KitchenAidメーカーFRONT-LOADING GAS DRYERの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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PRO LINE ™ FRONT-LOADING GAS DRYER Use & Care G uide For quest ions about featur es, operation/p erformance, parts, access ories or servi ce, call: 1-800-422-1230 In Canada, call: 1-800-807-6777 or visit our websit e at... www m or www.
2 T ABLE OF CON TENTS DRYER SAFETY....................... ............................ ........................... 3 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ..................................... ............. 5 Tools and Parts ................................... ..
3 DRYER SAFETY You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow All safety messages will tell you what the potential hazard is, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury, and tell you what can happen if the instructions are not followed.
4 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTION S To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons when using the dryer, follow basic precautions, including the following: WARNING: ■ Read all instructions before using the dryer. ■ Do not place items exposed to cooking oils in your dryer.
5 INSTALLA TION IN STRUCTIONS T ools a nd Parts Gat her the r e quir ed tools and pa rts bef or e st artin g insta lla tion . Read and fol low the instru ctions provided w ith any t ools listed her e. Parts Supplied Remove parts p ackages from dryer drum.
6 Loca tion Re qui reme nts Y ou will need ■ A location that allow s for proper exhaust insta llation. Clot hes dryers must be ex hausted to t he outdoors. See “ Ve n t i n g Requirements. ” ■ A grounded electric al outlet locate d within 2 ft (6 1 cm) of either side of the dryer .
7 Recomme nded insta llation spac ing for recessed or closet installation, with or without a pedestal ■ For closet installation, with a door , minimum ventilation openings in the top and bottom of the door are r equired. Louver e d doors with eq uivalent vent ilation openings are acceptabl e.
8 Gas Supp ly Requiremen ts Gas T ype Natural g as: This dry er is equip ped for use with Natura l gas. It is design- certified by CS A Inter national for LP (propane or butane) gas es with appropriate conversion . ■ Y our dryer mu st have th e correct b urner for the type of gas in your home.
9 Dryer gas pi pe ■ The gas pipe that comes out th rough t he rear of your dryer has a ³⁄₈ " m ale pi pe th read. *NOTE: If the dr yer is moun ted on a pedestal , the g as pipe h eight must be an additional 11" (28 cm) from the floor .
10 Exhaus t Reco m mende d h ood sty le s ar e shown her e. The angled hood sty le (shown here) is accept able. ■ An exhaus t hood shou ld cap th e vent to keep rodent s and insect s from entering the home. ■ Exhaust hood mus t be at least 12" (30.
11 Determine vent pa th ■ Selec t the route that will provide the straigh test and most direct pat h outdoors. ■ Plan the i nstallati on to use the fewest number of el bows and tur ns. ■ When usin g elbows or making tu rn s, allow as much room as possib le.
12 Connect V ent 1. Using a 4" (10.2 cm) clamp, connec t vent to ex haust outlet in dryer . If connec ting to e xisting v ent, make su re th e vent is clean. The dryer ven t must fit ov er the dryer exha ust outlet and ins ide the exh aust hood. Ch eck that th e vent is secured to exha ust h ood with a 4" (1 0.
13 DRYER USE Starting Y our Dryer Follow th ese basic s teps to st art your d ryer . Please refer to specific sections of this manual for more detailed informati on. 1. Clean lint screen before each load . See “ Cleaning th e Lint Screen. ” 2. Place laun dry into dryer an d shut door .
14 T o use a Manual Cycle ■ Selec t a Manual Cycl e. ■ Press the p lus (+) o r minu s (-) k ey unt il the desired dr ying ti me is disp layed . Press plus (+ ) or minus (-) and the ti me wil l change by 1 -minute interval s. Press and h old plus (+) or minus (-) and the time wi ll change by 5 -minute in tervals.
15 Cool D own COOL DOWN is displ ayed durin g the cool down part of th e cycle. Laun dry c ools for ea se in hand ling. Cycle Complete CYCLE COMPLE TE is display ed when a dry ing cycle is finish ed. If the Ext ra Care feature is selec ted, EXTRA CARE wi ll also be displa yed.
16 * Estim ated T ime wit h Autom atic Le vel ( Normal) sett ing. MAN UAL CYCL ES Use Manual Cycl es to sele ct a specific amount of drying time and a drying te mperature. When a Man ual Cycle is selected, t he Estima ted Time Rema inin g disp lay sho ws the actual time remaining in yo ur cycle.
