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MS810 Series Use r's Gu ide Impor tant : Cli ck her e before using this guide. April 20 12 www.lex mark.com Machine t ype(s): 4063 Mod el (s ): 210, 2 30, 23E, 410, 430, 630, 63E.
Cont ents Safe ty inform ation. ..... ........... .......... ........... ..... ............ .......... ........... ........... 7 Ove rview..... ....... .............. .............. ............. ....... .............. ............. .............. 9 Using thi s guide.
Load ing p aper an d sp ecialty med ia.. ....... ... ... .... ....... ... ... ... .... ....... ... ... ... .... ...... .... ... ... .... ...... ... .... .. . ... .... ... 48 Setting the paper siz e and ty pe .............. .............. ...... ......
Loading t he multipurp ose feeder ........... ....... ....... ...... ....... ............. ....... ....... ...... .............. ...... ..... . ........ ...... .... 108 Linking and unlinki ng trays ........ ....... ...... ....... ............. .......
Printin g confidential and o ther held jobs ............. ...... ...... ........ ...... .............. ...... ...... ........ ...... ....... ............. .... 165 Printin g information pag es . ....... ............. ....... ....... ...... ....... ...
Clea ring jams... ....... ....... ....... .... ....... ....... ....... .... ....... ....... ....... ... ....... ....... .261 Avoi ding ja ms.... ... ... ... ... ...... ... .... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ....... ... ... ... ...... ... ... .... ...
Safety informat io n Connec t the pow er cord to a pro perly gro unded electri cal out let t hat is near the pro duct and easily ac cessible . Do not pl ace or use this product nea r water or wet lo cations. CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: T his produc t uses a laser .
This pr oduct is desi gned, test ed, and appro ved to meet stri ct globa l saf ety sta ndards w ith t he use of specif ic manufac turer 's c ompone nts. The safety features of some pa rts ma y not alw ays be o bvious . The manufac turer i s not responsible f o r the use of ot h er rep l acement parts .
Overview Us in g t his g ui de Thi s User’s G uide provides ge neral and sp ecific info rmation on u sing the pr inter m odels that ar e listed o n the cover page.
Wh at are you look ing for? Fi nd i t he re Help using the printer software Windows or Mac Help—Open a printer s oftware program or appli cation, and then click He lp . Clic k ? to vi ew context ‑ s ensitiv e inform ation . No t es: • Help is au toma tica lly ins talled with t he prin ter sof twa re .
Selecting a locati on for the printer CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: The pr i nt er we ig ht is gr ea te r t ha n 1 8 k g (4 0 lb) an d r eq ui res tw o o r mor e tr ained personn el t o lift it s afely. When selec ting a loc ation fo r the pri nter , l eave enough ro om to open t rays , cove rs, and doo rs.
1 2 3 4 5 1 Ri ght side 305 mm (12 in.) 2 Front 508 m m (20 i n.) 3 Le ft side 305 m m (12 in. ) 4 Rear 305 m m (12 in .) 5 T op 115 mm (4 .5 i n.) 1 2 3 4 5 1 Ri ght side 305 mm (12 in.) 2 Front 508 m m (20 i n.) 3 Le ft side 305 m m (12 in. ) 4 Rear 305 m m (12 in .
Additional printer setup Ins talling inte rnal optio ns CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you are acces sing the c ontroller b oard or in stalling opti onal hardw are or me mory de vices som etim e after settin g up the prin ter , then turn th e printer off, and then unplug the power cor d from the elec trical o utlet before c ontinuing.
Accessing the con t roller board Note: This ta sk requ ire s a flathe ad scre wd rive r. CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you are acces sing the c ontroller b oard or in stalling opti onal hardw are or me.
3 Remo ve the controller board sh ield. 1 2 4 U se the following illustrat ion to l ocate the approp riate conn ector: Warning—Pot ential D amage: Controller bo ard electronic co mponents are easily dam aged by st atic elec tricit y.
5 Alig n the sc rews w ith t he holes on the c ontro ller bo ard shie ld, and t hen r eattach the contr oller boar d shiel d. 2 1 6 Tighte n the scr ews on the controll er board sh ield.
7 Reattach the co ntro l ler board a c cess co ver. 2 1 Installing a memory card CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you are acces sing the c ontroller b oard or in stalling opti onal hardw are or me mory de.
4 Push the memory c ard s traight int o the c onnector, and t hen p ush the card towar d the c ontrol ler bo ard wall until it c licks in t o pl ac e. 5 Reat tach t he cont rol ler board s hield, a nd the n the c ontro ller bo ard acce ss cover .
3 Unpack the I SP kit. 2 3 4 1 1 IS P sol ut io n 2 Screw f or attac hing the plastic brac ket to the ISP 3 Screws for attachi ng the ISP mounting br acket to the control ler board shield 4 Plastic bracke t 4 Remove the metal cover from the ISP opening.
1 2 3 5 Alig n the pos ts of the plast ic brac ket to t he hole s on the c ontroller boar d cag e, and then pr ess the p last ic brac ket on th e controller boar d cage until it c licks in t o pl ac e.
7 Lower the I SP towar d th e plas tic brack et until the ISP is seated between the guides of t h e p las tic bracke t. 8 Use the provided thumbscrew fo r the ISP to atta ch the plas tic bracket to th e I SP. No te: Turn the s crew clockw ise, enou gh to hold the ISP in place, but do not tight en it yet .
9 Attach th e two provid ed screws to sec ure the ISP mou nting brac ket to the co ntroller board sh i e l d. 10 T ighte n the thum bscrew that is attached to t h e ISP. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Do not s crew it on too tightl y. 11 C onnect the ISP solut ion i nterface c able in to the recept acle of the contr oller board.
Instal ling a n opt ional card CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you are acces sing the c ontroller b oard or in stalling opti onal hardw are or me mory de vices som etim e after set ting up t he prin ter, the n turn the print er off , and unplug the power cord from the elect rical outlet bef ore continuing.
4 Push the ca rd firmly int o place as show n in the i llustratio n. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Impro p er in s ta l latio n of the car d may cau se damage to the ca rd and the co ntro ll er b oa rd. No te: The entire le ngth of the c onnect or on t he card m ust t ouch and be flu shed again st the controller boa rd.
3 Locate the appropriate connecto r on the controller board cage. No te: If an optional IS P is currently inst alled, th en the printer hard disk m ust be ins talled on to the ISP.
To ins tall a pri nter har d dis k onto the ISP: a Remove the screws attached to the printer h ard disk mounting bra cket, and then rem o ve the bracke t. b Align t he s tandoffs o f the pr inter ha rd dis k to t he holes in the ISP , an d then pres s the pr inte r hard dis k dow n unti l the st andoff s are in plac e.
To ins tall a pri nter har d dis k direc tly on the c ontr oller boar d cag e: a Alig n the standof fs of the pri nter har d disk to the ho les in t he cont roll er board ca ge, and t hen press the pri nter hard d isk dow n un til the st andoffs are i n place.
b Use t he two provi ded scre ws to at tach t he pri nter har d disk moun ting brac ket. c I nsert the plug o f the pr inter ha rd di sk interf ace cable int o the r eceptacle of t he control le r board. Note: The pl ugs and r eceptacle s are color ‑ cod ed.
Remo ving a print er hard dis k Note: This ta sk requ ire s a flathe ad scre wd rive r. CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you are acces sing the c ontroller b oard or in stalling opti onal hardw are or me .
3 Remo ve th e screws holding the print er hard disk i n place . 4 Remo ve the print er hard disk. 5 Set aside the pr i nter h ard disk. Addit ional prin ter setup 30.
Ins talli ng h ardwa re opt ions Order of installa tio n CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: The pr i nt er we ig ht is gr ea te r t ha n 1 8 k g (4 0 lb) an d r eq ui res tw o o r mor e tr ained personn el t o lift it s afely.
3 P ul l o ut t h e tr ay , an d th en rem o v e a ny p ac k in g m ate r i al f r om i ns id e the tr a y. 4 Insert the tra y. 5 Place t he tray near the pri nter.
6 Align the printer with the tr ay, and the n slowly lower the prin ter into place. 7 Turn the pri nter back on . No te: When the prin ter sof tware and any opt ional trays are inst al led, you may ne ed to ma nually a dd the opt ions in t he printer dr iver to make th em availabl e fo r print jo bs.
• The appr opr iate para llel c able wit h the par allel po rt 1 2 3 4 6 5 Use t he To 1 Parallel port Connect the pr inter to a computer. Note : T his can a lso be used in instal ling an optio nal In t e rnal So lution s Port (ISP ). 2 USB port Attach an optional wireless network adapter.
Se tt ing up th e p rin te r so ftw a re Instal ling the prin ter sof tware Note: If you installed the print er software on t he compu ter be fore but need to reins tall t he soft ware, t hen unin stall the curren t softw are fir st . For Windows u sers 1 Close a ll open softw are p rogra ms.
For Macintos h users 1 Close a ll open applicat ions. 2 Ins ert the Soft ware and Docu mentat ion CD . If the install ation di alog does not appe ar af ter a min ute, then cli ck the CD ic on on th e desktop. 3 Do uble- clic k the software installer p ackage, and then follow the instructions on the computer screen.
Netwo rki ng Notes: • Pur chase a M ark Net N835 0 w ireless networ k adap ter first bef ore se tting up the print er on a wirele ss ne twork. For info rmation on in stalling t he wireles s network ad apter, see the in struction s heet th at came with the adapter.
For Macintos h users 1 Allow the n etwork DHC P server to assign a n IP address to th e printer. 2 Obtain the printer IP address either: • From the printer cont rol pane l • From the TCP/I P secti.
Make sur e you ha ve the follo win g informat ion be fore set ting up the p rinter o n a wirele ss net work: • SSID —The SSID is also referred to as the network name. • Wirele ss Mod e (or Ne twork Mode) —The mo de i s either infrastructure or ad h oc .
Using the Push Butto n Configuration method 1 Depending on your p rinter model, n avigate to either of the follow ing: • > Settings > > Netw orks/Ports > > Network [x ] > > Net .
3 Modify the s ettings to matc h the settin gs of your access point (wir eless router). No te: Ma ke sure to enter the correc t S SID . 4 Clic k Submit . 5 Turn of f the printer , and then disconnect the Ethernet cable. Then wait for at least five seconds, and th en turn the print er ba ck on.
8 Select the po r t from th e list, and then cli ck Conf igure Port . 9 Ty pe the new IP addres s in the “ Print er Name o r IP A ddress” f ield. 10 C lick OK > Cl ose . For Macintos h users 1 Ope n a Web b rowser, and the n type t he print er IP add ress in the addr ess f ield.
I f the insta llation di alog do es not app ear af ter a mi nut e, then laun ch the C D manually: 1 Cli ck , or click St art and t hen click Run . 2 In the St art S earch or Run dia log, t ype D:s et up .e xe , where D is the letter of the CD or DVD drive.
For mo re inf orm ation, se e th e fol low ing: – “P rinting a netw ork set up pa ge” on p age 77 for n on ‑ touch ‑ screen printe r models – “P rinting a net work set up pa ge” on pag.
Using MS8 10n, MS810dn, MS81 1n, MS811 dn, MS812dn Le arn ing ab out th e pr in ter Printer conf iguratio ns Basi c model 1 2 4 3 1 Standard bin 2 Pri n te r con trol p an el 3 Multipurpose f eeder 4 .
The following illus trat ion shows the maximum numb er of optio nal finishers and trays that are suppor ted by the printer. For mor e inf orm ation on other c onfig uratio ns, vi sit ht tp :/ / s upp o rt .
When using op tional t ray s: • Alwa ys use a cas ter base when t he print er i s configur ed wit h a 2100 ‑ sheet tray. • Th e 21 00 ‑ sheet t ray must alw ays be at the bo ttom of a configur ation. • A maxim um of fo ur o ptional trays ma y be configur ed w ith the prin ter.
Unders tanding the col ors o f the indi cato r and Sleep bu tto n lights The colo rs of the indic ator an d Sleep but ton light s on the print er cont rol pane l signif y a certain pri nter stat us or condit ion.
Notes: • The sm allest su ppor ted Universal s ize is 70 x 127 mm (2.76 x 5 inches) fo r one ‑ sid ed prin ting and 105 x 148 mm ( 4.1 3 x 5 .83 i nche s) f or tw o ‑ side d (duple x) pri nti ng. • The lar ge st suppo rted U niversa l siz e is 21 6 x 356 mm (8.
