Kramer ElectronicsメーカーVP-724xlの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Kramer Ele ctronics, Ltd. USER MANUAL Models: VP - 719xl, Presentation S witcher / Scaler VP - 720xl, Presentation S witcher / Scaler VP - 723xl, Presentation S witcher / Scaler VP - 724xl, Presentati.
Contents i Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Getting Started 1 2.1 Quick Start 2 3 Overview 3 4 Your Presentation Switcher / Sca ler 5 5 Installing on a Ra ck 12 5.1 Before Installing on a Rack 12 5.1.1 CAUTION!! 12 5.2 Instructions fo r Rack-Mounting 12 6 Connecting your Presentation Switcher / Scaler 13 6.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Contents ii The User Mode Setting 38 8.5.8 Choosing Factory Reset 39 8.5.9 Choosing Advanced Utility Settings 39 8.
Contents iii Figure 39: OSD Output Status 37 Figure 40: Output Setting User Mode Setting Utility Screen 38 Figure 41: Factory Reset Utility Screen 39 Figure 42: Advanced Utility Screen 39 Figure 43: N.
Introduction 1 1 Introduction Welcome to Kra mer Electronics (since 19 81): a world of unique, creative and affordable solutions to t he infinite range of pr oblems that confro nt the video, audio and presentation pr ofessional on a d aily basis.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Getting Started 2 2.1 Quick Start This Quick start chart summarizes the basic steps. Dis play Pla sma Disp la y Brightness and Contrast Gamma a nd Color Norma l Pres.
Overview 3 3 Overvie w The VP-7 19xl / VP-720xl / VP-72 3xl / VP-724xl is a P resentation Switcher / Scaler designed for a wide variet y of presentation and multimedia applications. It is a tr ue mu lti -s tan da rd video to RGBHV (pixel) scaler and a seamless presentation switcher.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Overview 4 Sw i tc he s th e au di o ch an n e l s in a u di o- f ol low - vi de o m od e I nc l u de s an O SD (On - S c re en D is pl ay ) – f o .
Your Presentation Switcher / Scaler 5 To achieve the best p erformance: C on ne ct o nl y g oo d qu al i ty c on ne ct i on ca bl es , th us a vo id in g i nt e rf er en ce , d et er io ra ti .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Your Presentation Switcher / Scaler 6 Figure 1: VP-719xl Presentation Switcher / Scaler Front Pan el 1 Figure 2: VP-719xl Presentation Switcher / Scaler Rear Pan el .
Your Presentation Switcher / Scaler 7 VGA Figure 3: VP-720xl Presentation Switcher / Scaler Front Pan el 1 Figure 4: VP-720xl Presentation Switcher / Scaler Rear Pan el 2 1 Item 10, which appears in T.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Your Presentation Switcher / Scaler 8 VGA Figure 5: VP-723xl Presentation Switcher / Scaler Front Pan el 1 Figure 6: VP-723xl Presentation Switcher / Scaler Rear Pan.
Your Presentation Switcher / Scaler 9 Figure 7: VP-724xl Presentation Switcher / Scaler Front Pan el Figure 8: VP-724xl Presentation Switcher / Scaler Rear Pan el.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Your Presentation Switcher / Scaler 10 Table 1: Front Panel Presentation Switcher / Scaler Features # Fe atu re Fu nct ion 1 PO WER Sw itc h I ll umi nat ed swi tch .
Your Presentation Switcher / Scaler 11 Table 2: Rear Panel Presentation Switcher / Scaler Features # Fe atu re Fu nct ion 1 V ID EO OUT 1 HD 15 Con nec tor Co nne cts to th e v ide o a cce pto r ( for.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Installing on a Rack 12 5 Installing on a Rack Th is se ct ion de scr ibe s w hat t o do be f ore in sta lli ng t he Pre s en tat ion Sw itc h er / S ca le r on a r ack (s ee sec ti on 5. 1) an d how t o in st all on a rack ( se e s ect ion 5 .
Connecting your Presentation Switcher / Scaler 13 6 Connecting y our Presentation Switcher / Scaler To connect the VP-72 4xl for exa mple 1 (see Figure 9), do the following 2 : 1.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Connecting your Presentation Switcher / Scaler 14 4. C onn ect th e L I NE A UDIO OUT te rm inal blo ck conn ector to one of th e au dio ac ceptors , for e xam ple, sp eak ers ( not ill ustrat ed in Fig ure 9) 5. C onn ect th e S PKR OUT termin al bl ock to a p ai r of loud spe akers.
