KodakメーカーEASYSHARE C513の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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K odak EasySha r e C513 zoom digital camer a User’ s guide www .kodak.com F or i nte r acti ve tut orials , ww w .k odak.com/go/ho wto F o r help wi th your cam era, www .
East ma n K odak Compa ny Roc hester , N Y 14650 © Eas tman K odak Com pany , 200 7 All screen images are simulated. K odak, E asySha re , an d P erfec t T ouch are tr ad emark s of Ea stma n K oda k Co mpany .
Product fe atur es www .koda k.com /go/supp or t i Fr ont view 1 Mod e di al 6 Sel f- time r ligh t 2 Sh utt er bu tto n 7 L ens 3F l a s h b u t t o n 8 U S B 4 On /Of f bu tton 9 M icro pho ne 5F l .
ii www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Prod uct f eat ures Bac k view 1L C D 8 2 Rev iew butt o n 9 OK bu tto n 3 M e nu bu tto n 10 Share b utt on 4 L CD/ Info bu tton 11 Bat tery c om par tment 5 Delet e .
www .koda k.com /go/supp or t iii T able of cont ents 1 1 Setting up your camera ................................................................... ...... 1 Atta ching t he st rap ..... .. ...... .. ... ..... .. ... ..... ... .. ...... .. ... ..... .
iv www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T able of con tents 5 Transferrin g and pri nting pi ctures ....................................................... 35 Insta lling t he s oftwar e . .. ...... .. ... ..... .. ...... .. ... ..... ... .. ..... ... ... ..
www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 1 1 Setting up your camer a Attaching the strap Loading the battery T o repla ce ba tteries and e xten d ba tter y life , see page 5 2 .
2 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Sett ing up your ca mera Turning on the camera Setting the langua ge, da te/time NO TE: T o ch ang e the dat e/ t im e an d langu age in t h e fu tur e , use th e Men u b ut t on ( s ee pa ge 25 ). 2 1 to cha nge . for pr evious/ne xt fi eld.
Setti ng up yo ur camera www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 3 Storing p ictures on an SD or MMC card Y our c ame r a has in tern al me mor y . Y ou can pur chase an S D or MMC car d to conven iently st ore m or e pi ctur es and vi deos ( www .kodak. com/go/c 513 acc essor ies ).
4 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 2 T aking pictur es/videos Taki ng a picture Reviewing the picture just taken Afte r y ou tak e a pi ctu re or vi deo , the LCD di splay s a q uic kv iew for app ro ximat ely 1 0 seco nds . (T o exit the quickv iew s oon er , press the Sh ut ter b utto n h alfway .
T aki ng pict ures/vi deos www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 5 Using the framing marks to take pictures F raming ma rks indica te the camera foc us a rea. T h e c amera att emp ts to foc us o n foregr ound subj ect s , even if the subj ects ar e no t cen te red in the s cene .
6 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T aki ng pict ures/vi deos Usin g optical zoom 1 Use th e LCD t o frame your subject . 2 Pre ss T eleph ot o (T) t o zoo m i n. Pr ess Wide A ngl e (W) to z oom o ut. The zoom indicat or show s zoom s tatus. 3 T ak e th e p ictur e o r vid eo .
T aki ng pict ures/vi deos www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 7 Usin g the fl ash Use the flash when you take pi ctur es at night , indoors , or outdoo rs in heavy shadows . Flash-to-subject distance Zoom pos ition Flash distance Wide an gle 0.6–2 .9 m (2 –9 .
8 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T aki ng pict ures/vi deos Usin g dif ferent picture- taking m odes Use this mode Fo r Aut o Gener al pictu re taking—off ers an excelle nt balanc e of image qu ality an d ea se of use. Digital I mage Stabilization Minimizing the effe cts of camera shake and subject movement.
