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MX6500e User's Guide February 20 14 www.lexmark.co m Machine type(s): 4036 Model(s): 310.
Conten ts Safe ty inform atio n.... ...... ........ ..... ........ ...... ..... ........ ...... ........ ..... ........ ...... ....7 Learning abo ut the scanne r and printe r....... ..... ..... ....... ...... .... ........ ..... .... .....9 Findi ng info rmatio n abou t the sc anner.
Loadi ng pap er an d spec ialty media... .........................................................62 Settin g the paper si ze an d type.. ..... ....... ...... .... ........ ..... .... ........ ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... ...... ....... ...
Faxing ........ ....... ........ ........... ....... ......... ........... ....... ........ ........... ....... ........11 9 Settin g up the scann er to f ax...... ....... ....... ........... ....... ........ .......... ........ ........... ....... ..
Mainta ining the scan ner a nd th e print er......... .........................................2 39 Cleani ng the prin ter...... ....... .......... ....... ........ .......... ....... ....... ........... ...... ........ .......... ....... ... ........
[x] ‑ page j am, op en aut omatic feed er top cover [28y.x x]..... ..... ..... .......... ..... ..... ......... ...... ..... ........ ...... .287 Trou ble shoot ing. ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ....... .... ..... ....... ..... .... ....... ..... .
Safety information Connect t he power cord t o a proper ly gro unded e lectric al out let th at is ne ar the product and ea sily acce ssible. Do not p lace or use this product near water o r wet l ocati ons. Use care when you replace a lithium battery.
CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: To reduce risk o f fir e, use on ly the tel eco mmunicat ions (RJ ‑ 11 ) co rd prov ide d with th is pro duct or a UL L isted 26 AWG or la rger repl acement w hen conne cting t his prod uct to th e public switched telephone network.
Learni ng about the scan ner and p rinte r Finding informa tion abo ut the scanner What are you looking for? Find it here Initia l setup in struct ions: • Connecting the scanner to the pr inter • .
What are you looking for? Find it here The latest supplemental information, upda tes, and customer support: • Docu mentati on • Driver d ownload s • Live chat support • E ‑ mail support • Voice support Lexmark support Web site— http://support.
1 2 3 4 5 1 Right side 15.2 cm ( 6 in. ) 1 Rear 2.5 cm (1 in .) 2 Fron t 15.2 cm (6 in .) 2 Front 2.5 cm (1 in.) 3 Left side 50.8 c m (20 in .) 3 Ri ght s ide 2.5 cm (1 in .) 4 Rear 15.2 c m (6 in.) 4 Left sid e 36.8 cm (14 .5 in .) 5 Top 11.5 c m (4.
5 Printer control panel 6 Multipurpose feeder 7 550 ‑ sh ee t tra y 8 Scanner glass 9 Scanner c ontrol panel 10 Basic functions of the scanner When confi gured with the printer , the scanne r provi des copy, fax, and scan -to-netwo rk capabi lity for lar ge workgro ups.
• Load up to 30 sh eets of A3 ‑ , tabloid ‑ or 11 x 17 in . size plai n paper . • Scan sizes fro m 50.8 x 76.2 m m (2 x 3 in.) t o 299.7 x 431. 8 mm (11.8 x 17 in.). • Scan do cument s wit h diff erent paper s izes (letter and legal) . • Scan me dia we ights of 52–120 g/m 2 (12–34 lb ).
Understandin g the scanner control panel Understanding th e scanner contro l panel Item Descriptio n 1 Display Lets you view scanning, copy ing, faxing, and pr inting options as well as status and error messages 2 Indicator li ght • Off —The power is off.
Understanding th e colors of the S leep button and indicator lights The col ors of th e Sle ep button and th e indic ator lights on the s canner contr ol pane l signif y a scanne r and a p rinter stat us. Sleep button light Scanner and printer status Off The scanne r and the printer are off, idle or in Ready state.
Touch To 6 Arrows Scroll up or do wn. 7 Forms and Favorites Quickly find and print frequently used online forms. 8 Menu icon Access the scanner menus. Note: The menus are availabl e only when the scanner is i n Ready state. 9 Bookmarks Create, organize, and save a set of bookmarks ( URL) into a tree view of folders and file links.
Feature Description Status message bar • Sho w th e c urr en t sta tu s suc h a s Rea dy or Bu sy . • Show scanner and pri nter conditions such as Replac e sepa rator pad or Cartrid ge low . • Show intervention messages so the scanner can continue processing.
Other to uch- screen b uttons Touch To Acce pt Save a se ttin g. Cancel • Cancel an action or a selection. • Exit a screen and return to the previous screen without saving chan ges.
Setting up and usin g the home screen applications Notes: • Your home screen, i cons, a nd but tons m ay vary depen ding o n your ho me scre en custo mizat ion set tings, adminis trativ e setup , an d acti ve embedd ed appl icatio ns. • There may be additio nal so lutions and a pplicatio ns avai lable for purchas e.
2 Open a Web browser, and then typ e the scanner IP address in the addres s field. 3 Press Enter . Note: If you are us ing a pr oxy se rver, the n tempo rarily d isable it to loa d the We b page c orrectl y. Customizing the home screen 1 Open a Web browser, and then typ e the scanner IP address in the addres s field.
Use To Scan to Network Scan a document, and then send it to a network share d folder. For mor e informati on, see “Setting up Scan to Network” on page 24 . Scan to Sharepoi nt Securely scan docum ents to sites housed on SharePoint servers. For mor e information, see “Setting up Scan to Sharepoint” on page 26 .
• To make su re the locat ion se tti ngs o f the bookmar k a re corr ect, typ e the c orrect IP add ress of t he host computer where th e bookmark is located. Fo r more information on ob taining the IP address of the host computer, see “Finding the IP address of th e computer” on page 19 .
Using MyShortcut Note: A later versio n of this User 's Guid e may co ntain a di rec t link to the Administ rator's Guide of this applic ation.
Setting up Scan to Networ k Note: A later versio n of this User 's Guid e may co ntain a di rec t link to the Administ rator’s G uide of thi s appl ication. To check f or upda tes of thi s User's G uide , go to htt p://suppo rt. lexmark .com .
1 Open a Web browser, and then typ e the scanner IP address in the addres s field. Note: Vie w the s canner IP addre ss on th e scann er hom e scr een. The IP address appea rs as fou r set s of numbe rs separa ted by perio ds, such as 123.123 .123.123.
Settin g up Sc an to Sh arepoint Note: A later versio n of this User 's Guid e may co ntain a di rec t link to the Administ rator’s G uide of thi s appl ication. To check f or upda tes of thi s User's G uide , go to htt p://suppo rt. lexmark .
Use To or Create and manage bar code templ ates to specify th e location and type of bar code t hat users will frequently scan. Note : Bar Code Discovery can only be acce ssed from the scanner home screen. To use the a pplicat ion, to uch Bar Code Disco very fro m the scanner home screen, and then follow the instr uctions on the scan ner disp lay .
3 To export or impo rt a configu ration for multip le applicat ions, do t he foll owing: a Click Settings > Import/ Expo rt . b Do either of the following: • To export a configuration file, click Export Embedde d So lutio ns Set tings File , and then foll ow the i nstruct ions on the computer s creen to save the configuration file.
Additional scanner and printer setup CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing t he system b oard or in stall ing opt ional har dware or mem ory devices sometime after sett ing up th e scanne r, then turn the scann er off, and u nplug th e power cord from the wall outle t befo re conti nuing .
Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: Co ntroll er boar d electron ic compo nents ar e easily damaged by static electricity. Touch a m etal su rfac e on th e printe r befo re touch ing a ny contro ller b oard e lectr onic c omponent s or co nnecto rs. 1 Remove the cont roller boa rd access c over.
3 Remove the shield. 4 Unpack the sca nner c omm unicat ions card, and then lo cate th e conne ctor for t he scann er co mmun ications card . 1 Scanner commu nications card c onnector 2 Memory ca rd conn ector Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Avoid to uching the conn ecti on po ints alo ng th e edge of the ca rd.
5 Holding the card by its s ides, al ign the plast ic pins ( 1) on the card wi th the hole s (2) on the con trolle r board, and then pus h the c ard firmly in to pla ce. Notes: • The entire length of the c onnect or on the card m ust touc h and be flush a gains t the c ontrolle r board.
7 Tigh ten the scre ws on the sh ield. 8 Reattach the acce ss cover. 2 1 Additi onal scanner and p rinter setu p 33.
Installing internal options in the scanner You can cu stom ize your scanner conne ctivity a nd me mory cap acity b y adding inter nal op tions. When the print er is connected to the scanner , only the internal options in th e scanner function.
2 Tape the scann er cov er to secu re it in place . Note: Yo u may us e a mask ing tape . 3 Remove the exit tray. 4 Turn the s canner ups ide down on a flat surfac e.
6 Remove the system board cover. 7 Locate the ap propri ate connec tor. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : System b oard electronic comp onents are easily damaged by static electricit y. Touch so methin g met al on the printe r befor e touc hing a ny syste m board electro nic c omponent s or co nnecto rs.
8 Reattach the system board cover. 9 Atta ch all the scr ews to sec ure th e syste m boar d cov er. 10 While hold ing the scan ner co ver, turn the sc anner right side u p.
b Push down th e tray to secure i t on the fron t hinge. c Return th e tray to i ts or iginal positi on. Installing an Inte rnal Solutions Port The system boa rd suppo rts one o ptional Lexm ark Inte rnal Solut ions Por t (ISP). I nstal l an ISP for add itional c onnectivit y opti ons .
Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: System board electronic compon ents are eas ily damaged by s tatic electri city. Touch a metal surface on the scanne r before touching any system boar d electronic components or connectors. 1 Unpack the ISP kit. 1 ISP 2 Plastic moun ting bracket 3 Thumbscrews 2 Access the syst em board.
b Remov e the screws th at se cure the har d disk in pla ce. c Remove the hard disk by p ulling it upward to unsea t the standoff s. 4 Remove the metal cover from the ISP o pening.
5 Remove the sm all br acket fr om th e system bo ard cag e. Note: Do not discard the screws. These will be used in step 12 . 6 Install the ISP in the same locat ion where the hard disk was located on the system board.
7 Insert the plug of the ISP interface cable into the conne ctor of the system board. 8 Remov e the t humbs crews that attach the hard disk moun ting bracket to the hard d isk , and th en remo ve t he brac ket.
9 Attach the small br acket to the har d disk. Notes: • Use the small br acket that was removed fro m the system board cage in step 5 . • Use the th umbscrews that were removed in step 8 to at tach the bra cket to the ha rd di sk.
11 Inser t the plug of the har d dis k inter face cable in to th e conne ctor on the ISP. 12 Secure th e hard di sk to the system b oard cag e. Note: U se the thumbs crews that were re moved in step 5 to attac h the hard d isk to th e cage.
13 Secu re the ISP to the cage us ing t he scr ews tha t cam e with the ISP ki t. Note: The screws will pa ss thro ugh the clea rance hole of the ca ge and will atta ch to the b racket of th e ISP.
Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: System board electronic compon ents are eas ily damaged by s tatic electri city. Touch a metal surface on the scanne r before touching any system boar d electronic components or connectors. 1 Access the s canner syste m boar d.
5 Push the c ard firmly in to place as shown in the ill ustrati on. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Imprope r in stall ation of the car d may ca use d amag e to the card and to th e system bo ard. Note: The entir e lengt h of th e conne ctor on the card mu st touch and be flus h against the sys tem boar d.
3 On the syste m board, open the mem ory card connector latches . 4 Alig n the no tche s on the me mory card to th e ridg es on t he c onne ctor. 1 Notch 2 Ridge Additi onal scanner and p rinter setu .
5 Push th e memory ca rd straig ht into the co nnecto r until it clicks into plac e. 6 Reattach the system board cover. Installing hardware options Order of ins tallation CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Th e print er we ight is great er tha n 18 kg (40 lb) and r equire s two or mor e trained p ersonnel to lift it safely.
For more informatio n on ins talling a caster ba se, option al 550 ‑ or 250 ‑ sheet tray, sp acer, or 2100 ‑ s heet tray, s ee the setup sheet t hat ca me with the option.
Note: Make sure to lock the wheels of the caster base to secure the printe r. 8 Align th e prin ter with the tr ay, and the n slowly l ower the printer into pla ce.
