KodakメーカーEASYSHARE M1063の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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K OD AK EASY SHARE M1063/MD1063/MX1063 Digital Camer a Extended User Gu ide www .kodak.com F or i nter active tut orials: www .k o dak.com/go/h owto F o r help with your came ra: www .
East man Kodak Co mpany Roch ester , N Y 1465 0 © Eas tman K odak Compa ny , 2008 All screen images are simulated. K odak , Easy Sha re , and P erfec t T ouch are tr ademark s of Eastma n K oda k Com pany .
Product fe ature s www .koda k.com /go/supp ort i Fr ont view 1 Shutt er bu tto n 7L e n s 2 Mode d ial 8 Spe ake r 3 Fl ash but ton 9 U SB 4 O n/Of f b utton 10 DC- In (5 V) , fo r optional AC ad apt.
ii www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Prod uct f eatures Back view 1 L CD 8 SD or SDHC me mor y c ard slot 2 Re ady/B atte ry cha rgi ng lig ht 9 Ba tte ry com par tment 3 Del ete butto n 10 Sh are bu tto n.
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort iii T able of cont ents 1 1 Setting up your camera ................................................................... ...... 1 Atta ching the strap ....... ...... ..... .. ..... ...... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ..... ..
iv www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort T able of con tents 4 Doing more with you r camera .................... ......................................... 28 Using th e menu butt on to cha nge s etti ngs .. ..... ..... ..... ...... .. ..... ..... ...... .. ...
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 1 1 Setting up your camer a Attaching the strap Loading the battery T o extend batt ery life , see page 58 . Ko d a k L i - I o n recha rgeable digita l camer a battery K .
2 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Sett ing up your came ra Charging the battery Kodak U SB AC adap ter (i nclu ded) First, turn OFF t he camera. Charge until the Battery Charg ing light turns off (up to 3 hours). Kodak Ea sySha re camera or printer docks (may be sold separat ely) For dock comp ati bility , see page 40 .
Setti ng u p you r cam era www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 3 Turning on the camera Setting the languag e, date/ti me NO TE: To chang e the date /t ime and la ngu age i n t he fu tur e , use th e Me nu but to n ( page 2 8 ).
4 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Sett ing up your came ra Storing p ictures on an SD/S DHC ca rd Y our cam er a has in ternal mem ory . Y ou can p urch ase an SD or SDH C mem ory card to conven iently stor e mo re pict ure s and videos ( www .k odak .com/ go/m 1063ac cess orie s ).
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 5 2 T aking pictur es/videos Taki ng a picture Reviewing the picture just taken Afte r you tak e a pictu re or vi deo , the LC D displ ays a qu ick view for appro ximat ely 10 secon ds . (T o e xit the q uickvie w sooner , press the Shutter butt on halfway .
6 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort T aking p ictures/vi deos Using the framing marks F raming marks ind icate the camera foc us a rea. T h e came r a a ttemp ts to focus on foregr ound subj ects , even if the subj ects a re no t cente red in t he scen e .
T aking p ictures/vi deos www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 7 Usin g optic al z oom Us e opt ical z oom to g et up to 3X clo ser to you r sub ject. 1 Use the LCD to fr ame you r subj ect. 2 Pre ss T eleph oto (T ) to z oom i n. Pres s Wide A ngle (W) to z oom o ut.
8 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort T aking p ictures/vi deos Usin g the flas h Use the flash when you tak e pict ures at night , indoors , or out doors in heavy sha dows . Flash-to-subject distance Zoom pos ition Flash distance Wide an gle 0.6–3 .0 m (2 –9 .
T aking p ictures/vi deos www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 9 Usin g dif ferent pic ture-ta king modes Use this mode Fo r Aut o Genera l pi cture takin g—offer s an exce llent balanc e of image qua lity an d eas e of use . Bl ur Redu cti on Redu cing blu r due to s ubjec t m otio n.
10 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort T aking p ictures/vi deos Scene mod es Choo se a Scene mod e—for g reat p icture s i n practica lly any situ atio n! 1 T urn the Mode dial to Scene . 2 Press to display Scene m ode desc ription s . If the mode des cription tu rns off bef ore you fin ish reading it, press OK .
