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C2132 User's Guide Septembe r 2014 www.lexma rk.com Machine type(s): 5027 Model(s): 639.
Conten ts Safe ty infor matio n.... ...... ..... ........ ...... ........ ..... ...... ........ ..... ...... ....... ...... ...... .6 Learn ing a bout t he pr inte r..... ........... ........ ........ ........... ........ ........ ........... .....8 Findi ng in formati on abo ut the p rint er.
Loadin g the m anua l feed er... ...... ....... .......... ....... ...... ....... .......... ....... ...... ....... .......... ....... ....... .. ............ ...47 Linkin g and unli nking tr ays.... ..... ..... ........ ..... ..... ....... ...... ...
Mainta ini ng the p rinte r...... .... ......... ..... ..... ........ ..... ......... ..... ..... ........ ..... ..125 Cleani ng pri nter p arts. ....... ..... .... .... ....... .... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... .... .... ....... .... ..... .
Embedd ed W eb Ser ver doe s not open. ......... ............. ........ ......... ......... ............. ......... ......... ......... ..... ...207 Contacting customer support................................. .........................................
Safety information Connect t he power cord dire ctly to an app ropriately rated and prop erly gr ounded el ectric al outlet that is near t he product and ea sily acce ssible .
This produc t is designed, t ested, an d approve d to m eet stric t global sa fety standa rds with the use of s pecific manufa cturer's componen ts. The safety f eatures of some parts may no t always b e obvi ous. The manufact urer is not responsib le for the use of oth er replacement parts.
Learni ng about the prin ter Finding informa tion about th e printer What are you looking for? Find it here Initia l setup in structions : • Connecting the printer • Installin g the p rinter s oftware Setup documentation—The setu p documentation came with the printer and is al so available at http://support.
What are you looking for? Find it here The latest supplemental information, upda tes, and customer support: • Docu mentati on • Driver d ownload s • Live chat support • E ‑ mail support • Voice support Lexmark support Web site— http://support.
5 4 3 1 2 1 Right side 102 mm (4 in. ) 2 Front 508 m m (20 i n.) 3 Left side 152 mm ( 6 in.) 4 Rear 102 mm ( 4 in. ) 5 Top 254 m m (10 i n.) Printer configurations CAUTION—TIPPI NG HAZARD: Fl oor-mo unted con figurati ons req uire additio nal furni ture for st ability.
1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 3 4 1 Printer co ntrol panel 2 Standard bin 3 250- sheet tr ay (Tra y 1) 4 Manual feeder 5 Optional 6 50-sheet duo tray with integrated multipurpose feeder (Tray 2) Note: This tray is standard o n the CS410dtn and CS510dte models.
– If you are using a proxy server, then temp orarily disable it to load the We b page correctly. 2 Open a Web browser, and th en type the print er IP address in the ad dress field.
Understandin g the printer control panel Using the printer control panel 2 1 3 4 6 5 7 Use the To 1 Disp lay • Show the status of the prin ter. • Set up and operate the print er. 2 Home button Go to the home screen. 3 Keypad Enter n umbers, letters, or symbols on the pr inter.
Indicator light Printer st atus Off The print er is o ff or i n Hibern ate mode. Blinking green The printer is warming up, proc essing data, or printi ng. Solid gree n The print er is on, but idl e. Blinking red The print er require s user intervention.
Touch To 5 Menus Access printer menus. Note : These menus are available only when the printer i s in ready state. 6 Status message bar • Show the current printer status such a s Ready or Busy . • Show the status of printer suppli es. • Show intervention messages and the in structions on how to clear th em.
1 2 3 4 5 Touch the To 1 Radio button Select or clear an item. 2 Up arrow Scroll up. 3 Down arrow Scroll down. 4 Ac cept bu tto n Save a se tti ng. 5 Cancel button • Cancel an action o r a selection. • Return to the previous screen. Touch To Return to the home screen.
Setting up and usin g the home screen applications Notes: • Your home screen m ay vary de pending on your h ome sc reen cu stomizat ion sett ings, adm inistr ative se tup, and active e mbedded a pplicat ions. S ome applic ations are sup ported on ly in some p rinter mo dels.
Customizing the home screen 1 Open a Web browser, and th en type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Note: View the printer IP address on th e printer home s creen. The IP address app ears as four sets of numbers separa ted by perio ds, such as 123.
1 From the ho me scr een, navig ate to: Change Backgr ound > select backgr ound t o use 2 Touch . Setting up Forms and Favorites Note: A later version o f this User' s Guide m ay contain a direc t link to the Administrat or’s Gui de of this a pplicatio n.
Understanding Eco ‑ Settings Icon Description The applicatio n lets you easily mana ge energy co ns umption, noise, toner, and paper usage setting s to help reduce the environmental impact of your printer.
For multiple applications a Click Setti ngs > Impor t/Exp ort . b Export or im port a conf ig urat ion file . Note: When importi ng a configur ation file, click Submit to com plete th e proc ess.
Additional printer setup Installing internal options CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing the c ontroller board or installing o ptional hardware or memo ry device s somet ime af ter se tting up the print er, th en turn t he pri nter of f, and un plug the power c ord from th e electric al outl et befo re conti nuing.
Note: This task requires a flat ‑ head screwd river. 1 At th e back o f the printe r, tu rn t he scre ws coun terclo ckwise to r emov e them . 2 Sligh tly open the contro ller boa rd access c over, an d then sh ift to th e right to remove it. 1 2 3 Locate the appr opri ate conne ctor on the contro ller boa rd.
13 2 1 Flash memory or font card connecto r 2 Printer hard disk connect or 3 Mem ory ca rd conn ecto r 4 Reattach the cover. 1 2 Additi onal pr inter set up 24.
5 Turn the screws clockwise to lock the cover. Installing a memory card CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing the c ontroller board or installing o ptional hardware or memo ry device s somet ime af ter se tting up the print er, th en turn t he pri nter of f, and un plug the power c ord from th e electric al outl et befo re conti nuing.
3 Alig n the notc h (1) on the m emory card with the ridge (2) on the con nector. 2 1 4 Push the memo ry card straight into th e connector, and th en push the card towa rd the controll er boa rd wall un til it cl icks into plac e. 1 2 5 Clos e the co ntrolle r board acce ss cove r.
Installing an op tional card CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing the c ontroller board or installing o ptional hardware or memo ry device s somet ime af ter se tting up the print er, th en turn t he pri nter of f, and un plug the power c ord from the electr ical ou tlet befo re conti nuing .
4 Push the c ard firmly into place as sh own in the illustr ation. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Imprope r inst allati on of t he c ard may cause d amag e to th e card a nd the contr oll er boar d. Note: The entire lengt h of the connec tor on th e card must to uch and be flus hed aga inst the c ontrol ler boar d.
Warn ing— Poten tial Dama ge: Co ntroll er boar d electron ic compone nts ar e easily damaged by static electricity. Touch so methi ng metal o n the prin ter b efore t ouching any contro ller boa rd el ectric al compo nents or connecto rs. 1 Access t he cont rolle r board.
5 Align the standoffs of t he printer hard disk t o the holes in the contr oller board, and then press the printer hard disk down until the standoffs are in place. 6 Insert the plu g of the pr inter ha rd di sk interf ace ca ble into th e rece ptacle of the con troller board.
CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing the c ontroller board or installing o ptional hardware or memo ry device s somet ime af ter se tting up the print er, th en turn t he pri nter of f, and un plug the power c ord from th e electric al outl et befo re conti nuing.
4 Set a side th e prin ter ha rd di sk. 5 Clos e the co ntrolle r board acce ss cove r. Installing hardware options Order of ins tallation CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Th e printe r weight is gre ater tha n 18 kg (40 lb) and requi res t wo or m ore trained p ersonnel to lift it safel y.
CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing the c ontroller board or installing o ptional hardware or memo ry device s somet ime af ter se tting up the print er, th en turn t he pri nter of f, and un plug the power c ord from th e electric al outl et befo re conti nuing.
4 Align th e prin ter with the 65 0 ‑ sheet duo tr ay, and then lower the printer int o place. 5 Install the dust co vers . Note: When th e printer so ftware and any ha rdware opt ions are installed, you may n eed to manu ally add th e optio ns in the print er driver to m ake them availa ble for print jobs.
3 For Ma cint osh users , ad d th e prin ter . Note: Obtain the pr inter IP addres s from th e TCP/IP s ectio n in the Netw ork/Po rts men u. Adding ava ilable opti ons in the pr int dri ver For Windows users 1 Open the printers folder.
2 3 6 4 5 1 Use the To 1 Rear USB port Attach a keyboard to the pri nter. 2 USB printer port Connect the printer to a computer. 3 Ethernet port Connect the printer to a network. 4 USB wireless port Attach an optional wi reless network adapter. 5 Security lock port Lock the sy stem contr oller board .
You will need an Ethernet cable to connect t he printer to the networ k and an available port where the printer can physicall y conne ct to the network . Use a ne w network cable whe n poss ible to av oid pot ential problems caused by a dama ged cabl e.
Connec ting the p rinter usin g the Wireless Se tup Wizard Before you be gin, ma ke sure t hat: • A wirele ss network adapter i s install ed in the pr inter and is working properly. For more in formati on, see the instr uction sheet t hat ca me with the wirel ess ne twork a dapter.
3 Open a Web browser, and th en type the IP address of y our access point in the add ress field. Notes: • The IP addr ess appe ars as four s ets of n umbers se parate d by peri ods, such as 123.123. 123.123. • If you are using a proxy server, th en temporarily disable it t o load the Web page correctly.
Printing a menu s ettings p age From the home s creen, navig ate to : > Report s > M enu Se ttings Pag e Printing a network se tup page If the pr inter is atta ched to a netwo rk, th en print a netw ork set up page to veri fy the n etwor k conne ction.
Loading paper and specialty media Proper selec tion and loadin g of media can imp rove how relia bly document s print. Fo r more inform ation, see “Avoid ing jams” on page 150 and “Storing pa per” on p age 57 .
2 If t he pap er is long er th an le tter ‑ size paper, then squeeze and then slide the length guide at the back of the tray to extend it. 2 1 3 Squeeze, and then slide the lengt h guide tab to the correct position for t he size of the pape r being loaded.
4 Squeeze, and then slide th e width guide tab to the corr ect position for the size of the pap er being loaded. 2 1 Note: Use the paper size in dicato rs on the b ottom of the t ray to hel p posi tion the g uides. 5 Flex the sheets ba ck and forth to loosen t hem, and then fan them.
6 Load th e paper stack wit h the rec ommende d print able s ide faceup. 7 Place the paper guides secure ly against the edges of t he paper. 8 Ins ert th e tra y. 9 From the printer control pane l, set the pap er siz e and paper typ e in the Pape r menu to ma tch the paper loaded in the tray.
Loading the multipurpose feeder 1 Push the mu ltipurpose feeder latch to the left. 2 Open the multipu rpose feeder. 3 Pull the multipur pose feeder extender.
4 Prepare the paper fo r loading. • Flex the sheets of pap er back and forth to loosen them, an d then fan them. Do not fold or crease the pap er. Straighten the edges on a level surface. • Hold transparencies by the edges , and then fan them. Straighten the edges on a level surface.
3 Width guide 4 Feeder extender 5 Paper size indicator 6 Load the paper, and then adjust the width guide to lightly touch the edge of the paper stack. • Load paper, card stock, and transparencies with the recommended printable side facedown and the top edge entering the p rinter first.
One ‑ sided printing using a le tterhead Two ‑ sided printing using a letterhead ABC ABC • Load envelope with the flap side up and against the right side of the p aper guide. 2 Feed paper into the manual feeder on ly to the point where its leading edge can contact the paper gu ides.
Linkin g and u nlinkin g tray s The print er l inks trays when t he speci fied paper si ze an d type are the same. W hen a linked t ray beco mes em pty, pape r feeds f rom the n ext linke d tray. To prevent trays fr om linking , assign a unique custom pap er type name.
3 Touch . 4 Touch Custom Types , and then verify t hat the n ew custom paper type nam e has replac ed the cu stom n ame. Assigning a custom paper type Using the Embedded Web Server Assign a custom paper type n ame to a tra y when link ing or u nlinking tr ays.
Paper and specialty media guide Notes: • Make sure that t he paper s ize, type, and weight are set co rrectly on the com puter or o n the c ontrol pan el. • Flex, fan, and straighten specialty media before loading them. • The printer may print at a reduced speed to prevent damage to the fuser.
Sou rce Prin tin g Printable side Paper orientation Manual feeder ABC One ‑ sided Facedown L oad the sheet with the top edge entering the printer fi rst. Manual feeder ABC Two ‑ sided Faceup Load the sheet with the bottom edge entering the printer fi rst.
Tips on us ing transparenc ies Print a test page o n the transparencies being con sidered for use before buyin g large quantities. • From the print er cont rol pan el, set the pap er si ze, type, te xture, and weight in the Paper menu to match t he transparencies loaded in the tray.
• Use full l abel sheets. Partia l sheets may ca use labels t o peel off during printing , resulting in a jam. Pa rtial s heets also conta minate th e printe r and the cart ridge with a dhesive, and could vo id the pri nter and to ner ca rtridge warranties.
Smoothness Paper sm oothnes s direct ly affects print qual ity. If pa per is to o roug h, then to ner canno t fuse t o it proper ly. If pap er is too smoot h, then it can c ause paper feeding or pr int quali ty issues.
To help avoid pa per jams a nd poor print qu ality: • Always us e new, unda maged paper. • Before loadin g paper, know th e recom mended printa ble sid e of the paper. This in formati on is usu ally indica ted o n the pa per pa ckag e. • Do not use paper t hat has be en cut o r trimme d by hand.
Storing paper Use these paper storag e guidelines to help avoid jams and uneven print quali ty: • For best resu lts, store paper where the tem perature is 21°C (70°F) an d the relative humidity is 40 percen t.
Paper size and dimension Standard 250 ‑ sheet tray Manual feeder 650 ‑ shee t duo tray 550 ‑ she et tray Duplex mode 550 ‑ she et tray Multipurpose feeder JIS B5 182 x 2 57 mm (7.2 x 10.1 in.) 1 1 1 1 X Letter 216 x 2 79 mm (8.5 x 11 in .) 1 1 1 1 Legal 216 x 3 56 mm (8.
