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User ’ s Guide A-61070 Part No. 1E8132 Document Scanner 5500 Document Scanner 7500.
Safety Information for Installation Instructions for the Kodak Digital Science Document Scanner 5500 and 7500 IMPO RT ANT : Equipm ent shall be installed by qualif ied personnel. W ARNING: Danger ous volt age. Disconnect the m ain power before inst allat ion.
Safety Informatio n for U ser/Installation Instructio ns for th e Kodak Digital Science Automatic Document Feeder IMPO RT ANT : Equipm ent shall be installed by qualif ied personnel. W ARNING: Danger ous volt age. Disconnect the m ain power before inst allat ion.
A-61070 September 1999 1-1 1 Introduction This manual suppor ts t he Kodak Digital Science Document Scanners 5500 and 7500. The Kodak Digital Science Document Scanner 5000/ 7000 ser ies scanners are hig h- speed, high-resolut ion rotary scanners designed f or medium- t o hig h-volume digital captur e of business documents.
1-2 A-61070 September 1999 • Full programm ability of all 18 applicat ion m odes with overr ide capability . • Audible tones for select ed f unctions such as f ootswitch, patch reading, et c. • English or other lang uage messag e display . • Convenient table-top size.
A-61070 September 1999 1-3 Scanner components The f ollowing illustrations and descript ions will help you locate and become f am iliar with scanner com ponents.
1-4 A-61070 September 1999 Rear V iew — Document Scanners 5500/7500 Coin 1/3 Coin 2 SCSI connectors Footswitch connector Serial # Power switch Power cord connector Foot sw i t ch connector — allows you to plug in the optional Footswitch accessory .
A-61070 September 1999 1-5 Control panel The contr ol panel consists of t he stat us display and the operation k eys and indicators. St atus display The status display indicates t he im ag e address, curr ent application mode and error m essag es. Scanner status Mode number Scanner S t at us — displays if the scanner is enabled or di sabled .
1-6 A-61070 September 1999 Operating key s and indicators Following is an illustration and a descript ion of the operat ing keys and indicators. Two-line status display Key/Indicator Function Imag e b.
A-61070 September 1999 1-7 Operating key s and indicators Keys/Indicators Function Next Allows you to enter the next document im ag e address. + Allows you to enter a new v alue for t he image addr ess. W hen pressed, it allows a field to remain unchang ed.
A-61070 September 1999 2-1 2 Getting St arted The f ollowing steps are necessary to prepare the scanner f or operation. Procedures on how to perf orm these st eps are described in t his chapter . 1. Turn on the power to the scanner . 2. Select the lang uag e display .
2-2 A-61070 September 1999 Selecting the language displ ay The scanner m ay have been config ured at installation t o allow use of a second language in t he status display . The languag e used (French, Germ an, I talian, S panish, or other ) is def ined dur ing installation.
A-61070 September 1999 2-3 Unsuccessful calibration If calibr at ion is not successf ul, a messag e appears in the stat us display . Y ou may need to: • V erif y you are using a clean, blank sheet of paper (at least 12 inches in length) as a calibr at ion tar g et.
2-4 A-61070 September 1999 A djusting the feed and sep arator roller gap (semi-auto matic feeder) The gap adj ustment k nob on the contr ol panel increases or decr eases the space between the feed and separator r ollers. The gap must be adjusted proper ly f or smooth t r ansportation of docum ents without document overlap.
A-61070 September 1999 2-5 4. Press Run . 5. Select two documents of t he sam e size, t extur e and t hickness, similar to t he t ypes of documents you will be scanning. 6. Place one document on top of the other . Hold the documents f irmly by their trailing edges.
2-6 A-61070 September 1999 12. Press St o p . 13. Enter F04 and disable Counting only . 14. Press Enter . A djusting the sep arator roller to scan thick document s T o scan thick docum ents ( c ar d or cover st ock ), use t he g ap release lever to increase the g ap between the feed r oller and separator r oller .
