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Pro710 Series Quick Reference G uide Dec em ber 2011 www.lexmark . c om.
Important Message About Cartridge Recycling! Please Read Before Opening Your Inkjet Cartridge Box At Lexma rk, we ta ke our com mitment to the environ ment serio usl y, and we en coura ge o ur c ustomer s to participate in our easy, no-cost method for returning empty Lexmark cartridges to Lexmark for proper recycling.
Cont ents Import ant safety informati on........ .......................... ............. ..........2 About y our printer ...................... ......................... ........... ................5 Fin ding in form ation abo ut the prin ter .......
Configurin g Wi ‑ Fi P rot ected S etup man ually.. ... ....... ....... ... ....... ....... ....... ... ....... ....... ... ......42 Troubl eshooting.... ............... ....... ............... .............. ......... ............43 Notic e s......
About y our printer Fi ndin g in form ati on ab out th e pr inte r The Qu ick Refe rence Gu ide co ntains i nstructi ons on adding your print er to a w ireless network, s etting up a fax connec tion, and acco mplishing c ommon printer t asks like printing, copying , scanning, and faxing.
To read the Lexmark Environ mental Sustainabilit y Report , v isi t www.l exmark.com /environ m en t . Note: Your pri nter m ay not come w ith some of these prog rams or s ome of the f unction s of the se programs, depending on the fea tures of the prin ter that you purc hased.
2 To init iat e printer setup using a co mputer, insert the installation software CD, or download the p rinter driver. Wit h a CD or DVD drive (Windows/Mac intosh) Witho ut a C D or DV D driv e or fo .
6 Move the pa per guid es to the sides. 2 3 1 7 For A4 ‑ or legal ‑ size paper, extend the pape r tray. 2 1 8 Load paper and adjust the pape r g uides. 1 2 Note: Make sure the p ap e r is below the maximum f ill line located o n the e dge of the paper tray.
11 Make su re th e pri nter is on. 12 Set the la nguage on the pri nter cont rol panel , and then pres s . 13 Confirm the langu age, and th en press . Language Selection Language Selection Y ou have chosen English as the language for your Printer Are you sure? Ye s No 14 Set the count ry or region, and then press .
17 Set the ti me zone, and the n press . Time Zone Time Zone Please choose a time zone and press OK (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (USA/Ca.. (UTC-06:00) Central Time (USA/Ca... . (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (USA/C ... 18 To configu re basic fax f unctio ns, press the arro w buttons until Now is highlighted o n the display, and then pres s .
22 Open the print er. 23 Unpac k the ink cartridg es. 24 Insert each ink cartridge. Sl id e your finger along the ink c artridge until the cartr i d ge clicks into p l ace. No tes : • Install the c olor ink cartridges firs t. Then, use two hands t o install the black ca rtridge.
26 Extend and flip out the pa per stop. 1 2 27 From the prin ter control panel, p ress to pr int a n alig nme nt pa ge. Notes : • The alig nment p age pri nts. • Do not rem ove the pag e until pr i n ting is fini shed . The alignm ent page ma y take a while t o print.
12 13 21 18 19 20 L I N E E X T 14 15 17 16 L IN E E X T Use the To 12 Scanner un it Acces s the ink cartr idges . 13 Ink c artridg e access area Inst all, replace, o r re move the ink car tridges. 14 Ether net por t Connec t your pr inter to a compu ter, a l ocal netw ork, a n e xter nal DSL, or a ca bl e m o dem .
Use To 5 Keypa d In C opy mode or Ph oto mod e: En ter the numb er of copies o r prints yo u want to make. In F ax mode: • En te r f ax nu mb er s . • Ope rate an autom ated an swer ing sys tem . • Select letters w hen creating a Speed Dial list.
Imag es: • .jpg, .j peg, .jpe ( Joint Phot ograph ic Experts Group ) • .tiff, . tif (Tagged Image File Format) Using a flash drive with the printer Make su re the flash drive co ntains files that are support ed by the printer. For more inf ormation, see “Support ed file ty pes” on page 1 4.
Ordering and replacing supplies Orderi ng ink cartri dges Lexmar k Pro710 Series except Pro719 It em Ret urn P rogram Ca rt rid g e 1 Regu lar c artr idg e 2 B lack cart ridge 150 Not avail able High .
2 Open the print er. I N K C O M PA TIBILI T YC H AR T 1 5 0 , 1 5 0 A , 1 5 0 X L , 1 5 0 X L A , 1 5 5 , 1 5 5 A M a g e n t a 1 5 0 , 1 5 0 A , 1 5 0 X L , 1 5 0 X L A , 1 5 5 , 1 5 5 A Ye l l o w .
Mai nta inin g in k ca rtri dge s In a ddi tion to the fol lowin g tas ks th at yo u can perf orm, yo ur p rinte r pe rfor ms an a uto matic m ain tena nce cycle ever y week if it is plugged in to an electrica l outlet. It will briefly c ome out of Slee p mode or will temporar ily turn on if it is turned off.
Using the printer s o ftware Min imum syste m requir ement s The printer s oftware requires u p to 500MB of free disk space. Supp orte d ope rating sys tems • Micros oft Window s 7 (SP1) • Mi cros.