17 T emperat ure Use these settings to select temperat ures for the Manual Cy cles. Press the TEMP key until the de sired temperat ure setting glow s. T emperature sett ings can not be u sed with the A utomatic Cycles. Air Only Use Air Only for it ems that require drying w ithout heat such as rubber , plasti c and heat-se nsitive fab rics.
18 DRYER CAR E Cleaning the Dryer Location Keep dryer area cle ar and free from items that wou ld obstruct t he flow of combustion and vent ilation air . Clea ning the Lint Scree n Every load clean ing The lint screen is l ocated on the front of the dryer , below the door .
19 Removing Accumulated Lint Fr om Inside t he Drye r Cabinet Lint shoul d be remov ed every 2 years, or mor e often, de pending on dryer usage. Clean ing should be done by a qual ified pers on. Fro m the Exhaust V ent Lint shoul d be remov ed every 2 years, or mor e often, de pending on dryer usage.
20 ■ Are fabric softener sheets blocking the grille? Use only one fabri c softener shee t, and use i t only once. ■ Is the exhaust vent the correct length? Chec k tha t th e exha ust v ent is not too l ong o r ha s too many tur ns. Lo ng venting w ill in crease drying ti mes.
21 ASSIS TANCE O R SERVICE Before calling for ass istance or serv ice, please ch eck “ T roubleshooting. ” It may sa ve you t he cost of a servi ce call . If you sti ll ne ed hel p, follo w the i nstru ctions belo w . When calli ng, please know t he purchase date and t he complete model and s erial number of you r appliance.
22 KITCHE NAI D ® PRO LINE ™ DR YER W ARRANTY FIVE-YEAR P ARTS AND LABOR LIMITED WARRANTY For five years from the date of purchase, wh en this major ap pliance is operated an d maintain ed accordin.
23 SÉCURITÉ DE LA SÉCHEUSE Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas immédiatement les instructions. Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
24 IMPORTANTES INSTRUCTIONS DE SÉCURITÉ Pour r é duire le risque d'incendie, de choc é lectrique ou de blessure lors de l'utilisation de la s é cheuse, il convient d'observer certaines pr é cautions é l é mentaires dont les suivantes : AVERTISSEMENT : ■ Lire toutes les instructions avant d'utiliser la s é cheuse.
25 INSTRUCTIONS D’INST ALL A TION Outillage et p ièces Rass embl er les ou tils et p i è ces n é cessaires avant de commencer l'in stalla tion. Lir e e t sui vr e le s ins truct ions fournies avec les ou tils indiqu é s ici. Pi è ces four nies Retirer le sachet de pi è ces du tambour de la s é cheuse.
26 Exigences d'emp lacement Il vous faudra ■ Un emplacement permettan t une é vacuation appropri é e. L es s é cheu ses doi ven t ê tr e é vacu é es à l ’ ext é rieur .
27 Espacement pour une install ation dans un encastr ement ou dans un plac ard, avec ou sans pi é des tal ■ Pour inst allati on dans un pl acard avec porte , on doit pr é voir des ouvertur es minimums d'entr é e d'air en haut e t en bas de la port e.
28 Spécifications de l'alimen tation en gaz T ype de ga z Gaz natur el : Cette s é cheuse est é quip é e p our une alime nta tion au ga z natu r el. Sa conception est homologu é e par CSA Inter national pour l'aliment ation au gaz de p é trole liqu é fi é (pr opane ou bu tane) , avec conversion app ropri é e.
29 Exigences concernant l'alimentation du br û leur Altitud es sup é rieures à 20 0 0p i ( 6 0 0m ) : ■ Si la s é cheuse d oit ê tre ut ilis é e à un e alti tude sup é ri eure à 2 000 .
30 Condu it m é tallique rigide ■ Pour un me illeur re ndement d e s é chage, on recommande d'ut iliser des condu its m é talli ques r igid es. ■ On recommande d'utiliser un condui t m é tallique rigide pour r é duir e les risques d' é crasement et de d é f ormation.
31 Planification du système d'évacuation Choisir un type de syst è me d' é vacuation Ins tal lat ion s d' é v acuation recomman d é es Les in sta llation s typ ique s consis tent à acheminer le con duit d' é vacuat ion à l'arri è re d e la s é cheuse.
