KyoceraメーカーTNT VMS200の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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82-K8214-2EN. book Page i Thursday, June 5, 2008 6:39 PM.
ii TNT! U ser Guide This manual is based on the production version of the Kyocera TNT! phone. Software changes may have occurred after this printing. Kyocera reserves the right to make changes in technical and product specifications without prior notice.
User Guide iii These limits are part of comprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy for t he general population. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies.
iv The Health Industry Manufacturers Association and the wireless technology research community recommend that you follow these guidelines to minimize the potential for interference. • Always keep the phone at least six inches (15 centimeters) away from your pacemaker when the phone is turned on.
User Guide v Acce sso ries Use only Kyocera-approved accessories with Kyocera phones. Use of any unauthorized accessories may be dangerous and will invalidate the phone warranty if said accessories cause damage or a defect to the phone. Radio Fr equ ency (RF) e nergy Your telephone is a radio transmitter and receiver.
vi To determine the level of compatibility between your hearing aid and this Virgin Mobile HAC- certified phone, combine the M rating of your hearing aid and the M rating of this phone. For example, if you pair an M3 hearing aid with an M4 phone, you will achieve a combined rating of 7.
Phon e Use r Guide vii T ABLE OF C ONTENT S 1 Gettin g Start ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Phone ba ttery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Purcha sing accessorie s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Find ing your ph one’s seri al number .
viii 12 Settin gs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Menu op tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Sounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User Guide 1 1G ETTING S T ARTED Phone battery Installing t he battery T o instal l t he battery : 1. Wi th th e b ac k of the phon e fac ing you, loc ate the n ot ch ne ar t he botto m of t he ph one. 2. With y our thumbnai l in the notch, lif t up on the back cov er t o re mo ve it .
2 Ph one b att e ry Battery care General safety guidelines • Do not d is assem ble or op en t he ba tte ry . • Do not crus h, bend , defor m, punctu re, o r shre d th e ba tte ry . • Do not attempt to insert for eign objects into the battery . • Do no t immerse the ba ttery or expose it to wat er or o ther l iquids.
User Guide 3 Purc hasing acc essorie s T o pur cha se a cc essor ies fo r yo ur new ph one, suc h as a hands -free headse t, ca rryin g cas e, or car p owe r a dap te r , pl ease visit www .vir ginmobileus Finding your phone’ s seri al number T o ac tivat e you r Virg in Mo bi le ac coun t, you nee d you r ph one' s ser ial nu mbe r .
4 Phon e overvie w Phone over view Getting to know your ph one The fo llowing il lustration shows th e phone i n open po sition. 1. Earp iec e sp eake r . 2. Ma in sc reen . 3. Navigation key s croll s throu gh lists and text ent ry fie lds and access es sh ortcuts from t h e main scre en.
User Guide 5 The fol lowing il lustr ation sh ows the pho ne in clos ed positi on. With the phon e closed , the keys are locke d to pr even t acc ident al ke y pre sses . 1. Jack for hands- free hea dset only (s old s eparate ly). 2. Vo l u m e key t o raise or lo wer sp eake r volu me.
6 Phon e overvie w Screen ico ns Thes e ico ns m ay ap pear on you r phon e’ s sc reen : The ph one is opera ting in IS95 digital mo de. The ph one is opera ting in 1X d igital mode. The ph one is rece iving a s ignal. Y ou can mak e and rece ive ca lls.
User Guide 7 Main me nu The c ontents of the m ain men u are as foll ows: My Stu ff My rington es My gr ap hics My game s My themes My Ac co unt Acces ses your V irgin Mobl e accou nt Settin gs Displa.
8 Basic navig ation Basic navigation Use thes e key s to acces s t he basi c funct ion s on your phone : • Left opt ion but ton : Select i tems that ap pear on the lower left o f the d isplay . At the ma in scr een, you c an sele ct Menu . • Ri ght opti on butto n : Se lect i tems th at appe ar on the lower right of the display .
User Guide 9 2B ASIC F UNCT IONS Thi s sectio n expla ins bas ic funct ionality of y our phon e. Fo r mo re d eta iled ex pla na tions of you r phone ’ s feature s, refer to the lat e r chap ters. Powering up T o turn on your phone, p ress th e End ke y and wai t until t h e ph one di splay li ghts up.
10 Endin g phon e cal ls Answer using ear piece Pre ss the Se nd k ey or any ke y wit h Any K ey Answ er ena ble d. Fo r mo re info rm ati on , see “Any key an swer” on page 43. Answer using sp eakerphone Pre ss the Sp eake rphone key . Answer using f lip Y ou ca n set the phon e to answ er immedi ately when you op en the f lip.