A-61070 September 1999 2-7 A djusting the feed shelf position (semi- automatic feeder only ) For manual f eeding, t he f eed shelf can be adj usted in the 0 ° , 30 ° or 40 ° position. For aut om atic f eeding , raise the f eed shelf t o t he 30 ° or 40 ° position.
2-8 A-61070 September 1999 A djusting the exit hopper side gui des and end stop The exit hopper side g uides and end st op must be adjust ed so documents are stack ed pr operly . 1. Adjust the exit hopper side g uides to hold the widest document you will be scanning.
A-61070 September 1999 2-9 3. Adj ust t he heig ht of the exit hopper so the scanned docum ents naturally f all bet ween the exit hopper side g uides and exit hopper end stop.
A-61070 September 1999 3-1 3 Operating the Scanner Overv i ew This chapter pr ovides instr uct ions for select ing modes, im ag e level settings and f eeding docum ents using the semi-aut om atic f eeder and the automat ic f eeder. The scanning pr ocess consists of t he f ollowing steps: 1.
3-2 A-61070 September 1999 Setting image levels Imag e levels are used t o ident if y specific t ypes of docum ents ( or sets of documents) f or later indexing and r et rieval. The image level assigned t o each document is insert ed int o the imag e header associat ed with the document imag e.
A-61070 September 1999 3-3 T emporary oper ati ng val ues Each of the 18 modes pr og rammed at t he time of installat ion contain definit ions t hat affect t he out put of t he scanner . Each m ode is progr am m ed t o conf orm t o the output r eq uirements of a particular application or g r oup of applications.
3-4 A-61070 September 1999 Feeding documents using the semi- automatic feeder Following are feeder inst r uct ions using the sem i-aut omatic f eeder . After the scanner has been prepared f or operation, the desired mode and any temporary operating values have been defined, you are ready to feed docum ents int o t he t ransport.
A-61070 September 1999 3-5 7. As you scan documents, set t he image level, as req uired, and periodically remove documents f r om t he exit hopper . NOTE: W hen t he image buffer is full, t he f eeder will tur n off and the image buffer status light will t ur n red.
3-6 A-61070 September 1999 Feeding thick document s The g ap release lever is used to f eed thick docum ents such as card stock or cover st ock . The lever is located on the f ront panel of t he scanner next to the g ap adjustment knob.
A-61070 September 1999 3-7 Feeding documents using the automatic feeder Following are document f eeder instruct ing using t he automatic f eeder . After t he scanner has been prepared for oper at ion, the desired mode and any temporary operating values have been defined, you are ready to f eed docum ents int o t he transport .
A-61070 September 1999 4-1 4 Function Codes Using function codes There ar e a variety of f unctions available which may be used to temporar ily change oper ating values, and to obtain system and accessory status information. These f unctions are listed in t he Funct ion Code Sum m ar y later in t his chapter .
4-2 A-61070 September 1999 Function code summary Following is a summary of t he funct ions and their corresponding funct ion code: A ppli cat ion Modes Sel ect Appli cation Mod e ........................................................ F01 Resto re Ap pli cation Mod e .
A-61070 September 1999 4-3 Bar Code Reader Bar C ode Reader ................................................................. F60 Con firmati on T one ................................................................. F63 Omit Patch R eading on Next Document.
4-4 A-61070 September 1999 Function code listing Following is a listing of t he funct ion codes and descript ions. Code Function Code Name Description F01 Select Mode Allows you to select one of the pr edef ined application modes. Enter a value f rom 1 to 18 and pr ess Ent er .
A-61070 September 1999 4-5 Code Function Code Name Description F16 Alarm T one Allow s you to adj ust t he pit ch of t he alar m tone. Press t he Up arrow to increase the pit ch or press the Dow n arrow to decrease the pit c h, t hen press Enter .
4-6 A-61070 September 1999 Code Function Code Name Description F46 Front Document Pr int er V ertical S tart Print P ositi on Allows you to specify how far fr om the leading edg e of t he document print ed infor m a t ion will appear . Use th e numeric k eys to input values between 0.