2 Squeeze and slide the width guide to the c o rrect position for the size o f the paper being loaded until it clic ks into place. 2 1 No te: Use the pape r size in dica tors on the bot tom of the tra y to help posit ion the gui des.
3 Unlock the length guide, and the n squeeze and slide the guid e to the correct positio n for the size of the pape r being loaded. 3 1 2 Note s: • Lo ck the length gui de for all pap er sizes. • Use the paper s i ze ind i ca tors on the bottom o f th e tray to help po sition the gui des.
4 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them . Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the ed ges o n a level su rfa ce. 5 Load t he pa per s tack wit h the pri ntable si de fac edown. No te: Make sure t he paper or en velope is l oaded pr operly.
• Do not slide t he paper int o the tray. Loa d paper as sh own in t he illust ration. • If you are lo ading envelopes, then make sure th at the flap si de is facing up and the envelopes are on the left side of the tra y.
• Make s ure t he pa per is b elow the maxim um pap er fi ll indi cator. Warning—P otential Dama ge: Overfilling t he tray can cau se paper jams. 6 Fo r cust om ‑ or unive rsal ‑ s ize p aper, ad just the p aper guid es to lig htly touc h the s ides of t he stac k, and then l ock the length guide.
Loading the 2100 ‑ sheet tray CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: T o reduce the risk of equipm ent ins tability, load each tray sepa rately. Keep al l other trays closed until needed. 1 Pull out the t ray. 2 Adjus t the width and leng th guid es. Load ing A5 ‑ size paper a Pul l up an d slide the w idth g uide to the posit ion fo r A5.
b Squeeze and slide the length guide to the position for A5 until it cli cks in to plac e. 1 2 c Remove the A5 length guide f rom its hold er. 1 2 d I nsert t he A5 leng th g uide i nto its de signa ted slot. Note: Press the A 5 length guid e until it cli cks in to place.
Load ing A4 ‑ , lette r ‑ , l eg al ‑ , of ic io ‑ , and folio ‑ size paper a Pul l up an d slide the w idth g uide to the correc t posi tion f or the s ize of the pape r be ing loa ded.
b If the A 5 length guide i s still attac hed to the length guide, then remo ve it from its pla ce. If the A5 length g uide is not attach ed, then proceed to step d.
d Sque eze the length guide and slide it to the cor rect positio n for the size of the paper being loaded until it clicks in to pl ac e. 3 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them . Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the ed ges o n a level su rfa ce.
Wi thou t an optio nal sta ple fi nisher Wit h an opti onal s taple f inishe r ABC One ‑ sided printing ABC One ‑ sided printin g A B C Two ‑ sided pr inting A B C Two ‑ sided pr inting Usi ng.
• Make s ure t he pa per is b elow the maxim um pap er fi ll indi cator. Warning—P otential Dama ge: Overfilling t he tray can cau se paper jams. 5 Insert the tra y.
6 From the printer co n trol p a nel, s et the size and typ e in the Paper menu to match the pa per loaded in the tr ay. No te: Set the corr ect pa per si ze and type to avoid pa per j ams a nd pri nt quality pr oblem s. Loading the multipurpo se feed er 1 Pull d own the mult ipurpos e feeder door .
2 Pull the multipurpose feeder extender. B 5 E X E C A 4 A 5 LT R No te: Gu ide the extender gently so that the multipur p ose feeder is fully exte n ded and open. 3 Slide the width guide to the cor rect position for the size of the paper being loaded.
B 5 E X E C A 4 A 5 LT R 4 Prepare the paper or specialty media for loading. • Flex sheets of p aper back and forth to loosen them. Do not f old or crease t h e p a per. Straighten the edges on a lev e l s ur fa ce. • Hold transparencies by the edges.
5 Load t he pa per or spec ialty m edia. No te: S l ide the stack gently into the m ul tipurpose feeder until it comes to a stop. • Load only o ne size and t ype of pape r or s pecialt y media at a time. • Make s ure the pa per f its loo sely in the mu lt ipurpose f eeder, li es flat, a nd is no t bent or w rin kled.
• Load envelopes with the flap side down and on the left of the multipur p ose feeder. B 5 EX EC A 4 A 5 LT R Warning—P otential Dama ge: Never use enve lopes wi th stamps, clas ps, snaps, w indo ws, coated linings , or self ‑ st ick adh esive s.
Linkin g and unli nki ng trays Lin kin g an d un li nk ing t r ays 1 Op en a Web b rowse r, and t hen type the pr inter IP address in t he addre ss fiel d. Note s: • Vie w the p rinter I P address on t he print er cont rol pan el in t he TCP/IP sect ion u nder the N etwor k/Ports menu.
3 Press . 4 Press Cus tom Types , and then v erify if t he new c ustom p aper t ype na me has replace d the cust om name. Assignin g a custom paper type Using the Em bedded W eb Server 1 Op en a Web b rowse r, and t hen type the pr inter IP address in t he addre ss fiel d.
Fo r M aci nt o sh us er s a Custom ize the s ettings in the Page Set up dia log if necess ary: 1 With a do cume nt open, choose Fi le > Pa ge Se tup .
Printing f rom a f lash driv e Su ppo rte d fl ash dri ve s an d f ile t ype s Fla sh dr ive File type • Lexar J umpDr iv e 2.0 P ro ( 25 6MB, 5 12M B, or 1G B s izes) • Sa nDisk C ruz er M ini (256M B, 512 MB, or 1 GB s izes) Note s : • Hi ‑ speed USB flash drives m ust support the full ‑ spe ed st anda rd .
• If yo u inser t the flash drive w hen the print er re quires at tention, s uch as when a j am has oc curred, th en the printer ignor es the flash dr ive. • If yo u inser t the flash drive w hile the print er i s proces sing othe r prin t jobs , then Bu sy appe ars.
Prin t job type Desc ri pt ion Max Invalid PIN Limit s the nu mber of time s an inva lid PIN can be enter ed. Note : When the limit i s reached, the print j obs for that user name and PI N are deleted. Confidential Job E xpirati on Lets you hol d print jobs in the c omputer unti l you enter the PIN from the printer control panel .
For M aci ntosh users 1 Wi th a doc ument o pen , choos e File > Pri n t . If nec essary, cl ick the disc losure t riangle to see more options . 2 Fr om the p rint op tio ns o r Copies & Pages pop ‑ up menu , cho ose Job Routing . 3 Sel ect the pr int job ty pe (Conf idential, R epeat, Re serve, or Verify), an d the n assig n a user name.
Ca nceli ng a prin t jo b fr om t he com pute r For Windows u sers 1 Open the printers folder. a Click , or click Start and then clic k Run . b I n the St art Sea rch or Run dialo g, type contr ol pri nt er s . c Pr ess Enter , or clic k OK . 2 Do uble ‑ click the prin ter icon.
Notes: • Selectable a lerts can b e set o n the toner c a rtr idge, imaging un it, and main tenance kit. • All s electable alerts c an be se t for nearly l ow, low, and very lo w s upply cond itions. Not all se lectable alerts can be set f or the end ‑ of ‑ life s upply cond ition.
3 Modify the s ettings: • Set a maxim um number of PIN entry attempts . W hen a user exceeds a specific number of PIN entry attempts, all of the jobs for t hat user are del eted.
Printing a network set up pa ge If th e prin ter is atta ched to a n etwork, th en pri nt a netw or k setup pa ge to ver ify the net work connec tion. T his page also pro vides im portant informatio n that aids network pri nti ng configur ation.
• If yo u are us ing a pr oxy serv er, then tempo rarily dis able it t o load t he Web page c orrectly. 2 Clic k Settings > Ge neral Se t tings > Eco ‑ Mode . 3 Select a s etting. Use To Off Use the fac tory default s ettings for all setting s assoc i ated with E co ‑ Mode.
Use To On Reduce printer noise. No te s: • Print jobs process at a reduced speed. • Printer engi ne motors do not start un til a doc ument is rea dy to prin t. The re is a short delay b efore th e first pag e is printed. • The alar m control an d cart ridge alarm s ounds are turned off.
Us ing H ibe r na te mode Hibernate i s an ultra ‑ lo w ‑ power oper ating mod e. When o perating in Hiber nate mo de, all othe r syst ems and de vices are power ed do wn safely. Notes: • Mak e sure t o wake t he print er f rom Hiber nate mod e be fore sendi ng a print job.
Note s: • View the printer IP address in the TCP/IP section in the Network/Ports menu. The IP address appears as four sets of numb ers s ep arate d by period s, su ch a s 12 3.1 23. 123. 123. • If yo u are us ing a pr oxy serv er, then tempo rarily dis able it t o load t he Web page c orrectly.
Securi ng the print er Usi ng the s ecu rity lo ck f eatu re The printe r is equi pped wit h a s ecurit y lock feature . When a loc k compatible wi th most lapt op compu ters is att ached, the printer is locked. When locked, the controller board sh ield an d the c ontroll er bo ard canno t be rem oved.
• The pri nter is b eing remo ved fr om your premises for service. • The pri nter is b eing sold to anot her organi zation . Dispos ing of a printer hard disk Note: Some p rinter m odels may not ha ve a prin ter hard disk i nstalled.
Erasing printer hard disk memory Note: Some p rinter m odels may not ha ve a prin ter hard disk i nstalled. Confi guring Disk Wiping in t he prin ter menus l ets you remo ve residua l confid ential mat eria l left by print j obs by s ecurely overwriting files that have been marked for deletion.
Note s: • En abling disk encryptio n will erase the con tent of the printer hard disk. • Disk enc rypti on can take f rom several m inutes to m ore than an hour, dur ing whic h the printer will be unavail able f or other user tasks. Usi n g th e p r in t e r c ont rol p an e l 1 T ur n o ff th e pri n te r .
Using MS810de Le arn ing ab out th e pr in ter Printer conf iguratio ns Basi c model 1 2 4 3 1 Standard bin 2 Pri n te r con trol p an el 3 Multipurpose f eeder 4 Standard 5 50 ‑ sheet tr ay (Tray 1) Ful ly co nfi gure d mo del CAUTION—TIP PING H AZARD: Floor-moun ted configur ations requ ire addit ional furn iture f or stabilit y.
The following illus trat ion shows the maximum numb er of optio nal finishers and trays that are suppor ted by the printer. For mor e inf orm ation on other c onfig uratio ns, vi sit ht tp :/ / s upp o rt .
When using op tional t ray s: • Alwa ys use a cas ter base when t he print er i s configur ed wit h a 2100 ‑ sheet tray. • Th e 21 00 ‑ sheet t ray must alw ays be at the bo ttom of a configur ation. • A maxim um of fo ur o ptional trays ma y be configur ed w ith the prin ter.
Indicator light color and its corre sponding printer s tatus In dica tor li ght Pri nt er s tat us Off The pr inter is off or in Hi bernate mode. Blinking green The pr inter is war ming up, pr ocessing data, or printing . So lid g reen The pri nter is o n, bu t idle.
To uc h To 4 USB View, select, or pri nt photos a nd docum ents from a flas h drive. Note : This icon appears only when you re turn to the home s creen while a memory card or flash drive is connected to the pri n ter. 5 Menu s A ccess printer menus . Note : These menus are available only when the p rinter is in ready state.
1 2 3 4 5 To uc h th e To 1 Radio button Select or clear an item. 2 Up arrow Scroll up. 3 Down arrow Sc roll down. 4 Ac cept button Save a setting. 5 Cancel button • Cancel an acti on or a selec tion. • Return to the previous screen. Other touch-screen buttons To uc h To Return to the ho me screen.
Se tt in g up an d u s ing th e h om e s cre en ap pl ic ati o ns Notes: • Your home screen ma y vary, depend ing on your ho me sc reen cus tomiz ation sett ings, ad minis trative set up, a nd active emb edded ap plicat ions. Som e applic ations are suppor ted only in se lect printer mod els.
For mor e inf orm ation on configur ing and using t he hom e scree n applic ations, do the f ollo wing: 1 Go to http:/ /suppo rt.lexma rk.c om , and then click SELECT YOUR P RODUCT > . 2 Do either o f the following: • Click Busi ness Solu tions , and then sele ct the nam e of the ap plication.