User Guide 11 3C ALL F EA TURES This chapter desc ribes call fe atures such a s vol u me, hol ding ca lls, s peed di aling, and o ther fea tures . V olume control Y ou have seve ral way s to c ontrol the volu me of your phone . Adjust volum e during a call T o adjust th e earp iece volu me during a ca ll, pre ss th e Vo l u m e ke y up or d own .
12 Emergen cy servi ces Send a call t o voicemail T o immediate ly send a call to voi cemail withou t ans wering it, selec t Ign ore . Note: Make certai n that Open to an swer is Dis abled, o r els e opening the fli p wil l answe r the call . See “O pen to answ er” o n pa ge 43.
User Guide 13 4T EXT E NTRY Y ou ca n enter letters, numbers, and symbols in cont acts, te xt mes sages , and y our banne r . T e xt e ntr y m od e s The c urrent t e xt e ntry m ode (and c apitaliz ation sett ing, wh en appl icabl e) ar e indic ated by icons.
14 Text e ntry mode s 2. If th e word doesn ’t match wh at you wan t, pre ss the 0 Nex t ke y to chec k ot her word m atches. 3. When you see the word y ou want, p ress th e Sp ace # key . Enter symbols Whil e ent ering text in no rmal alph a mo de, you can e nter sym bol s by pr essi ng t he 1 key unti l you see t he sy mbo l y ou wan t.
User Guide 15 T ext entry quick re ference Thi s table gives instr uctions fo r en tering l etters , nu mbers, an d symbols . T o.. Do t his.. . En ter a lett er Use no rmal alph a mode a nd press a key until you see the letter you want. For more opt ions, see “T ext en try modes” on page 1 3.
16 Ca ll li s t s 5R ECENT C ALLS Call l ists Det ails o n the calls you mad e, r eceiv ed, or missed are store d in th e Recen t Call s lis t and ar e ide ntified b y the f ollowin g ico ns: V iew recent calls 1. Sel ect Menu > Recent Calls and on e of the follo wing: – Missed call s di splays ca lls rece ived, but not answ ered .
User Guide 17 6M ESSAGING Thi s cha pter de scrib es h ow to se nd, recei ve, an d era se messa ges fr om yo ur pho ne. Fo r inform atio n on vo icema il messag es, se e “Voicem ai l” on page 11 . Note: T he featur es an d me nu s desc rib ed in t his cha pter ma y vary de pendin g on servi ces ava ilable in yo ur a rea.
18 Era se mess ages ico n fl a she s if th e me ssa ge is urge nt . U rgen t me ssag es ar e a lso m ar ked in th e I nbox . Message n otific ations If y ou see a messa ge noti ficati on, sele ct Inbox to vie w me ss ages . S cro ll to a me ss age a nd se lect Vie w to op en it.
User Guide 19 Wor king with mes sages Thi s sectio n provide s some tip s abou t messagi ng with yo ur pho ne . Unable to send messages Y ou may not be able to send or rec eive me ssage s if yo ur phone’ s memory is n early fu ll, or i f digi tal ser vice i s not av ai lable at the time.
20 Messag e settings Mes sage setti ngs Messa ge set tings hel p config ure your phone’ s text me ssag e set tin gs. T ext message alert Cho ose yo ur al ert s for vo icem ail, p ages , or m ess ages. 1. Sel ect Menu > Messaging > Msg sett ings > TXT t one .
User Guide 21 Auto-erase Y ou ca n set your p hone to er ase messag e aut omatica lly when me mory is needed for i ncoming m essa ges. Sel ect Menu > Messaging > M sg se ttin gs > Auto-e rase and one of the followin g: • Dis able d eras es no mes sages.
22 Viewi ng Cont acts li st 7C ONTACT S Use your p hone’ s Co ntac ts list to s tore info rmation a bout a pe rson o r company . Each con ta ct entr y can ha ve up to si x phon e number s, two e mail addr esse s, t wo Web ad dres ses , two st reet addr esses , and a sp ace for notes.
User Guide 23 Add c ode or extensio n When you save th e phone n umber of an automa ted ser vice, you may i nclude a pause to stop dialin g, wher e you c an wait to di al an exte nsion.
24 Working with contacts – Primary numb er makes th is number the pri mar y num ber fo r the cont act . – Add t o gro up adds the number to t he busi nes s, pe rson al, or c usto m grou p. Contact email ad dress T o wo rk o n the ema il addr ess of an e xist ing co ntac t: 1.
User Guide 25 – Secret / Not se cret makes th e no te se cret , hid ing it from t he scre en until you en ter t he lock code . Assign ringtone T o ass ig n a ri ngtone to a cont act: 1. Sel ect Menu > Contact s > Find n am e . 2. At t he Con tacts list, s elect a cont act.
