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UNDE RCOUNT ER DISHW ASHER Use & Care Guide For q uest io ns ab out f eat ur es, oper at ion/p erf orma nc e, pa rts acce sso ries o r s ervi ce, c al l: 1-80 0-422 -123 0 In Can ada , ca ll f or ass istan ce 1-800- 461- 5681 , for i nsta llati on a nd serv ice , call : 1-800-8 07-67 77 o r visit our websit e at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS DISHWASHER SAFETY ................ ................. ........ ................. .... 3 Before Usi ng You r D ishw asher .... ... ..... ... ..... ... ..... .. ...... ..... ... ..... .. . 4 PARTS AND FE ATURES ..... ......... ......
3 DISHWASHER SAF ETY You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately follow instructions. You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow instructions.
4 Before Usin g Y our Dishwash er ■ Install whe re d ishwasher is p rotected fr om the ele ments. Pro tect against freezing to avoid possible ruptur e of fill valve. Such ruptur es ar e not cove r ed by th e warranty . See “ Stor ing Y our Dishwasher ” in the “ Dishwa sher Care ” section for w inter storag e inform ation.
5 PARTS AND FEATURES Model KUDM01FK Start Cancel 1. Upper spray arm 2. T op rack 3. SA TINGL IDE ™ uppe r rack tr ack 4. FLEX I-FOLD DOWN ™ flexible tines 5. Model a nd se rial nu mber l abel 6. W ater inlet opening [in tub wall] 7. 4-way HYDRO SWEEP ™ spray arm 8.
6 START-UP GUIDE Befor e using your d ishwasher , remove all packaging mate rials. Read this entir e Use an d Care Guid e. Y ou will find important sa fet y in for ma ti o n an d u se ful op er a ti ng t i ps. Usi ng Y our New Dis hwa she r 1. Scra pe lar ge food s oil and har d item s (tooth picks or bones) fr om dishe s.
7 Loading the T o p Rack The to p rack is designe d for cups, gla sses, and smaller ite ms. Many it ems, up to 9 in (22 cm ), fit in the top rack. (S ee r ecommen ded load ing patterns sho wn.) NOTE: The feat ures on your dishwashe r rack m ay vary fr om the dra wi ngs sh own .
8 ■ Load soup, cer eal, and serving b owls in the rack in a variety of ways d epending upon th eir size and s hape. Loa d bowls secur ely betw een the r ows o f tines. Do no t nest bo wls because the spray will not reac h all surface s. Utensil load ■ Load cookie sheet s, cake pans, and othe r lar ge item s at the sides and back.
9 D IS HW ASH ER U SE Detergent D ispenser The d eter gent d ispenser ha s 2 sections. The smaller Pr e-W ash section empties deter ge nt into th e dishwasher when you cl ose the d oor . 1. Cover latch 2. Main wash section 3. P r e- wa sh s ect io n 4.
10 Rinse A id Dispenser Rinse aids p reven t water f r om formi ng dr oplet s tha t can dry as spots or st reaks. They also impro ve drying by allowin g water to drain of f of th e dishes dur ing the fin al rinse by r eleasing a small amoun t of the rinse aid into the rinse water .
11 Cycle Selection Chart Select the wash cy cle and op tions desire d. Or pr ess S T AR T to r epeat th e same cycle a nd optio ns as the pr eviou s cycle. NOTE: If the last cycle you com pleted wa s a rinse cycle, the dishwashe r will run the last full wash cycle and options that you selected when you pr ess Sta rt.
12 Changin g a Cycle or S etting During th e first minu te of a cy cle 1. Open th e door . 2. Pres s a new cycle and/o r optio ns. 3. Check the deter gent dispenser s. They must be filled properly for t he new cycle. 4. Close the door . The d ishwasher r esum es the new c ycle and/o r optio n after a 5 second p ause.
13 Delay Hour s Select this option to run your dish washer at a later time or during of f-peak hours. Y ou can a dd items to the load anytim e during t he delay c ountdow n. After adding items, close the d oor firmly u ntil it latches. The d elay countdown will not continue if the doo r is not latched.
14 DISHWASHE R CARE Cleaning Y our Dishwasher Cleanin g the exterior In mo st cases, r egular use o f a soft, d am p cloth o r sponge and a mild de terge nt is a ll that i s necessar y to keep the outside of your dishwashe r looking n i ce and clean .
15 T o clean the drain air gap Clean the dra in air gap p eriodical ly t o ensur e pr oper dra inage of your d ishwasher . Follow the clean ing instruct ions pr ovided by t he manuf actur er . With most types, you lift off the chr ome c over . Unscr ew the plast ic cap.
16 Is the h ome water pr essur e high enough f or pro per dishwasher filling? Home wate r pressur e should be 20 to 120 psi (138 to 828 kPa) fo r pr oper dishwasher f il l. A b ooster pump on the wa ter supply can b e added if pr essur e is too low . NOTE: T o remove spot s and film fr o m dishe s, try a white vinegar rinse.
17 ASSISTANC E OR SERVICE Before calling for assistance or service , please check “ T roubl eshootin g. ” It may save you t he cost of a service call. If you still need help, fo llow the instructions below . When calling, please kno w the pur chase date and the c omplete model and serial number of you r appliance.
18 KITCHENAI D ® DISHW ASHER W ARRANTY ONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY For o ne year fr om the date of installation, whe n this dishwash er is operated and maintained acco rding to instructions at tached to or furnished with the product, K itchenAid will pa y for rep lacement parts and repair labor to c o rr ect defects in m aterials or workm an ship.