Paper size and dimension Standard 250 ‑ sheet tray Manual feeder 650 ‑ shee t duo tray 550 ‑ she et tray Duplex mode 550 ‑ she et tray Multipurpose feeder 9 Enve lope 98 x 22 5 mm (3.9 x 8. 9 in.) X X 1 XX 10 Envelo pe 105 x 2 41 mm (4.1 x 9. 5 in.
Paper type 250 ‑ sheet tray Manual fee der 650 ‑ sh eet duo tray 550 ‑ sheet tray Duplex mode 550 ‑ sh eet tray Multipurpo se feeder Paper • Plain • Recy cled • Glossy • Bond • Lette.
Printing Printing forms and a document Printing forms Use Fo rms and Fav orite s to quickly an d easil y ac cess fre quentl y used for ms or other inform ation that is regu larly pr inted. Before you ca n use th is applic ation, first set i t up on th e print er.
> Settings > Print Se ttings > Qualit y Menu > Print Mode > Black Only > Adjusting toner darkness Using the Embedded Web Server 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Notes: • View the printer IP address on the printer home scr een.
Using the printer c ontrol panel 1 From the ho me sc reen, navi gate to: > Set tin gs > Print Settings > Se tup M enu 2 From the Pr inter Usage list , sel ect Max Sp eed or Max Yield .
2 From th e print er cont rol pan el, touc h the d ocumen t you want to print. 3 Touch the arrows to s pecify the number of copies for p rinting , and then t ouch Print . Notes: • Do not remov e the fl ash drive from t he USB por t until the doc ument has finish ed pri nting.
Note: Mobile pr inting applicati ons may al so be ava ilable from your mo bile devic e manufac turer. Printing confidential a nd other held jo bs Storing print jo bs in the pri nter 1 From the ho me s.
4 Select the print job type (Conf identi al, Repeat, Res erve, or Veri fy), and then ass ign a user name. Fo r a confident ial prin t job, als o ent er a fo ur ‑ digit PIN. 5 Click OK or Print . 6 From the printer home screen, release the print job.
Canceling a print job Cancel ing a print jo b from th e print er cont rol pan el 1 From th e print er cont rol panel, to uch Cancel Job or press on the keypad. 2 Touch t he print job you want to canc el, and th en touch Delete Selected Job s . Note: If you pres s on the keypa d, then t ouch Resume to retur n to the home s creen.
Understandin g the printer menus Note: The Emb edded Web Server i s availa ble only i n network printers or pr inters c onnecte d to print serve rs. Menus list Note: Some menus a re available o nly in select printer m odels.
Supplies menu Use To Cyan Ca rtridge View the status of t he toner cartri dges, which can be any of the followi ng: Early Warning Low Invalid Near End of Life Repl ace Missing Defec tive OK Unsupported Magenta Cartridge Yellow Cartri dge Black Cartridge Waste Toner Bottle Near Full Repl ace Missing OK View the status of the waste toner bottle.
Paper Size /Type menu Use To Tray [x] Size A4 A5 JIS ‑ B5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Universal Specify the si ze of the paper loaded in each tray. Note: Letter is the U.S. factory default setting. A4 is the internati onal factory default setting.
Use To Multipurpose Feeder Size A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Stat emen t Universal 7 3/4 E nvelo pe 9 Envelo pe 10 Env elope DL Envelo pe C5 En vel ope B5 Env elope Oth er En vel ope Specify the si ze of the paper loaded in the multipurpose feeder.
Use To Manual Paper Size A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Stat emen t Universal Specify the size of the paper being manually lo aded. Note: Letter is the U.S. factory default setting. A4 is the internati onal factory default setting.
Configu re MP menu Use To Conf igur e MP Cassette Manual First Determine when the printer s elects paper from the multipurpose fe eder. Note s: • Cassette is the factory default setting. Cassette configures the multipurpo se feeder as the automatic paper source.
Use To Glossy Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative tex ture of the glossy paper loaded. Note: Normal is the factory default setting. Heavy Glossy Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative texture of the heavy glossy paper load ed.
Use To Custom [x ] Tex ture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative tex ture of the custom paper loaded. Notes: • Normal is the factory default sett ing. • The options appear only if custom type is suppor ted. Paper Weig ht menu Use To Plain Weight Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the plain paper loaded.
Use To Envelope Weig ht Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the envelope loaded. Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting. Rough Envelope Weight Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the rough envelope loaded. Note: Heavy is the factory de fault setting .
Paper Loadin g menu Use To Cards tock L oadi ng Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for all print jobs that speci fy Cardstock as the paper type. Recycled Loadi ng Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for all print jobs that speci fy Recycled as the paper type.
Use To Custom [x ] Loadi ng Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for all print jobs that speci fy Custom [x] as the paper type. Note: Custom [ x] Loading is avai lable only when the custom type is supported.
Use To Portrait Width 3–8.5 i nche s 76–21 6 mm Set the width for portrai t orientation . Note s: • If the width exceeds the maximum, then the printer uses the maximum wi dth allowed. • 8.5 inches is the US factory default setting. You c an increase the width in 0.
Use To Print Dir ectory Print a list o f all the resour ces stored in an opti onal flash me mory card or pri nter har d di sk . Note s: • Job Buffer Size must be set to 1 00%. • Make sure that the memory card or hard disk i s installed and working properly.
Use To PS Smar tSwi tch On Off Set the printer to automa tically switch to PS emulation when a print job requir es it, regard less of the default printer language.
Reports me nu To access the menu, na vigate to either of t he following: • Networ k/Po rts > Standa rd Ne twork > Standard Netw ork S etup > Reports • Networ k/Po rts > Network [x] >.
Use To Set Hostna me Set the c urrent TCP/IP host name. Note: This menu is available onl y in select pri nter models. IP Address View or cha nge t he cur rent TCP/IP addr ess. Note: Manually sett ing the IP address sets the Enable DHCP and Enable Auto IP settings to Off.
IPv6 menu To access the menu, na vigate to either of t he following: • Networ k/Po rts > Standa rd Ne twork > Standard Netw ork S etup > IPv6 • Networ k/Po rts > Network [x] > Network [x] Se tup > IPv6 Note: This menu is avail able only in network printer s or printe rs tha t are att ached to print serv ers.
Use To Network Mode BSS Type Infrastructure Ad h oc Specify the network mode. Notes: • Infra structur e is the factor y defaul t setting. This lets the pri nter access a network using an access point. • Ad hoc configures wireless connect ion directly between the pri nter and a co mp ute r.
Standard US B menu Use To PCL SmartS wit ch On Off Set the printer to automa tically switch to PCL emulation when a print job received through a USB port requires it, regardless of the default print er language. Note s: • On is the factory default setting.
Use To Job Buffering Off On Auto Temporarily store print jobs in the pri nter hard disk before printing. Note s: • Off i s the fac tory defaul t settin g. • On buffers jobs on the printer hard disk. • Auto buffers print jobs only if the pri nter is busy processing data from another input port.
Use To Use SSL Disabled Negotiate Requ ired Set the printer to use SSL for inc reased security when connecting to the SMTP serv er. Note s: • Disabled is the factory defau lt setting. • When the Negotiate se tting is used, the SM TP server determines if SSL will be used.
Security menu Miscellane ous Security Settings menu Use To Logi n Rest ricti on s Login failures Failur e tim e frame Lockout time Panel L ogin T imeout Remote Login Timeout Limit the number and time frames of failed lo gin a ttempts from the printer c ontrol panel before al l user s ar e lo cked o ut.