26 Searching contac ts Custo mize groups 1. Sel ect Menu > Contact s > Groups . 2. At the G ro ups lis t, selec t a gr oup. 3. Sel ect Opti ons an d one of the fo llowing: – Ringtone assign s a r ingtone to th e gro up . – TXT t one assi gns a te xt to ne to th e gro up .
User Guide 27 8V IRG IN XL Acce ssing V irginXL Wi th Virg in XL, y ou c an ac ce ss m usi c, ent ertain ment, and info rmation ser vices from your p hone. Download r ingto nes, wallp aper s, scre e n save rs, an d mo re. C he ck Virgi n Mo bil e’ s W eb sit e at www .
28 Checki ng your accoun t bal ance 9M Y A CCOUNT Y ou can man age y our Virg in Mo bile acco unt dir ectly from y our ph on e. Th e basic task s are summarize d in th is cha pter . F or more in formati on about your accou nt, go to www .vir ginmobileus a.
User Guide 29 4. Scro l l do wn to se le ct Lo gin and p re ss th e OK key . 5. Scr oll down a nd select Credit Card or PayPal . 6. Ent er the amou nt yo u want t o add and pr ess th e OK ke y . Y ou c an T op-U p i n am ount s of $10, $20, $ 30, $ 50, or $9 0.
30 My r ingt ones 10 M Y ST UFF Note: I f you don’t ha ve en ough m one y in y our acc ount, yo u need to T op-Up be fore downloading . My ringtones The My ri ngtone s f old er s tor es your pr eloa ded and do wn load ed ring tone s. Y ou can do wnlo ad ri ngto nes t o your ph one fro m the V irgi n M obi le W eb sit e at www .
User Guide 31 11 T OOLS Y ou r phon e comes wit h to ols an d g ames. Some of t he games or tools des cri bed he re may not be ava ilable on your ph one. If yo u recei ve an inco mi ng ca ll wh il e you ar e pla yin g a gam e, the gam e is paus ed and exit ed.
32 Calendar – Scroll up or down to chang e hour , minu te an d AM/P M. Pre ss the OK key to save the time and mo ve to t he next field. 6. At t he Duratio n field, mo dify t he duration of e vent, if need ed. Press OK to ch ange the duratio n. – Scroll left or right to move be tween the hour and minute fi eld s.
User Guide 33 – Sel ect Opti ons > Sor t by tim e to sort even ts by tim e. – Sel ect Opti ons > Sort by type to so rt even ts by type . – Sel ect Option s > Sort by priority to sort events by pri ority . – Sel ect Opti ons > Er ase a ll ev ents to del ete all e vents.
34 Tip calcu l ator Set th e quick alarm 1. Sel ect Menu > To o l s > Alarm clock . 2. High lig ht th e qui ck alarm and s ele ct Se t . 3. At t he T ime field , select a time option.
User Guide 35 Ti m e r The Ti m er co unts dow n for th e spec ifie d tim e, and be ep s whe n tha t amou nt of tim e has ela psed . 1. Sel ect Menu > To o l s > Ti m e r > Set . 2. At t he Set T imer , enter the ti m e le ngth. – Scroll left or right to move be tween the hour s, m inute s and secon ds field s.
36 Men u option s 12 S ETTINGS Menu options The conten ts of the Set tings menu are a s foll ows: Display Graphic s Menu style Them es Greeti ng banne r La ng ua ge Back light Aut o-hyphen T ime/ Date.
User Guide 37 Dis play Graphics Y ou ca n se lect a wallp aper fo r yo ur pho ne’ s main scr een, a scr eensa ver w hich a ppea rs aft er 10 sec onds of no ke ypre sses, a nd call er IDs for yo ur cont act s.
38 So unds Set backli ght durat ion Y ou can set the lengt h of time that br ight bac klightin g rema ins o n. Selec t Menu > Sett in gs > Displ ay > Ba cklight > Durat ion and one o f the following : • Dis able d turns backlig hting off.
User Guide 39 Ringt ones Y ou can ch ange t he ring to ne for yo ur phon e. Y ou can also assig n ringt ones for dif ferent t asks. Y our ph one ha s mu ltipl e ring tone s you can choos e to us e for all inco ming call s, inc oming bus iness call s, an d inc oming perso nal c alls.
40 Conv enience Fast find With Fast Find enab led, you c an p ress one or two key s to vi ew clos e mat ches of the numbe r you are loo king for . 1. Fro m t he m ain sc re en, p re ss the k ey s corre sponding to the letters of the name y ou wan t to f ind.