Unde rsta ndin g Eco ‑ Settin gs Icon Desc ri ptio n The application l ets you eas ily manage ener gy consumpti on, noise, toner , and paper us age setting s to help reduce the environmental impact of your printer.
– If a "JV M Out of Me mory” er ror occurs, t hen repeat t he expo rt pro cess unt il the c onfigurat io n file is saved. • To im port a configura tion f rom a fil e, cli ck Impo rt , and then br owse to the saved c onfig uratio n file t hat was ex ported f rom a prev i ously con figured pri nter.
2 Squeeze and slide the width guide to the c o rrect position for the size o f the paper being loaded until it clic ks into place. 2 1 No te: Use the pape r size in dica tors on the bot tom of the tra y to help posit ion the gui des.
3 Unlock the length guide, and the n squeeze and slide the guid e to the correct positio n for the size of the pape r being loaded. 3 1 2 Note s: • Lo ck the length gui de for all pap er sizes. • Use the paper s i ze ind i ca tors on the bottom o f th e tray to help po sition the gui des.
4 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them . Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the ed ges o n a level su rfa ce. 5 Load t he pa per s tack wit h the pri ntable si de fac edown. No te: Make sure t he paper or en velope is l oaded pr operly.
Wi thou t an optio nal sta ple fi nisher Wit h an opti onal s taple f inishe r A B C Two ‑ sided pr inting ABC Two ‑ sided pr inting • Do not slide t he paper int o the tray.
• Make s ure t he pa per is b elow the maxim um pap er fi ll indi cator. Warning—P otential Dama ge: Overfilling t he tray can cau se paper jams. 6 Fo r cust om ‑ or unive rsal ‑ s ize p aper, ad just the p aper guid es to lig htly touc h the s ides of t he stac k, and then l ock the length guide.
Loading the 2100 ‑ sheet tray CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: T o reduce the risk of equipm ent ins tability, load each tray sepa rately. Keep al l other trays closed until needed. 1 Pull out the t ray. 2 Adjus t the width and leng th guid es. Load ing A5 ‑ size paper a Pul l up an d slide the w idth g uide to the posit ion fo r A5.
b Squeeze and slide the length guide to the position for A5 until it cli cks in to plac e. 1 2 c Remove the A5 length guide f rom its hold er. 1 2 d I nsert t he A5 leng th g uide i nto its de signa ted slot. Note: Press the A 5 length guid e until it cli cks in to place.
Load ing A4 ‑ , lette r ‑ , l eg al ‑ , of ic io ‑ , and folio ‑ size paper a Pul l up an d slide the w idth g uide to the correc t posi tion f or the s ize of the pape r be ing loa ded.
b If the A 5 length guide i s still attac hed to the length guide, then remo ve it from its pla ce. If the A5 length g uide is not attach ed, then proceed to step d.
d Sque eze the length guide and slide it to the cor rect positio n for the size of the paper being loaded until it clicks in to pl ac e. 3 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them . Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the ed ges o n a level su rfa ce.
Wi thou t an optio nal sta ple fi nisher Wit h an opti onal s taple f inishe r ABC One ‑ sided printing ABC One ‑ sided printin g A B C Two ‑ sided pr inting A B C Two ‑ sided pr inting Us ing.
• Make s ure t he pa per is b elow the maxim um pap er fi ll indi cator. Warning—P otential Dama ge: Overfilling t he tray can cau se paper jams. 5 Insert the tra y.
6 Fr om the p rinter contr ol panel, se t the pape r siz e and ty pe in the Pape r menu to matc h the paper loaded in the tray . No te: Set the corr ect pa per si ze and type to avoid pa per j ams a nd pri nt quality pr oblem s. Loading the multipurpo se feed er 1 Pull d own the mult ipurpos e feeder door .
2 Pull the multipurpose feeder extender. B 5 E X E C A 4 A 5 LT R No te: Gu ide the extender gently so that the multipur p ose feeder is fully exte n ded and open. 3 Slide the width guide to the cor rect position for the size of the paper being loaded.
B 5 E X E C A 4 A 5 LT R 4 Prepare the paper or specialty media for loading. • Flex sheets of p aper back and forth to loosen them. Do not f old or crease t h e p a per. Straighten the edges on a lev e l s ur fa ce. • Hold transparencies by the edges.
5 Load t he pa per or spec ialty m edia. No te: S l ide the stack gently into the m ul tipurpose feeder until it comes to a stop. • Load only o ne size and t ype of pape r or s pecialt y media at a time. • Make s ure the pa per f its loo sely in the mu lt ipurpose f eeder, li es flat, a nd is no t bent or w rin kled.
• Load envelopes with the flap side down and on the left of the multipur p ose feeder. B 5 EX EC A 4 A 5 LT R Warning—P otential Dama ge: Never use enve lopes wi th stamps, clas ps, snaps, w indo ws, coated linings , or self ‑ st ick adh esive s.
Linkin g and unli nki ng trays Lin kin g an d un li nk ing t r ays 1 Op en a Web b rowse r, and t hen type the pr inter IP address in t he addre ss fiel d. Note s: • Vie w the p rinter I P address on the print er h ome scree n. The IP addre ss appe ars as four set s of num bers separ ate d by peri ods, suc h as 1 23.
3 T ouch . 4 T ouch Cu sto m T ype s , and th en verif y that th e new custom paper type name has re pl aced the cus tom nam e. Assignin g a custom paper type Using the Em bedded W eb Server Assign a c ustom paper typ e name to a tray wh en linking o r unlinking t rays.
Prin ting a do cume nt 1 Fr om the Pa per me nu on t he pr inter c ontro l panel, set the paper type and siz e t o match t he paper loa ded. 2 Se nd t he pr in t jo b: For Wi ndows users a Wit h a docum ent open, c lick File > Pr int . b Click Prop erti es , Pref erence s , Options , or Setup .
Printing f rom a f lash driv e Su ppo rte d fl ash dri ve s an d f ile t ype s Fla sh dr ive File type • Lexar J umpDr iv e 2.0 P ro ( 25 6MB, 5 12M B, or 1G B s izes) • Sa nDisk C ruz er M ini (256M B, 512 MB, or 1 GB s izes) Note s : • Hi ‑ speed USB flash drives m ust support the full ‑ spe ed st anda rd .
• If yo u inser t the flash drive w hile the print er i s proces sing othe r prin t jobs , then Bu sy appe ars. A fter th ese print jobs are pr ocesse d, you may n ee d to view the h e ld jobs li st to print d ocument s from the flas h dri ve.
Use To Max Invali d PIN Limit the nu mber of tim es an i nvalid PIN can be entered. Note : When the limit is reached, the pr int jobs f or tha t user name and PI N are deleted. Confidential Job Expiration Hold print jobs in the com puter until you enter the PIN from the pr inter control panel.
For M aci ntosh users 1 Wi th a doc ument o pen , choos e File > Pri n t . If nec essary, cl ick the disc losure t riangle to see more options . 2 Fr om the p rint op tio ns o r Copies & Pages pop ‑ up menu , cho ose Job Routing . 3 Sel ect the pr int job ty pe (Conf idential, R epeat, Re serve, or Verify), an d the n assig n a user name.
Ca nceli ng a prin t jo b fr om t he com pute r For Windows u sers 1 Open the printers folder. a Click , or click Start and then clic k Run . b I n the St art Sea rch or Run dialo g, type contr ol pri nt er s . c Pr ess Enter , or clic k OK . 2 Do uble ‑ click the prin ter icon.
Notes: • Selectable a lerts can b e set o n the toner c a rtr idge, imaging un it, and main tenance kit. • All s electable alerts c an be se t for nearly l ow, low, and very lo w s upply cond itions. Not all se lectable alerts can be set f or the end ‑ of ‑ life s upply cond ition.
3 Modify the s ettings: • Se t a maxim um number o f PIN entry att empts. W hen a user exc eeds that num ber, al l of the jobs for that user are de leted. • Se t an expir ation tim e for co nfidentia l pri nt jobs. Wh en a user has n ot prin ted the jobs withi n that time , all of the j obs fo r that user are delete d.
Check ing the sta tus of part s and supp lies A messag e appea rs o n the printe r displ ay when a replac ement su pply it em is needed or when ma intenanc e is re quired . Notes: • Each gauge displays the estimated life left for the supply or part.
Use To Off Use the fac tory default s ettings for all setting s assoc i ated with E co ‑ Mode. Note s: • Setti ngs that wer e changed when ot her modes wer e selected ar e reset to the factory d efault sett in gs. • Off supports the per formance specifications of the printer.
Use To On Reduce printer noise. No te s: • Print jobs process at a reduced speed. • Printer engi ne motors do not start un til a doc ument is rea dy to prin t. The re is a short delay b efore th e first pag e is printed. • The alar m control an d cart ridge alarm s ounds are turned off.
Usin g Hib ernat e Mo de Hibernate is an ultra ‑ l ow po wer operating mode. When o perating in H ibernate mode, th e printer is es s entially off, and all oth er sys tems and d evi ces are po wered dow n safely. Note: The Hi bern ate and Sl eep mode s can be sc heduled .
Usi n g th e p r in t e r c ont rol p an e l 1 From the home s creen , navigate to : > Settings > G eneral Set tings > Scr een Brig htness 2 In the Sc reen Bright nes s fiel d, enter t he brig htness p erc entage you want for the display. 3 T ouch .
Statement o f Volatility Your pr inter conta ins var ious types of memor y that can store de vice a nd netwo rk setting s, a nd user dat a. Type of memory Desc ri ptio n Volatile memory Your printer us es standard ra nd om acc ess m e mory (RAM) t o temporarily buffer user data dur ing simp le print jobs .
Erasing non ‑ volatile memory Erase in dividual set tings, dev ice and n etwor k sett ings, sec uri ty settings, and em bedded s olution s by fo llowing t hese steps : 1 T ur n o ff th e pri n te r . 2 Hold do wn 2 and 6 o n the keypa d while turning the printer on.
Co nfi guri n g pri n ter hard d i sk enc ry pt ion Enable hard disk encryption to prevent loss o f sensitive data in the event the p r inter or its ha r d disk is stolen.
Finding printer security informat ion In high-se curity env ironmen ts, you may need t o take additiona l st eps to make sur e that conf idential da ta stored in the printer ca nnot be ac cessed. For mo r e infor mation, visit the Lexma rk se curity Web pa ge or see the Em bedde d Web Server Administ rator’ s Guide .
Using MS812de Le arn ing ab out th e pr in ter Printer conf iguratio ns Basi c model 1 2 4 3 1 Standard bin 2 Pri n te r con trol p an el 3 Multipurpose f eeder 4 Standard 5 50 ‑ sheet tr ay (Tray 1) Ful ly co nfi gure d mo del CAUTION—TIP PING H AZARD: Floor-moun ted configur ations requ ire addit ional furn iture f or stabilit y.
The following illus trat ion shows the maximum numb er of optio nal finishers and trays that are suppor ted by the printer. For mor e inf orm ation on other c onfig uratio ns, vi sit ht tp :/ / s upp o rt .
When using op tional t ray s: • Alwa ys use a cas ter base when t he print er i s configur ed wit h a 2100 ‑ sheet tray. • Th e 21 00 ‑ sheet t ray must alw ays be at the bo ttom of a configur ation. • A maxim um of fo ur o ptional trays ma y be configur ed w ith the prin ter.
Indicator light color and its corre sponding printer s tatus In dica tor li ght Pri nt er s tat us Off The pr inter is off or in Hi bernate mode. Blinking green The pr inter is war ming up, pr ocessing data, or printing . So lid g reen The pri nter is o n, bu t idle.
To uc h To 5 Menu s Access printer m enus. No te : These menus are available only when the printer is in Ready state. 6 Status mes sage bar • Show the cur rent printer status s uch as Ready or Busy . • Show printer c onditions suc h as Ima ging u nit l ow or Cartri dge Lo w .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 To uc h To 1 Left arro w Scr oll to the left . 2 Right a rrow Scroll to the right. 3 Up ar ro w Scr oll up . 4 Do w n ar ro w Scr oll do wn. 5S u b m i t Subm it changes made in the printer s ettings. 6B a c k Return to the previous screen.
To uc h To 8 Ti ps Open a context -sensitive Hel p di alog on the printer control panel. Oth er t ouc h-sc r een b ut ton s To uc h To Accept S ave sett in gs. Canc el • Cancel a n acti on or a se lection. • Leave a screen and r eturn to the previ ous scr een without saving changes.