A-61070 September 1999 4-7 Code Function Code Name Description F70 Leng t h Monitor O n/ O ff Allow s you to t ur n t he leng th monit or on or off. The lengt h monitor check s the leng t h of the documents scanned against t he pr edefined m inim um / m aximum allowable lengths.
A-61070 September 1999 5-1 5 Maintenance This chapter pr ovides maint enance pr ocedur es f or the scanner including cleaning and part r eplacem ent procedures.
5-2 A-61070 September 1999 Daily maintenance procedures Maintenance procedures t hat should be per form ed daily include cleaning the im ag ing g uides, f eed and separator roller s and the paper pat h.
A-61070 September 1999 5-3 4. Release and remove the rear im aging g uide by swinging the guide toward the f r ont of the scanner ( t o r elease it fr om t he t wo magnets), and lifting it fr om t he scanner ’ s two mounting pins.
5-4 A-61070 September 1999 9. Swing the vertical transpor t plate closed and rotat e t he release handle 180 ° counterclock wise (so t he r ed ar r ow aligns with the r ed rectangle) t o latch the plat e. Red arrow Red rectangle 10. Close the side access door .
A-61070 September 1999 5-5 Cleaning the feed and sep arator rollers (semi- automatic f eeder) Clean the f eed and separat or rollers daily to pr event ink, t oner , and dust f r om collecting on t he r oller s and preventing documents f rom separating.
5-6 A-61070 September 1999 4. Lift up and lat ch t he horizontal transport plate into its open posit ion. NOTE: I f the Patch Reader accessor y is installed, it m ust be removed fr om t he mounting plate in or der t o lift up the horizontal tr anspor t plate.
A-61070 September 1999 5-7 Cleaning the feeder module and sep arator roller (automatic feeder) Clean the f eeder module and separator r oller daily to prevent ink , toner , and dust f r om collecting on t he r oller s and preventing documents f rom separating.
5-8 A-61070 September 1999 Cleaning the separator rol ler: 1. Open t he fr ont cover . 2. Push the roller cover release lever t oward the back of t he machine. 3. Grasp and rotat e t he roller cover toward the back of t he m achine, exposing the f eeder m odule and separator roller .
A-61070 September 1999 5-9 Cleaning the p aper p a th NOTE: Before doing the f ollowing pr ocedur e, clean t he machine thoroug hly and use the r oller cleaning pads to clean the feed and separator rollers — star t with a clean machine. Use the Paper Path Cleaning sheet to clean t he paper path rollers .
5-10 A-61070 September 1999 W eekly maintenance procedures Maintenance procedures t hat should be per form ed weekly are vacuuming the inside of the scanner and cleaning t he cabinet. V acuuming inside the scanner V acuum t he inside of t he scanner weekly or as req uired to r em ove any dust or debris.
A-61070 September 1999 5-11 4. Lift up and lat ch t he horizontal transport plate into its open posit ion. NOTE: I f the Patch Reader accessor y is installed, it m ust be removed fr om t he mounting plate in or der t o lift up the horizontal tr anspor t plate.
5-12 A-61070 September 1999 V acuumi ng i nsi de the side access door 1. Turn the power off. 2. Open the side access door . 3. Open the upper access door . 4. Release and open the vertical tr anspor t plat e by rotating the r elease handle 180 ° clockwise.
A-61070 September 1999 5-13 6. Swing the vertical transpor t plate closed and rotat e t he release handle 180 ° counterclock wise. 7. V acuum t he side access door area. W A RNI NG: Do not make contact w i t h any electrical components when vacuuming i nsi de the scanner .
5-14 A-61070 September 1999 Replacement procedures Replacement procedures should be perf ormed on an as- needed basis. Components that need per iodic r eplacem ent include the exposure lamps and imaging g uides. Changing the lamp s The exposure system consists of two special, long-lif e f luorescent lamps.
A-61070 September 1999 5-15 4. Pull the g reen rear lam p socket holder out f rom t he scanner f r am e. Be sure to pull the lam p sock et holder st r aig ht out along its axis. W ARNI NG: Even t hough you can al w ays handl e the green lamp socket holder , t he l amp may be very hot .
