KodakメーカーEasyShare M893 ISの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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K odak EasyS har e M893 IS digital camer a Extended user gui de www .kodak.com F or i nte r ac tive tut orial s: www .k o dak.com/g o/howto F o r help wi th your came ra: www .
East man Kodak Co mpany Roc hes ter , NY 1465 0 © Eas tman K o dak Co mpa ny , 200 7 All screen images are simulated. K odak, E asyS hare , and P erfec t T o uch are tr ad em arks of Ea stman K oda k Co mpa ny .
Product fe atur es www .koda k.com /go/supp ort i Fr ont view 1 Shutt er butto n 5 Sel f- ti me r/v id eo li ght 2 Fl as h bu t to n 6 Mic ro pho ne 3 On/ Off b utt on 7 Speak er 4F l a s h 8 L e n s .
ii www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Prod uct f eat ures Back view 1L C D 9O K / 2 Revie w butto n 10 St ra p po st 3 Read y/Ba tte ry char ging lig ht 11 USB p ort 4 M enu bu tto n 12 Sha re but ton 5 De.
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort iii T able of cont ents 1 1 Setting up your camera ................................................................... ...... 1 Atta ching t he st rap ..... .. ...... .. ... ..... .. ... ..... ... ..... ... .. ..... ... ..
iv www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T able of con tents 4 Doing more with you r camera ............................................................. 28 Using th e m enu butt on to c hange s etti ngs .. .. ...... .. ... ..... ... .. ..... ... ..... ... ..
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 1 1 Setting up your camer a Attaching the strap Loading the battery T o exte nd ba tter y life , see page 62 . K od ak Li -Ion r echar geabl e di gital ca mer a bat te ry .
2 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Sett ing up your ca mera Charging the battery Kodak USB AC adapter (i nclu de d) First, turn OFF t he camera. Charge until the Battery Charg ing light turns off (up to 3 hours). Kodak Ea sySha re came ra or printer docks (may be sold se parately) For do ck co mp ati bility , se e page 48 .
Setti ng up y ou r cam era www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 3 Turning on the camera Setting the langua ge, da te/ti me NO TE: To ch ang e t he dat e/ t ime an d la ngu age i n t h e fu t ur e , use th e Men u b ut to n ( pa ge 2 8 ). 2 1 to cha nge . for pr evious/ next fiel d.
4 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Sett ing up your ca mera Storing pictures on an SD/SDH C c ard Y our c ame r a has in tern al m em or y . Y o u ca n pur ch ase an SD or SD HC mem or y c ard to conven iently st ore m or e pict ures and vi deos ( www .k odak.
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 5 2 T aking pictur es/videos Taki ng a picture Reviewing the pic ture just taken Afte r you tak e a pic ture o r v ide o , th e L CD d ispl ay s a q uic kv iew for a ppro ximat ely 10 s econds . (T o exit t he quickvi ew so one r , press th e Sh utter b utto n hal fway .
6 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T aking p icture s/video s Using the framing marks F raming ma rks indica te t he camera foc us are a. T h e c amera att emp ts to foc us o n foregr ound subj ect s , even if t he subj ects a re not cente red in the scen e .
T aking p icture s/video s www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 7 Using optical z oom Us e o ptic al z oom to ge t up to 3X clo ser to y our sub jec t. 1 Use th e LCD t o frame your subject . 2 Pre ss T eleph ot o (T) t o zoo m i n. Pr ess Wi de A ngl e (W) to z oom o ut.
8 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T aking p icture s/video s Usin g the fl as h Use the fl ash wh en yo u tak e pict ures at night, ind oors, or outdoor s in hea vy shad ows . Flash-to-subject distance Zoom pos ition Flash distance Wide a ngl e 0.6–3 .
T aking p icture s/video s www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 9 Using different picture-taking modes Use this mode Fo r Aut o Gener al pictu re taking—off ers an excelle nt balanc e of image qu alit y an d ea se of use. Cl ose-up Close r ange . Us e a vail abl e ligh t in s tead o f fla sh if po ssib le.
10 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T aking p icture s/video s Scene mod es Choo se a Sc ene mod e—for gre at pict ur es i n p racticall y an y si tuat io n! 1 T ur n the Mode di al t o Scene . 2 Press to displa y Scen e m ode desc ription s . If the mod e descriptio n tu rns of f before you fin ish reading it, press OK .
