Antex electronicメーカーSX-33Bの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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A NT EX ELE CTRON ICS COR PORA TION 16100 SOUTH FIGUEROA STREET GA RDENA, CA LIFORNI A 90248 9000-2319-7006 Digital Audio Adapter User's Manual January 18, 1996 SX-3 SX-33 16-BIT PRO SOUND SX-33b.
TA BLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1 ABOU T DIGITAL AU DIO .......................................................... 1 MIN IMUM HAR DW ARE RECOM ME NDED..............................
FIGURES Figu re 1. Anal og-to-Digital Conv ersion .................................... 3 Figu re 2. Digita l-to-Anal og Conv ersion .................................... 5 Figure 3. Setti ng JP7 f or audio IRQx 10 .................................. 7 Figure 4.
1 INTRODUCTION The Series 2 and 3 Dig ital Audio Adapters are I BM AT com patible add-on boards w hich convert high fidelity analog sig nals to digital data f or st orage to, and ret rieval from, disk . The Series 2 and 3 adapter s sample two channels of audio f rom 7.
2 In essence, dig ital audio is a technological process whereby an analog audio signal ( produced when sound wav es in the air excite a microphone) is first converted into a continuous str eam of num- bers (or dig its).
3 That' s about five billion bits per hour, w hich is why y ou' ll need at least an 800 Megabyte hard disk t o record an hour of compact disk quality music. To visualize the analog-to- digital conversion process, ref er to Fig - ure 1. At the t op is one cy cle of an analog input signal wave.
4 the quantizer generat es a continuous "bit st ream" which repre- sents the q uant ized sig nal. T he continuous stream of digital audio infor mation is converted int o a digitally modulated signal using a technique k now n as linear pulse code m odulat ion.
5 Figure 2. Digi t al-to-A nal og Conversion.
6 MINI M UM HA RDWARE RECOMMENDED ! 12MHz 386 PC or com pat ible ! 28mSec average access hard disk ! 1:1 Inter leave hard disk controller ! Mouse ! VGA display AD AP T E R I N S T AL L AT I O N Make sure the main power to your comput er is OFF. You w ill need a full- size, 16 bit/AT slot .
7 2 3 5 7 10 11 """""" """""" "" Figure 3. Sett i ng JP7 f or audi o IRQx 10 The I/O address is set to 380h, but may be changed to 180h, 220h, or 280h v ia jum pers JP5 and JP6. Figure 4 illustrat es the use of JP5 & 6.
8 If y ou are connect ing a SCSI CD-ROM to a Z1e board (mark ed F2319-4 Rev A or B) under W indows NT, use W indows NT driver V0.8e or lat er . If a Z-W ave is installed, the MPU-401 address is set by JP5 & 6 (Note that these j umpers simultaneously set the Audio I/O address).
9 Audio connections are m ade v ia 4 ster eo mini-phone jacks mounted on the bracket end. From t op to bottom, the j ack func- tions are LINE I N, M I C IN, AUX/ CD-ROM IN (SX -3/SX-33/ SX-33b/ SX - 33e is AUX IN only), and OUT ( pow ered) .
10 Audio Input: Line: Stereo 1/8" mini plug , 1 VRMS (2.83 Vpp) max, with an impedance of 10K ohm s. Microphone: Stereo 1/8" mini plug , 10 m VRMS max, with an impedance of 10K ohm s. Aux/ CD-ROM Input (SX- 3/SX-33/ SX -33b/SX-33e is AUX only): Stereo 1/8" mini plug, 1 VRMS(2.
11 DRIV ER INST A LLA T ION DISKS Disk 1. The "WINDOW S DRIVERS" disk cont ains W indow s drivers and applications ( Not e: The DOS 3.2/ W indow s 2.
12 Disk 2. T he "DO S DRIVERS" disk contains DOS drivers and applications: • • • • SX25.EX E - DOS V3.3 TSR driver fo r the SX7, SX9, SX11 SX-12a, SX20, SX22, SX23e and SX26 • • • • Z1.EXE - DOS V3.3 TSR dr iver for the Z1, Z1e, SX3, SX33, SX33e • • • • SX5E.