32 T a ble au de s sy st è mes d ’é vacuation 1 - Conduit en m é tal rigide seulement T a ble au de s sy st è mes d ’é vacuation 2 - Conduit en m é tal rigide utilis é avec un conduit en m é t al flexible d 'une longueur maximu m de 8 pi (2,4 m) Installation du système d’évacuation 1.
33 Raccordement du conduit d’évacuation 1. À l ’ aide d ’ une bride d e fixati on de 4" (10 ,2 cm) , r elier le condui t d ’é vacuation à la bouc he d ’é vac uatio n de la s é cheu se. Si on ut ilis e un s yst è me d ’é vacuation ex ista nt, s ’ assurer qu ’ il est pr opre.
34 UTILISA TION DE LA SÉCHE USE Mise en marche de la sécheu se Suivre ces é tapes de base pour met tre la s é cheuse en marche. Se r é f é r er aux secti ons sp é ci fiques de ce man uel pour obten ir des renseignement s plus d é taill é s. 1.
35 Utilisatio n d'un pr ogramme manuel ■ S é lection ner un pr ogramme manuel. ■ Appuyer sur la touche plus (+) ou moins (-) jusqu' à ce que la d ur é e de s é ch age d é sir é e s'affiche. Appuyer s ur plus (+) ou mo ins (-) et l a du r é e ch an ge ra pa r t ran che s de 1 minut e.
36 Conseils pour les programmes ■ Faire s é cher la plup art des charges en util isant les pr é r é glages de programme. ■ Se r é f é r er aux tab leaux de Pr é r é gl ages de programmes automatiqu es ou manuel s (dans l a section “ Programmes ” ) pour des directives su r le s é chage de diverses ch arges.
37 White/Cotton (blanc/coton) Utiliser ce pr ogramme pour le s é chage à chaleur é lev é e des serviett es, dr aps et v ê te ments de trav ail en cot on.
38 Cycle End T one (signa l de fin de programme) Si l'opti on Cycle End T one est s é lection n é e, un signal se fait entendr e lorsqu'un programme est termi n é . Si la caract é ristique Extra Care est s é lec tionn é e, le sig nal est é mis à intervall es de quelqu es minut es.
39 3. Placer les articles mouill é s sur la grill e de s é chage. Laisser d e l ’ espace entre les art icles pou r que l ’ air pu isse att eindre toutes les s urfaces. REMARQUE : Ne pas lai sser un art icle pend re par -dess us le bor d de la grille .
40 Nettoyage au be soin Les d é tergents et les assou plissant s de tissu peu vent causer un e accumulati on de r é sidus s ur le fil tre à cha rpi e. Cet te accumulati on peut augmenter les dur é es de s é chage ou entra î ner un arr ê t de la s é cheuse avan t que la charge ne soit compl è tement s è che.
41 DÉP ANNAG E Essayer d'abord les solutio ns sugg é r é es ici, ce qui vous é vitera peut- ê tre le co û t d 'une visite d e service..
42 ■ La s é cheuse se trouve-t-elle dans une pi è ce o ù la temp é rature ambiante est inf é rieure à 45 ° F (7 ° C)? Le bon fonction nement des pr ogramme s de la s é ch euse n é cessite un e temp é rature ambian te sup é rieure à 45 ° F (7 ° C) .
43 GARAN TIE DE LA SÉCHEU SE KITCH ENAID ® PRO LINE ™ GARANTIE LIMIT É E DE CINQ A NS SUR LES PI È CES ET L A MAIN -D' Œ UVRE Pendant ci nq ans à compter de l a date d 'achat, l orsq.
3957653A © 200 6. All r ights re served. Tous dr oits r é serv é s. ® Re gistered T radem ark/TM Trad emark of Kit chenA id, U.S.A., Ki tchenAid C anada licen see in Canad a ® Marqu e d é pos é e /TM Marque de com merce de Kit chenAid, U .S.A., Emploi lice nci é par Kitch enAid Cana da au Canada 5/06 Printed in U.
デバイスKitchenAid FRONT-LOADING GAS DRYERの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING GAS DRYERをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKitchenAid FRONT-LOADING GAS DRYERの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING GAS DRYERの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING GAS DRYERで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING GAS DRYERを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKitchenAid FRONT-LOADING GAS DRYERの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、KitchenAid FRONT-LOADING GAS DRYERに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKitchenAid FRONT-LOADING GAS DRYERデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。