T aking p ictures/vi deos www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 11 Using camera Help T o bette r und ersta nd each menu o ption , use c amera Help . Sele ct a n option you w ant to l earn mor e ab out, th en pr ess the Zo om tel ephot o (T) bu tton . Chil dren Acti on p icture s of chi ldren in brigh t li ght.
12 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort T aking p ictures/vi deos Taki ng panora mic pic tures Use panorama to “s tit ch” up to 3 pict ures int o a p anorami c sc ene . NO TE: F or best resu lts , u se a tripod. Individual pic tures are not sav ed, even if panor ama capture i s cancell ed before stitching oc curs .
T aking p ictures/vi deos www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 13 Understanding the picture-taking icons In capture m ode—shutter pressed halfwa y Pictur e size Pict ures/t ime re maini ng Stora ge loca tio.
14 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort 3 W orking wi th pictur es/videos Reviewing pictures/videos Press the Revi ew b utton t o view and work wi th your pict ures/vid eos . Pr ess R eview aga in to exi t. (T o disp lay pictu res/vi deos on a telev isio n, see pa ge 24 .
W orking wi th pictu res/vid eos www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 15 Playing a video 1 Pre ss dur ing pl ayba ck to rever se at 2X, 4X . 2 Pres s the Rev iew b utto n. 3 Pre ss to find previo us/next v ideo . 4 Pres s to p lay . Pre ss O K t o pause /u npa use .
16 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort W orking wit h pic ture s/vide os Using sound tags Y ou can add a uniq ue soun d/ mess age (up to 1 minu te lon g) to your pi ctur e . NO TE: Only one t ag ca n be a dded t o each pi ctur e (not to video s). Record ing a sound tag 1 Pres s t he Rev iew but ton, th en to fin d a pict ur e .
W orking wi th pictu res/vid eos www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 17 Deleting pictures/videos 1 Press the Revi ew b utton. 2 Press for previous /next pictur e/video . 3 Press the Dele te button. 4 F o llow the screen promp ts . Using the und o delete feature If yo u ac cidenta lly de lete a pic ture , use Undo Delete t o retri eve it .
18 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort W orking wit h pic ture s/vide os Usin g the menu button in Revie w 1 Press the Review b utto n, th en th e Menu butt on.
W orking wi th pictu res/vid eos www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 19 Cropping pic tures Y ou can cro p a pictu re so th at o nly t he desire d port ion o f t he pi ctu re re main s . 1 Pre ss th e R eview bu tton , the n t o find a pict ur e . 2 Press th e Me nu b utton .
20 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort W orking wit h pic ture s/vide os Trimming a video Y ou can delet e an unwante d por tion from t he beg inning o r end of a video . 1 Pre ss th e R eview bu tton , the n t o find a vid e o . 2 Press th e Me nu b utton .
W orking wi th pictu res/vid eos www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 21 Running a slide show Use Slide Show to displ ay y our pic tures/vi deos on the camera or on a televi sion (see page 24 ). Du ring a s lide sho w , you c an adj ust th e volu me o n a sound t ag y ou rec ord ed (s ee pa ge 16 ).
22 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort W orking wit h pic ture s/vide os Running a continuous slide sho w loop When y ou tu rn on Loop , th e sl ide show is conti nuous ly r epeated. 1 On t he Slid e Show menu , pre ss t o hig hlight Loop , t hen pr ess the OK butt on.
W orking wi th pictu res/vid eos www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 23 View ing picture s/videos i n differen t way s Viewing as thumbnails (multi-up) 1 Pres s the Rev iew b utto n. 2 Pre ss th e Zoo m Wide Angle (W) bu tton to cha nge from s ing le- pi ctur e v iew to mu lt i-up t hum bna ils .
24 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort W orking wit h pic ture s/vide os Viewing on a television using an A/V cable Y ou ca n displ ay pictu res/video s/slide sho ws on a t elevisio n, com puter monitor , or an y d e v i c e e q u i p p e d w i t h a v i d e o i n p u t .
W orking wi th pictu res/vid eos www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 25 Selec ting multiple pictures/videos Us e the mul ti-s elect fea ture wh en you have two o r m ore p ictu res/vi deos to p rint, transfer , d ele te , etc. (Mul ti-selec t is u sed mos t effect ively in Multi-U p mode , pa ge 23 .
