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X746x, X748x Use r's Gu ide April 20 12 www.lex mark.com Machine t ype(s): 7526 Mod el (s ): 576, 7 76.
Cont ents Safe ty in formati on...... ..... ........... ........... ..... ........... ...... .......... ...... .......... ...... 7 Learn ing about th e prin ter....... ............... ........ ................ .............. ......... ......9 Findi ng in formati on abou t the prin ter.
L oad in g th e op tio na l 5 50 ‑ sh eet sp ecial me dia tr ay. ..... ... .. ... ..... ... ... .. ... ..... ... .. ... .. ...... .. ... ... ..... ... .. ... ... ..... 63 Loa din g the 2,000 ‑ sh ee t high ‑ capac ity fee der.. ... .... ... ... .
Se nding a fax. ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... .. . ...... ... ... ... ... ....1 17 Cust omizi ng fax set tin gs..... ... .... ... .... ....
Ord ering p arts a nd s upplies ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... .. ... .... ..... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... .. . ... ...... ... .2 35 Using genu ine Lexm ark par ts a nd sup plies ...... ... ... .. ... .
Noti ces.. ......... .... ........ .... ........ ........ .... ......... .... ........ .... ........ ......... ... ........ .32 4 Produ ct i nforma tion.. ... ... ....... .... ... ... ... ....... ... .... ... ... ....... ... ... .... ... ....... ... .
Safety informat io n Connec t the pow er cord to a pro perly gro unded electri cal out let t hat is near the pro duct and easily ac cessible . Do not pl ace or use thi s produ ct near water or wet locatio ns. CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: This pr oduct uses a laser.
CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : To avo id the ris k of el ectri c shock when cle aning the e xterio r of the printer , unplu g the po wer co rd from the wal l outle t and d isconnec t all c ables from the pr inte r before p roce eding.
Learning about the printer Find in g inf orma tion a bout t he pri nter Wh at are you lo oking for? Fi nd i t here In itial se tup i nstr uct ions: • Connecting the printer • Instal ling t he prin.
Wh at are you lo oking for? Fi nd i t here Latest supplemental i nformation, updates, and customer support: • Document ation • Driver d ownloads • Live chat support • E ‑ ma il suppo rt • Voice s upport Lexmark S upport Web site— http : // s uppo r t.
1 2 3 4 5 1 Right s ide 100 mm (3. 9 in.) 2 Front 482.6 mm (19. 5 in.) 3 Left si de 100 mm (3.9 in. ) 4 Rea r 100 mm (3.9 in. ) 5 Top 393.7 mm (15.5 in.) Pr inte r confi g ura tion s CAUTION—TIP PING H AZARD: Floor ‑ moun ted configur ations requir e addi tional furni ture f or stabilit y.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 8 1 Automatic document feeder (ADF) 2 ADF tray 3 Standard bin 4 Printer control panel 5 Optio nal 550 ‑ shee t drawer No te : Th is dr aw er is stand ard on the X 748dte mod el .
Unde rsta ndin g th e ADF a nd scann er g lass Automatic D ocument Feeder (ADF) Scanne r glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page documents. Us e the scan ner g las s for si ng le pa ges , sma ll ite ms (s uch as post car ds or photos), transparenc ies, photo pap er, or thin me dia (such as magazine cli ppings).
Us ing t h e pr in ter co nt rol p an el 3 1 2 ABC 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO 7 PQR 8 STU 9 WXYZ 0 9 1 4 5 6 7 8 10 2 Use t he To 1 Di sp la y Vie w pr i nt i ng, e ‑ mailing, copying, and faxing options, as well as status a nd error me ssages. 2 Sleep button Enable Sleep Mode or Hibernate Mode.
Use t he To 4 Dial pause button • Cause a two- or three-second dial pause i n a fax nu mber. In the Fax T o field, a dial pause is represented by a c omma (,). • Redial a fax number . No te s: • Pre ssing outs ide of the Fax menu caus es an error b e ep.
Understanding the home screen Understa nding th e home screen When the printer is turned on, the display shows a basic screen, referred to as the home screen. Touch the home screen buttons and icons to in itiat e an action su ch as copying, faxing, or s ca nning; to open th e menu scree n; or to res pond t o mes sages.
Other buttons t hat m ay appear on t he ho me scree n: To uc h To Search held jobs Search on any of the following items: • User name for held or confidential print jobs • Job na mes for held jobs,.
Fe atu res Featur e Des cr ipti o n M enu trai l line Sample: Menus > Setti ngs > Co py Settings > Number of Copies A menu t rail lin e is lo cated at the t op of each me nu s cree n. This fe ature shows the path taken to ar rive at the current me nu.
To uc h To Le ft arrow Scr oll to the left. Home R eturn t o the home screen. Ri gh t i nc re as e Se lec t a hi g he r va lu e . Lef t d ec r ea se Se lec t a lo we r va lue . Exi t Ex it from the curre nt scree n. Tip s Open a context-sensiti ve hel p dialog.
Setting up and using the home screen applications Notes: • Your hom e screen, ic ons , and bu ttons may va ry depe nding on your ho me sc reen cust om ization se tting s, administ rative setup, and act ive embedded appli catio ns. Some app lic ations a re supp orted o nly in se lect print er models .
Activating t he home screen applications Your pr inter come s with preins talled ho me sc reen a pplicat ions . To use these a pplicat ions, ac tivate a nd set up t hese appl ications us ing the E mbedded Web Ser ver. Fo r mo re inf ormat ion about acces sing t he Embedde d We b Ser ver, see “Acces sing t he Embedded Web Se rv er” on page 2 0.
1 Ope n a Web b rowser, and the n type t he print er IP add ress in the addr ess f ield. No te: View the printe r IP addres s on th e prin ter cont rol pa nel home sc reen. The IP ad dress appears as f our set s of nu mbers sepa rated by pe ri ods, such as 1 23 .
Settin g up Rem ote Operator Pa nel This applic ation sho ws the printer co ntrol panel on your comput er scree n and lets you interact with the printer control panel , even w hen you are not phys ically ne ar t he netw ork prin ter.
5 Click Conf igure > Import . 6 Brows e to the saved conf iguratio n fi le that was expor ted from a pre viousl y confi gured print er, an d then load or prev iew it. No te: If a t imeout oc curs and a b lank scree n appe ars, t hen r efresh t he Web br owser, a nd the n click Apply .
Additional printer setup Ins talling inte rnal optio ns CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you a re ac cessing t he sys tem boar d or inst alli ng optional hardw are or m emory de vices sometim e afte r setting up the printe r, th en turn the p rinter o ff, and un plug the pow er cor d from t he wall o utlet before c ontinuin g.
Acce ssing the sy stem board CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you a re ac cessing t he sys tem boar d or inst alli ng optional hardw are or m emory de vices sometim e afte r setting up the printe r, th en turn the p rinter o ff, and un plug the pow er cor d from t he wall outlet before conti nuing.
b Slide t he cover slight ly up unti l each screw is in t he keyhole. c Pul l the cov er to rem ove it. 2 Locate the appropr iate connector on the system bo a rd. Warning—Pot ential D amage: System board electronic components are easily damaged by static electricity.
5 1 2 4 3 1 Fa x ca rd co n ne ct or 2 Firmware and flash m emory card c onnectors 3 Prin ter ha rd dis k conne ct or 4 Internal pri nt server connector 5 Memo ry card con nector 3 Reattach th e system boar d cover. Warning—Pot ential D amage: System board electronic components are easily damaged by static electricity.
a Align the k eyholes with th e screws . b Slide the co ver down, and th en turn each s crew on th e cover cloc kwise to tigh ten. Addit ional prin ter setup 29.
Installing a memory card CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you a re ac cessing t he sys tem boar d or inst alli ng optional hardw are or m emory de vices sometim e afte r setting up the printe r, th en turn the p rinter o ff, and un plug the pow er cor d from t he wall outlet before conti nuing.
4 Align the n otch (1) on the memory card wi th the ri d g e (2) on the conn ector. 1 2 5 Push the m emory card straight into the co nnector u ntil it clicks in to pl ace, and then push the latche s to firmly attach the car d into the co nnector . 1 2 2 6 Reattach th e system boar d cover.
Installing a flash memory or firmw are card The syste m boa rd ha s two connect io ns for an opt iona l fla sh mem ory or fi rmw are c ard . Only o ne of ea ch may be inst al led, but the connec tors are i nte rchange able.
Ins ta lli ng an In te rnal So lut i ons Po rt The syst em bo ard suppor ts on e optional Lexmark In ter nal Solut ion s Port ( ISP). CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you a re ac cessing t he sys tem boar.
3 Locat e the appropriate h oles o n the system b oard where the post s of the pl astic tee will be aligned. No te: If an opt ional pr inter ha rd disk is c urrently ins talle d, t hen r emov e it fi rst . Fo r mo re inf orm ati on, see “Re movi ng a prin ter hard disk” on page 4 1.
5 Attach the ISP solu tion to the sys tem board. a Align the p o sts o f the plasti c tee to the hol es on the system bo ard. b Hold the edges of the ISP and guide it to the opening on t h e system board cage, and then gen tly all ow it to rest on the plastic tee.
6 Connect the ISP solution interface cable into the color ‑ coded r eceptac le on the syst em board. 7 Firmly connect the ISP solutio n to the sys tem b oard cage using t he two screws.
Instal ling a print er hard disk CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you a re ac cessing t he sys tem boar d or inst alli ng optional hardw are or m emory de vices sometim e afte r setting up the printe r, th en turn the p rinter o ff, and un plug the pow er cor d from t he wall outlet before conti nuing.
To install a printer hard disk onto the ISP: a Using a f lathead s crewdriver, l oosen the screws . b Remove the screws attached to the printer hard disk mou nting bracket, a nd then remove th e bracket.
To install a printer hard disk directly on the system bo ard: a Hold the e dges of the printed c ircui t board assem bly, and then align t he stando ffs of the pri nter hard disk to the h oles in the syst em bo ard. Pr ess down on the pri nt er hard dis k unt il the stand off s are in pla ce.
b Use t he two provi ded scre ws to at tach t he pri nter har d disk moun ting brac ket. c I nsert the pl ug o f the pr inter ha rd di sk interf ace ca ble into t he re ceptacle of the syst em b oard. Note: The pl ugs and r eceptacle s are color ‑ cod ed.
Remo ving a print er hard dis k Warning—P otential Dama ge: System board electronic components are easily damaged by static elec tricity. Touch some thing met al o n the printer befo re touc hing a ny system bo ard electro nic c omponent s or co nnectors.
4 Remove th e printer hard disk b y pulling it up ward t o unseat th e standoffs. 5 Set the p rinter hard disk as i de. 6 Reattach th e system boar d cover.
In stal ling op tion al d raw ers CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: Th e p r int e r we ig ht is gr e at er th a n 1 8 k g (4 0 lb ) a n d re q ui re s t wo or mo r e tr ained personn el t o lift it s afely.
1 2 3 1 Option al 550 ‑ shee t specialty m edia drawer 2 Option al 550 ‑ shee t drawer No te : This drawer is standard in the X 748dte printer mo del. 3 Option al 2000 ‑ sheet drawer 5 Turn the pr inter back on. Att a ch ing ca b les CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : Do not use the fax f eature du ring a ligh tning st orm .
1 Open the acc ess door by pulling i t out to the rig ht. 2 Matc h the appropri ate cable to the c orres pondi ng por t. 1 2 3 4 5 1 Fax port 2 Telephone port 3 Ethernet port 4 USB printer port 5 USB .
3 Close the access door, and then neatly align the cable to th e left. No te: You may c hoo se to c omplet ely remo ve the access door and stor e it . Se tt ing up th e p rin te r so ftw a re Instal l.
