP. You can leave them up perma- nently by pressing D ISPLA Y until you r each the mode.
4 6 T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G PROBLEMS No power No picture or sound Remote control is not operating Y ou cannot select a certain channel Power turns of f The clock is wrong PICTURE Poor color qual.
T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G 4 7 PROBLEMS CHECK NO T A PROBLEM DON'T WORR Y ABOUT THIS, IT'S NORMAL • The antenna could be disconnected. Check the connections (page 7 and 8). • Check the zip code in Setup (page 18). • Check the zip code in Setup (page 18).
4 8 L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y JVC COMPANYOF AMERICAwarrants this product and all parts thereof, except as set forth below ONL YTO THE ORIGINALPURCHASER AT RETAIL to be FREE FROM DEFECTIVE MATERIAL.
JVC SERVICE & ENGINEERING COMPANY OF AMERICA DIVISION OF JVC AMERICAS CORP . F A CTORY SERVICE CENTER LOCATIONS Dear customer; I n or der to r ecei ve th e mos t sa tisfa ction fro m yo ur pu rcha.
5 0 S P E C I F I C A T I O N S Specifications subject to change without notice. MODEL T ype Reception Format Reception Range Power Source Power Consumption Screen Size Audio Output Speakers Antenna T.
B R A N D T A B L E S 5 1 BRAND Admiral Adventura Aiwa Akai Audio Dynamics Beaumark Belcor Bell & Howell Broksonic Candle Canon Cape Hart Carr era Citizen Classic Craig Criterion Crosley Curtis Ma.
JVC COMPANY OF AMERICA DIVISION OF JVC AMERICAS CORP . 1700 Valley Road W ayne, New Jersey 07470 LCT0333-001A-A 0499-TN-JII-JIM.
デバイスJVC AV-27D800の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
JVC AV-27D800をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはJVC AV-27D800の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。JVC AV-27D800の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。JVC AV-27D800で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
JVC AV-27D800を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はJVC AV-27D800の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、JVC AV-27D800に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちJVC AV-27D800デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。