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Wireless Setup Guide © 20 08 Le xma rk In ter na tio na l, I nc . All rig hts reser ve d..
Edit ion not ice Janua ry 2 008 The fo llo wing paragr aph does not ap ply to any countr y wher e such provisi ons a re incons istent w ith l ocal law : LEXMARK INTERNAT IONAL, INC.
Contents Edi ti o n n ot ic e.. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .... .. .. ... .... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .... ... . ... .... .. .. .. .. 2 Set ting u p t he pri nter. ... ..... .. ..... .. .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ....
Setting up the printer Follow thes e steps to set up your print er Not e : Do n ot connec t cables unt il instructed. C AUT ION —P OTENT IA L IN JUR Y: R efer to the enclosed Safety Sheet before making any cable or electri cal conne c ti on. 1 Set u p the prin ter hardw are .
Unpa ck t he prin ter, cables, an d CD. Gr asp the paper t ray ha ndle, and th en pull the t ray completely out. Raise the s upport bin. Note: Use the size indicators on the bottom of th e tray to help position the wi dth and length g uides.
Squeeze the length guide tabs together, and then slide the guide to t he correct position fo r the size of paper being loaded . Note: The leng th guid e has a locki ng device. To unlock the tr ay, slide the button on top of th e length guide to the l eft, as i llustrated.
Grasp th e handle, an d pull forw ard to open the front door. Allow th e front door to open completely. Pull the pr otective sh eet straight out of the toner cartridge area to remove it. Pull ea ch ton er cartrid ge stra igh t out of the p rinter, one at a time.
Firml y sh ake th e t oner cartri dg e sid e-to-si de a nd f ront- to-bac k several times to distribute th e toner. Remove the red pac king material fr om each toner ca rtr i dge . Place each toner c artridge back into the printer. Pull out on each s ide of the p acking strip, and then pull it forwa rd to remove it f rom the transfer module.
Close the front d oor. Se tt ing u p th e prin te r 10.
Choosing a connection method Not e : Do n ot connec t cables unt il instructed. Connect to a wireless network using Wi ndows For detailed steps, s ee “Informat ion you will need to s et up the p rinter o n a w ireles s netwo rk” on page 12 and “In stall ing the pr inter o n a w ire less n etwor k (W in dows)” on p ag e 14 .
Preparing to conne ct wirele ssly Information y ou will need to set up the printer on a wirele s s ne twork Not e : Do not connect the insta llation or netwo rk cables until pr ompted t o do so by th e setup s oftwar e. • SSID —The SS ID is also r eferred to a s th e networ k name .
If th e printe r has a factor y-instal led intern al pr int serv er, the MAC addr ess is a series of let ters an d number s locat ed on th e M AC addre ss she et that s hipped w ith th e pri nter.
Connecting to a wireless network using Windows Installing t he printer on a wireless network (Windows) Bef ore you inst all the pr inte r on a wire le ss n etw ork, ma ke su re that : • Yo ur wi rele ss netw ork i s set u p and worki ng prop erl y.
3 Clic k Inst al l . 4 Clic k Agr e e . 5 Clic k S uggested . 6 Clic k Wireless Net work At tach . 7 Tempo rarily connec t a U SB cable between the computer on the wirele ss network and the prin ter.
Connecting to a wireless network using Macintosh Installing t he printer on a wireless network (Ma cintosh ) Pre pare to co nfig ure the prin ter 1 Loca te the pr inter MAC address on the sheet th at s hipp ed with the printer.
2 From t he Network popu p menu, sel ect print s erver xxxxxx , where the x’s a re the last six digits of the M AC address loca ted on th e M AC add ress sh e et .
h Type t he user pa ssword, an d then cl ick OK . All nec essar y sof tware is inst alled on the comp uter. i Cl ick Clo se when in stall at ion is compl et e. 2 Ad d th e pr in ter : a For IP prin ting : In Mac OS X versi on 10. 5 1 Fro m the Fin der d eskt op, cl ick Ap ple menu System P refer ences .
Setting up serial pri nting In se rial prin ting, data is tra nsfer red one bit a t a ti me. Alt hough s eria l pr inti ng is u sua lly slo wer th an p ara lle l pri ntin g, it is the preferred opt io.
3 Set the C OM p ort p aram et ers: Afte r the pr inte r dri ver is in stal led , you mus t set the se ria l para meters i n the commun i ca tio ns (CO M ) p or t a ss igned to th e p r in ter dr ive r. The se rial p ar amete rs in the COM p o r t must matc h the ser ial par amete rs you se t in the prin ter.
Troubles hooting wireless setup Fo r mo re i nfor mati on on n etw orkin g term s an d c on cepts , refe r to t he Us er 's Guid e on t he Sof twa re a nd Doc u m entat i on CD .