3 Double-click the software in staller package, and then follow the instructions on the computer screen. Note: To take advant age of the f ull features of your pr inter, s elect the cust om inst all opt ion, and t hen select all packages listed. Us ing the Int ern et 1 Go to th e Lexmark Web site at htt p://su ppo rt.
4 From t he Pr int ers m enu, ch oose Show Info . 5 Add any installed h ardw are options , and the n click Apply Changes . Netwo rki ng Note: A Ser vice Se t Ident ifier (SSID) is a nam e assig ned to a wi reless networ k. Wi reless Enc ryptio n Prot ocol (WEP ) and Wi-F i Prote cted Access ( WPA) are ty pes o f secur ity used o n a net work.
1 Connec t the powe r cable to the print er and then to a proper ly grounded e lect rical outle t, and then turn the pri nter on . 1 2 Make sure t he print er an d compu ter are f ully on and ready. Do not con n e ct the USB cable until instructed to do s o on th e computer screen.
6 Temporarily connect a USB cable between the computer on the wireless network and the pr i nt er . No te: After the prin ter is configu red, the software w i ll in struct you to dis connect the temp orary USB cable so you c an pri nt wire lessl y. 7 Follow the instructions o n t h e computer screen.
Enter the printe r information 1 Acce ss the AirPort options: In Ma c OS X ve rs i o n 1 0. 5 o r l at er From the Appl e menu, n aviga te to: Sys tem P refer ences > Net work > AirPort In Ma c OS X ve rs i o n 1 0.
c Select a d est ination, and then clic k Cont inue . d From the Easy Inst all screen, click In s t al l . e Type t he user passwo rd, and t hen click OK . All nece ssary app lications are ins talled in the com puter. f Click Clo se wh en install ation is complete.
For Windows u sers 1 Insert the Softw are and Docume ntati on CD . If t he install ation sc reen does n ot appear after a minute , then l aunch t he CD manua lly: a Click , or click Start and then clic k Run . b I n the St art Sea rch or Run dialo g, type D:se t up.
In Mac OS X versi on 10.4 1 From t he Fi nder, na vigat e to : Applic ations > Utilities 2 Double ‑ click Printer Se tup Utilit y or Pri nt Cent er . 3 From t he Prin ter Li st, cl ick Add , and then click IP Print er . 4 Type in t he pri nter IP addr ess i n the address f ield, and then c lick Add .
Changing port s ettin gs after insta lli ng a new net work Int ernal Solut ions Port When a new Lexma rk Intern al So lutions Port (ISP) is inst alled i n the print er, the prin ter c onfigurat ions on com puters that access t he printer must be u pdated sinc e the printer will be assigned a new IP address.
In Ma c OS X ve rs i o n 1 0. 5 o r l at er 1 From the Appl e menu, n aviga te to: Sys tem P refer ences > Pr i nt & Fa x 2 Click + , and th en click the IP ta b . 3 Type t he pr inter IP add ress in the addr ess f ield, an d then c lick Add . Note: View the printer IP address in the TCP/IP section in the Network/Repo r ts menu.
After ins talling t he serial or commun ication (C OM) port, c onfigure the pr inter an d the c omputer so t hey can comm unicate . Make sure you have conn ected the se rial c able to the COM por t on you r pr inter. 1 Set the p arameters in the p rinter: a From the print er c ontrol panel, na vigate to t he me nu with por t setting s.
Verify ing pri nter set up When all har dware and sof tware opt ions are in stalled an d the prin ter is turn ed on, verify tha t the print er is set up correc tly by printi ng the followi ng: • Menu set tings page —Use this page to verify that all printer opt ions are install ed cor rectly.
Loading paper an d specialty media The se lection and ha ndling of paper an d spe cialty media can af fect how reliab ly docume nts pr int. Fo r more informat ion, see “ Avoiding jams” on page 2 53 a nd “Sto ring pa per” on page 8 0.
2 Squeeze and slide the width guide to the correct position for the paper size you are loading. No te: Us e the paper s ize in dicato rs at the botto m of t he tray to hel p posi tion the length and width g uide s.
3 Squeeze and slide the length guide to the correct position for the paper size you are loading. Note s: • For some p aper sizes like letter, legal, and A4, squeez e and slide the length guide backward to accommodate their length. • The length g uide has a loc king devic e.
4 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen th em. Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edges on a level su rfa ce. 5 Load the pape r stack t oward the bac k of the tr ay with the reco mmend ed pri ntable sid e faceup.
6 Insert the tr ay. 7 From t he p rinter control pa nel, v erify the paper siz e and pap er type se tting for t he tray b ased on the paper you loaded. Load ing th e opt ional 5 50 ‑ sheet special medi a tray The optiona l 55 0 ‑ s heet spec ial med ia tray ( Tray 2) s uppor ts narrow paper sizes suc h as envelopes and A 6.
1 2 3 4 1 Prim ary le ngth gu ide 2 Le ngth gu ide lock 3 Se con d a ry le ng t h gu ide 4 Width guide CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: To redu ce the risk of equipment instabilit y, load each paper draw er or tray separately. K eep all other trays clos ed until needed.
2 Squeeze an d slide the primary lengt h guide tow ard you un til it st ops. Note s: • The leng th has a lock i ng devic e. To unlock the l ength guid e, slide to the left the butto n on to p of the length guide. To lock, slide the butto n to the right when a length has been selected.
3 Squeeze and slide the width guide to the correct position for the paper size you are loading. 1 2 No te: Us e the paper s ize in dicato rs at the bot tom of t he tray to hel p posi tion t he widt h guide.
4 Squeeze and slide the secondary length guide to the correct p o sition for the paper size you are loading. 1 2 5 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen th em. Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edges on a level su rfa ce. 6 Load the pape r stack w ith t he recomm ended p rintable side faceu p.
Warning—Pot ential D amage: Overload ing th e tray ca n cause pa per j ams a nd pos sible print er damage. 7 Insert the tr ay. 8 From t he p rinter control pa nel, v erify the paper siz e and pap er type se tting for t he tray b ased on the paper you loaded.
Lo adin g th e 2, 000 ‑ sheet h igh ‑ capacity feeder CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: To redu ce the risk of equipment instabilit y, load each paper tray separ ately. Keep all other trays closed until needed . 1 Pull th e tray o ut. 2 Pull u p and slide the w idth guide t o the c orrect positio n for t he paper size you ar e loadi ng.
4 Push the length guide r el ease latch to r aise the length guide. Slide the guide to the correct position for the pa per size you a re loa ding, and then lock the g uide. 5 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen th em. Do not fold or crease the paper.
• Make s ure paper do es not exceed t he maximum paper fill in dicato r located on the sid e of the tra y. Warning—P otential Dama ge: Overlo ading the t ray may c ause pap er jams an d pos sible pr inter d amage .
LTR&LGL E XEC A 5 A 4 B 5 1 4 5 6 2 3 1 Maximum paper fill indi cator 2 Tray release latch 3 Pa per rele ase le ver 4 Paper size indi cators 5 Paper width guide 6 Width guide r elease tab 1 Press the tray release latch to th e left, and then pull the multipurpo s e feeder down.
3 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen th em. Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edges on a level su rfa ce. Paper Enve l ope s Transparenci es* * Avoid touching the pr intable side of transpar encies. Be carefu l not to s cratch th em.
• Load envelopes with th e flap on the righ t s ide up and the stam p edge entering the printer first. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Never use en ve lopes wit h stam ps, clasps , snap s, window s, coated li ning s, or sel f ‑ stick adhesives. These envelopes may severely damage the printer .
• If you are us ing a pr oxy ser ver, then tempo rarily dis able it to load t he Web page c orrectly. 2 Click Setti ngs > Paper M enu . 3 Change the paper t ype an d size s ettings o f the tray so that they mat ch the se ttings of any other tr ay, and then c lick Subm it .
Note s: • View the p rinter I P addre ss on t he print er h ome scre en . The IP a ddress appears as fou r sets o f numbers separ ate d by peri ods, suc h as 1 23.12 3.1 23. 123 . • If you are us ing a pr oxy ser ver, then tempo rarily dis able it to load t he Web page c orrectly.
Paper and specialt y media guide lines Paper guidelin es Paper characterist ics The fol lowing paper character istics af fect pri nt qualit y and relia bility. C onsid er these char acterist ics when evaluat ing new pape r st ock. Weight The print er can aut omatic ally fe ed paper weight s fro m 60 to 22 0 g/m 2 ( 16 to 58 lb bond) gr ain long .
Fib er cont en t Most h igh ‑ quality x erograp hic pape r is ma de fr om 100% che mically treat ed pulpe d wood . This c ontent pro vide s the paper wi th a high degree of stabili ty resul ting in f ew er paper f eeding problem s and bette r print qu ality.
Prepr inted paper s such as le tte rhead m ust be able to w ithstand t emper atures up to 190 °C (374°F ) withou t melti ng or rel easing haz ardo us em issio ns.
Una cce ptab le pa pe r e xampl e s Test results indic ate t hat th e fol lowing paper type s are a t risk f or u se with laser p rinte rs: • Chemic ally tr eated paper s used to make copie s witho .
Sup p ort ed pa pe r si z es, ty pes , an d w e ight s The fol low ing tables pr ovide in for mation on stan dard and op tional pa per in put sour ces and t he type s of pa per t hey sup port. Note: To use a pape r siz e that is unlist ed, confi gure a U niversal Paper S ize.
Pa pe r si z e an d dimension Standard 550 ‑ s heet tray Optional 550 ‑ sh e et tr ay Optional 2000 ‑ sheet high ‑ capaci t y fee d er Multipurpose feeder Opt io n a l 550 ‑ sheet spe cia lty med i a drawer Manual paper Manual envelope Dup lex AD F Scanner glass Stat ement 139.
S upp or t ed p a pe r t y pes an d we ig hts The print er suppo rts 6 0–220 ‑ g/ m 2 (16– 58 ‑ lb) paper w eights. Note: Labels , transpare ncies, enve lopes, and card stoc k always pri nt at reduced s peed.
Prin ting The use of pri nt pre view and the sel ection of desired printi ng p refere nces suc h a s duplex, margin s and p aper s ize can ensure t hat the pri nt job output will app ear as desired.
Printing i n black a nd white From the home scr een, navigate to: > Setting s > Pri nt S ett ings > Qua lit y Menu > Pri nt Mo de > Bla ck Only > Submit Adjusting toner d arkness 1 Ope n a Web b rowser, and the n type t he print er IP add ress in the addr ess f ield.
Printing f rom a mob ile dev ice For the list of sup ported mobil e devices and to downl oad a com patible m obile p rinting ap plication, vis it http://lexmark .com/mobile . Note: Mobile pr inting appli catio ns m ay also be availabl e from your mo bile dev ice manu facture r.
2 From t he p rinter control pa nel, touc h the do cument you want to pri nt. 3 Touc h the ar rows to sp ecif y the num ber of copies f or print ing, a nd then t ouch Pr int . Note s: • Do not r emove the flash d rive f rom the USB po rt until t he do cument has finis hed pr inting .
Print in g confid entia l and ot her held jo bs Storing print job s i n the p rinte r 1 From the pri nter control p anel, navigate to : > Security > Conf idential Print Prin t job type Desc r ip.
6 From the printer home screen, release the print job. • For c onfident ial print jobs , navig ate to: Held jobs > sele ct your user name > Confi den tial Job s > enter the PIN > Pr int .
• Before loading letterhead, fl ex the stack to preven t sheets from sticking together. • Page or ient ation i s impo rtant w hen pri nting on le tterhe ad.
Tips on us ing labels Notes: • Single ‑ s ided pap er lab els designe d for laser /LED pr inters a re sup porte d for occas ional use. • It is rec ommende d to pr int no more than 20 pages of paper labels a month. • Vinyl, pharmacy, and dual ‑ sided l abe ls are not su pported.
