Learning ResourcesメーカーLER 1902の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Explore the human heart through hands-on investigation! Made of durable S o ft F oam! LER 1902.
T he human heart is one of the most important parts of the body . It is responsible for moving blood and other nutrients throughout the entire body . The Cross-Section Heart Model is a great hands-on way to introduce and discuss the functions and parts of a heart.
A. Superior V ena Cava – A large vein that carries oxygen poor blood into the heart from the upper body and into the right atrium. B. Right Atrium – Blood from the vena cava enters into the right atrium and is then sent to the right ventricle.
Blood Flow through the Heart 1. It begins by bringing oxygen-rich blood from the lungs into the left atrium. 2. Then the blood moves through the mitral valve and into the left ventricle. 3. From the left ventricle it moves through the aortic valve. 4.
5 Interesting Heart F acts • The heart is constantly beating and does not stop. The heart beats approximately 100,000 times a day and about 35 million times a year! • The body has about six quarts (5.6 L) of blood in it that the heart circulates through the body about three times every minute.
Keeping your Heart Healthy There are many different things that you can do to keep your heart healthy and strong. Developing and maintaining healthy life style habits are the key to lowering your risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and other heart related problems.
7 • Cigarettes can cause your blood pressure to become higher , also making your heart work harder . • A smoker’ s blood may contain up to 15 percent less oxygen causing the heart to work harder to get enough oxygen to the rest of your body . Suggested Activities • Allow students to hold the model.
Look for these related items from Learning Resources ® : LER 1900 Cross Section Animal Cell LER 1901 Cross Section Plant Cell LER 1903 Cross Section Brain Model © Learning Resources, Inc., V ernon Hills, IL (U.S.A.) Learning Resources Ltd., Kingʼs L ynn, Norfolk (U.
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