Pr inte r soft ware Use the To Le xm ar k TM Printer Home (refe rre d to a s Pr in ter Ho me) • La un ch a ppl ic ati o ns o r pr ogr am s. • Scan o r e ‑ mail a ph oto or do cumen t. • Edit scanne d d ocume nts. • Scan d ocuments to PDF. • Adjust s ettings for the printer.
Notes: • Your p rinte r ma y not come with these appl ications, depending on the fea tures of the pr inter that you pur chased or the installa tion type (s tandard or c ustom) chos en when you i nstalled the printer.
Printing Pri nt ing a doc ume nt For W ind ows us ers 1 Wi th a d oc ument op en, cli ck File > Pr i nt . 2 Click Pr o pert ies , Pref er ences , Optio ns , or Setup . 3 Select t he print qua lity, the num ber of copies t o print, the t ype of paper t o use, and how the pages should pr int.
• For Short ‑ Edge bindi ng, pages ar e bound along the short edge of the pag e (top edge for p ortrait, left edge for lands cape). Port rait La nds cape 10 Click Pr i nt . Pri nt ing ph otos f rom a fla sh d riv e 1 Load ph oto paper. 2 Ins ert a fla sh d rive or d igita l ca mera set t o ma ss stora ge m ode.
Pri nt ing fro m a m o bile dev ic e What is Le xPrint? LexPrint is a free app lication that lets you print easily from your iPad, i Phone, or iP o d t ouch using any Le xma rk p ri nte r c onn e cte d to th e sa me w ire les s ne tw ork .
Copying AD F Sc anne r glas s Us e t he AD F fo r mul tip le ‑ page documents . Not e: The A DF is av aila ble on ly on se lec t mod els. If you purchased a p rinter without an ADF, then load origi nal docu ments or pho tos on th e sc anne r glass.
• For short -edged bi nding, pages are bound along t he short edge of th e page (top edg e for portrait orie n tat ion an d left edge for lan d scap e orien tation). 5 Press , and the n follow the in structions on th e d isplay. Canc elin g cop y job s To cancel a copy job, press , and then pr ess .
Scanning AD F Sc anne r glas s Us e t he AD F fo r mul tip le ‑ page documents . Not e: The A DF is av aila ble on ly on se lec t mod els. If you purchased a p rinter without an ADF, then load origi nal docu ments or pho tos on th e sc anne r glass.
2 Click or Start . 3 Click All P rograms or Pr ogra ms , a nd then sel ect the print er program folde r from the lis t. 4 Navig ate to: Pr inter H om e > select your pri nter > Sc an 5 Select Em ail photo , Email doc ument , o r Email PDF . Note: You can se lect Em a il documen t only if an OCR applicati on is stored on your com p ut e r.
E-mai ling Send ing e-mail Tips for e ‑ mailing • Make su re to ente r your e ‑ mail account information and set up the SM TP server before se n ding an e ‑ mail. • Make sure the pri nter is conn ected to an Et hernet or wirel ess network before sendi ng an e ‑ mail.
Setting up the printer to fax CA UTION—PO TENTIAL INJ URY: To redu ce risk of f ire , use only the telecommu nications (RJ ‑ 11) cord pro vided with th is product or a UL Lis ted 26 AWG or larger repl acemen t when conne cting this product to th e public s witched t elephone net work.
Co nnec ted to di f fer ent wal l ja c ks E X T L I N E P H O N E L IN E To co nnec t: Connec t the cable f rom the wall jack t o the port of the print er. Tips for this se tup: • If you ha ve only one t elepho ne number on your li ne, then y ou need t o set the print er to recei ve faxes au tom ati cal ly (Aut o A ns wer On).
When you a nswer t he telephone and you he ar fa x tone s, pr ess * 9* or the m anual answer code o n the telephone to receive the fax. • You can al so set the prin ter to receiv e faxes autom atically ( Auto Answer On) , but you nee d to turn off the voice mail service wh e n you are expecting a fax.
2 Connec t the other e nd of the cable t o the port l abeled Phone Line 1 or Phon e P ort on the VoIP a dapter . The port labeled Ph one Li ne 2 or Fax Por t is not always active . You m ay need to pay extra to your VoIP provider if y ou want to activ ate the s econd phone port.
• If you need t wo phone ports for your device s but do not want to pay ex tra, then d o not plug the print er into th e sec ond phone p ort. You can use a phone s plit ter. Plug the phon e spli tter into t he Phone Li ne 1 or Ph on e Por t , and then plug t he printer a nd telephone int o the sp litter.
Con nect ing the print er to a non ‑ RJ ‑ 11 wall jack EX T LIN E To co nnec t: 1 Connec t one end of a te lephon e cable to the port of the pri nter . 2 Connec t the other end of the cabl e to the RJ ‑ 11 ad apt er, an d t hen c onnect the ada pter to t he wal l jack.
France Netherlands Swi tzerland Finland Norway United K ingdo m War ning —Po ten tia l Da mage : If your c ountry or r egion is on the li st, then do not rem ove the wrap pl ug fr om t he por t of the printe r. It is nec essary for the proper f unctionin g of the de vices on the telepho ne line.