Can cel in g a pr int jo b Cancel ing a print job f rom the print er contro l panel 1 Touc h Canc el Jobs on the touch screen, or press on th e keypad.
Cop ying ADF Scanne r glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s. Use the scanner glass for single pages, s mall items (such as pos t cards or photos), transparenc ies, photo pap er, or thin me dia (such as magazine cli ppings).
Copyi ng using the sc anner gla ss 1 Place an original doc ument f acedown on the scann er g lass in t he upper left cor ner. 2 From the home screen, navigate to: Co py > ch ange the cop y settings > Cop y It 3 If you have m ore p age s to s can, the n place the next do cument on t he scanne r g lass, and th en touc h Scan the Next Pag e .
3 From the home screen, navigate to: Co py > Copy from > siz e of the original doc ument > Co py to > Manual Feed er 4 Place the letterhead faceup, to p e d ge first i n the multip u rpo s e feeder.
3 From the home screen, navigate to: Co py > Copy from > siz e of the original doc ument > Co py to 4 Touc h Ma nual Feed er or selec t the tray that conta ins the pa per ty pe you want to use . No te: If you c hoos e Manual F eeder, then yo u will also need t o select t he paper size and t ype.
4 From t he S ides ( Duplex) are a, touch th e button f or yo ur pre ferred du plexing metho d. The fir st number r epresent s side s of the origin al doc uments; t he seco nd number re pres ents sides of the copy. Fo r example, select 1 ‑ sided t o 2 ‑ si ded if you hav e 1 -sided or iginal do cume nts and you want 2 ‑ sided cop ies.
• P h ot o/ F il m —Use wh en the original do cument is a photo fr om film. • Magaz ine —Use when the original doc ument is from a magazine. • Newspape r —Use w hen the or iginal do cume nt is f rom a news paper. • Pres s —Use when the origina l documen t was p rinted us ing a pr inti ng pres s.
• Bet ween Pages • Off 4 Touc h > Co py I t . Copyi ng mu ltip le pages onto a s ingle s heet In order to sav e paper , you can copy eith er two or f our co nsecut ive pages o f a mu ltiple ‑ page d ocument on to a sing le sheet of paper . Notes: • The Pa per Size must b e set to Lett er, Legal, A4, o r JI S B5.
4 Load the nex t document faceup , shor t edge first int o the A DF or face down o n the sc anner glass, an d then t ouch Scan the A uto ma tic Do cum ent Fe ed er or Scan the flatbed . No te: If re quired, c hange t he job set tings. 5 If you ha ve anot her document to s can, then repeat t he pr evious step.
Cancel ing a c opy job while copy ing pages usin g the scan ner glas s Touc h Can ce l Job o n the t ouch screen. A “Canceling scan job” screen appears. Once the job is canceled, the copy screen appear s. Cancel ing a c opy job w hile pages ar e being print ed 1 From the home s creen, touch Can ce l Jo b , or press on the key pad.
Sca le This opt ion create s an image fr om your copy that is proporti onally sca led anywher e betwee n 25% and 40 0%. Scale can also be s et for yo u auto matica lly.
• Pr ess —Use when the o riginal doc ument w as print ed us ing a pri nting press. • Other —Use when the original docume nt was pr inte d using an alter nate or u nknow n print er. Colo r This op tion enabl e s or disabl es c olor for t he scanne d imag e.
E-mailing ADF Scanne r glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s. Use the scanner glass for single pages, s mall items (such as pos t cards or photos), transparenc ies, photo pap er, or thin me dia (such as magazine cli ppings). You can use the print er to e ‑ mail scanned do cumen ts to one or more recipients.
If you do not know the IP addr ess of the pr inter, yo u can: • Vi ew the IP addr ess on the pr inter c ontro l panel i n the TC P/IP sec tion under the Net works /Ports m enu. • Pr int a netwo rk setup page or t he me nu setting s pa ges and lo cate the IP address in the TCP/IP section.
E-ma ilin g a doc ume nt Sending a n e-ma il usin g the printe r control panel 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF or facedown on the s canner glass. No te: Do not load post cards, photos , sma ll items, tra nspar encies, pho to pape r, or t hin me dia (suc h as magaz ine clip pings) into the ADF.
4 Touch t he nam e of the r ecipient s. To enter a dditional reci pients, touc h Next a ddres s , and then e nter t he addre ss or sh ort cut numb er you w ant t o add, or search t he address book.
• JPEG —Use thi s to create and attac h a separate fi le for each page of your original document, v iewable by most We b browser s an d graphi cs prog rams. • XP S —Use this to create a si ngle XML Pape r Specificatio n (XPS) file wi th multiple pages, view able using a n I nternet Explo rer-hos ted viewer and t he .
Colo r This op tion set s the ou tput color for the sc anned im age. To uch to e nable or dis able c olor. Conte nt This opt ion lets you speci fy the con tent type and sou rce of the origin al document. Choose co ntent type fro m Text, T ext/ Photo, P hoto, or Gra phic s.
Page Setup This op tion let s you cha nge the Sides (Duplex ), Or ientat ion, a nd Binding . • Sides (Dupl e x) — Specifies if the original doc ument is simpl ex (pri nted on o ne page ) or dupl ex (pr inted on bot h sides). This also identifi es what needs to be scan ned for in clusion in the e-mail.
Faxi ng Note: The fax functio n is a vailable o nly in select pr inter mo dels. ADF Scanne r glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s. Use the scanner glass for single pages, s mall items (such as pos t cards or photos), transparenc ies, photo pap er, or thin me dia (such as magazine cli ppings).
Initi al f ax setup Many count ries and reg ions re quire out going faxe s to conta in the followi ng informat io n i n a margin at the top or bo ttom of each transm itted page, or on the fi rst page .
• You do not need to atta ch the printer to a computer , but you do need to connect it to an analo g telephone li ne to send and rec eive faxe s. Equip m en t an d se rv ice opt io ns Fax con necti on setup Connect dire ctly to the telephone line. See “Connect ing to an anal og tel ephone l ine” on page 11 3.
3 Connect th e DSL filter c a ble to a n active teleph one wall jack . 3 1 2 Co nn ec t i ng t o a PB X or I SD N sy st em If you us e a PBX or ISDN con verter or termin al adapter, th en fo llow these steps to connect the eq uipment: 1 Connect o ne end of th e telephone cabl e that came wi th the pr i nter to the printer LINE port .
3 Change the D istinctive Ri n gs sett in g to match t h e setting yo u want f o r the p rinter to an swer: No te: The factory d efaul t setting for distinc tive rings is On . This allo ws the printer to a nswer sin gle, double, and tr iple ri ng patter ns.
If you do not know the IP addr ess of the pr inter, yo u can: • Vi ew the IP addr ess on the pr inter c ontro l panel i n the TC P/IP sec tion under the Net works /Ports m enu. • Pr int a netwo rk setup page or t he me nu setting s pa ges and lo cate the IP address in the TCP/IP section.
Creating shortcuts Creat ing a f ax destina tio n shortcut using t he Emb edded We b Server Instead of ente ring the e nti re ph one number of a fa x rec ipien t on the print er control panel ea ch tim e you wan t t o sen d a fax, you can create a per manent f ax destinat ion and ass ign a shor tcut num ber.
3 From the home s creen, touch Fax . 4 Ent er the f ax num ber or a shortcu t using the touc h scree n or ke ypad. To add rec ipients, tou ch Next Nu mber and t hen en ter t he recipie nt's t elepho ne num ber or short cut numbe r, or sea rch the addre ss book.
3 Press , and then enter t he sho rtcut number usin g the keyp ad. 4 Touc h Fax It . Sen ding a fax us in g the address book The addre ss bo ok enabl es you t o se arch f or bookmar ks an d netwo rk dire ctory ser vers. Note: If the address book feature is not en ab led, then c ontac t your syst em sup port p erson .
Ma ki ng a fa x li ght er or da rke r 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF or facedown on the s canner glass. No te: Do not load post cards, photos , sma ll items, tra nspar encies, pho to pape r, or t hin me dia (suc h as magaz ine clip pings) into the ADF.
If you do not know the IP addr ess of the pr inter, yo u can: • Vi ew the IP addr ess on the pr inter c ontro l panel i n the TC P/IP sec tion under the Net works /Ports m enu. • Pr int a netwo rk setup page or t he me nu setting s pa ges and lo cate the IP address in the TCP/IP section.
Choose content source fr om Color Laser, Blac k/White Laser, Inkjet, P hoto/Film , Magazine, News p aper, Press, or Other. • Co lor L ase r —Use wh en the or iginal do cu ment w as pri nted using a co lor l aser pr inter. • Black /White Laser —Use when t he ori ginal do cument was prin ted using a m ono l aser print er.
Delayed S end This let s you send a fax at a l ater t ime or dat e. 1 Set up your f ax. 2 From the home screen, navigate to: Delayed Se nd > enter th e date and t ime you wa nt to send you r f ax &.
4 If you s elected S cheduled, t hen continu e with the foll owing s teps: a Click Fax Holdi ng Sche dule . b From the Action m enu, se lect Hold fax es . c From the Time menu, select the time you wan t the h eld faxes released. d From the Day(s ) menu , selec t the day you w ant t he held faxes released.
Scanning Using Scan to Net work Scan to Netw ork lets yo u s can your do cuments t o ne twork d est inations spe cified by you r system suppor t pe rson.
2 Click Setti ngs . 3 Unde r Other Setti ngs, clic k Manag e Sho rtcuts . No te: A passw ord may b e requir ed. If you do not have an ID and p assword, g et one from yo ur syst em suppo rt per son . 4 Click FTP Shortcut Setup . 5 Enter t he appropr iate inf ormation.
Scannin g to an F TP addre ss using th e addr ess book 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF or facedown on the s canner glass. No te: Do not load post cards, photos , sma ll items, tra nspar encies, pho to pape r, or t hin me dia (suc h as magaz ine clip pings) into the ADF.
Color This op tion enabl e s or disabl es c olor for t he scanne d imag e. Resolution This option adjusts the output quality of your file. Increas ing the image resolution increases the file size and the time needed to sca n your orig inal doc um ent.
Advanc ed Options Touching the A dvanced Options button opens a sc reen where you can change the follow i ng sett ings: • Advance d Imaging —Use to adj ust the Bac kground Removal , Colo r Balan c.
5 Ente r a scan name. The scan nam e is t he name t hat appears in t he Scan Profile list on the displ ay. 6 Click Submit . 7 Review the inst ruction s on the Scan Prof ile screen. A shor tcut nu mber was automatic ally a ssigned whe n you c licked Submit .
d Select an y of the follo wing: • Show MF P Ins truction s —View or print t he instr uctions. • Crea te Sho rtcu t —Save this group of settings to use again. e Click Fini sh . A dial og box ap pears with yo ur scan prof ile inf o rmation and the s tatus of the received images.
• Pr ess —Use when the o riginal doc ument w as print ed us ing a pri nting press. • Other —Use when the original docume nt was pr inte d using an alter nate or u nknow n print er. Da rkne ss This op tion adj usts how lig ht or dark your scanned doc uments will t urn ou t in relat ion to the origin al docum ent.
Understanding the printer menus Me nu s li st Su ppli es Pap er Me nu Repor ts Sett i ng s Replace Supply Cyan Ca rt ridg e Magenta C artridge Ye llow C artridg e Blac k C artri dge Cyan P hotoconduct.
Suppl ies menu Use To R eplac e Su pply All P hotocondu ctors Cyan P hotocondu ctor Magenta Photoco nductor Yellow Photoco nductor Blac k Photoconductor Reset the s upply counter f or the replacement photocondu ctor or photoconductors. • Sel ect Yes to reset the supply counter.