T aki ng pict ures/vi deos www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 9 Scene mod es Choo se a Sc ene mod e—for g reat pi ctur es i n p racticall y an y si tu atio n! 1 T urn the Mode di al t o Scene . 2 Press to d isplay Scene mode descr ipti ons . If the mode descriptio n turns of f before you fin i sh reading it, press OK .
10 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T aki ng pict ures/vi deos Using camera Hel p T o bette r und erst and each menu o ption , u se c am era Help . Hig hlight a m enu ch oice , then press the but ton.
T aki ng pict ures/vi deos www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 11 Understanding the picture-taking icons In capture mode—shutt er pressed ha lfwa y Pict ure size Pict ures/t ime r ema ining Stor ag e loca.
12 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 3 W orking with pictur es/videos Reviewing pictures/videos Pre ss the Re view button to vie w and wo rk wit h you r pictu res/v ideo s . Press Re vie w aga in to exi t. 1 Pre ss th e Revie w button . 2 Pre ss to view pr evious /ne xt pic ture/v ideo .
W orking wi th pic tures/ videos www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 13 Playing a video 1 Pre ss th e Revie w button . 2 Pre ss to find previo us/next v ideo . Pre ss to pl ay /paus e . Pre ss dur in g pla yb ack t o pla y at 2X, 4 X. Pre s s to rev ers e a t 2X, 4X.
14 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t W orking w ith p ictur es/v ide os Deleting pictures/videos 1 Press t he Revi ew b utton. 2 Press for previous /next pi ctur e/video . 3 Press the Dele te but ton. 4 F o llow t he scr een pr omp ts . Protecting pictures/video s from deletion 1 Press t he Revi ew b utton.
W orking wi th pic tures/ videos www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 15 Using Kodak P erfect Touch technology K o dak P erfec t T ou ch techn olo gy hel ps ens ure b ett er , brigh te r pic tu res . 1 Press t he Revi ew b utto n, then for pr evious/ne xt pic ture .
16 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t W orking w ith p ictur es/v ide os Editing videos Making a picture from a video Y ou ca n choose a singl e fr ame from a vi deo , the n mak e a pictur e suitable for printin g. 1 Pre ss th e Revie w button , the n to find a vid e o .
W orking wi th pic tures/ videos www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 17 Making a video actio n print F r om a video , yo u can m ak e a 4-, 9-, o r 1 6-up pic ture , sui ta ble fo r a 4 x 6- inch (10 x 15 cm) print. 1 Pre ss th e Revie w button , the n to find a vid e o .
18 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t W orking w ith p ictur es/v ide os Changing the slide show display interval T he default inte rval setti ng disp lays each picture for 5 seconds . Y ou can set the d ispl ay in terv al from 3 –60 se cond s . 1 On t he S lide Sh ow menu , p ress to hi ghligh t Int erval, th en pres s OK .
W orking wi th pic tures/ videos www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 19 Copy ing pict ures/videos Y ou can copy pic tu res/ vi deos fr om a card to inte rn al memory or from inter nal me mory to a c ard. Be for e you c opy , mak e su re that : ■ A card is insert ed in the camera .
20 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t W orking w ith p ictur es/v ide os Understanding the review icons Pictures Vid eo s Scrol l ar rows Emai l ta g F avori te ta g Print tag/ number of pr ints K odak P erfec t T ou ch t ec h.
W orking wi th pic tures/ videos www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 21 Understanding blur warning icons A pict ure blu r warning ic on is displ ayed durin g q uickvi ew and r eview . Green— Pict ure is sha rp eno ug h fo r an acc ept able 4 x 6 -i nch (1 0 x 1 5 c m) pri nt .
22 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 4 Doing more w ith your ca mer a Changing pi cture-tak ing settings Y ou ca n c hang e set ting s to ge t the be st re sul ts fro m you r ca mer a. 1 Press the Menu butt on. 2 Press to hig hlight a s ett ing , then p ress OK.