Use To Repeat Job Expiration Off 1 hou r 4 hou rs 24 hours 1 week Set a time limit on how l ong the printer stores print jobs. Verify Job Expiration Off 1 hou r 4 hou rs 24 hours 1 week Set a time limit on how l ong the printer stores print jobs needing verification.
Security Audit Log menu Use To Export Log Let an authorized user export the audit log. Notes: • To export the audit log from the printer control panel , attach a flash drive to the printer. • The audit log can be downloaded from the Embedded Web Server and saved on a computer.
Settings menu Setu p men u Use To Printer Language PCL Emulatio n PS Emulation Set th e d efa ult prin te r lang uag e. Notes: • PS Emulation is the facto ry default setting. PS Emulat ion uses a PS interpreter for proc essing print jobs. • PCL Emulation uses a PCL inte rprete r for processing print jobs.
Use To Black Only Mode On Off Set the printer to print text an d graphics using only the black to ner cartridge . Notes: • Off is the factory default setting. • The setting va lue does not affec t the ability of the printer to generate color output fr om flash drive print jobs.
General Settin gs menu Use To Display L anguage English Francai s Deuts ch Italiano Espanol Dansk Norsk Nederlands Svens ka Portugu es Suom i Russ ian Polski Greek Magyar Turkce Cesk y Simpli fied C hinese Traditional Chi nese Korean Japanese Set the language of the text appear ing on the display.
Use To Keyboard Keyboard Type English Francai s Francais Cana dien Deuts ch Italiano Espanol Greek Dans k Norsk Nederlands Svens ka Suom i Portugues Russian Polski Swiss Ge rman Swiss Fren ch Korean M.
Use To Displayed Information Left Side Right Side Cust om T ext [ x] Specify what i s displayed on th e upper cor ners of the home screen. For Left side and Right side , select from the foll owing opt.
Use To Displayed Information (continued) Paper Jam Load Paper Service Error s Customize the displayed inf ormation for certain menus. Select fr om the follo wing options: Display Yes No Message to display Defa ult Altern ate Defau lt [text entry] Altern ate [text entry] Notes: • No is the fact ory defaul t settin g for Di splay.
Use To Show Bookmarks Yes No Specify whether bookmarks are displayed from the Held Jobs area. Note: Yes is the factory default settin g. Web Page Refresh Rat e 30–30 0 Specify the number of seconds between Embedded Web Server refreshe s. Note: 120 is the f actory defau lt se tting.
Use To Timeou ts Hibernate Time out Dis abled 20 minu tes 1–3 hours 6 hou rs 1–3 d ays 1–2 w eeks 1 mon th Set the amount of time the printer waits before it enters Hibernate mode.
Use To Erro r Re cov ery Auto Re boot Reboo t when id le Reboot always Reboot never Set the printer to r estart when an e rror occurs. Note: Reboot always i s the factory default setting. Erro r Re cov ery Max Auto Reb oots 1–20 Determine the number of automatic r eboots the printer can perform.
Use To Factor y Defaults Do Not Rest ore Restor e Now Use the printer factory default settings. Notes: • Do Not Restore is the f actory default setting. • Restore Now sets all printer settings to the factory default settings except for the Network/Por ts menu settings.
Use To Paper Save r Orientation Auto Landscape Portrai t Specify the orientation of a mul tiple ‑ page docu ment. Notes: • Auto is the factory default setting . The printer chooses between portrait and landscape. • This setting aff ects jobs only whe n Paper Saver is set to any val ue other than Off.
Use To Blank Pages Do Not Print Print Specify whet her blank pages are inserted in a print job. Note: Do Not Print is the fa ctory defau lt settin g. Print Settings Finishing menu Use To Sides (Duplex) 1 sid ed 2 sid ed Spec ify wh ether t wo ‑ sided (dupl ex) printing is set as the default for all pri nt jobs.
Use To Separator Sh eets Off Between Copies Between Jobs Between Pages Specify whether blank separator sheets are inserted. Notes: • Off is the fac tory def ault se tting. • Between Copies inserts a blank sheet between each copy o f a print job if Collate is set to “(1, 2,3) (1,2,3).
Use To Color Correctio n Auto Off Manual Adjust the color output on the pri nted page. Note: Auto is the factory default setti ng. Print Resolu tion 1200 d pi 4800 C Q Specify the output r esolution in dots per inch (dp i) or in color qu ality (CQ). Note: 4800 CQ is the factory default setting.
Use To Color Sa mple s sRGB Display sRGB Vivid Display—True Bl ack Vivi d Off—R GB US CMYK Euro CMYK Viv id CMY K Off—C MYK Print sample pages for each of the RGB and CMYK color conversion tables used in the printer. Manual Color RGB Imag e RGB Te xt RGB Grap hics Customize the R GB color conversions.
Use To Job Accounting Log Off On Set if the printer creates a log of the print jobs it receives. Note: Off i s the factory d efaul t sett ing. Job Accounting Utilities Print and delete log fi les or export them to a flash drive. Accounting Log Frequency Daily Weekly Monthly Set how often a log file is created.
Use To Log Fi le Pref ix Specify the prefix you want for the log file name. Note: The current host name defined in the TCP/IP menu is used as the default log file pre fix. Utilities menu Use To Remove Held Jobs Con fide nti al Held Not Restored All Delete confidential and held jobs f rom the printer hard disk.
Use To Coverage Estimato r Off On Provide an estimate o f the percentage coverage of toner on a page. The estimate i s printed on a separate page at the end of each pri nt job. Note: Off is the factor y default setting . XPS menu Use To Print Error Pages Off On Print a page containing i nformation on errors, inc luding XML mar kup errors.
Use To Image Smoothing On Off Enhance the contrast a nd sharpness of low ‑ resolution images and smoothen their co lor transiti ons. Note s: • Off i s the fac tory de fault set ting. • Image Smoothing has no effect on images that are 300 dpi or higher in resol ut ion.
Use To PCL Emulation Settings Orient ation Portrai t Landscape Specify the orie ntation of text and graphi cs on a page. Note s: • Portrait is the facto ry default s etting. It prints text and g raphics parall el to the short edge of the page. • Landscape prints text and grap hics parallel to the lon g edge of the page.
Use To Tray Renumber View Fact ory D efau lts MPF D efa ult = 8 T1 Default = 1 T2 Default = 4 T3 Default = 5 T4 Default = 20 T5 Default = 21 Env Default = 6 MPap er D efaul t = 2 MEnv Defa ult = 3 Show the factory defaul t setting assigned to each tray or feeder.
Use To Font S ize 1–25 5 pt Set the default font size for HTML documents. Note s: • 12 pt is the factory default setting. • Font size can be increased in 1 ‑ point inc rements. Scale 1–40 0% Scale the default font for HTML documents. Note s: • 100% is th e fact ory def ault se tti ng.
Use To Orientation Portrai t Landscape Reverse Por trait Reverse Landscape Set the image orientatio n. Note: Portr ait is the fa ctor y defau lt se tti ng. Help menu The Help menu consists of a series of Help p ages that are stor ed in the printer as PDFs .