5-16 A-61070 September 1999 7. Caref ully insert the g reen rear lam p sock holder and rear lam p int o the scanner f rame. Be sur e t o insert the lam p sock et holder st r aig ht in along its axis. 8. Connect the rear lam p cable connect or to the scanner elect rical system.
A-61070 September 1999 5-17 Replacing the imaging guides T o replace the imag ing g uides, f ollow the steps below: 1. Open the side access door . 2. Release and open the vertical tr anspor t plat e by rotating the r elease handle 180 ° clockwise. 3.
5-18 A-61070 September 1999 5. Grasp and hold the new lower imaging guide by the gr een handle and caref ully slide it int o place. Make sure t he g rooves fully eng ag e the track .
A-61070 September 1999 5-19 7. Swing the vertical transpor t plate closed and rotat e t he release handle 180 ° counterclock wise (so t he r ed ar r ow aligns with the r ed rectangle) t o latch the plat e. Red arrow Red rectangle 8. Close the side access door .
5-20 A-61070 September 1999 Replacing the feeder module and sep arator roller T o replace the f eeder module and separator r oller , follow the steps below: Replacing the f eeder modul e: 1. Open t he fr ont cover . 2. Push the roller cover release lever t oward the back of t he machine.
A-61070 September 1999 5-21 Replacing the separator rol ler: 1. Open t he fr ont cover . 2. Push the roller cover release lever t oward the back of t he machine. 3. Grasp and rotat e t he roller cover toward the back of t he m achine, exposing the f eeder m odule and separator roller .
5-22 A-61070 September 1999 Ordering replacement p art s The f ollowing consumable parts can be ordered by calling: 1-800-431-7278. • Imaging g uides − Fr ont : Part No. 986448 − Rear : Part No. 986449 • Exposure lamps: 986472 • Automatic Document Feeder Module: CA T No.
A-61070 September 1999 6-1 6 Operator Messages This chapter out lines t he actions that should be tak en by the user and system administr at or when an error m essag e appears in the stat us display . W hen a m essag e appears in the status display , you should take t he action sugg est ed in the Operat or Message List ing .
6-2 A-61070 Septem ber 1999 Controll e d pow er- dow n sequence Before perf orming t he cont rolled power-down sequence, determ ine if the error can be addr essed f rom t he host.
A-61070 September 1999 6-3 Operator message listing Code Message Displayed Description/ Action Required E101 Auto shut-off T ranspor t will stop and the messag e will be displayed if a document has not been scanned within one minute. Pr ess Run to continue.
6-4 A-61070 Septem ber 1999 Code Message Displayed Description/ Action Required E1 18 E1 19 Check corr ect I A/ level Document imag e level assignment and next imag e address input conf lict. S pecify another docum ent im age level, or use the Next key to enter a valid image address.
A-61070 September 1999 6-5 Code Message Displayed Description/ Action Required E139 Confirm t one - not m ach enabled Tried to use a confirmat ion t one f unction code (F53, F63, F75) but t he conf irmat ion tone is not enabled. I f a confir m at ion t one is r eq uired, contact your system administrat or .
6-6 A-61070 Septem ber 1999 Code Message Displayed Description/ Action Required E217 Bar Code hardware error At power on, a Bar Code Reader har dware err or has been detected. Disable t he Bar Code Reader ( F60 ) or select an application m ode t hat does not use the Bar Code Reader .
A-61070 September 1999 6-7 Code Message Displayed Description/ Action Required E235 Cont rolled power-down reqrd This messag e is displayed along with a more detailed error m essag e. • T urn t he side panel switch off. • T urn t he m ain power switch off .
6-8 A-61070 Septem ber 1999 Code Message Displayed Description/ Action Required E261 Fr Cal illumination f ailur e A fr ont lamp f ailur e was detected during calibr at ion. Press Jog to remo ve th e calibrati on target. P ress Cal and tr y to calibrat e the scanner ag ain.
A-61070 September 1999 6-9 Code Message Displayed Description/ Action Required E000 - E666 various messages Follow the procedures indicated on the display . If the error per sists, t urn the scanner off and then on again. I f err or st ill persists, call Service.
