APCメーカーMW IIの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Inst allation Symmetra ® MW II 1200 kW 400 V X022 X021 X007 X010 X011 X008B X008A X012 X013 X014A X014B X017 X405 ~ ~ Normal UPS Summary Normal.
Contents Symmetra MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400 /230 V Inst allation - 990-197 9E-001 i Safe ty .... ........ ..... ........ ...... ..... ........ ..... ........ ...... ..... .. 1 IMPORTAN T SAFETY IN STRUCTI ONS - SAVE THES E INSTRUCTI ONS . . . . . . . . . .
ii Symmetra MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400 /230 V Inst allation - 990-197 9E-001 Specifica tions .......... ...... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ...... 17 Low-Imped ance/H igh-Impedan ce Earthi ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Electri cal Speci fication s .
1 Symmetr a MW II 1200 k W 3 x 400/2 30 V Installa tion - 990-19 79E-001 Safety IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS - SA VE THESE INSTRUCTIONS This guide con tains import ant instruct ions for SYMF1200KH tha t should be followed when hand ling the UPS , Ext ernal Bypa ss Stat ic Sw itch, Batt ery En clo sures , and Batt erie s.
Symmetr a MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400 /230 V Insta llation - 990-1 979E-001 2 W arning: Do not use high voltag e testing equipment as it will dest roy th e electr onic circui ts in t he un its. Caution: The sy stem is equi pped with an opt ional auto -start f unction ena bling the s ystem to start without an y warning when power is appli ed.
3 Symmetr a MW II 1200 k W 3 x 400/2 30 V Installa tion - 990-19 79E-001 System Overview UPS Sections The UPS syst em consist s of two 600 k W Inverter Sect ions, a Cont rol/In put/Output Section and a n External Bypass S tatic Switch Secti on.
Symmetr a MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400 /230 V Insta llation - 990-1 979E-001 4 External By p ass St atic Switch The Exter nal Bypass S tatic Switch ( External Bypass SSW) tr ansfers the load ( manually or auto maticall y) from the UPS to an alt ernate s ource wi thout in terrupt ing the sup ply to the load.
5 Symmetr a MW II 1200 k W 3 x 400/2 30 V Installa tion - 990-19 79E-001 Electrical Inst allation T ypical UPS Wiring Principle Power wiring over view See separ ate guide on parall el opera tion for wir ing overvi ew in paral lel sys tems.
Symmetr a MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400 /230 V Insta llation - 990-1 979E-001 6 External discon nection switches W arning: The UPS has no built -in disconne ct devices to swi tch off ext ernal AC (Q1 and Q5) and DC (Q7 and Q8) input power . Ensur e that t he disconnect devices ar e available as separa te compone nts for thi s instal lation.
7 Symmetr a MW II 1200 k W 3 x 400/2 30 V Installa tion - 990-19 79E-001 AC and PE cable connec tions Note: No drill ing or cut ting should take plac e over the top of the UPS.
Symmetr a MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400 /230 V Insta llation - 990-1 979E-001 8 1. W ith t he top cov ers re moved, dril l hole s for AC, PE and Battery grommets i n areas shown. 2. Re-fit the covers and install the grommets . 3. Feed AC and PE ca bles thr ough grommets in the Cont rol/Input/ Output Sect ion.
9 Symmetr a MW II 1200 k W 3 x 400/2 30 V Installa tion - 990-19 79E-001 1. Feed the ba ttery ca bles thr ough the gr ommets. 2. Connect bat tery cab les to Bat 1+ and Bat 1 -. 3. Connect bat tery cab les to Bat 2+ and Bat 2 -. Note: The batter y cables c an be conne cted on ei ther side of the bus bar .
Symmetr a MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400 /230 V Insta llation - 990-1 979E-001 10 External By p ass St atic Switch Wiring W arning: Befor e you sta rt the instal lation, v erify tha t all AC and DC power sour ce breake rs a re in the o pe n pos itio n. W arning: Use only manu al re set pr otection as input ov er -curr ent pr otec tion.
11 Symmetra MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400/230 V Installation - 990-1979 E-001 T op cab le entry 1. Loosen the 8 bolts t o remove top c over . Note: No drill ing or cut ting should take plac e over the top of the UPS. 2. Drill holes for grommet s. 3. Re-fit t he covers and insta ll the grommets .
Symmetr a MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400 /230 V Insta llation - 990-1 979E-001 12 Communication c able overvie w Connection p lane 0P 0957 X131 X130 External EPO placed on wall X133 A 2 1 X185 UPS EMO (Di sp l.
13 Symmetra MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400/230 V Installation - 990-1979 E-001 Relay Boards Location o f relay bo ards Commun ication cables with optional Relay Boa rd ~ ~ UPS Su mmary Normal Relay boards Fan .
Symmetr a MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400 /230 V Insta llation - 990-1 979E-001 14 Relay board 1 c onnections Relay Function Mode Special Comments Output 1 Common alarm Fail safe Output 2 Norm al operatio n Act.
15 Symmetra MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400/230 V Installation - 990-1979 E-001 Relay board 2 c onnections Input 7 Reserv ed for future use Input 8 Reserv ed for future use Relay Functi on Mode Special Comments.