Se tt in g up an d u s ing th e h om e s cre en ap pl ic ati o ns Notes: • Your home screen ma y vary, depend ing on your ho me sc reen cus tomiz ation sett ings, ad minis trative set up, a nd active emb edded ap plicat ions. Som e applic ations are suppor ted only in se lect printer mod els.
For mor e inf orm ation on configur ing and using t he hom e scree n applic ations, do the f ollo wing: 1 Go to http:/ /suppo rt.lexma rk.c om , and then click SELECT YOUR P RODUCT > . 2 Do either o f the following: • Click Busi ness Solu tions , and then sele ct the nam e of the ap plication.
Unde rsta ndin g Eco ‑ Settin gs Use To Manage energy consumption, noi se, ton er, and pa per usage s ettings to help r educe the environmental impact of your pr inter.
– If a JVM Ou t of Mem or y error occur s, then r epeat the expor t proc ess until the conf iguration fil e is saved. • To im port a configura tion f rom a fil e, cli ck Impo rt , and then br owse to the saved c onfig uratio n file t hat was ex ported f rom a prev i ously con figured pri nter.
Loading the 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sh e et tra y CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: T o reduce the risk of equipm ent ins tability, load each tray sepa rately. Keep al l other trays closed until needed. 1 Pull out the t ray. Note s: • When l oading f olio ‑ , legal ‑ , or of icio ‑ size paper, l ift t he tray sl ightly and t hen pull it out.
2 Squeeze and slide the width guide to the c o rrect position for the size o f the paper being loaded until it clic ks into place. 2 1 No te: Use the pape r size in dica tors on the bot tom of the tra y to help posit ion the gui des.
3 Unlock the length guide, and the n squeeze and slide the guid e to the correct positio n for the size of the pape r being loaded. 3 1 2 Note s: • Lo ck the length gui de for all pap er sizes. • Use the paper s i ze ind i ca tors on the bottom o f th e tray to help po sition the gui des.
4 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them . Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the ed ges o n a level su rfa ce. 5 Load t he pa per s tack wit h the pri ntable si de fac edown. No te: Make sure t he paper or en velope is l oaded pr operly.
• Do not slide t he paper int o the tray. Loa d paper as sh own in t he illust ration. • If you are lo ading envelopes, then make sure th at the flap si de is facing up and the envelopes are on the left side of the tra y.
• Make s ure t he pa per is b elow the maxim um pap er fi ll indi cator. Warning—P otential Dama ge: Overfilling t he tray can cau se paper jams. 6 Fo r cust om ‑ or unive rsal ‑ s ize p aper, ad just the p aper guid es to lig htly touc h the s ides of t he stac k, and then l ock the length guide.
Loading the 2100 ‑ sheet tray CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: T o reduce the risk of equipm ent ins tability, load each tray sepa rately. Keep al l other trays closed until needed. 1 Pull out the t ray. 2 Adjus t the width and leng th guid es. Load ing A5 ‑ size paper a Pul l up an d slide the w idth g uide to the posit ion fo r A5.
b Squeeze and slide the length guide to the position for A5 until it cli cks in to plac e. 1 2 c Remove the A5 length guide f rom its hold er. 1 2 d I nsert t he A5 leng th g uide i nto its de signa ted slot. Note: Press the A 5 length guid e until it cli cks in to place.
Load ing A4 ‑ , lette r ‑ , l eg al ‑ , of ic io ‑ , and folio ‑ size paper a Pul l up an d slide the w idth g uide to the correc t posi tion f or the s ize of the pape r be ing loa ded.
b If the A 5 length guide i s still attac hed to the length guide, then remo ve it from its pla ce. If the A5 length g uide is not attach ed, then proceed to step d.
d Sque eze the length guide and slide it to the cor rect positio n for the size of the paper being loaded until it clicks in to pl ac e. 3 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them . Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the ed ges o n a level su rfa ce.
Wi thou t an optio nal sta ple fi nisher Wit h an opti onal s taple f inishe r ABC One ‑ sided printing ABC One ‑ sided printin g A B C Two ‑ sided pr inting A B C Two ‑ sided pr inting Us ing.
• Make s ure t he pa per is b elow the maxim um pap er fi ll indi cator. Warning—P otential Dama ge: Overfilling t he tray can cau se paper jams. 5 Insert the tra y.
6 Fr om the p rinter contr ol pane l, set the paper siz e and t ype in the Pap er menu to matc h the pape r loaded . No te: Set the corr ect pa per si ze and type to avoid pa per j ams a nd pri nt quality pr oblem s. Loading the multipurpo se feed er 1 Pull d own the mult ipurpos e feeder door .
2 Using the handle, pull the multipurpose feeder extender. B 5 E X E C A 4 A 5 LT R No te: Gu ide the extender gently so that the multipur p ose feeder is fully exte n ded and open. 3 Slide the width guide to the cor rect position for the size of the paper being loaded.
B 5 E X E C A 4 A 5 LT R 4 Prepare the paper or specialty media for loading. • Flex sheets of p aper back and forth to loosen them. Do not f old or crease t h e p a per. Straighten the edges on a lev e l s ur fa ce. • Hold transparencies by the edges.
5 Load t he pa per or spec ialty m edia. No te: S l ide the stack gently into the multipurpose feeder until it comes to a stop. • Load only o ne size and t ype of pape r or s pecialt y media at a time. • Make s ure the pa per f its loo sely in the mu lt ipurpose f eeder, li es flat an d is no t bent or w rinkle d.
• Load envelopes with the flap side down and on the left of the multipur p ose feeder. B 5 EX EC A 4 A 5 LT R Warning—P otential Dama ge: Never use enve lopes wi th stamps, clas ps, snaps, w indo ws, coated linings , or self ‑ st ick adh esive s.
Linkin g and unli nki ng trays Lin kin g an d un li nk ing t r ays 1 Op en a Web b rowse r, and t hen type the pr inter IP address in t he addre ss fiel d. Note s: • Vie w the p rinter I P address on the print er h ome scree n. The IP addre ss appe ars as four set s of num bers separ ate d by peri ods, suc h as 1 23.
3 T ouch Submit . 4 T ouch Cu sto m T ype s , and th en verif y if the new cust om pape r type n ame has replac ed the c ustom name. Assignin g a custom paper type Using the Em bedded W eb Server Assign a c ustom paper typ e name to a tray wh en linking o r unlinking t rays.
Prin ting a do cume nt 1 Fr om the p rinter contr ol pane l, set the paper t ype and s ize to m atch the pa per lo aded. 2 Se nd t he pr in t jo b: For Wi ndows users a Wit h a docum ent open, c lick File > Pr int . b Click Prop erti es , Pref erence s , Options , or Setup .
Printing f rom a f lash driv e Su ppo rte d fl ash dri ve s an d f ile t ype s Fla sh dr ive File ty pe • Lexar J umpDr iv e 2.0 P ro ( 25 6MB, 5 12M B, or 1G B s izes) • Sa nDisk C ruz er M ini (256M B, 512 MB, or 1 GB s izes) Note s : • High ‑ speed USB flash drives m ust support the full ‑ speed standard.
• If yo u inser t the flash drive w hile the print er i s proces sing othe r prin t jobs , then Bu sy appe ars. A fter th ese print jobs are pr ocesse d, you may n ee d to view the h e ld jobs li st to print d ocument s from the flas h dri ve.
Use To Verify Job Expiration Print one copy of a pri nt job and ho ld the r emaining c opies. It al lows you to examine if the f irst copy is satisfactory. The pr int job is automatically deleted from the printer memory when all copies are printed. Reserve Job Expiration Store print jobs for pr inting at a later t ime.
5 From the printer home screen, release the print job. • For c onfident ial print jobs , navig ate to: Held jobs > select your user name > Confide ntial J obs > enter the PIN > select th.
For Macintos h users In Mac OS X version 10.5 or l ater: 1 From the Appl e Menu, navigate to ei ther of the follo wing: • Sys tem P refer ences > Pr i nt & Fa x > select a printer > Op .
• If yo u are us ing a pr oxy serv er, then tempo rarily dis able it t o load t he Web page c orrectly. 2 Clic k Settings > Print Se ttin gs > Supply Not ificati ons .
Note s: • Vie w the p rinter I P address on the print er h ome scree n. The IP addre ss appe ars as four set s of num bers separ ate d by peri ods, suc h as 1 23.12 3.1 23. 123 . • If yo u are us ing a pr oxy serv er, then tempo rarily dis able it t o load t he Web page c orrectly.
Ch ec king t he s ta tu s of par t s and s up pli es fr om t he Em bedd ed W eb S e rver Note: Make sure that the com puter and printer are c onnect ed to the sa me ne twork. 1 Op en a Web b rowse r, and t hen type the pr inter IP address in t he addre ss fiel d.
Re duci ng p rinte r no is e Enable Q uiet mo de to re duce pr inter no ise. 1 Op en a Web b rowse r, and t hen type the pr inter IP address in t he addre ss fiel d. Note s: • Vie w the p rinter I P address on the print er h ome scree n. The IP addre ss appe ars as four set s of num bers separ ate d by peri ods, suc h as 1 23.
Usi n g th e p r in t e r c ont rol p an e l 1 From the home s creen , navigate to : > Settings > G e ne ral Settings > Ti meouts > Sleep Mode 2 In the Slee p Mode f ield, sel ect the num ber of min utes you w ant the print er to w ait befo re it ent ers Sleep m ode, and then tou ch Submit .
3 In the Sc reen Bright nes s fiel d, enter t he brig htness p erc entage you want for the display. 4 Clic k Submit . Usi n g th e p r in t e r c ont rol p an e l 1 From the home s creen , navigate to.
Securing th e memory bef ore moving the printer Usi ng the s ecu rity lo ck f eatu re The printe r is equi pped wit h a s ecurit y lock feature . When a loc k compatible wi th most lapt op compu ters is att ached, the printer is locked. When locked, the controller board sh ield an d the c ontroll er bo ard canno t be rem oved.
• The pri nter is b eing remo ved fr om your premises for service. • The pri nter is b eing sold to anot her organi zation . Dispos ing of a printer hard disk Note: Some p rinter m odels may not ha ve a prin ter hard disk i nstalled.
Erasing printer hard disk memory Note: Some p rinter m odels may not ha ve a prin ter hard disk i nstalled. Confi guring Disk Wiping in t he prin ter menus l ets you remo ve residua l confid ential mat eria l left by print j obs by s ecurely overwriting files that have been marked for deletion.
Note s: • En abling disk encryptio n will erase the con tents of the p r inter hard disk. • Disk enc rypti on can take f rom several m inutes to m ore than an hour, dur ing whic h the printer will be unavail able f or other user tasks. 4 Clic k Submit .
Paper and specialty media guide Notes: • Mak e sure t he pa per si ze, type, and w eight are set correc tly on the com puter or printer control panel. • Flex and s traig hten s pecialty media bef ore loadin g it . • The printer may print at a reduced sp eed to prevent d a mage to the f user.
• Adjust the widt h guides to fit t h e wid th of the en velo pes. • Before loading the envelopes on the tray, flex the envelopes back and forth to loosen them. Straighten the edges on a level sur face. Note: A combi nation o f high humidi ty (over 6 0%) and hig h pri nting t empera ture may wri nkle or seal enve lopes.
Curl Curl i s the tenden cy for pap er t o cu rl a t its e dges. Exce ssiv e curl can cause p aper feed ing prob lems. Curl c an oc cur af ter the paper pas ses th rough the printer, w here it is exp osed to high te mpe ratures .
Selecting preprin ted forms an d letterhea d Use these guidelines when selecting preprinted forms and letterhead: • Use grain long fo r 60–90 ‑ g/m 2 (16– 24 ‑ lb) paper . • Use only f orm s and letterhe ad print ed us ing an of fset l ithographi c or engra ved prin ti ng proce ss.
2 Be sel ective about the orig in of w ood fiber . Buy f rom suppl iers w ho carry cert ificatio ns su ch as the Fore stry Stewards hip Counc il (FSC) or T he Progra m for the E ndorsement of Fo rest C ertification (PEF C).
Paper ty pe 250 ‑ or 55 0 ‑ sheet tra ys 2100 ‑ sh eet tray Multip urp ose feeder Dupl ex Paper Card st ock X Pl ain En vel ope X X Roug h E nvelo pe X X Pape r an d V inyl La bel s X X Pharma c.