A-61070 September 1999 7-1 7 T roubleshooting T rouble and r emedy chart This chapter out lines som e of the pr oblem s you may encounter and their probable causes and r em edies. T rouble Probable Cause Remedy Scanner does not power on (status display does not illuminate).
7-2 A-61070 September 1999 T rouble Probable Cause Remedy Repeated jamm ing . The transport system plat es and operator- accessible ar eas are not f irmly closed. Repeat any recent jam clear ing or maintenance procedur es, m aking certain all plates are f irmly in place and all operator- accessible areas are closed.
A-61070 September 1999 7-3 T rouble Probable Cause Remedy Some imag es ar e not deskewed If you have the Imag e Manager Accessory installed, and you encounter imag es that are not deskewed, it may be that t he upper left cor ner could be close enough to t he cent er that when the document is desk ewed, part of t he docum ent area is cut off.
7-4 A-61070 September 1999 Clearing document s Follow the steps below to clear the docum ent path: 1. Check each tr anspor t area in turn ( Ar eas A throug h D) for documents lodged in t he docum ent path. Y ou only have to remove the jamm ed docum ent(s).
A-61070 September 1999 7-5 The feeder area T o clear t he f eeder area ( Ar ea A): 1. Turn off the power switch. 2. Lift up the lower access door . CAUTION: Open and close the door s sl owly .
7-6 A-61070 September 1999 Horizont al transport plate, low e r belt module and low e r turn areas T o clear the hor izontal tr anspor t plate, lower belt m odule and lower turn areas ( Ar ea B) : 1. Turn off the power switch. 2. Lift up the lower access door .
A-61070 September 1999 7-7 4. Lift up and lat ch t he horizontal transport plate into its open posit ion. NOTE: I f the Patch Reader accessor y is installed, the Pat ch Reader must be r em oved f rom the m ount ing plat e in order to lift up t he horizontal tr anspor t plate.
7-8 A-61070 September 1999 V ertical transport plate and imaging guide areas T o clear the vertical t r anspor t plate and imag ing guide areas (Area B ): 1. Turn off the power switch. 2. Open the side access door . 3. Release and swing open the vertical transpor t plate by rotating t he release handle 180 ° clockwise.
A-61070 September 1999 7-9 5. Swing the vertical transpor t plate closed and rotat e t he release handle 180 ° counterclock wise (so t he r ed ar r ow head aligns with the red rectang le) to latc h t he plat e. NOTE: I f the vertical t r ansport plate is not com plet ely closed, documents can lodge in the tr ansport syst em.
7-10 A-61070 September 1999 Document exit and upper turn roller areas T o clear the docum ent exit and upper turn r oller ar eas ( Ar ea D) : 1. Turn off the power switch. 2. Lift up and open the upper access door . 3. Remove all jammed docum ents. CAUTION: Be careful not t o damage the antist atic brush w hen removing the documents.
A-61070 September 1999 8-1 8 A ccessories This chapter provides a list of available accessories for the Kodak Digital Science Document Scanner 5500/ 7500. Operating inst r uct ions for most of these accessories can be found in t his chapt er . Other accessor ies ar e available but do not necessar ily req uire any specific oper at ing instructions.
8-2 A-61070 September 1999 Parts and tools T he f ollowing parts and tools are needed to proper ly maintain your system. NOTE: Field Engineers/Specialists ar e not authorized t o or der these items; t hey should be or dered by the custom er .
A-61070 September 1999 8-3 Using the Bar Code Reader The Kodak Digital Science Bar Code Reader 5000/7000 pr ovides a hands-off m et hod of data ent r y, elim inating t he need t o manually enter data found on docum ent ( s ) . Bar code im age(s) ar e read, decoded, and converted to a data str ing of ASCII char act er s .
8-4 A-61070 September 1999 Bar code ty pes During installation, t he t ype of bar code used is def ined for each m ode. The Bar Code Reader is capable of r eading and decoding thr ee differ ent t ypes of bar codes.