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 23 Whit e Bal ance Cho ose you r l ig htin g c ondi ti on. Auto (default)— automa tical ly co rr ects w hi te ba lan ce. Ide al for gene ral p ict ure taki ng . Daylight— for pi ctu res in na tura l light ing .
24 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Image Storage Choo se a storag e location fo r pict u res/ vi deos . Auto (default)— th e came ra us es th e card i f on e is in th e ca mera. If no t, th e camera use s inte rna l me mory.
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 25 Customizing your camera Use Set up to c ust omi ze your came ra se ttin gs . 1 In any mo de , pr ess t he M enu butt on. 2 Press to hig hlight Se tup , the n p ress OK. 3 Press to hig hlight a s ett ing , then p ress OK.
26 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera La ng ua g e Se e pa ge 2 . For mat CAUTION: Fo rmatti ng del etes a ll pictures/vid eos , inc luding those that a re pr otected . R emo v in g a ca rd duri ng form at ting m ay da mage the card .
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 27 Usin g ex posu re compens ation to a djust pict ure brightness Before yo u ta k e a pictu re , y ou can adjust exp osure com pensa tion t o ma k e pi ct ures dark er or li ghter . ■ Press to decrea se expos ure compe nsa tion.
28 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Tagging pictures for printing 1 Press t he Sha re bu tt on. P re ss to l ocat e a pictu re . 2 Press to hig hlight P rint, then pr ess O K. * 3 Press to selec t th e nu mbe r of c op ies (0 -99) .
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 29 Tagging pi ctures and videos for emailing Firs t— on y ou r c omp uter Use K oda k Ea sySh are sof tware to c reat e an ema il addr ess b oo k o n your c omput er . The n c o p y u p t o 3 2 e m a i l a d d r e s s e s t o t h e c a m e ra ’ s i n t e r n a l m e m o r y.
30 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Tagging pictures as favorites Y ou can pres erve y ou r favor ite pict ure s in the F a vorit es s e ction of your came ra’ s in tern al m emor y , the n s hare the m wit h fri end s and fami ly .
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 31 Optional s ettings In F av orit es mo de , pr ess t he Menu but ton to acc ess opt ion al set tings . NO TE: Pictures tak en at a 3:2 picture si ze hav e a black ba r at the top and bo ttom .
32 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Preventing camera favorites from synchronizi ng with the sof tware If yo u don ’t wan t to use th e fa vo rites f eatur e: 1 Open Easy Sha re sof tw ar e . 2 F rom th e T o ol s men u, s elect Came ras/Viewer s > S ync a nd T ransfer M ana ger .
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 33 Second—o n your ca mera 1 Press t he Revi ew b ut ton, then loc ate th e pi ctur e or vid eo . 2 Press the Menu butt on. 3 Press to hig hlight Al bum, t he n p ress OK. 4 Press to hig hlight an al bum folder , then pr ess O K.
34 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Second—o n your ca mera 1 In any mo de , pr ess t he M enu butt on. 2 Press to hig hlight Se t Albu m, th en pres s OK . 3 Press to hig hli ght a n al bum na me , t hen pr ess OK. Re peat to m ark p ic tures or vi deos for alb ums .
www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 35 5 T ransferr ing and pr i nting pictur es Instal ling the softwar e CAUTION: Instal l Easy Share software bef o re connecting the camera to the computer . F ai lure to do so m ay cause the software to load incorre ctly .
36 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T ran sferri ng and prin ting picture s Transferring picture s with the USB cable NO TE: Vi s i t www .kodak.com/go /ho wto f or an on lin e tuto rial on con necting. Also available for transferring Y ou can als o us e the s e K o dak pro duc ts to t ransfer yo ur p ict ures and vi deos .
T ran sf erri ng and pr inti ng picture s www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 37 Printing pictures Printing with a Kodak EasyShare printer dock Dock y ou r camera to th e K odak Ea syS ha re pr inter d ock and print d irect ly —with o r withou t a co mputer .