Paper si ze 1 Dimen sions Standa rd or opti onal 25 0 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet t rays Optio na l 2100 ‑ sh eet tray Mult ip urp ose feeder Duple x Univ ersa l 2 105 x 148 mm to 216 x 3 56 mm (4. 13 x 5. 83 in. to 8.5 x 1 4 in. ) X 70 x 127 mm to 216 x 356 m m (2.
Pa per s ize 4 ‑ bi n mai lbox Outp ut exp a nd er an d hig h ‑ ca paci ty outp ut ex pa nd er Staple finisher St aple, ho le p u nch finis he r JIS B5 1 1 Execu tive 1 1 L etter A4 Leg a l 1 Folio 1 Statement 1 1 Univ ersa l XX Enve lop es X XX 1 The finisher stac ks the paper but does not stapl e or pu nch holes in i t.
Paper ty pe Pap er wei g ht 4 ‑ bin ma ilbox Ou tput e xpan der and hi gh ‑ cap acit y ou tp ut exp a nd er Stapl e fini sher St ap le, hole punc h finis her Dual web an d Integrated 180 g/ m 2 (4.
Understanding the printer menus Me nu s li st Paper Menu Reports Network/Ports Defaul t Source Paper Siz e/Typ e Con fig ure M P Substitute Size Paper Texture Pape r We ight Paper L oading Cus tom Typ.
Pa per menu Defaul t Sou rce menu Use To De faul t S ourc e Tr ay [x] MP Feeder Manual Paper Manual Envelope Set a def ault paper s ource for all print jobs . No te s: • Tray 1 (standar d tray) i s the fac tory default s etting. • From the P ap er m enu, set C onfi gure MP to "Cassette" fo r MP Feeder to appear as a menu s etting.
Use To T ray [x] Type Plain Pa per Car d St ock Tr ansp aren cy Recycled Labe ls Vinyl L abels Bond Enve lope Rough Envelope Letterhead Preprinted Colored Paper Lig h t Pap er He av y P ap er Rough/C otton Cus to m Ty pe [x] Specify the type of paper loa d ed in each tray.
Use To MP Fe e der Ty p e Plain Pa per Car d St ock Tr ansp aren cy Recycled Labe ls Vinyl L abels Bond Enve lope Rough Envelope Letterhead Preprinted Colored Paper Lig h t Pap er He av y P ap er Rough/C otton Cus to m Ty pe [x] Specify the paper type loaded in the mult ipurpose feeder.
Use To Manu a l Pa per Ty p e Plain Pa per Car d St ock Tr ansp aren cy Recycled Labe ls Vinyl L abels Bond Letterhead Preprinted Colored Paper Lig h t Pap er He av y P ap er Rough/C otton Cus to m Ty pe [x] Specify the paper type being manually loaded.
Su bs tit ute Siz e m enu Use To S ubsti tute Size Off Statement/A5 Letter/A4 Al l Lis te d Substitute a s pecified paper siz e if the r equested paper size is no t available. No te s: • All Li sted is the fac tory default s etting. All available subs titutions are allow ed.
Use To Env elo pe T extur e Smooth Normal Rough Specify the relative textur e of the envelopes loaded in a specific tray. Note : Normal is the factory default setting. Roug h E nvelo pe T ext ur e Rough Specify the relative texture of the rough envelopes loaded in a specific tray.
Use To Card St ock Weight Lig h t Normal He av y Specify the relative weig ht of the card st ock loa de d . Note : N ormal is the factory defaul t setting. Tra ns p ar e nc y W ei gh t Lig h t Normal He av y Speci fy the relative weight of the transparencies loaded.
Use To Co lo red W eig ht Lig h t Normal He av y Specify the relative weight of the c olored paper loaded. Note : N ormal is the factory defaul t setting. Li gh t W ei ght Lig h t Specify that the weight o f the pap er loaded is li ght. Heav y W eigh t He av y Specify that the weight o f the pap er loaded is heavy.
Use To L etterh ead Load ing Duplex Off Determine and se t two-s ided printing for all print jobs with Letterh ead as the paper type. Preprinted Loading Duplex Off Determine and set two-sided printing for all pr int jobs with Preprinted as the paper type.
Use To Rec ycl ed Paper Car d St ock Tr ansp aren cy Rough/C otton Labe ls Vinyl L abels Enve lope Spec ify a paper type when Rec ycled is selec ted in other menus. Note s : • Paper is the factory default setting. • The custom media type m ust be s upported by the selected tr ay or multipurpose feeder in order to pr int from that source.
Use To Po rt rait H eight 3– 14.17 i nches 76– 360 mm Set th e portrait height. No te s: • If the height exceeds the maximum, then the printer uses the maximum hei ght all owed. • 14 inches is the US factor y default se tting. Y ou can increas e the height in 0 .
Use To Over flow Bin Standar d Bin Bin [x] Specify an alternative bin wh en a designated bi n is full. Note s: • Standard Bin is the factory default setting. • If mult iple bi ns are a ssigned the sa me name, the n the name onl y appears onc e in the bin l ist.
Use To Ne twork [x] Setu p Page P rint a repo rt containing infor mation about the network prin ter settings, such as the TCP/I P address information. No te s: • This m enu item is avail able only when more than one net work option i s ins talled. • This m enu item appear s only in network pri nters or in pr inters connected to print servers.
Use To PCL Sm ar tS wi tc h On Off Set the pr inter to autom atically s witch to PCL em ulation when a pr int job requi res it, regardless of the defaul t printer language.
Use To Mac Bi na r y PS On Off Aut o Set the pr inter to pr ocess Macintos h binary P ostScript pri nt jobs. No t es: • Auto i s the factor y default s etting. • Off fi lters print jobs using the standard pr otocol. • On processes raw binary P o stScript print jobs.
Use To Job Timeo ut 0, 10–2 25 sec onds Set the am ount of time i t takes for a network pr int job to be cancel ed. Note s: • “9 0 seconds” i s the factory default setting. • A setting value of 0 di sables the timeou t. • If a value between 1 and 9 is selected, then Inv alid appears on the display, and the value is not saved.
Use To Ena ble HTTP Server Yes No Enable the built-in Web server (Embedded Web Server). When enabled, the pri nter can be moni tored and manag ed rem otely using a Web brows er. Note : Yes is the f actor y default setting. WI N S S er v er Ad dr es s View or change the current WINS s erver address.
Wireles s menu Note: This menu i s availab le only in printers connect ed to a wireles s net work or pri nter models t hat have a wir eless network ad apter.
Use To Acti va te Yes No Enable or disable A ppleTalk supp ort. Note : Yes is the fac tory default s etting. View Name Show the assigned A ppleTalk nam e. Note : The AppleTa lk nam e can be chang ed only f rom the Embedded Web Ser ver. View Address Show the assigned A ppleTalk address.
Use To USB Bu ffe r Disabled Aut o 3K to [maxim um size al l owed] Set the s ize of the USB input buffer. Note s: • Auto is the fa ctor y default setting. • D isabled turns off job buf fering. Any jobs already buf fered on the p rinter har d disk are pri nted before normal processing resumes.
Use To PCL Sm ar tS wi tc h On Off Set the pr inter t o automatically s witch to P CL emul ation when a print job received through a serial p ort requires it, regardless of the defa ult printer languag e. Note s: • On is the fac tory default setting.
Use To Adva n ced St atus On Off Enable bidir ectional communicati on through the parallel port. Note s: • On is the fac tory default setting. • Off disa bles parallel por t negotiation. Prot oc o l Standar d Fas tb yt es Specify the parallel port protocol.
Use To PCL Sm ar tS wi tc h On Off Set the pr inter t o automatically s witch to P CL emul ation when a print job received through a serial p ort requires it, regardless of the defa ult printer languag e. Note s: • On is the fac tory default setting.
Use To Job Bu ffe ring Off On Aut o Temporarily sto re print j obs on the printer hard di sk befor e printing. Note s: • Off i s the factor y default s etting. The pr inter does no t buffer print jobs on t he print er hard d isk. • On buffers print jobs on the printer hard di s k.
Use To Pari ty Even Odd None Ignore Set the par ity for serial i nput and output data f rames. Note : None is the factor y default s etting. Hono r DSR On Off Determine whether the printer uses the DSR Signa l. Note s: • Off is the factory de fault settin g.
Use To Devi ce ‑ In it iat ed E ‑ mail None Use Device SMTP Credentials Speci fy wha t credentials will be us ed when communicating to the SMTP server. Some SMTP servers r equire credentials to send an e-mail. No te s: • None is the fac tory default setting for Device ‑ In itiate d E ‑ mai l an d User ‑ In itiated E ‑ mail .
Use To Edit Ac ce ss Con tro ls Administrative Menus Func tion Access Management Sol uti o ns Cancel jobs at t he Devi ce Control acce ss to printer menus, f irmware updates, held job s, and other access points. Misc ell aneou s Se curity S ett ings men u Note: This menu ap pears only in touch ‑ screen printe r model s.
Use To Co nfi dent ial J ob Expi ra tion Off 1 ho ur 4 ho urs 24 hours 1 week Limit the am ount of time a confidential pri nt job stays in the printer before it is deleted.
Use To Aut oma tic Me thod Single pass Mult iple pas s Mark all disk s pace us ed by a pr evious print job. T his method does not per mit the file system to r euse this s pace until it has been c leared. Note s: • “Singl e pas s ” i s the f actory default setting.
Use To Manu a lly Se t Date an d Tim e [input date/time] Enter the date a nd ti me. Note s: • For t ou ch ‑ screen printer models, date and ti me are set in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format .
Set ting s menu Ge neral Settings General Settings menu Use To Disp lay L ang uag e Engl ish Fr an cai s Deutsch Italia no Esp anol Dansk Nors k Nederlands Sve ns ka Portuguese Suo m i Russia n Pols k.
Use To Eco- M ode Off Ener gy Energy/Pap er Paper Minimize the use of energy, paper, or specialty media. Note s : • For touc h ‑ screen printer models, touch Eco ‑ Mode , and th en select fro m the options . • Off is t he factor y default setting.
Use To Keyboard Keyboard T ype Engl ish Fr an cai s Francais Canadien Deutsch Italia no Esp anol Gre ek Dansk Nors k Nederlands Sve ns ka Suo m i Portuguese Russia n Pols ki Swi ss Ge rm an Swi ss Fr .
Use To Disp laye d Inf orm ati on Left si de Right si de Specify what is dis played on the u pper left and right corners of the printer control panel .
Use To Disp la yed I nf orma ti on (c ont inu ed ) Pape r Jam Load Paper S erv i ce Er r ors Customize the displayed infor mation for Paper J am, Load Paper, and Servic e Err ors.
Use To Date Fo r mat MM ‑ DD ‑ YYYY DD ‑ MM ‑ YYYY YYYY ‑ MM ‑ DD Format the printer date. Note s : • This m enu appears only in touc h ‑ scree n prin ter mod els. • MM-DD-YY YY is the US factory default s etting. Time Format 12 hour A.
Use To Contact Name Specify a contact na me for the printer. Note s : • This m enu appears only in touc h ‑ scree n prin ter mod els. • The contact nam e wil l be stored on the Em bedded Web Ser ver. Lo cat ion Specify the location of the pr inter.
Use To Timeouts Hi be rna t e Ti me ou t Disabled 1 hour 2 hour s 3 hour s 6 hour s 1 da y 2 da ys 3 da ys 1 week 2 weeks 1 mo nth Set the printer to oper ate at a l ow power state. Note s : • When the Hi bernate Timeout ti mer expires, the printer uses Ethernet c onn ection to check the val ue of “Hiberna te Timeout on Connection.
Use To Timeouts Job Hol d T ime out 5 –255 sec Set the amoun t of tim e the printer waits for user intervention before it h olds jobs th at requi re unavailable resources and continues to pr int other jobs in the print queue. Note s : • “30 sec” is the f actory defau lt setting.
Use To Prin t Reco very Page Protec t Off On Let the printer successfully print a page that may not have pr inted otherwise. Note s : • Off is t he factory defaul t setting. Off prints a part i al page when there is not enough m e m ory to pr int the whole pa ge.