Symmetr a MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400 /230 V Insta llation - 990-1 979E-001 16.
17 Symmetra MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400/230 V Installation - 990-1979 E-001 S pecifications Low-Impe dance/High-Impe dance Earthing The Symmetra ® MW i s easily integrated into eit her a soli d grounded system, or a high-imped ance grounded sys tem.
Symmetr a MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400 /230 V Insta llation - 990-1 979E-001 18 AC Input DC Input Caution: Ove r-c urrent prot ection f or the bat tery circui t is re quired by c ode. The mini mum DC voltage rating of the batt ery suppl y over -curre nt protec tion devi ce is 500 V .
19 Symmetra MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400/230 V Installation - 990-1979 E-001 AC Output AC Input External Bypass SSW The Exter nal Bypass S SW is designe d to accommodate a continuo us overloa d of 25%. Heat dissip ation 37.1 kW / 126.7 kBTU/hr (not e 6). Notes 1.
Symmetr a MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400 /230 V Insta llation - 990-1 979E-001 20 T orque sp ecifications Requir ed Breaker Sett ings (400 V Systems ) Note: Contact APC Appl ication T eam for Req uired Brea ker Settings in 380 V and 415 V syste ms.
21 Symmetra MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400/230 V Installation - 990-1979 E-001 Output and d ownstream bre akers In the a bsence of a proper br eaker coordi nation st udy and if only the a ctual Ip on the unit .
Symmetr a MW II 1200 kW 3 x 400 /230 V Insta llation - 990-1 979E-001 22 Note: The instan taneous t rip sett ing must not be derated e ven though t he UPS syste m is derate d in syst em output powe r . The system si ze has no i nfluence on t he instan taneous t rip settin g.
23 Symmet ra MW II 120 0 kW 3 × 4 00/230 V Ins tallation - 99 0-1979E-001 Appendix System and Prot ective Earthing The purpos e of this appendix i s to desc ribe the system- and pro tective earthing principl es of the Symmetra ® MW . Caution: All wiring to be in acc ordance wit h applicabl e nationa l and/or l ocal ele ctrical wiring r ules.
Symmetr a MW II 1 200 kW 3 × 400/230 V In stallation - 9 90-1979E-00 1 24 If ther e are other ef fective eart h connect ions, the pr otectiv e conductors must be conne cted to such points when it i s possible.
25 Symmet ra MW II 120 0 kW 3 × 4 00/230 V Ins tallation - 99 0-1979E-001 If a fa ult occur s close to t he UPS (befor e the power di stribut ion) while th e UPS system i s in Battery Operati on and Bypass is unavai lable, th e availab le power is un able to ac tivate t he protec tive devi ce.
Symmetr a MW II 1 200 kW 3 × 400/230 V In stallation - 9 90-1979E-00 1 26 For disc riminati on purpo ses, S-typ e residual c urrent pr otectiv e devices may be used in series with general type res idual cur rent prot ective d evices.
27 Symmet ra MW II 120 0 kW 3 × 4 00/230 V Ins tallation - 99 0-1979E-001 Depending on whether a ll expose d conducti ve parts a re inter connecte d by a prote ctive conduct or (colle ctively earthed.
Symmetr a MW II 1 200 kW 3 × 400/230 V In stallation - 9 90-1979E-00 1 28 Residual Current S ense Mains - input UPS - output PE N PE PE PE Bypass - input Bypass - output L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 N L1 L3 L2 .
29 Symmet ra MW II 120 0 kW 3 × 4 00/230 V Ins tallation - 99 0-1979E-001 Residual Current S ense Mains - input UPS - output PE N PE PE PE Bypass - input Bypass - output L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 N L1 L3 L2 .
Symmetr a MW II 1 200 kW 3 × 400/230 V In stallation - 9 90-1979E-00 1 30 Residual Current S ense Mains - input UPS - output PE N PE PE PE Bypass - input Bypass - output L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 N L1 L3 L2 .
31 Symmet ra MW II 120 0 kW 3 × 4 00/230 V Ins tallation - 99 0-1979E-001 Mains - input UPS - output PE N PE PE PE Bypass - input Bypass - outpu t L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 N L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 Main Protectiv.
Symmetr a MW II 1 200 kW 3 × 400/230 V In stallation - 9 90-1979E-00 1 32 Residual Current S ense Mains - input UPS - output PE N PE PE PE Bypass - input Bypass - output L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 N L1 L3 L2 .
33 Symmet ra MW II 120 0 kW 3 × 4 00/230 V Ins tallation - 99 0-1979E-001 Residual Current Sens e Mains - input UPS - output PE N PE PE PE Bypass - input Bypass - output L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 N L1 L3 L2 .
4/2009 990-1979E-001 *990-1979E-001* APC W orldwide Cus tomer Support Customer s upport for this or any other APC product is availab le at no c harg e in any of the foll owing ways: • V isit th e APC W eb site to access documents i n the APC Knowled ge Base a nd to submit customer support requests .
デバイスAPC MW IIの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
APC MW IIをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAPC MW IIの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。APC MW IIの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。APC MW IIで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
APC MW IIを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAPC MW IIの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、APC MW IIに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAPC MW IIデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。