38 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T ran sferri ng and prin ting picture s Printing from a PictBridge enab led p rinter 1 T urn o n the pr inter . T urn on the cam era. The Pic tBridge log o is displayed , followed by t he current pictu re and men u. (If no pictures are fou nd, a m essage is displayed.
T ran sf erri ng and pr inti ng picture s www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 39 Ordering prints o nline Kodak Galler y ( www .kodakgallery .co m ) is one of t he ma ny online pr int servi ces of fere d in the K oda k Ea sySh are sof tw are . Y ou can easi ly: ■ Uploa d you r pictu res .
40 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 6 T roubleshooting F or step-by-step product support, visi t www .k odak.c om/g o/c513s uppor t a nd se lect Interactive T roubl es hooti ng & Re pair s . Camera probl ems If ... T ry one or mor e of th e foll owing Camera does n ot turn o n.
T rou ble shoot ing www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 41 In Review mode, yo u do n ot see a pictu re ( or the expe cted pi ct ure) on th e LCD sc reen . ■ Check th e image stor age lo cati on se tti ng ( see p age 24 ). In Review mode, a blue or b lac k screen is displayed ins tea d o f a pictu re.
42 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T roubl e shoot ing Camera/computer communications Camera does n ot recog ni ze SD/ MMC c ard. ■ Purc has e a c erti fie d SD /MM C car d. ■ Ref orma t the card ( se e page 26 ). Caution: F ormatting a card deletes all pictur es and videos , including pr otected files .
T rou ble shoot ing www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 43 LCD scre en messages Cannot tran sfer pictu res. (The Add N ew Hard war e Wi zard cann ot l ocat e driv ers .) ■ Disc on ne ct the US B cabl e . (If u sin g cam era doc k or pr in te r doc k, dis conn ect ca ble an d r emove c amer a f rom doc k).
44 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T roubl e shoot ing Intern al me mory requi re s form atting ■ F orma t t he i nt erna l me mo ry ( see page 26 ). Caution: F ormatting deletes all pictures and videos , including protected files . (F ormatting internal memo ry also deletes em ail addresses , album names , and F a vorites .
T rou ble shoot ing www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 45 No alb um name s on camera (Co n n e ct w i th compu te r t o impo rt alb um nam es) ■ Cre ate and cop y a lbu m names f rom co mput er . S ee the K oda k EasyShare softw are H elp . High camera te mper atur e.
46 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 7 Getting help Helpf ul links Came ra Software Other Emai l, w ri te, o r p hone c usto mer supp or t www .k oda k.c om /go/c ont act Get sup por t f or y our pro du ct (F AQs, troub le shoot ing infor mati o n, arrang e for repai rs, etc.
Getting h elp www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 47 NO TE: If you have questio ns concerning this product, y ou may speak with K od a k customer support. Aust rali a 1800 267 588 Netherl ands 020 346 9372 .
48 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 8 Appendix Came ra sp ecifi cations F o r mor e sp eci fica tion s , vis it www .k o dak .com /go/ c513 suppor t . Ima ge s ens or— Kodak ISS 1 /2.5 in., 4 :3 asp ect ratio , CMO S Output image size— 5.0 MP: 2572 x 1928 pixels 4.
Appe nd ix www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 49 Shutter s peed— Mec hani cal sh ut ter wi th C MOS; Auto : 1/2 –1/1 400 sec. ISO s pe ed — Auto : 80–160 (D igita l Imag e Stabil izatio n: 80–20 0) Electronic flash — Guid e n o . 7. 0 (@ ISO 100); a uto fla sh wor king rang e at ISO 16 0 Wide: 0 .
50 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix Size — 91.1 mm (3.6 in. ) x 62 .2 mm (2.4 in .) x 25.3 m m (1.0 in .) @ po wer off We i g h t — 137 g (4. 8 o z) with out bat tery or ca rd Care a nd mai ntenance ■ If yo u suspec t w ate r ha s go tten in side th e c amera, remo ve the bat te ry a nd ca rd .