Use To Blac k Ca r tri dge Earl y W arning Low Inva lid Near End of Life Replace Missing Defecti ve OK Unsupported View the status of the bl a ck toner cartridge. Cya n Phot ocond uc tor Earl y W arning Low Replace Missing OK View the s tatus of the cyan photoc onductor.
Use To Fuser Earl y W arning Low Replace Missing OK View the status of the fuser. Tra ns f e r M od ul e Earl y W arning Low Replace Missing OK View the status of the transfer modu le. Pa per menu Defaul t Sou rce menu Use To De faul t So urc e Tr ay [x] MP Feeder Manual Paper Manual Envelope Set a def ault paper s ource for all print jobs .
Use To T ray [x] Type Plain Pa per Car d Stoc k Tr ansp are ncy Recycled Gl ossy He avy Glo ssy Labe ls Vinyl L abels Bond Letterhead Preprinted Colored Paper Lig h t Pap er He avy Pap er Rough/C otton Cus to m Ty pe [ x] Specify the type of paper load ed in eac h tray.
Use To MP Fe e der Ty p e Plain Pa per Car d Stoc k Tr ansp are ncy Recycled Gl ossy He avy Glo ssy Labe ls Vinyl L abels Bond Enve lop e Rough Envelope Letterhead Preprinted Colored Paper Lig h t Pap.
Use To Manu a l Pa per Ty p e Plain Pa per Car d Stoc k Tr ansp are ncy Recycled Gl ossy He avy Glo ssy Labe ls Vinyl L abels Bond Letterhead Preprinted Colored Paper Lig h t Pap er He avy Pap er Roug/C otton Cus to m Ty pe [ x] Specify the type of paper bei ng manually loaded.
Su bsti tu te S iz e m enu Use To S ubsti tute Si ze Off Statement/A5 Letter/A4 Al l Lis ted Substitute a s pecified paper siz e if the r equested paper size is no t available. No te s: • All Li sted is the fac tory default s etting. All available subs titutions are allow ed.
Use To Viny l Lab els W eight Lig ht Normal He avy Spe c ify the rel at i ve wei ght of the vin y l lab el s lo a de d . Note : N ormal is the factory defaul t setting. Bond W ei gh t Lig ht Normal He avy Specify the relative weig ht of the bond paper loaded.
Paper Loading m enu Use To Card St ock Loadin g Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for a ll print jobs tha t specify Card Stock as the pa per type. Rec y cl ed Lo a din g Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for a ll print jobs tha t specify Re cycled a s the paper type.
Use To Heavy Lo ading Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for a ll print jobs tha t specify Heavy as the p aper type. Roug h /C ott on L oad i ng Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for a ll print jobs tha t specify Rough or Cott on as the paper type.
Custo m Scan Sizes menu Use To Custom Sca n Size [x] Sc an S ize Na me Wi dth 1– 11.69 inch es (25–29 7 m m) He igh t 1– 17 inches ( 25–43 2 mm) Or ie nt at ion Portra it Landscap e 2 scan s per si de Off On Speci fy a custo m scan size na me, scan siz es, and op ti ons.
Use To Feed Di rection Sho r t Edg e Long Edge Speci fy the feed dire ction. No t es: • Short Edge is the f actory default setting. • Long E dge appears only when t he paper or s pecialty media can be loaded in ei th er direct ion.
Use To Prin t Fonts Print a r epo rt of all the fonts available for the printer language currently set i n the printer. Prin t Direc tor y Print a l is t of all the resources stored on an optional flash memory card or in printer hard dis k. No te s: • Job Buff er Size mus t be set to 100%.
Use To NP A Mo de Off Aut o Set the pr inter to per form the special proc essing requir ed for bidirectio nal communication following the conventions defined by the NP A protocol.
Reports m enu To access the menu, navigate to any of the following: • Network/P orts m enu > Netw orks/P orts > St and a r d N et wor k > Standar d Network Setu p > Reports • Network/P.
Use To Se t Ho st na me Set the current TCP/IP host name. Note : Thi s can be chang ed on ly from the Embedded Web Server. IP Address View or cha nge the curr ent TCP/IP address. Note : Man ually setting the IP addr ess sets the Enable DHC P and Enabl e Auto I P settings to Off.
IPv 6 m enu To access the menu, navigate to any of the following: • Network/P orts menu > Stand ard Network > Stan dard Netwo rk Setup > IPv6 • Network/P orts menu > Network [x ] > Net work [x ] Set up > IPv6 Note: This menu is availab le only i n networ k pri nters o r pri nters that ar e at tached to print servers .
Use To Net wo r k M od e Infr astructure Ad h oc Speci fy the network m ode. Note s : • Ad hoc i s the fac tory default s etting. This c onfigures wirel ess connection directly between the pr inter and a com puter. • Infrastructure l ets the pr inter access a networ k using a n access point.
Standard U SB menu Use To PCL Sm ar tS wi tc h On Off Set the pri nter to automatic ally switc h to P CL emulation when a print job received through a USB po rt requires it, regardless of the default printer lang uage. Note s: • On is the factory defaul t setting.
Use To Job Bu ffe ring Off On Aut o Temporar ily store print jobs i n the printer hard disk before printing . Note s: • Off is the factory d efault setting. • On buffers jobs on the printer hard disk. • Auto buffers print jobs only i f the p rinter is bu sy processing data from another inp u t p or t .
Use To PS S ma r tSwi tc h On Off Set the pr inter to autom atically s witch to PS emulation when a pri nt job r eceived through a serial p ort requires it, regardless of the defa ult printer languag e. Note s: • On is the fac tory default setting. • When s et to Off, the printer does not examine incoming dat a.
Use To Prot oc o l Standar d Fas tby te s Specify the parallel port protocol. Note s: • Fast bytes is the facto ry defau lt setti ng. It provid es co mpatib ilit y with most existing parallel ports an d i s the recomm ended setting. • Standar d tries to resolve par allel port com munication pr oblems.
Use To PCL Sm ar tS wi tc h On Off Set the pr inter t o automatically s witch to P CL emul ation when a print job received through a serial p ort requires it, regardless of the defa ult printer languag e. Note s: • On is the fac tory default setting.
Use To Job Bu ffe ring Off On Aut o Temporarily sto re print j obs on the printer hard di sk befor e printing. Note s: • Off i s the factor y default s etting. The pr inter does no t buffer print jobs on t he print er hard disk . • On buffers print jobs on the pr inter ha rd disk.
Use To Pari ty Even Odd None Ignore Set the par ity for serial i nput and output data f rames. Note : None is the factory def ault setti ng. Hono r DSR On Off Determine whether the printer uses the DSR Signal. Note s: • Off is the factory de fault setti ng.
Use To Devi ce ‑ In itia ted E ‑ mail None Use Device SMTP Credentials Speci fy wha t credentials will be us ed when communicating to the SMTP server. Some SMTP servers r equire credentials to send an e-mail. No te s: • None is the fac tory default setting for Device ‑ Init iated E ‑ mai l and User ‑ I nitiat ed E ‑ ma il.
Misc ell aneou s Se curity S ett ings men u Use To L ogin Re st rict ions Login fai lures Fai lure ti me f ra me Lockout ti me Panel L ogin Time out Remo te Log in Time out Limit the nu mber and time frames of f ailed l ogin attempts fr om the pri nter control panel before all users are locked out.
Confiden tia l Print m enu Use To Max Inv al i d PIN Off 2–1 0 Limit the num ber of times an invali d PIN can be entered. Note s : • This m enu appears onl y when a formatted, non-defec tive printer hard di sk is ins talled. • Once the li mit is r eached, the print jobs for that us er name and PIN are d eleted.
Use To Wipi ng Mo de Off Aut o Manual Specify the mode for disk wipin g. Note : A uto is the fac tory default setting. The pr inter determines when to initiate a disk wipe. S ched ule d Wipi ng Time Day Set the schedul e for disk wiping. Note s: • Time is used to s et the time for s cheduled wiping.
Securi ty Audit Log m enu Use To Expor t Log Enabl e an authorized use r to export the secu rity log. Not es: • To export the log from th e printer con trol panel, at tach a flash drive to the printer. • To export th e log fr om the E mbed ded W eb Ser ver, down load the log to a com pute r .
Use To Configur e Log Enable Audit Yes No Enable Remote Syslog Yes No Remote Syslog Serve r [256 ch aracter str ing] Remote Syslog Port 1–65535 Rem ote Syslog Meth od No rma l UD P St unne l Remote .
Se t Date a nd T ime m enu Use To Cu rre nt Dat e and Ti me View the current date and time s ettings for the pr inter . Manu a lly Se t Date an d Tim e Enter the date a nd ti me. Note s: • Date/Tim e is set in YYYY-M M-DD HH:MM:SS format . • Manually s etting the date and ti me sets Enable NTP to No.
Set ting s menu Ge neral Sett ings me nu Use To Disp lay L ang uag e Engl ish Fr an ca is Deutsch Italia no Esp anol Gre ek Dansk Nors k Nederlands Sve nsk a Portuguese Suo m i Russia n Pols ki Magyar Turk ce Ces ky Simp lified Chin ese Tr aditio nal Ch ine se Korean Japanese Set the lan guage of the text appeari ng on the printer display.
Use To Qu ie t M od e Off On Reduce the amou nt of noise produced by the pri nter. Note s : • Off is t he factor y default setting. This setting supports th e performance specifications f or your printer. • “On” configures the printer to produce as little noise a s possible.
Use To Keyboard Keyboard T ype Engl ish Fr an ca is Francais Canadien Deutsch Italia no Esp anol Gre ek Dansk Nors k Nederlands Sve nsk a Suo m i Portuguese Russia n Pols ki Swi ss G erm an Swi ss F r.
Use To Disp laye d Inf orm ati on Left si de Right si de Cus to m Te xt [x] [text entry] [x] Cartri dge [x] Photoconductor Fus er Transfer Module Specify what is dis played on the u pper left and right corners of the home scr een.
Use To Disp la yed I nf orma ti on (c ont inu ed ) Waste Toner Bottle Pape r Jam Load Paper S erv i ce Er r ors Specify what is displayed for P aper Jam, Load P aper, and Ser vice Error s se tti ng s.
Use To One Pag e Copy On Off Set copies from the scanner glass to only one page at a time. Note : Off is the factory defa ult settin g. Ou tput Ligh ting Standar d Bin L ED Normal/ Standby Mode Brigh t Dim Off Power S a ve r Brigh t Dim Off Set the amoun t of li ght you want from the standar d bin or an optional output bin.
Use To Contact Name Specify a contact na me for the printer. Note : The contac t name will be s tored on the Embedded Web Server . Lo cat ion Specify the loc ation of the printer.
Use To Timeouts Print T imeout Disabled 1– 255 Set the amoun t of tim e in s econds the pr inter waits to receive an en d ‑ of ‑ job messag e before canceling the r emainder of t he print job.
Use To Press Sleep Button Sleep Hi be rn at e Do No thing Determine how the printer responds when pressi ng the Sleep button when the pr inter is i dle. Note s : • Sleep is the factory default s etting. • Sleep or Hibernate sets the printer t o operate at a lower power confi guration.
Use To Co ntent So urce Black/ White La ser Colo r L ase r Inkj et Photo/ Film Magazi n e Newspaper Press Other Specify how the ori ginal document was produc ed. Note : Color L aser is the f a ctory default s etting. Color On Off Specify whether or n ot copies are printed in color.
Use To Origin al Si ze Letter Legal Exe cuti ve Fol io Statement Ofic io (M exico) Universal Aut o Si ze Se nse Mixed Sizes A4 A5 A6 JI S B5 Cu stom Sca n Size [x] Book Origina l Busi ness Ca rd 3 x 5 4 x 6 ID Car d Specify the paper s ize of the or igin al document.