Use To Ex por t Confi gur atio n Pac kage Exp ort Export the pr inter configuration package to a flash d rive. Note : The conf iguration p ackage cannot be exported unless a flash drive is attac hed to the pr inter. Flas h Drive Menu Prin t Se ttin gs menu Use To Copies 1– 999 Specify a default number of copi es for each print job.
Use To Duple x Bind in g Long Edge Sho rt Ed ge Define the way dupl exed pages ar e bound and printed. Note s : • Long E dge assumes bi nding along the long edge of the pag e (left edg e for portrait and top edg e for lands cape). This i s the fac tory default setting .
Use To Separa tor Sheets Off Between Copies Between Jobs Between Pages Spe cify if b lank sep arator s heet s are inse rted. Note s : • Off is th e factory default s etting . • Between Copies i nserts a blank sheet between each copy of a pri nt job if Collate is set to O n.
Use To Prin t Area Normal Fit to Page Who le Pa ge Set the logical and physical printable area. Note s : • Normal is the f actory defau lt s etti ng. W hen attem pting to print data in the non ‑ pri ntable are a defined by the Nor mal setting, the pr inter clips the image at the boundar y.
Fin ishin g menu Use To Si de s (D u ple x) 1 si ded 2 si ded Specify whether two ‑ sided (dupl ex) printing i s set a s the defaul t for all print jobs. Note s: • “1 sided” is the factory default setting. • You can set two ‑ s ided prin ting from the pr inter software.
Use To Separa tor Source Tr ay [x] Manual Feeder Specify the paper source for s eparator s heets. Note s: • Tray 1 ( standard tray) i s the fac tory default s etting. • From the Paper m enu, se t C onfi gure MP to "Cassette" for Manual F eeder to appe ar as a menu setting.
Use To Hole P unc h M ode 2 ho les 3 ho les 4 ho les Specify the num ber of hole s to be created on pr inted outp uts for t he purpose of collecting the sh eets in a binder or folder. Note s: • “3 ho les” is the U S f actory de fault s ettin g. “4 ho les” is the i ntern ation al factory default s etting.
Use To Enha nc e F in e Lin es On Off En a bl e a print mod e prefer able fo r file s such as arch itec tural dra win gs, maps , elect rical circuit di agrams, and flow charts. Note s: • Off is the factory de fault settin g. • You can set this op tion from t he printer s oftware.
Use To Disk Near Ful l Act io n None E ‑ mail C urrent Lo g E ‑ mail & Delete Current Log E ‑ mail & Del ete Old est Log Post C u rrent Log Post & Delet e Curre nt Log Post & Del.
Use To Format Fl ash Yes No Fo rmat th e flash memo ry. War ni ng— Pot ent ia l Dam age : Do not turn off the printer while th e flash memory is being formatted. Note s: • Yes deletes all data stored in flash memory. • No canc els the format r equest.
Use To Anno ta ti on s Do No t Print Print Print annotations in a PDF. Note : Do Not Print is the f a ctory defa u lt setting. PostSc ript me nu Use To Prin t PS Error On Off Print a page c onta ining the P ostScr ipt er ror . Note : Off is the f actory default setti ng.
Use To Sym b o l Se t 10U PC ‑ 8 12U PC ‑ 85 0 Specify the s ymbol set for each font nam e. Note s: • 10U PC ‑ 8 is the US factory default setting. 12U P C ‑ 850 is the i nternati onal factory default setting. • A s ymbol set is a set of alphabeti c and numer ic characters , punctuation , and special s ymbols.
Use To PCL E m ul atio n Se ttin g s Auto C R after LF On Off Specify whether the printer automatically per forms a carriage retur n (CR) after a line feed (LF) control command.
HT ML men u Use To Font Name Al ber tu s MT Anti que Olive Appl e Chancery Aria l MT Ava nt Ga rde Bodoni Bookman Chic a go Clarendon Cooper Black Copperplate Cor one t Cou ri er Euros tile Gara mon d.
Use To Mar g in S iz e 8– 255 mm Set the pa ge margin for HTML documents. Note s: • 19 mm i s the fac tory defaul t setting. • Margin s ize can be increased i n 1 ‑ mm in cr em en ts. Ba ckg rou nds Do No t Print Print Specify whether to pr int backgrounds on HTML do cuments.
Men u it e m Desc rip ti on Printing Guide Provides information about l o ading paper and other specialty media Media Guide Provides a li st of the paper sizes supported i n trays and feeders Prin t D.
Saving money and th e environment Lexmark is c ommi tted to en vironm ental sus ta inabili ty and is conti nually impr oving its pr inters to reduc e the ir i mpact on the environ m ent. We desig n with the en vi ronment in mind, engin eer our packaging to reduce materials, and provide collect ion and rec ycling programs.
Avo id pa per jam s Corr ectly set the pap er t ype and size t o av oid pape r jams. F or m ore i nformation , se e “Avoid ing jam s” on pag e 2 61. Recy cl ing Lexmark prov ide s collec tion pr ogram s and environ mentally pr og ressive appr oaches to rec ycling.
3 Follow the instr uctions on the computer screen. Savi ng money and the enviro nment 247.
Maintaining the printer Warning—P otential Dama ge: Failu re to mai ntain op timum print er perfo rmance, o r to replac e parts and supplies, may caus e damage t o your pr inter.
Item Return Program c artridge High Yiel d Toner Cartridge 521H Extra High Yi eld Toner C artridge 5 21X* Fo r the Europ e an Union, Euro pean Econo mic Area , and Sw itzerland To ner Car tridg e 522 .
Ordering staple cartridges Part na me Part number Staple cartri dge s 25A0013 Ordering a roller kit For mo re information o n rep la ci n g th e roller kit, see the i nstruction s heet that came with the par t.
Fu ser m ain ten ance k it type Part n umber Type 07 4 0X8427 Type 08 4 0X8428 Type 09 4 0X8429 Stor ing su pplie s Choose a c ool, cle an stora ge area f or the pri nter suppl ie s. Stor e supplies r ight si de up in their orig in al packing u ntil yo u are ready to us e them.
2 Pull t he cartridg e out of the pri nter usi ng the handle. 3 U npack t he new to ner cart ridg e, the n rem ove the pac king mat eri al, and then shake the car tridge t o redi stribute the ton er. 4 Insert the toner cartridge into the printer by aligning the side rails of the car tr idge with the arrows on the side rails inside the pr inter.
5 Close the multipurpose feeder door and the fro nt cover. 2 1 Repla cing t he im aging uni t 1 Lift the f ront cover , and the n pull dow n the m ultipurp ose f eeder do or.
2 Pull t he cartridg e out of the pri nter usi ng the handle. 3 Pull the imaging unit o ut of the print er using the handl e. 1 2 4 U npack the new imag ing unit, an d t hen rem ove all p acking mat erial s. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Do not e xpose the imaging unit to direc t light for mo re than 1 0 min utes.
5 Sh ake the ne w imag ing uni t. 6 Ins ert the imagin g unit int o the printer by alig ning the ar rows on the side ra ils of the imaging uni t with the arr ows on th e side r ails i nside the pr inter. 7 Insert the toner cartridge into the printer by aligning the side rails of the car tr idge with the arrows on the side rails inside the pr inter.
8 Close the multipurpose feeder door and the fro nt cover. 2 1 Replacing a sta p le cartridge 1 Open the stapler door. 2 Pull down the latch of the staple cartridge holder, and then pull the holder out o f the finish er .
3 Squeeze both si des of the empty staple c ase with your fingers, an d then r emove t he staple c a se fro m the cartridge. 1 1 2 4 Insert the front side of t h e new staple cas e in to the staple cartridge, and then p ush the r ear side into the car tridge.
4 Dam pen a clean, lint-free cloth with water, and use it t o wipe the outside of the p r inter. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Do not use house hol d cleaners or deterg ents t o preven t damag e to the exteri or of the printer . 5 Make su re all areas o f the pr inter ar e dry bef or e sending a n ew pr int job.
• If the printer does not have a caster b ase, then remove th e optional trays. No te: S l ide the l atch on the rig h t side o f the printer tow a rd th e front of the printer until it clic ks into pla ce. • Use t he handh olds locate d on bot h sides of the pr inter to l ift it .
Moving t he prin ter to another lo cati on The print er and its hardware opt ions can be saf ely moved to anot her locat ion by foll owin g these precaut ions: • Any c art used to mov e the pr inter mu st have a su rface ab le to support the f ull foot print of the pr inter.
Cle aring jam s Carefu lly selec t paper and s pecialt y media a nd load th em pro perly to avoid m ost jams. F or m ore in formation, see “Avoiding jams” on page 261. If jams occur, th en follow the s teps outlin ed in this chapter. Note: Jam rec over y is set t o Auto by def ault.
• Do not slide th e paper into t he tray. Load paper as sho wn in t he illustration. • Make sure the guides in the tr ay or the multipurpose feeder are properly positioned and are not pr essing tightly again st the paper or envelo pes. • Pu sh th e tr ay fi rmly i n to t he p rin ter af ter lo ad in g pa pe r.
– If the bin extender is longer than the size of the paper you are printing on, then the edges b ecome u neven and the pap er is not st acked pro perly. For e xampl e, if you are print ing on a letter -size paper and the bin extende r is set to leg al-size, the n the paper does no t stack p roperly.
• When Jam Recovery is s e t to On or Auto, th e printer reprin ts jammed pa ge s . However , the Auto setti ng reprints jammed pages if adequ ate printer memo ry is available. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 1 10 Ja m l o ca ti on Printer mes sage What to do 1 St aple f inis her [x] ‑ page jam, remove paper, open stapler do or.
Ja m l o ca ti on Printer mes sage What to do 7 Outp ut expander [x] ‑ page jam, remove paper, open expander r ear door. Leave paper in bin. [43y. xx] Open the rear door o f the output expander, and t hen remove the jammed paper. 8 Up per re ar door [x] ‑ page jam, open upper rear door.
2 Lift the green handle, and then p ull the toner cartridge out of the pr i nt er. 3 Place the cartridge aside. 4 Lift the green handle, and then pull the imaging unit out of t h e printer . 1 2 5 Plac e the ima ging unit aside o n a flat , smooth sur face.
7 Ins tall the ima ging unit. No te: U s e the arrows on the side of th e printer a s a guide. 8 Ins ert t he cartrid ge i nto the pri nter , and then push the gr een handl e back int o place. Note s: • Align the arr ows on the guid es of the ton er cartrid ge with the arro ws in the prin ter.
10 Do eit her of t he follow ing to c lear the m essage and con tinue pr inting: • Fo r to uc h ‑ screen p rinte r mode ls, to uch or Do n e . • Fo r no n ‑ to uc h ‑ screen printer models, select Next > > Cl ear th e jam , pr ess OK > .
4 Do either of the fo llowing t o clear t he me ssage and c ontinue print ing: • Fo r to uc h ‑ screen p rinte r mode ls, to uch or Do n e . • Fo r no n ‑ to uc h ‑ screen printer models, select Next > > Cl ear th e jam , pr ess OK > .
4 Push the back of the standard t ray. 5 Pres s dow n the rea r dup lex flap, t hen firml y gr asp the jammed paper, and the n gently pu ll t he paper out.
7 Do either of the fo llowing t o clear t he me ssage and c ontinue print ing: • Fo r to uc h ‑ screen p rinte r mode ls, to uch or Do n e . • Fo r no n ‑ to uc h ‑ screen printer models, select Next > > Cl ear th e jam , pr ess OK > .
2 1 3 Insert the tra y. 4 Do either of the fo llowing t o clear t he me ssage and c ontinue print ing: • Fo r to uc h ‑ screen p rinte r mode ls, to uch or Do n e . • Fo r no n ‑ to uc h ‑ screen printer models, select Next > > Cl ear th e jam , pr ess OK > .
3 Insert the tra y. 4 Do either of the fo llowing t o clear t he me ssage and c ontinue print ing: • Fo r to uc h ‑ screen p rinte r mode ls, to uch or Do n e . • Fo r no n ‑ to uc h ‑ screen printer models, select Next > > Cl ear th e jam , pr ess OK > .
2 Flex the sheets of paper back and forth to loosen t h em. D o no t f old or crease the paper. Straighten the edges o n a level surface. 3 Relo ad paper into t he multipurp ose feeder. 4 Sl ide the pape r g uide until it lig htly rests ag ai nst the edge of the paper.