Saving money and the environment Lexmark is co mmitted to environmen tal sustain ability a nd is co ntinuall y improving its pri nters to reduc e their impac t on the environment. We design with the environment in mind, engineer ou r packaging to redu ce materials, and provide coll ecti on and recycli ng prog rams .
Check your first d raft for a ccuracy Before prin ting or making multiple co pies of a document : • Use th e prev iew f eatu re to see how th e do cume nt lo oks li ke bef ore y ou pr int it . • Print o ne copy of the docum ent to check its conten t and for mat for acc uracy.
Use To On Reduce printer noise. Note s: • Print jobs are processed at a reduced speed. • Printer engine motors do not start unti l a document is ready to print. There will be a short delay before the first page is pri nted. Off Use fac tory defaul t sett ings.
Notes: • View the printer IP address on the printer home scr een. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separ ated by peri ods, su ch a s 123. 123.123.123. • If you are using a proxy server, th en temporarily disable it t o load the Web page correctly.
Notes: • The IP address is locate d on th e upper portion of the home scr een. It a ppears as four se ts of num bers separ ated by peri ods, su ch a s 123. 123.123.123. • If you are using a proxy server, th en temporarily disable it t o load the Web page correctly.
When you retur n a cartridge to Lexmark, you can reuse the box that the cartridge came in. Lexmark will recycle the box. Returning Lexmark cartridges for reuse or recycling Lexmark Cartri dge Col lect.
Securin g the prin ter Using the security lock feature The printer i s equipped with a securit y lock feature. Attach a s ecurity lock c ompatible with most laptop com puters in the loca tion sh own to secure the prin ter in place.
• The pri nter i s being move d to a di ffer ent de partm ent or l ocati on. • The printe r is being s erviced by so meone from out side your org anization. • The print er is bein g rem oved from yo ur premise s for s ervice. • The printe r is being s old to anot her organizat ion.
Erasing printer hard disk memory Notes: • Some print er models may not have a p rinter har d disk ins talled. • Configuring Erase Tempor ary Data F iles in the prin ter menus lets you remove residu al confident ial materia l left by print jobs by securely ov erwriting files that have been marked for deletion.
Configurin g printer hard disk encryption Enable hard disk encryption to prevent loss of sensitive dat a in the event the printer or its hard disk is stolen .
Maintaining the printer Warn ing— Poten tial Dama ge: F ailur e to maint ain opt imum printer performa nce pe riodic ally, or to replace parts and supplie s, may cau se dama ge to your pr inter. Cleaning printer parts Cleaning th e printe r Note: You m ay need to per form this ta sk aft er e very f ew mon ths.
Notes: • View the printer IP address on the home screen. The IP address appears as four se ts of nu mbers s eparated by peri ods, such as . • If you are using a proxy server, th en temporarily disable it t o load the Web page correctly.
Ordering imaging kits Item All countries and regions Black and Color imaging kit 70C0Z50 Black i magi ng kit 70C0Z 10 Ordering a waste toner bottl e Item All countries and regions Waste toner bottle C540X75G Storing supplies Choose a cool , clean storag e area for the printe r supp lies.
Replacing supplies Replac ing the waste toner bottle 1 2 4 3 1 Top door 2 Waste toner bottle 3 Righ t side cove r 4 Front door 1 Unpack the r eplacement wast e toner b ottle. 2 Open th e fro nt door. CAUTION —HOT SU RFACE: The inside of the pr inter m ight be ho t.
3 Open th e top door . 1 2 4 Remove the ri ght side c over. 1 2 5 Remove the wast e toner bottle . 1 2 Maintai ning the pr inter 129.
6 Pack th e used was te to ner bott le. For more i nformatio n, see “Recycling Lexmark prod ucts” on page 119 . 7 Insert the re placement waste toner bottle. 8 Insert th e right si de cov er. 9 Clos e the top doo r. 10 Clos e th e front door. Replacing a black and col or imaging kit 1 Open th e fro nt door.
2 Open th e top door . 1 2 3 Remove the to ner ca rtridg es. 1 2 Maintai ning the pr inter 131.
4 Remove the ri ght side c over. 1 2 5 Remove the wast e toner bottle . 1 2 6 Lift t he blue leve rs on the im aging k it, and then pul l the i magin g kit un til it st ops.
7 Press down the b lue lev er, and t hen gras p the gree n handle s on the sides to pull o ut the imaging kit. 1 2 8 Unpack the repl aceme nt black a nd co lor imagin g kit. Notes: • Color imaging kit includes the im aging ki t and the c yan, magenta , yellow, and b lack developer un its.
10 Gently s hake the ye llow, cyan , magen ta, and bla ck devel oper units side ‑ to ‑ side. 11 Remov e the re d packing stri p and the attach ed fabri c from t he devel oper unit s. 12 Inser t the yello w, cyan, mag enta, an d black d evelope r units into the match ing colo r slots .
14 Align, an d then inse rt the imaging kit. 15 Push the b lue levers down u ntil the im aging kit is fully seated i nto place. 1 1 2 2 Maintai ning the pr inter 135.
16 Insert th e wast e toner bo ttle. 17 Insert the ri ght si de cover. Maintai ning the pr inter 136.
18 Insert the t oner cart ridges. 19 Clos e th e top d oor. 20 Clos e th e front door. Replacing t oner cartri dges Warn ing— Poten tial Dama ge: Damage ca used by us e of a non ‑ Lexmark tone r cart ridge is not c overed u nder warranty. Note: Reduced print qu ality may re sult from u sing non ‑ Lexmark toner cartridges .
2 Remove the toner car tridge by liftin g the handle, and then gent ly pulling it away from t he imaging kit. 1 2 3 Unpack the new t oner car tridge, a nd then remo ve its pac kaging.
4 Align the new toner cartridge, and then press the cart ridge down until it fits into place. 5 Clos e the top doo r. 6 Seal the used toner cartridge in the bag t hat the replacement toner cartridg e came in before dispos ing. For more i nformatio n, see “Recycling Lexmark prod ucts” on page 119 .
2 Open th e top door . 1 2 3 Remove the to ner ca rtridg es. 1 2 Maintai ning the pr inter 140.
4 Remove the ri ght side c over. 1 2 5 Remove the wast e toner bottle . 1 2 6 Lift t he blue leve rs on the im aging k it, and then pul l the i magin g kit un til it st ops.
7 Press down the b lue lev er, and t hen gras p the gree n handle s on the sides to pull o ut the imaging kit. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Do not touch the un derside of the imaging kit. This could da mage t he imaging kit. 1 2 8 Remove the us ed dev eloper unit.
10 Remov e the re d shippin g cove r from the dev eloper un it. 11 Inser t the de veloper unit. 12 Align, an d then inse rt the imaging kit. Maintai ning the pr inter 143.
13 Push the b lue levers down u ntil the im aging kit is fully seated i nto place. 1 1 2 2 14 Insert th e wast e toner bo ttle. Maintai ning the pr inter 144.
15 Insert the ri ght si de cover. 16 Insert the t oner cart ridges. 17 Clos e th e top d oor. 18 Clos e th e front door. 19 Pack the use d develope r unit in the bag that the replace ment dev eloper unit ca me in befor e disp osing. For more i nformatio n, see “Recycling Lexmark prod ucts” on page 119 .
CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Before moving th e printer, fol low thes e guidelines t o avoid perso nal injury or printer damage: • Turn the printer off using the power switch, and then unp lug the power cord from the electrical outlet. • Disco nnec t all cords and c able s from the pr int er bef ore mo ving it.
Managing the printer Finding adva nced networking and adminis trator informa tion This chapt er cov ers ba sic admin istrat ive suppo rt ta sks using the Embe dded We b Server . For mor e advanc ed syst em suppor t tasks , see t he Networking Guide on th e Softwa re CD or the Embedd ed Web Se rver Adm inistrat or's Gu ide at http: //suppo rt.
Configurin g supply no tifications fro m the Embedde d Web Server You can det ermin e how you wo uld like to b e notifi ed when supp lies run nearly low, lo w, very lo w, or reach th eir end ‑ of ‑ life by setting t he selectabl e alerts.
• If you are using a proxy server, th en temporarily disable it t o load the Web page correctly. 2 Click Se tti ngs tab > Security > Confiden tial Prin t Setup . 3 Modify th e settin gs: • Set a maximum number of PIN entry attempts. When a user exceeds a sp ecific number of PIN entry attempts, all of the jobs for t hat user are delete d.
Clearin g jams Avoiding jam s Load paper properly • Make sure paper lies flat in the tray. Correct loading of pape r Incorrect loading of pape r • Do no t remove a t ray wh ile t he pr inte r is pr inti ng. • Do not lo ad a tray wh ile the printer is printi ng.
• Do not slide t he pape r into the tr ay. Loa d paper as shown in the i llust ratio n. • Make sure the guides in t he tray or the multipurpose feeder are prop erly positioned and are not press ing tightly agains t the p aper o r envelop es. • Push th e tray firm ly into the prin ter aft er loadi ng pape r.
Note: When Ja m Recovery is set to On or A uto, th e printer r eprints jammed pages . However, Auto do es not guarantee t hat the page wi ll print. 7 5 6 3 2 4 1 Jam location Message on the display What to do 1 Standard bin [x] ‑ page jam , clear sta ndard bin.
2 From th e printer contro l pan el, touc h to clear the m essag e and continue pri nting . For non ‑ touc h ‑ screen prin ter model s, s elect Ne xt > Clear the jam, pr ess OK , and then press to conf irm. [x]-pag e jam, op en fron t door to clear f user.
Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are removed. 4 Clos e the front door. 5 From th e printer contro l pan el, touc h to clear the m essag e and continue pri nting . For non ‑ touc h ‑ screen prin ter model s, s elect Ne xt > Clear the jam, pr ess OK , and then press to conf irm.
2 Firmly gr asp the ja mmed p aper on eac h side, a nd then gently pull it out . Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are removed. 3 Clos e the front door.
CAUTION —HOT SU RFACE: The inside of the pr inter m ight be ho t. To redu ce the r isk of injur y from a hot component, allow the s urface to cool before t ouching it. 2 Firmly gr asp the ja mmed p aper on eac h side, a nd then gently pull it out . Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are removed.
[x] ‑ page jam, open tray [x]. 1 Pull th e tray compl etely o ut o f the pri nter. Note: The messag e on th e printer dis play det ermines i n which tr ay the pape r jam is lo cated. 2 Firmly gr asp the ja mmed p aper on eac h side, a nd then gently pull it out .
[x] ‑ page jam, clear manual feeder. 1 Pull out th e standar d 250-sheet tr ay (Tray 1) a nd manual feeder . 2 Grasp t he jammed pap er o n each side , and then g ently pull i t out. Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are removed. 3 Ins ert th e tra y.
1 2 2 Flex the sh eets of p aper back and forth to loo sen th em, and th en fan them. Do n ot fold or crease th e paper. Straight en the edges on a level surface.
4 Sli de the pap er guide u ntil it rest s ligh tly ag ainst th e e dge of th e pa per stack . 5 From th e printer contro l pan el, touc h to clear the m essag e and continue pri nting . For non ‑ touc h ‑ screen prin ter model s, s elect Ne xt > > Clear th e jam , press OK > .
Troubleshooting Understanding th e printer mes sages Adjusting color Wait for t he proces s to comp lete. Change [paper source] to [custom type name] Try on e or m ore of the fo llowing: • Load the .
[Color] cartridge l ow [88.xy] You may nee d to order a to ner cart ridge. If necessa ry, select Cont inu e to clear the me ssage a nd con tinue printing . For non ‑ to uch ‑ s creen prin ter mo dels, press to conf irm. [Color] cartridge very low, [x] estimated pages remain [88.
Config urati on cha nge, som e held jobs w ere no t rest ored [5 7] Held jobs ar e invali dated b ecause of any of the follow ing possibl e chang es in t he printer : • The print er firm ware has be en update d. • The tray f or the print job is remov ed.
• Make sure th at the p aper siz e is corr ectly set. For exa mple, if Mu ltipur pose Fee der Size is set to Universa l, then make s ure the pa per is large en ough for the da ta bein g printe d. • Cancel the print job. Insert Tray [x] Insert the indi cated t ray into the pr inter.
Load [paper so urce] with [c ustom type nam e] Try on e or m ore of the fo llowing: • Load the tray or feeder with the corr ect size and type of pap er. • To use the t ray with the correct pa per size or type, select Finish ed loading paper on the p rinter cont rol p anel.
Load Manual Feeder with [custom s tring] Try on e or m ore of the fo llowing: • Load the feeder with the correct size and typ e of paper. • Dependi ng o n your pri nter mod el, touc h Prompt each pag e, paper l oaded or press on the pr inter contr ol panel to cle ar the m essage and conti nue pr inting.
If nec essary, sel ect Co ntinu e to cl ear th e mes sage and co ntinu e printin g. Fo r non ‑ tou ch ‑ screen pr inter mo dels, press to con fir m. Mainte nance kit ve ry low, [x] estimated pages remain [80.xy ] You may nee d to repl ace the maint enance kit very so on.
All life ind icato rs ar e designe d to fun ction wi th Lex mark sup plies a nd parts , and may de liver unpredict able r esults if third-pa rty su pplies or parts are used. Imaging compon ent usag e beyond the in tended life may damage you r Lexm ark printer o r its as sociated components .
Reloa d pr inted pages in Tr ay [x] Try any of the following: • From the print er co ntrol p anel, select Continue to clear the messag e and con tinue pr inting t he secon d side o f the sheet. For non ‑ to uch ‑ screen printer mod els, press to conf irm.
Replace the indi cated im aging kit to clear the m essag e and cont inue printi ng. Fo r more in formati on, see the instruc tion sheet that came with the supply. Note: If you do not have a replacement imaging ki t, then see th e “Ordering supplies” s ection of the User’s Gui de or visit www.
Replac e unsupported [type] imaging ki t [32. xy] Note: The type c an be a bl ack imagin g kit, or a black and color im aging ki t. Remove the indicated imaging kit, and then install a supported one to clear the message.
Notes: • The pri nter dis cards an y data re ceive d throug h the USB port . • Make su re the USB B uffer menu is not set t o Dis abled. Supp ly nee ded to comp lete j ob Try on e or m ore of the .
Waste toner bo ttle ne arly f ull [82. xy] You may nee d to orde r a waste toner bo ttle. If necessa ry, sele ct Cont inu e on the printer co ntrol panel to clear the mess age and c ontinue p rint ing. Fo r non ‑ touch ‑ screen pr inter mode ls, press to co nfir m.