9 Connect the p ower c ord to the pr inter , then to a pro perly grounded electrical o utlet, and then turn on t he printer. Additi onal scanner and p rinter setu p 52.
Note: W hen the pri nter software a nd any o ptional t rays ar e installed, you may need to manuall y add th e options in the printer d river to make them available for print jobs. For mor e information, see “Adding availabl e opti ons i n the pr int d river” on p age 56 .
Use the To 1 Ethernet port Connect the p rinter to the scanner. Make sure to connect the scanner to the printer using th e green Ethernet cable. Use the To 1 USB ports Attach an optional wireless network ad apter, or con nect the scanner to a co mputer.
Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: Do not touch the USB cable, an y wirele ss net work ad apter, or the pr inter in the area shown whi le activ ely pr inting. Loss o f data or a malfu nction c an occu r. Organi zing c ables Attach the Ethernet cable and power co rd, and then neatly tu ck the cables in the channels at the back o f the printer.
3 For M acint osh u sers, add the s canne r: a From System P references in the Apple menu, navigat e to the list of scann ers, and then select + > IP . b Type the scanner IP address in the add ress field. Note: Obtain the s canner IP addre ss f rom th e TCP/ IP se ction in the Network /Port s m enu.
Preparing t o set up the sca n ner on a wireless network Notes: • Make sure your access point (wireless router) is tu rned on and is working properly. • Do not conn ect t he in stal lati on or n etwo rk cabl es un til prom pted to do so by th e setu p so ftware .
Connecti ng the s canner using the Wireless Setu p Wizard Before you be gin, ma ke sure that: • A wirele ss network adapter is inst alled in the sc anner and is working properly. For mo re informat ion, see the instr uction sheet that came wit h the wi rel ess netwo rk a dapter .
3 Open a Web browser, and then type the IP address of y our access point in the addres s field. Notes: • The IP ad dress ap pears as fou r sets of numbe rs separa ted by pe riods, such as 123.123. 123.123. • If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
3 Configure the po rt from the list . 4 Update the IP addres s. 5 Apply the changes. For Macintosh users 1 From Syst em Preferences in the Apple men u, navigate to the list of p rinters, and then select + > IP . 2 Type the IP address in the address field.
Printing a network se tup pag e If the pr inter is at tached to a n etwork , then print a netw ork se tup pag e to v erif y the n etwork c onne ction .
Loading paper and specialty media Setting the pap er size and typ e From the home s creen navig ate to: > Paper Me nu > Paper Size/Type > selec t a tr ay > s elect th e pap er siz e or typ.
2 Squeeze, and th en slide the width gu ide to the correct po sitio n for the s ize o f the pa per being loaded unti l it cli cks int o pla ce. Note: U se t he pape r si ze indi cators at th e bo ttom o f th e tray to h elp pos ition the guides .
3 Unlock the length guide, then squeeze, and then slide the guide to the correct position for the size of the pa per being lo aded. 3 1 2 Notes: • Lock th e leng th gu ide fo r all paper s izes. • Use th e paper size i ndicat ors at th e bott om of the tr ay to hel p positi on the gu ides.
4 Flex the sheets ba ck and forth to loosen the m, and then fan them. Do not fold or crease the pa per. Straighten the edges on a level su rface. 5 Load th e paper stack with the pr intabl e side fa cedown. Note: M ake sure the p aper or envelo pe is loaded properly.
Without an optional staple finisher Wi th an optional staple f inisher ABC Two ‑ sided printing ABC Two ‑ sided printi ng • If you are loading prepunche d paper for use with the s taple finisher, then make sure th e holes on the long ed ge of the pa per are on the righ t side o f the tray.
• If you are loading envelopes, then make sure t hat the flap side is facing up and the envelopes are on the left side o f the tray. • Make su re the p aper i s below the solid l ine, wh ich is th e maxim um paper fill in dicator . Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: O verfilli ng the tray ca n cause paper ja ms.
• When using ca rd sto ck, labels, or other t ypes of specia lt y me dia, make s ure the p aper i s below the das hed li ne, whic h is the alte rnat e pa per f ill i ndi cat or. 6 For cu sto m ‑ or Univer sal ‑ size paper, adjust the pa per gu ides t o ligh tly to uch th e sides of the stac k, and the n loc k the len gth guid e.
Loading the 2100 ‑ sheet t ray CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: To reduce the risk of equipment instability, load each tray separately. Keep all other tr ays cl ose d unti l need ed. 1 Pul l out the tr ay. 2 Adjust the width and leng th guides . Loading A5 ‑ size paper a Pull up a nd slid e the width gui de to t he posi tion for A5.
b Squeeze and slide the length guide to th e position for A5 until it clicks into plac e. 1 2 c Remove the A5 length guide from its holder. 1 2 d Insert the A5 len gth guide in to its des ignated slo t. Note: Press th e A5 length guid e until it clicks int o pla ce.
Loading A4 ‑ , letter ‑ , leg al ‑ , oficio ‑ , and folio ‑ size paper a Pull up and slide the width guide to the correct position for the size of the paper being loaded.
b If the A5 length guide is still attach ed to the lengt h guide, then re move it from it s place. If t he A5 length gu ide is not attached, then proc eed to step d.
d Squeeze the length guide and slide it to the correct po si tion f or the size of the paper b eing loaded unt il it clicks into place. 3 Flex the sheets back and forth to loos en them. Do not fold or crease the p aper. Straighten the edges o n a level surface.
Without an optional staple finisher Wi th an optional staple f inisher ABC One ‑ sided printing ABC One ‑ sided p rinting ABC Two ‑ sided printing ABC Two ‑ sided printi ng Loading pape r and .
• Make su re the p aper i s bel ow the m aximu m paper fill ind icato r. Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: O verfilli ng the tray ca n cause paper ja ms.
6 From the sc anner contro l panel, set the s ize an d type i n the Paper menu to m atch t he paper loaded in the tray. Note: Set the corr ect pa per si ze an d type to av oid pa per jam s and p rint quali ty pro blem s. Loading the multipurpose feeder 1 Pull do wn the multi purpose f eede r door .
2 Pull the multipurpo se feeder extender. B 5 E X E C A 4 A 5 LT R Note: Guide the extender gently so that the multipurpose feeder is fully extended and open. 3 Slide the width guide to th e correct position for the siz e of the paper b eing lo aded .
B 5 E X EC A 4 A 5 LT R 4 Prepare the paper or specialty media for load ing. • Flex shee ts of paper ba ck and forth to lo osen them . Do not fold or crea se the paper . Straig hten the e dges on a level surface. • Hold transparencies by the ed ges.
• There are di fferent ways of loadi ng letterhe ad dep ending o n whether a n optional staple fini sher is install ed or not. Without an optional staple finisher Wi th an optional staple f inisher .
• Make sure t he paper or specialty m edia is below the ma ximum pap er fill i ndicator. Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: Overfilli ng the feeder can cause paper jams. 6 For c ustom- o r univer sal-siz e paper , adjust the widt h gui des to lig htly touc h the s ides of t he sta ck.
2 Load th e busines s cards face down, sho rt ‑ edg e fir st in to th e AD F. Note: Make sure the last edge of the business card is aligned with the A8 mark on th e ADF guide. Linkin g and u nlinkin g trays When the paper s ize and paper type for any trays are the same, t he printer links those trays.
Note: You ca n also cha nge the pape r siz e and t ype s etting s usi ng the scanner con trol pa nel. Fo r more info rmat ion, see “Setting t he paper size and type” on pag e 62 . Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: P aper loa ded in t he tray sho uld m atch the p aper t ype name a ssign ed in th e scanne r.
Paper and specialty media guide Using specialty media Tips on us ing ca rd stock Card stock is a hea vy, s ing le ‑ ply specialty pa per. Many of it s variable cha racteris tics, such as mo isture co ntent, th ickness , and tex ture, c an si gnifica ntly aff ect prin t qual ity.
Tips on us ing lab els • From the sca nner c ontrol panel, set t he pape r size , type, textur e, and weight in t he Paper menu to mat ch the labels loa ded in t he tr ay. • Print s amples on the label s being co nsider ed for use bef ore buying large qu antit ies.
Paper guidelines Paper characteristics The follo wing pape r charact erist ics affect print qu ality and r eliabil ity. Co nsider th ese fa ctors before printi ng on them: Weight The print er trays and mul tipur pose feeder c an auto matical ly feed pa per weights between 60 –176 g/m 2 (16–47 ‑ lb) g rai n long paper.
To help avoid pa per jam s and poor print quali ty: • Always us e new, unda mage d pa per. • Before loadin g paper , kno w the r ecomm ended pr inta ble sid e of t he paper . This informa tion is usuall y indica ted on the pa per pac kag e. • Do not use paper t hat ha s been cu t or tr immed by ha nd.
caused throughout the entire life of a dev ice (from design to end-of-life). This is due to the energy-int ensive manufa cturing proces ses r equired to m ake paper. Thus, Lex mark see ks to educate custo mers an d part ners o n minim izing t he i mpact of p aper.
Supported pape r sizes , types, and weights The follo wing tabl es pro vide informa tion on standa rd a nd opt ional pa per in put s ources a nd the s izes , types, and wei ghts of paper they s uppor t.. Note: To use a paper siz e that is unlis ted, co nfigure a Univers al paper size.
Paper si ze ADF ADF - Automatic ADF - Mixed sizes Sca nner glass Universa l 138 x 2 10 mm (5.5 x 8. 3 in.) up to 21 6 x 356 m m (8.5 x 14 in .) XX 1 Paper size is supported if printer is set to Metr ic. 2 Paper size is supported if pri nter is set to US.
Paper si ze 1 Dimensions Standard or optional 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet tray Optional 2100 ‑ sheet tray Multipurpose feeder Duplex Universa l 2,3 105 x 1 48 mm to 216 x 3 56 mm (4.13 x 5.83 in. to 8.5 x 14 in.) X 70 x 12 7 mm t o 216 x 3 56 mm (2.76 x 5 to 8.
Output Options Paper size 4 ‑ bin mailbox Output expander and high ‑ capacity output expander Staple fin isher Staple, hole punch finish er A6 XX A5 2 X JIS B5 XX Executive XX Letter A4 Legal 3 Folio Oficio Statement 1 1 Universa l 3 3 Envelopes 4 X XX 1 The finisher stacks the paper but does not staple or punch holes in it.
Paper type 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet trays 2100 ‑ sheet tray Multipurpose feeder Duplex Paper labels X X Pharmacy labels X Transp arencies 2 X X 1 This paper type is supported only in select printer models. 2 Print on transparenc ies by batches of only up to 20 to pr event them from sticking together.
Paper type Paper weight 4 ‑ bin mailbox Output expander and high ‑ capacity output expander Staple fi nisher Staple, hole punch fini sher Bond 90–176 g /m 2 (24– 47 lb) X XX 60–90 g/m 2 (16.
Printing Print ing fo rms an d docu ments Printing forms Use the Forms and Favor ites applica tion to quickl y and eas ily acces s frequen tly us ed form s or ot her i nformat ion th at is regular ly printe d. Before you can use this applic ation, fir st set it up on the scann er.
Notes: • View the scanner IP address on th e scanner home screen. The IP address appears as four sets of numb ers separ ated by peri ods, su ch as 123.123. 123.123. • If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
• If you insert the flash drive when the scanner requires attention, such as when a jam has occurred , then the scanner ignor es the f lash dr ive. • If you ins ert t he flash d rive while the scanne r is p roces sing ot her prin t jobs , then Busy a ppears o n the scanner display.
Recommended flas h drives File t ype • Lexa r JumpDr ive FireFl y (512 MB and 1GB) • SanDi sk Cruz er Mi cro (512 MB an d 1G B) • Sony Micro Vault Classic (512MB and 1GB) Documents: • .pdf • .xps Imag es : • .dcx • .gif • .jpeg or .jpg • .
Use To Notes: • Confidential, Verify , Reserve, and Repeat print jobs ma y be deleted if the scanne r requires extra memory to process additional held jobs. • You can set the scanner to stor e print jobs in the scanne r memor y until you start the print job from the sca nner control panel .
Modi fying conf ident ial p rint s ettin gs 1 Open a Web browser, and then typ e the scanner IP address in the addres s field. Notes: • View the scanner IP address on th e scanner home screen. The IP address appears as four sets of numb ers separ ated by peri ods, su ch as 123.