Connecting your Presentation Switcher / Scaler 15 6.1 Connecting a PC You can connect a P C (or other co ntroller) to the VP- 724xl via the RS-232 port for r emote control, and for upgrading the firmware.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Presentation Switcher / Scaler Buttons 16 7 Presentation S w itcher / Scaler Buttons The VP-7 24xl includes the follo wing front panel buttons: 8 I NP UT S EL EC TO R bu tt on s 1 , s e e se ct io n 7 . 1 A P IP b ut to n 2 , s ee s ec ti on 7 .
Presentation Switcher / Scaler Buttons 17 7.2 The PIP Button F eature The Picture-in-Picture i nserter ( PIP) is used to p resent video and graphic sources simultaneou sly.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Presentation Switcher / Scaler Buttons 18 Wh en sel ec ti ng on e PIP sou rc e, y ou r P res en tat ion Sw it ch er / S cal er au tom ati cal ly re cog niz es a nd d.
Presentation Switcher / Scaler Buttons 19 7.2.4 Toggling between the PIP and the Screen Source (SWAP) To toggle back and forth between the PI P Source and the main display, do the following: Pr ess th e SWA P k ey on th e i nf ra- red rem ot e c ont rol tr ansm it ter ( se e F ig ure 16 ).
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Presentation Switcher / Scaler Buttons 20 Au to( N T SC S y s te m ) PIP Sou rc e: V GA- 2 Figure 14: PIP Size – Split Screen Moving the Position of the PIP To move the positio n of the PIP, a s illustrated in Figure 15, use the OSD menu (Utility>>PIP Setting>>H-Po sition; V-Position).
Presentation Switcher / Scaler Buttons 21 7.3 Locking and Unloc king the Front Panel You can lock the front panel 1 to safeguard the settin gs on the VP-7 24xl .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Presentation Switcher / Scaler Buttons 22 Figure 16: Infra-Red Remote Control Transmitter.
Presentation Switcher / Scaler Buttons 23 Table 5: Infra-Red Remote Control Transmitter Functions Ke y s F un ct io n O UT Se lec ts t h e out put re sol ut io n F RE EZE Pa use s t he out put v id eo PO W ER Cy cle s p owe r I NP UT SEL ECTO R 1 8 s e pa rat e k ey s for se l ec tin g e ach of th e f ol lo w in g s our ces : A V1, AV 2, COM P.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 24 8 Configuring the VP-724xl v ia the OSD MENU Sc reens The OS D supe rim pos es a m enu o n the screen from whi c.
Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 25 8.1 Con tr olling t he Brightnes s and Contrast Figure 19 and T able 6 define the Brightne ss and Contrast scree n.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 26 8.2 Con tr olling t he Gamma a nd Color Figure 20 and T able 7 define the Ga mma and Color Screen.
Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 27 8.3 Sel ecting the Source Figure 21 illustrates the So urce scr een, displaying the acti ve source 1 (main screen). Scroll up and down to change the so urce (same as selec ting an INPUT with the re mote transmitter or via t he INPUT SELECTOR buttons).
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 28 8.4.1 Setting the Scale Features Figure 23 (for a graphic source), Figure 24 (for a video source ) and Table 8 define the Scale feat ure on the main Geometr y screen.
Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 29 Table 8: Geometry Scale Functions Bu tto n Fu nct ion As pec t Ra t io Set t he as pe ct r ati o a cco rd in g t o yo ur sp eci fic re qui rem ent .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 30 The zoo m ratio and the zoom po sition are illustrated by a small rectangle inside a transparent po p-up OSD Enl.
Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 31 Adjusting the Zoom Position You can adjust the zo om position via one or more of the follo wing methods: Us in g th e pr es et pos .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 32 8.5 Configuring v ia the Utility Screens Figure 31 sho ws the Utility menu, fro m which you can defi ne the machine settings.
Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 33 Table 10: Graphic Setting Utility Screen Features Bu tto n F un ct io n Ra nge D ef aul t Co lor Fo rma t S ele ct ing the c ol o r for mat le ts y ou sel ect RG B o r Y UV 1 co lor spa ce.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 34 8.5.3 Choosing the Audio Utility Se ttings From the Audio Setti ng Utility screen (see Figure 34), you can set the volume, treble, b ass, and choose bet ween stereo and mono.
Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 35 Table 13: PIP Setting Utility Screen Features Bu tto n Fu nct ion R an ge Def aul t PI P O n/O ff Ac tiv ate or de act iva te the PI P fe atu re PI P S our ce Se lec t th e PI P s ou rce , a s d es cr i be d i n s ect ion 7.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 36 8.5.6 Choosing the OSD Utility Settings Figure 37 and T able 15 define the OSD Se tting Utility scree n.
Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 37 8.5.7 Choosing the Output Utility Settings Figure 38 and T able 16 define the Outp ut Utility settings. Fr om the Output Setting Utility screen, you can set the Resolutio n, Refresh Rate, and a user definable output mode (see Figure 40 and Table 17) .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 38 The User Mode Setting Figure 40 and T able 17 define the User M ode Setting 1 .
Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 39 8.5.8 Choosing Factory Reset From the Factor y Reset Utility screen (see Fi gure 41), you ca n reset your VP-724 xl to its preset default setting: Figure 41: Factory Reset Utility Screen 8.5.9 Choosing Advanced Utility Settings Figure 42 and T able 18 define the Advanced Utility screen.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 40 Table 19 describes the User Define Me asure features. Table 19: User Define Measure Features Us er Mod e S ett i.
Configuring the VP-724xl via the OSD MENU Screens 41 Non-standard Resolution Figure 43: Non-standard Resolution in the Information Screen 8.6 Verifying Configu ration Details via the Information Scree.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Technical Specifications 42 9 Technical Spec ifications Table 20 includes the technical spec ifications: Table 20: Technical Specifications 1 of the Presentation Switchers / Scalers I NP UTS : 2 x CV 1 V pp /75 on RC A conn ect ors ; 2 x Y/ C ( s- Vi deo) 1 Vp p (Y) , 0 .
VP-724xl Communication Protocol 43 10 VP-724xl Commun ication Protocol Set and Get co mmand: Set Command: Y Con trol_Type F unction Para m C R Reply : Z Contro l_Type Funct.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY VP-724xl Communication Protocol 44 Co nt rol Ty pe Fun c tion Pa ra m (f or Set ) Fu nct ion De sc ri ptio n Co mm en t 0 1 4 N/ A Ar ea Rig ht Up 0 1 5 N/ A Ar ea L.
VP-724xl Communication Protocol 45 Co nt rol Ty pe Fun c tion Pa ra m (f or Set ) Fu nct ion De sc ri ptio n Co mm en t 1 : Set 2 : G et 11 0 ~12 7 Ga mma and Co lor : Us er2 Co lor Te mp Blu e 1 : Se.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY VP-724xl Communication Protocol 46 Co nt rol Ty pe Fun c tion Pa ra m (f or Set ) Fu nct ion De sc ri ptio n Co mm en t 1 : Set 2 : G et 35 0 ~12 Au dio Se tti ng: T.
VP-724xl Communication Protocol 47 Co nt rol Ty pe Fun c tion Pa ra m (f or Set ) Fu nct ion De sc ri ptio n Co mm en t 3 : Set 4 : G et 5 0~2 Gr ap hic s S ett ing : Co lor Fo rma t 0 : Def aul t 1 :.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY VP-724xl Communication Protocol 48 Co nt rol Ty pe Fun c tion Pa ra m (f or Set ) Fu nct ion De sc ri ptio n Com men t 3 : Set 4 : G et 21 0 ~17 Ou tpu t R eso lut i.
49 LIMITED WARRANTY Kramer Electronics (hereafter Kramer ) warrants this prod uct free fr om defects in material and wor kmanship under the following terms. HOW LONG IS THE WARRANTY Labor and parts are warranted for seven years f rom the date of the first customer purchase.
Kramer Electron ics, Ltd. Web site: m E-mail: P/N: 2900–000034 REV 2 For the latest in formation on ou r products and a list o f Kramer distributors, visi t our Web site: www.kra merelectr, where updates to this user manua l may be found .
デバイスKramer Electronics VP-724xlの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Kramer Electronics VP-724xlをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKramer Electronics VP-724xlの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Kramer Electronics VP-724xlの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Kramer Electronics VP-724xlで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Kramer Electronics VP-724xlを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKramer Electronics VP-724xlの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Kramer Electronics VP-724xlに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKramer Electronics VP-724xlデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。