Action Yes No Step 5 Check if the cables connecting the printer and the computer are inserted in the correc t ports. Are the cables ins erted in the co rrect ports? Go to step 6 .
Printer display is blank Action Yes No Step 1 Press the Sleep button on the printer co ntrol panel. Does Ready appear on the printer displ ay? The p rob lem is s olve d. Go to s tep 2. Step 2 Turn off the printer, then wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn the printer back on.
Action Yes No Step 3 Print a menu setting s page, and then check to see if the internal option is list ed in the Ins ta lle d Opti ons list . Is the internal option li sted in the menu settings page? Go to step 4. Reinstall the internal option. Step 4 Check if the opti on is available in the printer driver.
Action Yes No Step 3 Check if the tray is installed and recognized by the printer. Print a menu settings page, and th en ch eck if the tray is listed in the Installed Fe atures list. Is the tray listed in the menu settings page? Go to step 4. Rein stall the tray.
Paper frequently jams Action Yes No Step 1 a Pull out the tray, and then do on e or more of the following: • Make sure pape r lies flat in the tray. • Check if the paper size indicators on the paper guides are aligned with the paper size i ndicators on the tray.
Solving home screen application problems • “An ap plica tio n error h as occ urre d” on pa ge 179 An appl icat ion e rror has occurred Action Yes No Step 1 Check the system log fo r relevant details. a Open a Web browser, and then type the prin ter IP address in the address field.
Solving print problems Printing problems Incor rect chara cters print Action Yes No Step 1 Make sure the printer is not in Hex Trace mod e. Note: If Read y Hex appears on th e printer display, then turn off the printer, and then turn it bac k on to deactivate Hex Trace mode.
Action Yes No Step 4 a Check if the trays are not li nked. b Resend the print job. Did the job print from the correc t tray or on the correct paper? The pr oble m is so lve d. Con tact customer support . Large jobs do not collate Action Yes No Step 1 a From the Finishing menu on the printer con trol panel, set Collate to (1,2,3) (1,2,3).
Action Yes No Step 3 a Check for an error message on the display. b Clear the mess age. Does the error message still appear? Go t o st ep 4. Th e pr oble m is so lved. Step 4 Check if the flash drive is supported. For more information on tested and approved USB flash drives, see “Supported f lash drives a nd file t ypes” on page 64 .
Action Yes No Step 3 If an error messa ge appears on the pr inter display, then cl ear the message. Note: The prin ter continues to print after clearing the message.
Action Yes No Step 2 Reduce the number and size of fonts, the number and c omplexity of images, and the number of pages in the print job, and then resend the job Did the job print? The p rob lem is s olve d. Go to s tep 3. Step 3 a Remove held jobs stored in the printer memory.
Action Yes No a Check if the distance between the defects is equal to on e of the fo llow ing : • 25.1 mm (0 .98 in.) • 29.8 mm (1 .17 in.) • 43.9 mm (1 .72 in.) • 45.5 mm (1 .79 in.) • 94.2 mm (3 .70 in.) b If the distance between the de fects equa ls 25.
Multiple ‑ language PDF files do not pr int Action Yes No Step 1 a Check if the print options for the PDF output are set to embed all fonts. b Generate a new PDF file, and then resend the print job. Do the fi les print? The p rob lem is s olve d. Go to s tep 2.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Print a font sample list to c heck if the fonts yo u are using are supported by the printer. 1 From the printer control pan el, navigate to: Menus > Reports > Print Fonts 2 Select PCL Fonts or P ostScript Fonts . b Resend the print job.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Depending o n your operating system, specify the paper size f rom Printing Pr efere nces or from th e Print di alog. b Resend the print job. Is the page or image clipped? Go t o st ep 4. Th e pr oble m is solved. Step 4 a Re mov e, and then re instal l the im ag ing kit .
Action Yes No Step 2 a Re mov e, and then re instal l the im ag ing kit . Warn ing— Pote ntia l Damag e: Do not expose the imaging kit to direct light fo r more than 10 minu tes. Extended exposure to light may cause print qua lity problems. Warn ing— Pote ntia l Damag e: Do not touch the underside of the ima ging k it .
Action Yes No Step 4 Replace the imaging kit, an d then resend the print job. Do horizontal voids app ear on prints? Contact customer support . The pr ob lem is s olve d. Incorrect margins on prints ABCD ABCD ABCD Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and length guid es in the tray to the correct positi ons for the paper size loaded.
Paper curl Action Yes No Step 1 Move the width and length guides in the tray to the correct position s for the size of the paper loaded. Are the width and length guides positi oned correctly? Go to step 2.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and length guid es in the tray to the correct positi ons for the size of the paper loaded in the tray. b Resend the print job.
Print is too dark Action Yes No Step 1 a From the Qu ality menu on t he printer co ntrol panel , select Color Adjust . b Resend the print job. Is the print still too dar k? Go t o st ep 2. Th e pr oble m is solved. Step 2 a From the Qual ity menu o n the printer control p anel, reduce the t oner darkness.
Action Yes No Step 6 a Load paper from a fresh package. Note: Paper absorbs moisture due to high humidity. Stor e paper in its original wrap per until you use it. b Resend the print job. Is the print still too dar k? Go t o st ep 7. Th e pr oble m is solved.
Action Yes No Step 4 a Depending on your operating system, specify the pap er type, texture, and weight from Printi ng Preferences or from th e Print dialog. b Resend the print job. Is the print still too li ght? Go t o st ep 5. Th e pr oble m is solved.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Check if there is pac king materia l left on the imaging kit. 1 Remove the imaging kit. 2 Check if the packi ng material is prope rly removed from th e imaging kit. Warn ing— Pote ntia l Dam age : Do not expose the imaging kit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Shadow images appear on prints ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 Check if th e paper loa ded in the tray has the correc t paper type and weight. Is paper with the correct pap er type and weight loaded in the tray? Go to step 2.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and length guid es in the tray to the correct positi ons for the size of the paper loaded. b Resend the print job. Is the print still skewed? Go t o st ep 2. Th e pr oble m is solved. Step 2 a Check if you are printing on a paper that is supported by the tray.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Load paper from a fresh package. Note: Paper absorbs moisture due to high humidity. Stor e paper in its original wrap per until you use it. b Resend the print job. Do streaked horizontal lin es appear on prints? Go t o st ep 4. Th e pr oble m is solved.
Action Yes No Step 2 From the pr inter control panel, set th e paper textu re, type, and weight in the Paper menu to match the paper loa ded in the tray.
Transparency print quality is poor Action Yes No Step 1 From the printer cont rol panel, set the paper type in the Pap er menu to match the paper loaded in the tray. Is the paper type for the tray set to Transparency? Go t o st ep 2. Set the pa per t ype to Transparen cy.
Toner rubs off Leading edge Trailing edge ABC DEF Action Yes No Step 1 From the Paper menu on the printer control panel, ch eck the paper type, texture, and weight. Do the paper type, texture, and weight match the pap er loaded in the tray? Go to step 2.
Vertical voids appear on prints Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 a Check if your software program is usin g a correct f ill patter n. b Resend the print job. Do vertical void s appear on prints? Go t o st ep 2. Th e pr oble m is solved.