Cancel ing a print jo b fro m the com puter For Windows users 1 Open the print ers f older, a nd then selec t your prin ter. 2 From the print queue, select the prin t job you want to cance l, and then del ete i t. For Macintosh users 1 From Syst em Preferences in the Apple men u, navigate to your printer.
Copying Automatic d ocument f eeder (ADF) Scanner glass • Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page documents. • Load letter- and A4- size documents int o the AD F facedown, long edge fi rst. • Load legal- and A3- size documents into the ADF facedown, short edge first.
Copyin g usin g the scanne r glass 1 Place an orig inal docu ment f acedo wn on th e scanner glass in the lower left corner. Note: Make sure the edge of the document is aligned with the edge of the scann er glass.
Copyin g on le tterhead 1 Load an o rigina l document facedo wn into th e ADF or on the sca nner gla ss. Note: Do not l oad po stcards , pho tos, sm all it ems, tr anspa rencies , phot o pap er, or th in me dia (su ch as magazi ne clippings) into the ADF.
3 From the home s cre en, n avig ate to : Copy > Copy fr om > s elect the size of the orig inal do cument > 4 Navigate to: Copy to > select the tr ay contai ning the pa per typ e you want to use > 5 Touch Copy It . Copyin g different pap er sizes Use the ADF to copy origin al doc uments with diff erent p aper sizes .
4 From the Si des ( Duplex ) ar ea, t ouch t he butt on f or y our pre ferr ed dupl ex ing me thod . The first number represents sides of th e original documents; the second number represen ts sides of the copy. For example, select 1 ‑ sid ed to 2 ‑ sided if you ha ve 1-sid ed origi nal doc uments and you wa nt 2 ‑ sided copies .
6 Touch t he butt on th at best r epres ents t he conte nt sour ce of t he docu ment yo u are cop ying: • Color L aser —Use when the orig inal docu ment w as printed using a color l aser prin ter. • Blac k/Wh ite L aser —Us e when the origi nal docum ent was printed using a mono l aser prin ter.
3 From the home s cre en, n avig ate to : Copy > Advan ced O pti ons > Separa tor S heet s Note: S et Co llate t o “1,2 ,3 ‑ 1,2,3” to place separator sheets bet ween copies. If Collate is set to “1,1,1 ‑ 2,2,2,” then the sep arator sheets are added to th e end of the c opy job.
Notes: • Do not lo ad postc ards, ph otos, s mall it ems, tran spar encies, photo pa per, or thi n media (s uch as maga zine clippings) into the ADF tray. Place these items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indica tor light co mes on when th e paper i s loade d properly.
• The ADF indica tor light co mes on when th e paper i s loade d properly. 2 If you are loading a document into the ADF tray, then adjust the paper guides.
• If the paper type o r size that y ou want to co py onto is not l oade d in on e of the tray s, then touc h Ma nual Feed er , and manually load the paper in the multip urpose feeder. • When “C opy to” i s set to Aut o Size Matc h, ea ch copy matche s the p aper si ze of the or igi nal doc ument.
• Newspap er —The o rigi nal docum ent is fro m a ne wsp aper. • Other —The origina l docume nt was pr inted using an altern ate or unknown printe r. • Photo/Film —The origina l docume nt is a p hoto from film. • Press —The ori ginal docume nt was pr inted using a pr intin g press .
E-mailing Automatic d ocument f eeder (ADF) Scanner glass • Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page documents. • Load letter- and A4- size documents int o the AD F facedown, long edge fi rst. • Load legal- and A3- size documents into the ADF facedown, short edge first.
3 Fill in the field s with th e approp riate inform ation. 4 Click Submi t . Creating an e-mail shortcut Creati ng an e-ma il sh ortcut usi ng the Em bedde d Web Server 1 Open a Web browser, and then typ e the scanner IP address in the addres s field.
E-mailing a document You can us e the pr inter to e ‑ m ail sca nned do cument s to on e or m ore re cipient s in a number o f ways. You can typ e the e ‑ mail add ress, us e a shor tcut n umber , or use t he addr ess bo ok. You can al so use the Mul ti Send or My Short cut appli cation f rom t he scann er hom e scre en.
4 Touch t he na me of th e rec ipie nts. To ent er additi onal re cipie nts, touc h Next ad dress , and then e nter t he addres s or s hortcut number yo u want to add, or searc h the addr ess bo ok.
• JPEG —Create and attach a separate file for each page of your original docume nt, viewable by most Web browser s and graphic s programs . • XPS —Create a single XM L Paper Sp ecification (XPS) file with m ultiple pa ges, viewable u sing an Inter net Explorer ‑ hoste d viewer a nd the .
Content This opt ion lets yo u set t he origi nal do cument typ e and so urce. Select f rom th e following cont ent types : • Graphi cs —The or igin al docume nt is mostly busin ess ‑ type graphics , such a s pie char ts, bar chart s, and a nimatio ns.
Page Setup This option lets you chang e the follo wing sett ings: • Sides ( Duplex) —Thi s sp ecifi es if the o rigi nal do cum ent is pr inte d on o nly on e sid e or on both sides of the pape r. This also identifies what needs to be scanned for inclusion in the e-mail.
Faxing Automatic d ocument f eeder (ADF) Scanner glass • Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page documents. • Load letter- and A4- size documents int o the AD F facedown, long edge fi rst. • Load legal- and A3- size documents into the ADF facedown, short edge first.
Initial f ax setup Many coun tries and r egion s requ ire ou tgoi ng fax es to contai n the follo wing in form ation in a ma rgin at the to p or bottom of each transm itted page, or on the firs t page.
4 In the Fax Number or Station Number field, enter the printe r fax number. 5 Click Submi t . Choos ing a fax connec tion Scenario 1: Standard telephone line Setup 1: Scanner is connected to a dedicat ed fax line To conn ect: 1 Connec t one end of t he tele phone c able tha t cam e with the scann er to th e port of the sc anner.
Setup 2: Scanner is sharing the li ne with an answering machine Connect ed to th e same t elepho ne wall j ack To conn ect: 1 Connec t one end of t he tele phone c able tha t cam e with the scann er to th e port of the sc anner. 2 Connect the other end of the telephone cable to an active analog wall jack.
Connec ted to dif ferent wa ll jacks To conn ect: 1 Connec t one end of t he tele phone c able tha t cam e with the scann er to th e port of the sc anner.
Setup 3: Scanner is sharing the li ne with a telephone subscribed to voice mail service To conn ect: 1 Connec t one end of t he tele phone c able tha t cam e with the scann er to th e port of the sc anner. 2 Connect the other end of the telephone cable to an active analog wall jack.
Scenario 2: Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) A Digital Subsc riber Li ne sp lits your r egular teleph one lin e into tw o channe ls: vo ice and In ternet . Tele phone a nd fax signals travel throug h the v oice c hannel, a nd Inte rnet sig nals p ass thr ough th e other chann el.
Scenario 3: VoIP telephone service To conn ect: 1 Connec t one end of t he tele phone c able tha t cam e with the scann er to th e port of the sc anner. 2 Connect the other end o f the cable to the po rt labeled Phone Line 1 or Phone Port on the VoIP adapter.
Scenario 4: Digital telephone service through a cable provider Setup 1: Scanner is connected directly to a cable mode m 1 Connec t one e nd of t he tele phone c able tha t came with your scanner t o the port of the scanne r. 2 Connect the other end o f the cable to the po rt labeled Phone Line 1 or Phone Port on the cable mode m.
Setup 2: Scanner is connected to a w all jack; cable modem is installe d elsewhere in the facil ity 1 Connec t one e nd of t he tele phone c able tha t came with your scanner t o the port of the scanne r. 2 Connec t th e other end of the t elephone cabl e to an active analog telep hone wal l jac k.
There ma y be an adapte r plug i nstal led in the port of t he scanner . If you ar e using a telephone adapte r or a faci lity that has a c ascaded or serial w iring sc heme, then do not re move the adapt er plug from the port of th e scanne r.
3 If you want to co nnect anoth er dev ice (t elephone or an swerin g machin e) to the sam e wall jac k, and if the d evice has a n on ‑ RJ ‑ 11 connect or, then connec t it di rec tly to the telep hone adap ter. Notes: • The port of the scanner may have an adapter plug for use with the adapter.
Connec t the scanner to any of th e N ports. 1 Connec t one end of t he tel ephone c able tha t cam e the scanner to the port o f the scanner . 2 Connec t th e othe r end of the tele phone cable to the RJ ‑ 11 adapter, a nd then conn ect the a dapter to a n N port.
Connec ting to a di stinctive ring servic e A distincti ve ring se rvice may be av ailable f rom your tele phone compa ny. This ser vice lets you have multip le teleph one numbers on one telepho ne line , with each tele phone numbe r havin g a differ ent ri ng patt ern.
Notes: • View the scanner IP address on th e scanner home screen. The IP address appears as four sets of numb ers separ ated by peri ods, su ch as 123.123. 123.123. • If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
4 Enter the fax number or a sh ortc ut usin g the t ouch scr een or keypad. To ad d recipi ents , touc h Next Numb er and th en enter t he recipient's t elephone number or short cut number, or search the add ress book. Note: To place a d ial pause within a fa x number , press .
3 Press , and then ente r the shortc ut nu mb er usi ng th e key pad. 4 Touch Fax It . Sending a fax using th e address book The addr ess boo k enab les you to sea rch for b ookm arks and net work dir ector y serve rs. Note: If the a ddress bo ok f eature is not ena bled, th en cont act your syst em suppor t per son.
Creating shortcuts Creating a fax destinati on shortc ut using the Embedde d Web Server Instead of entering the ent ire phone number of a fax recipient on the scanner control panel each time you want to send a fa x, you can cr eate a p ermanen t fax de stinat ion and a ssign a shortcu t num ber.
Customizing fax settings Changing the fax resolution Settings range f rom Stan dard (fastest speed ) to Ultra Fine (s lowest speed, best quali ty). 1 Load an o rigina l document facedo wn into th e ADF or on the sca nner gla ss.
If you do not kno w the IP address or host name of t he scan ner, th en you can: • View the information on t he scanner control panel home screen, or in the TCP/IP section under the Networ ks/Por ts men u. • Print a netw ork setu p pag e or me nu se ttings page and locat e the infor mati on in the TCP/IP secti on.
3 From the He ld Fax Mode m enu, s elect on e of t he foll owing: • Off • Alwa ys On • Manual • Schedu led 4 If you selec ted Sche duled, t hen co ntinue with t he follo wing st eps: a Click Fax Holding Sch edule . b From t he Ac tion me nu, s elect Hol d fa xe s .
Darkness This o ption lets yo u adjus t how light or dark the faxes are in re lation to th e orig inal do cument . Page Setup This option lets you chang e the follo wing sett ings: • Side s (Dup lex) —This speci fies if the origi nal docume nt is prin ted on one si de or on bo th sides of the page (duplex).
Using the adva nced op tions Select from t he following s ettings : • Fix Scan Sk ew —This straig htens sc anned images th at are sli ght ly skewed when received from the ADF tr ay.
Scanning Using Scan to Network Scan to Ne twork l ets y ou s can yo ur do cum ents t o net work d esti natio ns sp ecifie d by your s yste m supp ort p erson .
If you do not kno w the IP address or host name of t he scan ner, th en you can: • View the information on t he scanner control panel home screen, or in the TCP/IP section under the Networ ks/Por ts men u. • Print a netw ork setu p pag e or me nu se ttings page and locat e the infor mati on in the TCP/IP secti on.
Scanning to an FTP address using a shortcut number 1 Load an orig inal do cument face down, l ong edg e fir st into the ADF tray or f acedown on th e scann er glass. Notes: • Do not lo ad postc ards, ph otos, s mall it ems, tran spar encies, photo pa per, or thi n media (s uch as maga zine clippings) into the ADF tray.
Scan ning to a comput er or t o a fl ash dr ive ADF Scanner glass • Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page documents. • Load letter- and A4- size documents into the A DF facedown, long edge fir st. • Load legal- and A3- siz e documents into the ADF facedown , short edge first.
Notes: • Do not l oad post cards, photo s, small items, t ranspare ncies, photo paper, or th in medi a (such a s magazine clippings) into the ADF tray. Place these items on the scanner glass. • The ADF i ndicat or lig ht comes o n when p aper is loaded pr operl y.