A-61070 September 1999 8-5 Bar code placement Bar codes must appear with the bars perpendicular t o the leading edg e of t he docum ent : Leading edge (fed into transport first) T railing edge In addition, t he f ollowing must be t r ue: • The bar code must be at least 0.
8-6 A-61070 September 1999 Enabling bar code reading Make sure that Bar Code Reading is enabled befor e f eeding documents. T o enable Bar Code Reading at the mode level: • Enter funct ion code F60 .
A-61070 September 1999 8-7 Performing a bar code test Befor e f eeding docum ents, per f orm a bar code t est (F65) t o verif y the operation of the Bar Code Reader . NOTE: No document processing, im age addr ess changes or level counting, etc. will occur during the t est .
8-8 A-61070 September 1999 Function code F65 options may also be used if t her e is a decline in bar code readability (read rat e) during nor m al docum ent processing. I f this occurs, the f ollowing steps will assist you in diagnosing the problem : 1.
A-61070 September 1999 8-9 4. Lift the release bar t o r aise t he fr ont scan m odule. 5. Lif t up and lat ch the horizontal tr anspor t plate int o its open posit ion. NOTE: If t he Patch Reader accessory is installed, t he Pat ch Reader must be rem oved f rom the m ount ing plate in or der t o lift up the horizontal transpor t plate.
8-10 A-61070 September 1999 7. Release and open the vert ical t ransport plat e by rotat ing t he release handle 180 ° clockwise. Front imaging g uide Vertical transport plate Rear imaging guide 8. If the Bar Code Reader is set t o read data throug h the f r ont scan module, re m ove the f ront im ag ing g uide.
A-61070 September 1999 8-11 9. Prepare t he bar code t o be evaluated by cutt ing ar ound the bar code so only the vertical black and white bars rem ain. Cut away all text and surrounding mark s or illust r ations. NOTE: The bar code used m ust be the same type indicat ed in the first line of t he status display of t he f irst page.
8-12 A-61070 September 1999 11. Replace the imag ing guide with the bar code at tached to it. NOTE: Ref er to Chapter 5, Maintenance for procedur es on removing t he im aging guides.
A-61070 September 1999 8-13 18. Press Enter . Please Wait will be displayed in the status display . BC T ype = Please Wait Up to 10 seconds is req uir ed f or warming t he lamps and processing the data. W ithin 10 seconds, one of the f ollowing messag es will appear in the status display .
8-14 A-61070 September 1999 Message 3 If t he bar code t est was successful, t he f ollowing results will be displayed. Press Enter to access each display . W /N = XX. XX : 1 NEW = .XXXX Press Enter to display the next m essag e: RMIN = XXX% Con trast = .
A-61070 September 1999 8-15 T able 1 illustrates how the dimensional f ield values are converted to a pass/fail status and t he pr int clarity f ield values are converted t o let ter grades: T able 1 — Bar Code G r ades Grade Field A (Pass) B C D F (Fail) W /N 3:1 to 2 :1* 3:1 to 2.
8-16 A-61070 September 1999 T able 2 identif ies t he m ost common causes of low bar code ratings/g rades. T able 2 — Common Causes of Low Bar Code Rat i ngs Field Problem T ype Cause W/ N NEW Dimensional Bar codes not print ed accor ding to specificat ions ( r ef er to Kodak publication Bar Code Made Easy , A-61099).
A-61070 September 1999 8-17 Using the Displ ay option The Display option allows you to display the decoded value of an individual bar code as it is fed int o t he t ransport. T o verify that a bar code is decoded pr operly: 1. Select 2: DP . BC T ype = 1: EV 2 : DP 3: Rr 2.
8-18 A-61070 September 1999 Message 3 BC T ype = *XXXXXXXXXXXXX This display gives the decoded value of t he bar code r ead ( including the *, repr esent ing the star t char act er) is gr eater than 15. T o see the remaining value, press Enter until all char act e r s have been displayed.
A-61070 September 1999 8-19 Using the Read Rat e option The Read Rate t est opt ion establishes the percentag e of bar codes read properly . This option is designed t o provide a baseline value as well as the current r ead r ate. A comparison of t he t wo values provides a measure of m achine per f ormance over t ime.