19 LA S É CUR IT É DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
Av a n t d ’ util iser le lave-vaisselle ■ Installer le lave- vaisselle dans un endroit à l ’ abri des intemp é ries. Pr ot é ger l ’ appareil contr e le gel pour é viter une rup ture p ossi bl e du robi ne t d e re mp lis sa ge. De t el le s r upt u res ne sont pas couvertes par l a gar antie.
21 PI È CES ET CARACT É RIST IQUE S Mod è le K U DM0 1F K Start Cancel 1. Bras d ’ aspersion sup é rieur 2. Panier sup é rieur 3. Glissi è re S A TI N G L I D E ™ du p ani er sup é rieu r 4. Tiges flexibles FLEX I-FOLD DOWN ™ 5. Plaque signal é ti que des n um é ro s de mod è le et de s é rie 6.
22 GUIDE DE MISE EN MARC HE Av a n t d ’ utiliser le lave-vaisselle, enlever t ous les mat é riaux d ’ emb allage. Lir e ce guide d ’ utilisation et d ’ entr etien au comp let. V ous y t rouve rez des ren s eig ne men t s de s é curit é import ants ainsi que des con seils d ’ utilisation utiles.
23 ■ Conserver l ’ eau , l ’é ner gie et gagner du temps sur l e rin ç age manuel en utilisa nt un pr ogramme de rin ç age pour gar der la vaisselle l é g è re ment mouill é e si vous n ’ avez pas l ’ intention d e la laver bi ent ô t.
24 Chargement du panier inf é rieur Le pan ier inf é rieur est con ç u pour les assiette s, casseroles et ustensi les. De nom breux arti cles jusqu ’à 13 po (33 cm) de hauteu r conviennent d ans le panier inf é rieur . (V o ir l es m od è les de char gement reco mmand é s ci-dessou s.
25 Chargement du panier à couverts Char ger le panier à co uv er ts alo r s qu ’ il est dans le panier inf é ri eur ou le r etire r pour le char ger su r un compto ir ou s ur une t able.
26 ■ Diff é rente s ma rque s de d é tergen t p our la ve-vaisselle comp ortent dif f é re nt es qu an t it é s de p hosphor e pour adou cir l ’ eau.
27 Conse ils d ’ ef ficaci t é pour le lave-vaisselle L ’ eau chaud e dissout et act ive le d é terg ent à vaisselle. L ’ eau chaude dissout é galement la g r aisse sur la vaisselle et contribu e au s é cha g e des verr es sans taches.
28 † Une petite quantit é d ’ eau cir cule dans la pomp e pour é liminer les salet é s e ntre le lavag e principal et le rin ç ag e final. Annulati on d ’ un p r ogramme 1. Ouvrir d é licate ment et l é g è re ment la po rte pour ar r ê ter l e progr amm e .
29 Sé le c tio n d’ op ti on s V ous pouvez per sonnaliser v os pr ogrammes en appu yant sur une option. S i vous chang ez d ’ id é e, appu yer de nouveau sur l ’ op ti on pou r l ’ annuler . Choisir une o ption dif f é re nte si d é sir é .
30 Syst è me de lavage Le syst è me de lavage à cinq niveaux donne d ’ excellent s r é sultats de lavage. Un syst è m e de qu at re n iv eau x de f il tra t io n et un syst è me de r é tent ion des d é bri s, filtr ent l ’ eau de lavage et emp ê c hent les particules alimen taires de se red é po ser sur l a vaisselle pr o pre.
31 ENTR ET IEN DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Nettoyage du lave-vaisselle Nettoyage de l ’ ext é rieur Dans la plupart des cas, il suf fit d ’ utiliser un linge doux, h umide ou une é ponge et un d é ter gent doux p our nett oyer les surf aces ext é rieu res du lave - vaisselle et p r é server s on aspect de produ it neu f .
32 Rem isage du lave-vaisselle Remisage p our l ’é t é Prot é ger le lave-vaisselle au co ur s des mois d ’é t é en f e rma nt l ’ appr ovisionnemen t d ’ eau e t d é connecter le lave-vaisselle de l ’ alim entation é lectrique.
33 La tem p é rat ure d e l ’ eau est-elle tr op basse? Au beso in, augme nter la temp é rature de r é glage du chauf fe-eau pour que l ’ eau chaude so it introduite dans le lave-vaisselle à 120 ° F (49 ° C). V oir la section “ Conseils d ’ ef ficacit é pour le lave- vaisselle.
34 ASSISTANC E OU SERVICE A vant de d emander un e assistance ou un service, veuillez v é rifier la section “ D é pann age. ” Cette v é r ificatio n peut vous fai r e é cono miser le co û t d ’ une visite de r é paration. S i vous av ez encor e besoin d ’ aide, suivr e les instructions ci-dessous.
35 GARANTIE DU LA VE-V AISSELLE KITCHENAID ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN Pend ant un an, à compter de la d ate d ’ installation, lorsque le lave-vaisselle est u t ilis é et entr etenu con form .
8 27014 8 © 2000 . A ll ri ght s re ser ved. T ou s dro its r é ser v é s. ® Re giste red Tr adem ark/ TM Tr adem ark of Kit che nAi d, U. S.A., Ki tche nAid Ca nada l icense e i n Canad a ® Marque d é po s é e/TM Marque de commerce de KitchenAid, U.
デバイスKitchenAid KUDM01FKの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
KitchenAid KUDM01FKをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKitchenAid KUDM01FKの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。KitchenAid KUDM01FKの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。KitchenAid KUDM01FKで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
KitchenAid KUDM01FKを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKitchenAid KUDM01FKの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、KitchenAid KUDM01FKに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKitchenAid KUDM01FKデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。