Note: An IP addres s appears a s four set s of numbe rs separ ated by per iods, suc h as 123.123.1 23.123. File Name This op tion le ts you typ e a file n ame for th e scan ima ge. Save As Shortcut This op tion l ets you sa ve the cu rrent setti ngs as a short cut by as signi ng a sh ortcut name.
Select f rom th e followi ng cont ent so urces: • Black/Wh ite Las er —The original docum ent was printed using a mono la ser prin ter. • Color Laser —The orig inal docu ment wa s printed using a color la ser prin ter. • Inkjet —Th e o rigi nal doc ument was prin te d usi ng an inkj et pr in ter.
Understandin g the printer menus Menus list Paper Menu Reports Network/Ports Security Settings Default Source Paper Siz e/Type Configure M P Substitute Size Paper Texture Paper Weight Paper Loadi ng C.
Supplies menu Menu item Description Replace Supply Separ ator Pad Pick Rolle r Provides the option to reset the supply counter fo r the separator pad and pic k roller • Selec t Ye s to reset the supply counter.
Paper Size /Type m enu Use To Tray [x] Size A4 A5 A6 JIS ‑ B5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Stat em ent Universal 7 3/4 E nvelo pe 9 Envelo pe 10 Env elope DL Envelo pe C5 En ve lope B5 Env elope Oth er En vel op e Specify the pa per size loaded in each tray.
Use To MP Feeder Siz e A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Stat em ent Universal 7 3/4 E nvelo pe 9 Envelo pe 10 Env elope DL Envelo pe C5 En ve lope B5 Env elope Oth er En vel op e Specify the paper size loaded in the multipurpose feeder.
Use To Manual Paper Size A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Stat em ent Universal Specify the size of the paper being manually lo aded. Note: Letter is the U.S. factory default setting. A4 is the internati onal factory default setting.
Use To Default ADF Media Type Plain Pape r Card St ock Transparency Recy cled Labels Bond Envelope Rough Envelope Letterhead Prep rinted Colored Paper Light Pape r Heavy Paper Rough/Cotton Cust om [x] Specify the media type being loaded in the ADF. Notes: • Plain Paper is t he factory default setting.
Use To Transparency Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative textur e of the transparencies loa ded in a specific tray. Note : Normal is the factory default setting. Recycled Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative texture of the recyc led paper loaded in a specifi c tray.
Use To Light Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative textur e of the light paper loaded in a specific tray. Note : Normal is the factory default setting. Heavy Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative textur e of the heavy paper loaded in a spec ific tray.
Use To Bond Weight Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the bond paper loaded. Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting. Envelope Weig ht Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the envelope loaded. Notes: • Normal is the factory default setting.
Paper Loadin g menu Use To Card S tock Loa ding Duplex Off Determine and set two-sided printi ng for all pri nt jobs with Card Stock as the paper type. Recycled Loadi ng Duplex Off Determine and set two -sided printin g for all pr int jobs wi th Recycled as the paper type.
Use To Custom [x ] L oading Duplex Off Determine and set t wo-sided printi ng for all print jobs wi th Custom [x] as the paper type. Note: Custom [ x] Loading i s available only when the custom type is supported. Notes: • Off is the factory default setting f o r all Pape r Loading menu selections.
Custom Sc an Siz es menu Use To Cust om Sc an Siz e [x ] Scan Size Name Media Type ADF Me di a Typ e Plain Pap er Card St ock Transparency Recy cled Labels Vinyl Labels Bond Envelope Ro ugh En vel ope Letterhead Preprinted Colored Paper Light Paper Heavy Paper Rough/ Cotton Cust om Ty pe [x ] Widt h 1–8.
Universal Setu p menu Use To Units of Measure Inches Millimete rs Identify the units of measure. Note s: • Inches is the US factory default setting. • Millim eters is the inter national factory defaul t setting. Portrait Width 3–8.5 i nche s 76–21 6 mm Set the portra it width.
Use To Configure Bins Mailbox Link Mail Over flow Link Optional Type Assignment Specify configuratio n options for bins. Notes: • Mailbox is the factor y default sett ing. This tre ats each bin as a separate mailbox. • Link configures all avai lable bins as one large bin.
Reports menu Reports me nu Menu item Description Menu Settings Page Prints a repor t containi ng informati on abou t the paper load ed into trays , installe d memory, total page count, alar ms, time o.
Menu item Description Print Dir ectory Prints a list of al l the resour ces stored on an optional fl ash memory card o r scanner har d di sk Note s: • Job Buffer Size must be set to 100%. • Make sure the optional flash memory or scan ner hard disk is installed correctly and workin g.
Menu item Description NPA Mode Auto Off Sets the scanner to perform the specia l p rocessing required for bidirecti onal communica tion following the convention s defined by the NPA protoco l Note s: • Auto is t he fac tory de fault set ting.
Menu item Description Standard Net work Setup Repo rts Network Card TCP/IP IPv6 Wirele ss Apple Talk Displays and sets network settings Note : The Wireless menu appears only wh en the scanner is connected to a wireless network.
Use To Job Timeout 0, 10 –225 sec onds Set the amount of time it takes for a networ k print job to be can celed. Note s: • “90 seconds” is the factory defau lt setting. • A setting value of 0 disab les the timeout. • If a value between 1 and 9 is selected, then Invalid appears on the display, and the val ue is n ot saved.
Use To Enable HTTP Server Yes No Enable the built-in Web server (Embedded Web Server). When enabled, the scann er can be monitored and mana ged remotely using a We b browser. Note: Yes is the fa ctory d efault setting . WINS Server Address View or change the current WINS server address.
Use To Enable DHCPv6 On Off Enab le DH CPv 6 in t he pr inte r. Note: On i s the f actory d efault setting. * These settings can be changed only f rom the Embedded Web Server. Wirele ss menu Note: This menu is ava ilable o nly in prin ters co nnected to a wi reless networ k or print er mode ls that have a wir eless network adap ter.
AppleT alk menu To access the menu, na vigate to either of t he following: • Networ k/Po rts > Standa rd Netwo rk > Standa rd Ne twork Se tup > AppleT alk • Networ k/Po rts > Network [x] > Network [x] Se tup > AppleTa lk Use To Activate Yes No Enable or disable App leTalk support.
Menu item Descripti on NPA Mode Auto On Off Sets the scanner to perform the specia l processing required for bidire ctional communicat ion following the convention s defined by the NPA protoco l Note s: • Auto is the factory default setti ng. Auto sets the scanner to examin e data, determine the format, and then pr ocess it appropriately.
Menu item Descripti on ENA Gateway yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy Sets the gateway information for an externa l print server Note : This menu appears only if the scanner is attach ed to an extern al print server through the USB port.
Menu item Description Job Buffering Off On Auto Temporarily stores print jobs on th e scanner hard disk before prin ting Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • On buffers print jobs on the scann er hard disk. • Auto buffers print jobs onl y if the scanner is busy processing data from another inpu t port.
Menu item Description ENA gateway yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy Sets the gatewa y information fo r an external pri nt server Note: This menu appears only when the scanner i s attached to an external print server through the USB port.
Menu item Description Seria l Bu ffer Auto 3KB to [maximum size allowed] Disabled Sets the size of the serial input buffer Notes: • Auto is the factory default setting. • Disabled turns off job buffer ing. Any jobs already buf fered on the disk are printed before normal processing is resumed.
Menu item Description Baud 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 138200 172800 230400 345600 1200 2400 4800 Specifie s the rate at which data c an be received through the serial port Notes: • 9600 is the factor y defau lt sett ing. • 138200 , 1728 00, 23 040 0, and 345 600 baud r ates ar e only dis play ed in the Standard Serial menu.
Menu item Description Use SSL Disabled Negotiate Requ ired Sets the printer to use SSL for incr eased security when connectin g to the SMTP serv er Note s: • Disabled is the fact ory default setti ng. • When the Negotiate setting is used, the SMTP s erver determines if SSL will be used.
Use To Edit Building Blocks Internal Accou nts NTLM Simple Ker beros Se tup Kerb eros Se tup Active Direct ory LDAP LDAP+ GSSAP I Password PIN Edit settings for Internal Accoun ts, NTLM, Simple Kerberos Setup, Kerb eros Setup, Active Directory, LDAP, Password, and PIN.
Menu item Description Security Reset Jumper Access controls= ”No Se curity” No Effect Reset factory securi ty defaults Changes the valu e of the security settings Notes: • Access control s=”No Secur ity” retain s all the security in formation that the user has defined.
Menu item Description Repeat Job Expiration Off 1 hou r 4 hou rs 24 hours 1 week Limits the amount of ti me a “repeat” pr int job is saved be fore it is dele ted Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • If the scanner is turned off, then all “repeat” pri nt jobs held in the scanner are deleted.
Security Audit Log menu Use To Export Log Let an authorized user export the audit log. Notes: • To export the audit log from the scanner control panel, a flash dr ive must be attached to the scanner. • The audit log can be downloaded from the Embedded Web Server and saved on a computer.
Use To Custom T ime Zone Setup DST Start Week DST Star t Day DST Start Month DST Start Time DST End Week DST End Day DST End Month DST End Time DST Offs et Enable the user to set up the time zone. Enable NTP On Off Enable Network Time Pr otocol, which synchr onizes the cl ocks of devices on a network.
Settings menu General Settin gs menu Use To Display L anguage English Francai s Deuts ch Italiano Espanol Dansk Norsk Nederlands Svens ka Portugu ese Suom i Russ ia n Polski Greek Magyar Turkce Cesk y Simpli fied C hinese Traditional Chi nese Korean Japanese Set the language of the text appear ing on the display.
Use To ADF Multi ‑ feed Sensor On Off Detect when the ADF picks more th an a single sheet of paper at once. Note: On i s the fact ory d efault setting. Quiet Mode Off On Minimize the p rinter noise. Note: Off is the factory d efault setting. Run Initia l Setup Yes No Run the setup wizard.
Use To Scan to PC Port Range [port range] Specify a valid port r ange for scanners behind a po rt blockin g firewall . Note: 9751 :120 00 i s the factor y defau lt se tting. Displayed Information Left side Right sid e Cust om T ext [ x] Specify what is displayed in the upper cor ners of the home screen.
Use To Displayed Information (continued) Paper Jam Load Paper Service Error s Customize the displayed inf ormation for Paper Jam, Load P aper, and Service Err ors menus.
Use To One Page Copy Off On Set copies from the scan ner gla ss to only one page at a ti me. Note: Off is the factory d efault setting. Output Lighting Normal/Standb y Mode Off Dim Brigh t Set the amount of light f rom the standard bin. Notes: • Dim is the fa ctory defau lt setting if Ec o-Mode is set to Energy or Energy/Paper.
Use To Alarms Alarm C ontrol Cartridge A larm Staple Alarm Hole Punch Al arm Set an alarm to sound when opera tor intervention i s required. For each alarm type , select f rom t he foll owing options: Off Singl e Continuous Notes: • Single is the fact ory default sett ing for Alar m Control.
Use To Timeou ts Print Timeout Dis able d 1–255 Set the amount of time i n seconds the scanner waits to receive an end ‑ of ‑ job message bef ore canceling the rest of the print job.
Use To Print Reco very Jam Reco ver y On Off Auto Specify whether the printer reprin ts jammed pages. Notes: • Auto is the fa ctory defau lt setting. The printer reprints jammed pages unless the memory required to hold the pages is needed f or other printer tasks.
Use To Content Source Black/ Whit e Lase r Colo r Las er Inkjet Photo/Film Magazine Newspaper Press Other Specify how the original docu ment was produ ced.
Use To Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Oficio ( Mexico) Universal Auto Si ze Sen se A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Difficult Media Letter Difficult Media A5 Difficult Media Legal Difficult Media A4 Custom Scan Size [x] Book Orig inal Busi nes s Card 3 x 5 in .
Use To Header/Footer [Location] Off Date/ Time Page n umber Custo m te xt Print on All page s First p age only All but first page Cust om t ext Specify head er and foote r inform ation and its loc ation on the pag e.
Use To Color Dropout Color Dropout None Red Green Blue Default R ed Thresho ld 0–255 Defau lt Gree n Thresh old 0–255 Default B lue Thresho ld 0–255 Specify which col or to dr op during scanni ng, and how mu ch the dropou t is increased or decreased.