T aking p icture s/video s www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 1 1 Using camera Hel p T o bette r underst and ea ch menu o ption , use c am er a Hel p . Sele ct a n opt ion y ou w ant to l earn more about , th en press t he Zo om tel ephot o (T ) butt on. Manner/ Mus eu m Quie t occa sio ns, lik e a w eddi ng or l e cture .
12 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T aking p icture s/video s Taki ng pan oramic pic tures Use pano rama to “ st itch” up to 3 pi ct ure s i nto a p anorami c sc ene . NO TE: F or best resu lts , u se a tri pod. Individual pictur es are not sav ed, even if panoram a capture i s cancell ed befor e stitchi ng occurs .
T aking p icture s/video s www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 1 3 Understanding the picture-taking icons In capture m ode—shutter pressed halfway Pictur e siz e Pict ures/ time re maini ng Stora ge locati.
14 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 3 W ork ing with pictur es/vi deos Reviewing pictures/videos Pre ss the Re vie w butt on to vie w and work wit h y our p ictu res/vi deo s . Press Re vi ew aga in to ex it. (T o dis pla y pictu res/ vi deos on a telev isio n, see page 25 .
W orking wi th pi ctures /vide os www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 1 5 Playing a video 1 Pre ss th e Revie w button . 2 Pre ss to find previo us/next v ideo . 3 Pres s to p l ay . Pr e ss O K to paus e/ un pa use . 4 Pre ss duri ng pause to view p reviou s/next vid e o f r ame .
16 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t W orking wit h pic tur es/vi deos Using sound tags Y ou ca n add a un iq ue so un d/ mes sa ge (up to 1 mi nute lon g) to your p ic tur e . NO TE: Only one tag c an b e a dded t o each pict ure (no t to video s). Record ing a sound tag 1 Pre ss th e Revie w button , the n to find a pict ur e .
W orking wi th pi ctures /vide os www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 1 7 Deleting pictures/videos 1 Press t he Revi ew b utton. 2 Press for previous /next pi ctur e/video . 3 Press the Delete but ton. 4 F o llow t he scr een pr ompts . Using the und o delete feature If yo u accid enta lly de let e a p ictur e , use Undo Delete t o ret rie ve it .
18 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t W orking wit h pic tur es/vi deos Usin g the menu button in Rev iew 1 Press t he Revi ew b utto n, then th e Menu butt on.
W orking wi th pi ctures /vide os www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 1 9 Using Kodak P erfect Touch technology K o dak P erfec t T ouch techn olo gy hel ps ens ure b ett er , br ighte r pictu res . 1 Press t he Revi ew b utto n, then for pr evious/ne xt pic ture .
20 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t W orking wit h pic tur es/vi deos Editing videos Making a picture from a video Y ou can choos e a singl e fr ame from a video , the n mak e a picture suita ble for printin g. 1 Pre ss t he Rev iew button, then to fin d a video .
W orking wi th pi ctures /vide os www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 2 1 Making a video action print F r om a video , yo u ca n m ak e a 4 -, 9 -, or 16- up pictu re , sui ta ble fo r a 4 x 6-i nch (10 x 15 cm) print. 1 Pre ss th e Revie w button , the n to find a vid e o .
22 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t W orking wit h pic tur es/vi deos Changing the slide s how display interval T he default inter v al s etti ng disp lays each pictu re for 5 s eco nds . Y ou can set the d isp lay in terv al from 3 –60 sec onds . 1 On t he S lide Sh ow menu , pre ss to hi ghligh t Interval, th en pr ess the O K butt on.
W orking wi th pi ctures /vide os www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 2 3 Running a multimedia slide sh ow Multime dia Slid e Sh ow is sim ila r t o Slid e Sh ow , bu t also offers mus ic an d v isual eff ect s . Fir st, s ele ct 2 -20 pic tu res (s ee pa ge 26 ).
24 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t W orking wit h pic tur es/vi deos Viewing pictures/videos in different ways Viewing as thumbnails (mu lti-up) 1 Pre ss th e Revie w button . 2 Pre ss the Z oom Wide Ang le (W) bu tt on t o chang e from si ng le- p ict ur e vi ew to mu lt i- up th um b na ils .
W orking wi th pi ctures /vide os www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 2 5 Viewing on a television using an A/V cable Y ou ca n displ ay pic ture s/video s/slid e shows on a tele visio n, com put er mon itor , or an y d e v i c e e q u i p p e d w i t h a v i d e o i n p u t .