A-61070 September 1999 8-21 Using the Foot sw itch The Kodak Digital Science Footswitch provides a hands-off met hod of changing docum ent imag e levels or perf orming commonly used funct ion(s) . Y ou can chang e a document im ag e level or perfor m a commonly used funct ion sim ply by pressing, pr essing and holding, or releasing t he Footswitch.
8-22 A-61070 September 1999 Foot sw i t ch Pressed Defin ition Ac t i o n Sustained Level 0 All documents fed int o the tr anspor t while the Footswitch is pressed and held are assigned Level 0. Sustained Level 1 All documents fed int o the tr anspor t while the Footswitch is pressed and held are assigned Level 1.
A-61070 September 1999 8-23 Using the Patch Reader The Kodak Digital Science Patch Reader contr ols document level changes by automatically sensing a pr e- def ined patch code and changing t he document level accordingly . During installation, m odes ar e def ined f or use with specific applications.
8-24 A-61070 September 1999 Patch code placement Patches may appear parallel to the leading edge of the document: Leading edge (fed into the transport first) In addition: • The top of the patch must be more than 0.20 (5 mm) and less than 0.80 inches (20 mm) from the leading edge of the document.
A-61070 September 1999 8-25 Patch Reading function codes The f ollowing funct ion codes can be enabled ( or disabled) when using the Patch Reader accessor y. Enabling patch reading — make sure patch reading is enabled before feeding documents. • Patch reading may be enabled or disabled at t he m ode level using funct ion code F50.
8-26 A-61070 September 1999 Changing the horiz ontal read positio n The horizontal read posit ion is set by placing the Patc h Reader in one of t he f ive reader positions on the m ounting plat e. NOTE: T he five Patch Reader posit ions ar e also indicated with a patch mark on t he label on the f eed t r ay .
A-61070 September 1999 8-27 Using the Document Printer 5000/7000 The Kodak Digital Science Document Print er 5000/ 7000 is capable of printing cust omer-specif ied inf or m at ion on customer documents.
8-28 A-61070 September 1999 Front and rear Document Printer overviews The f ollowing illustrat ions will help you become fa m iliar with t he f ront and rear Document Pr inter and the m ount ing plates f or the f ront and rear Document Printer .
A-61070 September 1999 8-29 V ertical st art print positio n T he vertical start pr int position is def ined at installation and determ ines how far the pr inted inf or mation will appear f r om the leading edg e of t he document. Leading edge (fed into transport first) V ertical start print position NOTE: Printing automat ically st ops ¼-inch (6.
8-30 A-61070 September 1999 Horizo nt al print positio n T he horizontal print position of the f ront Docum ent Printer is m anually set in one of 12 posit ions on the fr ont Document Pr int er mounting plate.
A-61070 September 1999 8-31 IMPORT ANT : When r eposit ioning t he front Docum ent Printer , be sure the cable magnet is secur ed to the fr ont Document Print er mounting plate ( not on the Patch Read.
8-32 A-61070 September 1999 Function codes The f ollowing function codes are available if the Document Pr int er has been installed and the current applicat ion mode allows you to use it. F40 allows you to enable/disable both the f r ont and rear Document Printer s.
A-61070 September 1999 8-33 Cleaning the ink cartridge Cleaning and prim ing the ink car tridg e will ensure print quality is maintained. IMPORT ANT : Ink deposits or spills can occur if you ar e not careful during the prim ing pr ocedur e.
8-34 A-61070 September 1999 5. Lift and remove the f r ont Document Pr int er carriage f rom t he f ront Document Print er mount ing plate. 6. Raise the holding bar up f r om the ink car t ridge and carr iag e. 7. Slide the ink cartr idg e out of t he car r iag e.
A-61070 September 1999 8-35 10. Prime the ink cartr idge by caref u lly insert ing the end of a paper clip into the hole at t he end of t he ink cartridg e and gently pushing in on the bladder . Allow a small amount of ink to escape t hrough t he j ets.