Fax Settings menu Fax Mode (Analog Fax Setup) menu Analog F ax Setu p mod e sends t he fa x job t hrough a telepho ne lin e. Use To Fax Name Spec ify the n am e of th e f ax i n the scan ner . Fax Number Spec ify th e n umb er ass ign ed t o the fax. Fax ID Fax Name Fax Number Specify h ow the fax is ide ntifi ed.
Use To Fax Co ver Pag e Fax Cover Page Off by default On by default Never use Alwa ys u se Include to Field On Off Include from Field On Off From Include Message Field On Off Message Include Logo On Off Include Footer [x] On Off Footer [x] Configure the fax cover pag e.
Use To Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Oficio ( Mexico) Universal Auto Si ze Sen se Mixed Sizes A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Custom Scan Size [x] Book Orig inal Busi nes s Card 3 x 5 in . 4 x 6 in . Specify the p aper size of t he original document.
Use To Dialing Pr efix Rules Prefix Rul e [ x] Establish a d ialing prefix r ule. Automatic R edial 0–9 Specify the number of times the scanner tries to send the fax to a specified number. Note: 5 is the factory default setting . Redial frequency 1–200 Specify the number of minutes between redials.
Use To Mirror I mage Off On Create a mirror image of the original document. Note: Off is the facto ry defaul t setting . Negative Image Off On Create a negative image o f the original document. Note: Off is the facto ry defaul t setting . Shadow Deta il ‑ 4 to 4 Adjust the amount of shadow detail visible.
Use To Manual Answer Code 0–9 Enter a code on the telephone number pad to begin rece iving a fax. Note s: • 9 is the factory default sett ing. • This m enu it em is us ed wh en th e sc anner shares a li ne with a telephone.
Use To Forwa rd to Fax E ‑ mail FTP LDSS eSF Specify the type of recipient to which faxes will be forwarded. Note s: • Fax is the factor y default settin g. • This menu is available only from the sca nner Embedded Web Server. Forward to Shortcut Enter the shortcut number which mat ches the recipient type (Fax, E-ma il, FTP, LDSS, or eS F).
Use To Logs Di splay Remote Station Name Dialed Nu mber Specify whether printed log s display the dialed number or t he station name or fax name ret urn ed. Note : Remote Station Name is the factory default setting. Enable Job Log On Off Enable acc ess to the Fax Job log.
E ‑ mail Sett ings menu Use To E ‑ mail Serve r Setup Subj ect Message File Name Spec ify e ‑ mail se rver in formation . Notes: • The subject field has a limitation of 255 char acters. • The message field has a l imitation of 512 characters.
Use To Content Type Graphics Text Text/Photo Photo Specify the content o f the original document. Note: Text/Photo i s the factory defa ult setting. Content Source Black/ Whit e Lase r Colo r Las er Inkjet Photo/Film Magazine Newspaper Press Other Specify how the original docu ment was produ ced.
Use To Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Oficio ( Mexico) Universal Auto Si ze Sen se Mixed Sizes A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Difficult Media Letter Difficult Media A5 Difficult Media Legal Difficult Media A4 Custom Scan Size [x] Book Orig inal Busi nes s Card 3 x 5 in .
Use To Photo Default 5–90 Set the quality of a photo image in relation to fil e size and the q uality of the image . Note: 50 is the factory default setting. E ‑ mail imag es se nt as Atta chmen t Web Link Specify how the images are sent. Note: Att achment is th e factor y default s etting.
Use To Color Balance Cya n - Re d Magenta - Green Yellow - Blue Enable an equal bala nce of col ors in the outp ut. Color Dropout Color Dropout None Red Green Blue Default R ed Thresho ld 0–255 Defa.
Use To Use cc :/ bcc: Off On Enable the use of the “cc:” and “bcc:” fields. Note: Off is the factor y default setting . FTP Settings menu Use To Forma t PDF (.pdf) Secure PDF ( .pdf) TIFF (.tif) JPEG (.j pg) XPS ( .xps ) Specify the format o f the file for FTP sending.
Use To Orientation Portrai t Landscape Specify the page orientati on of the scanned image. Note: Portrai t is the factory default setting. Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Ofic.
Use To Text/Photo Default 5–90 Set t he qualit y of a text/pho to imag e in rela tion to th e file size and quality of the image. Note: 75 is the factory default setting . Photo Default 5–90 Set the qualit y of a photo ima ge in relation to the file size an d quality of the im age.
Use To Background Remova l ‑ 4 to 4 Adjust the amount of backgr ound visible on a copy. Note: 0 is the fa ctory defa ult set ting. Color Balance Cya n - Re d Magenta - Green Yellow - Blue Enable an equal bal ance of colors in the output.
Use To Temperature ‑ 4 to 4 Enable the user to specify “warm ” or “cool” outputs. "Cool ” values generate a b luer output than the default while “warm” valu es generate a redder output than the default. Flash Drive me nu Scan Settings Use To Forma t PDF (.
Use To Orientation Portrai t Landscape Specify the page or ientat ion of the scanned image. Note: Portrait is the factory de fault sett ing. Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Of.
Use To Photo Default 5–90 Set the quality of a photo imag e in relation to file size and qua lity. Note: 50 is the factory default setting. Use Multi ‑ Page TIFF On Off Provide a choice between single-pag e TIFF files and multiple ‑ page TIFF f iles.
Use To Sharpness 1–5 Adjust the amount of sharpness on a scan ned image. Note: 3 is th e fa ctory d efaul t sett ing. Temperature ‑ 4 to 4 Enable the user to specify “warm” or “coo”l outputs. “Co ol” values generate a bl uer output than the default while “warm” valu es generate a redder output than the default.
Paper Save r Off 2 ‑ Up 3 ‑ Up 4 ‑ Up 6 ‑ Up 9 ‑ Up 12 ‑ Up 16 ‑ Up Print multipl e pages on a single sheet of paper. Notes: • Off is the factory default setting. • The number selected is the number of page images that will print per side.
Print Settings Setup menu Use To Printer Language PCL Emulatio n PS Emulation Set th e d efau lt prin ter la ng uag e. Notes: • PS Emulation is the facto ry default printer lan guage. • Setting a prin ter language as the default does not prevent a software program from sending print jobs that use another printer languag e.
Use To Resource S ave On Off Specify how the printer handl es temporary downloads, such as fonts and macros stored in the RAM, when the printer rece ives a job that requi res more memory than is availabl e. Notes: • Off is the factory default setting.
Use To Coll ate 1,1, 1 ‑ 2,2,2 1,2, 3 ‑ 1,2,3 Stack the pages of a print job in seque nce when printing multiple copies. Notes: • “1,2,3 ‑ 1,2 ,3” is the f actor y defa ult sett ing.
Use To Staple Jo b Off On Specify wh ether p rinted ou tput is stapled. Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • This menu item appears only when a s upported staple fi nisher is installed. Run Stapler Test Print a repor t that confirms that the staple fin isher is func tioning properly.
Menu item Description Pixel Boost Off Fonts Horizontally Vertic ally Both directions Isolated Adjusts pixels to print a sharper image. Note: Off is the factor y default setting . Toner Darkness 1–10 Lightens or darkens the print Notes: • 8 is t he factor y defaul t setting.
Use To Job Accounting Log Off On Set the scanner to create a log of the print jobs it recei ves. Note: Off i s th e factory def ault setti ng. Job Accounting Utilities Print and delete log fi les or export them to a flash drive. Accounting Log Frequency Weekly Monthly Determine h ow often a log fi le is create d.
Use To Log Fi le Pref ix Specify the prefix you want for the log file name. Note: The current host name defined in the TCP/IP menu is used as the default log file pre fix.
XPS menu Use To Print Error Pages Off On Print a page containing informati on on erro rs, includi ng XML markup e rrors. Note : Of f is the fa ctory def ault se tting. PDF menu Use To Scale t o Fit Yes No Scale page content to fit the sel ected paper size.
PCL E mul me nu Use To Font Source Resid en t Disk Downlo ad Flash All Specify the set of fonts used by the Font Name menu. Note s: • “Resident” is the factor y default se tting. This shows the factory d efault set of fonts downloaded in the RAM.
Use To PCL Emulation Settings Lines per Pa ge 1–255 Specify the number of lines that pri nt on each page. Note s: • 60 is the U.S. factory default setting. 64 is the inter national factory default setting. • The scanner sets the amount of space between each li ne based on the Lines per Page, Paper Size, and Orient ation s ettings.
Use To Tray Renumber View Fact ory Defau lts MPF D efa ult = 8 T1 Default = 1 T1 Default = 4 T1 Default = 5 T1 Default = 20 T1 Default = 21 Env Default = 6 MPap er D efau lt = 2 MEnv Defa ult = 3 Display the factory d efault setting a ssigned to each tray or feeder.
Use To Font S ize 1–25 5 pt Set the default font size for HTML documents. Note s: • 12 pt is the factory default setting. • Font size can be increased in 1 ‑ point inc rements. Scale 1–40 0% Scale the default font for HTML documents. Note s: • 100% i s the f actory d efa ult sett ing.
Use To Orientation Portrai t Landscape Reverse Por trait Reverse Landscape Set the image orientatio n. Note: Portr ait is the fa ctor y defau lt set ti ng. Help menu The Help menu consists of a series of Help pages that are stored in the scanner as PDF files.
Saving money and the environment Lexmark is co mmitted to environ mental s ustainabi lity and is cont inually im proving its pri nters to r educe their impact on the environment. We design with the environment in mind, engineer ou r packaging to redu ce materials, and provide coll ecti on and recy cling pr ogra ms.
Check your first d raft for a ccuracy Before prin ting or maki ng multip le copi es of a do cument: • Use th e prev iew f eatu re t o see ho w th e docu ment look s like bef ore yo u pri nt it . • Print o ne copy o f the do cument to che ck its co ntent and forma t for accuracy.
Use To On Reduce printer noise. Note s: • Print jobs are processed at a reduced speed . • Printer engine motors do not start until a docu ment is ready to print. There will be a short delay before the first page is pri nted. Off Use fac tory defau lt se tti ngs.
Adjusting the brightnes s of the di splay To save ener gy, or i f you have t rouble reading your disp lay, then adjust t he bright ness of the di splay.
Recycling Lexmark packaging Lexmark cont inually s trives to m inimize pac kaging. Less pac kaging helps to ensure th at Lexmark p rinters a re transpo rted in the most efficient and environmentally sensitiv e manner and that there is less packaging to dispose of.
Securin g the printer Statement of Volatility Your sca nner con tains various types o f memor y that ar e capabl e of sto ring dev ice and networ k set tings, in formati on from embedded solutions, and user data.
Erasing non ‑ volat il e memo ry • Indi vidua l setti ngs, dev ice and ne twork settin gs, secur ity se ttings, and em bedded so luti ons —Erase informa tion and sett ings by selecting Wipe All Setting s in the Config uration menu . • Fax da ta —Erase fax set tings and data by sel ecting W ipe All Setting s in th e Conf igurati on me nu.
Configurin g scanner ha rd disk encryption Enable hard disk encryption to prevent loss of sensitive dat a in the event the scanner or its h ard disk is stol en. Using the Embedded Web Server 1 Open a Web browser, and then typ e the scanner IP address in the addres s field.
Finding printer secu rity in forma tion In high-sec urity enviro nments , it may be necessa ry to take a dditio nal ste ps to ma ke sure t hat conf identi al data s tored in the pri nter ca nnot be a ccess ed by un authori zed pers ons. For more informa tio n, visit the Lexm ark secu rity W eb pag e .
Maintaining the scanner and the printer Peri odical ly, certain tasks are re quired to maint ain o ptimum p rint qu ality. Cleaning the printer Note: You m ay nee d to perfor m th is tas k aft er e very few m onth s. Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: D amage t o the p rinter caused by impr oper han dling is not covere d by the printe r warranty.
Cleaning the s canner glass Clean th e scanner gl ass if you encounte r pri nt qualit y problem s, such a s streaks on copie d or s canned images. 1 Slight ly damp en a so ft, lint -free c loth or paper to wel with water.
3 Wipe the upper and lowe r ADF g lass u ntil the y are c lean and dry. 4 Clos e th e ADF cov er. Cleaning the A DF parts Clean the ADF parts periodically to ensure the ADF feed s paper pro perly. Resid ue on t he ADF pa rts may ca use sc an quality is sues a nd false paper ja m mess ages.