26 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort W orking wit h pic ture s/vide os Understanding the review icons Pictures Vid eo s Review mo de Print tag /number of prints Email tag Pictur e numbe r Im age st orage l.
W orking wi th pictu res/vid eos www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 27 Understanding blur warning icons A pict ure blur warning icon is displ ayed durin g quic kview and review . Gree n— Picture is sha rp eno ugh fo r an acc eptable 4 x 6 -inch (10 x 15 c m) pri nt.
28 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort 4 Doing mor e with your camera Using the menu button to change settin g s Y ou can chang e set ting s to g et the b est re sul ts from your came r a.
Doing mo re w ith your ca mer a www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 29 Usin g the ca pture tab Press Menu, , , and OK to ac cess settings Opti ons Pict ur e Si ze C hoose a pic ture re soluti on. For recom men ded p rint siz es, visit: www .k odak .com /go/ print si zes 10.
30 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Doing mo re with your ca mera Usin g the ca pture plus ta b Press Menu, , , and OK to ac cess settings Opti ons White Balance C hoose yo ur lighting cond ition. Auto— aut omati cally correc ts white balance. Ideal for general pict ure ta king .
Doing mo re w ith your ca mer a www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 31 ISO Speed Control t he camer a’s sensit ivity to light. C hoose a low er ISO setting in bri ghtl y li t sce nes ; u se a hi gher ISO for low -light scene s.
32 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Doing mo re with your ca mera Customizing your camera Use Set up to cus tomi ze yo ur ca mera s ettin gs . 1 In any mode , pr ess t he M enu bu tton . 2 Press to highli ght Se tup , the n pres s OK . 3 Press to highli ght a sett ing, t hen p ress OK.
Doing mo re w ith your ca mer a www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 33 Came ra S ounds Cho ose soun d ef fec ts. Themes— a p p l i e s t h e s a m e s o u n d e f f e c t s e t t o all functions. Individua l— choo se a so und e ffect for ea ch fu nc ti on .
34 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Doing mo re with your ca mera Using the self- timer Use t he se lf-timer w hen you want to be i ncl uded in a p icture . 1 In any St ill mo de , pres s the butt on repea tedl y to choos e: 10 sec ond s— A pict ure is tak en after a 10- second dela y (so you ha ve ti me to get into the sce ne).
Doing mo re w ith your ca mer a www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 35 Using burst Us e bur st to tak e up t o 3 pic ture s in r apid succe ssio n. 1 In most St ill mo des , p res s t he bu tton rep eated ly until a ppea rs on th e LCD . 2 Pre ss th e Shut ter but ton half way t o f ocus a nd s et exp os ur e .
36 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort 5 T ra nsferr ing , pr inting , tagging Instal ling the sof tware CAUTION: Instal l EasySha re software bef o re connecting the camera to the computer . F ai lure to d o so may caus e the software to load incorre ctly .
T ransf erring , pri nting, t aggi ng www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 37 Transferring pi ctures with the U SB cabl e NO TE: Vi si t www .kodak.com/go /howto f or an on line tutorial on c onnectin g. Also available for transferring Y ou can also use t hes e K o dak p roduc ts to transfer your pict ures a nd vi deos .
38 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort T ransf erring , pri nting , taggi ng Printing pictures Printing with a Kodak EasyShare printer dock Dock y our camera to th e K odak Ea syS hare pr inter dock and print dir ectly —with o r withou t a compu ter . Purc has e thi s and other acces sories at a dea ler of K oda k pro ducts or vi sit www .
T ransf erring , pri nting, t aggi ng www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 39 Printing from a PictBridge enabled printer 1 T urn o n the prin ter . T ur n on the c amera. The Pic tBridge logo is displayed, fo llowed by the cur rent pictu re and menu. (If no pictures are fou nd, a message is displayed.
40 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort T ransf erring , pri nting , taggi ng Ordering prints o nline Kodak Galler y ( www . k odakgaller y . com ) i s on e of t he many online prin t services of fered in th e K oda k Ea sySh are s oftw are . Y ou can easil y: ■ Uploa d your pictures .