Use To Hea de r/ Foo te r [Location] Off Date/ Time Page num ber Cus tom text Print o n Al l pag es Fi rs t p age on ly All bu t fi rst page Cus tom t e xt Spec ify hea der and foo ter inf ormatio n and its locatio n on the pag e.
Use To Color Dropo ut Col or Dropout None Red Gre en Blue Default Red Thre s hold 0– 255 Default Green Thres hold 0– 255 Default Blue Thr es hol d 0– 255 Specify whic h color to dr op during c opies, and how muc h to i ncrease or dec rease th e dropout .
General Fax Settings Use To Fax N ame or St ation Name Specify the name of the fax in the printer. Fax Number or Statio n Number Specify the number assigned to the fax. St a tio n I D Fax Name or Station Name Fax Num ber or St at io n N umb er Specify how the fax is identified.
Use To Fax Co ver P age Fax Cov er P ag e Off by default On by default Never use Al way s u se Include to field On Off Include fr om field Off On Fr om Include Message field Off On Message Include L ogo Off On Include Footer [x] Foote r [x] Configure the fax cover page.
Use To Origin al Si ze Mixed Sizes Letter Legal Exe cuti ve Fol io Statement Ofic io (M exico) Universal Aut o Si ze Se nse Mixed Sizes A4 A5 A6 JI S B5 Cu stom Sca n Size [x] l Specify the paper s ize of the or igin al document. Note : Mixed Sizes is the US factory def ault setting.
Use To Auto m atic R ed ia l 0–9 Specify the number of times the pr inter tries to send the fax to a spec ified number. Note : 5 is the f actory default setti ng. R edial Fr eq uenc y 1– 200 Specify the num ber of minutes between redials. Be hind a P ABX No Yes Enable or disa ble switchboard blind dia ling without a dial tone.
Use To Color Dropo ut Col or Dropout None Red Gre en Blue Default Red Thre s hold 0– 255 Default Green Thres hold 0– 255 Default Blue Thr es hol d 0– 255 Specify whi ch color to drop, and how much to increase or decrease the dropout. Note s: • None is the factory defaul t setti ng for Color Dropout.
Fax Receive S ettings Use To Enab le Fax Rec eive On Off Allow the printer to receive fax j obs. Note : On is the factor y default s etting. Fax Jo b Waitin g None Ton er Toner and Suppli es Remove fax jobs t hat request specific unavailable resources fr om the print queue.
Use To Fax Fo rwar ding Print Prin t and Forward For wa rd Enabl e forwarding of rece ived faxes t o another recip ient. Forw ard t o Fax E ‑ mai l FT P LDSS eSF Specify the t ype of r ecipient to which faxes will be forwarded. Note : Thi s m enu is available only from the E mbedded Web Server.
Use To Lo g P a p er S o urc e Tr ay [x] Manual Feeder Specify the sour ce of the paper used for printing logs. Lo gs D i sp la y Remo te F ax Na me or R emot e Sta ti on Na me Dialed Number Specify whether printed logs display the dialed number or the station name returned.
Fax Mode (Fax Server Setup) menu Fax Server mode se nds t he f ax job t o a fa x server fo r trans miss ion. To acces s the menu from the ho me screen, naviga te to: > Setting s > Fax S etti ng .
Use To Orien tat ion Portra it Landscap e Spe cify the orient ation of the sc anne d image. Origin al Si ze Letter Legal Exe cuti ve Fol io Statement Ofic io (M exico) Universal Aut o Si ze Se nse Mixed Sizes A4 A5 A6 JI S B5 Cu stom Sca n Size [x] Busi ness Ca rd 3 x 5 i n.
Use To E ‑ ma i l Server Setup Send m e a copy Never ap pears On by default Off by default Al way s O n Send a copy of the e-mail to the sender. Note : “ Never appears” is the factory default setti ng. E ‑ ma i l Server Setup Max E ‑ mai l si ze 0– 6553 5 KB Sp ecif y the max imu m e-mai l size in k iloby tes .
Use To Co ntent So urce Colo r L ase r Inkj et Photo/ Film Magazi n e Newspaper Press Other Blac k and Whi te Laser Specify how t he original document was produced. Note : C olor L aser is the factory defaul t setting. Color On Off Specify whether or not copies are printed in color.
Use To Si de s (D u ple x) Off Long ed ge Sho r t edg e Specify how the text a nd graphics are oriented on the page. Note s: • Off is the factory de fault setti ng. • Long edge assumes binding along the long edge of the page (l eft edge for portrait and top edge f or landscape ).
Use To Cu stom Jo b scann ing Off On Copy in a s ingle copy job, a document that contains mixed paper sizes. Note s: • Off is the factory de fault setti ng. • Only a ppear s when a print er har d disk is inst alled. Note : Of f is the f a ctory def au lt s etting .
Use To Sh a do w D et ai l ‑ 4 to 4 Adjust the amount of s hadow detail visible on a s canned ima ge. Note : 0 i s the fa ctor y default setting. Scan edge to edge Off On Specify whether the original document is scanned edge-to-edge. Note : Of f is the f a ctory def au lt s etting .
Use To Color On Off Specify whether or not copies are printed in color. Note : On is the factory default sett ing. Res o lu tio n 150 d pi 200 d pi 300 d pi 400 d pi 600 d pi 75 dpi Sp ecify the qualit y of the s can in do ts per in ch. Note : 1 50 dpi is the factory defaul t setting.
Use To JPE G Quality Best for cont ent 5–9 0 Set the quali ty of a JPEG photo image i n relation to file size and the quality of the ima ge. Note s: • “Best for content” i s the factory def au lt setting. • 5 reduces the file size, but the quality of the i mage is lessened.
Use To Sc a n Pr e vi ew Off On Specify whether a pr eview will appear on the display f or scan jobs. Note s: • Off is the factory de fault setti ng. • Appear s only when a printer hard disk is ins talled. Al low Sa ve as Sh ortcu t On Off Enable shortcut creation for FTP address es .
Use To Temperature ‑ 4 to 4 Enable the us er to specify “warm” or “cool ” outputs. "Cool” val ues generate a bluer output than the defaul t while “warm ” values generate a redder output than th e default. Flas h Drive m enu Scan Se ttings Use To Format PDF (.
Use To Dar knes s 1–9 Lighten or darken the output. Note : 5 is the f actory default s etting. Orien tat ion Portra it Landscap e Spe cify the orient ation of the sc anne d image.
Use To Phot o Defau lt 5–9 0 Sets the quality of a photo image in relation to file size and qu ality. Note : 50 is the f actory defaul t setting. Use M ul ti ‑ Pag e TI FF On Off Provi de a choic e betwee n single -p age T IFF f iles and mul tiple ‑ page TI FF files .
Use To Mi rror I mage Off On Create a m irror image of the original document. Note : Off is t he factory defaul t setting. Neg ati v e I m ag e Off On Create a negative image of the or iginal docum ent. Note : Off is t he factory defaul t setting. Sh a do w D et ai l ‑ 4 to 4 Adjust the amount of shadow detail visible o n a s canned image.
Pape r Saver Ori entation Aut o Landscap e Portra it Sp ecif y the orie ntat ion o f a mu lti ple ‑ page document. Note : A uto is the factory default setting.
Print Sett ing s Se tup m enu Use To Pr int er L anguage PS E mulat io n PCL E mul ation Set the default printer language. Note s : • PS Emulation is the factory default printer lang uage. PS emulation uses a P S interpreter f or processing print jobs.
Use To Downl oa d Targ et RAM Fl ash Disk Set the storag e location f or downloads . Note s : • RAM is the f actory default s etting. Downl oads s tored in RAM are tem porary. • Storing downl oads i n flash memory or on a printer hard disk places th em in per manent s torage.
Fin ishin g menu Use To Si de s (D u ple x) 1 si ded 2 si ded Specify whether two ‑ sided (duplex) pr inting is set as t he default for all pr int jobs.
Use To Paper Sa ver Off 2 ‑ Up 3 ‑ Up 4 ‑ Up 6 ‑ Up 9 ‑ Up 12 ‑ Up 16 ‑ Up Sp ecif y tha t m ultipl e ‑ page images be prin ted on one side of a paper. Note s: • Off is the factory de fault setti ng. • The nu mber selected is t he number of page im ages that prints per side.
Use To Prin t Resolu tio n 1200 d pi 4800 CQ Specify the pri nted output r esolution. Note : 4800 CQ is the factory default s etting. Ton er Darkness 1–5 Lighten or darken the pri nted output. Note s: • 4 i s the factor y default s etting. • Selecting a smaller number can help c o nserve toner.
Use To Color Bala nce Cya n ‑ 5 to 5 Magenta ‑ 5 to 5 Yel low ‑ 5 to 5 Black ‑ 5 to 5 Res et Def a ults Adjust color in pri nted output by i ncreasing or decreasing the amount of toner being used for each color. Note : 0 i s the fa ctor y default setting.
Use To Manu a l C ol or CMY K I mag e US CMYK Euro CMYK Vivid CMYK Off C MYK Text US CMYK Euro CMYK Vivid CMYK Off CMYK Graphi cs US CMYK Euro CMYK Vivid CMYK Off Custom ize the C MYK color conver sions. Note s: • US CMY K is the US factory default setting.
Use To L og Ac tion a t End of Freq uency None E ‑ ma il Curre nt Log E ‑ mail & Delete Current Log Post C u rren t Log Post & Delet e Cu rrent Log Determine and s et how the printer r esponds when the frequency thr eshold expire s. Note : None is the factory def ault setti ng.
Utilities menu Use To Remove H eld J obs Con fi de nti al He ld Not R estored Al l Delete confidential and h eld jobs f r om the printer hard disk. Note s: • Selecti ng a setti ng affects onl y print jobs that are re sident in the printer. Bookmar ks, print jobs on flash dri ves, and other types of held jobs are no t af fec te d.
XPS men u Use To Print E rror Pages Off On Print a page containing informati on on er rors, incl uding XML markup errors. Note : Off is t he factory defaul t setting. PDF me nu Use To Sc a le to Fi t Yes No Scale page content to fit the selected paper size.
PCL Emul menu Use To Fo nt So urc e Resident Disk Downloa d Fl ash Al l Specify the s et of fonts used in the Fon t Name m enu. Note s: • Resident is the factory default setting. I t shows the factory def a ult set of fonts downloaded i n the R AM. • Flash and D isk setti ngs show all fonts r esident in t hat option.
Use To PCL E m ul atio n Se ttin g s Lines per P age 1– 255 Specify the n umber of lines that pr int on each page. Note s: • 60 is the US factor y default s etting. 6 4 is the i nternational default setting. • The printer sets the amount of space between each line based on the Lines per P age, Paper Size, an d Orientation s ettings.
Use To Tray Ren umber View Facto ry Defaults MPF De fault = 8 T1 De fault = 1 T2 De fault = 4 T3 De fault = 5 T4 De fault = 2 0 T5 De fault = 2 1 Env Default = 6 MPaper Defaul t = 2 MEnv Default = 3 Display the fac tory default setting assigned to each tray, drawer, or fee der.
Use To Font Siz e 1– 255 pt Set the default font size for HT ML documents . Note s: • 12 pt is the factor y default s etting. • Font size can be incr eased in 1 ‑ po int inc rements. Sc a le 1– 400% Scale the default font for HTML doc uments.
Use To Orien tat ion Portra it Landscap e Revers e Portra it Reverse Landscape Set the im age orien tatio n. Note : Po rtra it is the fa ctory de fault se tting. Help menu The Help menu consi sts of a ser ies of Help pages t hat are sto red in the mult ifunctio n printe r (MFP) as PDF files.
Saving money and th e environment Lexmark is c ommi tted to en vironm ental sus ta inabili ty and is conti nually impr oving its pr inters to reduc e the ir i mpact on the environ m ent. We desig n with the environment in mind, engineer our packaging to reduce materials, and provide collect ion and rec ycling programs.