3 Open t he A DF c over. 4 Using the clea ning c loth, wipe the roller s in t he uppe r port ion of the ADF until all res idue is remo ved. 1 Two rollers that do not rotate f reely 2 Six ro llers that.
a To cle an the roll ers th at do not r otate freel y, pu sh ea ch roll er i nward, rota te it, the n wipe it with the clean ing cloth. b To clean the rollers that rotate freely, wipe the rollers until all residue is removed.
5 Using the clea ning c loth, wipe the rol lers i n the lowe r portio n of the ADF unt il all residue is rem oved. 1 Six rollers that do not rotate f reely 2 Six ro llers that rotate f reely a To cl ean th e rolle rs th at do not r otate fr eely, manual ly rota te t he las t rolle r tow ard th e ADF en tran ce.
b To clean the rollers that rotate freely, wipe the rollers until all residue is removed. 6 Wai t for 3 minu tes to let the roll ers dry. Cleaning the to uch screen Clean th e scanne r to uch sc reen r egular ly to re move fi ngerpr ints an d smu dges.
Emptying the hole punch box 1 Pull out the hole punc h box. 2 Empt y t he con tai ner . 3 Insert the emp tied hole pu nch bo x back i nto the fi nisher un til it clicks into p lac e. Storing supplies Choose a cool , cle an stor age are a for the printe r supp lies.
Checki ng the status of parts and sup plies from the Embedde d Web Serv er Note: Make sure the computer and the scanner are connected to the same network. 1 Open a Web browser, and then typ e the scanner IP address in the addres s field. Notes: • View the scanner IP address on th e scanner home screen.
Part name Part number ADF f eed roll er cle aning clot h 16J 0900 Ordering a separator pad When Replace separator pad appears on the dis play, o rder a separ ator pa d.
Item Return Program cartridge For Africa, Middle East, Central Eastern Europe, and Comm onwealth of Independent States Toner Cartridg e 525 High Yiel d Toner Cartridg e 525H Extra High Yield Toner Cart ridge 525X* * This toner cartridge is supported only i n the MS711, MS811n, MS811dn, and MS812dn printer models.
Lexmark Return Program fuser maintenance kits and part numbers for MS71x Fuser mai ntenance ki t type Part number Type 11, 11 0–120 V 40X853 0 Type 13, 22 0–240 V 40X853 1 Type 15, 10 0V 40X8532 L.
Replacing supplies Replacing the separator pad 1 Turn the prin ter o ff, and th en ope n the ADF c over . 2 Remove the sep arator pa d. 3 Unpack the ne w separat or pad, a nd the n inst all it i n the s canner.
4 Clos e th e ADF cov er. 5 Disp ose of the old sepa rato r pa d. Replacing the toner cartridge 1 Lift the front cover, and th en pull down the multipurpose feeder door .
2 Pull the cartridge out of t he printer using the handle. 3 Unpack the n ew tone r cartridge, then r emove th e packin g materi al, an d the n shak e th e cartri dge to red istr ibute the toner .
5 Close the multipurpose feeder door and the front cover. Replacing the i maging un it 1 Lift the front cover, and th en pull down the multipurpose feeder door .
2 Pull the cartridge out of t he printer using the handle. 3 Pull the im aging uni t out of the print er us ing th e handle. 4 Unpack the new imag ing un it, and th en remove all packing materia ls. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Do not ex pose the ima ging u nit to di rect light for mor e than 10 minut es.
5 Shake th e new imag ing unit . 6 Inser t th e imagi ng unit into th e pri nter b y ali gning the arro ws on t he si de rail s of the i ma ging unit with th e arro ws on the si de rail s insid e the pr inte r.
8 Close the multipurpose feeder door and the front cover. Replacing a staple cartridge 1 Open the stap ler door. 2 Pull down the latch of the staple cartridge holder, and th en pull the holder out of the finish er.
3 Squeeze both s ides of th e empty staple cas e with your finger s, and then remov e the staple case from the cartridg e. 1 1 2 4 Insert the fro nt side of the n ew staple case into the s taple cartridge, and t hen push the rear side into the cartridge.
Moving the scanner to another location Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: Damage to the scann er cau sed by impr ope r movin g is not c over ed by th e sca nner warranty.
Moving the printer Before moving the pri nter CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Befo re moving the print er, fol low these g uidelines t o avoid per sonal injur y or printer damage : • Turn off the printer , and then unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet.
• Use the handholds l ocated on bo th sid es of the pr inter to li ft it . • Make s ure your fingers a re not under the pr inter when you set it down. • Make sure there is adeq uate clearance around the pr inter. • Use only the po wer cor d pr ovide d with this p roduc t or t he man ufact urer 's a uthoriz ed re plac ement .
Managing the scanner and the printer Finding adva nced networking and ad ministrator in formation This chapt er co vers ba sic adm inis trative suppor t ta sks using the Em bedded W eb Serv er.
If you do not kno w the IP address or host name of t he scan ner, th en you can: • View the information on t he scanner control panel home screen, or in the TCP/IP section under the Networ ks/Por ts men u. • Print a netw ork setu p pag e or me nu se ttings page and locat e the infor mati on in the TCP/IP secti on.
Restoring factory d efault se ttings If you want to ret ain a lis t of the cur rent menu se ttings for re ferenc e, th en print a m enu s etting s page bef ore restori ng the factory default set tings. Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: Restoring fac tory defau lts return s most pri nter sett ings to the origin al facto ry default setting s.
Clearin g jams Careful ly select paper and spec ialty media and lo ad them pr operly to avoid most jam s. If jam s occur, then fo llow th e steps outl ined in t his c hapte r. Note: Jam Reco very is set to Au to by d efault. The prin ter re prints jammed pag es unle ss the mem ory requi red to hold the pages is needed for other printer tasks.
• Do not slide the p aper in to th e tray. Loa d paper as shown in the illu stra tion. • Make sure the guides in t he tray or the multipurpose feeder are prop erly positioned and are not pressing tight ly agains t the p aper o r env elope s. • Push th e tray firm ly into the prin ter aft er loadin g paper.
• If pape r ne eds to be retur ned t o the m ailbo x bin, t hen inse rt th e pap er under the b in arm, and t hen push the pa per all the wa y back. 1 2 Note: If the pa per is no t under t he bin ar m, th en a jam occ urs due to an o verfille d bin.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 1 10 Jam location Printer messa ge What to do 1 Staple f inisher [x] ‑ page jam, remove paper, open stapler door. Leave pape r in bin. [4 55–45 7] Remove paper from the stapler bin, open the stapler door, then remove the staple cartridge, and then r emove the jammed staples.
Jam location Printer messa ge What to do 3 Inside the pr inter [x] ‑ page jam, li ft front cover to remove cartri dge. [2 00– 201] Open the front cover and the multipurpose feeder, then remove the toner c artridge and the imagi ng unit, and then remove the jammed paper.
[x] ‑ page jam, lif t fron t cover to rem ove cartrid ge. [20 0–201] CAUTION —HOT SURFA CE: The inside of the pr inter m ight be hot. To r educe t he ris k of injur y from a h ot component, allow the s urface to cool before touching. 1 Lift the front cover, and th en pull down the multipurpose feeder door .
5 Place th e imaging unit aside on a fla t, smooth surface. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Do not ex pose the ima ging u nit to di rect light for mor e than 10 minut es. Extended exposur e to li ght may ca use pri nt qua lity proble ms. 6 Pul l the j ammed pape r gen tly to the rig ht, and the n rem ove it from the printe r.
9 Close the multipurpose feeder door and the front cover. 10 From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Done to clear the message an d continue printing. [x] ‑ page jam, open upper rear door. [202] CAUTION —HOT SURFA CE: The inside of the pr inter m ight be hot.
3 Clos e th e re ar d oor . 4 From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Done to clear the message an d continue printing. [x] ‑ page jam, open upper and lo wer rear door. [231–234] CAUTION —HOT SURFA CE: The inside of the pr inter m ight be hot. To r educe t he ris k of injur y from a h ot component, allow the s urface to cool before touching.
3 Clos e th e re ar d oor . 4 Push th e back of th e standa rd tray. 5 Press do wn the r ear duplex flap , then fir mly grasp t he jamm ed paper , and t hen gent ly pull ou t the p aper.
1 2 6 Inser t t he stand ard tray. 7 From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Done to clear the message an d continue printing. [x] ‑ page jam, re move sta ndard bin jam. [ 203] 1 Firmly gr asp the jamm ed paper on each si de, a nd then gently pull it out .
1 2 3 2 Push down the front dupl ex flap, then firmly grasp the jammed paper, and then gently pull the pape r to the right and out of the pri nter. Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are re moved. 2 1 3 Ins ert the tra y. 4 From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Done to clear the message an d continue printing.
[x] ‑ page jam, open tray [x]. [24x] 1 Check which tray i s indicat ed on the printer display, and th en pull the t ray. 2 Firmly gr asp the jamm ed paper on each si de, a nd then gently pull it out . Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are re moved.
[x] ‑ page jam, clear ma nual feeder. [250] 1 From th e mu ltipurpo se fe eder, fir mly gras p the ja mmed p aper o n each side , and the n gent ly pull it out. Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are re moved. 2 Flex the sheets ba ck and forth to loosen the m, and then fan them.
4 Sli de the pape r gui de unti l it r ests l igh tly ag ainst the edge o f th e pape r. 5 From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Done to clear the message an d continue printing. [x] ‑ page jam, remove pa per, open mailbo x rear door. L eave paper in bin.
3 Clos e the mailb ox rear d oor. 4 If the jam is in the mailbox bin, then firmly grasp the jammed paper, and then gently pull it out. Notes: • Make sur e all pap er f ragment s are r emoved. • When us ing A4 ‑ , foli o ‑ , or legal ‑ size pape r, make s ure to adjus t the bin ex tender so that th e paper en ters the bin properly.
5 From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Done to clear the message an d continue printing. [x] ‑ page jam, remove paper, ope n finisher rear d oor. Leave paper in bin. [451] 1 Open the s taple finisher rear d oor. 2 Firmly gr asp the jamm ed paper on each si de, a nd then gently pull it out .
3 Clos e th e stapl e fi nish er re ar d oor. 4 From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Done to clear the message an d continue printing. [x] ‑ page jam, remove paper, ope n stapler door. Lea ve paper in bin. [455 –457] 1 From th e stapl er bin, fir mly gras p the ja mmed pa per on e ach si de, and the n gently pu ll it o ut.
2 Open the stap ler door. 3 Pull do wn the latch o f the st aple cartri dge holder, a nd then pull ou t the holde r from the pr inter. 4 Use the meta l tab to lift th e stapl e guard, and th en remove a ny loose sta ples.
5 Press do wn the staple g uard until it cl ick s into p lac e. 6 Press the st aple s agai nst the meta l brac ket. Note: If the staples are at the rear of the cartridge, then shake the cartridge downward to bring the st aples near the meta l bracke t.
7 Push the cartridg e holder firmly back into the st apler unit until the cartridge holder clic ks into place. 8 Clos e th e stapl er door . 9 From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Done to clear the message an d continue printing.
[x] ‑ page jam, remove paper, ope n expander rear d oor. Leave paper in bin. [43y.xx] 1 Open the o utput expa nder rear d oor. 2 Firmly gr asp the jamm ed paper on each si de, a nd then gently pull it out . Note: M ake sure all paper fragmen ts are re moved.
[x] ‑ page jam, open automatic feeder top cover [28y.xx] 1 Remove all orig inal do cume nts from the ADF tr ay. Note: The message is cleared when the pages are removed fro m the ADF tray. 2 Open t he A DF c over. 3 Firmly gr asp the jamm ed paper on each si de, a nd then gently pull it out .
Troubleshooting For info rmatio n on con necting the sca nner an d the p rinter, see “Co nnectin g the sc anne r and t he print er” on pa ge 29 . The indicator light is blin king The indi cator l ight b links re d until yo u set up fax and e ‑ mail.
Cartridge nearly low [88.xy] If nece ssary, to uch Continue on the scan ner cont rol panel t o clear the me ssage an d cont inue pr inti ng. Cartridge very low, [x] estimated pages remain [88.xy] You ma y need to r eplace the ton er cart ridge very soon.