8-36 A-61070 September 1999.
A-61070 September 1999 8-37 8. Check f or any accumulation of ink on the jets or f ace of t he ink cartridg e. W ipe any ink f rom t he j ets and face with a clean, dampened lint-f ree cloth.
8-38 A-61070 September 1999 Replacing the ink cartridge Replace the ink car t ridge when any of the f ollowing conditions occur: • The ink bladder appear s shr unk en or def lat ed. • The printed charact er s appear light or uneven. • M issing char acters are evident.
A-61070 September 1999 8-39 5. Lift and remove the f r ont Document Pr int er carriage f rom t he f ront Document Print er mount ing plate. 6. Raise the holding bar . 7. Slide the ink cartr idg e out of t he car r iag e. 8. Discard t he cartridg e and obtain a new cartr idg e.
8-40 A-61070 September 1999 Replacing the rear Document Printer ink cartridge T o replace the rear Docum ent Printer ink cartridg e: 1. Turn off the power . 2. Open the upper access door . 3. Note the curr ent position of t he r ear Docum ent Printer .
A-61070 Septem ber 1999 A-1 A ppendix A Basic Concept s This appendix provides the basic concepts associated with scanning documents. Modes T he scanner off er s 18 m odes t hat can be defined f or a particular application or g r oup of applications.
A-2 A-61070 Septem ber 1999 Image addresses An imag e addr ess is assig ned to every document scanned. An imag e address is composed of four f ields, each represent ing a diff erent document level.
A-61070 Septem ber 1999 A-3 For example, perf orm the f ollowing steps to change t he im ag e address fr om 1201. 01. 020. 005 to 1201.02.000. 000. • Press Next or enter f unction code F97 . The cursor will appear over the f irs t f ixed field charact er ( 1201.
A-4 A-61070 Septem ber 1999 For example, perf orm the f ollowing steps to change f rom 1201 t o change it t o DEC5: 1. Enter f unction code F92 . The entry cursor appears over t he f irst fixed f ield charact er (1201). 2. Press the Up or Down arrow key to enter alpha entry mode.
A-61070 Septem ber 1999 A-5 Indexing schemes Documents are scanned to recor d t he inf ormat ion contained on them in an easily accessible form. An indexing scheme is used to access or r et rieve the infor m ation recorded and is def ined during installat ion f or each mode.
A-6 A-61070 Septem ber 1999 T w o level indexing W hen using two level index ing, t he im ag e address assigned t o each document is def ined as follows: • Field A (Level 1) is defined as having a f.
A-61070 Septem ber 1999 A-7 T w o level offset indexing W hen using two level offset indexing, the imag e addr ess assig ned to each document is def ined as follows: • Field A (Level 1) is defined a.
A-8 A-61070 Septem ber 1999 Three level indexing W hen using three level indexing, the im age address assig ned t o each document is def ined as follows: • Field A (Level 1) is defined as having a f.
A-61070 Septem ber 1999 A-9 Three level of fset indexing W hen using three level off set indexing, the imag e address assigned t o each document is def ined as follows: • Field A (Level 1) is define.
A-10 A-61070 Septem ber 1999 Controlling document level changes The previous Indexing Schemes examples have illustrat ed how document levels change within a single g r oup of documents.
A-61070 Septem ber 1999 A-11 Sp ecial considerations Checking the meters It is usef ul to check t he m et ers to deter m ine m aint enance schedules and the lengt h of time r eq uired to com plet e a j ob. T o view t he run time display , enter f unction code F17 .
EASTMAN KODAK CO M P ANY Document Imaging Rochester , New Y ork 14650 Kodak, Digital Science and the ds monogram symbol, and Imagelink are trademarks of Eastman Kodak Company . Printed on recycled paper . A-61070 9/99 © Eastman Kodak Company , 1999 Printed in U.
デバイスKodak 5500の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Kodak 5500をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKodak 5500の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Kodak 5500の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Kodak 5500で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Kodak 5500を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKodak 5500の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Kodak 5500に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKodak 5500デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。