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www.lexmark .com Setup Guide January 2 0 01 Le xmark T620 and T622.
Edit ion: Janu ary 2001 The following paragraph does not apply to any countr y where such provisions are incon sisten t with lo cal law: LEX MARK INTERNA TIONAL, INC.
1 Getting star ted 1 Selec t a well-venti lated plac e to s et up your pr inte r . Allo w at least as much spa ce as sho wn in the i llus- tr ation. Make sure yo u hav e a sturdy , low tab le or the opt ional prin ter sta nd on whic h to set t he printer .
Setup 5-Bin mailbox page 13 Outp ut expa nde r page 11 Printer page 7 Dupl ex uni t page 6 250-Sheet dr awer page 5 500-Sheet dr awer page 5 2000-Sheet drawer page 4 Option install order may be rev erse d.
3 Step 1: Install paper options and printer The tab le il lustr ates v arious combinati ons of pape r option s supported by y ou r printer . All model s sup- por t a duple x unit and en v elope f eeder .
4 Installing t he 2000-sheet d raw er Y our print er supports one 2000-sh eet dr aw er . It giv es y our prin ter adde d capacit y by let ting y ou load u p to f our reams (a ppro xima tely 2, 000 shee ts) of 20 l b pap er .
5 Installing a 250-sheet or 500-sheet drawer P aper dr aw ers at tach u nder the printer and option al dup le x un it. The printer autom aticall y rec- ogniz es an y dra w er that has be en instal led. A dr awe r cons ists of a pap er tra y and a support unit.
6 Installing a d uplex unit The du ple x uni t attach es under the pri nter , belo w the stan dard inpu t tra y and abov e a ny pape r dra w ers . Ref er to t he Le xmark T620/ T622 Pub lic ations CD f or de tails ab out using the duple x unit.
7 Setting up the printer In order to ensur e adequat e cleara nce when instal ling syst em board op tions , see “ Inst all mem- ory and option card s ” on page 17 bef ore y ou posi - tio n the printe r if: • Y ou plan to instal l me mor y or o ptio n cards and • Y ou will ha v e less than 605.
8 c Pull on each e nd of th e plasti c , V -sh aped piece and t hen pull t he pac kagin g mate- rial st raight out. Discard all p acka ging material. W arning! Ne v er touch the photocondu ctor d rum on the under- side of t he print ca r tridge. d Align t he slides on t he print cartridge with the slot s on the print cartridge crad le .
9 4 Attac h the oper ator panel overlay. If Eng lish is not your pref erred langua ge, attach the ov erla y with t he appro priately tr anslated names f or t he oper ator panel . a P eel the prot ecti v e b acking of f the over- lay . b Align the holes in t he overlay wit h the bu ttons on t he oper ator pa nel and press it into pla ce.
10 Installing a fin isher The finish er is shipped with a sta ple cartridge alread y install ed. After you ca reful ly unpac k the fi nisher , instal l it immediat ely; ot herwise , t he edges of the mounting brac k ets could damage tab letops or f abrics .
11 3 Place t he tips of the wire paper bai l into t he ends of t he plasti c bracket so that th e bail curves downward. The bail rests in the printer output tra y . 4 Attach the to p cov er to the finish er. Installing an output expander Each out put e xpand er consis ts of the e xpander and a remo v ab le tr a y .
12 2 Slide t he plasti c bracket onto the st atic brush hol der, l ocated on t he bottom of the outp ut expa nder. 3 Inse rt the moun ting brac kets into the slots on top of t he printer or output option. Make sure th e output e xpander is seated se curely.
13 Installing a 5-b in mailbo x The 5-bi n mailb o x is ship ped wi th a she et of lab els and a plast ic br ack et f or attach ing a paper bai l. After you care fully un pack the ma ilbox, instal l it immedia tely; ot herwise , th e edges of the mou nting brackets coul d dam age tablet ops or fabric s.
14 3 Inse rt the moun ting brac kets into the slots on top of t he print er, fi nisher , output expander , or previous ly i nstall ed 5-bin mailbox. Make sure the ma ilbox is se ated securel y.
15 Attaching la bels to outp ut option s If y ou purc hased an outp ut e xpand er or 5-bin mai l- bo x, y ou rece iv ed a sheet of labe ls f or y our v arious output bins. The ill ustrat ion indi cates some pl aces where you ma y attac h the la bels: outpu t bin tr a y , paper st op , side co v er , or where v er best suits y our nee ds.
16 Installing t he en velope feeder The en v elope f eeder attache s to the fr ont of y our printer behind the l o wer fr ont do or . It can be remo ve d when y ou are not us ing it , making the printer more comp act. Ref er to t he Le xmark T620/ T622 Pub lic ations CD f or de tails ab out using the en v elope f eeder .
17 Step 2: Install memor y and option car ds Y ou can cu stomiz e yo ur printer memory capacit y and conne ctivi ty b y adding opt ional ca rds . The instruct ions in th is sectio n help y ou ins tall.