User Guide 41 Chang e the hold m essage 1. Sel ect Menu > Set tin gs > Convenie nce > Ho ld c all > Re- record m sg . 2. Reco rd t he m ess age twic e, as promp ted . 3. Sel ect Sa ve to s ave t he me ssag e o r O ption s and o ne of th e fol lowing.
42 Call options Digit le ng ths Use th e digi t lengths to dete rmine whethe r to l imit your dia led numbe rs to N orth A mer ica n num ber s or a ny n umbers .
User Guide 43 Open to an sw er Thi s feat ure ena bles you to an swer a ca ll by openi ng th e flip. S elect Menu > Sett ings > Call o ptions > Open t o an swe r > Enabled . Any key answer By default, the phone i s set to mute the ringt one when you pres s any key .
44 Messa ging Y ou can view th ese nu mb ers o nly wh en ente rin g the m fo r the fir st time. T o make a ca ll t o an em erge ncy n umber fr om a lock ed ph one, y ou m ust dial the nu mb er (i ncludi ng ar ea code ) ex actly as it was s to red i n Eme rge ncy Nu mb ers.
User Guide 45 Thi s feat ure w orks o nly wh en your phone is in digi tal mo de . Y o u do ha ve th e opt ion o f turni ng o ff the l oc ato r to em er genc y s erv ices . Sel ect Menu > Set tin gs > Network > Locat ion and o ne of th e fol lowing.
46 Ph one in for mat io n Hearing aid Ena ble y our ph one t o op erate with a T -coil Hea ring Ai d dev ic e. Selec t Menu > Se ttin gs > Accessories > Hea ring aid > OK > Enab led . Note: E nab le Hea ring Aid only whe n using your phon e wit h a T - coil H eari ng Aid de vice.
User Guide 47 13 V OICE C OMMANDS Y ou can call a c onta ct, d ial a ph on e numb er , acc ess menus, or fin d conta ct info rmation fr om your v oice dial lis t using voice c ommands. Note: Y ou cannot us e v oice reco gnition to end a ca ll; you must p ress the En d key when the fl ip is op en.
48 Voice comm ands 3. Say “ Con tact ” and t he na me of t he per son you w ant to call . The phone pr ompts, “P leas e repe at” or “S ay a nam e” if it doe s n ot rec ogn iz e the na me .
User Guide 49 14 G ET TING H ELP Customer Support T o contact Virg in Mobile’ s custom er support depa rtme nt fo r info rma tion a bou t you r pho ne, acco un t his tor y , call cove r age ar ea, and sp ec ific f eatur es av ailab le to you, such as c all fo rwar ding or voi cemail: • Go to www .
50 Prod uct evalu ation 15 C ONSUME R L IM IT ED W A RRANTY Kyoc era W irel ess Corp . (“K YO CERA” ) of fer s you a limite d warra nty t hat the enclose d produc t or prod ucts (the “Pro duct .
52 I NDEX Numerics 1-touch dialing , 41 A accesso r i es headsets , 45 settings , 45 T-coil h earing aid , 4 6 TTY de vice , 45 accesso r y , v, 3, 49 activatio n of phone , 3 adding contac ts , 22 ex.
Phon e Use r Guide 53 disp lay backli ghting , 37 ban ner , 37 brig htne ss , 3 8 color themes , 37 la ngua ge , 37 main m enu , 3 7 settings , 37 time/date format , 3 8 display results , 41 dow nlo ad , 30 drafts fo lder , 19 E earpiece , 10 volume , 38 editin g contacts , 2 3 electronic serial n umber (ESN).
54 multimedia messages au to r etr ie ve , 20 My Accoun t , 28 my graphics , 3 0 my ringt ones , 3 0 N navig ati on key , 8 net wor k location i nformation , 44 network settin gs , 44 notes, contacts .
Phon e Use r Guide 55 speed dialin g , 11 stopwatch , 35 symbo ls , 1 4 T T-coil h earing aid , 4 6 teletype , 45 text en try , 1 3 capital ization , 14 changi ng modes , 1 4 current mode , 1 3 de fau.
Kyoce ra Wire less Corp . www.kyocer a-wire les 82-K8 214 -1E N, Rev . 001 82-K8214-1EN. book Pag e 56 T uesday, May 27, 2008 5:36 P M.
デバイスKyocera TNT VMS200の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Kyocera TNT VMS200をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKyocera TNT VMS200の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Kyocera TNT VMS200の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Kyocera TNT VMS200で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Kyocera TNT VMS200を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKyocera TNT VMS200の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Kyocera TNT VMS200に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKyocera TNT VMS200デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。