26 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t W orking wit h pic tur es/vi deos Selec tin g multi ple pictures/vi deos Us e th e m ul ti-s ele ct fe a ture whe n y ou ha ve t wo o r mor e p ictu res/v id eos to pri nt, dele t e , e tc . (M ult i- se le ct is us ed m os t e ff ecti v ely in Mul ti- Up mo de , page 2 4 .
W orking wi th pi ctures /vide os www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 2 7 Understanding the review icons Pictures Vid eo s Review mo de tech. Print tag /numbe r of pr int s Email tag Pictur e number Im age s.
28 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 4 Doing more with your came r a Using the menu button to change settings Y ou can c hang e se tti ngs to g et th e b est resu lts from you r came r a.
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 2 9 Using the ca pture tab Press Menu, , , and OK to ac cess settings Option s Pict u re Si ze C hoos e a p ictur e re sol ution . For recom me nde d p rint siz es, visit: www .k odak .c om/g o/p r intsi ze s 8.
30 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Using the ca pture plus tab Press Menu, , , and OK to ac cess settings Opti on s White Balance C hoose your li ghti ng cond itio n. Auto— aut omati ca lly correc ts white balance . Ideal for general pict ur e ta king .
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 3 1 AF Zone Se lect a la rge o r co ncent rate d area of focus. Mul t i- zo n e— ev al uat es 5 zones to give an even pic tur e focus . Idea l fo r g ene ral pi cture tak ing . Cente r- zon e— eval uates the small area centered on the LCD.
32 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Customizing your camera Use Set up to c ust omi ze yo ur came ra sett in gs . 1 In any mo de , pr ess t he M enu butt on. 2 Press to highli ght Se tup , then p ress OK . 3 Press to highli ght a s ett ing, t hen press OK.
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 3 3 NO TE: Press the T (T elepho to Zoom) button fo r inf orm ation abou t c amer a settin gs and o ptio ns .
34 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Date & Time Se e pag e 3 . Auto Power Off Choose inactiv ity time unt il c amera turns off. 10 minutes 5 m i nut e s 3 m i nut e s 1 m i nut e Video Out Cho ose t he r eg iona l s etti ng th at l ets you con nec t the ca mera to a te levi sio n or ot her ex terna l d evi ce .
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 3 5 Using the sel f-tim er 1 Choo se t he desir ed s elf-tim er mode , th en com pose the sc ene . 2 Press the Shut ter bu tton hal fway , then complete ly down . The camera takes the picture/pictures after the delay .
36 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Using burst Us e b urst to tak e up t o 3 p ictu res in r ap id suc cessi on. 1 In most Still modes , press the button repea tedly unt il appear s on t he LCD . 2 Pre s s th e Sh ut te r but to n half way to foc us and set exp o sur e .
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 3 7 Usin g the fram ing grid to compose a picture T he framing grid di vid es the LCD into thir ds—vert icall y an d h orizo ntal ly . T his i s he lpfu l i f , for exa mpl e , yo u w ant to b alan ce a pi ctu re b etw ee n w ater , ea rth, a nd sky .
38 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Printing tagged pictures When y ou tr ansfer t he tagged pi ctur es to y ou r com puter , th e K odak EasyS hare softw are p ri nt sc ree n o p ens . F or de tail s , cli ck the He lp butt on in Easy S hare sof tw are .
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 3 9 Third —transfer and ema il When y ou tr ansfer the t agged pict ure s/vide os t o yo ur compu ter , the Emai l sc reen opens a nd le ts y ou send them to t he addresses y ou specifie d.
40 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Optional setting s In F avor it es mo de , pr ess the Menu but ton to acc ess opt ion al set tings . NO TE: Pictures tak en at 3:2 an d 16:9 pict ure sizes have a b lack b ar at t he top and bottom.
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 4 1 Preventing camera favorites from synchronizi ng with the sof tware If yo u don ’t wan t to use th e fa vori tes fea tur e: 1 Open Easy Sha re so ftw are . 2 F rom th e T o ol s men u, selec t Came ras/Viewers > S ync and T ransfer Ma nager .
42 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Second—o n your ca mera 1 Press t he Revi ew b utto n, then loc ate th e pict ure or vid eo . 2 Press the Menu butt on. 3 Press to highli ght Al bum, t he n press OK. 4 Press to hig hlight an al bum name , then pr ess O K.
Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 4 3 Second—o n your ca mera 1 In any mo de , pr ess t he M enu butt on. 2 Press to hig hlight Se t Albu m, th en pr ess OK. 3 Press to hig hli ght a n album na me , t hen pres s O K. Re pea t to m ar k pic tur es or vi deos for alb ums .
44 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 5 T ransferr ing and pr inting pictur es Instal ling the softwa re CAUTION: Instal l Easy Share software bef o re connecting the camera to the computer . F ai lure to d o so m ay c ause the software to load incorre ctly .
T ran sferr ing a nd prin ting pictur es www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 4 5 Transferring pi ctures with the USB cabl e NO TE: Vi s i t www .kodak.com/go /ho wto f or an onlin e tuto ria l on con nectin g. Also available for transferring Y ou c an als o us e the s e K o dak p ro duc ts to transf er yo ur p ict ures a nd videos .
46 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T ransfe rrin g and prin ting pictu res Printing pictures Printing with a Kodak EasyShare printer do ck Dock y ou r ca mera to th e K odak Ea syS hare print er dock a nd pr int d ir ectly —wit h or withou t a co mputer .
T ran sferr ing a nd prin ting pictur es www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 4 7 Printing fr om a PictBridge enabled printer 1 T ur n o n the pr in ter . T urn on th e cam era. The Pic tBridge log o is displa yed, fo llowed by the c urrent pictu re and menu.
48 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T ransfe rrin g and prin ting pictu res Ordering prints o nline Kodak Galler y ( www .k odakgal lery .co m ) is one of t he ma ny onl ine prin t servi ces of fere d i n th e K odak Ea sySh ar e so ftw are . Y ou c an e asil y: ■ Uploa d you r pic tures .
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 4 9 6 T roubleshooting F or step-by-step product support, visi t www .k odak.co m/go/m893su pport , a nd s elect Interactive T roubl eshoo ti ng & Re pair s . Camera probl ems If ... T ry on e or mor e of the f ollow ing Camera does n ot turn o n.
50 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T rouble shoot ing Store d pi ctu res ar e corrup te d. ■ Reta k e pic tur es . Do n ot remo ve card w hil e the ca mera i s acce ssi ng it . K eep r ech argeab le bat teri es c harge d. ■ T ransfer pictu res to the comp uter (see page 45 ), t he n f orm at t he car d in th e camer a ( se e pag e 34 ).
T rouble sh ooti ng www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 5 1 Came ra/compute r communicati ons Camera does n ot re cogn iz e SD car d. ■ P u r c h a s e a c e r t i f i e d SD / S D H C c a r d . ( M M C a n d wr i t e - o n c e S D c a r d s a r e not suppo rte d.
52 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T rouble shoot ing LCD scre en messages Cannot tran sfer pictu res. (The Add N ew Hard war e Wi zard cann ot l ocat e driv ers .) ■ Disc on ne ct the US B cabl e . (If u sin g ca mera d oc k or pr inte r d oc k, dis conn ec t c ab le an d r emo ve ca mer a fro m do ck) .
T rouble sh ooti ng www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 5 3 Intern al me mory requi re s form atting ■ F ormat the int ern al me mory ( see pag e 34 ). Caution: F ormatting deletes all pictures and videos , including protected files . (F ormatting internal memo ry also deletes email addresses , album na mes , and F a vorites .
54 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T rouble shoot ing No alb um name s on camera (Co n n e ct w i th compu te r t o impo rt alb um nam es) ■ Cre at e a nd c op y a l bum nam es fr om co mput er . S ee the K odak EasyShare softw are Help . High camera te mper atu re.
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 5 5 7 Getting help Cam era Software Other Emai l, w ri te, o r p hone c ustome r supp or t www .k odak.co m/g o/cont act Get sup po rt f or y ou r p ro duc t (F AQ s, troub lesho ot ing infor mati o n, arrang e for repai rs, etc.
56 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Getting h elp NO TE: If you have questio ns concerning this product, y ou may speak with K od ak customer support. Aust ra lia 1800 267 588 Netherl ands 020 346 9372 A.
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 5 7 8 Appendix Camera s pec ific atio ns F o r mor e sp eci fica tion s , visit www .k oda k .c om/ go/ m89 3supp or t . CCD— 1/2.5 i n., 4:3 asp ec t ra ti o; 8.3 MP (t otal ), 8.1 MP (ef fec ti ve) Picture sizes— Color dis play— 6.