13 1. Select Contr ol Panel in the M ain g roup of the Program M an- ager. T hen select Drivers. 2. Select "Antex Audio Driver f or W indows" from the list of in- stalled drivers. Click on Setup. 3. To set adapt er type: "Antex Audio Driver Setup" displays t he adapter types assig ned to adapters 1-4.
14 DOS DRIVER I NSTALLA TION 1. Insert the DRIVERS disk into your floppy dr iv e ( assumed to be A:) 2. Type A: 3. Type INSTALL drivelett er:path to copy all f iles from t he disk to a subdirectory on your hard disk . ex. IN STALL C :ANTEX CD-ROM DRI VER I NST ALLA TIO N ( Z1/ Z1e ONLY) 1.
15 USING DO S DEM ONSTRA TIO N SO FTWA RE: On the enclosed disk is the demonst ration software f or the Z1, Z1e, SX-3, SX-33 and SX-33e boards. Filenames are as fol- lows: Driver Prog r am Z1.EXE DOS Demonstr ation Program ADG.E XE To run t he Dem onst r ation Software: 1.
16 KEY COMMANDS: Q-Quit Quits the dem o pr ogram and retu r ns t o DO S. C-Channels Allows choice of channel conf ig uration. MONO -Single channel record/ play STEREO -Dual channel record/ play T-Format The f ormat for encoding or decoding audio data: PCM16 - 16 Bit Pulse Code M odulation, uncom- pressed.
17 AD P CM 1 - Series 1 compatible Adaptive Diff eren- tial Pulse Code Modulation compression. AD P CM E - Enhanced Adaptive Dif ferential Pulse Code Modulation compression, DVI com pat ible. CDIB - Compact Disk Interactive level B compres- sion, CD-ROM XA com pat ible.
18 I-FileFo rmat The f ile format f or recording / playback . Choices ar e: AT X - T he Antex default audio f ile format WA V - The Microsoft audio f ile form at HEA DERLESS - Raw digital audio data without header inf or m at ion A- S a mp l e R a t e Allows you to change the sample rat e.
19 S-Stop Stops record or playback . S-Start Starts playing or recording. You m ust select SetPlay or Monitor ( Set Record) prior to executing this command. D-A ppend Allows you to append new recor ded material onto t he end of an existing f ile. P - Play Play a file.
20 Center of Screen - Mi xer Controls the connections between source and destination lines. To chang e a connection, click and hold on the source channel button of the connection you wi sh t o redi- rect.
21 USING W I NDO WS DEMONSTRA TION SO FT W ARE Figure 7. The A ntex Demo Window . The Antex Demo prog ram allows basic recording and playback of .W AV f iles in any of the compression f ormats available on the Antex audio board you have installed in your system.
22 Compression: This list box selects specific compression f ormats for re- cording, and displays the compressed for mat of t he file currently playing. Each audio boar d has specific compres- sion for mats that it support s. If t he compression fo rmat selected is unavailable on the audio board, a m essage box similar to Fig ure 8 will appear.
23 File: This butt on selects a filename f or recording or playback. Once this butt on has been pressed the dialog box in Fig - ure 9 will appear. Play/Stop: Once a file has been selected, pressing the play button will start t he play back . During playback, t his button chang es to "Stop".
24 Volume: These contr ols allow changing the volume of t he playback only. Customer suppor t is available f rom Antex @ 1-800-338-4231..
25 A NTEX MIXER Figure 10. A nt ex M i xer The ANTEX M ixer allows you to control the volume of the inputs and outputs on the ANT EX digital audio cards. The Mixer is also the way you route audio sources to either the recor d bus, for re- cording to hard disk, or t o the play bus, w hich divert s signals to the line outputs.
26 MIXER BUSES Each mixer input may be routed t o eit her t he record or play bus by togg ling the bus button dir ect ly above each pair of input sliders. RECORD MO DE The record bus is a composit e mix of all audio inputs with their REC buttons pressed.
27 SYNTH OPL3 FM Synthesizer. Note: This f unction is not available on the SX-3/ SX-33/SX-33b/ SX-33e. Z.WA V W avetable synthesizer. Note: Optional hardware is required. WA VE Digital audio playback . Note: This dev ice is playback only, so its Mix er m ode is always PLAY.