Avo id pa per jam s Carefu lly selec t and l oad pap er to av oid pape r jam s. F or more inf orm ation, s ee “A voiding j ams” on page 253. Savin g energy Usin g Eco ‑ Mod e 1 Ope n a Web b rowser, and the n type t he print er IP add ress in the addr ess f ield.
Use To On Reduce printer noise. • Print jobs wi ll process at a reduced speed. • Printer engine motor s do no t start until a doc ument i s ready to p rint.
Usin g Hibernate Mo de Hibernate is an ultra ‑ l ow po wer operating mode. When operating in Hibernate mode, the printer i s essentially off, an d all oth er sys tems and d evi ces are po wered dow n safely. Note: The Hi bern ate and Sl eep mode s can be sc heduled .
Using the printer control panel 1 From the home screen, navigate to: > Settings > G eneral Set tings > Scree n Bright ness 2 In th e Scre en Brightne ss fi eld, ent er the br ight ness p erce ntage you w ant fo r the dis play.
Recycling Lexmark pac ka ging Lexmark co ntinually striv es to minim ize p ackagi ng. Les s packag ing hel ps to e nsure tha t Lexm ark pr inters are t ranspor ted in the most efficient and environmentally sensitive manner and that there is less packaging to di s pose of.
Securing the pr inter Locki ng the sy stem boa rd To limit ac cess to the sy stem board, atta ch a securi ty lock to the printer in the loc ation ident ified in the illustr ation. The print er is com patible wit h most laptop com puter secur ity loc ks.
Types of m emory Desc ript io n Hard disk m emory Some printers have a hard disk drive installed. The pr inter hard di sk is designed f or device-specific func tionali ty. Th is lets the device retain bu ffered us er data from complex s can, print, copy, and f ax jobs, as well as f orm data, and font data.
3 Touc h Wipe All Settings . The pri nter will rest art several ti mes during this p rocess. No te: Wipe All S ettings sec urely removes d evice s ettings, so lutio ns, j obs, faxes , and pas swords from t he print er mem ory . 4 Touc h Back > Exit Config Men u .
Note s: • View the p rinter I P addre ss on t he print er h ome scre en . The IP a ddress appears as fou r sets o f numbers separ ate d by peri ods, suc h as 1 23.12 3.1 23. 123 . • If you are us ing a pr oxy ser ver, then tempo rarily dis able it to load t he Web page c orrectly.
Fin ding p ri nter s ecu rity info rmat ion In high -security e nvironments, it may be n eces sary to take addi tional st eps to m ake sure that co nfidential data stored in the p rinter cann ot be acc essed. For mo re informa tion, visit the L exmar k secu rity Web pa ge and see the Embe dde d Web Server A dministrato r’s Guide .
Maintaining the printer Perio dically, c ertain t ask s are re quired t o mai ntain the opt im um perfor mance of your prin ter. Warning—P otential Dama ge : Failure to repl ace part s an d supplie s when di rec ted, may c ause da mage t o your print er or prevent the pr inte r from perf orming optim ally.
Cleaning the scann er glass Make sure you clean the ADF glass. A small speck of dirt on the ADF glass can cause a streak that goes down the entire length of the scanned p age. 1 Sl ightly dampe n a sof t, lint -free c loth o r pape r towel wit h wate r.
3 Open the ADF cover. 4 Remove the pick roller assembly. 5 Wi pe the surf ace of both pic k r ollers . Maintaini ng the printer 230.
6 Replace the pi ck roller assem bly. 7 Wi pe the e ntire s urfa ce unde r the A DF cove r, inc luding t he tw o small wh ite rollers. 8 Wi pe the separ ator p ad, and then wipe the pick pad.
9 Pull the flap u p as shown , and then wipe the s ensor behind it. 10 Close the flap, and then clos e the ADF cover. Clea ning the pri nthead le nse s Clean t he pri nthead lens es w hen you en count er print qual ity probl ems. 1 Open the top acc es s cover, and then open the front door.
Warning—Pot ential D amage: To avoi d overexp osing t he ph otoconduc tors , do not leave t he front do or open fo r mor e th an 1 0 mi nu te s. 2 Remo ve all fo ur to ne r cart ri dges . No te: Do not remo ve th e photoc onductor s f or this pro cedu re.
6 Close the front door, and then close the top access cover. 2 1 Check ing t he status o f pa rts a nd supp lies A message appears on the display when a replacement supply item is needed or when maintenance is required. For more inform ation, s ee “Sup plies m enu” on page 1 34.
Order ing p arts and su pplies To order part s and suppl ies in the U.S., contact Lexm ark at 1-80 0-539 -6 275 for info rmatio n about Lexmar k authoriz ed supp lies d ealers i n your area. I n other c oun tries o r regio ns, v isit the Lexmar k Web si te at www.
Recommende d p art numbers Part na me Part number Fuser 40 X8112 (100 V ) 40X8 110 (115 V ) 40X8 111 (230 V ) Transfer module 40X8307 Orderin g a waste to ner bottle A messag e on the print er displ ay appear s w hen the w aste t oner bottle needs to be replac ed.
• Reset the m aintenanc e counter bac k to zero af ter installi ng the four new photocond uctor s. Using genuine L exmark pa rts an d suppl ies Lexmark print ers, parts, and supplies are desig ned to perfo rm toget her f or supe rior pri nt qualit y.
2 Pull the gr een tabs of the spe cif ied cart rid ge up and o ut to remov e the car tridge from the print er. 3 Unpac k th e repla cemen t to ner ca rtri dge . 4 Place the old cartridge in the recycling b a g. 5 Place the bag in the shippi n g box used for the r epl acement par t.
9 Close the front door, and th en close the printer top access cover. 2 1 Note: When pr int bec omes faded, orde r a new toner c artr idge imm ediat ely.
Rep lac ing t he pick rol ler a sse mbl y 1 Turn th e prin ter off, and then open th e ADF cover. 2 Repla ce the pi ck roller assem bly, as show n. 3 Dispose of the ol d pic k rolle r as sembly.
Replacing the separator pad 1 With the ADF co ver still o pen, pull up on th e separato r pad to remo ve it. 2 Repla ce the s eparat or pad. 3 Disp ose of the ol d separ at or p ad.
Replacing the pick pad 1 With the ADF co ver still o pen, pull st raight up on the pick pad to remo ve it. 2 Repla ce the pi ck pa d with a ne w one, and t hen discard the old pa d. 3 Ope n the flap t o access the se nsor lens under neath, and then wipe the lens cle an.
4 Close the flap, and then clos e the ADF cover. Replacing the air filter 1 Locate the air filter on the back of the printer , and then remove th e cover.
2 Remo ve the old ai r filter , and then discard it. 3 Replace the air filter, and then replace the cover . 4 Turn the printer on. Maintaini ng the printer 244.
Replac ing the wa ste ton er bottle 1 Locate t he waste toner bot tle release butto n on the left side of the prin ter. 2 Press the r elease button to the left, and then pull the wa ste toner bottle out to remove it fr om the printer. 2 1 3 Unpack the rep lacement waste tone r bottle.
6 Place the bag into th e shipping box used for the replacement part. 1 2 7 Peel t he recy cling labe l off and pl ace it o n the shi pping box . 1 2 8 Inse rt the ne w was te tone r bottle in to the printe r. 1 2 Repla cing a phot ocondu ctor 1 Open the top acc es s cover, and then open the front door.
Warning—Pot ential D amage: To avoi d overexp osing t he ph otoconduc tors , do not leave t he front do or open fo r mor e th an 1 0 mi nu te s. 2 Pull the spec ified p hotoconduc tor up, a nd then sli de it to the rig ht to r emove it from the print er.
4 Alig n and inse rt the le ft e nd of t he photocond uctor , an d then pres s the ri ght end int o place. 2 1 5 Remo ve th e red pa cking s trip f rom th e top of the phot ocondu ctor.
Resetti ng the m ainte nance co unter Reset the mai nten ance co unter af ter ins talling the ne w photoc ondu ctors. Use an y one of the followi ng procedur es: When a “replace ” or “low” mes.
• Before s etting up th e printer , make s ure there i s adequa te clear ance around it . • Lift the printer off the optio nal drawer, and set i t aside instead of tr ying to lift the d rawer and printer at the same time. Use only the power cord provided with th is product or the manufactur er's authorized replacement.
Managing the printer Fin di ng a dv anc e d ne t wor ki ng a nd adm i ni stra t or i nfo rm at ion This c hapter c over s basic a dmini strat ive sup port t ask s using the Emb edded Web Serv er.
3 Unde r Other Setti ngs, clic k E ‑ mai l Alert Setu p . 4 Select the i tems for notif ication, and type the e ‑ mail address es. 5 Click Submit . Note: For i nfo rmati on on s e tting up th e e ‑ mai l serve r, co ntact yo ur system suppo rt per son.
Cle aring jam s Carefully s elect paper and sp ecialty medi a and lo ad it pro per ly to avoid most jams. For more informa tion, see “Avoiding jams” on page 253. If jams do occur, follow the steps o utlined in this c hapter. Note: Jam rec over y is set t o Auto by def ault.
• Make su re all paper s izes a nd t ypes ar e set co rrect ly in the pr inter c on trol pa nel menus . • Sto re paper per m anuf acture r re commenda ti ons. Unde rsta ndin g jam num bers and locati ons When a jam occ urs , a me ssage indi cating the jam locat ion appears on the print er displa y.
20 0–201 p ap er ja ms Paper jam in the t oner cartr idge area 1 Open th e pri nter top acces s cove r. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The i nside of t he pri nter mi ght be hot. To reduce the ri sk of injury f rom a hot comp onent, allow th e surface to co ol before to uching it.
4 Close the front door, and then close the top access cover. 5 From t he p rinter control pa nel, t ouch Cont inue, j am cl eare d . Pap er jam u nde r th e p hoto con du cto r uni ts 1 Op e th e p ri nt e r to p ac ce s s c ov er . CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The i nside of t he pri nter mi ght be hot.
2 1 5 Firmly g rasp t he jamm ed paper on eac h sid e, and then g ently pu ll it out. No te: Make sur e all pap er f ragments a re rem ove d. 6 Reins tall eac h pho toconduc tor unit. 7 Close the front door, and th en close the printer top access cover.
c I f the ja mmed paper i s not visi ble, then rem ove t he fu ser uni t: Warning—P otential Dama ge : Do not to uch the roller at the center of the fuser unit. Do ing so m ay dama ge the fuser . 1 Turn the scr ews on the fuser counterclockwise to loosen them.
e Pull and then rotate the gr een rectangular knob clockwise to unlock the top p aper gu id e. 1 2 f Press the gr een arrow tab to the left, and then lift the to p paper gui de. 2 1 g Firm ly grasp t he jamm ed paper on each s ide, and t hen gently pull it out.
i Pull and then rotate the gr een rectangular knob counterclockwise to firmly sec u re the to p paper guide. 1 2 j Rei nstall t he f user unit: 1 Align the fuser unit us ing the handho lds on each sid e, and t hen pl ace it ba ck into t he pri nter. 2 Turn the scr ews clockwise to fasten the fuser securely.
Paper jam in the fuser a rea 1 Open th e pri nter top acces s cove r. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The i nside of t he pri nter mi ght be hot. To reduce the ri sk of injury f rom a hot comp onent, allow th e surface to co ol before to uching it. 2 Open the fron t door.
c I f the ja mmed paper i s not visi ble, then rem ove t he fu ser uni t: 1 Turn the scr ews on the fuser counterclockwise to loosen them. 2 Using the h andhol ds o n each side, l ift and p ull the fu ser o ut of the p rinte r. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The fuser might be hot.
e Pull and then rotate the gr een rectangular knob clockwise to unlock the top p aper gu id e. 1 2 f Press the gr een arrow tab to the left, and then lift the to p paper gui de. 2 1 g Firm ly grasp t he jamm ed paper on each s ide, and t hen gently pull it out.
i Pull and then rotate the gr een rectangular knob counterclockwise to firmly sec u re the to p paper guide. 1 2 j Rei nstall t he f user unit: 1 Align the fuser unit us ing the handho lds on eac h side , and then in sert it back int o the printer. 2 Turn the scr ews clockwise to fasten the fuser securely.