Che ck t ray [x ] con nec tio n Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Turn off th e printer , and then turn it back on . If the er ror o ccurs a sec ond time , then: 1 Turn off the pr inter and the scanne r. 2 Unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet.
Close top access cover Close the printer to p access cover to clear the message. Compl ex page, some d ata may not have printed [39] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Continue to ignor e the me ssage an d cont inue p rinting .
Disk must be form atted for use in this device From the scanne r cont rol panel, t ouch F ormat disk to format t he sca nner ha rd di sk and to clea r the m essag e. Note: Formatt ing d eletes all th e files stored o n the s canner hard di sk. Disk n ear fu ll.
Fax Stat ion N ame not s et up. Co ntact system ad minis trator. Try either of the following: • From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Continue to clear the m essage. • Comple te the Anal og Fax s etup . If the mess age appe ars aga in after complet ing the setup, then co ntact your syst em suppor t per son.
Incorrect paper size, op en [paper source ] [34] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load th e corr ect s ize and typ e of p aper in the tray, a nd then spe cify the pa per si ze and paper type in t he Paper menu on the scanner con trol pa nel.
Install Tray [x] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Install the specif ied t ray: 1 Turn off the pr inter and the scanne r. 2 Unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet. 3 Install the specif ied tray. 4 Connect t he power cord to a properly grounded el ectrical o utlet.
Load [paper so urce] with [paper typ e] [paper size] [paper ori entation] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load the indicated tray or feeder with the correct size and t ype of paper. • To use the tray or feeder with the corr ect size and type of paper , touch Finish ed l oadin g pape r on the scan ner cont rol pa nel.
Load Manual Feeder wi th [custom string] [p aper orientation] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load the feeder with the correct size and typ e of paper. • From the scan ner cont rol p anel, tou ch Prompt each page, pa per loa ded or D o not prom pt, pa per lo aded to clear the m essage and co ntinue printin g.
Mainte nance kit lo w [80.xy ] You may n eed to ord er a maint enance k it. For mo re inform ation , visit the L exmark Web site at http: //sup port. lexmark .com or co ntact custom er su pport , and the n rep ort th e mes sage. If nece ssary, t ouch Cont inu e to clea r th e messag e and co ntinu e prin ting.
Non ‑ Lexmark [supply ty pe], see Use r’s Guid e [33.xy] Note: The sup ply type c an be a t oner ca rtridg e or th e imagi ng uni t. The pr int er has d etec ted a non ‑ Lexmark supply or part insta lled in the p rinter. Your Lex mark printer is design ed to funct ion be st w ith ge nuine Lexmar k supplie s and part s.
Printer had to restart. Last jo b may be incomplete. From the scanne r cont rol panel, t ouch Continue to clear the me ssage and conti nue pr inting. For more in formation , visit http:/ /suppo rt.
5 Connect the power cord of t he printer to a properly gro unded electrical outlet. 6 Turn on the print er and th e scanner. From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Continue to clear the me ssage and p rint without using the ind ica ted bin s. Reinstall missing or unresp onsive cartrid ge [31.
Remove pape r from bin [x] Remove the pap er from t he speci fied bi n. The prin ter a utomat ically s enses pa per rem oval a nd resum es prin ting. If removing the paper does not clear the message, then to uch Contin ue . Remove paper from [li nked se t bin name] Remov e paper from the spec ified bin.
Region number Region 5 Africa, Middle East, rest of Europe 9I n v a l i d Notes: • The x and y values are the .xy of the erro r code s how n on the s can ner con trol pa nel . • The x and y values m ust matc h for print ing to c ontinue. Replac e imaging unit, 0 es tima ted pages remain [8 4.
Replace mi ssing fuse r [31.xy] 1 Install the missing fuser . For more information , see the instruction sheet th at came with the replacemen t part. 2 From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Continue to clear the m essage. Replace roller ki t [81.xy] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Replace the roller kit.
Restore he ld jobs? Try on e or more of the follo wing: • From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Restore to resto re all h eld jobs s tored in the sca nner ha rd di sk. • From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Do not re store if you do not wan t to restor e any of t he prin t jobs.
Scanner locked, releas e lock under scan ner 1 Unlock the scan bar. 2 Touch Continue to clear the mess age and conti nue sca nning. Scanner mainte nance re quired soon , use ADF Kit [8 0] Contact custom er sup port, a nd then report the mes sage. The prin ter is schedu led for mainte nance.
Note: Held jobs that a re not re stored remain in the s canner hard disk a nd are i naccess ible. Standard network software error [54] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • From the sc anner contro l panel, touch Continue to continue printin g. • Unplug the rou ter, then wait for 30 second s, and then pl ug it back again.
Too many flash opti ons in stalled [58] 1 Turn off th e printer . 2 Unplug the power cord fro m the electrical outlet. 3 Remove the extra flash memo ry. 4 Connect the power cord to a properly gro unded electrical outlet. 5 Turn the pr inter back o n. Too many trays attached [58] 1 Turn off th e printer .
4 Connect the power cord to a properly gro unded electrical outlet. 5 Turn on the scann er. USB po rt [x] di sabled [5 6] From the scanne r cont rol panel, t ouch Continue to clear the message. Notes: • The sc anne r disc ards any dat a recei ved th roug h the US B port.
Action Yes No Step 4 Check other electrical equipment plugged into the electrical outlet. Do the other electri cal equipment work? Unplug the other electrical equipment, and then turn on the printer. If the prin ter does not work, then reconnect the other electrical equipment.
Action Yes No Step 11 Check the installed printer dri ver. Is the correct printer driver ins talled? Go to step 12. Install the co rrect printer driver. Step 12 Turn off the pr inter, then wai t for abou t 10 seconds, and then turn it back on. Is the printer working? The pr oble m is so lve d.
Action Yes No Step 3 Print a menu setting s page, and then check to see if the internal option is listed in the I nstalled Features list. Is the USB or pa rallel interf ace card list ed in the Install ed Features list? Go to step 4. Re install the internal option.
Action Yes No Step 2 Check the cable and the ISP connect ion. a Use the correct cabl e, and then make sure it is securely connec ted to the ISP. b Check if the ISP solution interfac e cable is securely connected into the receptacle of the controll er board.
Action Yes No Step 4 Check if the tray is available in the printer driver. Note: If necessary, manual ly add the tray in the printer driver to ma ke it available for pr int jobs. For more information, see “A dding available options in the print dri ver” on page 56 .
Paper frequently jams Action Yes No Step 1 a Pull out the tray, and then do on e or more of the following: • Make sure pape r lies flat in the tray. • Check if the paper size indicators on the paper guides are aligned with the paper size i ndicators on the t ray.
Solving print problems Printing problems Confidential and other held jobs do not print Note: Confiden tial, V erify, Reser ve, and Repeat pr int jobs may be delete d if th e prin ter re quires extra m emory t o process ad ditio nal held jobs.
Envelope seals when printing Action Yes No a Use envelopes that have been stored in a dry environment. Note: Printi ng on envelopes with high moisture content can seal the flaps. b Resend the print job. Does the envelope sea l when printing? Contact customer support .
Incor rect chara cters print Action Yes No Step 1 Make sure the printer is not in Hex Trace mod e. Note: If Read y Hex appears on th e scanner display, then turn of f the printer, and then turn it bac k on to deactivate Hex Trace mo de. Is the printer in Hex Trace mode? Deactivate Hex Trace mode.
Large jobs do not collate Action Yes No Step 1 a From the Finishing menu on the scan ner control panel, set Collate to (1,2,3) (1,2,3). b Resend the print job. Did the job print and col late correctly? The p rob lem is s olve d. Go to s tep 2. Step 2 a From the printer software, set Coll ate to (1,2,3) (1,2,3).
Action Yes No Step 1 a Mak e sur e the siz e of the pape r lo ad ed in th e tr ay ma tch es th e fu ser type. Note: Use a 110-volt fuser for prin ting on letter-size paper and a 220-volt fuse r for pr inting on A 4 ‑ si ze p a per . b Resend the print job.
Action Yes No Step 4 a Check if the ports (USB, ser ial, or Ethernet) are working and i f the cables are securel y connected to the computer a nd to the scanner. Note: For more inform ation, see the setup documentation tha t came with the scanner. b Resend the print job.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Remove held jobs stored in the scanner memory. b Resend the print job. Did the print job take longer th an expected? Go t o st ep 4.
Action Yes No Step 2 a From the scanner control pan el, set the paper size and paper type in the Paper menu to match the paper load ed in the trays to be linked. Note: The paper size and type must match for tra ys to be linked. b Resend the print job.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Print a font sample list to check if the fonts you are using are supported by the printer. 1 From the scanner control pan el, navigate to: > Reports > Prin t Fo nt s 2 Touch PCL Fonts or PostScript Fonts . b Use a font that is supported by the pr inter or install the font that yo u want to use.
Action Yes No Step 2 From the scanner contr ol panel, set th e paper size and paper type i n the Paper menu to match the paper loaded in the tray. Do the paper size and type match th e paper loaded in the tray? Go to step 3. Do one or more of t he following : • Specify the paper size from the tray settings to match the paper loaded in the tray.
Action Yes No Step 2 a Replace the fuser. For more inform ation on installin g the fuser, s ee the instruction sheet that came with t he part. b Resend the print job. Do compressed images still appear? The pr oble m is so lve d. Contact custome r support .
Horizontal voids appear on prints Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 a Make sure your sof tware progra m is using a corre ct fill pattern. b Resend the print job. Do horizontal voids app ear on prints? Go t o st ep 2. Th e pr oblem is solv ed.
Incorrect margins on prints ABCD ABCD ABCD Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and lengt h guides in the tray to the correc t positions for the paper size loaded. b Resend the print job. Are the margins co rrect? The p rob lem is s olve d. Go to s tep 2.
Paper curl Action Yes No Step 1 Move the width and length guides in the tray to the correct position s for the size of the paper loaded. Are the width and length guides positi oned correctly? Go to step 2.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Check if there is packing materia l left on the imaging unit. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. 2 Check if the packi ng materi al is properly remo ved from the imagin g unit. Warn ing— Pot en tia l Dam age: Do not expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Rein sta ll the imag ing un it. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. Warn ing— Pot en tia l Dam age: Do not expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes. Extended exposu re to light may cause print quali ty problems.
Action Yes No Step 4 Check if the paper loaded in the tra y has texture or rough finishes. Are you printing on textur ed or rough paper? From th e scanner control panel, set the paper texture in the Paper menu to match the paper loaded in the tray. Go to step 5.
Action Yes No Step 2 a From the scanner control panel, se t th e paper type, textur e and weight in the Paper menu to match the paper l oaded in the tray. b Resend the print job. Is the tray set to the type, texture, and weight of the paper load ed? Go to step 3.
Print is too light Action Yes No Step 1 a From the Qualit y menu on the scanner control panel, in crease the toner darkness. Note: 8 is th e factory default setting. b Resend the print job. Is the print still too li ght? Go t o st ep 2. Th e pr oblem is solv ed.
Action Yes No Step 6 a Redistribute the toner in the imaging unit. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. 2 Firmly shake the imaging uni t. Warn ing— Pot en tia l Dam age: Do not expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Shadow images appear on prints ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 Load paper with the corr ect paper type and weight in the tray. Is paper with the correct pap er type and weight loaded in the tray? Go to step 2. Loa d paper with the correct paper type and weight in the tray.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and lengt h guides in the tray to the correc t positions for the size of the paper loaded. b Resend the print job. Is the print still skewed? Go t o st ep 2. Th e pr oblem is solv ed. Step 2 a Check if you are print ing on a paper that is supported by the tray.
Action Yes No Step 4 a Rein sta ll the imag ing un it. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. Warn ing— Pot en tia l Dam age: Do not expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes. Extended exposu re to light may cause print quali ty problems.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Load paper from a fresh pac kage. Note: Paper absorbs moisture due to high humidi ty. Store paper in its original wrap per until you use it. b Resend the print job. Do streaked vertical li nes appear on pr ints? Go t o st ep 4. Th e pr oblem is solv ed.
Action Yes No Step 2 Replace the imaging unit , and then resend the print job. Did the toner fog or bac kground shading disappear from the prints? The pr oble m is so lve d.
Transparency print quality is poor Action Yes No Step 1 From the scanner contr ol panel, set the paper type in the P aper menu to match the paper loaded in the tray. Is the paper type for the tray set to Transparency? Go t o st ep 2. Set the pa per t ype to Transparen cy.
