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Call- UPS II AP9208 AP9608.
Thank Y ou ! Thank you for se lect ing this A m erican P ow e r Co n versi on Ca l l-UPS II remote c o n tr ol ac c esso r y . Wh ether you ha ve the SmartS lot or exte r nal ver si on, your Ca ll-UPS.
i Contents 1 Intr oduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Har dwar e Requir ements 1 2 Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.1 The Call-UPS II Panel 2 2.2 Management Port 2 2.3 UPS Monitoring Port [External V ersion] 2 2.
ii 4.4 UPS Characteristics 22 With Smart-UPS and Matrix-UPS 22 With Symmetra Power Array 25 4.5 Data/Event Logging 27 4.6 Call-UPS Settings 29 4.7 Paging Setup 32 4.8 Measur e-UPS Info 36 5 Problem Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 5.
1 1 Introduction 1.1 Over view American Power Conversion’ s Call- UPS II is a remote UPS management device that allows you to monitor and control your APC UPS by modem. It provides the following features: • Remote UPS status display • Remote UPS control (e.
2 2 Product Description 2.1 The Call-UPS II Panel The SmartSlot Call-UPS II panel contains the management port and the status indicator . See the figure below .
3 2.4 UPS Cable [External V ersion] Use this cable to connect Call- UPS II to an APC Smart- UPS , Matrix- UPS , Symmetra Power Array or other APC smart device (Share- UPS or T riple Chassis, for example). 2.5 Power Port [External V ersion] The external version of Call- UPS II has a power port for an optional power adapter .
4 2.6 Status Indicator The status indicator shows the following conditions. ST A TU S LED I N DI C AT I ON Off Call-UP S II is o ff. On C o n tin u ously Call-UP S II is o n with no u s er lo g g ed in . Si n g l e s hort flas h es Use r i s l ogged i n or lo g g i ng in .
5 3 Installation and Setup 3.1 Handling Call- UPS II is sensitive to electrostatic discharge. It is shipped in a con- ductive bag to help dissipate damaging static charges. Leave the product in the bag until ready to install. Handle Call- UPS II by the end plate only .
6 4 Secure the Call- UPS II with the screws removed in step 2. 5 T urn on the UPS and the protected equipment. External V ersion It is not necessary to turn off the the UPS or its load before connecting or disconnecting the external Call- UPS II . When connected, Call- UPS II may cause the UPS to beep, or , if the UPS is powered of f, to power on.
7 3.5 Configur e Call-UPS II Call- UPS II requires on-site configuration before remote operation. Y ou will be able to change any of the settings later by the remote connection.
8 Note the top line, which displays the model number of the UPS that is currently connected . Site ID and Location are user configuration items. The display shows the factory defaults.
9 Any changes to Call- UPS II communication settings are held until the end of the session. Changes are made when Call- UPS II issues modem com- mands at that time. Connect to Modem Call- UPS II requires a modem for remote UPS control and paging. If a modem is used with Call- UPS II , some thought must be given to powering it.
10 SmartSlot Configuration External Configuration.
11 4 Operation 4- 1 Logging On to Call-UPS II For on-site logging on to Call- UPS II , see Section 3.5 . For remote logging on to Call- UP S II , connect via modem to the site of the UPS . After establishing communication, press CTRL + P . Call- UPS II prompts you for the password.
12 first item is “UPS Status and Diagnostics.” Refer to the appropriate sections and accompanying tables that follow . With Smart-UPS and Matrix-UPS T ype 1 , then ENTER at the Main menu to display the status of the con- nected UPS. Note: This example is fr om a Matrix- UPS 3000 .
13 U PS ST A T US ( S m ar t-UPS a n d M a t rix-UPS) It e m D e s cr ip tion Ut ili ty Li n e Uti l it y l ine i nput, in vol ts A C RM S. UPS Out pu t UP S output t o the l oa d, i n vol ts A C R M S . U PS Lo a d Con nec te d l oad as a p e r c ent age o f t h e ra te d c apa ci ty of t he UP S .
14 The following fault conditions display only when Call- UPS II is used with a Matrix- UPS and a fault condition exists. • Runtime Calibration • W aiting to Power Load • Smart Boost • Smart T.
15 The following table describes the items on the UPS Status and Diagnos- tics screen when Call- UPS II is used with a Symmetra Power Array . The table continues on the next page. With Symmetra Power Array T ype 1 , then ENTER at the Main menu to display the Status and Diagnos- tics screen of the connected Symmetra Power Array .