Pap er j am i nsi de the printe r top a cc ess c ove r 1 Open th e pri nter top acces s cove r. Warning—Pot ential D amage: To avoi d overexp osing t he ph otoconduc tors , do not leave t he front do or open fo r mor e th an 1 0 mi nu te s. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The i nside of t he pri nter mi ght be hot.
24x pa per ja m Paper jam i n T ray 1 1 Op en Tray 1. 2 Firmly g rasp t he jamm ed paper on eac h sid e, and then g ently pu ll it out. No te: Make sur e all pap er f ragments a re rem ove d. 3 Clo se Tra y 1. 4 From t he p rinter control pa nel, t ouch Cont inue, j am cl eare d .
3 Close the tray. 4 From t he p rinter control pa nel, t ouch Cont inue, j am cl eare d . 25 0 paper jam 1 Press the paper release lever, and then remove any jammed pages f r om the multipur pose feeder. No te: Make sur e all pap er f ragments a re rem ove d.
3 Close the ADF cover. 4 Ope n the duplex cov er, firmly g rasp the jammed paper o n eac h side, and then gent ly pul l it out. No te: Make sur e all pap er f ragments a re rem ove d. 1 2 5 Ope n the scanne r cover, fi rmly gra sp the j ammed paper on each sid e, and t hen gent ly pull it out.
6 Close the scanner cover. 7 Reload or iginal do cuments int o the ADF, s traighten t he stack, and then adj ust the paper guide. Clea ri ng ja ms 269.
Troubleshooting So lving basic p r int er pr oblems If there are basic printer problems, or the printer is unresponsive, make sure: • The pow er cor d is pl ugged into the printer and a prope rly grounded el ectrical outlet . • The electrical outlet is not t urned off by any switch or breaker.
Change [pa per source] to [cus tom string] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • From th e printer con trol panel, touch Use c urren t [pap er s ource] to ignore t h e message and pr int from t he selected tray .
Disk near f ull. Securel y clearing di sk space. Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to clear t he mes sage and c ontinu e prin ting. • Delete fonts, m acros, an d ot her data stored on t he print er ha rd di sk. • Insta ll a hard dis k wi th higher capac ity.
Fax St ation N um ber not se t up The Fax Station Num ber has not been ente red. Sendi ng and receiving faxes is disabled until fax is co n figur ed properl y. Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to clear the m es sage. • Compl ete the A nalog Fax Setup.
Load [paper s ource] with [paper s ize] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Load the tray or feeder with the correc t paper size. • From t he p rinter control pa nel, t ouch P a pe r lo a de d, co nt i nue to clear the me ssage an d cont inue print ing.
Load Ma nual Feed er with [p aper type] [paper size] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Load the feeder with th e correct paper size and type. • From t he p rinter control pa nel, t ouch Prompt each page, paper loaded or Do n ot prom pt, pa per loa ded to cl ear the m essage and contin ue pri nting .
Scanner ADF Cover Open The ADF cover is open. The message clears when the cover is closed. S can Do cum ent To o L ong The sc an job ex ceeds t he ma ximum numbe r of pages. T ouch Ca nce l Jo b to clear the message. SMTP se rver not se t up. Co ntact s ystem administra tor.
31.x x Miss ing or d efe ctive [col or] cart ridge Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Insta ll the missing toner ca rtridge. For ins truc tions on rem oving and inst alli ng a cart ridge, touch More Info rmatio n . • Remo ve and r einst all the def ec tive to ner ca rtri dge.
37 Insuffic ient memory for Flash Mem ory Defrag ment operation Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to stop the defragm ent operatio n and continue pri nti ng. • Delete fonts, m acros, an d ot her data in pr inter m emor y. • Insta ll addi tional p rinter m emory .
53 Unf ormatt ed flas h detected Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to stop the defragm ent operatio n and continue pri nti ng. • Format the flash memory. If the error message remains, the flash m emory may be defective and require replacing.
56 Parallel po rt [x ] disabl ed Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to clear the m es sage. The pri nt er discar ds an y data rec eived thr ough t he para llel port . • Make sure the Parallel Buffer menu item is not s et to Disabled.
4 Connec t the pow er cor d to a pr operly ground ed electr ical outlet . 5 Turn the prin ter back on. 58 Too many dis ks i nstall ed 1 Turn the printer off. 2 Unplug the pow er cor d from t he wall o utle t. 3 Remove the excess disks. 4 Connec t the pow er cor d to a pr operly ground ed electr ical outlet .
62 D isk full Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to clea r the mes sage and c ontinu e pro cessing . • Delete fonts, m acros, an d ot her data stored on t he print er ha rd di sk. • Insta ll a print er ha rd di sk with larg er capa city.
82.x x W aste ton er bott le m iss in g Reinsert the waste toner bo ttle in to the printer . 82.x x Was te ton er bott le ne arly ful l Order a replacement waste toner b ott l e immediately. 1 Replace the waste to ner bottle. For ins tructi ons on ins talling the waste to ner bottle, from the pri nter control panel to uch More Inf ormation .
84.x x [Color] p hoto conducto r low 1 Orde r a re placeme nt p hotoc onductor imm ediat ely. 2 Whe n print qual ity is reduc ed, install the ne w photoco nductor, f ollowing t he instruc tion s heet that c ame with the replacement supply. Note s: • All four photo conducto rs shou ld be r eplac ed at the same tim e.
Notes: • Repeat this pro cedure m ultiple times until t he pri nt remai ns f aded. W hen the pri nt remai ns fa ded, rep lace the c art ridg e. • Have a new cartrid ge a vailable when the current one no longer prints satisfactorily. 88.xx [color] cartridge ne arly low Order a replacement for the specified print cartridge.
840.0 1 Scanner di sabled by ad min Prin t withou t the scanner o r contact your system sup port perso n. 840.0 2 Scanner di sabled . Conta ct sys tem adm inistrator if p roblem persi sts. Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Conti nue with sc anner disabled to retur n to t h e home screen, and then contact your system support p erson .
C HECK IF A SUPPLY IS MISSING OR NEEDS REPLACEM ENT Remove and th en reinstall or replace t he supply. C HECK IF TH E ST AND ARD EXIT BIN IS FULL Remove t he paper stack fr om the s tandard exit bin. C HECK IF TH E PAPER TRA Y IS EMPTY Load paper in the tray.
If you are pr inting from the Inter net, then t he print er m ay be readin g multiple job titles as dupl ica tes and del eti ng all jobs except the first o n e.
Job print s from the wro ng tray or o n the wrong paper C HECK THE PAPER TYP E AN D PAPER SI ZE SETTI NGS Make sure t he p aper type setting m atches the paper l oaded i n the tray: 1 From t he pr inter cont ro l panel Paper m enu, che ck the p aper type and pape r siz e set tings.
M AKE SU RE THE PR INT ER HA S EN OUGH MEMORY Add print er memory or an opt ional har d dis k. Unexpe cted pa ge break s occur I NCR EASE THE P RI NT T IME OU T VA LU E 1 From the home screen , naviga.
• Dark pr int • Skewed lines • Smudg es • Str eaks • Unexpected characters • Whit e lines in print Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: C LEAR ANY ERROR MESSAGES Check the display and clear any error messages. R EPLACE TH E TON ER OR PRINT CARTRIDGE When the pr int re mains f aded, r eplac e the t oner or print cart ridge.
When the text is li ght o r disappear ing: • From the Copy s creen, navigate to: Con tent > Text > > selec t the appropriat e source f or the o riginal document b eing copied > • From .
So lving scanne r prob lems Check ing an unrespon si ve scanner If your s canne r i s not res pondin g, then make s ure: • The printer is turned on. • The pri nter cabl e is secu rely atta ched to the printer an d the ho st compu ter, print s erver, option, or other netwo rk devic e.
T HE SCA NNE R GLASS MAY BE DI RTY Clean the s cann er glass with a c l ean, lint ‑ free cloth d ampened with water. For more information, see “ Cleaning the scanne r gla ss” on page 2 29. A DJ US T TH E SCAN RE SOL UTI ON Increase the resolution of the scan for a higher q ua lity outpu t.
So lving fax prob lems Fax a nd e-m ail funct ions are not s et up The indic ator light blinks red un ti l you set up fax a nd e ‑ mail. T o set up fax and e ‑ mail, follow these steps: Note: Before completi ng these in st ructions fo r a pri nter on a networ k, mak e sure the fax c ables a re connec ted.
C HECK THE TE LEP HON E WALL JAC K 1 Plug a te lephone int o the wall j ack. 2 List en for a dia l tone . 3 If you do n ot hear a dial tone, the n plug a differ ent tele phone into the wall jack. 4 If you still do not hear a dial tone, the n plug a telephone i nto a dif ferent wall j ack.
T HE PRINTER MEMORY MA Y BE FULL 1 Dial the fax nu mber. 2 Scan the or iginal d ocument one p age at a time. Can send but n ot recei ve faxe s Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: L OAD PAPER If the tr ay is empty, then load pa p er in the tr a y or feeder .
M AKE SU RE THE SHORT CUT NUMB ER IS SET UP PRO PERLY • Check to m ake sur e the shor tcut nu mber has been prog ramme d for the number that you want to dia l.
If you do n ot know the IP addr ess or host n ame of t he prin ter, then you c an: • View t he informa ti on on th e printer control p anel ho me sc reen, o r in the T CP/IP sec tion under the Netw orks/P orts menu. • Prin t a networ k setup p age or men u set tings pag e, an d then locat e the inf orma tion in the TCP/IP s ection .
A network dest ination stopped working or is invalid M AK E SUR E THE PR I N TE R AUTHE NTI CA TION IS CON F IGU RE D If t he appli cation is confi gured to u se MFP authen ticatio n creden tials, th en t he print er au thenticati on setti ngs must be configur ed f rom th e Embe dded Web Server .
Scan to N etw ork troub leshoot ing The applicatio n icon is missing from the home scre en M AK E SUR E TO ENABLE AT LE A ST ONE VAL ID DE STINATION D ISPLAY THE APPLICA TION ICON WH EN NO DESTINATION S AR E AVAI LAB LE 1 From t he Embedde d We b Se rver, clic k Settin gs or C o nfigurati on .
M AK E SUR E THE NE T WORK IS FUN CTIONIN G AN D THE PRINTER CAN COMMUN ICA TE Veri fy all netwo rk co nnectio n s an d that th e net work setti ngs of t he prin ter are c onfig ured appropria tely.
So lving optio n proble ms Opti on doe s not ope rate correctly or quits aft er it is installed Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: R ESET TH E PRINTER Turn th e printer o ff, wait f or about 10 seconds, and then turn the pri nter on. C HECK TO SEE IF THE OP TI ON IS CONNE CTED TO THE PRINTER 1 Turn th e printer off usi ng the power switch.
M AKE SU RE THE PAPER TRA Y IS INST ALL ED CO RRE CTLY If the paper t ray is liste d on t he menu settings pag e, but pap er j ams w hen i t enters o r exits the tray, t hen it may not be pro perly inst alled.
Internal Sol utions Port do es not operate correctly Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: C HECK THE I NT ERN AL S OLUTIO NS P ORT (IS P) CONNECTIONS Make sure t he I SP is sec urely connected to th e printer syste m board.
Solv ing paper feed prob lems Paper frequent ly jam s Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: C HECK THE PAPER Use re commended paper and sp ecial ty media.