58 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix 0.35–0 .7 m (13. 8–28 in.) @ cl ose-up/ma cro , tele 10 m (32. 8 ft)–i nfini ty @ Land sca pe Exposur e met ering— Mul ti- pa tter n, C ent e r -w ei ght , Spo t Exposure comp ensatio n— +/-2 .0 EV wi th 0.
Appe ndix www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 5 9 Po w e r — K od ak Li-Io n rec harg eable dig ital c amera bat tery KLIC-7001; op tiona l K o dak 5 V AC ada pter ; opt ion al Kodak USB AC a dapt er (for bat tery c harg ing only ) Communication with computer— USB 2.
60 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix Care a nd mai ntenanc e ■ If yo u suspec t w ate r ha s go tten in side the c am era, remo ve the ba tte ry and card . Allow a ll c omp onent s to air -d ry for at le ast 2 4 h ours b efor e us ing t he c amera.
Appe ndix www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 6 1 Important safety instructions CAUTION: Do not disassemble this product; there are no user -serviceable parts inside . Refer se rvicing to qualif ied service personnel. K o dak A C adapters a n d b a t t e r y c h a r g e r s a r e i n t e n d e d f o r i n d o o r u s e o n l y .
62 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix ■ Di spo se of ba tter ies ac co rdi ng to loc al an d na tion al reg ul atio ns . Vi sit www .kodak.com/go/k es . ■ Do no t char ge non -re cha rgea bl e bat te rie s . F or mo re infor m ation on ba tter ies , vis it w ww .
Appe ndix www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 6 3 K o dak wil l repai r or r eplac e P roduc ts if t hey fa il t o fu ncti on pr ope rly d ur ing t he w arranty pe ri od, s ubjec t to a ny condi ti ons an d/or limi tat ions st ated here in.
64 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix equipm ent , fac ili ties or s ervi ces , or cla ims o f y our c ust ome rs for suc h d am ages resu lting from th e pur chas e , use , or fa il ure o f the P roduc t ), rega rdle ss of ca use or for breach of any wr itt en or im plied warranty is expr essly discla imed.
Appe ndix www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 6 5 If t his equipme nt does cau se har mful in terfer enc e to radio or t el evisio n rec eptio n, which can be determin ed by tu rning the equipme nt off and o.
66 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix Australian C-Tick Waste Electrical and Electronic Eq uipment labeling Korean Class B ITE VCCI Clas s B ITE EU: I t is the user’s responsibility to dis card.
Appe ndix www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 6 7 China Ro HS Russian GOST-R Eastman K odak Company Roc heste r , NY 1465 0 AIO -40.
68 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Ind e x 1 Numerics 4-way arrows, ii A A/V cable, 25 abou t pic tu re, vi deo , 1 5 abou t thi s c am era , 34 acce sso ri es , 45 batt ery , 62 buyin g, 55 pri nter d .
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 6 9 Ind ex D date se tt ing, 3 DC-in, i i deleti ng durin g quic kvie w, 5 from i nter nal m emor y, 17 from SD/SDH C card, 17 pro tec ti ng pic ture s , v id eo s, 17 dig.
70 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Ind ex K Koda k EasyShar e softw a re, 44, 60 P er fect T o uc h tec hno logy , 19 L landsc ape, 1 0 LCD, ii bri g ht nes s, 33 reviewi ng pictu res , 1 4 reviewi ng v.
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 7 1 Ind ex Perfec t Touch tec hnolo gy, 1 9 Pi ct Brid ge e nabl e d p rint e r, 46 pictu res checki ng sett in gs, 27 copyi ng , 26 croppi ng, 1 9, 20 deleti ng , 1 7 ema.
72 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Ind ex camera soun ds , 33 color m ode, 2 9 date and ti me , 3 exposure me terin g, 30 flash, 8 fo cus zo n e, 31 image stab ili zer, 33 imag e st or age, 33 ISO, 31 L.
www .koda k.com /go/supp ort 7 3 Ind ex undo, 1 7 upgra ding soft ware, firmwa re, 60 USB cabl e, 45 V VCCI c omp lianc e, 6 6, 67 video acti on pri nt, 21 checki ng sett in gs, 27 copyi ng , 26 delet.
デバイスKodak EasyShare M893 ISの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Kodak EasyShare M893 ISをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKodak EasyShare M893 ISの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Kodak EasyShare M893 ISの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Kodak EasyShare M893 ISで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Kodak EasyShare M893 ISを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKodak EasyShare M893 ISの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Kodak EasyShare M893 ISに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKodak EasyShare M893 ISデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。