Con nect the prin ter t o an y of the N port s. P H O N E LIN E NFN E X T L I N E To co nnec t: 1 Connec t one end of a te lephon e cable to the port of the pri nter . 2 Connec t the other end of the cabl e to the RJ ‑ 11 ad apt er, an d t hen c onne ct th e ada pte r to a n N port .
Step 5 : Set the n umber of ring s I f y ou s e t Au t o A nsw e r t o O n in St ep 4 , t h en do th e fo llo w in g . I f yo u se t A u to A ns w er to Of f, th e n p ro c eed to S tep 6.
Faxing CAU T ION— S HO CK HA ZAR D: Do not use the fax feature du ring a light ning st orm. Do not set up this product or make a ny electri cal or cabling connec tions, such as the fax feature , power cord, or telephone, durin g a lightning s torm.
Recei ving faxe s autom atica lly 1 Make su re th at Au to An swer is o n: From the prin ter control panel, n avigate t o: > Set up > > Fax S et up > > Ring in g an d Ans wer in g > .
Wireless networking Inf orm at ion y ou wi ll nee d to se t up th e pr int er o n a wirel ess netw ork To set up the pri nter for wirele ss printing , you need to know : • The name of your wireless .
You can f ind these WP S logos on t he side, ba ck, or top of y our access point . For more information on accessing the wireless settings and determining the WPS c apa bilit y of y our access po int, see th e d ocume nta tion th at c ame w ith the a cces s poi nt or co ntac t your syst em s uppo rt pe rson.
Troubleshooting Bef ore you trou bles hoot Use th is c h ecklist to solve most prin ter problems: • Make s ure th e power cord is pl ugged int o the printer and into a properly ground ed, working elec trical outlet . • Make su re th e pri nter is tu rned o n.
C HE CK THE USB CONNECTION 1 Chec k the USB c able for any ob vious da mage. If th e cable is dam aged, then us e a new o ne. 2 Fi rm ly pl ug t h e s qu ar e e nd of the U SB ca bl e i nt o t he ba ck o f t he p ri nte r . 3 Firm ly plug the rect angula r end of the USB c able into the US B port of the co mputer.
If the cartridges do n ot seem to fi t, then make sure the printhe ad is properly seated, and t hen try installing the cartridg e s a g ain . 2 Loa d plain, unma rked paper.
• “Can not receive faxes ” on page 4 7 • “Cannot run t he fax software” on pa ge 47 Fax troubleshooting checkl is t If you enc ounter probl ems sending and receiv ing faxes, t hen check th.
3 If th e pre fix is not cor rect , ente r the corr ect pref ix, and th en p ress . Cannot receive faxes If the “Fax tr oubleshoot ing c hecklist ” does not sol ve the problem, then try one or mor.
Print a net work set up page to verify the S SID the prin ter is using. If you are n ot sure if your SSI D is correct, th en run the w ireless setup again. • Your WEP key or WPA pa ssphrase is co rrect (if your net work is secure). Log on t o th e ac cess point and check the sec uri ty se ttin gs.
• Fro m 8 t o 63 ASCII charact ers. ASCII chara cters are lette rs, numbers, a nd symbols found on a keyb oard. A SCII chara cter s in a WPA pas sphras e ar e case ‑ sensitive. Note: If you do no t know this information , then s ee the docum entati on that came wi th the acces s po int, or co ntac t y our s yste m supp ort pers on.
In Mac OS X version 10.4 or ea rlier 1 Fro m the Finder, navigate t o: Applications > I n ter net C o nnec t > AirPort The SSID of the n etwork t hat the comput er is conn ected to is dis played in t he Network men u.
• Make sure y our DHCP server, w hich may a lso be y our wirele ss rout er, is working a nd is config ured to assig n IP addre sses . If you are not sure ho w to do thi s, then refer to t he manual that came with your wirele ss route r.
Noti ces Edit ion noti ce De cembe r 20 11 The fo llowi ng para grap h d oes n ot a ppl y to any cou ntr y whe re su ch pro visio ns are in co nsis tent wit h loc al la w: LEXM ARK IN TERNATION AL, INC .
Index A Addr e ss Book 38 ADF output tray location 12 ADF paper gui de location 12 ADF tray location 12 aligni ng the print head 18 answering machine setti ng up 30 Auto mati c D ocume nt Fe eder (AD .
netw orking findi ng IP addre ss of compute r 48 findi ng IP addre ss of compute r (Mac) 48 finding I P address of print er 48 IP address es 48 not ice s 2, 52 O ordering ink c artridges 1 6 P page do.
Print in g Pre ferences 19 Product Update 19 Status Mes seng er 19 Status M onitor Center 19 Too ls for O f fic e 19 Wireless Se tup Utility 19 wire less n etwork informat ion need ed for settin g up .
デバイスLexmark PRO710の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lexmark PRO710をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLexmark PRO710の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lexmark PRO710の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lexmark PRO710で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lexmark PRO710を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLexmark PRO710の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lexmark PRO710に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLexmark PRO710デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。