16 UP S S TA TUS A N D DI AGNO S TICS ( Sy mm etr a Power A r ra y , C on tin ue d ) It e m D e s cr ip tion Loa d A ssu min g No R edu nda nc y Conne c te d l oad a s a pe rc ent a ge of t he c a pac i ty of t he g ood bat t ery m odul e s , ass um ing a l l go od m odule s a re ava i l abl e for pow e r .
17 The System Status line at the bottom of the UPS Status and Diagnostics screen can display the following Symmetra status conditions: • Runtime Calibration • W aiting to Power Load • Smart Boos.
18 If the UPS is powered off during a status request, Call- UPS II responds with the message: UPS Powered OFF In addition to providing general status information, the UPS Status and Diagnostics screen serves as a menu for obtaining more detailed informa- tion on the Symmetra frames and external frames.
19 module serial number , in addition to raw status readings. Normally you will not need to go to these module status screens unless you need infor- mation for technical support. T o return to the Main Frame screen, press ESC . For External Battery Frame(s) Information, type 2 and press ENTER .
20 4.3 UPS Contr ol For remote control of the connected UPS , go to the Main menu and type 2 and press ENTER . Call- UPS II displays the Control menu. Select from the menu items to perform the following: U PS CON T RO L Co m m a n d De s c r ip tion Tur n UP S ON Re s t ores pow e r t o t he l oa d.
21 If the UPS is powered off when UPS Control is selected from the Main menu, Call- UPS II responds with an abbreviated control menu: T ype 1 to turn the UPS on, then press ESC to return to the Main menu or press ENTER to re-display the full UPS Control menu.
22 4.4 UPS Characteristics UPS characteristics are set at the factory for normal operation and usually do not need to be changed. However if a change is needed, select items from the UPS Characteristics menu. New settings may conflict with the operation of UPS monitoring software in use, so check the requirements of the system before changing them.
23 Y ou can choose a numbered item to change its current setting. T ype its corresponding number and press ENTER . Press SP ACEBAR when prompted to cycle through the settable values. Press ENTER to confirm any change and return to the UPS Characteristics menu.
24 U PS C HA R A C TE R I STI C S (Sm a rt- U PS and Ma tr ix U PS, Co n t. ) Setting D e s cr ip tion Se nsi tiv it y Sensit i vi ty of t he U PS t o pow e r li ne fl uc tua t ion. S e t thi s va lue a c cordi ng t o t he t ype and m a gnitude of e xpe ct e d fl uc tua t io n and t he s usce pt ibi l it y of t he l oad.
25 With Symmetra Power Array Call- UPS II connected to a Symmetra Power Array displays the following UPS Characteristics menu: ------------------------------ UPS CHARACTERISTICS --------------------------- UPS ID: UPS_IDEN 1- Output: 240 V 2- Output Freq Range: 60/.
26 U PS C H ARACTE R I STI C S (Sy m m e tra Po w e r Array ) Setting D escr ip tion Out pu t Output vol ta ge of th e U P S, i n volt s AC. Ou tp ut Fr e q Ra ng e O ut put fre quenc y ra nge of the U PS , in he rt z. Ou tpu t V olt ag e Re por ti ng ba s e Desire d out put vol t ag e s e tt i ng.
27 4.5 Data/Event Logging T o enable logging and to specify which data and events are included in logging, select 4 from the Main menu. Select items from the Data/Event Logging menu using the screen listing below . The following is a sample Call- UPS II UPS data log, with Data Format set to T ext: Jul-27 ’97 14:42:39 Line:117.
28 DA TA/E VE N T L O GGI N G It e m Defaul t D escr ip tion Po we r Eve nt s ON Ca l l-UP S II wil l log power e ve nt s , s uc h a s ut il i ty l i ne fa i lure a nd bat t e ry e xhauste d , w he n e nabl e d. E nte r 0 w he n prom pt e d to di s a bl e, 1 t o e nabl e .
29 The top section of the Call- UPS Setup menu displays the following Call- UPS II device information which will be needed in case technical support is required: • Model Number — the model number .
30 CA L L-U P S II SE TT I NGS Setting De fa ul t D e s cr ip tion S et Da t e – Curre nt dat e in m m / dd/ yy forma t . S et Ti m e – Curre nt t i me i n hh: m m: s s forma t . Ca l l -U P S II uses 24-hour form a t. Se t Pa s sw o rd AP C F rom 0 t o 8 al pha num e ric c hara c te rs .