18 3 Press do wn on the si de door la tches and open the si de door. 4 Loos en, but do not remo ve, the si x screws on the shie ld. Y ou ne ed a s mall Phill ips s cre wdriv er to loosen th ese scre ws. Note: Screws are used to give added pr otection agains t memor y th eft.
19 Installing prin ter memor y or flash m emor y Note: Some mem or y an d fir mware opti ons offered f or othe r Lexmark pr inters cannot be used w ith your pri nter . Refer to the Lexmark T620/T 622 Publication s CD for specifi cations. 1 F ollo w the step s in “ Accessi ng the printer system boa rd ” begin ning on page 1 7.
20 Installing an optional firm ware card Follow the i nstr ucti ons in th is sec tio n to in sta ll an option al firmwa re card. The system bo ard has one conn ectio n point for firmwa re cards. W arning! Opti onal firmware cards are eas ily damage d by stati c electricit y .
21 Installing an option card Y our printer has two con necto rs that suppor t the follo w ing opti on cards : • Hard di sk with ad apter ca rd • MarkNet ™ inte r nal print se r ver • USB/P ara.
22 6 Align t he connect ion point s on the car d with the conne ctor on the system boar d and push the card firmly into t he system boa rd conn ector. 7 Insert the two scr ews saved from th e metal plate ( or the extr a screws shi pped with th e card) into the hole s.
23 Step 3: Load print material Complete these i nstructio ns to load pri nt material into an y of t he stand ard or opt ional t ra ys. All pap er tr a ys are load ed in the same wa y . 1 Remov e the paper tr a y. 2 Pull t he width guide tab and slid e the width guid e to the fa r right side of th e tray.
24 Step 4: Attac h cab les Y ou can att ach y our printer t o a netw ork or locally (direc tly to a com puter ). Netw ork pri nting Y ou can at tach y our printer to a netw ork using stan - dard netw ork cab les . A 10Ba seT/100 BaseTX F ast Ethernet port is st andard on the Le xmark T622n.
25 – T oken-Ri ng netw orks (Shield ed T wisted P air) use a DB9 connec - tor . – Ethernet 10B ase2 netw orks (Thi n Coax) use a B NC T-connect or . Local printing Y ou can atta ch y our printer lo cally us ing eithe r the st andard USB p or t or parall el p or t.
26 model, y ou can locall y attach t he printer wi th a serial cab le. W e recomme nd Le xmark pa r t number 1 038693 (50 ft) . F or deta ils on Local T alk or infr ared con nec- tions , ref er to the docume ntation th at shippe d with the T r i-P or t Adapte r .
27 Step 5: V erify printer setup T urning on the printer 1 Plug one end of t he printer powe r cor d into the soc k et at the bac k of the prin ter an d the othe r end into a pr operly gr ounded ou tlet.
28 1 Press Menu until you se e Utili ties Men u, and th en press Select . 2 Press Menu until you see Pr int Net S etup, and t hen press Select t o print t he page. The netw ork setu p page prints and the print er retur n s to Re ady s tatus. 3 Check the f irst sec tion on the net work setu p page and con firm that Status is “ Connect ed.
29 Step 6: Configure f or TCP/IP If y ou hav e TCP/IP a v ai lab le on you r netw ork, we recomm end tha t y ou assi gn an IP addre ss to the pr in ter . Setting th e printer IP address If your networ k is usin g DHCP , an a ddress is a utomatical ly assign ed.
30 V erifying the IP settings 1 Print anoth er netw ork setup p age and mak e sure the I P Address , Netma sk, and Gate w a y are what y ou e xpec ted. Use the inf or mation in “ P rinting a netw ork setup page ” on page 27 if y ou need help . 2 Ping th e printe r and ver ify that it respo nds.
31 Step 7: Install printer driver s A printer driv er is softw are that let s you r compute r commun icat e with y our print er . The f oll o wing tab le is a quic k guide to finding the spec ific ins tructions yo u need.
32 Printing metho ds The f oll owing ne two rk printing method s are supported: • Direct IP p rinti ng • Shared printing (po int and print , peer- to-p eer) Creating por ts and installing drivers Read th e detai led in structions on the driv ers CD.
33 Y ou can do wnloa d these print er driv er pac kage s from Le xmark ’ s W eb site at www .le xmark.com/ driv ers . Depending on which driv ers CD shippe d with y our printer , y ou ma y also fi nd the driv er pa c kage y ou need on th e CD .
34 Updated syste m and cu stom driv ers are a v aila ble at www .le xmar k.c om/driv ers . Installation inst ructions Read the detail ed onli ne in structions o n the dri ver s CD. Clic k View documen tation and lo ok f or inf or mation about loca l printer install ation.
www.lexmark .com Lexmark and Lexmark w ith diamond design ar e trademarks of Lexmark I nternational, Inc., registered in the United States and/or other countr ies. © 2001 Lexmark Inter national, Inc. 740 West New Circle Road Lexington, Kent ucky 40550 P/N 11K 3092 E.
デバイスLexmark T622の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lexmark T622をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLexmark T622の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lexmark T622の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lexmark T622で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lexmark T622を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLexmark T622の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lexmark T622に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLexmark T622デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。