28 UTILIZING DIGIT AL AUDIO COMPRESSION UNDER WINDOWS At this point in t ime M icrosof t is in the early stages of suppor ting various compression formats f or wav ef orm audio under W indow s.
29 Audio Adapter Compr ession Capabilities The Antex Series 2 and Series 3 product line contains audio adapters with a range of signal processing capability. The f ollow- ing table it em izes each product ' s r ecord and playback functionality wi th respect to comp ression format.
30 A NTEX SERIES 3/ MODEL Z1 A ND Z1E CONNECTOR DESCRIPTION This section illustrat es the location of each connector on t he An- tex Series 3/Model Z1 and Z1e Audio Adapters and describes the pin funct ions f or those that r eq uire user cabling. Figure 11.
31 1. Joystick/MIDI Connect or - J10 J10 is a 15-pin f emale D connector located on the brack et t hat provides connecti ons f or an IBM joystick and MIDI I/O. This connector is compat ible w ith MediaVision's external joy- stick/ MIDI br eak out box (MIDI M at e) .
32 3. A UX/CD-RO M Header - J4 J4 is a 5-pin, 0.100" spaced header that provides connections for left and rig ht auxiliary or CD-ROM input signals. These are the same connections provided by the AUX jack on the bracket . Signals present at J4 are switched in only when there is no plug in the AUX jack.
33 7. Z.WA V Sound Modul e M PU- 401 Header - J11 J11 is a 26-pin, dual-r ow , 0. 100" spaced header the pr ov ides connections for an Antex Z.W AV Sound Module. The int erf ace to the Z.W AV via this connector is Roland MPU-401 compati- ble. 8. Z.
34 A NTEX SERIES 2/ MODEL SX-3/33/33B/33E CONNECTOR DESCRIPTION This section illustrat es the location of each connector on t he An- tex Series 2/Model SX-3, SX- 33, SX-33b and SX-33e Audio Adapters and describes the pin functions for those that requir e user cabling.
35 1. Output Header - J3 J3 is a 5-pin, 0.100" spaced header that provides connections for the left and rig ht output signals. T hese are the same sig - nals provided by the OUT jack on the br acket. The output sig- nals are switched to J3 only when the is there no plug in the OUT jack .
36 3. Microphone Header - J5 J5 is a 2-pin, 0.100" spaced header that pr ov ides a micro- phone input connection. This is the same connect ion prov ided by the M IC j ack on the brack et. A signal present at J5 is switched in only w hen ther e is no plug in the MIC jack.
37 The jum per numbers of ear ly model Z1s and SX-3s (9000- 2283- xxxx and 9000-2309-xxxx) diffe r from those on t he current revi- sions. Use the conversion table below to translate t he jumper numbers used in the t ext int o t he num bers for the ear lier v er sions.
38 ISO/MPE G-1 BITR A TES & FORMA T EXT ENSION S ISO/MPEG supports several com pression rates and encodes flag s that describe the audio data. T he flags and other options are selected by typing MPEG with [ extensions ] sw it ches in the Format t ex t box of the DOS demo.
39 In the Antex driver t he bitrate is specified on a per -channel basis. Theref ore, request ing 64 kbits/s and st ereo will result in a 128 kbits/ s compressed MPEG stream. Supported bit rates (per chan- nel) and compression r at ios ar e as f ollows: Layer I 32 Khz 44.
40 NEW Z1/Z1E/SX-3/ SX-33/SX-33E SA M PLE RAT ES The Z1/Z1e boards mar ked 9000-2319-300x and SX-3/ SX-33/SX- 33e 9000-2334-300x boards now support 8 new sample rates which provide greater compat ibility w ith industr y st andards. T he sample rates cur rently supported are listed below - the new sam - ple rates are in boldf ace: 48kHz, 44.
41 TECHNICA L/O RDERING INFORM A TIO N: If you have any q uestions concerning t he operation of your board, or would like to place an order , please cont act us at: ANTEX ELECT RONICS CORPO RAT ION 16100 S.
デバイスAntex electronic SX-33Bの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Antex electronic SX-33Bをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAntex electronic SX-33Bの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Antex electronic SX-33Bの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Antex electronic SX-33Bで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Antex electronic SX-33Bを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAntex electronic SX-33Bの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Antex electronic SX-33Bに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAntex electronic SX-33Bデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。