2 Open the stapler door. 3 Pull down the latch of the staple cartridge holder, and then pull the holder out o f the printer. 4 Use the metal tab to lift the staple guard, and then remove any l oose staples.
5 Pres s down the st aple guard unt il it cli cks int o place. 6 Press the stap les against th e metal bracke t. No te: If t h e staples are at the rear of th e car tridge, then s ha ke the c a rtridge downwar d to bring the staples near the metal br acket.
7 Push the cartridg e ho lder firm ly bac k into the stap ler uni t unt il the c artridge holder clic ks into place. 8 Close the stapler door. 9 Do either of the fo llowing t o clear t he me ssage and c ontinue print ing: • Fo r to uc h ‑ screen p rinte r mode ls, to uch or Do n e .
[x] ‑ page jam, r emove p aper, open finisher rear door. Leave paper i n bin. [451] 1 Open the rear staple f inisher door. 2 Fi rmly gr asp the j ammed paper on each sid e, and the n gently pu ll it out . No te: Make sure all pap er f ragment s a re rem oved.
4 Do either of the fo llowing t o clear t he me ssage and c ontinue print ing: • Fo r to uc h ‑ screen p rinte r mode ls, to uch or Do n e . • Fo r no n ‑ to uc h ‑ screen printer models, select Next > > Cl ear th e jam , pr ess OK > .
3 C lose the rear m ailbox door . 4 If t he jam is in the mailbo x bin, then f irmly gr asp the jammed pap er, and then gentl y pull it ou t. Note s: • M ake sure all paper frag ments ar e remo ve d. • Whe n using A4 ‑ , folio ‑ , or legal ‑ si ze paper, make sure to a djust the b in exte nder so t hat the pape r enters the bin proper ly.
5 Do either of the fo llowing t o clear t he me ssage and c ontinue print ing: • Fo r to uc h ‑ screen p rinte r mode ls, to uch or Do n e . • Fo r no n ‑ to uc h ‑ screen printer models, select Next > > Cl ear th e jam , pr ess OK > .
3 Cl ose the r ear o utput expander do or. 4 Do either of the fo llowing t o clear t he me ssage and c ontinue print ing: • Fo r to uc h ‑ screen p rinte r mode ls, to uch or Do n e . • Fo r no n ‑ to uc h ‑ screen printer models, select Next > > Cl ear th e jam , pr ess OK > .
Troubleshooting Unde rstand in g the pr inte r messa ges Cartridge, imaging unit mismatch [41.xy] 1 Che ck if the t oner cartridg e a nd ima ging unit are bo th MICR (Magnetic Imaging C ontent Reco rding) or non- MICR supplies .
Change [pa per source] to [cus tom string] l oad [orient ation] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Load the c orrec t paper s ize an d type in t he tray, ver ify the pa per si ze and type settings are spe cified i n the Pape r men u on the pr inter c on trol pane l, a nd then selec t Finished c hangi ng paper .
Change [pa per source] to [pa per type] [pa per size] loa d [orientation] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Load the c orrec t paper s ize an d type in t he tray, ver ify the pa per si ze and type settings are spe cified i n the Pape r men u on the pr inter c on trol pane l, a nd then selec t Finished c hangi ng paper .
Compl ex pa ge, some data ma y not ha ve pri nted [3 9] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • From t he printe r contro l panel, selec t Conti nue to ignor e the messag e and conti nue pr inting. Fo r non ‑ touch ‑ s creen print er m odels, p ress to con firm.
Disk near f ull. Securel y clearing di sk space. Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Sel ect Continue t o clear t he mes sage. For non- touch-s creen pr inte r models, p ress to confirm . • Delete fonts, m acros, an d ot her data stored in t he print er ha rd dis k.
Imag ing unit ne arly low [84 .xy] If nec e ssa ry , se lec t Continue on the pr inter c ontr ol pan el to cle ar the m essage and con tinue pri nt ing. Fo r non ‑ touch ‑ screen pr inte r models, pr ess to con firm. Imag ing unit v ery low [8 4. xy] You may nee d to replace th e imaging unit very soon.
Inse rt hole punch box Insert the hole punch box into t he finisher, and th en select Contin ue on the printer co ntrol panel to cle ar the mes sage. For non- touc h-scr een pr inter m odels , pre ss to con firm. Insert staple cartridge Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Inse rt a stapl e car tridge .
• Reset the a ctive bin. Insu ff icien t memo ry fo r Fla sh Memory Defr agmen t ope rati on [37 ] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • From t he printer control pa nel, select Con tin ue to sto p the def ragmentat ion and continu e pri nting .
Lo ad stap les Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Replace or insert the specified staple cartridge in the finisher. For ins tructions on ins erting or replacing a staple c artridge i n the finisher, s elect Mor e i nformatio n on the p r inter contro l panel .
Load [paper s ource] with [paper ty pe] [p aper size] [paper orie ntation ] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Load the tray or feeder with the correct size and ty pe of paper. • To use the tray or feeder that has the correct size and type of pa p er, select F inished lo ading pape r on the printer contro l panel .
Load ma nual f eeder with [pa per type] [pa per siz e] [paper orient ation] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Load the multipurpose feeder w ith the cor rect size and type of paper. • Depen ding on your p rinter m odel, tou ch Co nti nue or pres s to c lear th e messa ge and c ontinue pr inting.
• Updat e the ne two rk firmw are i n the prin ter or print se rver. F or more in for mation, cont act custom er su pport. Non ‑ Le xma rk [supply ty pe], s ee User’s Gui de [33 .xy] Note: The su pply type c an be ton er cart rid ge or im aging unit .
Paper changes needed Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Sel ect Use c ur ren t s up pl ie s on the pr inter c ontr ol pan el to cle ar the mes sage and continu e pri nti ng. For non-t ouch- scree n printer model s, pres s to con firm. • Canc el the current print j ob.
3 Rem ove t he specifi ed bins . 4 Reattach the b i ns. 5 Connect the power cord to a properly grou n ded electrical outlet. 6 T ur n th e p rin ter ba c k on. • Remove the specified bins: 1 Turn off the printer . 2 Unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet.
Remo ve pa ckag ing mat er ial, [are a na me] 1 Remo ve any remaining packagin g mate rial from t he specifie d location. 2 Sel ect Cont inue to cle ar the mes sag e and continu e prin ti ng. For non ‑ touch ‑ sc re e n pr int er m ode ls , p res s to con firm.
List of printe r and t oner cart r idge re gions Region n umber Region 0G l o b a l 1 United St ates, Canada 2 European Econom ic Ar ea (EEA), Swi tzerland 3 Asia P acific, A ustralia, New Zealand 4L a t i n A m e r i c a 5 Africa, Middl e East, rest o f Europe 9I n v a l i d Notes: • The x an d y values are the .
Replac e unsuppo rted fus er [32.x y] Remo ve the fuse r, and t hen i nstall a s upported one. For more i nformat ion, se e the ins tructio n sheet t hat ca me wit h the part . Repla ce unsuppo rted i maging un it [3 2.xy] Remo ve the i maging unit , an d then inst al l a support ed o ne to c lear the m essag e and conti nue pri nting.
SMTP se rver not se t up. Co ntact s ystem administra tor. From th e printer co ntrol panel, selec t Cont inue to clear the message. For non ‑ to uc h ‑ screen pri nt er m odels , press to con firm. Note: If the mes sage appe ars ag ain, then cont act your sys tem suppo rt pe rson.
Too many disk s in stall ed [58 ] 1 T ur n o ff th e pri n te r . 2 Unplug the power cord from th e el ectr ical o utlet. 3 Remo ve th e extra pr inte r hard dis ks. 4 Conne ct t he power c ord t o a properly ground ed elec trical out let. 5 Turn the pri nter back on .
3 Remo ve t he un support ed optio n ca rd from t he pr inter c ontrol ler boa rd, and t hen r eplac e it with a sup port ed car d. 4 Conne ct t he power c ord t o a properly ground ed elec trical out let. 5 Turn the pri nter back on . USB po rt [x] dis abled [56] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Sel ect Continue t o clear t he mes sage.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 4 Check other electrical equipment pl ugge d into the electrical outlet. Does other electrical equipment work? Unplug the other electrical equipment, and then tur n on the printer. If the printer does not work, then reconnect the other electrical equipment.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 1 Che c k t he ins t al led p ri n te r dr ive r . Is t he corre ct print er driv er instal led? Go to step 12. Install the correct printer driver. St ep 1 2 Turn off t he printer, then wai t for about 1 0 seconds, and then turn th e printer back on .
Actio n Ye s No St ep 2 Do one or more of the following: • Delete the print j ob, and then resend i t. • If yo u are pr inting PDF files, then generate a new fi le, and then print it again. Did the jobs print? The problem is solved. Go to step 3. St ep 3 a Increase the pr inter memory.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 3 a Chec k for an er ror mess age on th e di splay. b Clear the message. Does the err or me ssag e sti ll a p pe ar? Go to step 4.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 2 a F rom the Paper menu on the printer control panel, set the paper size and type to m atch the paper loaded i n the tra y. b R ese nd t he pr in t j ob. Did the job print from the correct tray or on the c orrect paper? The problem is solved.
Multiple ‑ l angua ge P DF f iles do no t pr in t Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Check if the print options for the PDF o utput are set to embed al l fonts. b Generate a n ew PDF fi le, and then resend the print job. Do the files pr int? The problem is solved.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 5 Install additional pr inter mem ory, and then resen d the print job. Did the job print? The pr ob le m is s olve d. Con ta ct customer su pp o rt . Pr int j obs do no t pri nt Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a F rom the document you ar e trying to print, open the P rint dialog and check if you have selected the correct printer.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 6 a Remove, and th en reins tall t he print er sof tware . For more inform atio n, se e “In stallin g th e p rinter soft ware ” on page 35. Note : Th e printe r soft ware is avai lab le at http: //sup port. le xmar k.com . b R ese nd t he pr in t j ob.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 2 a F rom the printer control panel, set the paper size and typ e in the Paper menu t o match the paper loaded in the trays to be linked. Note : The paper si ze and type must match for trays to be linked. b R ese nd t he pr in t j ob.
Hardware and in ternal opt ion pr oblems 2100- s hee t tray p roblems Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Pul l out the tray, and t hen do one or m ore of the f ollowing: • Make sure paper lie s f lat in the tray.
Can not de te ct i nter nal opti on Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 Turn off t he printer, then wai t for about 1 0 seconds, and then turn th e printer back on . Does the i nt ernal option operate correctly? The problem is solved. Go to step 2. St ep 2 Ch eck if the interna l optio n is prop erly in stal led in the con trol ler boa rd.
Intern al p rint s erver does no t op erate c orrectly Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 R einstal l the in terna l print s erver . a Rem ove, and then install the inter nal pr int server. For mor e inform atio n, se e “ Instal ling an Intern al S olutio ns P ort ” on page 18.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 4 Check if the tray is available in the p rinter driver. Note : If nec essary, manuall y add the tray in t he printer dri ver to make it available for pr int jobs. For more information, see “ Updating avai lable options in the prin ter driver” on page 36 .
USB /paral lel interfac e card does n ot op erate c orrec tly Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 M a ke su re th e USB or pa ralle l i nterfa ce ca rd is in stalle d. a I ns t all th e U SB o r p ara l l el in te r fa c e ca rd. Fo r m o re in form a tion , s e e “I nstalling an Internal S olutions P ort” on p age 18.
Pa per freq uent ly jams Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Pul l out the tray, and t hen do one or m ore of the f ollowing: • Make sure paper lie s f lat in the tray. • Check i f the paper size in dicators on the pa per guides are aligned with the paper s ize indicators on the tr ay.
Print qua lity problems Ch ar act er s ha ve j ag ge d or un eve n e dg es Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Pr int a font sample list to check if the fonts you are using are supported by the p rinter. 1 From t he printer control panel, navi gate to: Menu s > Re po rts > Prin t Font s 2 Sel ec t PCL F ont s or PostS cript Fon ts .
Actio n Ye s No St ep 2 From the pri nter control panel, set the paper s ize and type i n the Paper menu to m atch the paper loaded in the tray. Do the paper size and type match the paper loaded in the tray? Go to s tep 3. Do one or more of the f ollowin g: • Specify the paper size from the tray setti ngs to mat ch the paper loaded in the tray.