Color quality problems FAQ abou t co lor pr inti ng What is RGB color? Red, gr een, and blue l ight can be added tog ether in vari ous a mounts to produc e a la rge r ange o f color s observ ed in nature . For exampl e, red and green can be co mbined to creat e yellow.
Object type Color con version tables RGB Im age RGB Text RGB Gra phics • Vivid —Produces brighter, mor e satura ted colors and may be applied to all in coming color f ormats. • sRGB D isplay —Produces an ou tput that approximat es the colors displayed on a computer mon itor.
To access a detailed Color Samples set from the Emb edded Web Server, do the following: 1 Open a We b browser , and t hen typ e the print er IP address in the a ddress f ield.
The color of the print does no t ma tch the color of the original file Note: The color conversi on tables used in Auto Color Correct ion mode generally approximate the colors of a standard comp uter monit or.
Action Yes No Step 2 Make sure the printer IP address is correct. a View the printer IP address: • From the TCP/IP section in the Net work/Ports men u • By printin g a network setup pa ge or menu set tings page, and then finding the TCP/IP section Note: An IP address appears as four sets of numbers separated by perio ds, such as 123.
Contacting cu stomer support When you cont act custom er sup port, you wil l need to be ab le to describe the problem y ou are experiencing, th e message on the pr inter di splay, an d the troub leshootin g steps you have already tak en to fi nd a solut ion.
Notices Prod uct i nfor mat ion Produc t name: Lexmark C2132 Machin e type: 5027 Mode l(s): 639 Edition notice Septemb er 2014 The foll owing p aragraph does not apply to any country where such pro visions are in consis tent wit h loca l law: LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Trademarks Lexmark, Lexmar k with diam ond desi gn, and MarkVisi on are trad emarks o f Lexmark Inte rnational, Inc., reg istered in the United St ates and/or other countries. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple In c., registered in th e U.S.
All other trademarks are th e property of their res pective owners. AirPrint and the AirPr int lo go are trad emarks of Apple, Inc . Federal Commun ications Commission (FCC) compliance i nformation statemen t This produ ct has bee n tested an d found to com ply with t he limits for a Class B digit al device , pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
1-meter average sound pressure, dBA Read y 16 Values are subject t o change. See www .lexmark .com for curren t values. Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive The WEEE log o signifies sp ecific recy cling prog rams an d proc edures for electronic product s in countries of the Eu ropean Union.
ENERGY STAR Any Lex mark pr oduct beari ng the ENERGY STAR em blem o n the prod uct o r on a st art-up screen is ce rtifi ed to c omply with Env ironmen tal Prote ction Agency ( EPA) E NERGY STAR require ments as conf igured when shippe d by Lexmar k.
DANGER - Invisible l aser radiation when cartridges a re removed a nd interlock defeated. Av oid exposur e to laser beam . PERIGO - Radi ação a la ser invisível será libera da se os c artuchos forem removidos e o lacre ro mpido. Evite a exposição aos feix es de laser .
Sleep Mode This product is design ed with an energy-saving mode called Sleep Mo de . The Sleep Mode saves energy by lowering power co nsumpti on d uring extende d perio ds of inactiv ity. Th e Sleep M ode is automat icall y engag ed afte r this p roduct is not used for a sp ecified period of time, called the Sleep Mode Timeout .
日本の VCCI 規定 製品にこのマーク が表示されている場合、次の要件を満たしています。 この装置は、クラス B 情報技術装置です。この装置は 、家.
Industry Canada (Canada) Under Indus try Canada regulat ions, this radio tran smitter may only ope rate using an antenna of a type and m aximum (or less er) gain approve d for th e transmi tter b y Industr y Canada.
equipm ent, th e ecodesi gn of en ergy-rel ated p roducts , and on the rest rictio ns of use of cer tain haz ardous s ubsta nces in electrical and el ectr onic equipment. Complian ce is indicated by the CE markin g. Operation is allowed i n all EU and EFTA countri es, but is res tricted to in door use o nly.
Italiano Con la presente Lexmark Internationa l, Inc. dich iara c he questo questo prodotto è conforme a i requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disp osizion i pertinenti stabi lite dalla dir ettiva 1999/5 /CE. Latviski Ar šo Lexmark Internation al, Inc.
The use of th is product or ser vice is subject to th e reason able, non-di scrimi natory terms in the Inte llect ual Pro perty Rights (I PR) Disclosu re of Certico m Corp. at th e IETF fo r Suite B Cryptographic Suites for IPSec implemented in the product or serv ice.
Replacement is not available to you if the prod uct you present fo r exchange is defaced, altered, in need of a rep air not included i n warranty s ervice, dama ged beyond r epair, or i f the product is not fr ee of all legal obligati ons, restr ictions, liens, and encumbrances.
T h i s i s t r u e e v e n i f y o u a d v i s e L e x m a r k o r a R e m a r k e t e r o f t h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f s u c h d a m a g e s . L ex m a rk i s n o t l i a b l e f o r a n y claim by you based on a third p arty clai m. This limit ation of rem edies al so applies t o claims ag ainst any Supplier s and Remarketer s of Lexmark.
Index Numerics 250 ‑ sheet tray loading 41 550 ‑ sheet tray installi ng 32 loading 41 650 ‑ sheet d uo tray installi ng 32 loading 41 Symbol s [Color] cartridge low [88.xy] 162 [Color] cart ridge very low, [x] estimated pages rem ain [88.xy] 162 [Type] imaging kit low [84.
usin g Push Butt on Con figur ation method 38 using t he Embedde d Web Server 39 using wi reless setup wi zard 3 8 conse rvation se ttings bright ness, adjus ting 1 18 cons erving s upp lies 115 Eco .
home screen buttons , underst anding 14 customizin g 18 hiding i cons 18 showi ng icons 18 home scr een appli cations configur ing 18 finding information 18 home s cree n button s understa nding 14 HT.
PCL Emul 110 PDF 109 PostSc ript 109 Quality 104 Reports 79 Secur ity A udit L og 91 Set Da te/Tim e 91 Setup 92 SMTP Set up menu 87 Standar d Netwo rk 80 Standar d US B 86 Substi tute Size 73 Suppl i.
streaked horizo ntal lines appear on prin ts 198 streaked vertica l lines a ppear on prints 199 toner f og or backgro und sh ading appears on print s 201 toner rubs off 202 toner s pecks appear on pri.
Replace [type] imaging kit, 0 estima ted pag es rema in [84.xy] 169 Replac e defect ive [ color] ca rtridg e [31.xy] 170 Replace defective [type] imaging kit [31.xy] 170 Replace m aintena nce kit, 0 estima ted pag es rema in [80.xy] 170 Repla ce miss ing [c olor ] cart ridge [31.
rest oring fa ctor y defau lt settin gs 149 S safety information 6, 7 Schedu le Po wer Mo des using 118 secu rity modif ying co nfidenti al print settin gs 148 Security A udit Log m enu 91 security lo.
clipped pages or image s 187 gray back ground on prin ts 188 horiz ontal v oids appe ar on prints 189 print irre gularities 191 prin t is too d ark 193 prin t is too l ight 194 printer is printin g so.
デバイスLexmark C2132の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lexmark C2132をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLexmark C2132の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lexmark C2132の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lexmark C2132で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lexmark C2132を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLexmark C2132の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lexmark C2132に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLexmark C2132デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。