T ransf erring , pri nting, t aggi ng www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 41 Tagging your pictures Y ou can tag you r p icture s s o th ey ar e e asy to: ■ Print ■ Em ail ■ Orga nize with a favori te ta g ■ Orga nize with a tag n ame that you c reat e Tagging pictures for printing 1 Press t he Share butt on.
42 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort T ransf erring , pri nting , taggi ng Tagging pictures/vid eos for emailing Firs t, crea te a new ema il a ddress : hig hlight Add Em ail, pres s O K, th en us e the on-cam er a k eyboard . 1 Press the Share butt on. P re ss to l oc ate a pic ture , t hen pr ess O K.
T ransf erring , pri nting, t aggi ng www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 43 Assigning the favorite tag to pictures/videos T o ma k e y our favor ite pic ture s/vide os easier to loc ate , y ou c an assi gn the favo rite t ag. 1 Press the Share bu tton , the n l ocate a pic ture/vi deo .
44 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort T ransf erring , pri nting , taggi ng Assigning a tag to pictures/vide os you take next Us e the Set T ag f eature to a ssign a t ag nam e t o the nex t pic ture s/vide os you ta k e . Firs t, create a new tag name: highl igh t Add T a g, pr ess OK , th en use the on- camera ke y b o a r d .
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 45 6 T roubleshooting F o r step -by-s tep pro duct suppor t, vi sit www .k o dak.c om/g o/m10 63su ppo rt , an d sel ect Inte r act ive T roubl eshoo ting & Re pairs . Camera probl ems If ... T ry on e or m ore of th e follow ing Camera does not turn o n.
46 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort T rouble shoot ing Store d pic tures are corrup ted. ■ Reta k e pic tur es . Do n ot remo ve ca rd w hil e the ca mera is a ccess ing it. K eep r echarg eable bat teries charge d. ■ T ransfer picture s to th e comp uter (see pag e 37 ), the n fo rma t t he card in th e camer a ( se e page 34 ).
T rou blesh ooting www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 47 Pic tur e is too dar k. ■ T u rn on th e f lash (see page 8 ). ■ Mov e so th at the dis tanc e be twee n you an d the su bjec t i s wit hin the effec tive flash r ang e ( see pag e 54 ). ■ Use Fil l flash ( page 8 ) or c hang e yo ur po sitio n s o li ght i s not behi nd the subj ect.
48 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort T rouble shoot ing Camera/computer communications LCD scre en messages If ... T ry on e or m ore of th e follow ing The co mp uter d oe s not co mmun ica te wit h t he c amer a. ■ T u rn on the camera (se e page 3 ). ■ Mak e sur e th e b atter y is ful ly c harg ed ( see pag e 2 ).
T rou blesh ooting www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 49 Memo ry ca rd requi res form atting ■ Ins ert a n ew card (see pag e 4 ) or for ma t the ca rd ( s ee page 3 4 ). Caution: F ormatting a card deletes all pictur es and videos , including pr otected f iles .
50 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort T rouble shoot ing Memor y c ard is unus able (In sert new memo ry c ard ) ■ Ins ert a n ew card (see pag e 4 ) or for ma t the ca rd ( s ee page 3 4 ). Caution: F ormatting a card deletes all pictur es and videos , including pr otected f iles .
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 51 7 Getting help Cam era Software Other Emai l, w rite , or p hone custo mer supp ort www .k o dak.com /go/co ntact Get s uppo rt fo r y our pro duc t ( FAQ s, troub lesho otin g informa tion, ar range fo r re pairs, etc.
52 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Getting h elp NO TE: If you have questio ns concerning this product, y ou m a y speak with K odak customer support. Aust ralia 180 0 267 588 Netherl ands 020 346 9372 A.
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 53 8 Appendix Came ra speci fica tions F o r mor e sp ecifica tion s , vi si t www .k oda k.com /go/ m10 63su pport . CCD— 1/2.3 3 in., 4:3 a spect r atio; 10.6 MP (t otal), 10. 3 MP (effect ive) Picture sizes— Color displa y— 6.
54 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Appe ndix 0.35–0 .7 m (13.8–2 8 in.) @ clos e-up/macr o , tele 10 m (32.8 ft)–infin ity @ Landsca pe Expo sure me tering— Multi-p atte rn, Center - weigh t, Sp ot Expos ure compen sation— +/-2.0 EV wi th 0.3 EV s teps Long Time Expos ure— None , 0.