Gr ay bac kg ro un d on prin ts ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE Leading edge Trailing edge Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a F rom the Qual ity Menu o n the printer c ontrol panel, decr ease the toner darkness. Note : 8 is the factory defaul t setting. b R ese nd t he pr in t j ob.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Make sure your software pr ogram is using a correct fill pa ttern. b R ese nd t he pr in t j ob. Do horizontal voi ds appear on pr ints? Go to step 2. The problem is s olved. St ep 2 a Load the specified tray or feeder with a recommended type of paper.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 2 From the pri nter control panel, set the paper s ize in the Paper menu to match the paper loaded in the tray. Does the paper size match the paper loaded in the tray? Go to s tep 3. Do one or more of the f ollowin g: • Specify the paper size from the tray setti ngs to mat ch the paper loaded in the tray.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 5 a Load paper fro m a fr esh package. Note : Paper absorbs moi sture due to high hum idity. Store paper in its or iginal wrapper until you us e it. b R ese nd t he pr in t j ob. Is t he paper stil l curled ? Conta ct customer su pp o rt .
Actio n Ye s No St ep 5 a Load paper fro m a fr esh package. Note : Paper absorbs moi sture due to high hum idity. Store paper in its or iginal wrapper until you us e it. b R ese nd t he pr in t j ob. D o pri nt irregu larit ies s till app ear? Go to step 6.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 3 a Dependi ng on your operating system, specify the paper type, texture and weigh t from Printing Pref erences or from the Print dialog. b R ese nd t he pr in t j ob. Is t he print still t oo dark? Go to step 4. The problem is s olved.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 2 From the printer co ntrol panel, set th e paper type, textu re, and weight in the Paper menu to match the paper l oaded in t he tray. Is the tray set to the type, texture, and wei ght of the paper loaded? Go to s tep 3. Change the paper type, texture, and wei ght to match the paper loaded in the t ray.
Printer is printing blank pages Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Chec k if there is pack ing mate rial le ft on the ima ging u nit. 1 Remove the t oner cartridge, and then the imaging uni t. 2 Chec k if the pa cking mate rial is prop erly r emoved fro m the im aging unit.
Printer is printing solid black pages Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Reinst all t he ima ging u nit. 1 Remove the t oner cartridge, and then the imaging uni t. War n ing—P ot entia l Dama ge : Do not expos e the im aging unit to direct li ght for more than 10 minutes .
Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 Check if the distance between the d efects is equal to any of the following: • 47.8 mm (1.88 in.) • 96.8 mm (3.81 in.) • 28.5 mm (1.12 in.) Is the distance between the defects equal to one of the l isted measurements? Go to s te p 2.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 3 a Depending on your operating system, specify the pa per type and weight from Printing Pr eferences or fr om the Pr int dialog. b R ese nd t he pr in t j ob. D o shadow image s still app ear on pr ints? Go to step 4. The problem is s olved.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Depending on your operating system, specify the tray or feeder from Printing Prefe rences or the Print dialog. b R ese nd t he pr in t j ob. Do streaked horizontal l ines appear on print s? Go to step 2. The problem is s olved.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Depending on your operating s ys tem, s pecify the paper type, textu re, and weigh t from Printing Pref erences or from the Print dialog. b R ese nd t he pr in t j ob. Do s tre aked v er tical lines appear on prints ? Go to step 2.
Ton er s pec ks ap pe ar on prin ts Actio n Ye s No Replace the imag ing unit, and then resend the pri nt job. Do toner s pecks appear o n prints? Conta ct customer su pp o rt . The pr ob le m is s olve d. Tone r fo g or ba ckg rou nd shad ing a ppe ar s on prin ts ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Reinst all t he ima ging u nit.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 From the Paper menu on the printer control panel, check the p aper type and weight. Do the paper type and weight match the paper loaded in the tr ay? Go to step 2. Specify the paper type and weight fro m the tray settings to matc h the paper l oaded in the tray.
Unev en p rint d ensit y Actio n Ye s No Replace the imag ing unit, and then resend the pri nt job. Is the print dens ity uneven? Conta ct customer su pp o rt . The pr ob le m is s olve d. Vertic al voids appe ar on prints Leading edge Trailing edge Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 a Make sure your software pr ogram is using a correct fill pa ttern.
Actio n Ye s No St ep 4 a Redi stribute the toner in the im aging uni t. 1 Remove the t oner cartridge, and then the imaging uni t. 2 Firmly shake the imaging unit. War n ing—P ot entia l Dama ge : Do not expos e the im aging unit to direct li ght for more than 10 minutes .
Embedd ed Web Serv er does n ot open Actio n Ye s No St ep 1 M a ke sure th e pri nter IP ad dress is corre ct. View the printer IP address: • From t he printer home screen • From t he TCP/IP sect.
You need t o k now your p rinter m odel ty pe an d seri al numbe r. For m ore inf ormation, se e the label a t the ba ck of t he print er. The serial num ber is also l iste d on the m enu set tings pa ge. Lexmark has v arious ways to he lp you solve you r pr inting pro blem.
Notices Product i nformation Prod uct na me: Le xmark M S 810 Machi ne type: 4063 Mode l(s): 210, 2 30, 2 3E, 41 0, 43 0, 63 0, 6 3E Edition noti ce Apr il 2012 Th e f ol lo w ing p ar ag ra p h d o es n ot ap pl y t o any co un t ry w h ere such provi sions ar e inconsis tent with local law: LEXMARK INTERNATIO NAL, INC.
GOVERNMENT END USERS The Sof tware Prog ram and an y relat ed do cument ation a re "Com mercial Item s," as that term is defi ned in 4 8 C.F.R . 2. 101, " Comput er Soft ware" and "C omm ercial C omp uter S oftw are Docume ntation ," as such t erm s are used in 48 C.
New York Apple C omputer, Inc. Oxford Arthur Baker Palatino Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries Stempel Garamond Linotype-Hell AG an d/or its subsidiar ies Taffy Agfa Cor poratio n Times New Roma.
Static s ensitiv ity noti ce This sym bol id entifies stat ic-sensi tive parts. Do no t touch i n the areas near t hese symbo ls without first touching the metal fr am e of the printer.
DA NGER - Inv isi ble l ase r radi atio n when c artrid ges are remo ved a nd i nter lock def eated. Av oid e xpos ure to la ser b eam. PER IGO - Radi a çã o a laser inv isí vel se rá l ibera da se os car tucho s fo rem r emov idos e o lacr e ro mpido .
STATEMENT OF LIMITED WARRANTY FOR LEXMAR K LASER PRINTERS, LEXMARK LED PRINTERS, AND LEXMARK MULTIFUNCTION LASER PRINT ERS Lexmark In ternation al, Inc., Lexington, KY This lim ited warranty applies to th e United Stat es and Ca nada. For cus tomers outside t he U.
Before you prese nt this pro duct f or war ranty servi ce, rem ove all pri nt cartridg es, prog rams, dat a, and re movabl e storage medi a (unles s dire cted otherw ise by Le xmark). For f urthe r e xplanatio n of your w arra nty alte rna tives and th e neares t Lexmark au thorized ser vicer in your area contact Lexmark on t he Wo rld Wide Web.
Additi onal rights Some states do not allow l imitat ion s on h ow long an i mplied war ranty l asts, or do no t allow the exc lusi on or lim ita tion of inc idental o r consequ ential da mage s, so th e limitation s or exclusions cont ained a bove may n ot apply to yo u.
Industry Canada c ompl iance sta tement This Class B digital apparatus m eets all requirements of the Canadian In terference-Causing Equipment Standa rd ICES-00 3.
The installer of this radio equipm ent m ust ensu r e that th e an tenna is loc ated or pointed su ch that it does not emit RF fields in excess of Health Canada limi ts for the gener al populat ion; consult Sa fety Code 6, ob tainable fro m Healt h Canada's W eb sit e www.
with in cert ain vo ltage l imits an d on radio e quipme nt an d tele commun icati ons ter minal eq uipment a nd on the ec odesig n of energy- r elated products. Compli ance is indi cated b y the CE marking . Operat ion i s allowed in all EU and E FTA coun tries, bu t is rest ricte d to i ndoor use only.
Italiano Con l a presente L exmark Internati onal, Inc. dichiara che ques to questo prodotto è conf orme ai requisiti es senz iali e d a lle altr e di spos izion i perti nenti st abili te dal la di rettiva 1999/ 5/CE . Latviski Ar šo Lexmark International, Inc.
Industry Canada c ompl iance sta tement This C lass A dig ital ap paratus mee ts all requir ements o f the Canadian Interf erenc e-Causin g Eq uipment Sta ndard ICES-00 3.
Industry Cana da (Cana da) This devic e comp lies wit h Indust ry Canada specific ation RSS-21 0. Operation is su bject t o the follo wing tw o condition s: (1) t his devic e may no t cause i nterfer ence, a nd (2) th is devic e must ac cept an y interfer ence, i ncluding interf erence that may caus e undesi red o peration of the devi ce.
Compli ance is indi cated b y the CE marking . The manuf actur er of thi s prod uct is: Lex mark In ternational , Inc. , 740 West New Circle Road, Le xington, KY, 40 550 USA . The authori zed represen tative is: Lexmark I nternationa l Te chno logy H ungária Kft.
Español Por medi o de la presente, Lexmark International, Inc. declara que este pr oducto cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Dir e ctiva 19 99/ 5 /CE. Eest i Käeso leva ga kinn it ab Lex mark Int e rnatio nal , Inc .
Index Nume ri cs 2100 ‑ sheet tray instal ling 31 loa ding 55 , 10 1, 14 9 250 ‑ sheet tray instal ling 31 550 ‑ sheet tray instal ling 31 Symbols [x] ‑ page jam, clear manual feeder. [250 ] 2 73 [x] ‑ page jam, li ft front co ver to rem ove cart ridg e.
conf iguration s pri nte r 45, 86 , 132 Confi gure MP menu 192 conf iguring m ult ipl e p ri nt er s 76 , 122 , 16 9 supply not ific ations, imaging un it 74, 12 0 , 16 8 supply not ific ations, maint.
exporting a conf iguration usi ng t h e Embedded Web Ser ver 94 , 14 1 exterior o f the pr in ter cleaning 2 57 F fa ctor y defa u lts res tori ng 1 27, 1 74 fa ctor y defau l ts, res to ring 8 1 FCC .
L label s, paper tips 180 letterh ead loading , 2100 ‑ sheet tr ay 55, 10 1 , 14 9 loading , mul tipurpo se feed er 62 , 10 8, 15 6 loading , trays 4 9, 95, 143 link ing tray s 67, 113, 1 14, 1 61, .
optio nal 550 ‑ sheet tray loa ding 49 , 95, 1 43 optio nal card instal ling 23 optio ns 2100 ‑ sheet tray, i nstalling 3 1 250 ‑ s heet tray, ins talling 31 550 ‑ s heet tray, ins talling 31 .
models 45, 86, 13 2 mov ing 11, 12, 258, 260 selecting a location 11, 1 2 shipping 260 print er cont rol pane l adjust ing br ightness 80 fa ctor y defa u lts , res tori ng 8 1, 12 7, 174 indi cator l.
Net work [x ] sof t war e e rro r [54] 29 3 No n ‑ Lexmar k [supply t ype], se e User’s Guide [33.xy] 294 Not enough free space in flash mem ory f or r esour ces [5 2] 294 Paper changes needed 295.
rep eating defec ts appea r on print s 328 Replace cartridge, 0 estimated pa ges rema in [88. xy] 2 97 Repla ce cart ri dge, printe r regi on mi smat c h [4 2.x y ] 297 Replace imag i ng uni t, 0 estimated pa ges rema in [84. xy] 2 98 Replace maint enance kit , 0 estimated pages remain [80.
tips o n using en velopes 1 79 to ner c artr id ge repl aci ng 25 1 to ner c artr id ges ordering 248 recy cling 2 46 toner darknes s adj usting 6 9, 11 5, 1 63 Too ma ny bins a ttached [ 58] 3 00 Too.
Wi reless m enu 20 6 wir eless n etwo rk conf iguration informa tion 3 8 wirele ss ne twork se tup usi ng t h e Embedded Web Ser ve 40 X XPS men u 238 Index 364.
デバイスLexmark MS812dnの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lexmark MS812dnをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLexmark MS812dnの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lexmark MS812dnの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lexmark MS812dnで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lexmark MS812dnを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLexmark MS812dnの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lexmark MS812dnに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLexmark MS812dnデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。