31 CA L L-U P S II S E T T I NGS (C on ti nu ed ) Setting De fa ul t D e s cr ip tion Ans we r Ri n g 0 Numbe r of ri ngs be fore t he Ca l l-UP S II m ode m a ns wers a c a ll . After ea c h com m unic a t i on s e s s i on, t he m ode m S O re gi s t er is s e t t o t his val ue .
32 The initial A T comes from Call-U PS II . Do not include it in the Dial String. In this example, the Dial String is DT9,5551212@ . DT instructs the modem to dial in tone mode. The 9 and comma are only needed when Call- UPS II is used with a phone system that requires dialing 9 for an out- side line.
33 ----------------------- PAGING SETUP ------------------------ 1- Paging: ON 2- Dial String 1: DT9,5551212@ 3- Dial String 2: DT9,5551212@ 4- Repeat 1: 1 8- Site ID: 12345678 5- Repeat 2: 1 9- Space.
34 The remaining fields in the Paging Setup menu define the events that trigger a page, the pager(s) that will be paged when the event occurs, and the code that will be displayed on the pager . Each event type can be set so that either, both, or neither of the pagers will be paged for that event.
35 will page the first pager but not the second, and that the first pager will show a “5” after the Site ID when it receives the page. Note : The default code numbers defined by the Paging Setup menu varies widely accor ding to the type of UPS .
36 ------------------- MEASURE-UPS STATUS ------------------ PROBE 1 PROBE 2 TEMP Celsius): 26.67 Low Limit: 1 - 18.10 5- High Limit: 2 - 23.97 6- HUMIDITY (%RH): 036.
37 Press ENTER at the > prompt on the Measure- UPS screen to display fresh readings. ME AS U RE - UP S I N F O It e m D e s cr ip tion TE M P Curre n t am bi ent t empera t ure of e a ch a t t a che d probe , i n de gre es Cel s i us . Lo Li mi t (Te mp ) S e t ti ng for t he low t em pe rat ure M e a s ure -U PS a la rm .
5 Problem Resolution 5.1 T r oubleshooting Char t T R OU BL E SHO OT ING Prob le m Po ssib le Cause So lu tion Pow e r li ght fla s he s ra pi dly when uni t i s fi rs t t urned on. Int e rnal probl em w i th Ca ll -U P S II. Di s c onnec t Cal l -U PS II from t he U P S mom e nta ri l y , t hen re c onnec t .
39 The troubleshooting chart covers many of the problems that might arise with Call- UPS II . If you have a problem with Call- UPS II , refer to this chart first.
40 M A NA GE M E NT P O R T P I NO U T Pin Fu nc tion 1 Unus e d 2 Re c ei ve dat a inpu t e 3 T ra ns m it da ta out put 4 RS-232 high 5 Ground 6 Unus e d 7 Re que s t to send out p ut 8 Cl e ar t o s e nd i nput 9 Unus e d 6 Specifications 6.1 Management Port The management port is a standard 9-pin RS-232 serial communications port.
41 6.2 Pr oduct Specifications El ect r i c al Curre nt Draw (Norma l O pe rat i on): E xt erna l 45 m A dc t ypic a l Ph y sic a l S i z e (H × W × D): E xt erna l 1.33 × 4.25 × 4.5 in . (3.4 × 10.8 × 1 1.4 c m) S S 1. 5 × 4. 0 × 4.0 in. (3.8 × 10.
42 Appendix: Multiple Smar tSlot Installation If your UPS configuration uses more than one SmartSlot device, you must install them in the correct order for them to work together properly . A SmartSlot device with higher priority is to be placed in the SmartSlot labeled with the higher number .
43 Symmetra Power Array For installation of multiple SmartSlot devices in the Symmetra Power Array , refer to the numbering in the figure that follows. Note that the PowerNet SNMP Adapter is installed in slot #4, Call- UPS II in #3, no device in #2, and Measure-UPS in #1.
Limited W arranty American Power Conversion (APC) warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase. Its obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing, at its own sole option, any such defective products.
990-0122B Rev . 3 12/97 Addr esses: American Po wer Con version Corporation 132 Fai rg r ounds R oad P . O . Bo x 278 W est Kingston, Rhode Island 02892 USA American Po wer Con version Corporation ( A . P. C . ) b . v. Ballybritt Business Park Ga lway Ireland www .
デバイスAPC AP9608の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
APC AP9608をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAPC AP9608の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。APC AP9608の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。APC AP9608で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
APC AP9608を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAPC AP9608の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、APC AP9608に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAPC AP9608デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。