Appe ndix www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 55 Im age stor ag e— Opti on al SD/SDHC Card . (T he SD logo is a trademark of the SD Card Associa tion.) Internal storage capacity — 1 6 M B inte rna l m em.
56 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Appe ndix Care a nd mainte nance ■ If yo u su spect w ate r ha s go tten inside the c am er a, r emov e the bat tery a nd ca rd. Allow a ll c ompone nts to air -d ry for at le ast 2 4 hour s befor e u sing t he cam er a.
Appe ndix www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 57 Important safety instructions CAUTION: Do not disa ssemble this product; there are no user -serviceab le parts inside . Refer se rvicing to qualif ied service personnel. K od ak A C adapters a n d b a t t e r y c h a r g e r s a r e i n t e n d e d f o r i n d o o r u s e o n l y.
58 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Appe ndix ■ Di spose of ba tterie s ac cord ing to loca l an d na tion al regul atio ns . Vis it www .kodak.com/go/k e s . ■ Do no t cha rge non- recha rgeabl e ba tte ries . F or more inf orma tion on batte ries , vis it ww w .
Appe ndix www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 59 K o dak wil l rep air or repl ace P ro ducts if they fail to fu ncti on prope rly during the w ar ranty pe riod, sub ject to a ny co nditi ons and/o r limi tat ions stat ed her ein.
60 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Appe ndix equipm ent, fa cili ties or ser vi ces , or c laims o f y our c ustome rs for suc h dam ag es resu lting from th e pur chase , us e , or fail ure of the P roduc t), r egar dless of caus e or for breach of an y writ ten or im plied warranty is e xpressly discla imed.
Appe ndix www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 61 If t his equi pme nt do es cau se ha rmful in terfer ence t o radio or tel evision recept ion, which can be determin ed by turning t he equipm ent off and on,.
62 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Appe ndix Australian C-Tick Waste Electrical and Electronic Eq uipment labeling Korean Class B ITE VCCI Clas s B ITE EU: I t is the user’s respons ibility to discard .
Appe ndix www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 63 China Ro HS Russian GOST-R Eastman K odak Company Roche ste r , NY 14650 AIO -40.
64 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Ind ex 1 A A/V cable, 24 abou t pic ture, video , 15 abou t this cam era , 3 4 acce ss o rie s, 37 batt ery , 58 buyin g, 51 pri nter dock, 38 SD/SDHC card, 4 album s s.
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 65 Ind ex DC-in, i deleti ng durin g quic kview, 5 from i nter nal m emory , 17 from SD/SDH C card, 17 pro tec ting pic tures , vid eos, 17 digit al z oom, u sing , 7 disp.
66 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Ind ex P er fect T ouc h tec hnolog y, 1 8 L landsc ape, 9 LCD, ii bri ght ness, 32 reviewi ng pic tures , 1 4 reviewi ng videos, 1 4 lens clean ing len s, 56 load ing .
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 67 Ind ex checki ng s ettin gs, 26 copyi ng , 25 crop ping, 19 deleti ng , 17 email ing t agged , 4 2 print ing, 39 print ing t agge d, 41 prot ectin g, 17 rev iewing , 14.
68 www .koda k.com/ go/supp ort Ind ex color mode , 2 9 date and time , 3 exposure me terin g, 30 flash, 8 fo cus zon e, 30 imag e stor age, 32 ISO, 31 LCD br ight ness, 32 long time exposu re , 29 or.
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 69 Ind ex upgra ding softwar e, firmwa re, 56 USB cabl e , 37 USB, A/V o ut, i V VCCI c omplianc e, 62, 63 video, 9 acti on p rint, 20 checki ng s ettin gs, 26 copyi ng , .
デバイスKodak EASYSHARE M1063の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Kodak EASYSHARE M1063をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKodak EASYSHARE M1063の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Kodak EASYSHARE M1063の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Kodak EASYSHARE M1063で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Kodak EASYSHARE M1063を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKodak EASYSHARE M1063の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Kodak EASYSHARE M1063に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKodak EASYSHARE M1063デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。