Cannot print o ver wire less network If you enco unt ered probl ems while in stall ing, or if you r print er does no t appear in the p rinte rs folder o r as a printer optio n whe n s end ing a print job, y ou ca n tr y un inst allin g an d re ins tall ing the s oft ware.
b Type ip co nfig . c Pre ss Ente r . • The “ De fault G ate way ” e ntry is typ ica lly th e w ire les s ac cess poi nt . • T he IP add re ss appe ars as f ou r sets of num be rs se para ted b y peri o d s, such a s 192. 168.0 .100 . You r IP address mi ght also s tart w ith the n umbers 1 0 or 1 69.
d Clic k Ad van c e d . e Clic k TCP/IP . The “Ro uter” e ntry is typi cally the wir eless ac cess poi nt. In M ac OS X ve rsio n 10 .4 and ear lier a Fro m t he me nu bar , cli ck Apple menu System P referen ces . b Clic k Netwo rk . c Fro m t he Sh ow po p-u p menu , sele ct Airport .
C HECK YOUR ADVANCED SECURI TY SETT IN GS • If you are u s ing MAC ad dre s s fil ter i n g to limi t access to yo ur wi rel ess netw ork, you must add th e prin ter MAC ad dres s to the l ist of a ddres ses a llo wed to connec t to t he w ire le ss acce ss poin t.
2 Atta ch the small, s q uare con nector to the prin ter. WEP key or WPA p re-sh ar ed key no t valid E RROR MA DE WH EN ENTERING KEY • Car efully retyp e the key. • Ver ify that th e key ha s the cor rec t number o f c harac te rs and the ri ght kin d of char a c ters.
T HE PRIN TER WI LL BE MOVED TO A REMOTE NETWORK • It is n ot neces sary to acce ss the wi rele ss netwo rk fr om t he Wir ele ss Networ ks l ist if t he se tup an d secu rity inf ormat ion fo r that netw ork is c orrec t. • Con tinue sett ing up th e prin ter .
T HERE IS AN OBJECT BLOCKING THE SIGN A L BET WEEN THE PRI N TER AND TH E ACCESS POINT The wireles s signal ca n also be distorted o r block ed by object s in the path bet ween th e access poi nt and t he printe r.
Wirel ess Setup Utility stops re sponding during wirele ss printer configur ation If t he Wire less S et up Util it y stops resp ondi ng du ring th e wirel ess conf igur ation proce ss, re sta rt the compu ter . Inse rt the Software and Do cu men tation CD and run the Wir eless Setup Utilit y again.
V ERIFY THA T THE PRINTER IS WORKING • Ins ert the Soft ware and Document at i on CD a nd set up the prin ter u sin g a USB conn ecti on. • If the printer works over a USB connection , the print er is working properl y.
c Pre ss Ente r . • T he “D efaul t Gatew ay” entr y i s t ypicall y the ac cess poi n t. • T he IP add re ss app ear s as fo ur se t s of num be rs se para ted b y peri ods, su ch as 192 .168 .1. 1. 2 Type th e user name and password fo r th e acces s point when pr ompted.
Connecting u sing a USB c able USB setup and connection 1 Inse rt the Software and Docum entation CD . 2 Clic k Inst al l . 3 Clic k Agr e e . 4 Clic k S uggested . 5 Clic k Local Attach . 6 Conn ect the i nsta lla tion cab l e to a US B po rt on the comp uter and th e U SB port on th e ba ck o f the pr inter .
Connecting using an Ethe rnet network Wired setup and connectio n 1 Conn ect the Ether net cab le to th e printe r and to a n acti ve Ether net port on th e n etwo rk. Mak e sure th e comput er you are using to configur e the pr inter is a ttach ed to a worki ng netw ork port o n the same netw ork a s the prin ter .
Networking g lossary ad hoc mode A setting fo r a wireless devic e that lets it communi cate directly with other wir eless de vices witho ut a n acc ess p oint or ro uter. ad ho c ne two rk A wireles s network th at d oes not use an a ccess point. AutoIP a ddress An IP add r ess automatic a lly a ssigned by a network device.
secur ity key A pas sword, s uch as a W EP k ey or a WPA pass phrase, used to ma ke a network sec u r e. sign al st rength Meas ure of how strong ly a transmit ted signal is being receiv ed. SSID (Servic e S et Identifier) The na me of a wire less net work .
デバイスLexmark C736DTNの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lexmark C736DTNをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLexmark C736DTNの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lexmark C736DTNの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lexmark C736DTNで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lexmark C736DTNを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLexmark C736DTNの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lexmark C736DTNに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLexmark C736DTNデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。