Appe nd ix www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 51 Important safety instructions CAUTION: Do not disa ssemble this product; there are no user -serviceable parts inside . Refer se rvicing to qualif ied se rvice personnel. K odak A C ad apters a n d b a t t e r y c h a r g e r s a r e i n t e n d e d f o r i n d o o r u s e o n l y .
52 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix ■ Di spos e of ba tter ies ac cord ing to loc al an d na tion al reg ulat ions . V isit www .kodak.com/go/k es . ■ Do no t char ge non -re cha rgea bl e bat te rie s . F or more in for mati on on ba tte ries , vis it w ww .
Appe nd ix www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 53 Limited Warranty K odak w arr ants K odak co nsume r ele ctron ic produ cts an d a ccessor ies (“Pro ducts” ), excludi ng batt eries , to b e fr ee fro m m al functi ons an d d efects in b ot h ma teria ls an d workma nsh ip for one y ear fro m the dat e of purc has e .
54 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix K od ak makes no othe r expre ss or impli ed warra nty fo r t his produ ct, and disclaims the implied wa rranties of merchantability a nd fitnes s for a par t icu la r pu rp os e .
Appe nd ix www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 55 Regula tory c omplia nc e FCC co mpliance and ad visory T his equ ipm ent ha s b een tested a nd fou nd to co mpl y with t he lim it s for a Cla ss B di gita l d evice , pu rsuan t to P art 15 o f t he FC C Rules .
56 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix Australian C-Tick Canadian DO C statement DO C Class B Co mplian ce T his C lass B digital appar at us compli es with Can adian ICES-003. Observ ation des normes-Classe B Cet ap parei l n umé ri que de la cla sse B es t co nfor me à la n or me NMB- 003 d u Ca nada .
Appe nd ix www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 57 China Ro HS VCCI Class B ITE Russian GOST-R Eastman K odak Company Roc heste r , NY 1465 0 AIO -40.
58 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Ind e x 1 A abou t pic tu re, vi deo , 1 3 abou t thi s cam era , 26 acce sso ri es , 36 batt ery , 52 buyin g, 46 pri nter doc k, 37 SD/MMC card, 3 album set, 23 tagg.
www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 59 Ind ex digit al im ag e sta biliza tion , 8 digit al z oom , u sing , 6 disp layin g sl ide sho w, 1 7 disp osa l, re cyc li ng, 50 , 5 6 dock compa tibi lit y, 3 9 co.
60 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Ind ex batt eries , 1 SD/MMC card, 3 softw are, 35 M Macint osh co mpute rs, in sta lling softwar e on, 35 mai nte nanc e, cam era, 50 manne r/mu seum, 9 memor y full,.
www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 61 Ind ex order onli ne , 39 Pi ctBri d ge tec hno log y, 3 7 tagg ed pictu res , 3 9 with Easy Sha re p rin ter doc k, 37 probl em-solvin g, 40 pro tecti ng pictu res, v.
62 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Ind ex shu tter bu tton, i probl ems , 41 slide sho w cont inu ous loop , 1 8 runni ng , 17 snow, 9 softwa re installi ng , 35 upgradin g, 50 soun ds, 25 specific atio.
www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 63 Ind ex Windows OS-b ased c omp uters installi ng software, 35 wrist strap, 1 Z zoom digit al, 6 optic a l, 6 zoom butt on, ii.
デバイスKodak EASYSHARE C513の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Kodak EASYSHARE C513をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKodak EASYSHARE C513の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Kodak EASYSHARE C513の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Kodak EASYSHARE C513で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Kodak EASYSHARE C513を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKodak EASYSHARE C513の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Kodak EASYSHARE C513に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKodak EASYSHARE C513デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。