So lving print qu ality p r ob lems If thes e sugg estions do no t correct the prob lem, t hen contac t c ustomer suppo rt. You m ay have a print er pa rt that requires adjustment or replacement.
Gray ba ckground ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE C HECK THE T ONER D ARKN ESS S ETTI N G Select a lighte r Toner D arknes s sett ing: • From t he print er cont rol panel Qu ality menu, c hange the setting . • For Wind ows user s, ch ange t he sett ing fr om Pri nt Propert ies .
Light colo red li ne, white line, or i ncorrectl y colored line a ppear s on prints ABCDE ABCDE A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: M AKE SU RE THER E IS NO DEF ECT I VE TO NER CARTRI DG E Replace the defec tive toner ca rtridg e.
Print irregu larities Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: L OAD PAPER FR O M A FRESH PACKAGE The pape r may hav e absorbe d mois ture due to hi gh humi dity.
Print is t oo dark Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: C HECK THE DARK NE SS , BRI GH TNE SS , AND CO NTRAST SETTI NG S The Toner Dar kness sett ing ma y be too dark , t he Bri ghtness s etting may be to o dark, or the Contras t setting ma y be to o h ig h .
Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: C HECK THE DARK NE SS , BRI GH TNE SS , AND CO NTRAST SETTI NG S The Ton er D arkness sett ing m ay be too li ght, the Brig htness s etting may be too l ight, or the C ontrast set ting may be to o l ow . • Chang e these se tting s from the print er control p anel Quali ty m enu.
Printer is printing bl ank pages Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: M AKE SU RE THER E IS NO PACKING MATERI AL LEFT ON TH E PRINT OR TO NER CARTRIDGE Remove the cart rid ge and ma k e sure t he pa cki ng mat erial is pro pe rly remove d. Reinst all th e cartr idge .
R EPLACE TH E PHO TOC ONDU CT OR Replace the photoc ond uctor of the c olor with the repe ating de fect, if the defec ts oc cur in the foll owing instanc es: • Every 28.3 mm (1.11 in.) of the page • Every 72.4 mm (2.85 in.) of the page R EPLACE TH E FUSER Replace the fus er if print def ects oc cur in the follo wing in stances: • Every 47.
C ONTACT CUSTOMER SUPPORT If the proble m co ntinues, the print er may need to be s ervic ed. Skewed p rint Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: C HECK THE PAPER GUIDE S Adjus t the length a n d w i dt h guides in the tray to th e correct p ositions for the pa per size loaded .
4 Clean t he paper fee d roller s. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Do not t ouch the ru bber. Doing so wil l damag e the ro llers . 5 Reinstall t he paper feed r ollers.
M AKE SU RE THE PR INT CART RIDG E IS NOT LOW ON TON ER When 88.x x [col or] ca rtri dg e low appears, make sure the toner is distributed evenly within the print car t ri dg e: 1 Remove th e print cartr idge. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Be careful no t to touch the photocondu ctor dr um.
Streaked v ertica l lines appea r on prin ts ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: S ELECT ANOTH ER TRAY OR FEEDER • From t he pr inter c ontro l panel Paper m enu, sele ct De fault Source • For Wind ows users, se lect the paper sour ce from P rint Pro perties.
M AKE SU RE THE FU SER IS NO T WO RN OR DE FE CTIVE Replace the worn o r defective fu ser. M AKE SU RE THE PR INT ER HA S RECA LIB RAT ED RECE NTLY Perform c olor adj ust from the Qualit y menu. M AKE SU RE THE APPL IC AT IO N HA S NO T SPEC IF IED AN OFF ‑ WHI TE BA CK GROU N D Check the appl ica tion set tings.
Ton er spe cks Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: M AKE SU RE THER E IS NO DEF ECT I VE TO NER CARTRI DG E Replace the defective or worn c artrid ges. M AKE SU RE THE PHOTOCON DUCT OR UNIT IS NO T DE FEC TIV E Replace the defec tive phot ocond uctor un it.
How i s color spe cifie d in a doc ument to be pri n ted ? Softwa re prog rams t ypically spec ify doc ument colo r using RGB or CM YK color c ombinat ions. Add itionall y, th ey allow users to modify the c olor of each object in a document. For more infor m ation, see th e software program Help topics.
Manual Co lor menu Obje ct ty p e C ol or c o nve rs io n tabl e s RGB Im age RGB Text RGB Gr aphics • Vivid —Produces brighter, more s aturated colors an d m ay be applied to al l i nco m i ng colo r for m a ts. • sRGB Di splay —Pr oduces an output that appr oximates the colors displayed on a computer monitor .
To ac cess a det ailed Color S amples set fr om the E mbedded Web Ser ver: 1 Type the pri nte r IP add ress or host name i n the addre ss fi eld of your Web brows er.
Notices Product i nformation Prod uct na me: Lexmark X746x, X74 8x Machi ne type: 7526 Mode l(s): 576, 7 76 Edition noti ce Apr il 20 12 Th e f ol lo w ing p ar ag ra p h d o es n ot ap pl y t o an y coun t ry w h ere such provision s are inco nsisten t with loc al law: LEXMARK INTERNATIO NAL, INC.
UNITED STA TES GOVERNMENT RIGHTS This so ftwa re and any accompanyi ng document ation pro vided un der this ag reement ar e co mmercial co mputer softwar e and d ocument ation develope d e xclusively at pri vate e xpense. Tr adem arks Lexmark , Lexm ark with diam ond desig n, MarkNe t, and MarkV ision are trademarks of Lexmark Intern ational, Inc.
Palatino Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries Stempel Garamond L inotype-Hell AG an d/or i ts subsidiaries Taffy Agfa Cor p ora tion Times New Roman The Monotype Corporation pl c Uni vers Lin otype- H ell A G and/o r its su bsid iarie s All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Noise emission levels The fol low ing measur ement s were made in acc ordance with I SO 7 779 and re port ed i n confo rmance w ith ISO 92 96. Note: Some m odes may not appl y to your prod uct. 1-meter a verage s ound pressu re, dBA Pri n tin g 5 3 d BA Scanning 54 dBA Copying 54 dBA Rea d y 3 5 dB A Values are subject to change.
Static s ensitiv ity noti ce This sym bol id entifies stat ic-sensi tive parts. Do no t touch i n the areas near t hese symbo ls without first touching the metal fr ame of the printer .
DA NGE R - I nvisi ble la ser r adi ation when ca rtrid ges a re r emoved and i nterlo ck de feated. Avoi d e xposur e to l aser b eam. PER IGO - Ra diaç ão a la ser i nvisí vel se rá li bera da se os cartuc ho s for em rem ovido s e o lacr e ro mpi do.
Sl eep Mo de This pr oduct is de sig ned with an e nergy-saving m ode called Sleep Mod e . The Sleep Mod e saves energy by lowering power c onsu mption dur ing ext ended peri ods of inactivi ty. The S leep Mo de is automat ically eng aged afte r this pr oduct is not used for a spec ified period of time , called the Sleep Mode Timeout .
Avis de confo rmité a ux no rmes de l’indus trie du C anada Cet ap pareil numér ique de clas se A es t confor me aux ex igen ces de la nor me canadi e nne rel ative aux é quipe ments pouvant causer des interférences NMB-0 0 3.
Telephone com panies re port that electr ical surg es, typically lig htning t ransient s, are ve ry des tructive to customer termi nal equi pment connect ed to A C power sour ces.
Cet équ ipement utili se des pr ises de télé phone CA1 1A. Notice to users of the N ew Zealand teleph one net work The following ar e special conditions for the Facsimile User Ins t ructio ns.
Uso d el prod otto in Svizzer a Questo pr odotto r ichiede un filtro toni Bill ing sviz zero, (codic e L exmark 14B 510 9 o 8 0D187 7) da i nst allar e su t utt e le linee che r icevono im pulsi remot i i n Svizzera.
This device has been des i gned to o perate on l y with the an tenna provided. Use of any othe r antenna is s trictly prohibited per regulati ons of Industr y Can ada. To prevent radio interference to the licensed service, this device is in tended to be o p erated indoors and away from window s to prov ide m aximum shiel ding .
electroma gnetic com patibility, saf ety of electrical equipm en t designed f or use wi thin certain vol tage li mits, and on ra dio equi pment and tel ecommuni catio ns termi nal equ ipment , and the eco design of energy -using p roduc ts. Compli ance is indi cated b y the CE marking .
Engl ish Her eb y, Le x mark I n ter natio na l, In c. , dec lare s t hat th is type o f eq ui pmen t is in com p lianc e with t he es sen tial r equir eme nts an d ot he r rel eva nt pro vis ions of D irec tive 19 99 /5/EC . Español Por m edio de l a presente, Lexm ark Int ernational, Inc.
Lexmark In ternation al, Inc., Lexington, KY This lim ited warranty applies to th e United Stat es and Ca nada. For cus tomers outside t he U.S., r efer to the count ry- specif ic warranty in format ion tha t came with you r produc t.
Extent of lim ited warranty Lexmark does not warra nt uninterrupt ed or error-f ree operatio n of any p rodu ct or the durabil it y or longevit y of pri nts produc ed by an y product.
Index Nume ri cs 1565 Emu lat ion er ror , load emul ation op tion 28 6 2,0 00 ‑ sh eet high ‑ capacity feeder loading 69 2000 ‑ sheet drawer instal ling 43 200 –201 p aper jam s 255 202 –203 p aper jam s 260 24x pape r jam 26 6 250 pa p er ja m 267 280.
available int ernal opt ions 2 5 avoi ding paper jams 25 3 B black ‑ and ‑ white c opying 9 5 black ‑ and ‑ white pr inting 85 blocki ng junk faxes 120 buttons , prin ter cont rol panel 14 but.
disk wip ing 22 5 Disk Wipin g me nu 161 display t roublesho oting display is blank 2 86 di spla y sh ows o nl y dia mo nds 286 display, pr inte r contro l panel 14 adjust ing br ightne ss 220 disposi.
sett ing the fax number or station numbe r 115 settin g the outgoi ng fax name or station name 1 15 viewing a fa x log 120 FCC n ot ices 32 6, 33 1, 33 4 fi ber op tic netwo rk setup 52 finding more i.
loading the option al special media tray 63 loading th e optio nal tray 59 loading the standar d tray 59 lo ck, se curit y 223 lockin g the system boar d 223 M mak ing copies us ing pape r from select.
paper jams avoiding 253 paper ja ms, cle aring 200 –201 paper jams 255 202 –203 paper jams 260 24x pape r jam 26 6 250 pa p er ja m 26 7 290 –294 229 29y.
51 Defec t ive fla sh d ete cte d 278 52 Not enough free space in flash mem ory f or r esour ces 278 53 Unf ormatted flash dete cted 279 54 N etwor k [x ] so ftwa re err or 2 79 54 Se ri al option [x].
pri nte r so ftwa re instal ling 46 print head len ses cleaning 2 32 print ing black ‑ and ‑ whi te 8 5 canc eling, fr om print er cont rol panel 92 director y list 8 9 font samp le list 89 fo rms.
seri al print ing setting up 56 Set Date/ Time menu 165 settin g TCP/IP address 1 48 sett ing the fax numbe r or stati on numbe r 115 settin g the outgoi ng fax name or station name 1 15 setti ng the .
poor sc anned image qua lity 29 3 scanner unit do es not close 290 trou bleshoot ing, dis play display is blank 2 86 di spla y sh ows o nl y dia mo nds 286 trou bleshoot ing, fa x caller I D is not s .
X XPS men u 211 Index 35 0.
デバイスLexmark 34TT027の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lexmark 34TT027をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLexmark 34TT027の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lexmark 34TT027の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lexmark 34TT027で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lexmark 34TT027を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLexmark 34TT027の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lexmark 34TT027に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLexmark 34TT027デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。