Action Yes No Step 2 a From the scanner control pan el, set the paper type and weight in the Pa per m enu to ma tc h the pa per loa ded in th e tr ay . b Resend the print job. Do vertical void s appear on prints? Go t o st ep 3. The pr oblem is solv ed.
Solving copy problems Copier do es not respon d Action Yes No Step 1 Check if an error or status message appears on the scanner display. Does an error or status message appear? Clear the erro r or status message. Go to step 2. Step 2 Check if the power cord is plugg ed into the scanner and to a properly grounded electrical outlet.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Specify the paper size. Depending on your operati ng system, speci fy the paper size in Pr inting Prefer ences or the Print dia log. b Resend the copy job. Do copies print properly? The pr oble m is so lve d. Contact custome r support .
Action Yes No Step 7 Check the copy settin gs. From the Copy screen, check if the Content Type and Content Source settings are correct for the doc ument being scanned. Are the Content Type and Content Source settin gs correct for the document being scanned? Go to step 8.
Scanner un it does not clo se Action Yes No Check if there are no obstructi ons between the scanner unit and the printer. a Lift the scanner unit. b Remove any obstruction tha t keeps the scanner unit open. c Lower the scanner unit. Did the scanner unit cl ose properly? The pr oble m is so lve d.
Cann ot se nd or receive a fa x Action Yes No Step 1 Check if an error or status message appears on the display. Is there an error or sta tus message on the display? Clear the erro r or status message. Go to step 2. Step 2 Check if the power cord is plugg ed into the printer and a properly grounded electrical outlet.
Action Yes No Step 6 Check if the print er is connected to a n analog phone servic e or the correct digital connec tor. The fax modem is an analog device . Certain devices can be connected to the printer so that digi tal telephone services can be used.
Action Yes No Step 10 a Temporarily disable voice mai l service. For mo re informatio n, contact your telephone company. Note: If you want to u se both voice mail and the printer, then consider addi ng a second te lephone lin e for the printer. b Try sending or rec eiving a fax.
Can se nd but c anno t receive faxes Action Yes No Step 1 Check the tray or feeder. If empty, then load paper in the tray or feeder. Can you receive faxes? The p rob lem is s olve d. Go to s tep 2. Step 2 Check the ring count delay settings. a Open a Web browser, and then type the scanner IP address in the address field.
Action Yes No a From the scanner home s creen, navigate to: > Settings > Gen eral Set tings > Run in itia l set up > Yes > Sub mit b Tur n o ff th e prin te r and th e s can ner , an d th en tur n th em b ack on. The “Select your language” sc reen appears on the scanner display.
Action Yes No Step 2 Decrease the incoming f ax transmission speed. a Open a Web browser, and then type the scanner IP address in the address field. Notes: • View the scanner IP address on the scan ner home screen. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separated by period s, such as 123.
Cann ot sca n from a comput er Action Yes No Step 1 Make sure the scanne r is turned on and that Ready appears on the scanner display before sca nning a job. Does Ready appear before scanning the job? Go to step 4. Go to step 2. Step 2 Turn off th e scanner, th en wait for about 10 s econds , and then turn i t back on.
Poor scanne d image qu ality Action Yes No Step 1 Check if an error message appears on the scanner display. Is there an error mess age on the scanner display? Clear the erro r message. Go to step 2. Step 2 Check the quality of the ori ginal document. Is the quality of the original document satisfactory ? Go to step 3.
Scan job was n ot successfu l Action Yes No Step 1 Check the cable connections. Make sure the Ethe rnet or USB cable is se curely connec ted to the computer and the pr inter. Are the cables securely connected? Go to step 2. Connect the cabl es properly.
Scanner un it does not clo se Action Yes No Check if there are obstruct ions in the scanner unit. a Lift the scanner unit. b Remove any obstructio n keeping the scanner unit open. c Lower the scanner unit. Did the scanner unit close cor rectly? The pr oble m is so lve d.
Action Yes No Step 4 Check if the electrical outl et is turned off by a switch or breaker. Is the electrical outlet turned of f by a switch or breaker? Turn on the switch o r reset the breaker. Go to step 5. Step 5 Check if the scanner is plugged into any sur ge protectors, uninterruptible power supplies, o r extension c ords.
Solving home screen application problems An appl icat ion e rror has occurred Action Yes No Step 1 Check the system log fo r relevant details. a Open a Web browser, and then type the scanner IP address in the address field. If you do not know the IP address of the sca nner, then you can: • View the IP address on the scanner home screen.
Action Yes No Step 2 Check if the scanner and pri nter are turned on and if Ready a ppears on the scanner display. Are the scanner a nd the printer turned on and doe s Ready appear on the scanner display? Go to step 3. Turn on the printer, and then the scanner.
Live c hat You c an chat direct ly with a service representative. Th ey can wor k with you to solve your prin ter problem or provide assistance through Assisted Service where the service representativ.
Notices Prod uct i nfor matio n Produc t name: Lexmark MX6500e Machin e type: 4036 Mode l(s): 310 Edition notice February 2014 The foll owing par agraph does n ot apply to any coun try wher e such p rovisio ns are inconsis tent with loca l law: LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Trademarks Lexmark, Lexmar k with diamond design , and MarkV ision are trad emarks of Lexmark Inte rnational, Inc., r egister ed in the United St ates and/or other countries. PrintCrypt ion, ScanBack, a nd St apleSmar t are trade marks of Lexma rk Interna tional, Inc.
Univers Lin otype-Hell AG and/or its subsid iaries All other trademarks are th e property of their res pective owners. Federal Commun ications Com mission (FCC) comp liance information statement This produ ct has been tested and f ound to compl y with the li mits for a Class A digital device , pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
1-meter average sound pressure, dBA MS711) , 56 d BA (MS81 0n, MS 810dn) , 57 dB A (MS8 11n , MS81 1dn ), 58 d BA (MS812dn ) Scanning 45 dBA (mono), 44 dBA (color ) Copying 55 dBA Ready 36 dB A Values are subject t o change. See www .lexmark .com for curren t values.
Laser notice The printer is certified in the U.S. to conform to th e requirements of DHHS 21 CFR Chapter I, Subchap ter J for Class I (1) las er produc ts, and elsewh ere is ce rtifi ed as a Class I la ser pro duct c onformi ng to the req uiremen ts of IEC 6 0825-1 .
Mode Description Power consumption (Watts) Copy The pro duct is generating har d ‑ copy ou tp ut f rom har d ‑ co py original docum ents. NA Scan The product is scanni ng hard ‑ co py documents. 70 W Ready The product is waiting for a pri nt job.
European Community (EC) directives conformity This pr oduct is in con formity wit h the protec tion requ i rements of EC Council direct ives 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, and 2011/65/EU on the approxi mati.
If this e quipment causes harm to the tel ephone netwo rk, the t elephone compa ny will no tify you in advanc e that temporar y disco ntinuanc e of se rvice may be requir ed. If ad vance notic e is not pr actic al, the telepho ne com pany will notify the c ustomer a s soon as po ssible.
Avis réservé aux utilis ateurs du r éseau téléphonique du Canada Ce produi t est confo rme au x spécif icati ons te chniques d’Indus trie Canad a.
Utilisation de ce produit en Suisse Cet appareil nécessite l’utilisation d’un filtre de tonalité d e facturation suisse (nº de référence Lexmark : 80D1877) devant être installé s ur toute l igne receva nt des imp ulsions de compt age en Su isse.
Exposure to radio freq uency radiation The radia ted out put pow er of this device is f ar below the radio fre quency e xpos ure limit s of the F CC and other regul atory agencies.
Notice to users in the European Union Produ cts bearin g the CE mark are in c onformi ty with the pr otection requirements of EC Council direc tives 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 1999/5/EC, and 2011/65/EU .
Deutsch Hierm it erklärt Le xmark Internat ional, Inc., das s sich das Gerät dieses Gerät in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden A nforderungen un d den übrigen einschl ägigen Bestimmun gen der Ri chtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. Ελληνική ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ Η LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Statement of Limited Warrant y Lexmark MX6500e Lexmark Internat ional, In c., Lexing ton, KY This li mited warra nty appl ies to th e United St ates a nd Can ada. For c ustomer s outsi de the U.S., r efer to th e count ry- specific war ranty i nformation that cam e with your produc t.
Extent of l imited warranty Lexmark does not warrant unin terrupted o r error-free operati on of any product or the durability or longevity of prints produced by any pr oduct.
Patent acknowledgment The use of th is product or ser vice is subject to th e reason able, no n-discrim inato ry te rms in the Intel lectual Prope rty Rights (I PR) Disclosu re of Certico m Corp. at the IETF for E lliptic Curve Crypt ography (ECC) Cipher S uites for Transport Layer Secur ity ( TLS) impl emen ted in t he produc t or s ervice .
Index Numerics 2100 ‑ sh eet tray loading 69 550 ‑ sheet tray installi ng 50 Symbol s [x] ‑ page jam, clear manual feeder. [250] 278 [x] ‑ page jam, lift front cover to remove cart ridge. [200–201] 27 0 [x] ‑ page jam , open auto matic feeder top cover [28y.
Close fron t door 290 Close to p access cover 291 collate copy op tions 110 collati ng cop ies 106 Complex pa ge, some data may n ot have pr inted [39 ] 291 compress ed images appear on prints 325 con.
delayed s end fax opti ons 140 different paper s izes, copyi ng 104 Digi tal Sub scri ber Lin e (DSL ) fax setup 125 digi tal te lephon e s ervi ce fax setup 127 directo ry list printin g 99 Disk full 62 291 Disk full, s can job can celed 29 1 Disk mu st be form atted for u se in this de vice 292 Disk nea r full .
Fax Mode ( Analo g Fax Setup) menu 19 5 fax opti ons advance d op tions 141 content sour ce 140 conten t ty pe 140 darkness 140 delayed s end 140 page se tup 140 resolu tion 139 Fax partit ion inop erative. Co ntact syst em administ rator. 292 fax port 53 fax screen opti ons 14 0 Fax serv er 'To F ormat' not s et up.
Install Tray [x] 295 install ing a me mory car d 47 install ing an optional card 4 5 install ing op tions order o f inst allati on 4 9 install ing sc anner o n a net work Ethernet netwo rking 55 Insuf.
Paper Te xture 1 54 Paper W eight 1 56 Parallel [x] 172 PCL Emul 225 PDF 224 PostSc ript 224 Quality 220 Reports 163 Secur ity A udit Log 1 81 Serial [x] 174 Set Da te and T ime 1 81 Settin gs 217 SMT.
paper we ights support ed 91 Parallel [x] menu 172 Parallel port [x] disabled [56] 299 part s checking status 247 checking , using the Emb edded Web Server 24 7 using g enuine Lexm ark 247 PCL Emul me.
Configur ation change, s ome held jobs were not restored [57] 291 Defective flash det ected [51] 291 Disk full 62 29 1 Disk fu ll, scan j ob canc eled 291 Disk mu st be form atted for use in this de vice 292 Disk near fu ll. Securely cl earing disk space.
Scann er maint enan ce requi red soon, use AD F Kit [80] 306 Serial po rt [x] disabl ed [56] 3 06 Some he ld jobs wer e not restored 306 Standar d net work sof tware e rror [54] 307 Standar d US B por.
resolution , fax changin g 137 Restore held jobs? 30 5 rest oring f actor y def ault settin gs 264 RJ ‑ 11 adap ter 128 S safety information 7, 8 Save As Sh ortc ut copy op tions 111 e ‑ mail o pt.
setting up e ‑ mail alerts us ing the Embedde d Web Se rver 26 2 setting up fax countr y ‑ or r egi on ‑ specific 128 digital telep hone servic e 127 DSL connec tion 1 25 sta ndard te leph one l.
troubl eshoo ting, pa per feed mess age remai ns after j am is cleared 315 troubl eshootin g, prin t envelope sea ls when p rinting 317 erro r rea din g fl as h driv e 31 7 held jo bs do not print 316.
デバイスLexmark MX6500Eの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lexmark MX6500Eをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLexmark MX6500Eの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lexmark MX6500Eの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lexmark MX6500Eで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lexmark MX6500Eを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLexmark MX6500Eの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lexmark MX6500Eに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLexmark MX6500Eデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。